HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-08-16, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE WANT COLUMN CHOICE CLOVER HONEY FOR SALE—At John Carrick’s for 9c. a pound straight. Hay P.O- 7-26-tfc BUILDING LOT FOR SALE—One fifth of an acre on Huron St. Apply to Mrs. T. Snell, Huron st. 8-9-tfc FOR SALE—One three burner Gasoline stove in good repair. Ap­ ply to Mrs. Grace Snell. 8-16-2tp. •1 good Will exchange Apply to W. F. FOR SALE- cheap, cow. ter. work horse, for a good Abbott, Exe- 8-16-ltc. Exeter Markets Wheat $1.15 Oats 60e. Barley 80c. Manitoba Flour $4.15 Blend Flour $4.10 Pastry Flour $3.90 Feed Flour $2.40 Bran $1.80 Shorts $2.00 Creamery Butter 43c Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Hogs Butter 35 and 38c. extras 34c. second© 25c $12.75 '*<*//• SALE OR RENT—Fine brickFOR residence, heated with hot air, elec­ tric lighted, good garden. Apply to R. E. Pickard. 10-27-tfc FOR non to Taylor, ton. SALE-—100 yearling heifers SOO pounds. Apply to F. Exeter or Eli Lawson, Credi- BARN FOR SALE—18x24x14 ft. high, timber frame. Apply on the premises. Mrs. Thos. Snell, Huron street. 8-9-tfc. HORSES FOR SALE CHANGE—V>\ always have a num­ ber of horses on hand we will sell or exchange to the farmers.—G. J. Dow. 6,7,tfc POULTRY AV ANTED—We are in the market for all kinds of poultry paying th.: highest prices; also live rabbits. Truck will call. Phone 30, Dashwood, C. Anderson. S-2-4tc. THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1028 J. Moorhouse congre- cliurcli will be Church Lord’s Side.” should the thing of August fit, United Moorhouse in charge 0 A TON OF T^EA are Money Back if not Satisfied. Stock up nowD. D. S. to clear at $3.95, $5.50, $7.95. and the 1 pound 2 pounds 3 pounds 5 pounds Special Prices ...........; 59c. ...........$1.14 ........... $1.68 ........... $2.75 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, R,A., Minister ,10 a.m.—Sunday School, Mr. Gifford Ruby, of the Chicago Theological Seminary will conduct both services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA ■■■■■Mi THIS STORE CLOSES AT 12 O’CLOCK ON WEDNESDAYS DURING MONTHS OF JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST FURNITURE SPECIALS STRAW HATS Panamas, Leghorns and Sailors 69c. $i«34 $1.98. $3.25 THIS STORE -WILL CLOSE EACH WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON DURING JUNE, JULY, AUGUST Phone 16 for for for for TAMAN EXETER, ONT. Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 10 a.m.—Sunday School. Union Services with the gation of Main St. United for the month held in James with Rev. C. J, We are clearing all Summer. Dr esses. Our Prices are tempting Beautiful Voiles, Celanese, Silk and Cotton CrepesII —5 .....—<5 Harvey Bros, are expecting a car­ load of western oats in to-day. aims Reba Snunons has returned home after visiting with Miss Muriel Kay, at Strathroy, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben McInnis spent Sunday with Lewis and Mrs. Frain, of Brussels. Mrs. John Hepburn, of London, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Westcott, of Usborne. Mrs. Campbell and two children, OR EX- of Sarnia, are visiting the former’s sister Mrs. Harry Bierling. Miss Alice G. Johnson, R. N., of Kerrwood, is visiting with Miss Viv­ ian Hogarth for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. John Middlebrook, of London, were week-end Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coates. Mrs. Shean and daughter Betty, of Montreal, are sending their holi­ days with Miss Cora McPherson. Mr, and Mrs, Shannon and Mr. and Mrs. Toole, of Walton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Pethick on Sun­ day. Miss Vivian Hogarth has return­ ed home after spending the past two and cCocals J i Rev. C 11 a.m.- 7 ■‘‘The p.m.—‘‘Why formed say to him that formed it: Why hast thou made me thus.” Prayer and praise service n Main St. United church Thursday even- EVERYBODY WELCOME MAIN ST- UNITED CHURCH CANADA Moorhouse, Pastor Sunday School will OF Rev. C. J. 10 a.m.—Ou;* meet. LOST OR STRAYED—A white steer. Has May. Information received by Sandy ____J|_ „ _ . 8-16-3tc 'weeks in Detroit, St. Thomas Kingsville. Mr. Neil McPhee, of Parkhill recently in his 79th year. The eral was held Monday to the nish cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ford ily, of St. Paul, Mnn., motored and are visiting with the former’s parents in town. Mr. and Mrs. M. Amy spent Tues­ day with Mr. John Trevethick at Brinsley and Mr. Dorman, of Ailea Dr. and Mrs. F. returned to their after visiting C. Clark and Mr. Harry- working with in this community, left Wednesday for his home in New Brunswick. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Roulston, and family, of Milverton, visited with the former’s brother Dr. G. F. Roul­ ston and Mrs. -Roulston, on Sunday. Mr. and M^rs. Ed. Hughes and daughter Edna, and Mr. Joseph Green, of Windsor, spent the week­ end with relatives and friends here. Miss Sarah A. Hutchinson, a high­ ly esteemed resident of Seaforth, passed away recently at the home of her brother, Mr. F. D. Hutchin­ son. