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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-05-24, Page 2
THE; EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATETHURSDAY, MAY 2<th> 1028 192 8 I wv Ulric Snell, Exeter Ont. to of in To take the rotes of the electors of the MunieijMility entitled to vote on 9 Loney By-laws upon the ap- plication of the Board of Educa- cation for the issue of $20,000,00 debentures. Lindbergh, Maitland, Chamberlin., Byrd—-all of the famous flyers of the day—use engines employing the Valve in-Head principle in their record-break ing flights. Practically every racing car entered in all the major speed classics of the past twelve years, as well as every winner of every important event, has also been Valve-in-Head equipped. The famous McLaughlin-Buick Velve-in- Head Engine, developing more power than any other automobile engine of its size, has given conclusive proof of leadership in all elements of performance over a period of twenty-four years. Choose McLaughlin-Buick—powered by the famous Valve-in-Head Engine—supreme in the sky, at the speedway, on the road! M.I9.5-28C MCLAUGHLIN 'BUICK* WHEREAS the Board of Education has made an application to the Coun cil of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter for the issue of $20,000 debentures namely for the purchase of a site and the erection thereon of a School house for Public School purposes. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Exe ter after receiving the said applica tion considered and requested that the same be submitted to a vote of the electors of the Municipality in the manner provided by The Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1927 for a By law for contracting a debt. AND WHEREAS it is necessary submit the said By-law to a vote the electors of the ^Municipality the manner provided by The Revised Statutes of Ontario 1927 in the case of a Money By-law. AND WHEREAS it is intended, in case the majority of the votes cast are in favor of the said By-law, the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter shall in the man ner provided by The Revised Statutes of Ontario 1927 pass a By-law to raise the sum of $20,000 for the purposes aforesaid, by the issue of debentures of the said Municipality to be payable within twenty-five years from the date of the said de bentures, with interest at the rate of four and three-quarters per centum per annum, that is to say the prin cipal and interest shall be combined and be made payable in as nearly as possible equal annual instalments during the- period for which the de bentures are to run. And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Village of Exeter according to the last Revised Assessment Roll, being the Roll for the year 1927 is the sum of $832,357.00 and whereas the amount of the debenture debt of the Corporation including all purposes is the sum of $58,312.94 and no part of the principal or interest is in arrears. And whereas it will be -necessary to raise annually the- sum of $13 83.- 90 during the period of twenty-five years to pay the yearly sums of prin cipal and interest as "they become due. Therefore- the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter enacts as follows,— 1. That for the purpose aforesaid there shall be borrowed on the cre dit of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter the sum of $20,000 and debentures shall be issued therefore in sums of^ not less than $100.00When Better Automobiles Are Built—• McLaughlin-Buick Will Build Them See the new Durant Sixes ... go for a ride m •them ,**<.,qsk your local Durant dealer why they are ’Tmer and faster” . . . ask him to compare the specifications with those of higher priced automobiles . . * then judge these cars for yourself ... on their merits! Faster . . . because ,o£ the studied relsncments of the already famous Red Seal CoKtineniaS ”L”-hcad Motor . * . Ed. Kraft, Dashwood f C1128 . because of the exclusive desby: of the Dur-atit built Hayes-Hunt bodic: the superior grade <of upholstery snatrr’ab the roominess of the interior and its easy -x qualities ... '~N f DURANB Duiil by DUUAN’T MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMiTEU Toronto . Canada Eh«rarit a5$rt Six Cylinder Special Four Door Sedan Built in four ni&dtlif Siurektl ftwt Door (illustrated): Ditbr S/>ort H rougher*; yp>cd:tal Ti^b-Pao* 5>c4dn and Special C Rugby Trucks, four and Six Cylinders; Capacity 1 ton and 1% tons each, bearing interest at the rate of four and three quarters per centum per annum and having coupons at tached thereto for the payment of the interest, 2, The debentures shall all bear the same date and shall be issued within" two years after the day on which this By-law is passed and may bear any date within such two years and shall be payable in twenty- five annual instalments during the twenty five years next after the time when the same are issued and the respective amounts interest in each be of of principal and such years shall as follows. Years Int.Prim Total 1 $950.00 $433.90 $1383.90 2 929.40 454,50 1383.91) 3 907 90 476.00 13S3.90 4 885.30 498.60 1383.90 5 S61.60 522.30 1383.90 6 836.90 547.00 1383.90 7 810.90 573.00 1383.90 8 783.70 . 