HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-05-24, Page 3by ' Arthur Somers Roche BEGIN HERE TO-DAY -jjohn Ainsley, a man of education and breeding, becomes a master vrook—preying upon other thieves His first venture into theft was at the expense of Daragon, a Fifth Ave., jeweler. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY Destructive brains! Slowly I opened my eyes; I yawned gloriously drawing deep down into my lungs the winelike air; I raised my hands over my head and stretched until my toes touched the foot of the bed. I •was conscious of my silk pyjamas, the linen sheets, the silken coverlet, .Through! the open window I could s,be, in the distance, the geen-clad mountains; closer, I could observe fed by months of the seventh green of the golf course, played the game I rblled over on one side, burying my face in the downy pillow, to hide q from the obsequious waiter the sud­ den mirth that,had overwhelmed me. The lifting, ten minutes ago, of the telephone' that stood on a table l^iny bed, had been enough to wake himT activity not merely this man, but half a dozen others, all of whose energies and thoughts had been di­ rected toward the satisfaction of my- wants. Oh, I tell you, I who have I known direct poverty, that luxurious kt/ase is worth the sacrifice of any •principle. And I should know! Had I not followed the path of honor across a ‘bloody field in France, to learn that honor mocked me? Had I not ad­ hered to all, those righteous rules which the strong have laid down for Hie ’enslavement of the weak, and seen that adherence lead one fropi from the live or constructive, said the world. There was no place for those who had its rules; one -must be produc- belonged in neither class; And yet the lying world gave its best In place, in esteem, in what it termed success, to those outside those rigid categories. Steal, and be jailed; but steal enough and be honored,’ Kill, and be hanged; but kill sufficiently, and be enthroned. The rules were made for the herd; but I, John Ain­ sley, was no lamb to be shepherded. I was the wolf who payed outside the fold and I had tasted meat. No more, while rascals stuffed them­ selves, would I go hungry. I had destructive grains. I would use them. Yet I would use them as a gentle­ man must always use his strength for though .1 discarded morality, breeding would never leave me. Not upon the lambs, nor upon the shep­ herd, but upon the beasts of prey who lurked outside, would.I fed. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE men born, and was at the appointed plane, exactly on the hour ponent was aw • hand. “Though you your mind, Mr, me. “Am I late?” He grinned you’re in plenty of time,” fie answer­ ed. “For a beating!" he added. I looked at him; a tall, burly man, i with protruding eyes, and thin sandy ! hair, he was exactly the type- which, j for some reason, is most offensive fto me. I find that men with those characteristics, especially if their are very large, are braggarts. He was whom I would have opponent. But last My op- aiting me, watch in might have changed Ainsley," lie said to 1 asked. offensively.**0h THrBSJMY, mat '-Ml, 1028 hoarding-house to tenement, tenement to slum, and from slum to the edge of the grave? Hono& had brought me starvation. What cant would term dishonor, had brought me a full stomach. Well, I had done with cant. The world And I was savoring now the lux­ ury of my first kill. In New York the famous jeweler Daragon,—-a cur at heart—mourned the loss of a bauble wherewith he had hoped to force a woman to his will, but with which I had forced the world to my will. Here in this resort hotel, I rallied forces that had been exhaust­ suffering when I according to the now derided.silly rules that I oy two, after theFor a moment o^ two, after the waiter had gone, I merely looked at my breakfast. There was a certain joy, no explainable, to those who have never starved, in looking at the iced grapefruit, the yellow omelet and the golden toast. And then , eager appetite, mastered laughed as I found myself reaching for a fifth slice of toast. _ _____ remember that times had changed, and that it was not necessary for nfe to overeat; as inevitably as the hotel clock struck one, so would I lunch. Last --year, when the scanty, coarse meal before me must clq me a day, or two days, or even three days, it was all very well, even vit­ ally necessary, that I clean the plate. But I could permit myself a dainti­ ness forbidden not so long ago. And as I replaced the toast upon the dish, I remembered that 1 had pro­ mised to be on the first tee at ten o’clock. I look at the clock on the wall, found that I had but a half- hour in which to dress, and leaped .from the bed. I was shaved and bathed, and attired with a certain correctness possible only to a gentle- And then me. I I must characteristics, Adam's apples usually vulgar not the person selected a.s my night, in the dining-room, an elderly gentleman