HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-05-24, Page 1FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR NO. 2837ESTABLISHED 1873 4 l £ Phone 32 Lawn 10 & 12c ft.of PLUMBING Heaman’s Hardware & Paint Store ay 50c. an­ their you are PP brothers memory Hen- aw Gillivray. The marriage to place early in June. EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 24th, 1928 Announcement! Miss Lemon will be at our store for week of May 28th and will demonstrate the uses and food values of Canada Starch Co. products THIS INCLUDES MAZOLA, BENSON’S, LILY WHITE AND CROWN BRAND SYRUPS; SILVER GLOSS, LINIT, CELLULOID AND CANADA LAUNDRY STARCHES; BENSON’S AND CHALLENGE CORN STARCH We will be pleased to have you call and see this demonstration. ------------------------------------------- A Bargain in Ladies Hosiery We have gone through our stock of Ladies’ Hosiery and are clearing out all odd lines of lisle, fibre silk, etc., values from 50c. to $1.00 to clear! at 35c. pair or 3 pairs for $1.00 Men’s all wool Work Socks, 29c a pair 5 dozen pair Men’s All Wool work socks on sale this month at only 29c. a pair. Summer Furnishings for Men We are well stocked to meet the demands of summer clothing for men; new ties, Athletic underwear, belts, caps, straw hats, shirts with separates collars and collars attached, etc., are here shown in all the newest styles- Big B work shirts—We are local selling agents for this celebrated brand of work shirts, the best $1-00 values on the market to-day. Large shirts and well made. Clearing of Ladies, Misses Spring Coats We have still a number of very smart coats left which you can buy this month at real bargain prices. House Furnishings Don’t buy your Congoleum rugs, linoleums, Axminster and Wilton rugs, window blinds, etc. until you have looked over our stock. We can save you, dollars on your purchases. TRUNKS, SUIT CASES, CLUB BAGS, NEW STOCK JUST ARRIVED. AUTO RUGS, BEAUTIFUL QUALITY AUTO RUGS FROM $5.00 UP EARLY CLOSING THIS STORE WILL CLOSE EACH WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AT 12 O’CLOCK DURING JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST Jones & May |,iH-321 Lowe Bros. High Standard Paints Cover more and last longer Lowe Bros. Neptunite Varnish for Floors and Woodwork in cans 60c.* $1.00, $1.90 Dr. Percy H. Tom, wife and dau­ ghter, of. Winnipeg, Man., son of In­ spector Tom, of Goderich, visited at the home of his aunts Mrs. (Dr.) Sweet and Miss Mary Tom on his way to Goderich to visit his father. He intends spending the summer in Toronto, Goderich and around this district until his return in the fall. Lawn Grass Mowers Rakes Shears $8.50 up 75c. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Joslin Harding nounce the engagement of daughter, Alma Irene, to Mr. Fred­ erick Arthur Rundle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rundle, of Us- borne. The wedding to take place early in June. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Francis, of Stephen, announce the marriage of their daughter Iva Meryl, to . Man­ ford C. Belling, of Detroit, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Belling, of Mc- take Flower Guard Shovels Poultry netting ^5c yd. up Garden Hose 14c. ft. TINSMITHING THIS STORE WILL CLOSE EACH WEDNESDAY .AFTERNOON DURING JUNE, JULY, AUGUST - IN MEMORIAL! CAMPBELL—In loving memory our dear wife and mother Mrs. Arthur Campbell, who passed away two years ago, May 23rd, 1926. You are gone but not forgotten, Never shall your memory fade, Sweetest thoughts shall ever linger Around the grave where laid. f Husband and family, • and sisters. GYPSY BAND ARRESTED AFTER GYRING FARMER Woman Fortune Teller Found Hidden in Auto I I). 1). G. M. MACKAY VISITS II as were a Craig answer farmer Three auto loads of gypsii brought to Exeter from Ails on Friday of last week to to a complaint of an Usborne who missed a sum of money after ore of the women members of the band had told his fortune, Constables W. J. Bissett and Ed. Willis both received information over the telephone from Farquhar that a gypsy band had relieved T. Austin of a sum of money. Both men set out to apprehend the party. Mr. Bissett, with John Hunkin, in the' latter’s car, trailed a band of three cars to Dashwood, Crediton and came up with them the other side of Ailsa Craig. Mr. Bissett pursuad- ed them to return to Exeter with him. There were four men and three women in the party and Mr. Austin failed to recognize the woman who had relieved him of his money. In with th el­ and were the leaders of the band with them to Exeter. When Mr. Austin failed to identify the woman among the party in Exeter he was taken to Zurich to look over in that company, but, her there, the party Exeter and a search of made. Curled ncath a ding the Constable Whitesides, who had been called from Goderich, had arrived on the scene. Mr. Austin identified the woman as the one who had read his fortune but could not be sure that she had taken his money. We understand the matter was settled when one of the men of the party paid over a sum of money, amount­ ing to about seven dollars to Mr. Austin. There were about 23 mem­ bers jn. the party apprehended by Mr. Bissett and 21 in the party de­ tained by Mr. Willis. In one party was a mother with a three day’s old babe. After getting squared away the parties continued their journey. BIRTHS DONNELLY—-In Stratford, on Wed­ nesday, May 10th, to. Rev. W. E. and Mr?