HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-07-26, Page 8THE; EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE iWORWU WANT COLUMN CHOICE CLOVER HONEY FOR SA! k — At John Carrick’s for 9c. a pound straight. Hay P.O- 7-26-tfc FOR SALE OR RENT—Fine brick residence, heated with hot air, elec­ tric lighted, good garden. Apply to R, E. Pickard. 10-27-tfc HORSES FOR SALE OR EX­ CHANGE—We always have a num­ ber of horses on hand we will sell or exchange to the farmers.—G. J. Dow. G,7,tfc Exeter Markets Wheat $1.25 Oats 6Or. Barley 80c. Manitoba Flour $4.40 Blend Flour $4.20 Pastry Flour $3.90 Feed Flour $2.40 Bran $2.00 Shorts $2.00 Creamery Butter 42 c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Hogs CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, James Foote, B.A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School. Mi*. Gifford Ruby, of the Chicago Theological Seminary will conduct both services at 11 a.m. and 7 pan. will and Montmorency Red Cherries he in Thursday of this week next. Leave your order at HARVEY’S GROCERY. Butter 35 and 38c. extras 30 c. seconds 34c. $11.75 Jsje. <£oaals J FOUND—On July 1st, a ladies’ pink scarf was found on the fair grounds. Owner may have same by applying at the Times-Advocate and paying for this advertisement,. HOGS for it kind; FOR SALE—YOUNG YORK —The kind you’ are looking you are looking for the right also one hog for exchange. Apply to Charles Harey. 7-26-2tc CHOICE NO. 1 CLOVER HONEY— at 9Sc, a pound. Customers may bring their own containers or we will supply them. Apply to Wes. Dearing, Stephen, phone 17 r 14. 7-24-2tp. HOUSE AND BARN FOR SALE— Barn is 56x40ft, with 18 ft. posts Two-istorey brick house. Both to be removed off farm. Terms reas­ onable. Apply to Noah Deitrich, in Dashwood, Phone 5 on 31. 6-7-8tp. REDPATH SUGAR SALE “For your preserving’ season” Price $6.20 for two weeks only (Strictly Cash) CENTRALIA FARMERS CO.-OP. Co. 7-12-3tc FARM FOR SALE— Containing 100 acres more or less being lot 9, Concession 2, Usborne township. Frame house, bank barn and driv­ ing shed, well fenced and drained. Lots of good water; some bush. Ap­ ply to J. Harding. Exeter 7-12-3 tc Clo- con- cori- lim- HONEY FOR SALE—Choice veiMHoney. We will fill youi’ tainers at 11c. per pound; with tainers at 12c. per pound; for a and put in No order J. Haberer of Hotel in ited time only. Be sure your winter supply , now. too small or too large. & Son, three block south Zurich. AND FOR STOCK OF FURNITURE UNDERTAKING EUIPMENT SALE—Invoice price about $2700. Inspection can be made any time. Must be sold to close out estate of the late C. Beaver, Crediton. The two storey brick building now oc­ cupied by this stock and a Grocery Store also fore sale. Herbert K. Eilbrir,Administrator, Credit/on, Ont. 7-12-4tc. We have in stock for sale the fol­ lowing poultry Shorts, Wheat, Corn, partially Growing Mash, Layin. Fish Meal, semi-soured supplies: Bran Hominy, Cracked popped Pop Corn, g Mash, Beef Meal, Fish Meal, Oyster Shell and Grit, semi-soured Buttermilk and Cod Liver Oil. Let us supply your needs. Our prices will please you. THE HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY. 7-26-tfc FARMERS’ SONS ATTENTION! at-Any Huron boy contemplating tending the Ontario Agriculture Col­ lege for the two-year or associate course is eligible to compete £or the combined Huron County and Mas­ sey fund scholarship. Particulars of scholarship may be found else­ where in this paper. Applications should be addressed t*& the Depart­ ment of Agriculture. Clinton, Ont. I Mr. George Lawson visited in Kit­ chener on Monday. Mr. J. Hind is laid up for a few . days with lumbago. > Miss K. MacFaul is visiting in 1 Toronto and Port Hope, Miss Irene Bierling is friends in Sarnia and Port M,iss Meta Salter spent with Miss Ella Morlock, of Crediton. Mr. Clarence Simmons, of Wind­ sor, was home over the week-end. Miss Marguerite Aidworth was home from Stratford over the week­ end. Mrs. Bissett, of St. visiting with her sister Fuke. Miss Lillian Payne, spent the week-end at her here. Mr. James Lawson and Dr. Orme, of Crediton, spent the week-end in Windsor. Mr. Frank Wildfong sp^nt last week attending summer school at Goderich. » Mrs. L. ‘Westlake, of Wyoming, is visiting with her daughter, D. Murphy. M'r. Harold Ta-ylor, of yisited over the week-end home here. Mr. Louis Aidworth, of Brussels, called on friends at Sexsmith one day last week. Messrs. Wib. Martin and T. O. Southcott are this week at Grand Bend. Mrs. Fred Bloomfield Hazel Bloomfield visited over; the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Geddes, of London, recently moved into their farm at Sisxsmith. The Misses Hattie and Violet Je­ well, of Toronto, are visiting with Miss Ella Shapton. Mr. Kenneth Stanbury spent the week-end in Toronto, visiting with his brother, Stuart. Mr. Alan Miller and sister Maude, of Lumley, visited with friends at Sexsmith on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Kema, of Strat ford, spent the week-end with Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Down. Colonel W. J. Heaman was in Strathroy on Monday attending the funeral of Dr. McCabe. Mr. and Mrs. Bierling and family and Miss Anna Willert spent Sunday in Parkhill and Thedford. Mr. Cherles Atcheson, of London, is holidaying with, his parents Mr. and Mrs? W. T. Atcheson. The Oakwood golf course at Grand Bend, is attracting many devotees of this popular pastime. Miss Jean Spackman, of Guelph, returned to her home Saturday af­ ter visiting with relatives here. Mr. Thomas Kay and Miss Muriel Kay, of Strathroy, visited with friends in town during the week. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Sanders re­ home last week after holi- at their turned daying Bend. Rev. don, are visiting J. Veale visiting Huron. Sunday Thomas, is Mrs. A. E. of London, home Mrs. R. Detroit, at his holidaying and Miss at Norway cottage at Grand JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.O.M. Organist and Choir-Leader | a.m.—Sunday School. Union Services will be held with the Main St. congregation in the Main St. United Church during the month of July. 10 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Sunday School will month of July with the James St. be held Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor 10 a.m.—Our meet. During the union services United congregation will in the Main St, church. 11 a.m,—“Think of These Rev. D. McTavish 7 p.m.—“Resist the devil” ed by the old story of the Sailor.” Rev. D. McTavish Come and join us in an hour of worship. Things,” illustrat- “Sinbad 10 11 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Bev. Walter Jones, Rector 8tli Sunday after Trinity a.m.—Sunday School a.m.—Holy Communion and Ser­ mon. No evening service. The Sunday School Picnic will he held at Grand Bend next Friday, July 27th. Conveyances will leave parish hall at 1 p.m. All members of congregation are invited to join. The Salvation army SPECIAL WEEK-END SERVICES will be conducted by THE TRAINING COLLEGE STAFF of Toronto 11 a.m.—Holiness Meeting 7 p.m.—Salvation Meeting Weather favorable a meeting in the Park, Sunday Evening at 8:15 p.m.. All welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davies apd daughter June, of St. Thomas, visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Coates’ one day last week. Mrs. D- D. Crittenaen and daugh­ ter Dorothea, of St. Thomas, are visiting with the 'former’s -brother, Mr. George Penhale. Misses Jean Sheere and Doris Salter, returned home the latter part of the last week after holiday­ ing for some time at Grand Bend- Mr. Sampson Y'elland returned to Port Perry on Thursday last after visiting with his sisters in town. Miss’ Bessie Yelland accompanied him as' far as London and spent a couple city, Mr. in-law down from Birsay, Sask., visiting wth the former's Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bagshaw, and other relatives. Alan