with whom I had struck up a casual acquaintance on the course—I had played the last ten holes with him, and he Intel compli­ mented me on my play—asked me to his table for coffee. He introduc­ ed me to his wife and to his daugh­ ter, and to my opponent of To-day, eq o) qoo} i tuoq.w ‘quhuba iseu.is the fiance of the daughter. Kerno­ chan, my elderly friend, expatiated on my prowess to his prospective son-in-law. Whereupon Vantine promptly challanged me to a match, In the course of our conversation I mentioned that, during a leave of absence in the war, I had played Westward I-Io, in England in eight- one. Vantine had shown an immed­ iate disbelief in my statement. He remarked that he had seen me driv­ ing, and that I didn’t look like an eiglity-one player to him. “In fact’’ he had added insolently, “I’d be willing to bet five hundred dollars that you can’t beat me, and never below eighty-five.’’ reminded him that I had played little in recent years, and that I no doubt that he could beat me. I’m I but had Whereupon he had sneered and re­ marked that he always found it thus people talked low golf-scores, but when it came to reinforcing conver­ sation with money, they usually crawled into their holes. 'His fian­ cee, Miss Kernochan, applauded his statement. I regretted that court­ esy toward an elderly man had led into the indiscretion of joining his table. For Kernochan was as vul­ gar as his daughter’s lover. And suddenly, when Vantine began tell­ ing everyone within earshot that he had “called my bluff,” an unreason­ ing anger possessed me. I accepted his challenge. CU-1O28B 1-1924 2-1923 1-1919 J. McDonell, Hensall i FORD OOVI’®! INT GOOD CONDITION FORD TOURINGS, IN FINE SHAPE McLAUGHLilN-B VICK TO U RING YOU have a right to expect just as great value-per-dollar in a Used Gar as you would in a' new car. You have a right to expect honest dealing and fair treatment. You have a right to GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. And it is our intention to see that you get all you expect . . . plus a bonus of extra value, made possible by the high grade of cars traded in on the “Bigger and Better” Chevrolet. Come in and see these remarkable Used Car values. 1 OVERLAND 90 K I /CHEVROLET/ CARS So, here I was upon the first tee the cynosure of a large gallery, many of whom privately wished me luck, but fill of whom were hopeless of my ability to defeat a man whom I had learned last night was the best play­ er in the resort. He had lied when he stated that his best game was eighty-five. According to my infor­ mants, and well-wishers of to-day, Vantine was capable of seventy-eight He had won a great deal of money by making unfair matches with strangers, goading them into wagers. Well, it was my own fault, I ask­ ed sympathy neither from the gal­ lery nor from myself, but played the best golf I knew, it was not good enough so lacking was I in practice, even to give him an argument. The match mided six and five, on the thirteenth green. I acted becoming­ ly, 1 hope, I promptly congratulat­ ed Vantine, and immediately paid him the wager. He took it with­ out shame. Nor did Kernochan or his daughter seem to think that Vantine had acted otherwise than as a gentleman should. In fact, people fold ni“ that it was Kernochan’s ha­ bit to engage in a match with any newcomer to the hotel, and then praise the stranger's play to Vantine who would promptly badger him in­ to a match and a bet. But 1 smiled as these things were told to me. I had been silly, and being silly is apt to prove expensive. I never mourn spilled milk. Instead, I look for a dairy. That night 1 was as corial at din­ ner as though nothing untoward had occurred. Miss Kernochan in­ vited me to make a fourth at bridge, and I accepted. We played in the Kernochan apartment, and I won a few dollars. But I did more than that. I won the liking of old Ker­ nochan, and even the sour-featured daughter and her pop-eyed lover were quite cordial. Kernochan, like al) parvenus—he was obviously that—talked continuously of his wealth, I learned that he was a re­ tired broker, and that Vantine was the chief owner of a detective-agen­ cy that, bore his name. This latter fact came out when Kernochan show­ ed me, as proof of his great wealth, a ring which he had given to daughter upon hei’ engagement Vantine. He brought if inner room. “The setting is a little loose, Alice isn't wearing it,’-’ he ............... “I shall have it fixed in New York nex-t week.” I admired the ring. An enormous ruby, it was worthy of the warmest admiration. And I, who had dealt so successfully with another ring not so long ago, eyed it with long­ ing appreciation. I encouraged the old vulgarian to tell me about the stone. He was nor loath to do so, and I learned that the jewel had a history. It Imd been owned by a Russian grand duke who hurt fled to Italy when Kerenski came into power. I-Ie had disposed of it to an Amercian millionaire by the name