* Donnelly, twin daugh­ ters.• -'« < f KX/OPP-^In Hay Township on May Stli, to Mi*< and Mrs. Oscar Klopp, a daughter.. WALPER—In Stephen Township, on May 12th, to Mr. and Mrs, G. Walper, a daughter. McDONELL—in Hensall, on Friday, May 18tli, to MV. and Mrs. Allan McDOnell, a daughter. STEPHENS—in % Fletcher’s hos- . pital On' Thursday^ Mr. and Mrs. Wm‘ Elimville, a son. DENOMME—On the Stahley Township, on May 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. LawreneO Deno- mine, a son. Mqy 3rd,,, (jtp lot. Sanble Line, IN MEMORIAM PENWARDEN—In loving of our dear brother William ry Penwarden, who passed 2 years ago, May 27, 1926. We often sit and think of him When we are, all alone; His memory is the only thing That we can call our own. Like ivy on the withered oak, When other things decay, Our love for him Will still .green ' And fiever fade away. •-* One b^’Orte earth’s'ties'-a.ro broken, One By one theyfyd linked' above. Some day there- will be d, sweet re- union, Once again with those we love. Sadly missed by Sister and Brothers keep We Can Help You to See Better Our method of testing Is mos^ complete and our prices moderate. Office hours. 9.30 to 12 a.m, and 1.30 to 5 p.m. Evening by appointment S. FITTON Phone 75w OPTOMETRIST LEBANON FOREST LODGE On Monday evening D. D. G. M. Rt. W. Bro. rich visited A. F. & A. There was from Irving ors were also present from Hensall and Goderich. The work of the first degree was exemplified by the W. Master, Bro. George Thompson and his officers and the excellent manner in which the degree was conferred called for complimentary remarks from the distinguished vis­ itor of the evening and also from others who spoke. Following the business of the evening the breth­ ren numbering about 80 adjourned to the Central Hotel where a fine banquet was tendered Mine Host, C. Lee. After doing justice to the choice delicacies provided a very splendid program of addresses was carried out. W. Bro. Thompson acting as chairman, After a toast to the King and singing the. Nation­ al Anthem W. Bro. W. J. Henman proposed a toast to Grand Lodge. .This was responded to by D. D. G. M1. Bro. McKay and past D. D. G. M. T. D. Orme, of Lucan, who gave two very fine addresses on the work and i aims of Masonry. Bro. Geo. Stan­ ley, of Lucan, -also gave a splendid address on Brotherhood. Mr. Par­ sons, of Goderich, sang a solo. An address was alsp delivered by Bro. E. J. Wethey. Greetings were con­ veyed from Irving Lodge, Lucan by Bro. H. S. Stanley; Zurich Lodge, Hensall, by Bro. Chapman and from Maitland Lodge, Goderich by Bro. Kraft. Bro. Porter, of Goderich, who is an Exeter Old Boy stated that 'in his early lite he had tramp­ ed the streets of Exeter once a week delivering the Exeter Times in near­ ly every home in town. He made a few interesting remarks. W. Bro. G. M. Chidley, who is soon to leave this community for Watford, spoke of his many happy associations with ; Lebanon Forest Lodge and thanked the brethren for the many kindness­ es extended to him. A very plea­ sant evening was brought to a close by the Junior Wardens toast. Mrs. Joseph Hawkins returned . home Sunday’after visiting for a ‘ week in Clinton. Her sisters' Mrs. ■ Win. Higgins and Mrs. Thomas J. r McNeil, of Clinton, returned with her to visit for a time. A. J.^MacKay, of Gode- Lebanon Forest Lodge M. on his official visit* a fine representation Lodge Lucan and visit- An Uproarious Comedy IN THREE ACTS cc Wili be put on by the Saintsburjf Club in I the meantime Mr. Willis along Mr. T. Baker had located ano­ hand in three autos at Zurich they brought three men who the women not finding returned to the cars was the cars be-up in one of pile of clothing and bed­ missing woman was found. TO REMODEL JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH At a recent meeting of the official -board of the James St. < United church it was decided to proceed with the installation of a ne\y heat­ ing system for the church and for the remodelling of the basement and the changing of the main entrance to the auditorium, $ie whole cost of which is estimated in the neighbor­ hood of $8,000. The old heating system will be torn out and a new boiler* for steam heat will be bricked in in a corner of the same room and ■ the rest of the room will be fitted up in an up-to-date serving kitchen. Class-rooms with sliding doors will be fitted up around the base­ ment. The present main entrance is to be torn out and a new entrance will be built. On entering the main door a flight of steps will lead to a landing and turning to the right and left will lead to a second land­ ing on a level with the auditorium floor from which the audtiorium will be entered. Tenders for part of the work has already been let. Mr. W. G. Harris, of Dorchester, has secured the ten­ der ing has the and Clarence Heywood has secured the contract for the carpenter work. Work on the alterations -will com­ mence in the near future. for the installation of the heat­ system. Heaman’s Hardware been awarded the contract for installation of two indoor toilets BY-LAW FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE RATEPAYERS A by-law to provide for the ex­ penditure of $20,000 for the erec­ tion of a school is ratepayers June 18 th. fore the council at a special meet­ ing held Wednesday evening of last week and it was decided to submit it to a vote of the people. For a number of years one class of junior pupils has been housed in the base­ ment of the public library and the library board have asked that the room be vacated. The question of increased accommodation at the school has been a controversial one for several years. At the request of the Board of Education members of the council and a representative committe of citizens visited the sch­ ool to get first hand information as to the conditions and the report brought back was to the effect that additional accommodation should be provided to alleviate the present congestion. It has been felt by many that a separate building for the accomodation of the smaller children, where they might be off by themselves should be provided. Such a building should meet the educa­ tional needs of Exeter for many years to come. A copy, of the pro­ posed by-law appears on another page of the Times-Advocate. new four-room public to be submitted to the of Exeter on Monday, The question came be- BASEBALL LEAGUE FORMED A baseball meeting was held in Hensall on Thursday, May 17th last for the purpose of organizing a lea­ gue. The following ball teams were represented,.—Exeter, Hensall Gode­ rich, Clinton and Crediton each team having three or more representatives It was decided that a league be formed and that towns not repre­ sented, but which received an in­ vitation to this meeting, be given consideration to either affiliate with the league, or to give players a chance to play with other teams, the latter to expire on the 24th of May. After some discussion on a name for the league it was decided to leave the matter with the executive. Two delegates were appointed from each club as follows,—Exeter, Hind, Complin; Clinton, Fulford, Liver­ more; Crediton, Morlock, Teller; Goderich, Dean, Barlow; Hensall, Drummond, Richard. The election of officers resulted as follows,— Honorary presidents, H. J. A. Mc­ Ewen, Goderich; C. B. Snell, Exe­ ter; C. S. Cole, Clinton; Mr. Higgin, Hensall; Henry Eilber, Crediton; President, R. Fleming; Pres., M. R. Complin; Pres., Mr. Dean; Sec. Treasurer, F. W. Morlock. Following are some of and regulations adopted league. 1. That one man be from each club (with power of sub­ stitution) to compose the executive. 2. That the residence radius be confined to 12 miles and no players to be drawn from an incorporated town with the exeception that Hen­ sall be allowed to import a pitcher who shall reside In their village by the 1st of June. Any further con­ cession to be left to the discretion of the executive. 3. Entrance fee to join league was set at $10.00 to be paid to the Sec’y-Treas. before the first game of the season, and if there be any surplus at end of season it will be equally divided among the teams. 4. That the visiting tea|i be paid $10.00 for expense money by the home team as a guarantee for the visiting team. A motion was ly to stay out of least one year. The executive Crediton; 1st Vice- 2nd Vice- the rules by the appointed carried unantmous- tlie O. B. A. for at iIIO .............. decided to meet on Monday, May 28th in Hensall at -8 pan. for the transaction of unfin­ ished business after which, meeting was adjourned. Mr. Stuart Stanbury, was home front -Medical Cojlegev Toron­ to for SbWOVaL days last woek. Upon his return. to Toronto, he entered upon his engagment as Medical In­ terne at St. Micheal’s Hospital for the summer* TOOTH broken off Ii speaking of a new school for Exeter it has been stated on various occasions that small children are not safe when the larger scholars are hustling and bustling‘out of the building when settdoT is let out. was defnbuht^ated'on Tuesday wii^ii Iffileefr. 8*year-o)d daughter of Mr. and’Mrs. John Andrew was knocked down by one of the larger boys. She struck her face on the pavement and broke off one of her front upper teeth. Aberdeen Hail, Kirkton — on —- Tuesday, May 29th Commencing at 8.15 Musieial selections and solos between, the acts Admission 35c, and 25c. COME & BRING YOUR FRIENDS- Spend May 24th — AT — GRAND BEND SOFTBALL GAME at 3 o’clock p. m. , *$- Stratford Pirates vs. Grand Bend Whirlwinds A NOTED 8-P1ECE ORCHESTRA. FROM TOLEDO, O., WILL SUPPLY MUSIC FOR. THE DANCE IN THE EVENING An EIGHT-PIECE ORCHESTRA from LONDON will be in attendance at the regular Saturday night dance With Modern and Old Time Dancing. LAST WARNING The Corn Borer Act All work should now be cleaned up. If not prose­ cution will follow. Oswald Ginn INSPECTOR Dome Theatre May 24th, 25th, 26th. A Metro - Goldwyn - Mayer Picture Tale of the Christ, begins in Jer­ usalem in ithe days of the reign of Herod. A most tremendous success of stage records has been made into the wonderful production of stag© history. You will marvel at the GREAT CIRCUS, CHARIOT RACE* SEA FIGHT, GALLEY SCENES and LOVES ROMANCE. 25 c. ADULTS <»0e. ALL SEATSf PRICES THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHT' CHILDREN SATURDAY NIGHT OOc. INCLUDING WAR TAX One show only connneftcing at « o’clock Sharp, owing to length, of <he> picture.