The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-07-12, Page 8■SOW Want column J$)R SALE .OR RENT—Flue brick • residence,- hteated with hot air, elec­ tric lighted, good garden.’ Apply .to$; E.-,Pi$fcard. *10-27-£fc< 1 Choice dairy butter at Southcptt’s Bros, HORSES FOR SALE OR EX­ CHANGE—-We always have a num­ ber of horses on hand we, will sell or exchange to the farmers.—-G. J. Dow. 6.7,tfc HOUSE AND BARN FOR SALE— Barn is 5 6x4 Oft. with 18 ft. posts Two->storey brick house. Both to be removed off farm. Terms reas­ onable. Apply to Noah Deitrich, in Dashwood. Phone 5 on 31. 6-7-8tp. Dr- Atkinson wishes to announce that he will be* away from his of­ fice attending the Military Camp at London from July 3rd to 14th inclusive. During this time Mr. G. Hinds ,fifth year Dental Student, will be in charge of the office. 6-2S-3tc. meeting of all the members of Ontario Wheat Pool who ship A the from Exeter will be held in the Town Hall, Exeter on Saturday ev­ ening, July 14th, at S:30. To ap­ point three members as a lacol com­ mittee for 192 8-9 and also to ap­ point a county meeting.PP AND FOR STOCK OF FURNITURE UNDERTAKING EUIPMENT SALE—Invoice price about $2700. Inspection can be made any time. Must be sold to close oat estate of the late C. Beaver, Crediton. The two storey brick building now oc­ cupied by this stock and a Grocery Store also fore sale. Herbert K. Eilber, Administrator, Crediton, Ont. 7-lo-4tc. FOR SALE—6-ft. Massey-Harris binder in good working condition. Apply at Times-Advocate. 7-12-2tp LOST—A blue buggy clip on Main Street. Apply at Times-Advo­ cate. 7-12-ltp REDPATH SUGAR SALE “For your preserving season” Price $6.35, for two weeks only (Strictly Cash) CENTRALIA FARMERS CO.-OP. Co. 7-12-2tc FARM FOR SALE— Containing 100 acres more or less being lot 9, Concession 2, Usborne township. Frame house, bank barn and driv­ ing shed, well fenced and drained. Lots of good water; some bush. Ap­ ply to J. Harding, Exeter 7-12-3tc WANTED—An inspeetpr or super­ intendent for Huron County Child­ ren’s Aid Society in place pf Mr. G. M. Elliott3 resigned. Applications in writing, stating qualifications and salary expected will be received by the undersigned up to July 19th, 1928, duties to begin as soon as pos­ sible. Full particulars as to duties expected will be given by the Clerk on application. Geo. W. Holman, Clerk of Huron Dated at Goderich the 25th day of June, 1928 6-28-3tc. FARM FOR SALE—Containing 70 acres more or less, -being Lot con. 21, Stephen. Possession October 1st. Convenient to and church. All cleared; failing well and soft water; 14, w. given school never well fenced and well drained. Good house, kitchen and wood shed; good bank barn, driving shed and hen stable. Cement walks to each build­ ing Lot of fruit and shade trees. Land in good state of cultivation and every foot of land A No- 1. For further particulars apply to Mrs. Mery Fallis, Executor, or Weber, Auct., Dashwood, R. 1, Telephone No. 13 on 57. Arthur R. No. 7-5-4tc. r FARM FOR SALE—150 acres; 15 acres gpod hardwood bush; two barns on foundations; 34x64. Brick house, frame house 7 rooms; plement shed 24x50; 3 2 windmills; 1J miles ham school and church, will rent. Apply to‘ M. L. Beaver, Woodham, phone Kirkton 22-17. 7-7-3tp. 34x84 and 9 rooms, garage; im- good wells; from Wood- If hot sold Rupture Expert Here Do you suffer from rupture? If so, your big opportunity has now- arrived. Mr. Reavely, the noted rupture expert, will be at the Central Hotel, Exeter for* one. day only TUESDAY, JULY 17th and will be pleased to give free ex­ amination to any sufferer and to de­ monstrate his famo.us appliance, , This appliance will contract the op­ ening in .1.0 to ,15... days and has cur­ ed cases in from three to six months This appliance is .positively demon­ strated ’to you right on your own person without ahy charge. You do not hpend a penny unlese you are fully satisfied, that it'is’the right appliance for you, A consultation with Mn Reaveiy will cost you noth­ ing. #Dontt let this opportunity get away from yon. Remdihber the date, THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Exeter