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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-06-14, Page 4
THURSDAY, JUNE 14th, 1928 ............................................. .............. n-w. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE SCHOOL QUESTION (Continued fe-un page it these are the reports of lite school InsfR’Ctor. Stories Circulated only rO' On the criticism sonul an Wilson 79, Betty Complin one 7 nvey maid •rnicli Because of the fact that a four- Toonx school is being asked for when perhaps two room the necessary a., ixxanded at pxvsen to many reports a.- ■of the Board for The building i?f a Will allow for - modation in th Additional el ami indoor toile •ed. The Boar I ever, have no A adding to th ■ payer- for ilie-e jxients. The < the payment <; permuimmt ii'-v school and mu from ytil’ tn ye; aliens and im; school as are ne - would provide omniodation >le- has given rise to tin? intentions future expansion. i?i5ir-room -•cht*ol ■nine t>v»wdn>’ accom- .■• urasent buildhu;. hi* '.<uns a s’ needed e ; -bouhl he provid ed Education Imw- .’•..•n'i 'n of at pres nt of ’ll*’ rate- ? ‘-s.i'.’y iriprove- •anty nrovid'-s , .-Joo a your p'_ !■» d f.;;s H;o Board * -etch alter put is that too often theii’ ward is unjust criticism, other hand in spite of the and we might add even pen imosity, they are to be commended in their unflinching devotion to a ublie trust in trying to give to the rising generation every advantage that should be theirs. We have faith Exeter that the the at in the citizens of majority will stand behind Board and vote for the By-law the polls next Monday. EXETER SCHOOL REPORT ROOM VI na IT? The O>-t f *r for th will to thf Tim cost of Lit :-’w -v/b -eoi'ilim; to the by-law will be SO a yt-ai* f»*r 2.7 years, px’estn: a.<ses.->m;mr -"hirh is 357 it will cos* rak-pay than one anti a '.'.all mills dollar. This mear.s that a i owner assessed for wil quired to pay (miy $1.5" a property owner a-sessed at •will be required to yay $2.2 If the By-Law DMcaraiD—AVhai? ul 13 I, . 1V. honors---Helen Stanbury Marjorie Complin 82, Adeline . Dinney 81. Marshall Ray Creech 79. Tom , Margaret Taman 77. Helsinki* 73. Mar- 3, Gladys Ihnhale 71. 70. 84, 8*mie 8'1. Row* Dearing 8". Eilerington 77 Puss-— Howara guerite Cann 7 Floeme Stewu’t 71, Jtaxx Pilon Lmy Pomfret 69. Ruth Fraser 67. Bill Chambers 64. Llojd Freckletou 64. Kenneth Hockey 62, Billie Burke 61. Dorene Caldwell 61. Nor ah M“Innis 6". Imis McDonald Go. Below pass -Helen Heywood 59. E. •V a’.a-i’ 5 6. Ruth Collingwood 56, E. Snell 55. IPieii Walper 54. Mervin Sims 54, Fxorer.ee Cornish 51, Jack Stt’.nhary 5". Helen Salter 49, A ioln Ekinner 4’.i. V^ra Kestle 41. Edith Ke-tlv .3 7. No. or. roil 31. average attendance 3:1.1, G. S. Howard -> - If the by-hnv is d-'toto ■4 this ivld not by airy i1 leans nau Some other ilut ion ha va to lie found as the need I < tin.re a nd he ■government i f our ’ tnd say S tl mt the Board of Edu,':ti-Hi mu.-<t p vide for all cliildra etwe-.m xxges <’ 5 and 14 }V Id. I r ni he admitU'd ?hat the i rd e f E« •cation foi’ the A'illag of Exefi r in ivo been untiring in th eir Yfor ts tl nd have done a great t ,eal to gi vu the boys and gii i.- of nun the b-tst edu<■at Ion poss hie and if space would permit wo tonih i W pride point to many xvho hav ne out from Ex;tool well qut ili- fied to tale?places in tl te In is in world to-day.Stud onts froi n : Exeter school will b e fo and at t he to 85, p tojx in the universities of the pro vince carrying off medals, scholar ships and prizes and for this we as citizens should feel justly proud. The members of the Board of Edu cation have given freely of their time and ability with no other con sideration than the welfare of the hoys and gi£ls of this community. They receive not a single penny for their services and the regrettable , . 