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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-06-28, Page 8
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE WANT COLUMN Choice Bros. dairy butterfat Southcott's BOY general Southcott Bros, WANTED—To learn the merchandising. Apply at ' FOR SALE—Good Fiw? Barn 35x50 ' ‘ " wood. feet. Apply H. Smith, Dash- 5-24-4tc SALE OR RENT—Fine brickFOR residence, heated with hot air, elec tric lighted, good garden. Apply to R. E. Pickard. 10-27-tfc Exeter Markets Wheat $1,50 Oats 75 c. Barley 85c, Manitoba flour $4.50 Blend Flour $4,30 Pastry Flour $4.10 Feed Flour $2.40 Bran $2,00 Shorts-$2. IS*-...- : Creamery Rutter, Dairy Eggs, Eggs Hogs Butter 35 and 3 Sc. extras 30 c. seconds 24c. $11.25 HORSES FOR SALE OR EX CHANGE—We always have a num ber of horses on hand we will sell or exchange to the farmers.—G. J. Dow. 6,7,tfc sji. locals J FOR SALE brick residence on Main modern conveniences A barn, chicken house, two trees and small fruits Times-Advoeate. ■A storey and a half street, all good well, lots, fruit Apply at 5-10-tfc HOUSE AND BARN FOR Barn is 56x40ft. with 18 Two-storey brick house, be removed off farm, nnable. Dashwood. SALE— ft. posts Both to Terms reas- Apply to Noah Deitrich, in Phone 5 on 31. 6-7-Stp. 12, hei- Mr. STRAYED—From SS Lot Con. 4, Hay Tp., a two-year-old fer, red. Finder please notify H. Brown, R. R. 3, Exeter 21-6-2 tc,- Dr. Atkinson wishes to announce that he will be away from his of fice attending the Military Camp at London from July 3rd to 14th inclusive. During this time Mr. G. Hinds .fifth year Dental Student, will be in charge of the office. 6-2S-3tc. FOR SALE OR RENT—A fine brick residence on Huron St., hea ted with hot air, electric light and all modern conveniences. Hard and soft also ling. water in house; good garden, stable. Apply to W. H. Spar- 6-14 tfc. FOR works, man. selling, SALE—Cochrane machine A real chance for the right Good business. Reason for ill health. 6-14-tfc. FOR RENT— Four-room apart ment in the Commercial Block. Apply to C. B. Snell 6-14-tfc. FARM FOR SALE—100 acres be ing lot 5, South Thames Road; 13A miles from Exeter; large brick house and large bank barn; silo, im- plemena shed,; garage, all wire fences; never failing spring creek at back of farm; 7 acres of good sugar bush; well drained. Apply to Andrew Gibson., R. R. No. 3, phone 175 r 22. Exeter WANTED—An inspector or intendent for Huron County ren’s Aid Society in place of Mr. G. M. Elliott, resigned. Applications in writing, stating qualifications and salary expected will be received by the undersigned up to July 19th, 1928, duties to begin as soon as pos sible. Full particulars as to duties expected will be given by the Clerk on application. Geo. W. Holman, Clerk of Huron Dated at Goderich the 25th day of June, 1928 6-28-3tc. super- Child- The Rev. A, G. Rintoul, of For est, will preach at 11 a.m. and 7 p. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, R,A>> Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School. THURSDAY, JUNE 28th, 1028 PRICE PER PAIR $1.5050c. and 98c. Circle Bar Hose G All roads lead to Exeter on Mon day next. Strawberry socials are the order of the day. Miss Merna Sims, of town, visited for a few’ days near Lucan. Mr. Sam. McCoy, of London, call ed on friends in Exeter, on Sunday. Miss Gorle, of Toronto, is visiting for a week with Miss Ethel Bissett. Mr. Ellis Tapp, of Parkhill, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tapp. Thursday last was the longest day of the year and the first day of sum mer. Mr. Thos. Cann, of London, is visiting his brother and sister Mr. C. Cann .and Mrs. George Kerslake. Miss Margaret Aidworth, of Strat ford, is holidaying with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Aidworth. Miss Minnie May, of Toronto, is visiting with Miss Mildred Rowe and othei’ relatives around Exeter, Mr. Nelson Clarke has purchased a new Durant car from Mr. Frank