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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-08-02, Page 5
THE EXETER TSMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, AVGUST Siul Your Child Is Your Most Precious Possession His education your special consideration. We ask you to visit our school, meet the teachers and consider the following facts- WE TEACH— GREGG SHORTHAND BLISS PRACTICAL BOOKKEEPING SPECIAL COURSE IN BUSINESS ENGLISH RAPID CALCULATION FOR DIPLOMA STANDING REMINGTON TYPEWRITING UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITING And have won 88 awards fram these companies during school just closed, ( gtobool of (Commerce ‘ CLINTON, ONTARIO B. F. Ward B.A., M. Accts., Principal ‘‘3' h Phone 198 A. DR, R, P. I. DOUGALL Honor graduate ©L Faculty of Medictoe, and Master of Science, [University of Western Ontario. Member of College of Physicians land Surgeons <>£ Ontario. Office ,two doors east of Post Office, HENSALL ONT. Phono 56 Residence 114 NOTICE We expect the chopping mill to be closed on or about the 4th of August and will take two weeks or more to transfer to G. T. Mickle & Son, We advise getting your supply we close.—J. Passmore. before X- i be with over in her the St. at his and are daugh- visiting of Toronto, Monday, August' the 6th will Civic Holiday in Hensail. Mr. John Wilson, of Goderich, yisited friends in town on Saturday. Mr. E. Knipe, of Kincardine, vis ited friends one day last week in town. Mr. Harry Lewis, of the Hydro staff spent Sunday with friends in Exeter. Miss Margaret Slaven, of I.ondon. is visiting for a few days sister here. Mrs. Alf. Smith visited week-end with relatives Thomas. Mr. Jack Carmiclieal, of Detroit, wislited ovei’ the week-end home here. Mrs. N. P. Warrener ter of Pontiac, Mich., .friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Murch, visited over the week-end with Rev. Mrs. A. Sinclair. Miss Gertrude Hoggarth, of To ronto, is spending, her vacation at lier home here. A number from Hensali attended the horse races in Seaforth on Wed nesday afternoon. Mr, Robt. Crawford of the Hydro staff spent the week-end with his brother in Hanover. n Mrs. D. Urquart and daughter, of London, is visiting for a few days with friends in town. Miss Peggy McDonald, of Toron to, visited for a few day£ with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sherritt. Mr. Well. McDonald, of Toronto, visited for a few days last week with friends in town. Mr. John Steacy, of Detroit, visit ed over the week-end with smother and sister here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKay daughter, Marion are visiting week with relatives at Guelph. Miss Winnifred Cudmore, of xonto, is spending her vacation with [her mother Mrs. R. Cudmore here. The many friends of Mrs. Thos. Welsh, who has been in poor health for some time is now much improv ed. Mrs. Upthegrom, of Soverign, Sask., has been visiting for the past few weeks with Dr. and Mrs. A. Moir. . his and this Mr. Wm. Sweitzer bought a new separator and tractor from George White & Sons, London. Miss Martha Lamport, of Exeter, spent Sunday with her parents. Master Gordon Hewlett, of, Exe ter, spent the week-end with friends here. Mr. John Sinclair, of 'Detroit, vis ited with Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Lamport over the week-end. Matt Sweitzei: and family motor- ed to “ Mr, George Bosnell, of Toronto, spent a few days visiting his sister Mrs. Wesley* Johns, Miss Mary Johns returned with him to visit with rel atives, Mrs. Harry Cudmore from Manor, Sask., is visiting with relatives in this neighborhood. Mr. Sam Andrew from the West is visiting his sister Mrs. Joshua Johns. Sunday School was held in the morning last Sunday on account of the funeral of the late Mr. Win. Delbridge, which was very largely attended, All were very pleased to jsee Mrs, Wm, Clark at the evening service last Sunday the first time here since last November. iShe is look ing well after her long illness. Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Elford and family also Miss Banes visited rela tives at Wellbun last Sunday. Mrs. John Manning and Mrs. A. Jamieson of Montreal called on relatives in this vicinity last week.' Several car loads from here spent Sunday at Port Stanley. Mr. and Mrs, Bannerman of St, Marys spent a few days with their daughter Mrs.' Lloyd Johns this week. Messrs. Grant Hern, of St. Marys Roland Williams and Kenneth Johns also Misses Edith and Flor ence Hern from Sask,, motored to Niagara Falls on ing Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. London visited at ovei’ the week-end. ter Miss May Jones, New York is holidaying with her cousin Mrs, Nelson Coultis. Mr, Coultis is still confined to his bed in a tent but is making, satis factory progress toward recovery. Although the time seems long since he first took ill last spring hi'S friends hope that the rest will a return of his ordinarily health. Mr. Coultis