HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-05-24, Page 5■'SV
Students may
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—...... . ...................
Phone 198
B. F. WARD, B.A., M.Accts.
• . 1 ■ ..... ■
Mr. James Tapp, of London Uni
versity, visited over the week-end
with liis parents here.
Mr. Jack Steacy, of Detroit, visit
ed over the week-epdl . with his
mother and sister here.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sparks and
babe, visited over the week-end the
guests of Mr. Alex. Sparks.
Miss Ruby McLoed, of South
ampton, is visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White.
Miss Mary Buchanan, of Niagara
Falls, is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Alex. Buchanan.
Dr. C, F. Smith, of St. Marys, was
a week-end guest at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. G. C, Petty.
Mrs. (Dr.) Dougall and little
daughter returned home Thursday
last from Victoria hospital.
Mrs. Lou Simpson, Wm. and Mae,
of Detroit, visited over the week
end with relatives in town.
Mr, and Mrs. Allan McDonell
have moved into the apartments
over Mr. T. C. Joynt’s store.
Mr. Alonzo Ortwein, of Detroit,
motored over and visited with rel
atives here over the week-end;
Congratulations to Mr. and .Mrs.
Allen McDonelJ,..on 'the arrival of a
Miss Jessie Bell spent Thursday
last in London.
Mr. AV. G. Wilson spent a day in
Hensall recently.
\ Miss Grace Pepper has purchased
a Chevrolet coupe.
Mrs, Alfred Smith recently visited
with relatives in St, Thomas,
Mrs.. Snetsjnger, of London, visit-
for a few days with friends in Hen
Dr McTaggart and Mr. Harry Har
mon visited over the week-end in
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Howard, of Ex
eter visited friends in town over the
Mr. Archie Sparks, of Detroit, vis
ited over the Week-end with his
father here.
Miss Hattie McQueen,' of Albany,
. N. Y., is visiting relatives and
friends in town.
Mrs. Hannah Taylor is visiting for
a few weeks with relatives in Beams
ville and Simcoe.
Mr. Lester Fisher,, who' lias' been
spending his vacation ' in Toronto,
has returned home. . . . ..
Mr. and Mrs. J. AVil^QU. of Strat-1 ----
ford, spent the week-end with Mr, I yokbg daughter on Friday last,
and Mrs. G. Brown. 1 j ivr4"" ’.......
Honor graduate of Faculty of
Medicine, and Master _.ot. Science,
Uljniversity of Western Ontario.
^Member of College of PhyglcJ^ps
and Surgeons of Ontario. Office
two doors east of Post Office.
phone 56 Residence 114
We have on hand a number of
Used Cars which we offer at
Attractive Prices. Come in and
look them over.
Used Cars from $40 up
J. Passmore & Sons
-Miss Flossie Foss and her uncle,
Dr. Graham, of Toronto, are visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. David Foss.
Miss Florence Welsh, of London,
visited over the week-end with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Welsh.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hamilton and
family, of Goderich, visited on Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Luker.
Mrs. Agnes McDonald and daugh
ter, Miss Florence, spent the week
end with relatives in Ethel, motor
ing over.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hilderbrandt
and family, of Goderich, visited on
Sunday with the former’s father in
the village.
Miss Dorothy Heiferman has ac
cepted a position with the Hensall
Mfg. Co., commencing work on Mon
day morning.
Miss Margaret Drummond left on
Thursday last for Moncton, N. B.,
where she will visit with her aunt
for a few months.
Mr. Archie Ryckman, who recent
ly moved here from the west pur
chased a new Chrysler car from Mr.
John Passmore on Saturday last.
The many friends of Miss B. For
est will be pleased to learn that she
is improving nicely after her recent
operation In the Ciinton hospital.
There was a good attendance at
the services in the United church on
Sunday last, A ma,l§,. quartette was
much ep joyed at the .evening service . Mrs’.’M. Bartlett, pfthe West, who
has / been spending the past few
months with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Ot
terbein left for her home in Eng
A court of revision of the assess
ment roll will be held, in the council
chamber on Monday evening next,]
We understand a number of appeals
have been entered.
Mr. Robt. Green accompanied .by
Sam. Rannie and Bert Horton were
in Toronto on Wednesday last and
brought home a number of new
Chevrolet cars for McDonell Bros.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Dick, of OriL
lia, are spending a week’s vacation
at the home of the former’s mother
Mrs. Dick, and sister, Mrs. Bertha
Bell, and also with other relatives
and friends.
