HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-08-16, Page 41 THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1928 the exetek times-advocate J Expert Repair Work on the Finest Watches and Jewellery PROMPT SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES Jewellery - Fancy Glassware - Diamonds visited last Grace Pen­ of Morpeth, at Grand MAKE YOUR GIFT SELECTIONS FROM OUR LARGE STOCK REGINA WATCHES A MAGNIFICENT RANGE OF CLOCKS, LARGE AND SMALL 5 - a FRED RABETHGE SUCCESSOR TO JAS. LAWSON 1 fi ■- ■ - ‘ |S r FALL TERM OPENS TUESDAY, AUGUST 28th COURSES: Stenographic, Secretarial, Commercial, Complete Office Training. ADVANTAGES OFFERED BY THE CENTRAD: Thorough and Modern Courses; A Staff second to none; New and com­ plete Equipment; Free Employment Service. GET THE BEST-----------IT PAYS Without obligation to you, full particulars will be sent upon receipt of request to Department J. ffirniral HJusinrsn ffiullrgr R. F, LUMSDEN, B.A., PRINCIPAL STRATFORD, ONTARIO THE ONLY BIGVV dll. SHOW COMING Sat. Sept. 1 st t rcSi I i Us? fri'j iw fh. A® ,'l ■ Bl fr: I IE < A THE WORLD’S LARGEST POPULAR PRICED AMUSE­ MENT ENTERPRISE ADMISSION.- tax p»» 'air LONDON,ONTARIO it” is worth 2 anywhere!“A Day at the What you can see in the way of exhibits, liv^? stock, poultry, dogs, handicrafts, annmernentM, star grand stand attractions, new inventions, latest scientific developments, and interest­ ing things in general would take weeks any other way. New Steel and Brick Livestock Arena BRING THE FAMILY $40,000 in J. H. SAUNDERS, and Attractions w. d. Jackson, j Secretary * Miss Gillespie, R. N» who has been nursing Miss Mary Andrew, returned to her home in London, on Monday. Miss Andrew’s condition fluctuates. Some days she is better than others. At present she is somewhat improved. WI3 Misses Margaret and Gladys Pen- hale are holidaying in London, Miss Nora McInnis has returned after visiting with relatives in Brus­ sels, Miss Marjoi'ie Smith week with her cousin, hale. Rev. R. E. Southcott, is visiting with his mothei’ Bend. Miss Irene position with prapher. Miss Jennie is visiting with her father Mr, Jas. Murray. Mr. J. G. Stanbury was to the first part of the business. Miss E. M. Bowey, of May staff, is holidaying this week at Windsor. Mr. Ed. Taylor, of London, is holi­ daying at the home of his mother, Mrs. J. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. F. ily have returned daying in Toonto. Mrs, A. Sheere, ing with her sister, Mrs. C. A. .South­ cott, at Grand Bend. Miss Jean McMillan, of Morpeth, spent the week-end visiting Miss S, Southcott at Grand Bend. Miss Lulu Fulton, of Stafford, visited for a couple of days in town the fore-part of the week. ! Mrs. Fromm and two children, of Saskatchewan, spent Sunday with Mrs, G. Lawson and family. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Elliott at­ tended the funeral of their cousin • Mrs. Brian, neai- St. Marys. Mrs. Joseph Davis and family, Chatham, are expected visit with relatives in Mr. Tom Pryde, of Mr. Kenneth Stanbury a weeks’ camping in Muskoka. Mr, and Mrs. F. G. Rice, -of Brant­ ford, are holidaying with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Jones. Mr. and Mrs, W. J. McAlister and family, of Mt. Brydges, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James Jewell. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Ingram, of De­ troit, ■ are spending their holidays with relatives in this neighborhood. Mrs. R. C. Smith and family, of London, visited last week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Peter Frayne. Mrs. Manson, of London, has been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stanbury at their Bay- field cottage. Rev. J. A. and Mrs. Walker family, of Dungannon, motored and visited with the former’s ther on Tuesday. Mr. and iMrs. N. Graham, child, of Windsor, are .holidaying with Mrs. Graham’s parents Mr. and Mrs. David Rowcliffe. Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Clubine and the former’s parents, of Toronto, motored up and- visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parsons. Miss E. Thecla and Katherine Shay, of To­ ronto, Mrs. E. Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. L. Hennessey. Mr. Wm. A, Guest, of Bay City, Mich., accompanied by his son-in- law, Dr. Bollinger and wife, of Ok­ lahoma, spent Monday with the for­ mer’s sister Mrs. E. Taylor. Messrs. H. S. Walter and H. 0. Southcott, left Sunday for a motor trip up the Blue Water Highway going to Owen Sound, and called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pomfret, Barrie. Miss Neta John Pryde, the home of Pryde for a Ray Pryde returned with them to visit for a couple -of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stewart, of Farquhar, spent Sunday with Mrs. Alfred Ross,,, of Tuckersmith, and were accompanied home by Master Roy Ross, who -is visiting with his cousins Iva -and Willie Stewart. Mr. Alt. Hicks, has been getting around with the use of a cane hav­ ing suffered injury to his foot when he stepped on a stone throwing his foot beneath a wagon loaded with gravel and a wheel running over it. Rev. E. Grigg, returned mission­ ary from Burma, who is visiting liis sister Miss M. Grigg, occupied the pulpit of the James St. United church Sunday evening and gave a very interesting and' desriptive ad­ dress on the work in Burma. He spoke of the progress being made in Christianity. Mr. George Ruby, of New Ham­ burg, accompanied, his son Mr. Clifford Ruby on Sunday when the latter preached in Caven Presbyter­ ian church. Next Sunday is Mr. Ruby’s last Sunday after which Rev Mr. Foote will return from his va­ cation. His addresses have been;. greatly appreciated by good congre- 1 taken aFrayne has Mr. J, Senior, photo- Murray, pf Dunnville, in Toron- week on Jones & A. May and fam­ home after holi- lias been holiday- i of tothis week Exeter." Windsor and have left for and here mo- and Downes, little Misses are" visiting with Mr. and Pryde, Thomas and of Windsor, visited at (Mr. and Mrs. Thomas few days. 'Jack and gatidns. Mr. and Mrs. H. Trevale, Miss EI- va Sutton, Mr. Nelson Blair, and Mr j Archibald Wilson, motored up re-! | centiy from Oshawa and visited with f Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hennessey. #Mr. and Mrs. E. Harper and, son Phil, motored I from Toronto and also visited with j Mr. and Mrs. E. Jackson, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Hennessey, | Mr. Frank Taylor received word last week of the death of his sister, Mrs. W. H. Kerr, of Los Angeles, Calif, The deceased had been ail­ ing for ever a year. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr were both former residents of Crediton, Mrs. Kerr's maiden name being Mary Taylor. She was aged about 56 years. After leaving Crediton the deceased resided 'fn London for a time, i Rev. W. Japes, wife and family returned the fore-part of the week after visiting for two weeks among their former parishioners in Kent and Essex Countes. They are lea-v* ing again for Georgian Bay they will spend a couple of Rev. T, W. Jones will have of the evening service. where weeks, charge SINGLE MEN WIN FROM BENEDICTS The married men and the .single men of town played a fast game of ball on the local diamond Monday evening, the single men showng a superiority over the benedicts, the score being 5*1. Foi' the first five innings the married' men held the single to one run but they began to weaken during the latter part of the game. The married men, however, had to look to the single men for their twirler and Bill Lawson did mound duty for them. Reg. Taylor the regular catcher had a sore fin­ ger and Dick Harness was behind the bat. Hubert and Thos. Heywood of Elimville, were the battery for the single men. During the first five innings the married men had three more men on bases than the single, men but they lacked the nec­ essary punch to score. Dr. Fletcher was seen in a uniform for the first time in Exeter and he showed up well at first. The single men scored the fist run