Taylor. Mr. W. Geddes, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs- Geo, Geddes, of Lon don, on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Curnoe and family, and Mrs. Thomas Ward, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Ward. Mr. Jack Elliott, of Vancouver and Mr. Fred Elliott, of Hailebury, are visiting with their brother Mr. Ernest Elliott, of town, and sisters. The frame work for Mr. Albert Mitchell’s new residence on William St. is nearly up. The walls are to be veneered with red brick. Mrs. G. E. Tuckey, of Ilderton, visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Sims, of town, the former be ing her brother. - Mrs. Gordon Wells and little dau ghter Caroline, of Windsor, are vis iting with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradt and fam ily and Mr. George Jewell, of Lon don spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Jewell. Miss Ruth Moorhouse returned home on Monday evening for a few days and is leaving Friday for Pt. Stanley where she will summer. McCurdy Bros, of the ary, of Usborne and Mr. wart, of Usborne, have McCormick-Dearing Mr. A. Dayman. Mrs. Norman Hockey underwent an operation at Victoria Hospital, London, on Saturday for the remov al of her appendix and she Is doing as well as can be expected. Mr. Jack Batson, who was on the Canadian, in Exeter, ronto has the bank wth the Equity Bond house in To ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ferguson, Jas. and Edna and Miss Ila Westcott motored up from Toronto and visit • ed With Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Coates. Miss Westcott and Miss Ferguson are remaining for a few weeks. A number from Exeter were in Stratford Sunday evening to heal ths farewell sermon of Rev. W. E. Donnelly, of Central United church, who is leaving for Brookville in the Bay of Mrs. Sunday Mr. A. took place at his summer residence, Orilla. Mrs. Follick left on Mon day to attend the funeral. Mr. Wm. Hatter is erecting- a large barn on his property in Exeter North to be used in connection with his dairy business. Mr. Hatter pur chased, the barn of the late Doctor Hyndman and had it removed in sections. Miss Olive Quance, of Toronto, formerly of Exeter, left last week for a two months trip overseas where she will visit the British Isles and the Continent and will tour the battlefields In Franco. Her friends will wish her boh voyage. The work of tearing down the residence of the late Lewis H. Dick son is progressing. The work be ing done by Mt. W. A. Balkwill who is also erecting a hew house on the north side of the same property* It is expected that three hew houses will be erected On this property. Mr, and Mrs. J. Baker, of Some- nos, B. C., accompanied by Mrs. Henderson, a*© Visiting With rela tives in this community for a cdiiplo of months, visiting with Mrs. Usborne and. other friends, made the 3,400 miles by auto ing 15' days to make the trip* JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Gouldlug, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—Sabbath School, Patriotic serlce. a.m.—“Jesus—the Man.” Ser mon suggested by the people, 7 p.m.—“Christian Patriotism MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse. Pastor 10 a.m,—Our Sunday School will meet. 11a.m.—“Neglected duties assist in the Development of Evil” 7p.m,—-“Judas—A very important character study,” Sunday July Sth James St. and Main St- congregation will unite in worship in Main St. at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. and for the rest of the month of July Rev. Mr, McTavish in charge TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Walter Jones,Rector Trinity3rd Sunday After 4th SUNDAY AFTER 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m—Holy Communion and Ser mon. Special music for Dominion Day. 7 p.m.