Mr. Peter Stewart was taken to
the hospital on Tuesday for an op
ration. His many friends hope that
the operation will prove beneficial I
to his health, and that he will soon
be able to return home. I
Mrs. Chas. McGee, of Toronto,!
Mrs. G. F. Scott and Mrs. A: H.< Car
roll, of Woodstock, Miss Bessie Dent, |
of Stratford and Mr. Harry Dent, I
of Sudbury, visited for a fevz days
this week at the home of Mr. Jas.
The services in Carmel Presby
terian church were well- attended on
Sunday last. The Sacrament of the I
Lord’s Supper was administered at
the morning service. Rev. Mclllroy
delivered appropriate sermons suit
able to the occasion. !
Reeve Higgins, of Hensall, ac
companied by Reeve Henderson; of |;
Morris and Reeve Stockel, of East!
Wawanosh were in London Thurs-|
day as guests of the Board of Gov
ernors of London University -and!
--L__ -La differentmade an inspection of the
Mrs. Coles and family
rived in Hens.all to join
band, who recently came ___
take W. A. Houston’s place as man
ager of the Bank of Montreal. Mr.'
and Mrs. Coles are staying at the
have ar-
her hus-
here to
hotel until they can find a
Anniversary services will
in the United Church on
May 27th. Rev. Mr. Morley,
onto, will be the speaker
Dr, H. H, Cowen, L.D.S. D.D,S.
At office In Hartlelb Block, Dash
wood, first three das of week and
at office over the Post Office, Jn
Zurich, last three days of week.
Miss Rose Rader
Detroit, spent the
her parents
Miss Frazer, wno _„ _ __ „
the millinery department for J, C.
Heid & Co., hag left for her home
in London,
Mr, Raymond Cairas, of Detroit,
is visiting his father.
Inspector Tom paid a visit to the
school’last Friday,
Mr, and Mrs. L, Edighoffer, of
Mitchell, visited in town on Sunday.
Mrs. E, b, Guenther spent Tues
day in London.
ofand friend
week-end with
nad charge of
County road scraper was in
OT only is the “Bigger and Better” Chevrolet
a finer car mechanically . . . not only does it
offer more thrilling performance and more delight
ful riding comfort—but it' is infinitely more beau
tiful and more superbly styled!
Every one of the seven new models is worthy of
detailed comparison with cars costing hundreds of
. dollars more~-n^ only in brilliance, of design and
execution,' but in "completeness and richness, of
appointment as well. '
Coupe «
Coach -
Sedan -
The new .Ffslh&r bodies -are .a,^iistically’ beaded and
paneled—with long, racy lines. The new,genuine
Duco colors are modish and smart.
Interiors, too, are impressively luxurious-r-rich
upholsteries, wide, restful seats and a beautiful,
new, completely enclosed instrument' panel.
Come in and see for yourself the beauty you’ve
always wanted^ We’ll gladly place a car at your
disposal—for'art actual road demonstration.
The G.M.A.C. ... General Matora' orrn deferred payment plan afford/
the moat convenient arid economical w.ay of buying your Chevrolet on tmtr.
Imperial Sedan
Cabriolet. - • •
Commercial Chassis
Roadster Delivery
Ton Truck Chassis
... £650.00
- £625.00
- 625.00
- 740.00
- 740.00
- 835.00
Roadster Exprew
AU prices at Factory,Osh<war-Government Taxes, Bum tiers and Spare Tire Extra
' Rev. J. M. Colling was in Mt.
Rrydgqs last Sunday taking Annlvep-
, sa;ry, any vices, ^pd Rfiv,
took the services here,
gations being present.
The Young People
their closing meeting 1
: for this season, .
being held for all,
Rev. J. M. Colling will be support-
ported. next Sunday morning in tl|p.
pulpit by Mr, Gregory, of London,
who’ will Speak on behalf of .fjvfc
Gideons, and at 2 o’clock the ,Qid?-i
ons will have a service in the Bren*
ner House dining room when. the
Gideon boys will present Bibles for
every room in the hotel. ‘Coine th
the morning service and get' ac
quainted with the boys,
The private funeral of Mr. Thqs-t
Vincent, of London, who at one tlpig; lived on the nineteenth of Stephen";-
took place on Saturday last, ,
Mr, George Eccleston is preparing
to build a new home for himself in
his park. He expects to^reinain longer in the fall and return* earlier
in the spring.