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gillies and son Bobby, of Niagara Falls, are holi­ daying with their parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Gillies and Mr. and. Mrs. S. Martin. Miss Wimona Frain, who has the Hamilton Technical School is the Hamilton Techinal School is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Reuben McInnis, Mr. Reg. Taylor severely burned his thumb at the Ross-Taylor plan­ ing mill on 'Saturday when some molten babbit came in connection with the thumb. Mrs. Jas. Westlake received the sad news on Friday of the death of her sister in Detroit and with her brother, Alex Stewart, left Satur­ day to attend the funeral. Mr. Mervin Werner and bride (nee Miss Edna Russell,) of ited With Mr. and Mrs. and other relatives in the week-end while on moon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Venator and children, Mrs. D. Sweeney and Mrs. T. Ward, of London, sent Sunday with Dr, J. and Mrs. Ward. Stanley Ward returned with them to ‘Spent the rest of the school holidays. Mr. (Melvin Sims, of Windsor, re­ cently visited, with his parents Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Sims, of town. The Misses Merna and Dorothy Sims re­ turned With him as far as London spending their holidays in that city and other, places. All the family of Mr. and Mrs. George Ford are home to visit their parents, who met with an accident some time ago. proving Slowly, but confined to his bed ing along as well would like to see. Mr. Clifford Lamport, who has been taking treatments at Byron for sixteen, months visited his parents and friends on Sunday last. Cliff Is looking fine and has improved wonderfully. His many friends were glad to ffee him in town again. Dt. Mary Johnston and Dr. Mabel Bray, of Hamilton, motored up Friday and spent two days with former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnston, on Saturday Mr. herb Johnston, of Toronto, came up for the week-end. He is to be con­ gratulated in adding another degree to .those he now holds, having just been awarded his A.I.A. from Eng­ land. His standing is how M.A., F.A.S., A.I.A. He is ah Actuary with ‘the Excelsior Life Insurance Company. faced yearling missing since will he gladly McEachen, Dashwood. been Union Services with the James St. congregation will be held in the Janies month house vices. St. United church during the of Aii gust. Rev. Mr. Moor­ will have charge of the ser- HONEY FOR SALE — Choice Clover Honey. We will fill your containers at 10c. per pound for a limited time only. Act quck if you want the benefit of this low price. J. Haberer & Son, three blocks south of the Hotel in Zurich. 8-9-3tc died fun- Bor- and fam over 10 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Walter Jones, Rector a.m.—Sunday School Ladies Silk Hosiery We are over stocked with 85c. and $1*00 Silk Hose and are reducing them for quick clearance All shades. Special at 69c. Uubleached Sheeting 72 inches wide. This is a splendid quality sheeting, good weight‘and fine even - thread. It is a good time to buy At per yard 58c. 10 dozen Children’s Drawers All sizes in White Drawers for children. We are clearing this lot at a great reduc­ tion Special at each 10c. Fancy Voiles Light and ‘'dark grounds in lovely quality voiles, priced for quick selling At per yard 59c. 100 Pairs of Children’s and Women’s Canvas Footwear ' We are Clearing out all our Canvas Footwear. We have most sizes in Children’s and Ladies’. Values were as high as $3.00. Very Special at per pair Clover Leaf Cups and Saucers This is a good quality China cups and saucers. They have a good finish and come in a popular shape. Special at per dozen $1.49 1 Gross of Water Glasses These are extra value. We have only a limited quantity. Get your supply. Each 5c. < FARM FOR SALE—One Hundred Acres, Lot 10. Con. 9, Hay Twp. A brick house, good barn and stable, plenty of water. Must be sold to close an estate. Apply to Alex. R. Johnson, Executor, R. R. No. 3, Forest, Ont. HOUSE FOR SALE—Brick house and three acres of land; small barn with basement also driving shed; chicken house; pig pen. half mile north of Thames Road church. If not sold will rent. Apply to Hy. Francis, R. R. 3, Exeter. 8-16-2 LOST—About July 12 a gents’ pocket book containing tourist per­ mit, registration card for Oldsmo­ bile and another for a Ford; driver’s license. Reward. Watson, Rockfird, Mich, please communicate with Observer. also Clifford Finder Hensail 8-16-2t. the fol- Bran Cracked We have in stock for sale lowing poultry supplies: Shorts, Wheat, Hominy, Corn, partially popped Pop Corn, Growing Mash, Laying Mash, Beej Meal, Fish Meal, Oyster Shell and Grit, semi-solid Butt-ermilk and Cod Liver Oil. Let us supply your needs.. Our prices will please you. THE HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY. 7-26-tfc NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received by the undersigned up till 1 o’clock p. m., Saturday. September 1st, 1928, for the eonstructon of the open portion of the Winchelsea Creek Drain Re­ pt :r end Improvement in the town­ ship of Usborne. Plans and specifi­ cations can be seen at the office of S. W. Archibald, C. E., Seaforth, Ont., or at the Clerk’s office, Us- berne. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A marked che­ que for 5 % of the amount specified to accompany each tender. Tenders to be opened at 3 p. m. on Saturday, September 1st, at the township hall, Elimville. Henry Strang, Clerk. S-9-4tc. Hensail, R. ,R.1. NOTICE TO DRAINAGE CONTRACTORS Tenders will he received for repair or contraction of the Lovie- Gill, Sitter and Turner Municipal Drains, up to Tuesday, September 4th, 1928 at 2 p.m. Tenders may be for all the drains or separately. Drains are located in the Town­ ship of Stephen, County of Huron, The estimated, quantity of earth to be removed, is 17,460 cubic yards, 0 Plans, profiles and1 specifications may be seen at the office of the un­ dersigned/' or at the office of Mr. Geo. A. McCubbin, O.L.S., M.E.I.C., Chatham. A marked cheque for 5% of the specified price shall accompany each tender. The lowest or any tender not ne­ cessarily accepted. HENRY E1LBER Clerk; Township of Stephen Crediton, Ont. the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Munroe and son, of Inwood, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Cade, of Mt, Brydges, motored up and spent Suhday with Mrs. T. Mc- and Mrs. Howard Craig. V. P. Swartz have home in Toronto,-, with Mr. and Mrs. H. at Grand Bend. Lewis, who has been the hydro commission Detroit, vis- W. J. Beer, Exeter over their honey- Mrs. Ford is im- Mr. Ford is still and is not gett- as his friends last the W. Al- There will be no morning service in Trivitt day next, at 7 p.m. Jones, of St. Paul’s church, Hensall Memorial Church on Sun- Service in the evening in charge of Rev. Thos. Dr. Wm. L. Lawson L. ». S. DENTIST Office in the Old Commercial build­ ing, Main St., Exeter, Phone 77w. Mrs. H. W. Doerr and on vacation and left for a fishing trip. Mrs. Wilfred .Miller former’s Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coates visited recently in Toronto. Rev. J. M. Keys visited with Mr. and Mrs. James fihaptoji on Tuesday Miss Vera Coates has returned after visiting for a week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hind spent the week-end in London, Mrs. Hind re­ maining for a few days. Mr. and family are Meaford on Mr. and son Warren, of London, spent week-end at the home of ‘Mr. L. Day. Mr. Wm. H. Morrison and little son, of Owen Sound, spent a few­ days this week with Mr- and Mrs. S. Fitton. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lloyd and dau­ ghter Beverley, and the mother, Mrs. Lloyd, Sr., of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. L. Day. They are visiting for a couple of weeks at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. L. Ottenon, of New Jersey, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Beavers and the Eacrett. connections in this locality. They motored a distance of 625 miles leaving Sun­ day morning and arriving here on Monday at 3 p.m. * We have in stock and on order a T-on of ORANGE PEKOE TEA, reg. 75c. and 85cv a pound, as follows:— penmd for ....... pounds for.........\ pounds for ......... pounds for ......... Southcott Bros Phone 16 SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE ........................ DOUBLE EDGE ...................... Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, DRUGGIST THE NEW STORE Furniture and Undertaking HONOR GRADUATE OF ONTARIO EXAMINATION BOARD Day, Night and Sunday Calls Phone Store No. 99 IS. R. HOPPBR MODERN* EQUIPMENT KINDLY & ATTENTIVE SERVICE POWELL’S EIGHTEENTH ANNIVERSRAY Ladies’ Silk Hose 39c. Ladies’ Silk Vests and Bloomers $1.50 suit Children’s and Men’s Cotton Hose reduced for this Big Sale BARGAINS all over the Store FREE Ice Cream to every customer whose purchase is $1.00 or over THIS STORE HAS STOOD THE TEST FOR SOUND VALUES FOR 18 YEARS, AND ENTERS THE 19th IN GOOD SPIRITS. HEAR THE NEW COL UMBIA RECORDS GET. OUT AND GET UNDER THE MOON RAMONA GOLDEN SLIPPERS COME! BRING A FRIENDS AND SHARE THE OFFERINGS Exeter Ontario B' This is the month to buy your furniture. Everything down'in price during August. R. N. R O W E FUNERAL DIRECTOR NEW FUNERAL COACH AND AMBULANCE PHONE 81w 1 Ernest C. Harvey GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER Representing Mutual Life of Canada FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, WINDSTORM, ETC. w r. Moulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction In Plano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phene 1&2 EXETER,f ONT. it is value you are looking for deal with T. U. Elliott and you will get it. And do not forget that I ant selling my goods at a small profit and in order to do this I have got to ask the public for all the support they can give. My store will be open d'vorjr night from notv oh. T. H. Elliott’s