—Confirmation Service Preacher—His Grace the Arch bishop of Huron. TRINITY is much improved up a few minutes being confined to two months with a rheumatism. Russell Peart, of spend the N. Bound- Elmer Ste- purchased tractors from i Miss Laura Hicks, who has been working in London, has returned home. • We the pleased to report that Mr. George Webster and able to sit every day after his bed for over severe attack of Mr. and Mrs. , Rockwood, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. George Jacques. Mr. R. Peart; has disposed of his hardware business to Mr. Joseph Follick, of town. • George, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman W. Doerr, was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, on Saturday suffering from pleuro pneumonia. The little fellow is getting along as well as can be ex pected. His mother is with him. Mr. Phillip Hern recently brought into the office three of the largest hen eggs we have seen for a long time. The three lacked three-quar ters of an ounce from weighing 12 ounces. The eggs were laid on the farm of Mr, Samuel Stevenson. The annual Kernick family picnic •was held at Springbank on Wednes day of lasfc week, fine and about 50 among them being Toronto, -St. Marys munity. Everyone splendid outing. had charge of the arrangements and Joseph Kernick was appointed to arrange for the picnic next year. An auto accident occurred on the London road between Exetei* and Hensail on Sunday when a car was upset in the ditch. A man and a woman and their four year old son. of St. Thomas, were on their way home from Teeswater with the lady at the wheel when the car took to the ditch. The child’s face was cut by broken glass from the windshield and the man’s arm was badly cut. Dr, Graham attended the injured. THIS §TORE CLOSES AT 12 O’CLOCK ON WEDNESDAYS DURING MONTHS OF JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST This week we are showing a big range of new dresses in the season’s newest styles and materials. If you find it hard to get a dress that fits, let us take your measure and have one made to order. Bank of Commerce staff and who left here for To- resigned his position with and has taken a position The weather was were present relatives and this enoyed a Mr. Sidney from com- very Mills Another display will be held next Saturday at Southcott Bros.’ store in charge of Miss V. Essery. Per sons with flowers, particulary peonies, are aszees to bring them in the morning. FARM FOR SAI® 150 acres of choice land, 7 acres of bush, balance cleared, no waste land, 45 acres seeded to alfalfa. 8 room brick house and woodshed; large bank barn with straw and hay shed; stable 35 cattle, 6 horses building suitable for hens and pigs, silo, garage, implement shed, well roded, never failing well, hydro in house and barn, telephone. Rural mail twice daily, 40 rods from school; iyt miles from Centralia, 5 miles from Exeter, small fruit or chard; never rented; working pos session nt once; full possession Oc tober1 1st. Apply to Lloyd Hodgson, R. R, No. 2, Centralia. 6-21-4tc, CHOICE FARMS FOB SALE Farm situate in the Township of Usborne, consisting of 100 acres with brick house, bank barns and drive shed in first class repair, About 60 acres of crop and well car ed for young orchard. Farm situate in the Township of Usborne, consisting of 50 acres with brick house and bank cellent repair. About crop and orchard. The above are two farms in the Township of Usborne; are adjoining and can be sold In one parcel or separately. The owner Will sell the farm with the crop and giye immediate posses sion or will reap the crop and give possession in the Fall* Both farms are convenient to the, schools, churches and markets. For further particulars apply to Messrs, darling & Morley, Barristers fai,, C’*ario. barn in ex- 30 acres of of the best 6-21-2 tc. Quinte Conference. E. A. Follick received word of the death of her brother French, of Toronto, which Mr, arid Mrs. Raker are John Shute, of They tak- 24 only Fancy Cushions Made from ends of Chintz with good filling. You cannot buy the material and make them at these prices. This is a beautiful full fashioned hose and comes in all the newest shades. 