Work has commenced anhwiden-,
ing the road by the river which, Will. add greatly to the improvement ah
the village as well as being, safer. ■ ,
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lightfoot of
St. Marys, spent Sunday' With’ Mr.
Frank Stratton.
Mr. Frank Taylor, of Exeter, sang
a beautiful solo ‘‘God Will Take
Care of You” at the evening service
in the United church. He also sang
a duet with Mrs. Norman Turnbull
which, was much enjoyed by all. Wo
hope in the near future Mr. Taylor
will be able to sing for us again.
Mr. and Mrs. Ware Oliver, of St.'
ture in
You _ _ , ___, ______
Day, at Grand Bend, one of Ontario’s
finest natural resorts. The Pirate’
Softball team of the Stratford City;
League will play the Grand Bend
Whirlwinds at 3 o’clock in the. after
noon. An interesting game is, to be(
expected. The Casino management
were fortunate in securing Marion.
McKay and liis Victor Recording
Orchestra, of Toledo, Ohio, to supply,
music for the dancers in the evening
Radio .amplifiers, the latest, impr
ovement at the Casino, are proving,
to be a wonderful convenience, and,
the square dances are being thoro
ughly enjoyed by all. An 8-piece
London orchestra will be in atten
dance at the regular Saturday night
dance, with modern and old time
dancing. Mr. Baker, the London
caller, and Mr. Johnston, the old
time violinist, will accompany tllg,
orchestra and put real pep into the
square dancing,
on May 29 th,
A social evening fa
Roof your house orcottago
with Rio-Roll, Handsome to
look at... increases, value of
firoperty . .. lasting... col-
pets clean rainwater, banishes
leaks.,.ideal for houses,
barns, sheds, warehouses,
schools, churches, public
buildings. Give size of roof for
free estimate. Write
„ Successor to Metal Shingle & Siding Co.
> Limited. ,| The County road scraper was in
I,the village a, few days’ last week
I and did a good job in smoothing up
the surpface and filling in the
I rough spots on our Main St.
Mr. Arthur Brooks is having a
new veranda built by Mr. Wm. Balk-
Will and son, of Exeter.
I The trustees have had ne.w eave-
troughing put on the school and are
getting the flpwer beds in shape
preparatory to planting the usual
flowers, thereby beautifying the
school grounds.
Inspector Tom paid his usual visit
to the school last week.
,i Mr. John Essery was in London a
few days last week.
■ Mr, Milo McCabe was called to
Strathroy last Thursday on account
of the serious illness of liis father,
who is in a critical condition.
Mrs. W. J, Bowden was in Lon- | don one day last week where her
brother Mr. Wm. Boyle met with a
serious accident having been run
down by ,a car while croshsing a
bridge, his head was badly lacerated
requiring several stitches to close
the wound. The latest reports are
he is doing nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mason and I family are visiting in Detroit for a
few days, having motored over last week.I . Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mills, of Wyom-
I ing spent Sunday last at the home
jot Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mills.
II Mr. Trueman Mills was in Wyom
ing last week on a visit.I Mrs. Smdje, of HTghgate is visit
ing with her daughter Mrs. L. B.
Mrs. Powe, of Exeter, spent sever
al; days last week at the home of her
Son Mr. H. Powe.
Miss Phyllis Cooper visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hicks over
the week-end.
Mr. Geo. E. Hicks has purchased
a new Oakland sedan.
,Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baynham Jr. • \ and family were at Springbank on
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Elliott spent
Sunday at Grand Bend.
, Mr. Harvey Godbolt had a nar-’
row escape last week when his horse
be held
of Tor-
-- —- for the’
occasion. Mr. Morley is also a pro
fessional elocutionist and entertain
er and will give one of his concerts
on Monday evening, May 28th.
Mr. J. N. Moore, of Toronto, gave
a very nteresting and instructive
address in the town hall on Thurs
day evening last along the line off
flower and plant culture He urged
the beautifying of lawns and pre
mises generally and touched upon
the best lines of life. He also de
plored the life of the careless and
idle, and spoke highly of the ones
who sought to make their premises
bright and thrifty. A large crowd
attended the meeting.