in the third, one each in the 6th and 7th and 2 in the 8th. The umpire was Wm. Lutman. The line up was as follows,: Married men—Dr. Steiner 3b; H. Rivers 2b; C. Anderson s.s., Yule s.s., Dr. Lawson, p., Dr. cher lb, Dick Taylor c.f., H. Lewis -at If. in Single— B. 3IRTOS PEDERSEN—On Thursday,. August 9th to Mr. and Mrs. 0, Pedersen, a daughter. JONES—In Exeter on Monday, Aug­ ust 13 th to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones, a .son (Mervin Arthur) FORD—In Stephen, on Sunday, Au­ gust 5th to Mr. and Ford, a son. deaths COULTER—In Hensall, August 12th, 1928, Coulter, in her 43rd MeQUADE—In McKillop, an August 11th, Frank McQuade, reeve of the Township of McKillop in his 60 th year, DEMPSEY—In Centralia, pn Wed­ nesday, August the Sth, Elizabeth Dempsey, beloved wife of John Dempsey in her 84th year, rCARD OF THANKS Mr. John Dempsey, and family wish to thank the friends and neigh­ bors for their kindness during their sad bereavement; also for the flor­ al tributes and loan of cars, Mrs. Hilton on Bunday, Ida May year, CARD OF THANKS Mrs, M, Heywood and daughters of Winchelsea, ’ desire to express their Mncere thanks to the many friends and neighbors for the many kind acts during Mr. Heywood’s ill­ ness and expressions of sympathy in their bereavement. COLLINGWOOD—In loving memory of James Collingwood, who died at Hamilton in August 1924. Remembrance is a Golden Chain Death tries to part but all in vain, Our thoughts drift back to scenes four years past But time rolls on and memory lasts. Loving wife and family Wm. Fiet- Reg. Chas Harness, c; Lewis replaced the 6th Medd, G. Hind, Beavers, F. Creech, T. Heywood, Boyle, L. Tieman, H. Heywood, Tieman. Geo. C. S. a. r. mckinnon wins tennis FINALS GILL—In loving memory of my dear husband, Edward Gill, who died, three years ago, August 19, 1925. Gone dear husband, gone forever How I miss your smiling face But you left me to remember None on earth can fill your place. A happy home I once enjoyed How sweet the-memory still But The death has left a loneliness world can never fill. Sadly mssed by wife and Mrs. B. W. F. Beaver^ and Mrs. Forrest, Goderich and Bay- week. say that the health­ Mr. and guests, Mr. spent a day at field during the Wo regret to of Mrs. Ann Collingwood, of Hamil­ ton, is such as to make it necessary for her to return to the hospital for some weeks. Mrs. Glbert and daughter, of Pal­ mira, Wis., and' Miss Robinson, of Bapaboo, Wis., viisited for a taw days last week with Mrs. S, Hand*- ford. VOTERS’ LIST 1928 Municipality of the Village of Exeter County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have- complied with section 7 of the VO” TER'S’ posted on the list of in the , , pal elections and that such list re­ mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters- to take immediate proceedings to-’ have any errors or omissions cor­ rected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 5th September, 1928. Dated at Exeter, Ontario, 15th, 1928. Jos, Senior, Clerk of the Exeter, Exeter, Ont. LIST ACTS and that I have- up in my office at Exeter, 15th day of August, 1928 the- all persons entitled to votp- said Municipality at munici- day of* August Village^ of AUCTION SALE < Mr. A. R. McKinnon is the win­ ner of the finals in three gents’ sin­ gles tennis tournament on the local greens. Mr. McKinnon won the finals from J. M. Southcott 6-1, 6-0 6-2. The consolation event is now down to the final round and will be played this week between H. Creech and A. Elliott. ■ In the first round of ton E. Tapp won from 9-7, 7-5. In the second round won from E. Tapp '6-4, W. Kress won from default. In the semi-finals H. from W. C. Davis 6-4‘, Elliott defeated W. Kress Q-2, 0-6, 6-0.