of Adams, who had died shortly afterwards leaving his affairs much involved. “I had a claim against the estate, I took this stone in settlement from his widow,” said Kernochan. I wondered, looking at his smug face, with the pious sidewhiskers and the mean, hard mouth, how just had been his claim against the estate. Idly I questioned him—yet not. too idly, for the stone, attracted me. I learned that Adams had left a wi­ dow, who’now resided in Boston and who was rather in stratened circum­ stances, Thinking of how comfort­ ably that widow might live upon the proceeds of the sale of the ruby, I felt my distaste for Kernochan in­ creasing. I made up my mind that I would have that ruby.' But next morning, starting for the second fairway, where the profes­ sional was awaiting me to correct a nasty slice that long absence from the game had produced in my drive, I came upon the Kernochans and Vantine in the lobby. T>ey were dressed for travel, and porters were alden with bags. J stopped beside them. “Yes, we’re leaving,” Kernochan told me in reply to my plots ques­ tion. “A telegram late last night­ sudden death of a former partner of mine; inconsiderate of him to just now, when I am enjoying golf; but it can’t be helped.” His callous brutality should have affected me, but I marked it up against him. I, too, felt that his partner was inconsiderate: I wanted the ruby, and it was going away. I murmured an insincere condolence, I turned to Vantine. “I hoped, with a little practice, to take you on again,” I told him. “Well, there are other golf-cour­ ses,” he leered. “I live at. Greenwich, Mr. Ainsley,” said Kernochan. “In a few weeks the courses around there will be in If you're in New from his to an so told me. die the not AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER v ■ I had read of • met one in the fk dev his eyes had for the possession made his supercr told myself then supercrooks sucre cause of the low police opposed to t ning—which was possessed—could what would intelB man achieve? I had answered isfactorily. By on hand I had made honest drudgery v me in a lifetime, fession. Born to> had not been full: self, at thirty, pos; tocratic birth, a < cation—and nothh living seron of th. gentleman. For T mere being a gent! to a decent and hon passed forever. Th respect for fine insti tributes to fine gold I had intelligent.*: But in addition to a which had never been used- only a gift for sleitht-of-hand, assid­ uously cultivated - That contemptible however, had been cd with a quick ” to do what a sup-, to achieve. Yet, with all in intelligence of the ed that I would a :ipercrooks; I had and almost un- ihstraeted a jewel of which he had it plans- I had at the so-called ed merely be- HlJigence of the in. If low cun- my supererook hie nee a nt he ill ft1 Ci n. ve success, of a gentle- question sat- of sleight-ot money than have earned flat bit n* re •mid For I had no pro- xpeetations which Bed, I found my- iessed of an arts- ■os: ir mopolitan edu- else. I was a futility of day when nan. entitled stable living world has no its-—it pays its the the one has that I know, good mind— I had during my youth, accomplishment, sufficient, coupl- rf, to enable mo . ’ ook had failed “I was wrong," she corrected her-* ”* ‘ --’ — — moVt» Anut ?rnb~ j not mat-*- seif. “I understand jaw no than I understand business', the eourbj' decided that chan’s claim was just, becoming in me to-di? ter. But,”—-and she —“you see that I no 1< Fiihy/’ (To be continued) “! am Free,” So it icu.ss the smiled, mger ov.i j. XX Kidney Trouble Ended by ^Fruit-a-tives’’ Everett, o'nt.^-was troubled for some years with dyspepsia, and kidney trouble, from which it was Impossible to get relief until I started taking ♦Fruit-a-tlves’ Now, thanks to ‘Fruit-a-tives’, I am free from thoseailments and able to do my work without frain or fatigue. • Mrs, Thos. Evans. “Fruit-a-tlves,” by the gentlo natural action of intensified fruit juices and tonics, restores normal action of kidneys, stom­ ach and bowels, and gives relief from backache, rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia and head­ aches. 25c and 50c a box. 1 ’ f. This complete ROGERS BATTERYLESS BADIO • y contempt for the ’ police, I had vow- id possible, confine my efforts to fields in which the po­ lice had no concern. I would thieves. But he;-1, at the very set of my new «.?zeer, I found self planning to steal from one was not a thief. Pride entered the affair. Kent , han thought me a wealth; be rooked with impunity. I would endeavor to show them that they had been mistaken. And in futherance of that endeavor, - made a call upon Mrs. Henry Adams, I found her in a modest boarding­ house on Beacon Hill. I introduced myself as one who planned writing a hook on historic jewels. Two days of hasty reading in the Public Lib­ rary had qualified me to speak learn­ edly upon the subject of precious stones—-wisely enough, at least, to deceive any but a