enjoys much the visits of friends and the neighbors from time to time, also the beautiful flowers with which he has been supplied. Mrs, Fred Hern Misses Edith and spending this week in Logan. Rev, R, b. Stevenson, M.A., of Stratford will have charge of the United church services next Sunday Brinsley 2:45; Credi- 30 p.m.. The public is in- August Sth, ton 7 vited. Mr. family The Wednc a large number of hoys and girls. Dr. H. H. Cpwen, t.D.S. D.D.S. DENTAL SV»Wh At office to Hartleih, Blocl?, Dash wood, first, three 4ae of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Miss Emma Tieman, of London, spent a tew days with friends with friends last week, Misses Ella and Rose Zimmer, of Detroit are visiting at their home here. Mr. and Mrs, gam Witzel, of Tor onto are visiting the former’s moth- and Mrs. J. Edwards and spent Sunday jn. Mitchell. Evangelical S. S. picnic last 'sday afternoon brought forth — vi uujn JIMM, young people and parents to Grand Bend. The soft ball game at two o’clock between the Stars-Hustlers vs, the C, I, C, gave the former a few more notches of glory than the latter. The races and games re vealed many fast runners and game sters. Everyone seemed to be in the picnic fully and enjoyed the day. There were no mishaps of any kind. At the same time the Ma sonic Pdcnic from St. Marys and communty who were on their annual picnic at Grand Bend put on a dif ferent line of sports, as: shoe tieing race, pillow fght, barrel boxing and card board race in which our young folk were asked to participate and showed themselves real sports in carrying away most of the prizes. The boys are eager to have them come on such a coincident day next summer. Mr. and Mrs. J, G, Marr, of Cleve land, Mrs. C. Haumuller, Miss Lily Eilber and Miss'‘C. McKoy and El gin Eilber, of Detroit are spewing their vacation at the congenial home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eilber all of which help to add life and cheer to the community, They graced the Sunday evening service in the Evangelical church with their presence. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Eilber, of Zurich, spent Sunday with relatives and friends in the community and met many more evening service. Rev. and Mrs. ily are spending of their year’s furlough at the par ental home, Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Holtzmann. In several weeks they will again be enroute for Japan to continue their Missionary labors under the auspices of the United Church. Mr. and Mrs. C. Haist and M1*- and Mrs. H, Hess motored to Cros well, Mich., on Sunday morning to attend the .Swantz reunion held at that place. r, Mrs. W. M. Sippell, Evelyn and Lloyd are spending a few weeks of vacation with friends at Detroit and other points in Michigan. We are glad to see Mrs. John Morlock about again after a slight operation and weeks’ stay at St.‘ Joseph’s Hospital. The death occurred in Crediton, on Thursday, July 2 6th of Mr. Jas, Cockwill, aged 78 years. He is sur vived by his bereaved widow, 2 sons Wesley at home and Garnet in Sask, also two daughters in Seattle, Wash. Port Stanley on Sunday. er, Mrs, Witzel, Mr. and Mrs. roit, spent the and Mrs. Wm. Mr. and Mrs. roit, spent the and Mrs. I. Witmer. Mr. and Mrs. E. Sippell,. of Lan sing Mich, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. c. Pfile and other* relatives. Mr. and Mrs, A.*Bills, Miss Rose Rader and friend, pf Detroit, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Rader. ? Mr. and Mrs. T. Peachy, of De troit, visited with Mr, and Mrs. A. Birk last week. ’ ' Miss Myrta Hoffman, who spent her vacation with her parents has returned to Kitchener.. -■ >Mr. Gordon Calfas, of Sarnia, was a Sunday visitor in town. Messrs. E, Kraft and Harry Hoff man made a business trip to Wind sor on Tuesday. Det- Mr. F. Watson,’of week-end with Snell, R, Perkins, of week-end with is | Mr,, Herb and Donald Hoggarth, of London, . Visited on Sunday with their parents Ma and Mrs. J. Hog- Aarth. Miss Lizzie Harvey, fof Seaforth, is visiting for a few John Murdock and town. • Quite a, number from town at tended the game, at Exeter on Mon day evening^ between Goderich and Exeter, , . Mrs. Yaeger and little daughter, Irene, of Brandon, Man., are spend ing the "summer with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hobkirk. Mr. and Mrs. Growl and Miss Ada Graipm, of Lansing, Mich., visited over 'the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gramm. Mrs. Alex McMurtrie is having her residence on ‘ South Richmond St. nicely ’ painted. The work is being done by Mr. Fred Kennings. On ..Wednesday evening last the Supertest baseball team of London played the local team on the Hen sail diamond, Hensail winning. Dr. and Mrs. Wilson and family, of Bay City, Mich., visited over the' week-end with Mrs. Wilson’s par ents Mr. and,Mrs. Alex Munn, Last week Miss Kate Bell was presented by Miss Moir with three 1927 citrons, which were as sound as the day. they were pulled from the vines. Mr. Alex Murdock and Mr. Thos. Murdock and family motored to Lu can on Sunday last and witnessed a church parade of the ladies of the Orange Lodge. The local firemen are planning to have some improvements to the Town Hall bell so that in case of fire the alarm would be louder and. more distinct. The wedding took place at Exe ter on Saturday afternoon by. the Rev. Mr. W. Jones of Mr; Verne I Hedden to Miss Dorothy Hoskins. Congratulations. • The haying in this vicinity is about finished, and the farmers are busy which is a splendid crop. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill returned home Tuesday evening af ter a very pleasant visit in New York, Buffalo and a number of other American and Canadian cities. At the morning service in Carmel Presbyterian .church, Mrs. W. Ai McLaren, Mrs. A. Dougall, Mrs. J. Patterson and Miss J. White ered a quartette which was enjoyed. Mr. Lawrence Heffermau, has been engaged for quite a her of years with Geiger & Son sev ered his connections with that firm on Monday and is now engaged on the provincial highway. The .services in the United church on Sunday last were largely attend ed. Rev. Mr. Sinclair preaching in spiring sermons at both services. Mr. Murch, of Toronto sang solos both morning and evening, and were greatly enjoyed by the congrega tions present. On Friday evening the Hensail team went to London for a return match with the Supertest team again defeating them 6-2. Both these matches were splendidly contested After the game both teams were Theatre. Mr. and Mrs, have resided for of the home of Mrs. D. McLean has given up residence there and have, moved their furniture in the rooms at the back of the barber shop. Mrs. Bowen and babe will visit relatives at Blyth and Goderich for a month until a suitable house can be ob tained. Early Tuesday morning a fire destroyed the building belonging to the McEwen estate and occupied by Thos. Palmer as an ice house. The fire was noticed by Mr.’D. Foss who quickly gave the alarm and the fire department was on the scene in a few minutes; but the building being an old frame was soon destroyed. Mr. Palmer immediately got a gang of men to work and built another building for the ice, which , was not hurt a great deal. The cause of the fire is a mystery. V, -.1 - days other with Mrs. friends in Saturday return- Alden Jones, of Mr. Harry Johns* Their daugh- , nurse from WHALEN July Mel- To- arULY SALE — NEW LOW PRICES Saving 15 to 20% Why Pay More 30x35 STANDARD CORD $6.75 ^9x4.40 Stamlarfl BALLOON. $10.15 Other sizes at correspondingly low Prices with tubes to fit FREE. All Tires and Tubes are FIRSTS. USED CARS We have a number of USED CARS .On hand and the Prices are Right. 3f you need one it will pay you to jock these oVhy, The NEW CHRYSLER is how on Jhviplay in our showroom. Como in sftud See it. " 5 •.......... J AtohorfrM oinmcn Renier RHONE SI IIENSALL « cutting wheat and barley r end- much who num- on Friday evening guests at Leow’s Fred Bowen, who some time in part Emily Jia4 (been to school| tor the first time, < > , , “Well, darling, and what did you learn?’’ asked, her mother, on', Em ily’s return. “Nuffin*.” sighed Emily, hope lessly. “I’ve $ot to go*, back to morrow Tit-Bits. wife who weeks in on Tues- days las^ many bring good very and daughters, Florence are with relatives every- enjoy- enjoy music (Civic week. Carnival night, at the Casino, went off with a bang on Monday, July 23rd. Preceded by a parade, the crowd gathered at the Casino all ready for the fun that was planned. The Bissett-MacLean Orchestra must be congratulated on the special numbers and fun that they made. “Win” Phillips gave several comic acts, and the prize fight and Bal loon Dance were some of the high lights of the evening. There was plenty of, Serpentine, confetti, hats, horns, balloons, rattlers and thug to make noise and an able evening. A very large Sunday crowd ed the afternoon Band Concert on the Beach, by the Milverton Brass Band. This fine musical organiza tion gave a splendid concert and the beach was crowded with lovers. The week of August 6th, Holiday Week) is softball The management of the Casino have booked the Alvinston Bluebirds, Girls’ Softball Team for Exhibition games that week. This splendid team is composed of some of the best players in Western Ontario such as Margaret Stevenson, pitcher and Marguerite Fisher, catcher. Mr. G. A. Powell, the manager, who managed the Melbourne Grads, has built up a fine team, and promises some real acton next week. The opponents are all teams in the big leagues, and Grand Bend is going to see softball that will be sensa tional. The sympathy of this community is extended to Mr. Cooper and fam ily, of Kippen, whose little boy age 12 years while in bathing with hun dreds of - others was seized with a severe cramp which struck his heart and he sank before any one could catch him. The body