HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-05-17, Page 8MfiWifTTtrw^wmMT H**1 * THE EXETER TIMES*ADVOCATE Want Column FOR SALE—Baby buggy, good as new. Apply Times-Advoeate. FOR S ’H.E OR RENT—Fine brick lesidenve, heated with hot air, elec- ‘ cic lighted, good garden. Apply io R. E. Pickard. 10-27-tfe HOT DOGS—Will be sold Saturday < veiling, May 19th, ut Southeott h Bros* old stand. Exeter Markets Wheat $1.5V Oats 75 c. Barley 85c. Manitoba flour $4.50 Blend Flour $4/25 Pastry Flour $3.70 Feed Flour $2.40 Bran $2.20 Shorts $2.20 Creamery Butter, 41e. Dairy Butter 35c. to 38c. Eggs, extras 28c. Eggs, seconds 23e, Hogs $9.50FOUND— At Grand Bend, a gold wrmt watch. Apply to B. Bossen- i>errv, Hotel Imperial, Grand Bend. HOUSE FOR 11 ENT- -With or without garage. Apply at this of­ fice. 5-17-lte FOR SALE- Sit'd potatoes at $2 per bag. at Centralia Farmers’ Co­ operatives Co., th ntralia, Ontario 5-17-tf LOST- - r.mpri’.iiig sever, pieces, lu c---------5 Read the full page advertisement of Southeott Bros, big fifteen day Anniversary Sale. Severny ft. of ridge cap | ............................ ... feet ‘ ■ mg, purchased from the Centralia | a Uo-Opi relive Co. Finder please; ‘ xire word with < Glimville, or Tinies-Advoeate, Exe-1 ’.er. Tell it well and your add will sell. Dr. W. E. Wtekcs has purchased new Essex Coach. .’diss Rosie Jennings spent the Charles Stephen, j wetk-eml in Toronto. a Air. and Airs, AlonMr, and Airs. Alonzo Ilodgins, of Crediton, visited in town Sunday. I Mr. and .Mrs. Gordon Hunter and FOR SALE— A storey and a half visited inbriek residence on MMn street, all | J/ .lodern eonveniei'ces A barn, ihivki-n house, two trees and small fruiti Jiine.’-Advoeate. cood well iu ll(*w machine for riveting brake lots, fruit: linings.Apply at I Isaac Suns, who lias been ill ' 5-lu-tfc in bed for the past three months is — | improving. BUS SERVICE Mrs, A, McDonald, of Windsor, Air. Cap. Howard has resumed hisp-’ visiting her daughter, Airs. Foore, '••us sirvice between Exeter and Lon- a1 the Alanse. Con, t ailing at Centralia. Aloures- • Alessrs. Andrew Hamilton and H. ville, Clandehoye and Lilian. Leaves1 Taylor motored over from Detroit Mxeter at 8 a.in., except Alohday * l'nr the week-end. ,t. T ,x„ when he leaves at 7:3o. Returnin'.', " ' ’ n'"' ...................* • earing London at 4:3", due in Ex­ eter at 6 p.m. POTATOES! I Air. and Airs. Henry Eyre, of Lon- ' don. visited with lriends at Sex­ smith on Sunday. Rev. Alurphy are attending London, this week. W. Jones and Air. R. synod H. inPOTATOES! CARMEN-Splendid cookers and i Miss Ruth Collingwood spent the would make ex.-Mlent seed at $2.25 ! week-end with her sister, Mrs. Roy a lm.g. I Alderson, near Thedford. GREEN MOUNTAIN OR IRISH; The Salvation Army are making GOBBLERS—Now in stock at $2.35 their self-denial appeal and are per bag. Good strains of plant.m ' meeting with fair response, stock—JONES & MAY Mrs. Roy BEN HUB —World’s Attraction, Tale of the Christ by Gen, Lew Wallace. At the Dome Theatre, May 2t> 25 and 20th. Mightiest the Dome FOR SALE—Essex Crystal Dwarf Clover has many outstanding ad­ vantages. It is about four weeks earlier than the common Sweet Clo­ ver and grows much smaller, nranehy and leafier and has stems. It seldom grows over and a half feet tall. It produces hay in large quantities and is better seeder yielding as high as 25 bu­ shels per acre on large acreage. $20.00 per bushel Apply to F. Taylor, Exeter or W. Anderson, Crediton. more finer three finer J. WANTED—Five thousand Market Gardeners to plant our hardy field grown cabbage and Bermuda onion plants. These plants will produce vegetables three weeks earlier than home-grown plants. It its no ex­ periment. We guarantee results or refund your money. Strong, field- grown, toughened plants ready to set 'in open field. Will stand tem- peatnre twenty degrees above with­ out injury. Bermuda onion plants and all leading varieties of cabbage plants shipped promptly. 200 plants Postpaid $1.00; 500. $1.75; 1000 $3.00. Ship express collect $2.00 thousand. Catalog and testimon­ ials sent free.—Carlisle Plant Farms Windsor. Ont. POTATOES—Certified seed. Lovely for table use.—-Southeott Bros. FOR SALE—Buggy, cutter and 2 jeyaoy rows. Apply to Rev. G. AL Chidley, Thames Road. 5-17-2tf.