HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-08-30, Page 1.*«*<!> ***'
T 4
ADMISSION,— 25 and 15 CENTS.
Grand BendSmith
Jos. Senior, Clerk
at Kings-
and fam-
over the
were laid,
leaving a
The little
her father
In the second and third only
One run
In the
Finest Colored Orchestra in
Reeve and . the
sign the names
the corporation
to see the By-
Adjourned by Bierl-
Don’t Miss This Great Attraction
called to her*, but
to understand and
one foot was put
embers and was
quick sue-*
tallied one
in the 4th
The first shipment of ladies’ and misses’ winter coats are now
ready for your inspection. We have a very fine range of coats,
by the best makers at very reasonable prices. English Broad
cloths .are among the most popular cloths with genuine
Opposum fur collart. Shown in a fine range of colors.
A Special in Ladies’ Fall Hosiery at 79c. a pair
25 dozen pair Mercury brand Ladies’ fall And winter weight hosiery in
silk plaited over wool, all popular shades. A beautiful quality but very
slightly imperfect, on sale for early fall buyers at 79c. a pair.
Ladies’ and Misses’ Cloth Dresses
Thqrnew cloth dresses are here for fall. These are in the1 celebrated}
Northway make, and includes many new all wool cloths, Come and look
them over.
Boy’s and Girl’s School Clothing
We have gathered together a very fine range of clothing for boys and
girls, especially for school purposes, including spits, caps, hosiery, under
wear, etc. at very special prices, %
■SPECIAL—15 dozen boy’s and girl’s school stockings in good quality 'ribbed
cotton, sizes six and a half to ten in black and sand at 25c. a pair.
2 White Flannelette Bargains
NO. 1—36 inches white flannelette, a. good Canadian make on sale this week
at 22c. a yard.
NO. 2—Extra heavy white English flannelette 36 inches wide, while it lasts
at 29c. a yard. 4
■ Monday, August 27, 1928
, A regular meeting of the muni
cipal council held in the Town Hall.
Absent councillor Francis. The min
utes of the meeting held August 13
Were 1'ead and approved.
A letter from the department of
Health, Toronto, re Exeter watei’
Supply was read. The letter was
ordered to be published for the in-*
formation of the public. (The let
ter will appear in the Times-Advo-
cate next week.)
The following accounts were read
and ordered paid;
The Barrett Co, Ltd,, Toronto, tar-
yii' $61.87; The Wickwire Print
Shop printing and supplies $69.35;
R. G. Seldon, coal account, $72.85 •
Fred Kerr, tile $8.25; L. Day & Son
flowers, labor T. H. $8.20; Jonathan
Rydd, gravel, labor $61,50; W. T.
■Gillespie, freight and draying $45.-
25; Clyde Heywood, team labor
$57.75; Peter Coleman, team labor
$93.00; John Parsons; labor $6.00;
JVm. Blayney, labor $5.10; Ed.
Coomhes, labor $4.50; Geo. Atkin
son, labor .75* Geo. Smith, labor
$19.50; Ira Moir, team labor $22.0Q
Sam. Kirk labor $10.50; Roderick
Ellis, team labor $2.75; R. E. Davis
$10.50; Jos. McDonald, laboi' $4.20;
Norman McDonald, labor $3.00; J.
Parsons, laboi’ $5,10; John Hunkin,
labor $2.00; Rd. Quance, labor $9.-
60; Ed. Willis, constable $4.50.
Cemetery Accounts;—Wm.
labor $26.85; Percy Webber, labor
$18.60. Passed on motion of
ing and Christie. Carried. __
By-law' No. 3,ro1928, was consid
ered and given a third reading and
finally passed on motion of Christie
and Bierling. The
Clerk instructed to
and fix the seal of
thereto. The Clerk
law registered,
married men suffer defeat
The married men met their Wa
terloo Monday evening when they
met the single men in the deciding
game for the 'baseball honors and
the peculiar part of the game was
that it was won by the junior men
on the single line-up. The game
was won in the fourth innings with
the weak-end of the batting order
up, Clarence Boyle was the first
batter up and he dropped a single
close to third, This was followed by
a hit each from F. Creech, C, Salter,
B. Medd and L. Tieman
runs crossed the plate in
cession, The single men
run in the first inning, 3
and 1 in t'he Sth. Tne married men
scored two runs the first time to
bat. Dr. Lawson made a home run,
when he made a long drive into the
grass scoring Anderson ahead
six men faced the pitcher,
was scored in the fourth,
fifth innings Manager H. C. Rivers
made a desperate effort to regain
the lead when he pulled in two pinch
hitters. Geo. Anderson umpired the
balls and strikes and J. Morley the
bases. The line-up:
Single—B. Medd c., L. Tieman
G. Hind, G. Beavers, M. Tieman,
Boyle, F. Creech, C. Salter. ,
Married—C. Anderson, R. Witwer
Dr. Steiner, Dr. Lawson, p., Dr. Flet
cher, W. Yule, H. Harness, R.