5 only 97 piece CHINA DINNER SETS WE HAVE RECENTLY RECEIVED A CRATE OF BEAUTIFUL CHINA DINNER SETS. THESE SETS ARE DECORATED WITH TOE NEW LARGER DECORATIONS AND ARE PRINTED ON FINE CHINA. WE HAVE PRICED THEM FOR QUICK SELLING AT PER SET $23.95 t Gold Tack Underwear Boys’ Hatchway Men’s Athletic Underwear made of good weight dimity, cut full and roomy. ALL SIZES $1.00 Boy’s No-Button Hatchway the kind they all like, cool and comfortable. PER GARMENT $1-00 LINOLEUM and CONGOLEUM RUGS WE ARE SHOWING ALL OF THE NEW PATTERNS IN LINOL EUM AND CONGOLEUM RUGS AS WELL AS BY THE YARD. BRING IN THE SIZE OF YOUR ROOM AND GET OUR PRICES. Southcott Bros. Phone 16 Phone 16 given prizes as fol- $2.00 purchase of or Sealer of Ice 35 c. Brick of Ice June Specials Chesterfield Sets from $135.00 up 2 Odd Chesterfields at $65.00 SPECIAL PRICES THAT CAN’T -BE BEAT ANYWHERE If you would save money buy your furniture from us. Our prices are the lowest and goods the best. Big Showing of Dining Room Sets and Bedroom Sets at lowest possible prices. Something for Nothing Walkersides Dairy Ltd., have as part of their advertising plan, ar ranged with us, to have Saturday, June 30 th, as official Opening Day, on which will be lows: 1st with each goods, a Brick Cream FREE- 2nd with each Cream, Thormopak, FREE. Thormopaks are made especially to carry WALKERSIDES Sealers and Bricks home, to picnics or long trips WALKE’RSIDES Ice Cream is made rich and deliciously flavored, and we are anxious to have as many as can, serve and eat it daily. Cones, bricks, sealers and bulk. BARGAIN TABLE SPECIALS Large range oh ladies PURE SILK hose, 19 in. boot, regular $1. special 49c. a pair; New stock of our 79c. guaranteed hose, just' arrived. You cannot affbrd to buy your Hosiery elsewhere. Ask about our guaran tee. Powell’s Variety Store “WHERE YOU SAVE” Phone 55 ARE YOU THE MAN Of Vision, Ambition, and Init iative, wanted to assist in the development of Canada’s Na tural Resources, and receive for your efforts excellent re muneration? Then write at once to. . L. G. NeVilte 210 Metropolitan Bg., Toronto I HAVE INSTALLED A SERVE-ALL The Outstanding Bottle Cooler Serves sparkling cold drinks containing their pure, rich appetizing flavor The desired flavor is always ready—customers never disappointed. DROP IN AND TRY A BOTTLE F. I? it is value you are looking for deal with T. H. Elliott and you will get it. And do not forget that I am selling my goods at a small profit and in order to do this I have got to ask the public for all the support they can give. My store will be open every night from now on. T. H. Elliott’s SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (an# make) SINGLE! edge ............................... SC DOUBLE EDGE ........... * 4c Perfect Edge Guaranteed” W* S. COLE. DRUGGIST DOMINION LIFE assurance' co* Head Offley Waterloo, Ontario CLINTON G. MoRLOCK Agent# Crcdlton, Ont* Telephone 21 r J 5-3-8fc R. N. ROWE FUNERAL DIRECTOR PHONE 20 w and 20j Panamas, Leghorns and Sailors from $1.50 up 4 THIS STORE WILL CLOSE EACH WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON DURING JUNE, JULY, AUGUST W. W. .TAMAN PHONE 81W EXETER, ONT. Ernest C. Harvey I GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER Representing Mutual Life of Canada FIR®, AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, WINDSTORM, ETC. W R. GOULDING A.T.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster Jatebs St. United, Church instruction In Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of MuslO m School* * Studio, Main St* Bo* 67# Phon* 191 EXETER, ONT. All stocks listed on the Standarfl Mining Exchange botight and soIdL BROKERAGE SAME AS TORONTQ .. are several mining stocks* a big^profR IlreSGnt Prices will make Co°XlS ri,om 19 'or Why not make some money now* Personal attention makes our sefr- ^°tt X pect from a large Q(ty office* S.G. iPhone JN5 (tec,