HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-05-24, Page 4Tiri'ltSDAY, MAI’ 2llh. J»28 t i THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
, Local News
A few hours spent in the garden
now should'Tay. dividends in the fall
'Mrs. DavM• Rqwcliffe is visiting
her daughter Mrs. Graham in >Wipjg-(
«or.1 ’
When you get past celebrating cm
holidays it is a sign that old age is
creeping on.___
Mr. Robt. Southcott, of London-,
was ip town on Friday last visiting
with relatives.
Mrs. D. K. Alton aud sou Albert
-of Lucknow, are visiting the for
mer’s sister Mrs. W. A. Johnston.
Mr. J. G. Stanbury attended the
assizes at London last week as coun
sel and was in Toronto the earik
part of this week on legal busines^
The film Ben Hur was booked fo.jv
three days in a St. Marys Theatm
and so'large was the attendance tha®
the managers secured the film fop
three days more. .g-
Three carloads of young peopl#
from Exeter motored to Port Stan
ley Wednesday evening to take in
the dance. It was the final night
for Putney Bros. Orchestra.
“We much regret to report that
Mrs. S. H. Gidley is not enjoying
good health, but trust that with the
warm days she will recuperate her
health.”—Blyth Standard. Mrs. Gidley is a sister of Mr. W. W. Taman,]
•qf Town.
Mrs. T. O. Southcott returned
liome Wednesday evening after
.spending several weeks at Preston
where she was called owing to the
serious illness and death of her
uncle the late Allan Bowman. Her
cousin Miss Lydia Bowman returned
with her and will visit for a time. .
Mrs. T. D. Orme, of Lucan, Mrs.
C. Zwicker and Mrs. J. W. Orme, of
■Crediton and Mrs. G. Mantle motor
ed to Windsor and Detroit last week'
taking in the Lambton Institute
Conventions held in the Prince Ed
ward Hotel in Windsor the last'
three days of the week.
Mr. Stephen Martin, B.A., of Lon-
-don, who for a *number of years;
1ms been head of the mathematics
department in the Central Collegiate
lias resigned his position. Mr. Mar
tin was for a number of years head
-of the St. Marys Collegiate. He is.
a brother of Mr. S. Martin of town. ‘
Mr. William Balkwill, who re-;
cently purchased the large brick
residence on William St., formerly-
owned by the late Lewis H. Dickson,
is having the same torn down and
is preparing to erect a new modem
home on the premises. Work On
■the foundation has already started.'
The past week has been one of
wonderful, - growth and ideal wea
ther. Following the seeding warm
showers moistened the land and
splendid growing weather has pre
vailed. The cattle have
ed out to pasture. The
are out in blossom and
beautiful sight.
The Young People of
J play
Opera House, Monday evening to a
fair house. This was the sixth time
the play has been put on in this
district. The young people were in
Crediton on Friday night of last
Mr, James Sweet, of the Lucan
News staff, together with liis sisters
Mrs. McCallum, of London, and Mrs.
Ferguson, of Toronto, and Messrs,
S. A. and Duncan McCallum, of Lon
don’, visited on Sunday with their
father and sister, Mr. Jas. Sweet,
!Sr.,'and Mrs. Egan, at Exeter.—-Lu
can News.
i Mr. Clayton Moorhouse, who has
completed his year at Western Medi
cal college', visited his parents, Rev.
C. J. and Mrs. Moorhouse at the
Main St. parsonage on Tuesday. Mr.
Moorhouse has secured a position
as assistant purser on the S. S»
faishmo plying between Pt. Huron
and Detroit for the summer.
Rev. D. McTavsh, of James Street
United church was in Brantford on
Sunday conducting Sunday School
'anniversary services at the Col-
borne St. United church. Mrs. Mc-
Tavish and Mrs. G. Hockey, of town,
Miss Amos, of Brinsley, accompan
ied him to Brantford and Miss Mc-
Keiizie went as far as Princeton.