Taylor, c, Chas. -Guenther.
We Can HeJp You to See Better
Our method of testing is ipoit^
complete and our prices moderate*
Office hours 9*30 to 12 a.m.
1.30 to 5 p.m.
Evening by appointment
Monday, Sept. 3rd
Game called at 10 o’clock sharp
The Red Caps are London’s sen
ior O.B.A. team. The fans have
been wanting to see a real game
and this is their chance.
Stocks of fall merchandise are nearly complete in this store. Compare
our prices anywhere and we are satisfied we can save yoV money.
Little Miss Lorraine, four-and-a-
half year old. daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. G. S, Atkinson, of town, was
painfully burned on Sunday when
Wfeh her bare foot she stepped into a
fire of red hot coals. Dr. Atkinson's
family is holidaying at their summer
cottage at Bayfield. They had par
taken of their dinner on the shore
of. the lake in preparation for which,
they had kindled a. fire between two
logs on whch the utensils
The fire had died down
bed of live, red co-als.
girl was backing up and
noticing that she was getting too
close to the fire
She did not seem
the next instant
into t'he burning
terribly burned, the flesh hanging
in shreds. What assistance could be
was given on the spot immed
iately and the child was then car
ried up the steep bank and about a
mile to where their car was parked
and from there was taken to Bay-
field foi’ treatment by Dr. Newton-
Brady. She will be laid up for scv-
eral~ weeks |n consequence.
We Issue Cash Capons allowing you 4 per cent, for Cash
This WeeVs Special Prices
. 98c.
Large Galvanized Pails
Galvanized Tufas......
Gal. 2 gal. Oil Cans
Galv. 5 gal. Oil Cans
Alligator Lacing and Leather
Packing of all kinds at lowest
Goodyear Belting 4 in. 55c ft*
Goodyear Belting 3 in. 27c ft.
Goodyear Belting 2 in. 20c ft.
Belt Dressing 50c. a stick
August 28th,
Ernest J, Pym, a daughter,
Porch Floor
Lowe Brothers’ Porch
Floor Paint combines dur
ability with attractiveness.
It is easy to
apply, and
once on, it
stays on for
a long time.
It is made
for Porch Floors.
Large Wear-Ever Preserving
Ktettle reg. $2.15 at $1.89
12 only Wear-Ever Double
Boiler areg. $2.00 at $1.69
85c. per Pint
$1.50 per Quart
Heaman’s Hardware & Paint Store
'TWEDDLE—On Monday, august
20, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
.Tweddl'o, of McGillivray, a son,
(John Graham*)
■McKINNON—At Dr, Fletcher’s hos
pital, On Sunday, August the 26,
to Mr, and Mrs. A. R. McKinnon,
a. daughter '(Mary Denton).
MARTMAN—In Detroit, on August
21st tp Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hart
man, u son. ,
ROWE—At Dr. Fletcher’s hospital
on Thursday, August 23rd, to Mr,
and Mrs. Chester Rowe, a son,
PYM—In Usborne, on Tuesday,
to Mr, and Mrs*
The purple martins that have been
darting about town all summer have
left during the past few days for the
sunny south.
Mr. and
little Miss
week with
of Lucan.
Toronto to attend the Exhibition.
Mr. Chas.'Godbolt, of Winchelsea,
underwent an. operation Monday at
Victoria Hospital, London, for
gland trouble. He is getting along
as well as can be expected.
aMiss Blanche Senior is ill in Vic
toria Hospital, London, suffering
from mastoid trouble. She is al
present receiving treatment with the
hope of avoiding , an operation.
Chester, son of Mr, and Mrs. J.
Pridam, of Vsborne, underwent an
operation at Victoria Hospital, Lon
don, on Wednesday of last week for
•an acute attack of appendicitis. He
is improving nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. John .Rowe, Mr,
Harland Rowe and Miss Evelyn
Rowe, of Flushing, Mich., and Mrs.