Markets Wheat $1.50 Oats 75 o- Barley 85c. Manitoba flpur $4.50 Blend .Flour $4.30 Pastry Flour $4.10 Feed Flour $2.40 Bran $2:00 ’ Shorts $2.15 v Creamery; Butter 42c. Dairy Butter 35 and 38c. Eggs, extras 30c. Eggs seconds 24c.Hogs’ $11.50 locals _? ■ •r Miss Meta Salter is holidaying with relatives in London. Miss. Laura Knight is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. Spademan, of Guelph. Miss Madeline Dearing, of Lon­ don, wat} home over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. John May, of Toron­ to, are holidaying with relatives in town. . Mr. Jack Batson, of Toronto, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harvey. Miss Ila Johnston, of Seaforth, is holidaying with friends and relatives in town. Mr- and Mrs. Jas. Lawson and Mr. and Mrs. Rabetlige motored to Han­ over for the week-end. Mr. Ted Maguire has taken a posi­ tion in the grocery department of Southcott Bros, store. Miss Lillian Ballantyne, R. N., of New York, is holidaying with her mother Mrs. J. Ballantyne. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark and Miss May/ of Winchelsea are camping at Grand Bend for a month. Mr, Finlay, Mrs. Baker and two children, of Detroit, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Anderson. Mrs. Gordon Davis and son Don­ ald', .of Toronto, are holidaying with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. John ’R. McDonald. Mr. John Hunkin, who has taken a position with a cement contractor, in Toronto, visited at his home over the week-end. Mrs. A. E. Buswell and daughter Helen, of Lucknow, visited with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Harvey, the past week. Mrs. T. Tait and two children Joy and'Stewart, of London, are guests of the former’s parents,. Mr. and Mrs. John Preszcator. Mrs. G. W. Meyers and children, of San Diego, Cal., are spending the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs- E. J. Short, of town, Mr, and Mrs. Louis Heideman and babe, have returned to Toronto after visiting with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Heideman. Mrs. E. J. Pym, who has been ill at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs- Wm. Andrew, returned to her home in Usborne on Monday. Mrs. W. J. McAlister and daugh­ ter, of Mt. Brydges and Miss Bessie Hartnoil, of Toronto, are visiting with Mr., and Mrs. Jas. Jewel. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Eaerett and daughter, of Sarnia; Miss M. Staple­ ton, of London, were week-end guests with Mr.' and Mrs. R. Welsh. Sunday was the hottest day of the' season, the mercury soaring to 90 degrees in the shade. A great many spent the day at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. A. Llewellyn Ste­ wart and baby, Beverley, of Mont­ real, are visiting the former’s par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. John T. Stewart, of town. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Parsons and son Charles, of Chicago, Ill., and Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith and son Earl,.of London visited with Mr. Heywood. Dr. Wm. Lawson, rented rooms in the old Hotel block from Mr. and will open up a the near future. Mr. W. T. Lower, and chauffeur, who Mr. Lower’s daughter, Mrs. J. Tay­ lor, of WiUiam and Anne St., have returned 'home. Mrs. Clark Fisher, of Usborne, underwent an operation at Victoria Hospital, London,-. on Tuesday of last w§ek for antrum trouble. She is getting along nicely. Mr. Jolin^ Kuntz and Miss Dor­ othy Kuntz, of Windsor, and Misses Milly and Mary Bertram, of De­ troit, motored over and spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz. Mr. Melville Sims, who has been employed as stenographer with the Ross-Taylor Co., has secured a posi­ tion in Windsor. Miss Stella North- cott has taken the position with Ross-Taylor Co. Rev. Walter Jones, Stanlake and Mr on Monday ’noon ■St. Thomas, to Summer School. Secretary of the Mi*. Cliff McAvoy and Mr. Sut­ ton, of Winghdm, visited in town Sunday, 'they were’ accompanied to Wingham /by Miss Lillian who was a pleasant visitor home of Mrs- Jane Snell, MrS* Jane Snell, Huron Was cdiifindj to hef bed tor several days last wdek owing to illness. Aunt Jane’S many friends wish for her a speedy recovery and libfrej to see her occupying her accustomed, place oft^the verandah. and Mrs. H. D.D.S., has Commercial C. B. Snell dental office in of Laporte, Ind- have been Visit- Miss Luella . Sydney West left for Alma College, attend the Huron Rev. Jones is the school. Hopper at the Street, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, James Foote, B.A., Minister 10 11 7 a.m.