The meeting of the Young .PeoplesJ
League was held on Monday even-1 in<r w'iFh ivriec r> t ..v_I 1 u>v cavape ia.su weeK wneii ms norseAfter:'tlie riprat'inna/nnH cJiar^e- became unmanageable and ran away,
Aitei the devotional part of the damging the bugjrv Luckilv no meeting the following program was 0^ w hurt luckily no
given; solo by Miss Louise Drum-
lhond, reading ).
piano solo by Mrs. floggartli were I e
well rendered. 'gave the topic I__
the Crowd.” The missionary offer-hast
ing was then taken after which the
meeting closed witli prayer.
Miss Louise Drummond has ac
cepted a position as Bell telephone
operator soon to be vacated by Miss
M'arie McKaig, who has occupied the
position successfully for a number
of years and who has resigned be
cause she intends taking a trip to
the coast accompanied by her aunt’
Miss -Eliza Newell to visit their] relatives in British Columbia. Miss]
Newell and Miss McKaig intend
starting on their trip sometime in |
June. Their many friends
to them the best wishes for
pleasant visit.
i w , i The la-rge transport truck ofby Miss Ellis, and a Mr. H. Bagshaw and driven by Mr.
"--T /T"" Wells, of Exeter, took to the'1ISS -Luker ditch just south of the village and
on rhe Edge* of | turned over on its side on Thursday
' Many men were soon on the
scene and after putting it back on
the 'road and reloading the contents,
Happy drove .away, very little the
worse for his experience, which
could have been of a very serious I nature under the circumstances.
The beautiful rainfall of last week
lias changed the appearance of the
countryside to. a marked degree, al
most beyond conception in such a
short time, everything is in a very
promising condition now and unless
we get frost no doubt there 'will be
a bountiful harvest.
The Rev. Mr. Cumming, of Ailsa
Craig will conduct anniversary ser
vices both morning and evening in
the church here next Sunday. Spec
ial music will be rendered
■ Mr. Fred Bowden had the
tune to have one of liis toes
one day last week. A heavy plank
having fallen on the member while
he was building a scaffold prepara
tory , to doing masonry work on a
building in London. He will be off
duty for a time.
Many farmers of this district have
been getting a supply of western
oats at the elevator here. They are
of good quality and not too expen
sive,- Several carloads have < been
handled in the past few weeks.
Mr. Hubert Neil, of St. Thomas,
visited at the home of his parents
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Nell on Sunday
Qute a number from this vicinity
took iu the Sparks’ Circus at Lon
don. last week and report a splendid
Mr, J. McLean, of Sudbury was in
the village for a brief visit one day
last week. '
Mrs. John Dempsey is still Con
fined to her bed and shows very
little sign of improvement.
Mr. R. R. Lee. of London, was in
the village on Monday in the inter
ests of the International Harvester.
Miss B. Hill, teacher at Fairfield
school is off duty for a'few days on
account of illness.
a very
by the
Mr. M. McTaggart, who has been
ill for some time is around again.
Mr. ' Noah Harton has returned
home from Victoria Hospital. Lon
don where he underwent an opera
tion. ■
The Young People of .Chiselhurst
held an Ice Cream Social in the
basement of the church on Monday
evening last.
The services of Chiselhurst United
church will be withdrawn on ac
count of Hensall United church an
Miss Gladys Wren, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with her father
and mother, Mr. and Mrs. G. T.
Mrs. Thos. Harris and daughters.
Pearl and Bernice visited on Sun
day with James Squires, of Wood
ham. While, there they attended
the anniversary.
Work is under way for the re
modelling of the church at Crom
arty. A new basement will be built
and other improvements made, A
great deal of the work is to be done
by the members of the congregation
Mr. W. W. Thompson, of Edmon
ton. who is Visiting his sbn Lyle at
Chatham at present, motored up on
Sunday last and visited with his
many friends in Cromarty. It is 34
years since Mr. Thomson taught the
school at Cromarty; He was accom
panied 'jby.ihis i-twity'sons,•> Lyin'and
Edward; T-J^s; mqny, friends-.weve-very' muc.lt -plea^qd t&.sep Jiinu
Mrs. J'asbS.co(U, ^Irs. S„ A> Miller
Messrs.'Oliv'er’an,d McMillan atten
ded the* sectional meeting of the W.