and Ruth Fraser, son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Fraser, Huron St., had a very pleasant birth­ day party on Friday afternoon last when they royally entertained a number of their young friends. Mr. H. L. Johannes, of Artland, Sask., visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Lawson on Thursday of last week. Mr. Johannes reports that the pros­ pects for the wheat crop in the West are exceptionally fine. of days with friends in that George Bagshaw and Mr. George Sheritt, brother- motored and are parents You will need Oats for your horses as the cutting will be heavy. We are pleased to be able to announce that we have secured a car of good Oats at such a rate that we are able to reduce our price 30c. a cwt. We have some of that excellent calf meal at $3.50 per cwt. If you knew its value you would not be ’without it for calves and young pigs One man said that though he had tried many kinds he never found its equal. We have a fine stock of all kinds of feed on hand.—HARVEY BROS. FARM FOR SALE—Containing 70 acres more or less, being Lot 14, w. con. 21, Stephen. Possession given October 1st, Convenient to school and church. All cleared; never failing well end soft water; well fenced and well drained. Good house, kitchen and wood shed; good bank barn, driving shed and hen stable, Cement walks to each Build­ ing Lot of fruit and shade trees. Land in godd state Of cultivation and every foot of land A No. 1. For further particulars apply tof Mrs. Mary Fallis, Executor, Weber, Auet, Dashwood. J, Telephone No. 13 on or R. 57. Arthur R. No. 7*5*4tc. and wife, of Lon- __,__ ______a with Mr; arid Mrs- John Rowe and Mr. and Mrs. John Pedlar. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walper and family, of Woodstock, are holiday­ ing with relatives in Exeter Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Clark daughter June, of Windsor, are iting with Mrs. Clark’s father Mr. A. Bowey. Miss Annie and Master Freeman McGill, of the Thames Road are visiting their grandmother Mrs. T. McCurdy. z Messrs. T. S. Neil and M. Sauvage attended the Bank Of Montreal pic­ nic at Port Stanley on Wednesday of last week, Miss Laura Knight has resumed her duties at the Hydro Office after spending her vacation in Guelph and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McGuire arid son Bruce, of Tillsonbufg, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. McKinnon. Mrs. C. H. Sunders received word, oh Thursday last of the death Of her uncle Mr. Amiel Marchand, of Mil­ ton, aged 63 years. Mr, Fred G. Down, City Treas­ urer of Woodstock, visited with his brother, Rev. X W. Down on Satur­ day and Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Writ, Reynolds and Mrs Cooper arid son, of Sarnia, spent the week-end. with Mr, and Mrs, Horatio Reynolds. and and vis- THE NEW STORE Furniture and Undertaking HONOR GRADUATE OF ONTARIO EXAMINATION BOARD Day, Night and Sunday Calls u Phone Store No. 99 13. R. HOPPER MODERN EQUIPMENT KINDLY & ATTENTIVE SERVICE I HAVE INSTALLED A SERVE-ALL The Outstanding Bottle Cooler Serves spariding cold drinks containing their pure, rich appetizing flavor DROP IN AND TRY A BOTTLE The -desired flavor is always ready—customers never disappointed. THURSDAY, JURY Ip2jp our MEN’S STRAW HATS COTTON HOSE TEA TOWELSHOUSE DRESSES WORK SOCKS T Cherries!Cherrie s Phone 16 Price Bombs OVERSTOCKED ST fn STRAW HATS Panamas, Leghorns and' Sailors from $1.50 up Ml a visit to for the diamond. Southcott Bros. R. N. ROWE FUNERAL DIRECTOR % NEW FUNERAL COACH AND AMBULANCE Cheaper than you can make them in fancy Ginghams QQc. Priced at ..................... THIS STORE WILL CLOSE EACH WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON DURING JUNE, JUDY, AUGUST W. W, TAMAN PHONE 81w * EXETER, ONT. Powell’s Variety Store “WHERE YOU 'SAVE” Phone 55 THIS STORE CLOSES AT 12 O’CLOCK ON WEDNESDAYS DURING MONTHS OF JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST Take Advantage