—-Sunday School. a.m.—“The Power* of Sympathy p.m.-— “God’s Commonwealth’s” JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Gouldtng, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader Union Services will be held with the Main St. congregation in the Main S*t. United church during the month of July. MAIN ST- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor 10 a.m.—Our Sunday School will meet. During the month of July union services with the James St. United congregation will be held in the Main St. church. 11 a.m.—-“Gideon, the humble ser­ vant with humble equipment.” McTavish up children7 Rev. D. )P-m.—“Grown religion.” Rev. D.McTavish TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Walter Jones, Rector 6th Sunday after Trinity a.m.—Holy Communion 10 a.m.-—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Matins and Sermon The Rev. W. Borden Cunningham L. T. L., Rector of St. Luke’s, Yar­ mouth Heights will conduct the ser­ vice. 8 No Evening Service during July Miss N. McGregor, of Hensail called on a number of old friends here on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schroeder, of Pontiac, are visiting with relat­ ives in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clark, of Exe­ ter and Mrs. Wm. Peck, of Forest, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. McFalls. Mrs. Harry White, of Stratford, spent a pleasant few days’ visit with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston. . . • - ■ Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Fletcher,. of Montreal, are visiting at the home of the former’s brother, Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher, of town. The young people of the Trivitt P. A. are repeating their play Brixton Burglar” on race Wednesday, July 25th. Silas McFalls, foreman of Mc- London, and old A. Y. “The night, Mr. Cormick’s biscuit factory, spent Friday at George Clarks also other friends around his home, Lake Road. Rev. J. W. Down returned week from Cobourg, where he went on business, and also visi-te’d his daughters, Miss Florence Down, of Oshawa; Mrs. Howard Holland, En­ terprise; Mrs. “Rev.” A. McLaugh­ lin, Grafton; bringing back with McLaughlin of the who will spend the Grafton; him Miss Betty Manse, Grafton, holidays here. The Canning spot these days their annual pea pack on Monday. The prospects are for a fair crop. The heavy rains of ten days ago were detrimental to the crop and the yield will not be as heavy as it otherwise would have been. The ac­ reage is about the same as last year, about 4-00 acres. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor and children spent a pleasant two days last week with their friends here and in Kippen. Their home for almost two years now has bden in Plainfield New Jersey, where Mr. Taylor has a good position with a prosperous company. They are here for a family reunion in the home of Mr. Taylor’s father and mother in don. We are glad to see them ing so well and happy. Factory is a busy having started on FARM FOR SALE—100-acre near Lucan; good land, buildings. Never-failing water supply in house and barn. Orchard and berries. With or without crop and implem­ ents. Box 188, Lucan. 