was recover ed in a very few minutes and the coroner Dr, O’Dwyer, of Zurich, was called and pronounced death due to heatt failure. The body was later removed to their home in Kippen. One of the largest crowds of the season gathered to hear the service in the open air by Rev. J. M. Coll ing. About one thousand people were present. The Bissett-MacLean orchestra lead the singing and ren dered two very nice numbers which were enjoyed by all. Rev. M. Whit ing, of Japan, assisted, by offering the evening prayer.' Quite a number of the burg at tended the horse races at Exeter last week. They report good races.: Don’t forget Friday evening and be one of the numbers who will at tend the raspberry supper on the United church lawn. ’.'Admission 50c. and 25c. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Oliver were in London on business also Miss 'Cora Oliver. „, Two speed boats visited our shore apd showed spme very fast runs. The neighbors and friends are very glad to hear of Mr, Alex Dis- jardine’s improvement the last week Alex has beett in the hospital for' nearly two mouths. old friends at the Whiting and fam- tlie closing weeks St. M. ZION Mr. R. Lingard and family, of Marys visited with Mr. and Mrs. ’Hern, on Sunday, Miss Hazel Earl returned home from Victoria Hospital, London, on Sunday after her recent operation for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor visit ed in Seaforth on Sunday. Mrs. Fred Hern and two daugh ters, of Bengough. Sask,, visited in this community for a few days and attended the Sunday School picnic at Springbank. The Sunday School picnic on Tues day of last week at Springbank was a decided success. A good crowd was present and enjoyed one of the finest picnics ever held. The mar ried men defeated the yoiipg men in a close game of soft ball. has accepted a posi- R. L. Atkinson have after spending this Montreal and mov- their have Galt, lawyer in I Clandeboye CLANDEBOYE Mrs, Boylei of Moose Jaw, is visit ing at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Moses Simpson, Mr. Fred Hodgson left for De troit, where he tion. Mt. and Mrs. returned home past two weeks in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Porter, of,Toronto, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mose Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Bice ed to their new hopie in son Meredith who is a Detroit accompanied them. Mr, and Mrs. Lance Cobleiglt, of Detroit, spent a few days recently with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Joe Armitage. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lewis, of War ren, Mich., visited at the former’s patents Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Lewis. Mr, James McHargey and his sis ter Mary, of Detroit, are spending a tow days with relatives of ths place. Mrs. Moses Simpson, who has been very ill for the past couple of weeks is a little improved, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Wright, of Clifford and Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Simpson, of London spent the week end with relatives of this place, The W. M. S. held their meeting at the home of Mrs. ville Gunning last Thursday after noon with a good attendance. Mrs. Albert Gunning 1st ’Vice-President, was in the chair. The meeting opened in the usual way, Mrs. John Hazlewood, Mrs. Frank Gunning and Mrs. Albert Gunning led in prayer. The Scripture lesson, “How Women in New Testament Helped” was taken from different parts of the New Testament and the verses read by the different members^ Mrs, Frank Squire read an article, “As the Days Come and Go,” and Miss Verna Hazlewood read, “When Ruth Hopper went Home.” Mrs. (Rev.) Irvin closed the meeting with the benediction. Tea was then served and the usual social hour enjoyed. Miss Dorothy Brown, of Toronto the guest of Mrs. Truman Tuft. Mr, George McKinnon, of Toronto spent a few days with Mr, James Kemp. Rev. M. Bulteel and have spent the past four Waterloo returned home day. Reg Paul spent a few week in Detroit. Mrs. Jas. Tocher, of Port Dover spent the week-eUd with Mrs. Jas. More, Wheat cutting has commenced and we are hoping for fine weather to harvest it. Cranford Shier, of Toronto is vis iting his gandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Shier. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. McKena, of London spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Silas Shier. Mb. Joseph Doupe js in the Strat ford Hospital where he underwent an operation on his foot. We hope to see hinvhome again soon., Ray Taylor, of Toronto spent a few days with friends here. Master Gerald and Leon Paul are visiting friends in London. Mrs. Alvin Carrothers, of Toro nto is visiting with Mrs. Wm. At kinson,c- the the of MT. CARMEL Mrs. Richard Barry, of Detroit, is visiting at the home of Mrs.' Kate O’Rourke. Miss Gertie ' Carey and friend spent the week-end with the form er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James. Carey. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Morrison, Mrs. Tom Lane and Miss Bernadiul, of Detroit, are visitors at the home of Mr. Joseph McKeever. Messrs. Marten, Gordon and Jer ome O’Rourke spent Sunday with friends near London. Mrs. M. Madden is visiting friends at Detroit this week. Mr. James Hall, of Detroit, is spending a few days at his home near here? Mrs. Frank Coughlin underwent an operation last week at St. Joseph Hospital, London, for the removal of her tonsils. Mr. Gus. Morrissey made a busi ness trip to Toronto last week. Miss Kathleen Moir, of London, is visiting her aunt Miss K.’ den. REGIER—At Mt. Carmel day, July 17th, to Mr. Charles Ragier, a daughter. on Tues- and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Routledge and children of Dutton, spent a few days in the village last week visiting friends. Mrs. (Dr.) Hamilton and daugh ter, of Ailsa Craig, visited for a short time with the Misses Wilson. There will be no meeting of Women’s Association during month of August. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Davis, London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Powe, of London, spent the week-end with the latter’s parbhts. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brooks. We are sorry to report that Mrs. C. Turnbull suffered a slight stroke on Friday last. We hope for a speedy recovery. ■Word was received here Monday noon of the death of Mrs. Dobbs in London. The sympathy of the com munity goes out to the bereaved. Messrs. Smith & Dobbs ■ delivered a new 15-30 McCormick Deering tractor to Mr. Cecil Skinner last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith and family motored to Toronto and New market^ this week and will visit for a few days with relatives. The farmers are very busy this week finishing up the hay and cut ting wheat and barley which are an excellent crop. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Anderson ' and Billie, of London, are spending their vacation this week at Grand Bend and Belgrave. Several from the village witnes sed the sad drowning at Grand Bend on Sunday afternoon and much sympathy is expressed for the father and family. GREENWAY Mrs.Mrs. J. Curts and Mr. and Wesley Curts and family, of Indian Head, Sask., visited with Mr. and Mrs, C. H. Curts. Miss Miller, of Dryden, visited Miss Lois Brown last week. Mrs. S. J. Wilson and daughter, Mrs. S. R. Holbrook and children of Minneaolis are renewing old friend ships here. Mr, and Mrs. D. Shank and Miss* Irene Shank and Ella Bradshaw, of Detroit, are visiting Mr. J. Shanks. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alderson, of Arkona were guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Pollock. The services in the United church will be withdrawn next Sunday account of the Memorial service Parkhill. thames road on in The Misses Gertrude, Nellie May Stewart are holidaying at their cottage in Muskoka. They* are ac companied by Miss Gertie Stewart, Master Graham and Marlyti Camp bell and Miss Marjorie Stewart. Mr. Earl Allen has engaged with Mr. Pollen for Mr. Warren with Mr, Dave There will be Road church next Sunday. Mrs. Fred Wright of Elimville sang very acceptably in church on Sunday, Her rendering of Camp iano’s 'There were Ninety and Nine’ was much enjoyed. Rev, Holmes of Clinton occupied the pulpit. and the threshing season, McKellar has hired Brown. no service in Thames of animal. Many acts been rehearsed for the first time in the performance But trained—with TRAINED, BUT UNTAMED LIONS WITH SPARKS CIRCUS COM ING TO GODERICH. FRI DAY, AUGUST 17 Two things there are in which the Sparks Circus excells—in its train ed lions and in it’s trained elephants In no circus in the world are there such lions and elephants as there are with this great tented enter prise. Every trick known to the trainer’s art is taught to them as easily as though their minds were human instead times have new in the morning and then shown that afternoon. the lions at least-—does not mean tamed. Fierce with the jungle in stinct still strong in them, it is only through the marvellous ‘power of the Sparks trainers that they are handled with the wonderful ease with which they are performed. And so. it is, that with its performing animals, Sparks Circus has adopted the slogan “trained but untamed,’* for every one of them represents the fierciest of jungle bred beasts, simp ly held in obedience through the superior art of the Sparks trainers and these animals include not only the lions and elephants, but tigers, . leopards, Polar bears, Russian grizz lies and scores of other wild beasts of genuine jungle nativity, and all of -Whom Will take part in the per formance in Goderich and incident ally will be seen in the glittering parade at 10:30 a.m. oil Circus Day’ Coming to Goderich, EHday, August Seats can be secured at lip ticket office, same ’price as at grounds, 17th. tdwn show