77.5. G. 3, Mary Van Camp 76, L. Pass—-Rae Herig 74. Marjorie Jessie Jennings 71.6, - 71, Janette Dearing Hewlitt 70, Gerald Doreen Campbell 67, 65.8, Vivian Elliott McDonald 65.3, 9, Verdun Wells 64, 60 ~ “ ;• Smith Charlie St Hi m Kt Bobbie 70.6. Bagshnw Marjorie 65,6 Eileen Sims 64 Clifton Hunter G'i, Vyren hale 6'i. pass—Ola Reid 58 54. Raymond Freckleton 53 Cox 52. Class C—Dean Allen 56 Rustle 55, Tom Campbell 53, Billy Benhule 53, Ivan AVebbex* 48, Ray mond Smith 42. No. 36.9. 75. Pass— Goodspeed 71.7, Binney Gordon 6.8, Allen Florence •n Sim , Fred Simmons 6u, Harvey Cox G 0 Harry Ben- Below Beavers , Annie Harry on roll 3'J, average attendance M. E. Goodspeed ROOM III Sr.IE Camphonors—Irene A’an 82. Almira Briutnell 82:\ Gertrude Complin 8e. Eldon Caldwell 79, M. Walper 78. Charlie Snell 76. Pass— Rnbenu llnnkiii 73. Gordon Sanders 72. Orville Wobben" 71, Howard La- v„ rty 71*. Lloydf Genttner 65, Be lov. pa<s—-Loyd Stalllake 56. Cecil Smi’h 52. Florence Snell 51*. Jr. II. honors—Billy Kydd 87, D. KeMie 78, Gordon Pethick 78," Arie- tor Etonian 77. Murray Madge 76, P?xs-—T.un Willard 72*, Mahlon Ryi'knnn 71*. AValter Davis 7U, J. Kernick 65. Jr. H. honors—Leeland AVebber SS. Orville Snell 87, Billie Pomfret S3. Itoiuthl Winer 80, Hilton San der.- 78, Irene Kernick 77, Fred Lee 76. Hazel Snell 75. Pass—Lillian Quance 68, pass—Lloyd SOUTH HURON WOMEN'S institute niv Dis- Ch Fri Tit of di C di The Annual Meeting of the Wo- [•n’s institute of South Huron strict was held at the home of Mr larles W. Heddy, Hurondale, on •iday. June Sth, 1928 at 2:30 pan. m president Mrs. John Hey, Jr. Zurich, presiding. About sixty gates were present front the iiton, Zurich, Exeter, Huron- and Seaforth Branches. >1 In of Miss U* ROOM V% Attendance intviTUptcd owing rhe flu. Jr, I A', honors—Edirii Brooks- May Si:to S3'. Irmo Mooney 83, Hili rnigtou. 7.*. Orva! Lawson Reba Simmons 7*>. Ray Hutchinson 75, Pass—Myrtle Li”.’ 74, Madeline Brinrnell 72. Clifford Heywood 72. John MiTavish 64*. Jim Sanders 64*. Dorothy Sims 61, Doris Simp son 61. Ila Appleton 6fi*. .Ta.-. Print- neli to*. le’k’W imss-"~EImei’ Hun- kin 5 4, Eldon Kading 42*, Eddie Ward absent. Sr. III. honors™—Jeanette Taman St. Gordon May 84. Hazel Clark S3. Phyllis Binding 8U, Elizabeth Foote 78. Jean Stanbury 77, Gordon- Ap pleton 75. Pass--Charlie Complin 74. Norval Jam’s 71. Ardys McFalls 68, Ruby Penhale 63. AVarren San ders 62. Below pass—Billie AVal- t?r 55, .Tack Pryde 51*. Norman Hunter 48*. Eileen Cornish 37. G. Ryckman 30*. Stanlej- Ward .absent. No. on roll 32.4. * donates one or more 7, average attendance that pupil has missed examinations. M. Horton ROOM IV Honors.—B. Sanders 84, B. Del- bridge 82, Patsy Martin SV, Billy >1 Snell 75. MrDonahl 7"*. Clifford Mary Taylor 62. Below j Hunter 59*. Ei to.hy-ed tests. No. verage attendance 32.4. M. Rowe on roll 35 a' ROOM 11 89, 84 Sr. II. honors--Doris Harvel.” Ray Gr nt tn er 84. Jack Doerr and AVarren May 84, Marion Powell S3, Ruth Pearce S2, Barbara Atkin son 82 and Reggie McDonald 82, Ethel Smith 81, Doris ,preene 79, Bobby Ellerington 7 8, Jack ings 76. Jr, II. A, honors—Leonard 83. Javit Brintnell 81, Helen den 77. Jr. II B, honors—Lloyd Jones 89, Ray Jones 88, Stewart Puke 86, Isabel Appleton 84, AA’innifred Nash 84 and Gerald Fitzgerald 84, Mar garet Campbell 83, Eileen Andrew 82, Barbara Dinney SI and Margery Jenii- Jones Baw- 32, baroara uinney 81 anti w’ented. Heywood 81. Ray Campbell SO, Gail (laje j Browning 7 9, Vernon Heywood 7-S and Lorraine Armstrong- 78. Pass —Maxwell Harness 73, Bruce Burke Below pass, Gerald Cornish 44. enrolled 3 4, average 32.1. 70. No. dance atten- .b The meeting was opened with the stitute Ode after which Mrs, Hey fered prayers. Miss Johns and Wood, of Hurondale, favored with an instrumental duett axid this was followed by a pleasing solo by Mrs. T. Coates. Mrs. Elmore Klopp, of Zurich, presented a very i xceilent paper on “The Influence of the Home,,. Mrs. Crniekshank, of Wingham, gave a talk on “Fed eration” and included many helpful suggestions ’ - .. . lines of work. .di.