of these JULY BARGAINS This is the time of year that the Balance of our Summer Stock Must Go GO Ou this rack are val- ues Up to po,oo. Not this year’s stock but of good material which could be made over into smart dresses CLEARING AT $1.98 Specials in QE* These includes ray- ons> fugis and silk and cotton crepes, Smart styles in this seasons goods CLEARING AT $3.95 rijr* Among these balance of our better class of Summer Dresses in Voiles and Celanese. Only a limited number left CLEARING AT $5-50 SILK HOSIERY In all the New Shades, Good Quality JLQC' Thread Silk. At per pair....................... *** VOILES ,1 The popular material for hot weather Dresses A new shipment Specially priced at per yard. The Balance of our Straw Hats go on Sale NEW SHAPES UP TO $2.50, SALE $1.45 LAST SEASON’S ^STYLES, SALE 98c. For ladies and children in Black and Sand. 9KC’ Per Paii’ ...................... In all pure linen with fancy borders, hemmed ready OP foi’ use. Priced at ....... WORK SHIRTS We have just received a new shipment of Men’s Work Shirts. These are in Chambray in extra good quality. See them before (Fl OP you,buy at ............................................ In wool and cotton mixture or all heavy cotton in light shades of grey. Just the OQ thing for summer wear. 3 PAIR FOR Cherries! MONTMORENCY CHERRIES ARE NOW ON. PHONE US YOUR,REQUIREMENTS LOWEST PRICES. Phone 16 PRICE BOMBS are continually exploding in our store. Not a day hardly passes that there isn’t new goods go on sale, and for the rem­ ainder of July we ‘have planned to clear out certain slow-selling lines to make room for the more aggres­ sive sellers. PEP is coming back, more desire to do bigger business. 17 years has taught us something, and with this, business must pick up The advent of tin Ice Cream Dep­ artment has proven it’s worth al­ ready, like a lady from Windsor said to us last week, “WALKER­ SIDES is Good Ice Cream.” We stake our store’s reputation on it, and you will your’s ,if you just try it. We sell it in bricks, 35c., Sealers | pint, 15c., 1 pint, 30c., quarts, 60c. (filled and' 'sealed at the dairy) Cones and Dixie Cups, 5c., Brick- ettes, 10c. Then we have ice cold drinks that are" COLD, 5c. You will appreciate more than ever this store. New records phonographs, needle and it is value you are looking for deal with T. H. Elliott and you will get it. ADd do not forget that I am selling my goods at a small profit and in order to do this I have got to ask the public for all the support they can give. My store will be open every night from, now on. T? H. Elliott’s SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE DOUBLE EDGE "• • * * • '♦ * • • • • 4 «• • *••* Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE. DRUGGIST Sc 4e DOMINION LIFE assurance co. Head Office, Waterloo, Ontario CLINTON G. MORLOCK Agent, Crediton, Ont. telephone 21 r 5 5-3-Stc Our stock of furniture is just twice as large as we want it at the present time. In order to reduce it we are offering some won­ derful bargains in all lines. 10% whch means a very small margin for us- at the present price. KITCHEN CABINETS FROM $35.00 UP. GOOD CHOICE SEE OUR STOCK, THE VERY BEST SELECTIONS AND PRICES THE LOWEST Ernest C. Harvey GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER Representing Mutual Life of Canada FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, WINDSTORM, ETC. MINING STOCKS All stocks listed on the Standard Mining Exchange bought and sold. BROKERAGE SAME AS TORONTO' W R. GOULDING A, T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theorj Supervisor of Music tn Schools Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 10 2 BXfiTfiB,’ ONT, n There are several mining stocks if bought at present prices will make; a big profit. Our board room is open for your convenience. Why riot make some money now. Personal attention makes our cor- vtcri to you better than you can ex­ pect frdrn a large city office. S. G. BAW"^" Dhriue 05 feeler,