HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-05-24, Page 6THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATETHURSDAY, MAY 24th, 1028
Usborne Council
The municipal council of
iwnship of Usborne met in
,11, Elijnville, on May Sth,
Convert Your Attic Into An
Attractive Extra Room at
Low Cost With GYPROC
Send for handsome, free book, "Walls That Reflect Good
Judgment.” It gives valuable information on Gyproc ana
interior decoration
For Sale By
The Ross-Taylor Co., Ltd
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Exeter, Ont.
Hensall, Ont.
uant, to adjournment. The members
of the council were all present with
Reeve Ballantyne in the chair. The
minutes of the meeting held April
7th were read and approved on
motion of Williams-Skinner. Com
munication from the clerk of Strat
ford re the Huron Tract Centenary,
that the council attend in a body if
possible. The council revised itself
into a Court of Revision of the 1928
assessment roll on motion of Skin
ner-Dew and made the necessary
declaration for such.
There were no appeals but the
following changes were made owing
to change of ownership, etc after
the assessor lmd made canvass viz;-
Lot 6, Con. 3 from estate of John
Doig to Wm. Coates, owner; pt. lot
14, Con. 4, 15 acres from T. Fisher
to Luther Rowcliffe, owner; Lot 11,
Con. 4, Frank Coates, tenant; Lot
29, Con. 4 from Earl Parsons to J.
Etherington. owner; Pt. Lot 9, Con.
5, 25 acres from A. Penwarden to
John Brock, owner; John . Simpson
removed from Pt. 10, Coh. 8, as
laborer; Bert. Coleman removed
from Woodham to Pt. 10, Con. 8;
Ross Taylor and Luella Taylor re
moved from Lot 9 and 10, Con. 13;
Sarah I’psliall added on Lot 15,
Con. 7 as L. F.; Edgar Thompson
added as F. S. on Lot 19, S. E. B,;
Marie Cottle taken off Lot 18, Con.
S; Dan. O’Mara taken off Lot 11,
S. E. B., Ephram Hern, owner;
Hugh Derry, dog removed. Court
djourned. until next council meet-
ist week B. Axler, a traveller
a Hamilton overall concern, fell
?p in his Ford car while coming
J _ ’ e at Prospect
His old bus edged over to the
of the road
white posts
•n the driver
fender, r
a*lt .
down the steep incline
otln r necessary parts of its body.-
St. Marys Journal Argus
and scraped along
and steel cable,
awoke his car was
mining hom'd and
A boyish prank nearly cost the life
of Jim Salkeld, son of Mr. and Mrs.
H. L. Salkeld, Bayfield road, Friday
evening. He was setting off some
fire<rakers, and put one in a bottle.
When it exploded the ‘bottle was
shattered and a piece of the glass
struck Jim in the neck, making a
terrible gash, and by the time a doc
tor arrived and the flow of blood
w;; ;. staunched he had nearly bled to
duiih. He was in a vary weak con
dition for several days, but is now
out of danger.
.According to the Bangkok Tinies,
the proprietors of a Siamese news-
paper have distributed handbills con
taining the following notice:
"The news of English, O, crumbs,
we tell the latest. Writ in perfect
style and most earliest. Do a mur
der geit commit, we near of and tell
it. Do a mighty chief die, O, crumbs,
we publish it, and in borders of som
bre. Staff has’ each one been col-
Jeged and write, O, crumbs, like the
Kippling and the Dickens.
We circle every town and extor
tionate not for advertisement, buy
it, O, crumbs, buy it! Tell each of
you its greatness for gpod, O, crumbs
Ready on Friday, Number first.’*
Face Wrinkes
Try binding the forehead with it
linen bandage soaked in equal parts
of alcohol and the white of an egg,
allowing to remain over night.
Safety C@msmttee
The HON. GEO. S. HENRY, Chairman.
Give your baby chicks the right feed from the
start. By feeding Monarch Chick Mash and
Monarch Chick Feed, growth will be quicker,
maturity earlier, and they will be big egg
producers in a much shorter time.
A real starter for baby chicks and is recommended to be
fed for the first six or eight weeks. Monarch Chick Mash
contains all the necessary animal and vegetable proteins-,
minerals and vitamins necessary for rapid growth and de
velopment, and is recommended fed (Iry in free running
hoppers. Comparing the cost of the feed with results
obtainable, xye feel Monarch Chick Mash is the best
starter for young chicks manufactured. Monarch Chick
Mash is composed of:
Standard Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Wheat Shorts,
Alfalfa Meal, Pearl Grit, Bone Meal, Meat
Meal, Cod Liver Meal, Powdered Milk, Salt.
is the first jjrain feed for chicks, and is a properly bal
anced mixture. Each ingredient is specially milled be
fore mixing, then the entire mixture is screened before
bagging to insure freedom from dirt or injurious weed
seeds. It should be fed as a Scratch feed in conjunction
with Monarch Chick Mash.