-s Harvey, of mi instumental Wood then sang rich ladies quartette rendered a h-unorous selection which was fol lowed by. a beautiful duett sung by .Mis. Sippell and Mrs. Wenzel, of t jediton. Tin1 deci ion of officers and trans- •ntion of business then took place. .Mrs. Browning, 2nd Vice-President, of Exeter, in the chair. The min- rti i of the previous annual meet ing were read and adopted. Sal ix factory reports on the year’s work a*-re presented by the Secretarj’ ox • a<‘h Branch and by the Secretary :>f the District Organization, show ing that many worthy objects han Mt”n helped, such as donations to wards the Armenian Fund; the Exeter Hospital; the support of a Dnetoi* at “ * •Memorial assistance fairs. Ono of Cm afternoon’s business was introduction of Mrs. Archibald, president of the newly organized ’ ranch at Seaforth. The election of officers resulted us follows: President Mrs. J. Hey Jr., Zurich; 1st Vice-Pres.,‘ Miss N. Keddy, Hensail; 2nd- Vice-Pres., Airs. J. H. Browning, Exeter; 3rd \ ic.-Pres., Mrs. Archibald, forth; Sec’y-Treas., Mrs. H. Eilber. Crediton; Auditors, Mrs. C. Zwicker and Mrs. J. AV. Orme, Crediton; Delegate to Convention, Miss Netty Keddy, Hurondale. Airs. Beavers, President of the Exeter Branch kindly extended an invitation to hold the next Annual Meeting' at Exeter which was ac- Tlic Ladies of the Huon- ..... Branch served delicious re freshments. A vote of thanks was accorded them by Mrs. Smith, of Zurich and Mrs. Harvey, of Exeter. Mrs. H. I<. Eilber, Sec’y, along Institutes Mrs. Kestle and Exeter, rendered duett and Miss a solo. The Zu- Tobermory; the War Hospital, in London and to schools and school the pleasing incidents of the DOBSON—-HERN A very pretty wedding took place at Zion on Wednesday, June the 6th at twelve o’clock noon at the home of the bride's parents, xvhen Miss Alma Pearl, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hern was unit ed in marriage to Mr. Montague Chambers Dobson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dobson, of Kirkton. To the strains of Mendelsohun’s wedd ing march, played by Mrs, Harrison Gambrill, of Exeter, the bride enter ed the parlor leaning^on the arm of her father and took hex' place be neath an arch of evergreens decor ated with roses and lilies from which was supended a large white bell. The bride looked charming in a lovely gown of white georgette over white silk crepe trimmed with ra dium lace and tiered skirt; also a bridal veil of silk Brussels net ar ranged with a wreath ol’ orange blossoms.. She carried an arm bou quet of white Ophelia Ensign roses and ferns. Little Arthur Hern cou sin of the bride made a cute little page boy dressed in a white sailor suit. About fifty guests were present. Following the ceremony perform ed by Rev. H. Smith, of Elimvillo, the guests repaired to the dining room which was beautifully decor ated in a scheme of pink and white flowers being valley lilies and pink and white tulips. Four cousins of the bride acted as waiters. During the signing of the register Mrs. H. Gambrill sang, “In the Garden of Your Heart’’. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful .and costly gifts. The groom’s gift to the bride was a cheque; to the pianist and soloist a gold bar pin; to,the page boy a gold pen knife. The happy couple left later amid showers of confetti on a honey-moon trip to Rockwood, Toronto and Nia gara Falls, the bride wearing a dress of rose beige georgette, with navy coat and a sand trimmed hat. their return they will reside groom’s farm near Kirkton. on Tn th • 1BASEBALL,’ HURON LEAGUE STANDING i’ AVon Lost 0 1 0 1 1 0 Goderich Hensail Staffa Clinton Exetei' Crediton Won 1 1 t> o 0 0 » N. Medel HIGHWAY FENCES Sea- K. PRESENTATIONS a social of Cavun tliegathering Guild of the lijanse on Mon- verv pleasant time and amuse- I benIn an exhibition game fore a • fair crowd Monday evening,' Exeter defeated Crediton by th® score of 9 to 6, Goderich tvon their nm league game at Staffa, Monday night, scor^’ 8—0. Goderich played a no hit,? no run game. Exeter plays in Goderich to-nigh^ (Wednesday) and