7-12-ltp- I HAVE INSTALLED A SERVE-ALL ■- (r Panamas, Leghorns- and Sailors from $1.50 up THIS STORE WILL CLOSE EACH WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON ! DURING JUNE, JULY, AUGUST R. N. ROWE FUNERAL DIRECTOR NEW FUNERAL WACK AND AMBULANCE . TAMAN EXETER, ONT. THURSDAY, JIJDY 12th, 1028 Phone 16 last farm Lon- look- BARGAIN SPECIAL 40 Large pieces of Aluminum Ware reg. 79c; to clear at 49c 100 Edison Phono .Record^ to clear out, 50c each. PowelFs Variety Store “WHERE YOU SAVE.” a Phone 55 THIS STORE CLOSES AT 12 O’CLOCK ON WEDNESDAYS DURING MONTHS’OF JUNE; JULY AND AUGUST 20 only Summer Dresses each $3.95 In Voiles, Fugi and Rayon. Many of these dresses sold at from $6.50 to $10. We have priced them to clear quickly at $3.95 10 dozen Children's Sox Nearly all sizes in this lot. These sold re­ gular at 50 to 75c.. Many patterns and colors ’ On Sale at per pair 35c. All - Wool Bathing Suits For boys and girls in the new bright colors. They come in the small sizes for the little tots. Price $2.25 Specialin Braided Mats, $1.35 THESE BEAUTIFUL BRAIDED MATS ARE MADE IN JAPAN AND COME IN SIX DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS OF COLORS. THE SIZE IS 18 INCHES BY 30 INCHES. THEY ARE ESPECIALLY GOOD FOR BATHROOM OR BEDROOMS. $1.35 each $1.35 each All Linen Towelling In ten different borders. These are all pure linen, easily washed and good wearing quality. Special at per yard 25c. All Linen Tea Towels Six dozen only all linen tea towels with red borders. This is a splendid drying towel. Special, each 25c. 10 only New Dinner Sets, Special at $27.50 A NEW CRATE OF ENGLISH DINNERWARE' HAS JUST BEEN RECEIVED FROM ENGLAND. THIS IS A SPLENDID QUALITY ENGLISH PORCELAIN AND COMES IN FOUR BEAUTIFUL DECORATIONS. 97 pieces for $27.50 10 Dozen House Dresses In new styles and new ginghams. They come in small medium and large sizes Special at 98c. All Linen Lunch Cloths 54 inches by 54 inches an all linen cloth rather coarse weave which 'is,very popular Special at $1.75<\ Phone 16 N____________________■HIM Th.e entrance examining board held 'their final meeting on Monday and the results have been forward­ ed to Toronto. It is expected they will be available for publication next week. Postcards ! Yes, Postcards We are showing right now a great ■ variety of Birthday, Shower, Wed­ ding Gift, Baby, Friendship, Sympa­ thy, Party and Congratulations. .'None over 10c, mostly 5c each; card jin an envelope. i The ICE CREAM and COLD ’DRINKS, are a big factor already. We appreciate the way the people have patronized this part of our business. JULY- FURNITURE SPECIALS .1 2nd hand parlor suite for $20.00 * 1 2nd hand parlor suite for $10.00 1 2nd hand parlor suite for $8.00 ' Several Odd rockers and chairs at $2.00 and up 1 Chesterfield suite left at $63.00 1 Hamo couch- at d bargain. THESE ARE ALL GOOD GOODS SUITABLE FOR SUMMER COTTAGES OR HOMES. CALL AND SEE THEM I The Outstanding Bottle Cooler Serves sparkling cold drinks* containing their pure, rich, appetizing flavor The desired flavor is always ready—~ customers never disappointed, DROP IN AND TRY A BOTTLE Harvey’s Grocery it is value you are looking for deal with T. H. Elliott and you will get it. And do not forget that I am selling my goods at a small profit and in order to do this I have got to ash the public for all the support they can give. My store will be open every night from now on. T. H. Elliott’s SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE DOUBLE EDGE Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE. DRUGGIST w. PHONE 81w 8e 4c Ernest C. Harvey GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER Representing Mutual Life of Canada 'FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT, . SICKNESS, WINDSTORM, ETC. .......... i ■ ASSURANCE CO. Head Office, Waterloo, Ontario CLINTON G. MORL-OCK Agent, Crediton, OnL Telephone 21 r S 5-3-8to w R. Moulding " A. T. C. M. Organist arid Cholrmsstdr James St. United Church -. Instruction in ' ‘ plana Vocal OfgAn Theory Sttlkjrv.tHor of Music m Schools Studio, Main St. Box 67, Phone 103 EXETER, ONT. All stocks listed on the Standaid Mining Exchange bought and sold, BROKERAGE SAME, AS TORONTO There are Several mining stocks- if bought at present prices Will make a big profit, , Our board room is opeh for your converiiehce. Why hot make sdme<»moncy now. Personal attention makes our fie#-. Vice'-to you better-thah you can e#* . pect from a large city office. BAWDEKs. Tbone os -------.I*U Exeter, o»t-