Mr. Wm. Lawson has returned
home from the Toronto Dental Col
lege. This is his final term as he
graduates this year. Exeter baseball
fans are anxious to see their favor
ite pitcher doing mound duty for
the home team this summer but Mr.
Lawson has not yet decided what he
intends to do. He goes to Dresden
.-for the 2.4th to take
' Rev. J. W. Down
pulpit of the James
church on Sunday morning and pre
ached a very acceptable sermon. In
the' evening Rev. Mr. Smith, Elim-
vjlle, occupied the pulpit, Mr. Down
conducting the services at Elimville
This was' Mr. Smith’s first appear-
.ane'e in the James St. pulpit and his
sernion was much appreciated by
the 'congregation.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Ford and
two< children and Mrs. Wm. Hill, of
Flinty Mich., 'motored over, Mr. and
Mrs.,- Ford and family visiting with
the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs.
■George Ford, while the latter visited
been turn
fruit trees
present a
the James
United church repeated their
“Eyes of Love” in the Exeter,
with relatives at Kirkton aud with
her brother Mr. Thomas Elliott of
A district meeting of ‘bedfellows
was- held at Brpcefield on Wednes
day evening of last week. Mr. F.
Sturdy, of Goderich, was elected D.
D. G. M. succeeding Bro.
Moffatt, of Brucefield. Mr.
Mole, of Seaforth, was elected
trict Warden.
part in a ball
occupied the
Street United
Goderich to DETROIT and Return
Round Trip
Big Steel Steamer ? Greyhound
Safe, Speedy, Comfortable
will leave Goderich
One Way
Wednesday, June 6th, at 930 a. m.
Only boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this season. Children
between G and 12, half fare. Visit your Michigan t'fiends and see
Magnificent Detroit. A delightful trip over the great international
highway of lakes and rivers. Don’t miss it.
; TUESDAY, JUNE 5th, AT 8.30 P. M.
Three Hows on Beautiful Lake Huron.for 50c. Children 25c.
Finzel’s Orchestra for Dancing in the’si&axner’s big ball room
Last Trip, Goderich to Detroit, Saturday,, June Sth, 8-30 a.m.
trtter j'
Stock' Carried^ Information
i>n Brantfdrd Roofing i'erfder^d by ‘ ■’v L'-
Rosfr-Taylor Co., Ltd., - ' ' •
Brantford are beautiful, heavy
asphalt slates rriadc in numerous mellow-toned
tints. They give a shadow line which adds greatly
to a home’s distinctioii-and charm. Being tapered,
extra thickness and, weight are exposed to sun,
wind and rain. They provide double thickness
over all the roof and triple thickness over part of
the roof. Size 16 inches by 10 inches, laid 5 inches
to the Weather. -
Brantford Roofing Ct>., Limited
Brantford, Ontario
K Brantford
young men of town
to assist in preserv-
of the parks, parti-
Park. The Horti-
have gone to con-
The boys and
are being asked
ing the beauty
cularly Federal
cultural society
siderably expense to beautify Feder
al park. Of late some of the larger
boys have been playing ball in this
park and running over the shrubs
and flowers. The^ boys are being
warned to refrain from this prac
tice and it is hoped they will heed
the warning.
On Thursday evening last in
town hall a very enthusiastic .au
dience of young bird lovers listened
to an instructive address given by
W. E. Saunders, naturalist, of Lon-
don. Mr. Saunders explained in a
very graphic way the dangers en
countered by birds and the sagacity
they must exercise to win out in the
struggle for existence. Literature on
bird houses and bird feeding is be
ing distributed with the hope "
in the near future more birds
find their housing problems in
ter partly solved for them.'
At a meeting of the executive of
the Bible Society in tin Parish Hall,
the following officers were appoint
ed,—President, Mr. J. G. Stanbury-
Sec’y-Treas., Mr. G. S. Howard; exe
cutive committee, Rev. J. Foote and
Thos. Pryde, from Caven church.