Hensail plays to; Creditoxi Friday night. of bull ♦ AUCTION SALE —-of --- ALFALFA AND TIMOTHY HAY al LO! AVEDN >1 213, Con. 12, Hibbert, oxa NESDAY, JUNE 20tlx, 192© Commencing at 2 p.nx. 40 acres of Hay, alfalfa and thus othy mixed. TERMS—6 months credit with six per cent, added on .furnishing ap-. proved joint notes. WILLIAM NAIRN, Auctioneer GEORGE W..WREN, Proprietor Cromarty post office, phone 8 on; 88, Hensail.88. Half * •r Exeter, June 4, 1928J We the undersigned merchants o£ the village of Exeter agree to close our pldee of business each WedneSi day afternoon during the months of June, July and August, beginning at 12 o’clock sharp. Mrs. A. Yeo-Down Jones & May Southcott Bros. River’s Meat Market E. H. W. W. F. R. W. John Stanbury , Elmore Harness Miss G.^M’. Armstrong' ”r W. Hainan Martin & Son A. Hawkins W. F. Beavers Kirk I A Christie Walter Heamun Beer J. S. J. J. j. Wickwire N. Rowe J. Hockey W. s. G. B. L. J At Young Peoples’ Church held at day evening a was spent in games xixents. In the course of the evening Miss M, E. Hale, who has resigned her position on the high school staff, and Miss L. E. Fulton, who has resigned as teacher of the public school, were presented with ad dresses and presentations. Miss Hale was the recipient, of a beauti ful picture while Miss Fulton rec eived a handsome perfume atom izer. The addresses were Miss Annuls Simmons. and entations made by Miss G. Miss Fulton has been the president of the Guild and in a very able manner has headed the organ ization. Following the presentations both young appreciation iations with church and presentations made them. meats were served at the close of the program. Following were the addresses: J A > NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that persons having claims against estate of Janies Maguire, late of Township of McGillivray, in County of Middlesex, farmer, i ceased, who died on the 27th < of March 1928 at the said Township of McGillivray, are required to for ward their claims, duly proven to H. Eilber & Son, Crediton, on or; before the 16th day of June 1928. AND notice is further given that after this said date the executors will proceed to distribute the es tate, having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. Andrew Maguire, William Mor ley, Executors, Ailsa Craig. Ont. alt the the the de day > read by the pros- Christie, efficient Editor: — the presentPRIMARY/thetime when Provincial High- back the road allow-DIABETES 7—Teddy Wilson. John Collingwood, Freda Wesley Completely Gone! Another Letter of Wonderful Results ?Aultsville. Ont... Dec. 1, 1927 Mr. B. J. Murfin. London. Ont. Dear Sir.— Just a line in regards to your Valuable Diabetes Herb Treatment. Last February I was very bad with Diabetes. Noticing your advt. in the paper I purchased through your recommendation when you came to Cornwall, one year’s treatment for Diabetes* After getting same I used it accord ing to direction and inThe course of four months I called on my physician and he. piamounced me completely clear of dia betes. ' z Mrs. Fred I. Dafoe. Aultsville, Ont. Class Moore, Ryckman. Class 6—Ralph Delbridge. Josie Kei'slake, Clarence MacDonald, G. McFalls, Smith, Cann.* Class , Clarence MacDonald, Grace Snell, Dorothy Jack Anderson*. Bruce 5—Pauline Follick, _ Thel ma Hockey, Mildred Beaver.’ Alva Elliott, Norman Sanders, Sidney Stire. Class 4—Betty Hogarth, Ethel Kydd, Doris Payne, Olive Caldwell. Eldred Simmons, Vera Pollen, Lloyd Hewett and Doreen Sims. Class 3—Elmer MacDonald, Neil M’acDonald, Kathleen Kestle, Phil- lippa Hamess*, Stewart Cann.