The ingredients of Monarch Chick Feed ate:
Cracked ‘Corn, Cracked Milo, Pinhead Oatmeal,
Millet Seed, Cracked Wheat, Cracked Barley.
Sold by
Hogarth Baby Chick Hatchery
The reeve of Biddulph waited on
the council re the Usborne-Biddulph
Boundary. It was agreed and con
firmed on motion of Skinner-Berry
that Usborne assume the westerly
half from the London Road to the
4th Con. and be liable for mainten
ance and upkeep, and Biddulph
from Con. 4 to Whalen, this agree
ment to be retro-active for work
done in 192 8. Dr. Kingston addres
sed the council on invitation of the
reeve by way of information and
interest in the Endowment of Wes
tern University which is proposed
to be brought before the County
Council in June.
The Black Credit Drain /Report of
the Township of Hay having been
delivered to the Reeve, the same to
he considered at our next council
meeting May 3 0th at 3 p.m. and the
necesasry notices to parties assessed
on said report be issued in due
By-Law No. 6, 1928 re closing
and selling sideroad of which due
notice of one month had to be given
by poster and Times-Advocate was
read, considered an ample opport
unity was given for objection
to such procedure. It was finally
passed on motion of Skinner-Berry
fixing the price at $150.00. The
west half was sold to Wm. Coates
for $75; the west half of the east
part was sold to E. Hern for $37.50
and the east half of the east half
to Jas. A. Earl for $37.50.
The construction of the Gardiner
Drain Improvement and Repair was
let to Chas. Kistner, of Dublin for
$3171.60, he giving satisfactory sec
urity and bonds to complete same
by December 1st, 19 28.
The contract for the construction
of the Passmore Drain was awarded
to Jos. Dwyer at his tender, namely
• $265 0.00, the same to be completed
by December 1st, 1928, on motion
of Williams-Berrv.
Dew-Williams That teams be al
lowed $5.50 per day for Township
work and $6.00 per day for work in
pit at erusher and $3.00 for man.
Berry-Skin nor That the following
bills be paid viz;- W. H. Stone, snow
work Con. 8, $1.60; J. Miller snow
work Road 9, $3.20; E. F. McDou
gall. snow work Road 9, $1.40; Gor
don Oke, snow wark Road 9, $22.40
Harvey Hyde, snow work Road 9,
$1.40; T. Austin, snow work Con.
10, $1.5 0; Percy Sale, snow work
Con. 4, $5.80, on Road 9, $5.80;
Roy Coward, snow work Con. 8, $2;
Chas. Dayman, snow work Con. 2,
$20.10; John McCullough, snow
work Con. 10, $1.60; John Cann,
snow work Con. 6, $4.00; Luther
Reynolds, snow work Con. 2, $12.10
Luther Reynolds, dragging Con.
Road 7,
$10.00; Luther
ling Con. 4, $
grading, $45.0
grading, $45.00
grading, $24. C
grading. $27.00
rolling Con. 6, $1.50; Chas. Johns,
gravelling Con. 6, $2.50; Mac. Cor
nish, ditching Con. 7, $10.50; I-I.
Heywood, ditching Road 7, $10.05;
j Rob't. Kydd, ditching Con. 4, $5.54,
R. Williams, grading Con. 6, $1.50,
Reuben Shier, repairs to plow, $5;
C. Dayman, repairs to plow, $4.00.;
Jas. McElrea, salary as assessior,
$85; Clerk, fees and expenses clos
ing sideroad, $15.00; Harry Ford,
team labor, $26.50; superintendance
$71.25; Freeman Horn, grading,
$31.50; Fred Ford, grading, $17.50
Everett Skinner, grading, $20.50.
The council adjourned to meet on
Wednesday, May 30th, at one p.m.
Henry Strang, Clerk.
W. T. U.
The regular meeting of the W. C.
T. U. was held in Main St. church
on Monday afternoon, May 7th. Miss
Murray, the president, presided. The
devotional* exercises were taken by
Mis. Amy, Evangelistic Superinten
din’. Miss Murray told about Gy-
pfy Smith, Evangelist, which was
mu.-li appreciated, The Clip sheet
"Hur Five Big Jobs” was led by
Mi <. Miners. It was decided to
l.r.hl a Parlor meeting on June 11th
in Exeter North. The members
v. ere asked to remember Mrs. B. W,
F. Beavers with a card shower.
voted that five
to the Marine Work,
The local Union
with all the unions
seeking to have the "Northern Mes
senger” put in every Sunday. School
for twelve weeks. Miss M^Corkin-
dale’s Temperance Lessons will be
printed in the Northern Messenger
beginning in September. John
Douglas & Sons, the publishers of
the Montreal Witness and Northern
Messenger 'are uniting with the W.