Rev. C. J. Moorhouse and W. C.
Pearce from Main St.; Rev. W*
Jones and Jas. Morley from Trivitt
Memorial and Rev. D. McTavisli and
H. T. Rowe from James St. Ar
rangements were made for a house-
to- house convass soon.
A pretty spring wedding was sol
emnized at th’e home of’ Mr. and
Mrs. George Earl,
their eldest daughter
rone was united in
Harold Mervin Hern,
Mr, Ephriain Hern, of
ceremony was performed by the pas
tor, Rev, W. T. .Smith. The bride
entered the drawing room on the
arm of her father to the strains of
the wedding march by Lohengrin
which was played by Miss Hazel
Earl, sister of tl\e bride. The
bride wore a lovely gown of white
georgette with veil of white silk
Brussels net and held in place by a
band of orange blossoms. She car
ried a shower bouquet of Butterfly
roses, valley lillies -and fern. Dur
ing the .signing of the register Miss
Alma Hern sang very sweetly “Oh
Promise Me”. The groom’s gift to
the bride was a necklace of pearls;
to the pianist and soloist silver com
pacts. After the ceremony the
guests sat down to a sumptuous
wedding dinner. Amid showers of
confetti Mr. and Mrs. Hern left for
Toronto and points east. The bride
travelled in a navy georgette dress
with navy cliarmelene coat with
mole trimming. On their return
they" will reside on the groom’s fine
farm in Usborne. Their many friends
will join with the’ Times-Advocate in
extending best wishes for future
happiness and prosperity.
Usborne, when
Gladys Lau-
marriage to
eldest son of
Usborne. The
Btauty at
Trifling Gaft!
You’ll be delighted at the
improvement a hard
wood floor will make in
the appearance of a room
that’s begun to
And better still . .
costs so little!
. . it
Let us measure it,
you samples, and
you an estimate.
Exeter, Ont.
Lumber production in British Co-*
lumbiu in 1027 totalled 740,230,000
feet board ’ measure, an increase otf
27,500,000 feet over 1926, .The
principal export maplcets for/British]
Columbia lumber and forest pro
ducts were the United States and Ja-
pah. The value of the lumber pro-*
duction in the province last year 1$
placed at $83,078,000.
Notice is hereby given that ».
Court of Revision of the Assessment
Roll of the Township of Stephen,
will hold its first meeting in tha?
Town Hall,' Crediton, on Saturday,;
May 26th, 1928, at 2 p.m.
Henry Eilber, Clerk, Creditor
At a. meeting of the A. Y. P. A. in
Trivitt parish hall on Thursday
evening of last week Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Pomfret, who are leaving Ex
eter for Barrie, where Mr. Pomfret
has been appointed C. N. express
agent, were presented with an ad
dress and
ing lamp,
tion was
while the
Mr. Stanley Walters,
made a very suitable
sing their appreciation
the happy time they had enjoyed in.
Exeter. During thOir stay here Mr;£
and Mrs. Pomfret have been iden
tified with the various organizations
of Trivitt church, Mr. Pomfret being
rector’s warden. Mr. Pomfret left
to take over his ne'w duties Monday
while Mrs. Pomfret and children are
remaining until the close of the sch
ool term.
a handsome electric read-
An address of apprecia-
read by Mr. Ted.
was made by
Mr. Pomfret
reply expres-
and spoke of
The Annual Meeting of the Exeter
Home and School Club for the appo
intment of officers and commlttess
''rill be held in the town hall Friday
May 25th, at 8 p.m. As all Home
and School Clubs are required to
hold their annual meetings in May,
those who joined the club in 1927-
1928 are still members, and they
are asked to show their loyalty and
interest by being present at the most
important meeting of the year to
hear the reports of the committees
and the delegate to Toronto. All
progressive towns and cities have
H. & S. Clubs, which do work for
the. coming citizens of the town,
which no other organization can do.