* Class 2—Margaret Melville. Don ald Graham, Marjorie Madge. Patsy Russell, Eleanor Abbott. Class 1—-Robert Southcott, An drew Bierling, Bert Pilon, Billie Jones, Ross Moore. ' No. on roll 41. Absent * L. Fulton pro- built par-v var- ladies expressed their of their happy assoe- the members of Caven at the kind words and Refresh- -J i 1 You, Too, Can Be Well MR. MURFIN, THE PROPRIETOR OF THE CANADIAN HERB GARDENS, EXPERT IN HERBS, WILL BE AT Central Hotel, Exeter ONE DAY ONLY—HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m- Friday, June 15th CONSULTATION FREE Gall Atones removed without ail operation, Goitre removed without an operation, Asthma, Piles, Heart Troubles, High Blood Pressure, Stomach Troubles, Skin Diseases, Bed AVctt- ing, AVorms* Nerve Troubles, Consipation and Appendicitis, Kidney Troubles, Paralysis, Diabetes. Bright’s Disease. Lung and Bronchial Troubles, Bladder Troubles, Anaemia, Catarrh, Dropsy. Gravel. Ovcxdatness, Female Troubles, Arthritis, Ilhetimalism, Neuritis and all Diseases.- HERB DOCTOR BOOK FREE to all otn” customers taking Herb Treatments. This book contains over 250 old-time Herb Formulas, the long-cherish ed secrets of our forefathers, and great Herbalists like Nich olas Culpeper and Pastoi’ Kneipp. who lived many years ago, and used diem with freat success. Th&i-c is a Herb for Every Disease ■* •— Remember the Date FRIDAY^ .JUNE 15th, 9 a.m. to 5 Canadian Herb Gardens BOX NO. 513 WE SELt THE HERBS THE JUICE COMES FROM ] LONDON, ONT. I1 LOCALS ATTEND FAMILY REUNION Mr. and Mrs. Birtle Francis the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hexiry Francis, of Usborne; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Francis and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Shapton, of Stephen, motored to Croswell, Mich., Tues day to attend the annual Francis reunion. PARLOR SOCIAL and The W.C.T.IT. held a very success ful parlor social at the home of Mrs. Wm. Walker. Exetei’ North, on Mon? day afternoon when a varied pro gram delighted the large audience. Miss Murray the president presided. A stirring and inspiring address by Rev. C, J. Moorhouse provided needful temperance messages. A reading was well rendered by Miss Jean Murray and recitation by Miss Adeline Stone was much ap preciated. Refreshments and a happy social halt hour, completed a very successful meeting. The next meeting will be held on June 25th, in Main St. church. MISSION BAND picnic ’ The June meeting of the James Street Mission of a picnic at day afternoon home of their Mildred Harvey and from there were conducted to the river in cats. The day was lovely so a goodly group was present. Lunch was en joyed while reposing on the rocks and stones. Some snaps were taken of the group. A short play at Mr. Abbott’s playground and a Cdr ride finished off the delightful program of -the afternoon. I Band took the form the river on Satur- Tliey met at tile superintendent, Miss Dear At farmers along the way are instructed to move their fences from ance.^would it not be a good thing if the Department of Highways would decide upon a uniform, style of fence throughout this beautiful and prosperous section of the vince? When these old fences were they were made to serve the tipulax- nqeds or fancy of the ious land owners along the way and thus we have quite a variety of styles in evidence. By this time the Department should have arrived at some delin ks opinion as to the best general purpose fence to meet the require ments and when these fences are being made would it, not be wise to make them as permanent as pos sible by using concrete posts.? . The old fences could’ be used to advantage elsewhere on the farm and would not the improved gen eral appearance of these farms .. in crease their value to tent than the cost proposed? a of greater ex- the fence J. Exeter, June 12th, 1928. S.Hogarth ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Fred LeBlanc, Cannon St. East announce the xen- gagement of their only daughter, Eva Marie to Mr. Mervin James Collingwood, eldest son of Mrs. Ann Collingwood and the late JMr. James Collingwood, both of Hamilton, Ont the wedding to take place the of June, 1928. 