600.20 1383.90 9 755.30 628.60 13S3.90 10 725.40 658.50 1383.90 11 694.10 689.80 1383.90 12 661,40 722,50 1383,90 13 627.10 756.80 1383.90 14 591.10 792.SO 1383.90 15 553.50 830.40 1383.90 16 514.00 869.90 1383.90 17 472.70 911.20 1383.90 IS 429.50 954.40 1383.90 19 3S4.10 999.80 1383.90 20 336.50 1047.40 1383.90 21 286.SO 1097.10 1383.90 22 234.70 1149.20 1383,90 23 ISO.00 1203.90 1383.90 24 122.SO 1261.10 1383.90 25 z 62.80 1321.10 1383.90 3. The saict debenture shall have printed across the face thereof the words,— Exeter Public School and the said debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the Corporation and be signed by the Reeve and Trea surer and be payable at the office of the Canadian Bank of Commerce in the Village of Exeter. 4. This By-law- shall take effect on and after the passing thereof. 5. The votes of the electors quali fied to vote on Money By-laws for and against this by-law shall be tak en by ballot on Monday the ISth day of June, 1928 from the hour of nine o’clock in the forenoon until five o'clock ii^the afternoon of the same day at the places within the said Corporation of the Village of Exeter, and by the Deputy Returning offi cers and poll clerks hereinafter spec ified.— That is Polling Elizabeth side of Main 'Street, Edward Treble Deputy Returning Officer and Wm. J. Carling, Poll Clerk. Polling Subdivision No, 2, at the Town Hall, East side of Main Street, James H. Greive, D. R. O. and Thos. Pryde, Poll Clerk. Polling Subdvision No. 3 Metro politan Building, corner of Welling ton and Main Streets. Rich. Hunter D. R. O. and Jalnes Murray, Poli Clerk. Polling Subdivision No. 4, at the North End Fir© Hall, corner of Mar ket and Elizabeth 'Streets, Richard Welsh D. R. O. and Jno. L. Kydd Poll Clerk. 6. That on Friday evening the 15th day of, June, 1928 at the Council Chambers in the said Village of Exe ter at the hour of 8 o’clock in the afternoon the Reeve shall appoint in writing signed by himself, two per sons to attend to the final summing up of the votes aforesaid by the clerk of the council and one person to attend at each polling place on behalf of the persons interested in, and desirous of promoting the pass ing of the by-law and a like number on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of opposing the passing of this by-law. 7. That on the 19th 1928, the clerk of the at the Clerk’s office in lage of Exeter at 12 sum up the numbers and against this By-law in the pres ence of the persons appointed to at tend thereat or in the presence of such of thorn and any .other persons entitled by By-law to as may be present. Provisionally adopted 2nd reading on the 21st 1928. BOARD OF EDUCATION A regular meeting was held in the office of the secretary on May Sth with all present except Mrs. Mol lard. The previous minutes were ap proved.On the report of Mr. Stan bury re cost of shield for Oratorical Trophy same was ordered, purchased and engraved with the name of I-Iermlm Gower and Exeter High School at a cost bi $1.50 plus engraving. The reports of the principals were received and filed. 30 new pupils are to commence after midsummer. The resignation of Miss Hale and Miss Fulton, teachers, were accept ed. The matter of re engagement of other teachers left over until June 4tli,Per J. G, Stanbury and F. J, Del-1 bridge, that scholarship in First and Second Forms be awarded on gener al proficiency standing at June ex aminations.A few accounts were ordered paid Mr. Stanbury reported an inter view with Architect Murray, of Lon don and a letter was read from Mr. I Murray and plans for probable new school examined by the board. Af ter discussion it was moved by Dr. Browning, seconded by Mr. Rowe, that a four-room school plans be submitted to the Council, and that, council be asked to provide $20,000 by issue of 20 year debentures l'or school accommodations and that a committee be appointed to wait on the council and committee and coun cil decide for which purpose it would be designated. All members except Mr. Dearing voted in favor of the motion, which was declared carried. The committee appointed was the Building' and Grounds Committee with Mr. Stanbury taking Mrs. Mol-! lard’s place. Mr. Stanbury reported for the committee re additional school grounds, owned by Mr. Clyde Hey wood, a little less than two acres; and it was moved by Mr, Dignan, se conded by Mr. May, that the property $400 if possible. Mr. “ June I Stye BxTirr Sinirs-A^tmraie Established 1873 and 1887 Published every Thursday morning at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per year in advance. United States sub scription $2.50. RATES—Farm or sale 50c. each : four insertions, quent insertion, tides, To Rent, Found 10c. per Reading notices Card of Thanks VOTtisiiig1 12 ami Memo ria in, W’ith extra verses 25e. Member ol’ the Canadian Newspaper; Association Real Estate for. insertion for first 25c, each subse- Miscellaneous ar- Wanted, Lost, line of six words, 10 c. per line, 50c. Legal ad- Sc. per line. In' one verse 50c, each. 1874 1928, The London Life POLICIES AS GOOD AS GOLD W, C. PEARCE Exeter. Phone 130W. Residence, Ann St., two blocks we'snV of Ford Garage GLADMAN & STANBURY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Money to Loan, Investments Modfl- Insurance Safe-deposit Vault for* use ol osj| Clients without charge EXETER LONDON HENSALU •i // ?» Seal and adopted, be purchased at CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS* BWQ» LOANS, INVESTMENTS. ' SURANCE Office: Carling Block, Main StFeeft, EXETER, ONT. Delbridge I-lie 4tli. Miss adjournment to K. MacFaul.Sec. to say,— Subdivision No. 1, at Mrs. Handford, residence, west day of June, Council shall the said Vil- o’clock noon of votes for be present after the day of May Signed Reeve Clerk NOTICE