If those interested in children, who
are not already members, will
out and hear the account of
has been accomplished by the
during the year, we feel sure
will join us in the good wark.
A quiet wedding whs- solemnized
at the United church ;parsonage,
Woodham, on Saturday, May' 12th,
when Miss Carrie Erma youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mills
of Woodham became the bride of
Harold W. Thomsen, eldest son of
Re-fr. D. D. and 'Airs. Thomson, of
Woodham. The happy couple en
tered the parlor to the strains of Lo
hengrin’s Bridal Chorus plaved bv
Scott Thomson, youngest brother of
the groom. The ceremony was per
formed by Rev. D. D. Thomson,
father of the groom. While the
couple we^e signing the register C.
Thomson played a violin solo. The
bride was gowned in rose beige
georgette: with lace, with hat to
match. The young couple left amid
showers nf confetti for an automo
bile trip to London and other points
west. On their return Mr. and Mrs-
Thomson will reside in London.
In a recent article on Canada,'Irv
ing Fisher, professor of economics,
Yale University, s^te/l in icomment-
ing on agriculture' hi/the Dominion,
“Canada is increasing" her agricul
tural 'wealth. Farm production
amounting to $1,700,000,000 during
1027 was accompanied by--the se
cond largest wheat <ciiqp. ^$t0h£rea‘V
^handling /ijpvjeV ,0^0,0’00 /‘btishels
^^uridg the navigation season, claims
' 'first position ajpong the graim^i^
I of the world.** ■ ». CHu<’/-.'<*•
The anniversary services held in
$t. Patrick’s church on Sunday last
were a decided success. Rev. Mr.
Snell took the services and solos
rendered by Miss Wood, of Exeter
and Mrs. G'. Hodgins were greatly
enjoyed by all while the organist
was- assisted by Mr. Alvin Carroll on
the violin.
We are pleaed to know that Mr.
Fred Dobbs is home from the hos
pital much improved after his rec
ent illness.
Mrs. D. Revington and Miss Marie
took a car load of ladies to the W.
I. convention held in Windsor last
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McFalls visit
ed at the home of Rev, A. A| Bice,
of London, one day last week.
Miss Lula Kerr, of Crediton and
Miss Wood, of Exeter spent the
week-end with Miss Olive Dobs.
Mr. and Mrs. Horn spent Sunday
at the home of Mrs. F. Davis.
Miss Lena Davis, who has been
on the sick list, is able to be around
. Mrs. W. H. Hayter and Willis are
ill with the flu; also Mrs. Fred Lin-
chey. We hope for a speedy re
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Battram have
moved to their new home on Dun
das St. Former residents will re
member it as the home of the late
W. J. Wilson.
The Y. P. S. of the United church
will hold their closing meeting for
-.this season next Friday evening,.
- .The annual lawn social at the
United church will be held on June
Just keep this date in mind,
■and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock
in Sal-nia on Sunday.
R. Eagleson -and Loraine, of
were guests here on Satur-
Re THOMAS CLARKE, late of thw
Village of Exeter, in the County .off'
Huron, Gentleman, deceased.
ing claims 'against the estate of the-
said deceased are required to sendb
full particulars pf such claims, duly;
proven, tp^the undersigned solicitor®.
for the5 executors ol' the said estate-
on or, befpre the 28th day of May.. $
1928,’ aftei* which date the executors ■
will" proceed to distribute the assets-
of the said estate, having regard on
ly ,tp ’ cl'dims of which . notice-
shall then have been given,,
Dated at Exeter, C)nt,, this
day Of MAy 1928.
> .CAJl^NG & MORLEY .*' ’' Solicitors .for Executory-
i Exeter, Ontario,
■ Mr.-
day. ■
Up-to-Date- Mary
Mary has not a little lamb.