Robert Horney, of London, visiteu
ever the week-end at the home of
Chas. Kerslake.-**
'■ Harold Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Newton Clark, of Usborne, under
went axx operation Sunday at St.
Joseph’s Hospital, London, fox' an
acute attack of appendicitis. He is
getting, along as well as can be ex
Little Miss Labelle Sims, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm* Sims, had
the misfortune to fall from a tetter-
♦ otter at the farm of Mr. Evan Dew
in Usborne, on Sunday and fracture
a bone in her elbow. She was tak-
■em to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London,
by Dr. Graham and had an X-ray ex
amination. She was brought
the same evening.
• ,-v.. -r
CARD of thanks
Mr. Geo. Down and family desire
to express their sincere thanks to
Rev. Leidhliter and to their many
friends for their kindness during the
sad bereavement.
1 ......
Mrs. Lloyd saynham and
Betty are holidaying this
Mr. and Mrs. C: Howard
They are going on to
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. F. Newell, of Jones St. Strat
ford, will learn with the deepest re
gret of the passing of their youngest
child, Mary Margaret, while they
were visiting at the home of Mr.
Newell’s sister, Mrs. Harvey at King-
lake,' Norfolk county. The child
was‘just 18 months of age and died
as a result o>f pneumonia on Satur
day afternoon last. Besides the be
reaved parents there is ono brother,
Frederich Edwin, surviving. Mrs.
Newell was formerly Miss Edna Bis-
’sett, of Exeter. The funeral service
was held at the family residence, on
Tuesday afternoon with interment at
Avondale cemetery.< Among those
from, here who attended the funeral
were Miss Ethel Bissett, Miss
ion Bissett, Miss I. Carling.
Mace and Mr. W. J. carling.
FridayMOLLARD—In Stephen, on ____
August 25th, Mrs. Elizabeth Mol-
51 lard, widow of the late William
Mollard, age 86 years., *
NEWELil—At Kinglake, oh Satur
day, August, Margaret Maty the
youngest child of Mr. and Mrs.
William F, Newell, of Stratford,
Aged'18 months.
Community night at Riverview
Park last Friday evening brought
out a fair crowll. The weather was
cold and damp and detracted from,
the pleasures of the evening and al
so kept many away. A parade was
formed at the Town Hall led by
“Sousa’s" clown band, followed by
school children and the Zurich band
and a procession of autos made
their way to the park. Tho music
by the Zurich band was appreciated
and the clown band pulled off many
amusing stunts. A. largo bonfire
was lit. The. evening was sponsored
■by the Women’s Institute who did a
thriving business with their
dogs" and other refreshments
Institute was assisted by tho
Chamber of Commerce. •
Miss Ruth Andrew is holidaying
in Windsor.
Mr. Eaton, C. N. Express Agent,
Is. back again on the job after an
operation for appendicitis.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paisley, of
New York, are visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. J.'A. Stewart.
Mr. and Mr# R. G. Seldon and
son, Wallace left Wednesday to visit
with their son-in-law and
Mr. and Mrs. F. Newman,
Rev. Walter Jones, wife
ily were pleasant visitors
week-end with Mr. and MTs* Win.
Pomfret, of Barrie. They expect to
return from their holidays this week
and Mr. Jones will conduct anniver
sary services 4h Trivitt church on
Mr. M. R. Complin, manager of
the Canadian Bank of Commerce,-
has been off duty for several weeks.
Nearing the close of his holidays Mr.
Complin was taken ill with the sum
mer flu and since recuperating from
that he has undergone an operation
for a “hammer" toe.
Mr. Howard Dignan, who has been
on research work for the Ontario
Fisheries Research dept, during the
summer, is spending a week at his
home here. Mr. Dignan spent two
months in Prince Edward county
and is now making a research of the
Trent Valley canal.
Miss Isohel Reid, R.N., and Miss
Florence Sanay, R. N., of Ann Arbor
Mich., and Mr. Eugene Gendreau, of
Detroit, motored over and spent thq
week-end with Dr. and Mrs. W. E.
Weckes. The two ladies were grad
uates along with Mrs. Weekes, of
Vancouver hospital.
The Red Caps, of London, Senior
O.B.A. team will play a game of ball
in Exeter Labor Day morning. Game
called at ten o’clock. The manage
ment has gone to considerable ex
pense to gve the fans a real game
wth one of the fast teams. Come out
and give the local team your
Mr. and Mrs. Baker, who
been visiting in Exeter and
places in Ontario for the past
months left here on Saturday morn
ing on their return trip to their
home in Samonos, B.C. Tho trip was
made by -auto. They wore accom
panied as far as London by Mrs. Es-
li Heywood, the latter returning on
Tuesday evening accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mallett, who
visit in Exeter for some days.