The above is a true copy of the proposed By-law which has been taken into consideration and which will be finally passed by the council of the Corporation of the Village'of Exeter, in the event of the consent of the electors being obtained there-’ to after one month from the first publication thereof in the Exetor: Times-Advocate newspaper the first publication, of which shall be 24th day of May, A.D., 1928 tho hour, day, and places named for taking tho vote electors a poll will be held. Every tenant of property who de sires to vote on must deliver to the clerk of the Mun icipality not later than 10 days be fore the date appointed for the tak ing of the said vote a declaraton provided by Sub. Section 3 of Sec tion 27 4, Chapter 233 of the Revis ed Statutes of Ontario 1927. Where a Corporation entitled to appoint a nominee to vote on its behalf desires to vote it shall not later than the tenth day before the day appointed for taking the vote file with the clerk of the Municipal- ty an appointment person to vote as on its behalf. Dated at Exeter May A. D., 1928. JOS. SENIOR Clerk of tho Corporation of the Vil Iago of Exeter. on the and at therein' of the the said by-law in writing of a its nominee and this 21si day o. Mr. and Miss Mary W. Holts. Mr. and GRAND BEND (Intended for last week) Mrs. Abner Mollai'd Yoe spent Sunday at J. and Mrs. C. Giles have arriv ed at their summer cottage and in tend to stay port they are Rev. J. M. Brydges for Sunday next. Don’t miss supper on May 2 4th, by the Ladies Aid. y The Gideons, of London are plac ing bibles in the Brenner House on May 27th. A number of London folk will be present. A shower was tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gill on their return from their honeymoon. Many useful pres ents were awaiting them at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Colin Love. Miss Bernice Webb is able to be up we are glad to report. AH hope for permanent recovery. The Maple Grove people are hav ing all the cottages in the grove painted this spring which will add very much to the appearance. the season. They re glad to be back again. Colling will be in Mt. anniversary work on the program and fish DR. M. C. G. FLETCHER PHYSICIAN & SURGEON W Graduate of Faculty of Medicla*# University of Western Ontario, Mem ber of the College of Physicians aJtUk Surgeons of Ontario; Member of Um- British Medical Council. Phone 6—(The office of the latu Dr. H. K. Hyndman) Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,P.DJ3L DENTAL SURGEON Late District Dental Officer of MilltwJ' District Number One, London, Ont. Telephones Office 341V Residence 8451- Office open every Wednesday taa*- til April 25th, 1928. MAIN ST., EXETER, ONT. Dr. G. F. RouLxUin, L~D.S.,D*D.9h DENTIST ’ Office over Carling & Morley , Law Office J, Extractions Under Oxygens <3m f EXETER. ONT. JOHN WARD DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER ANH)- OPTOMETRIST Physiotherapy Treatment PHONE NO. 70 MAIN ST. This Preston FORAFORD Garage Size 8ft. 6 in. x 16ft. *• Other types and sizes to suit any need FIRE-PROOF, ready-cut, com pact, Preston Garages are perfect in design and a source of real satisfaction. They resist thieves ... last... are handsome in appearance ... low in cost. Write for free garage folder Eastern Steel JWtocgs Jjfnit&L PRESTON, ONT. Toronto - Montreal Successor to Metal Shingle & Siding Co, Ltd. Was So Distressed Had To Stop Work Mrs. II. Dowd, Luskville,' Que., writes:—“I have been troubled for Two years with liver trouble, and was often so distressed I had to stop work ing. “X heard of Milburn’S LaXa-LJver Pills, from a friend who had uuid them, so I resolved I would give them a trial. /lMy trouble entirely passed away and I am now enjoying perfect health. ’ ’ Milbum’s T 1 liven up the liver-and make it resume its proper functions by removing the bile that is circulating in the blood '•nd poisoning the system, • Price 25c. a vial at all druggists and dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by lite T, Milburn Co,, Limited, Toronto. EXE DR. E. S, STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario VetertMI®- College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TSJ- Office in old Ford Garage Building Corner of Main and Ann Sxreeta EXETER, ONT. I S3’ .JARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED j Phone 57-13 Dashwood : R. R. 1, DASHWOOD, ONT. _ ------ -------• - ;—- ? ' FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER $ for Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER I’. O. or RING 139 -J 1 cr* OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jones’ Auc tion School, Special course taken iai- Registered Live Stock (all Breeda,)) Merchandise, Real Estate, Far»- Sales, etc. Rates in keeping 'witfc<> prevailing prices. Satisfaction M- sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL- FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, JOHN ALLISON- Vice-President, JAS. McKENZIE DIRECTORS frank McConnell, simon dow, ROBT. NORRIS, WM. BROCK AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent fbr Usborne and Biddulph OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent (Oir Hibbert, Fu liar ton and Logan W* A. TURNBULL Secretary-Treasurer Box 99, Exetor, Ontario. '■ GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors. Exeter I A r Father Wanted to Know Father—"Well, do yon think ydtt can make my daughter really happy*- Suitor—"Say, you should haVd- seen her last night,—Exchange*