« _________ th e. consola- M. Savauge A. Elliott 6-2. T. Neale b/ Creech, won 6-i, and A. HU'TCHINSON—In loving memory of our dear brother Gordon who passed away one year ago August 13, 1927. Peaceful be thy rest dear brother, It is sweet to breathe thy name, In life we loved you dearly, In death we do the same, The moon and the stars are shining On a lone and1 silent grave, Beneath lies iope^.we dearly loved But whom we could not save The blow severe, God only here, And,only The pain well. Remembered by mother,, and sisters. was hard, the shock knows how we miss him those that lost can tell of parting with no fare­ brothers family. There younger. Six represented at M. J. O’Brien a most enjoy- — of — FURNITURE, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, CHATTELS AND REAL ESTATE The undersigned auctioneer lias- received instructions to sell by pub­ lic auction at the residence of the- late Christian Beaver, CREDITON on SATURDAY, AUGUST 18th, 1928 at 1 o’clock p. m. the following:— FURNITURE—Odd parlor ehairs­ and settees, Morris chair, 3 wicker stands, step-ladders, 1-burner oil. stove, pictures, upholstered sette, 2 couches, leather couch, upholstered rocker, oak dresser and stand, arm chair, leather rocker, oak rocker, walnut wardrobe, sideboard, exten­ sion table and 6 chairs, 2 parlor tables (oak and mahogany,) three- piece bedroom suite, 4 mattresses, 4 springs, 2 dressers, wash stand, 2 odd beds, bureau, walnut writing desk, walnut what-not, cupboard, 6 kitchen chairs, drop-leaf table, New Raymond sewing machine, sink quilting frames, clock, 2 large vel­ vet rugs, small Brussells rug, car­ pets, New Perfection oil heater, cook stove, base-burner stove, child’s cot and cradle, lawn mower, grindstone,, buck-saw, ladders, 2 wheelbarrows, scythe, garden tools, feed box, a- quantity of lumber, galvanized iron tank, 2 large metal tanks, buggy,, wicker jugs, light wagon, set of double harness, fly nets, hearse with sleighs and other articles too num­ erous to mention. REAL ESTATE—Parcel No. 1, Lot 2, Parson's survey in the Village’ of Crediton, one-fifth of an acre more or less. This was the residence- of the deceased and has a good brick dwelling, stable and garage on it. Parcel No. 2: Pt. lot 11, Con. 6, township of Stephen, one-fifth of an acre more or less. This lot is immed­ iately north of the Evangelical par­ sonage, Crediton, Parcel No. 3: Lot 163, Proudfoot Survey, Crediton, containing one- half acre more or less. This parcel formerly had a planing mill built on it and is well adapted for a gar­ den. TERMS—Chattels, Cash. On real estate, 10% on day of sale and the- balance in 30 days. HERBERT K. EILBER, Administ-- trator of Christian Beaver Estate. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. i. ——i.u,........... nftf HUTCHINSON—In loving of our dear Father, Gordon Hut­ chinson, who passed away one year ago August 13, 1927. He hade no one a last farewell. He said good bye to none, '• The heavenly gates were opened wide, A gentle voice said, “Come’’ Worthy of everlasting love From those he left behind. ’Tis sad, but true, we wondei* why, The best are always first to die, The shock was great, the blow severe We little thought his death so near, God took him home; it was His will But in our hearts he liveth still. Sadly missed by his wife, son and daugh ter. memoryEACRETT FAMILY RE-UNION A re-union of the Eacrett families was held at the O'Brien homestead at Sexsmith on Saturday last. The late Mrs. Patrick O’Brien was the eldest of the Eacrett were seven brothers of the families were the gathering. Miss was the hostess and able time was spent by all, recalling the many happy gatherings together in years gone by. The afternoon was spent in out­ door sports and supper was served to friends from a distance. In evening many more came from nearer points to enjoy the music social time together. Mr. Al. Eacrett and wife had tored from Spokane, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Forrest, of New York; Mrs, Forrest being a daughter of Mr. J, T. Eacrett, who has resided in New York for over fifty years and still Also who still enjoying life, ber of selections on the violin, daughters Mrs. Brown and Mrs. J. Fuller were also present and Mrs. Fuller gave some splendid selections on her violin, accompanied by Mrs. Brown