1240 3 0 th BELL FAMILY HE-UNION The Bell family re-union held the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. _ Veal, of Winchelsea, on Saturday last was quite a successful gather ing, about 75 being present. The weather was fine and sports, incl uding softball, football," quoits, races and amusements were held lit the afternoon. Mrs, George Munroe Was present from Vancouver, B. C., as was also her sister, Mrs. O. Brod erick, of Pigeon, Mich. This was the first time the two had met in forty years. Mrs. Munroe is at present visiting in Detroit and will return later to visit in thi< commun ity. Mrs. Thomas Coward afooii,. was also present spend a few weeks in this ity. M Mr. Tlios, McMillan, also attended. was served bountifully laden to eat. Mr, Thos. president and Mr. of Kirkton, See’y ity. Mr •Seaforth and supper tables were good things whs elected son Watson, re-union next year will be the home of Mr. Watson, at J. t of Sask- and will comrnun- M.P., of Dinner and Miss Mary E. Hale, (At the parting of the way) We, as members of the Young- Peoples' Guild feel that we cannot oRow this parting to take effect without first making an expression of. our sorrow in .the loss we will sustain. AVith your company and counsel we have been lead xxxany times out of what seemed dark ways Into bright and pleasant paths; we have again and again profited by youx- advice and guidance so much so that we feel it would not be court eous to allow this our closing meet ing of the season, and your last meeting with us to pass without recognition, as at the close of the school term you. leave us to sojourn in other parts. We therefoi’e ask you to accep" this small token a§. a kind renxbex-' ance from ’those you leave behind in the future labors of love fox’ the guild. Annie Simmons, Sec’y. Grace Christie, Treas. the With Boll, Nel- The Guild, held at] • Dear Miss Fulton, \. ' Again we have come to the end of the season’s labors in the efforts as established for .the gathering to gether of the Young People of the Caven Church. During the past two seasons we have been very ably led by yourself as our president. You have always taken a keen interest in all matters pretaining to the Guild, first in its Christian work and in the aiding of others in the Christian path, and second in all of its social and fin-, ancial efforts as have from time to, time been undertaken, Your able leadership has always been an in spiration to the other officers and members. As we are to lose you in this very able leadership by your removal at the close of the school term we desire that you should carry some token of remembrance from those of us whom you have helped . in the endeavors of our loved society. We wish you to ac cept this gift and as you ‘look upon it you will remember those who have labored with you in promoting the affairs of our society. Oil behalf of the Young Peoples* THEOBALD - (20472) [23400] - Foaled on-the 1st of June, 1919 Monday, will leave his oxvn stable,, Exeter North and go to Win. Bow den’s for noon; thence to J. R. ThompsoxPs, concession 7, S. Bound ary, Stephen, for night. Tuesday north by way of Credi ton, to Henry Shenk’s, concession 6, for upon; thence to his own stable for night. Wednesday to Geo. Armstrong's, lot 15, concession 4, Hay, for noon^ thence to b Con. Seimon’s, lot 31,. Zurich road, for night. Thursday by way of Hensail to- AVm. Pepper’s, lot 6, con. 2, Tuck‘d ersnxith, for noon; thence to Mat.. Thompson's, Hibbert Boundary for night. Friday to John Cottle’s, lot 13, N.T.R. for noon; thence to his own stable. TERMS: $15.00 ' J. J. MILLAR Proprietor and Manager HAY P. O., ONTARIO 4- 1 V x Annie Simmons, Se'c’y Grace Christie, Trehs 20 30 ♦ THE MEASURING STICK OF TH®. TRACTOR INDUSTRY . ^versify of Nebraska, which, is the standard for United states and Canada in their Official Test No. io4’iJr at ^towing to say about the WALLIS Certified Tractor. The Wallis Tractor pulled 75% ot is weight on the Drawbar at 2.9S miles per hour. Delivered 76.55 % of its mtixium belt power to (he Drawbar. °ne HQ,RSE POWER at the Drawbal’ for each 168 pound®, of its Lincoln Test AVeight. h'D* bn Low Gear at 2.98 miles per hour. h.p. on High Gear at 3.77 miles- per hour. hour* It It It It Arthur Jones MASSEY-H-AItRIS MilC’HINEBSS'