C. T. U. in this educational cam-
dollars be sent
at Goderich,
in conjunction
of Canada are
in this educational
paign. The next meeting will
hold in James St. United church.
Alimony of $50.00 a month, pay
able in semi-monthly installments,
was awarded Mrs. Alice Pfaff, of
Hensall, by Judge Kelly in a judg
ment handed down at yesterday af
ternoon’s session of the nonjury sit
tings. Her husband, William E.
Pfaff, Hensall tile manufacturer,
•was named as a defendant in the ac
tion, which was tried last week.
Judgment Avas reserved at that time.
The alimony, the judgment sets
out, is to be payable in two monthly
installments of $25 each, and the first payment will become due on
May 25. Payments after that will
be due on the 10th and 20th of each
month. Defendant has been paying
interim alimony. Mrs. Pfaff was al
so awarded court costs. ‘
Gladman & Stanbury acted for the
plaintiff and W. B. Henderson ap
peared for he defendant.
Justice Kellp found that the
charges made by the husband
against his wife were untrue and in
his judgment exonerated the wife.
The? charges were characterized as
‘‘entire nonsense.”
Alvin Passmore, dragging
.$7.15, gravelling Road 7,
Rowcliffe, gravel-
Moo die,
J. A. Kennedy, one time book
keeper for Carlings.’ Brewery, was
murdered by the bootlegger’, ring.
Lured from hiis home in Windsor,
later his body was found in a
swamp near Toledo. He had been
hit on the head and shot. Kennedy
knew too much about the export of
beer that was beating the governr
merit of Canada out of hundreds of
thousands of dollars. The govern
ment should do its best to trace to
its source tho murder of Kennedy.
The thug who did it for a consid
eration is only a minor matter. Who
are the "higher ups" that sent out
the order that a man is to be bump
ed off because he purposes giving
information that may be detrimental
to the bootlegger. Canada has been
fairly free from this kind of killing,
but those who ordered Kennedy’s
death should be caught.—Kincar
dine Reporter.
A reduction in the number of the
automobile accidents at railway
crossings should result from the an
nouncement of the Deputy Minister
of Roads of this province that signs
will bo placed three hundred feet
from every railway crossing notify
ing autoists that "speed must be re
duced to eight miles an hour.’*
Steps are being taken to see that the
1 new rule is enforced* „ . <
n^lty(PerfeSion'is economical
In fuel and clean. {Requires small
space in the kitchen. CNo /seat
after using in warm weather LNo
chimney or pipes to repair and
Sfttrs. c7l. Clara, Ont.
JUST imagine an oven
in which you can cook
four pies at one time over a single burner 1 All will be done in
record time perfectly cooked, evenly browned. ‘Live heat*
does it! And only Perfection ovens employ this principle.
Every drop of oil is changed into clean, intense heat in the
long chimneys. No smoke, no soot, no odor. The patented
wick stop will not permit the wick to Rare or the flame to rise
above a set point.
See the new Perfection at your dealer’s. Prices range from \
$8.75 to $212.50. For complete information write General
Steel Wares, Limited, Toronto, Ontario.
—j Oil Burning
Mail TODAY----------------
Dept, -jiS , General Steel Wares Ltd., Toronto.
■ Please send me free particulars of the Perfection Oil Range
SINCE the introduction of the ’’New
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its own high records of success I Why?
Because here is all Pontiac’s proven de
pendability ... all Pontiac’s well-known
strength and stamina . . . all Pontiac’s
economy . . .
And in addition . . . new, dazzling
beauty . . . new style and smartness
. . . new, long, low Fisher bodies
new, modish color harmonies
writes:—“I was bothered with severe
Doesn’t Know
What a Headache
Is Like
Mrs. H. Snyder, Vibank, Sask.,
writes;— «<*s> J
headaches for several years and tried
many different remedies, but to no
effect.“One day a friend told mo about
and after I had taken three bottles
I found it had done me a world or
good, and now I don’t know what a
headache is like. I certainly have great
faith in B.B.B.” *
Put up only by Tho T. Milburn Co./
'Limited, Toronto, Ont. ,
. . . new engine refinements . . . aew
fuel-pump (replacing vacuum-tank) . . -
new GMR cylinder-head , . . new Four
Wheel Brakes . . . new Lovejoy Hy
draulic Shock Absorbers . .
Anil because the New Series Pontiac Six
is the lowest-priced six in the world that
can give you all these desirable features
and qualities. P.I9.a.20C
/fife your Dealer alfptit the G.M.A.C. Deferred P^yiucrtr Pima
which makes buying easy.