Like she had long years ago.
But she has a pair of calves.
That she delights to show.
They go with her to school each day,
As faithful calves should do.
Where Mary draws a teacher’s pay,
For imparting knowledge true.
Ye pedagogues of other days
Would deem her calves too shocking
But Mary says it always pays
To buy a high-priced stocking.
And Mary wears expensive gowns,
That are very light and airy.
Not so showy for their cost,
But they show a lot of Mary.
Stand by Your Town
you think your town’s the best.
Tell ’em so.
you’d have her lead the rest,
Help her grow.
When there’s anything to do
Let the fellows count on you,
Y'ou’ll feel bully when its through.
Don’t you know.
If you’re used to giving knocks,
Change your style;
Throw bouquets instead of rocks
For a while;
Let the other fellow roast,
Shun him-as you would
Meet his hammer with
And a smile.
When a stranger from
Comes along,
Tell him who and what you are—
Make it strong;
Needn’t flatter, never bluff,
Tell the truth, for that’s enough;
Join the boosters—that’s tlie' stuff.
We belong.
There will be offered for sale by
public auction on the premises,
TUESDAY, MAY 29tli, 1928
at* l$o’clock p.m. the following,--
. CHATTELS—3 cows, 4 calves, 1
Jersey bull, yearling; 2 horses, 2
sows, 20 small pigs, about 80 chick
ens, 4 geese, 2 turkeys, cultivator, 2
second-hand ploughs, 1 mower, one
riding plough, 1 binder, seed drill,
roller, wagon, set bob sleighs, demo
crat wagon, disc harrow, 3 section
harrow, about 65 bushels barley,
about 50 bushels oats, about four
loads of hay, quantity of mixed feed;
harness, 1 colony'1 house also other
articles too numerous to mention.
REAL ESTATE—Lot number 15
in the West Boundary of the Town
ship of Blanshard *‘contaning 100
acres more -or less. On this farm
is a frame cottage, barn and stable.
About 50 acres have been sown
with oats and barley mixed
seeded down. The balance
grass. The soil is good. The.^-fanfT
is situated about a half a mile from
TERMS— $25 and under, cash.
Over that amount six piohths’^
will be given c ved joint notes bearing.' six' ..per cent
interest. Real ^st4t^/-.<1.0'.'. pfer ' Ce'ht
on day of sale,'"-' balance in. thirty
days. A portion of. the money may
remain on a mortgage if the pur
chaser so desires. . ' . •
Further terms and particulars will
be made known on day of sale’or
may be had on application to
tors, Exeter and London, Vendors
or to McNEIL & NAIRN, Auction
eers, St. Marys. ’ ,
on f urh isliihg"
a ghost,
a boost,
is in
Notice is hereby given that all.
persons havipg,, claims .against tha-
estate of. Silas Desjardine, late of
tlie .Township oi Stephen in the
County of Huron, laborer, deceased^
who died on the 9th.‘day of APr.iL
1928 c^t (the'1 Village of Grand Bendp.
in the.'County of La’mbton, intest
ate, are required to forward their
claims, duly proven to H. Eilber &
Son,,Qre.ditph', on or before the;26th.
day of May, 192,8. • • ■
And notice is further given that
after' this said date the administra
tor will proceed to dsitribute th&-
estate, .havipg regard only to the-
claims of 5 which' lie then shall have-
Dated at Qr.editon, this 11th das;
of. May,. 1928,', . :
Zacliarias "tiesjardine, Administrator
Zurich, Ontario.
Is your cream-,
separator gettings-
you all the pro
fits. Let us skim,
your skim milk
and prove to ,
you that we can/
save you money.
Are you
need of a
wagon we
give you a
■and save
The C. W. L. have planned on hold
ing a Strawberry festival
nesday, July 11th. More
lars later.
The .Social held
Wednesday evening
end at
Detroit, spent the week-end at the
home of Mr. Peter Doyle.