•M» lteld at Avon ton oii Tuesday
of last jw’dek,
• Owing -tb the elntWJu feeing reno
vated, services will be lift'd’ in’ tlie
Anglican church at Staffa-tdt-a few
weeks, ]
Jno. Passmore, Hensail
? Mr. and Mrs. Bullock, of Green
way spent Sunday with their son jvir. and Mrs. Joseph Bullock.
J Mrs. J. K. Sims, of Exeter, spent
fe few days last week visiting, rela
tives here,
Mr. and Harry Lewis and Mrs. J.
Sims spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs
Isaac Sims in Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. William Heatherly
phd daughter Thelma and Mr. Stan
ley Kelly, all of London, spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Motz.
< 'Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderson and
son Jack of Exeter, spent Sunday
with the former’s parents Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson Anderson.
’; Mrs. Adair, of Shipka, is visiting -,xVth her granddaughter Mrs. F.
: Mr. and Mrs. Z. Kraft, Mr. and
•Mrs. R. Stade, of Zurich, visited at
■the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Haist
last Sunday.
; Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Lamport left
Thursday last for Detroit, where
.they attended the graduating exer
cises of their daughter, Thelma, at
Grace Hospital.
• The Mission Circle of ithe Credi-
ton United church met at the home
di Miss Clara Lewis. The meeting
was opened by the singing of a,
hymn, the ^reading of the scripture
lesson and prayer led by Mrs. I.
Hill. “ The evening was spent in
sewing after which a dainty lunch
was served. '
• -Mr. and Mrs. Hlliard Sparling, of Walkerton, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Hill; and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith
STfd son Gerald and Mr. and Mrs.
AUftyton Sims motored to Niagara
Falls, Hamilton and Toronto for
tWA week-end. The fruit belt ■ is in
full bloom presenting a magnificent
appearance and thousands ’of mot
orists visited the peninsula.
Mr. H. Either, ex-M.P.P., of C,red-
iton and Clerk of Stephen and’ his
son,£ Mry Herbert Eilber, were in
town-on' Tuesday, 'coming up to at-
$£ndy the funeral of the late John
'A.' Torrance.—Clinton News Record
visited W. B. Oliver oh Suli-
J. M. Colling is giving a lec-f
M't. Brydges Monday evening*
will enjoy May 24th, Victoria
Mr. and Mrs. Lester McCurdy, of
Detroit, spent the week-end here.
Quite a number from here attend
ed the anniversary.,services at Woodham on ^uriday^ • ft
The anniversary^' of. the United
Sunday 'School 'will be held on Sun
day, June the 24th and the Garden
Party on the 27tll. Particulars 'lateaH
Mr. Milton Gregory has made
some improvements to his house li/ putting a verandah along tli'e f^ortt^
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Myers and tfie
family, of Stratford, were Sunday*
visitors with Mrs. Myers’ 'parents
Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Shier. . z
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Elliott, of Ex
eter, spent Sunday with Mr. and:
Mrs. Wm. Elliott.
Mr. Samuel Shier returnejd home
Saturday after visiting fre-inds ‘ in
Ira Shier,
his holidays
Mr. Wm.
Colgan, of
friends here
of Newbury is spending
at his home here., , •.
Hazlewood and' TLTftvd
Detroit, visited with
over the week-ehd.
Mr. Foster Moffatt, Kinloss Town-
felffij, iwas chosen, Conservative can-
Xlimat.fj to contest the riding of South
Bruce in the Provincial by-election
on June 27th. His opponent will
be M. A. McCallum, U. F. O. Candi-
- date. vwlio was unseated in the last
provincial election.
Mrs. A. D. MacDonald, wridow of
th$ l$te Alexander Douglas MacDon-
'al'd" D'. D. minister of the Presby-
trian church of Canada for over 30
years, died this week in Montreal in
heyv9Sth year. Mr. and Mrs. Mac
Donald were at one time stationed at
Clinton and also at Seaforth,
funeral took place at Clinton.
Here^s how you pay
for neglect
AN under-inflated, :tire soon gets into
• real trouble broken side walls, a
punctured inner tube 'A often a blowout. *
Under-inflation is one of the chief causes
of premature tire 4 failure. Tests have
proven that every lO/^^drop from the cor
rect inflation causey a, 2.0% drop in mile- '
:age- • •
* Call at a Dotnifiioti Ti^Mepot And have your
tires examined. .. ■; ,
V •
* •>
, /