The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-06-14, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, JUNE 14th, 1928 4 „ * WANT CQLUMN DECORATION SUNDAY, JUNE at the Exetei’ Cemetery sharp C. Salter, N.G. R. N. Creech, Secy. DAY 24th at 2.30 p.m. Exeter Markets Wheat $1.50 Oats 75c. Barley £5c. Manitoba flour $4.50 Blend Flour $4.30 Pastry Flour $4.10 Feed Flour $2.40 Bran $2.20 fWRITBMl WKIH BJMI......■■■■—■ CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH W Rev. James Foote, B.A., Minister i 10 a.m.—Sunday SchopL Services as Usual I —!T” THIS STORE CLOSES AT 12 O'CLOCK ON WEDNESDAYS DURING MONTHS OF JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST Choice dairy butter at Southcott’s Bros, PINE APPLES! PINEAPPLES! We still have them at the I rice if you have not preserved >our requirements. —/Harvey’s Grocery. old . SALE—Good Frame Barn feet. Apply H. Smith, Dash- 5-24-4tc FOR reside; trie lighted, to R. E. Pickard. SALE OR RENT—Fine brick ;ee, heated with hot air, elee- good garden. Apply 10-27-tfc FOR SALE—Seed potatoes at $2 per bag, at Centralia Farmers’ Co- Operatives Co., Centralia, Ontario 5-17-tf FOR SALE—A small range with reservoir and warming closet, Good baker. Apply at Miss Yelland. 6-7-2tc. POTATOES’ POTATOES! Table potatoes $1.65 per bag. Dooley’s, Green Mountain and Irish Cobblers for planting $1.75 per bag. —Jones & May NOTICE Any young men desiring to at­ tend camp at Carling’s Heights in London, July 2nd to 15th should leave their names with Wm. C. Davis at the Times-Advocate office. HORSES FOR SALE OR EX­ CHANGE—We always have a num­ ber of horses on hand we will sell or exchange to the farmers.—G. J. Dow, 6,7,tfc FOR SALE—A storey and a half brick residence on Main street, all modern conveniences A good well, barn, chicken house, two lots, fruit trees and small fruits Apply at Times-Advocate. 5-10-tfc HOUSE AND BARN FOR SALE— Barn is 5 6x40ft. with 18 ft. posts Two-storey brick house. Both to be removed off farm. Terms reas­ onable. Apply to Noah Deitrich, in Dashwood. Phone 5 on 31. 6-7-8tp. FOR SALE OR RENT—A fine brick residence on Huron St., hea­ ted with hot air, (" all modern conveniences. Hard and soft water in house; good garden, also stable. Apply to W. H. Spar­ ling. 6-14 tfc. Shorts $2.20 Creamery Butter, 41c, Dairy Butter 36 to 39c. Eggs, Eggs, Hogs r extras 2Sc. Seconds 22c. $10.75 _________ locals Special Summer Sale of Curtains Curtain Nets, also all grades and sizes of Hosiery for the balance of June, Mrs, Ada Yeo-Down, Phone No. 93. JAMES ST* UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavisli, pastor W. It. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leadec 10 a.m,—Sunday School. 11 a.m.-—Rev. G. M. Chidley, B.A., of Thames Road. We are glad to welcome Mr. Chidley1 to our pulpit on his last occasion pre­ vious to his departure fox* Wat­ ford. p.m.—Rev. R. B. Stevenson, of Stratford, secretary of the Lord’s Day Alliance. 7 m price. We have reduced prices on all lines for quick selling Mr. C. F. Hooper is confined to his bed with the flu. Mrs. Wm. Bagshaw, who has been seriously ill. is improving. Miss Mildred Murphy spent the week-end in Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hawkins, ot Seaforth, were in town Tuesday. Miss Cora Harness, of Granton, is visiting with relatives in Exetei. Mr. James Morley was in Toronto the forepart of the week on bus­ iness. Messrs. Wilfred Allen and Clarence Simmons, of Windsor, visited in town over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Broderick, ot Pigeon, Mich., visited with Mrs. J. Broderick on Sunday. Miss Madeline McFalls, of Mid­ dleton’s Bakery, is confined to her home through illness. Dr. R. B. J. Stanbury, of Toron­ to visited at the home of his brother here over the week-end. The front of the Dome Theatre is being remodelled and more acco­ modation is being provided. Mr. Harold Fisher, of near Sim­ coe, spent the week-end with hi3 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Fisher. Miss Myrtle Armitage, of Lucan, spent the week-end in London with Misses Ileatha and Jean Ogden. Mrs. Wm. Russell has been iously ill but her many friends will be pleased to know that she is proving. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Christie daughter, Grace, and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Luker visited in Stratford' on Sunday. Mrs. Maggie Murray, of Detroit, at­ tended the funeral of the late An­ drew Hodgert and is visiting for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Murphy and Mr. [and Mrs. Harold White and babe, electric light and visited, over ’the week-end-at Wyonic MAIN ST* UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor 10 a.m.—Sunday School, all' our congregation invited. 11 a.m.—’Rev. Mr. Stevenson, Stmt- ford will present the appeal f'Qr the Lord’s Day Alliance. p.m.—Rev. R. SJ. Irwin, of Cen­ tralia, will peach. Come and hear this very able Irish preacher and Main St. heartily welcomes Rev. Irwin. 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Walter Jones, Rector 2nd Sunday after Trinity a.m.—Holy Communions 10 a.m.—Sunday School and Young Peoples’ Service 11 a.m.—Morning prayer 3 3 p.m.—Women’s Service will be held in the church. p.m.—Men’s Service will be held in the Parish Hall. p.m.—Mission Service ser- im- and 7 Church Army Crusaders will have charge of the services. has I and in FOR SALE—A coal or wood range with hot water front, baby buggy and a 5-tube radio set. Rev. G. M. Chidley. 6-14-ltc. FOR SALE—Cochrane machine works. A real chance for the right man. Good business. Reason for selling, ill health. 6-14-tfc. FOR RENT— Four-room apart­ ment in the Commercial Block. Apply to C. B. Snell 6-14-tfc. TEACHER WANTD—For S. S. No. 3, Usborne. Experienced pre­ ferred. Protestant. State salary and qualifications to undersigned. Dut­ ies to commence Sept. 1st. James H. Roach, R. R. No. 1, Kirkton, Sec’y-Treas. 6-14 2tp. I HAVE INSTALLED A SERVE-ALL The Outstanding Bottle Cooler Serves sparkling cold drinks containing their pure, rich appetizing flavor. The desired flavor is always ready—customers never disappointed, DROP IN AND TRY A BOTTLE Harvey’s Grocery OUR SPECIAL PRICES ON ROOFING CONTINUE FOR 7 DAYS MORE Either Wood or Asphalt Our B. C. Shingles are all verti­ cal grain, inspected and packed 3 bunches to the square. ■— In Stock —* GYROC, WALL BOARD A CAR OF CEDAR POSTS WILL ARRIVE IN A FEW DAYS. SPEC­ IAL PRICE OFF CAR. — Also Our — LUMBER STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE Give us a call and we will estimate your requirementg ROSS TAYLOR CO. Exeter. Ontario < WILL ing and Sarnia. Mr. Harold Wood, Phm. B., of Toronto, is spending a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Wood, of Usborne. Mr. and Mrs. Ridley, who reside east of St. Marys, attended the Rundle-Harding wedding on Wed­ nesday of last week. ’ Rev. Harold Wright and wife, of Baysville, Muskoka District, are visiting with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ford. Mr. and Mrs. James Lawson, of town; Dr. and Mrs. Orme, of Cred­ iton, motored to Windsor where they spent Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Skinner atten- 'ded the funeral of Mr. L. Hughes, of Saskatoon, who was buried in Little Wood* cemetery, Ilderton on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cole and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Howey are attend­ ing the annual convention of the Retail Druggists Association^ in London. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. May returned home the latter part of last week after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. Peter, of Atwood, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Leary, at Staffa. Mr. and Mrs. A. Needham and son, of Saskatoon; Mr. and Mrs. Charlton and children, of Ilderton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Skin­ ner on Sunday. Dr. G. F. and Mrs. Roulston ac­ companied by Mrs. W. J. Beer re­ turned home Friday after spending several days in Toronto where the Dr. attended the dental convention,' Mr. Fred Kerr is taking part in the Grand International trap shoot­ ing tournament at Tecumseh, Ont. Quite a number of American pro­ fessionals and champions are in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Broderick, of Pigeon, Mich., and Mr. a,nd Mrs. Alfred Neuman, of Sebewaing, Mich., visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Royvcliffe and attended the Bell .family reunion at Winchelsea on Saturday. Betty, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Payne got hold of a bottle of turpentine on Friday last and drank some of the fluid. Dr. Fletcher was called and found it necessary to resort to the stomach pump. Mr, J. H. Grieve visited over the week-end with his son Grieve, of Strathroy. Fuke, of Chicago, who t funeral of her sister Grieve, also visited in Strathroy a few days before returning to home »in Chicago. Hugh, youngest son of Mr, Mrs. G. L. Wilson had an unpleas­ ant experience on Monday that eas­ ily might have resulted more ser­ iously, At the back of their resid­ ence is a balcony which is reached through a window, The little lad was crawling through the window and knocked the prop out and the window came down on his neck. His cries attracted the attention of his mother' and ho was soon reload ed from his perilous position. Mr. J. L. Mrs. M. M. Lttended the the late Mrs, for her and Miss Vivian Hogarth, who been ill, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coates Mr. Charles Harvey visited Strathroy on Sunday. Mr. William Baker, who has been laid up for a week through illness, is again able to be around. Mrs. J. T. Morgan suffered a wedk spell at Caven church on Sunday morning and had to be conveyed to her home. She was confined to her bed for a. couple ,of days. but. is -con? siderably improved. Mr. W. A. Patrick, of the Bank of Commerce staff Crediton, and formerly of Exeter, underwent an operation at the Seaforth Memorial Hospital for appendicitis. Latest re­ ports state that he is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morley and children, Francis Kenneth and Betty Catherine, of Stratford, attended the Rundle-Harding wedding last week. The following represented Trivitt Memorial Church at the Huron Deanery meeting in Seaforth Tues­ day: Mrs. H. S. Walter, Mrs. Wm. Pomfret, Miss McTaggart, Miss Lu- ella Stanlake, Mr. W. S. Stanlake and Mr. H. Jennings. The Rev. Canon R. J. M. Perkins, rector of Christi's Cliurch, Chatham was . a visitor in town the forepart of the week the guest of the Rev. Walter and Mrs. Jones at Trivitt Memorial rectory. He accompanied Mr. Jones on Tuesday morning to Seaforth to be a speaker at the Huron Deanery meeting. TRIP BY AUTO TO THE PACIFIC COAST Mr. find Mrs. George Hayes daughter, Doris, of the London south, are leaving Thursday auto for a trip to the Pacific Coast. They expect to be gone about two months. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes will visit with the latter’s brother, Mr.* Eber Anderson, at Gull Lake, Sask, and with the former’s parents in British Columbia. Mr. Hayes has sold his large strawberry crop com prising an acre and a half to Morgan, of Crediton. The Federation, of the Home School Clubs of Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth and Exeter a picnic at Bayfield noon of June 19 th, who were members Home and School Club last year are cordially invited to the married ladies are bring their husbands. Members who intend going will please leave their names with the secretary, Mrs. L. V. Hogarth by Saturday, June 16th who will furnish any further infor­ mation that may be required. Each person is asked to bring an individ­ ual lunch. will meet for on the after- at 4 p.m. of All the Exeter Hatchway No Button Underwear Try Hatchway this spring. We are • sure you will like it. Boys’ $1.00; Men's $1.50 Boys’ Suits at $4.98 We offer about 50 Boy’s Suits with bloomer pants sizes 27 to 34, values up to $10*00 Special Price per suit $4.98 5 doz: House Dresses NEW VOILES In many new patterns of Gingham made in good styles. Ip a number of very smart patterns