Miss Gertie Wederick. of London,
is spending a few days at her home
The death of Mr. Alexander
Stuart took place at St. Joseph’s
hospital, London on May l'4th at the
age of 75 years. Mr. Stuart had
been in failing health for some time
and whose funeral took place to the
R. C. cemetery on Wednesday at 10
a.in. with requiem mass celebrated'
by Rev. Fr. Corcoran-. ‘ ■'
Messrs. Mack McDonald and Jack
Bdi'fy, of .Detroit, spent the .week
end with friends
Mrs. D. Stuart;.of Detroit?-accom
panied by her son and daughter .atr.
tended the funeral of the late Alex
ander Stuart here last week.
on Wed-
Hall onin the
was well attend-
Geraldine McKeever and
of Detroit spent the week-
the former’s home here.
Thomas Glavin -and son of
from $10 to $15.
Enquire aboufc
our proposition.
Let us filK
for fencing, posts1
fine of repairs aJ-
you tv. re'dtiiremWs'
barb, wire., ’ A. full
wars ‘in’stock. - .
Prices awpy^down for Month of Maw
.. 11.1.1- >
No. 1 Shingles $1.16 bunch-
7. wire,^y,9.yen fence per rod 38e.
8 woven fence per rod 42 e.
MJ';-.- -> u; ..."
J ‘ \ .<
> * i t ‘ ; I -i
. -z. .'/Phone 12 .. .
HEAD woulo ACHENothing on earth can smile
man. Gems may flash
light, but what is a 'diamond flash
compared to an eye flash and a
mirth flash. Flowers cannot smile;
this is a charm that even they ’
not claim.
It is the prerogative of man; it is
the color which love wears,
cheerfulness and joy—tliese three.
It i|w a light in the windows of the
face by which the heart signifies it
is at home and waiting.
A face that cannot smile is liks a
bud that cannot blossom and dries
up on the stalk. Laughter is day.
and sobriety is night, and a smile is
the twilight that ‘hovers gently be
tween both—more bewitching than
either; y • ■■ . , j.
. but
The value of the mineral produc
tion in Ontario for 19 27 is estimated
at $90,000,000 in round figures by
the Provincial Department of Mines.'
The gold out-put in Ontario for the
year is valued at $33,700,658, an in
crease of $2,750,000 over 1926.
Among the metals represented in the
Of the 11,911,039,000 kilowatt
hours of electricity generated in
Canada last year almost^ 99■-per cdnL"
of the total was bydro-electricJFiiMl
plants generated only *1.4 pfeV
of the electric power tme’d iti ^ah^-
da. It is estimated that ‘the water
ipo,wer -,of Cafiada would warrant the
IpMallation of about' 43,000,00.0
horse power. At pres.ent only __ _ ______ -_ _ __ _____ ____
883,26.6 horse power is under insthi-' leaving the other three by acclama-
lation for electric power,
mineral output seventy per
have been gold, nickel, and co
while arsenic, gypsum and salt
the leaders among the non^me-
Mr. Beauchamp, Rockland,.
Ont., writesEvery fall and -winter-
I used to be bothered with severe coldy.,
I would cough so much my hea®
would ache, and T could not sleep at;
night. - r
fjMend- told- me about
Dr. WoocFs.
I got a bottle and when’just haii!”
of it i taken. I,had stopped cough--
ing, aud I felt d lot hotter. ,
,hftp'e stiver HjCem
T,1 1 oan
ijj coughs aud colds of any kiuA”^
bottle, large family
xniU.itp only by The T; Milburn,
, uted, out... .
4*-------------------------------------U ji
MacLeod, W. JoWfeU&E.
jf andMAlfihed ’ ^-oWeti§« w&rq-
nominated Monday evening as trus
tees df the village of Bayfield. It
was' expected- that one would retire
•-•W. J. 1
M Merner