The Huron Prcsbyterial of
Presbyterian Church will be held in
Carmel Church, Hensail, on Wed
nesday, Sept." 12th, at 10 a.m. and
1:30 pan. A. splendid program has
been arranged. Mrs. Daniel Strachan
the new President of the Council
Executive, will give an address at
tho, afternoon session, Mrs. Strach-'
an is a gifted speaker of wide ex
perience. A largo attendance is
hoped fox*.
The weekly display of flowers by
tho Exeter Horticultural Society
held Saturday in the windows of
R. Hopper’s store, was one
finest displays ever seexx in
There was a magnificent
of gladioli, roses, dahlias,
marigold, sweet peas, nxont-
listers* isiuipclruptoiij “Snlviiij
LOOK! ! !
Afternoon - DANCING - Evening
at 2:30 and 6:30
Wood’s Orange Lassies vs.
Sarnia Radio Stars
Band Concert, Sunday afternoon
September 2nd on the beach at
3 p.m. The Clinton Kiltie and
Brass Band.
Mr. Roger Crocker, of Toronto' is
holidaying this week at the home of
his sister, Mrs. Well, Johns. Mr,
Johns continues in poor health al
though he is able to be out and en
joy an auto ride occasionally.
For Labor Day in Goderich a
great baseball feature has been ar
ranged—a “doubleheader,” foi* a
purse of $750, betweexi the Oslers,
of Toroixto, semi-pro champion team
of Ontario, and General Tires, the
famous Buffalo team. These teams
have met seven times this year, Gen
eral Tires winning foui' games. First,
game on Monday afternoon at two
o’clock. Aftex* the second game the
ceremony of unveiling, the memorial
cairn, erected in connecton with the
centenary of the Hxxron Tract, will
take place at Harbor Park.
Mr. E.
of the
moonflower, etc. The display was in
charge of Miss Gladys Harvey and
Howei* lovers co-operated to make
tho display ’possible.
Ainoiig those from
attended tho funeral
Charles Gidley on
last week wore Mr,
bert Wade, of Grimsby;
Hanson and Mrs. (Dr.)
.Montreal; Mrs. McTavish
'Mary Wade,, of London;
Mrs. LauNe Wade, of Parkhill; Mrs,
l’ce and
hill; Mr.
'Mr. and
I Thomas.
’noloes or
a distance who
of the late Mrs.
Mr. Allan Pickard, of Regina,
Sask., who has been visiting his
parents Mr. and Airs. R.“E. Pickard
left Tuesday for the West, taking
the boat at Sarnia.
Mrs, Al-
Mr. Fred
Grey', -of
and Miss Mr. and
Miss Ethel Bee, of Park-
John Wade, of London;
Mrs. Chas. Ring, oF St*
Most of the above are
nephews of the deceased.
Mr. and Mrs, B. W. F, Beavers re
turned on Friday last, from their
visit to New York and New Jersey.
They had a very enjoyable trip there
going by motor with their cousins,
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest, through New
York state, and ,into Pennsylvania
and to Bogota, New Jersey, which
is just across t'he Hudson river from
New York city. While, in New York
they went sight-seeing in the big
busses- -through the subway and for
a sail up the river, also through one
of the large offices of the telephone
Co. of which Mt. Forrest is one of
the managers and has been in the
employ of the company for over 35
years, he and his wife
born in Now York City,
ers had the pleasure of
uncle, Mr. J. T. Eacrett and cousins
whom she had never seen before*
They also visited a number of sum
mer resorts, Among them the beau
tiful Watkins’ Glen, whch is noted
tor its beautiful falls and\ scenic
beauty. The state has spent largo
sums of money beautifying this
place which is visited daily by many
tourists, The drive, through New
York and New Jersey was a delight
ful trip, going through the moutt*
tains and in some places, the moun
tains were very high, and looking
down the clouds seemed, to be be
in splendid condiHon d
very pleasant. They
New York Central and
9 a.m, and arrived in I.
9 p.m* the same day.
had boon ideal all during
having' been
Mrs. Beav-
meeting her
The state roads are kept
§id motoring:
■iurned by
"t there at
a don about
to weather
their visits