and colorings. Good value at each 98c.At per yard 65c. CHINA and DINNERWARE Our china counters are full of new goods suitable for the June bride. When looking for presents do not fail to look over our lovely china and brassware. ’ Four new patterns in China Dinnerware at per set $23.95 CONGOLEUM RUGS In all the newest patterns. We are showing all the most popular selling pat­ terns in all sizes. LINOLEUMS Two new patterns have just asrived. We know you will like them. Bring in the size of your room and get our prices. Specials in Groceries 2 lb. of Fresh Sodas for...........................25c. Large size tin Maple Leaf Salmon . . 39c. 3 lbs. of Good Prunes 3 lbs. of Choice Dates 25c* 25c. Southcott Bros Phone 16 Phone 16 Mr. Well. Johns, who has been ill, is not improving as fast as his friends would like to see. He is now able to be up and around the house each day and on Tuesday was taken to London to consult a specialist. Mr. John B. Murray, of Detroit, Mich., motored over and spent a weeks’ vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murray, of Sex- mibji, and oh Wednesday last ac­ companied by his mother and sister Miss Hannah, motored to Niagara to take in the view of the Falls. Summer Specials ARRIVING DAILY June Specials Chesterfield Sets from $135.00 up 2 Odd Chesterfields at $65.00 SPECIAL PRICES THAT CAN’T BE BEAT ANYWHERE It* you would save money buy your furniture from us. Our prices are the lowest and goods the best. Big Showing of Dining Room Sets and Bedroom Sets at lowest possible prices. X R. N. ROWE FUNERAL DIRECTOR PHONE 20w and 20j BORSALINO & KING - HATS ,r. and Rd. by ’■! ii- I■Since last issue we have received, Celluloid peak caps, flag holders and silk flags for cars, men’s hand­ kerchiefs, white and colored; kit­ chen towels, fancy dress pins and hair clasps, skipping ropes, arm bands, fancy garters, stamped ap­ rons. All priced to sell quick. BARGAIN TABLE SPECIALS Several dozen fancy plates 15c. each Powell’s Variety Store WHERE YOU 'SAVE/” Phone 55 attend and asked to CHURCH ARMY CRUSADERS TO VISIT TRIVITT church of Church Army commence with a service on Saturday, All are cord- . There will The Mission Crusaders will short June tally bo a saders at a central point down town on Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. Monday and Tuesday, Holy Communion, 3 p for women, 4.15 p.m. service, 8 p.m,, Mission Those special services Come. reception 16th at 3 p.m. invited to attend service conducted by the Cru- 8 a.m.. m,, Service Children's serves, are for you it is value you are looking for deal with T. H. Elliott and you will get it. And do not forget that I am selling my goods at a small profit and in order to do this I have got to ask the public for all the support they can give. My store will be open every night from now on. T. H. Elliott’s SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE ......* DOUBLE EDGE .........«...**......... Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE. DRUGGIST 3c 4c DOMINION LIFE assurance co. Read Office, Waterloo, Ontario CUNTON Agent, telephone 21 G. MORLOCK Crediton, Oiit. r S 5-3-Stc Tins STORE WILD CLOSE EACH .WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON DURING JUNE, JULY, AUGUST PHONE 81w EXETER, ONT. Ernest C. Harvey GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER Representing Mutual Life of Canada FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, WINDSTORM, ETC. All Stocks listed on the Standard Mining Exchange bought and sold. BROKERAGE SAME AS TOROXTO W R. GOULD1NG A» T. C. M. ’ Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction in Plano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor ot Music m Schools Studio, Main St» Bdx 57, Phdhfc 132 EXETER, ONT* There are several mining stocks’ if bought at present prices will make a big profit. Our board room is open for your convenience. Why not make some money now* , Personal attention makes our; ser­ vice to you better than you cart ex­ pect from a large city office. S. G. BAWDEN Exeter, QnfcIPhone 93