jeweler. Further­ more, as I explained to Mrs. Adams, my book was to Lal with the ro­ mance of jewels, rather than with technicalities. “But why come 1 > sley?.’’ she asked. “You are the me Duke’s ruby,” I replh “Not any longer,’ shaking her white m < ?I assumed an expres? I assumed an express had acquired it,’’ -mi: “That is true; ban dis death, th - t from my possess: m,” me. Then, in res; • :r tioning look, she ml 1 that I wished to know. “My hus­ band and, I, Mr. Aitm'ey, have always been simple people. We never ex­ pected to own such a thing as the Grand Duke’s ruby, rn.d we acquired it almost accidentally. My husband was a broker. He *;ms in Italy, ar­ ranging for the HrRlion of some Italian bank-stock hl this country. While there, he 'inf • the Duke, who was in great need of money. He wished to sell the iuhy, and experts assured my husbanl that the price, one hundred and fFty thousand dol­ lars, was hardly half *he jewel's real value. My husbr .,.1 ■ had consider­ able cash available ;-.t the time. It looked like a good investment, and so he bought it. Eat neither of us ever intended that I should wear it. I am afraid.”—??-<! she smiled whimsically—“that 1 am liut the type of woman who could success­ fully wear such a m’na.” I agreed with he., although I pro­ tested otherwise. Bat she laughed at. me. “I am a siinpN Mr. Ainsley. I nev- grand lady, and nt-w" one. And Henry, a countryman, ing, Henry was a boy; enough to how those Henry had was involved in business, time he possessed one hundred thou­ sand, he was more deeply involved in affairs. Then, when his fortune amounted to mor- than a million, his entanglements were so great that withdrawal from business might have injured scores of other people. We bought the farm, but how sel­ dom we saw it! And then, just be­ fore he died, he determined defin­ itely to get out of th*-' city. I don't understand business. Mr. Ainsley, and so I cannot Wil you just how it was that Henry’s estate, which I had thought to be worth at least three million dollars, amounted, when all the claims were, settled to less than twenty thousand. “But he had entered into some •sort of an engagement with another broker named Kernochan; and Ker- rob out- my- who into and Vantine fool who could .0 punity. SAVE $2622 I .* of the Grand •d. ’ she to id.' ion ion I. I. sin lie she in :e to mj me the ot )f .ur ur nv h prise prise ou nt ry wo man, could be a r wanted to be my husband, was In mmrch <-f a liv- eame to N. stun when he he always .toped to save buy a lYrm. You know things aie. By the time •ten thousand dollars, he By the good condition. York—” “Thank you him warmly. And the next hurst. Boston, . my arrival I had read and digested, I prove that Henry was In newspaper files, the life and death of the Henry Adams, whose widow had surrendered the ruby to Benjamin Kernochan, you see, when I make up my I am very much in ernest. very much,” I told day, I, too, left Pine- Two evenings later t was in and twenty-four hours after | noclmn had papers that seemed to entirely re- it, debts fn- angement?’ Her I sensed the fire md simple lady* papers, seemed to I Commented. great For, mind, sponsible for certain vas: ' curved under arr grey eyes beamed, within this sweet t | “You say those l prove certain things, —no more than you would pay for any good ba ttery operated, radio set/ — Now you can satisfy your desire for Rogers ownership! . $224 will purchase this^ 19281; Model “Two-Fifty” Receiver with Table Speaker.—a complete year ’round radio . outfit! (If you already have a good Speaker, the Receiver alone is only $189.) Think of ill At the reduced prices now in effect, you can buy this. complete Rogers Battery less: Radio for no more than you would pay for any good battery operat­ ed set. There will be no further price re­ ductions. on. the Rogers Battery­ less Radio—<so why delay longer? Splendid programs will be “on the . air" all during the coming Sum­ mer-programs that your Rogers will bring in with uniform, un- . . failing power. Get a free demon­ stration now, Convenient terms. W. J. Beer, Exeter HEART and SERVES WERE SO BAD Mr. John R. ■ Novecocky, Ilmuh-.ud*, Sask., writes:—"I suffered Uidi :;y heart and nerves and was s» ’rul I could not sleep for the dizmnes,. .u, head. My head was in a whl am: £ was so ncrv. us, at times, I d’.d n t know what to do. f<I was worried over my vmrit, wh. h was neglected because I couM nut ■'> it, and this together with the v.u*v- made mo worse c^ery day. "I tried all sorts of mc<3icmrt, hut >£ no avail, so I coptmltcfi a. •. but was just as had as ever. “ Finally I received one of your almanacs and road how had relieved so many people of the same trouble, So I immediately sent for some, and I was really surprised to «eo how rapidly I regained my health?* ''’Milburn ‘s Heart and Nerve Pills are 50ct a box at all dealers, or direct on receipt of price by Milburh Co., Limited, Toronto, Xu ailed !Che T. Ont.^ ■. ainSfew