on the piano, which was a real treat for those of her relatives who have not heard hei’ play for many years. The dancing of the highland fling by Miss Margaret Eacrett was very gracefully perform­ ed. She being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Raymond, Eacrett, of Sar­ nia, who also were present. Mrs. Peter Munn, ..of London, a daughter “ of the-late RJchard Eacrett with her ’* son Mr. Ed. Munn and wife; also iMr. Robert Eacrett, wife and daugh­ ter, Miss Sybil and Mr. R. J. Eac- rett, of Woodstock and Mrs.” B. W. F. Beavers, of Exeter, of the family of the late Micheal Eacrett; Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins and son, of Lucan; I- ------ -...........-• Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Luker, of Zurich Sudbury to North Bay, a distance of the the and mo- also living there at the age of 89. Mr. Chas. Eacrett, of Sarnia, also is over 85 years of age and He gave a num- His Mrs. G. Luker, Mrs, Luker daughter of Mrs. O’Brien. Mrs. Fred Corbett and Mr. A. Todd and Miss McGreg- Mr. and being a [Mr. and and Mrs. or,‘’neighbors of Miss O’Brien were also present. Mr. and Mm. A. Ged­ des were also assisting in making every one happy in the old home where for over seventy years the families have spent so many happy days and we hope to have many more of these gatherings in the years to come* X.NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mr. Reg, Beavers has returned to his home after a pleasant outing-rrt Grand Bend. MOTOR AROUND LAKE HURON Mr. and Mrs. 12. N.’ Keddy and daughter, Lois, of Detroit, visited at the home of the former’s brother, Mr. Chas Keddy over the week-end. • They were on their way home from a motor trip around Lake Huron : and Georgian Bay. They left De­ troit visiting at Flint, Saginaw, Bay City, Ajpina, Roger’s City, Sheboig- an, and Mackinaw, spending a day on Mackinac Island in the state of Michigan. Crossing the strait at St. Ignas they motored to the Amer­ ican Soo and across to the Canadian Soo. At the Soo they spent a day with. Mr. and Mrs. H, N. Anderson. Coming down the Canadian side of Georgian Bay they visited Brure Mines., T-hessalon and Blind River. At Blind River they were interested in the big lumbering camp where thousands of feet of lumber are cut each day. At Copper Cliff and Sud­ bury they visited the large nickle mines. The country through this part was rugged and hilly. From [ninety miles, there are few places of any account and after leaving North Bay the roadr begin to get better. On their way down they stopped at Huntsville* Briacebridge* • Grhven- hurst and Orillia, and at Camp Bor­ den they called on a nephew who was much surprised to see them. Leaving Camp Borden they came through Barrie on down to Toronto and oh to Exeter. The trip took about ten days. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ' all Creditors and others having claims against the Estate of George1 Heywood, late of the Township of Ushorne, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died; on or; about the Fifth day of August, 19- 28, are required to forward their, claims duly proven to the under­ signed on or before the 3rd day of September 1928. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Exe- ■ cutorts will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. DATED at Exeter this 11th day August 1928. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for Executrix of NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN that • all Creditors and others having claims against the Estate of Isaiah Hall, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Laborer, who died on the Twentieth (lay of July 1928 are required to forward their claims duly proven to the un­ dersigned on or before the 3rd day of September 1928. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Exe­ cutors will proceed to distribute^ the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. DATED at Exeter this 11th day of August 1928. GLADMAN & STANBURY ( Solicitors for Executors-