* FOR SALE—Thoroughbred Black Minorca setting eggs. Heavy laying "train. R. E. Pickard, Exeter. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE ............... ......... DOUBLE EDGE ......................... ■ Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, DRUGGIST 3c 4c j Mies Ada Willis, of Turnerville, ' spent the week-end visiting her par­ ents. Mr.' and Mrs. Jas. Willis. j Air. and Airs. Geo Geddes, of Lon­ don, visited friends at. Sexsniith over the week-end. Airs. Wm. Rivers, who has been seriously ill, is showing some signs of improvement. Air. and Airs. Ol’by Kestle, of De­ troit, were weelt-end visitors with'' relatives in town. Miss Aluriel Hogarth of Windsor, spent the week-end with her parents Air. and Airs. Fred Hogarth. Air. J. A. Christie, of St. Thomas spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. IV. Christie. Air, Fred Mitchell, of Toronto, visited at the home of Air. and Airs. Fred Hogarth over the week-end. Afr. and Mrs. David Russell, of Detroit, visited relatives in Exeter, on Sunday and Monday. Air. A J Ford returned home Sat­ urday atfer visiting for a time with his sister, Airs. Prodger, of London. Air. Langford Jones spent the week-end with her parents Air. and Airs, Wes. Jones. Afiss Carrie Anderson of Windsor, was a week-end visitor at her home in Usborne. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Winer, of Galt.’ visited with AIT. and Airs. C. der on Sunday. Air, and Mrs, A, Swayzip. don. spent Sunday will the mother Airs. J. Broderick. Mr. and Airs. Benson Turkey and Air. and Airs. L. Rafuse, of London, visited relatives in town Sunday. Mrs. Hy. Bolt on, are parents. Air. Air. Len. and Aliss Ella Kuntz, of Windsor, visited in Exeter over the week-end. Miss Marguerite Aidworth and Miss Frances Pearce, of Stratford, visited at their homes here over the week-end. Scliro e- of Lon- latter’s Burns and family, of visiting the former’s and Mrs. Robt. Sanders. Haist, Mr. John Kuntz REN HUR — World’s Mightiest Attraction. Tale of the Christ by Gen. Lew Wallace. At the Dome Theatre, May 21, 25 and 20th. Hound Trip RED STAR NAVIGATION CO. ANNUAL LOW RATE EXCURSION ch ^DETROIT Big Steel Steamer Greyhound Safe, Speedy, Comfortable will leave Goderich Monday, June 6th, at 9 ARRIVING PORT HURON 1.30 PM, DETROIT 5.30 P.M. RETURNING LEAVES DETROIT 1 p.m., FRIDAY, JUNE 8 Only boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this season. Children between 6 and 12, half fare. Visit your Michigan friends and see Magnificent Detroit. A delightful trip over the great International highway of lakes and rivers. Don’t miss it. iJmi . * Lt TUESDAY, JUNE 5th, AT 8.30 P, M. Three Hours oft Beautiful Lake Hurou for 50e. Children 25c. Fiuxel’s Orchestra ftir Dancirig ih the steamer’s big ball room l.ast Trip, Goderich to Detroit, Saturday, June 9th, 8*30 a»m. Usborne Council and the AV. C, T. U. report are being held over until next week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold French, Mrs. Geo. French and daughter Doris, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac. Sims. Mrs. W. J. Hamblyn, of town at­ tended the funeral of the late Wm. Cantelon, in Clinton, on Wednesday of last week. Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coates, of Detroit, motored over and spent the week­ end witii relatives Rev. Mr. McTavish and wife were in Ripley on Tuesday attending the funeral of the latter’s grandfather, the late Adam Ruttie, Rev. were at Ford on Sunday, Mr. Moor­ house conducing services for his brother, Rev. A. E. Moorhouse. Mrs. W. 11, Dearing arrived home Tuesday evening after a very en­ joyable visit of ten days with rel­ atives in Windsor and Detrot. The Young People of Trivitt Mem­ orial church will put on their play “The Brixton Burglary,” at Ailsa Craig on Friday, May 25th. Mr, and Mrs. Win. Heiaeman and daughter Betty, of Toronto, were week-end visitors with the former’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. Heideman. Mr. end Mrs", Alonzo Hedden, of Crediton, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fraser, of town, spent the week-end Brantford. “Miss Pearl Lloyd Kestle. Fred Kestle, of Exeter, spent Satur­ day and Sunday with Mr. F. Kestle's son, Clarence Kestle, Janies St.,”-— Seaforth News. Mr. Wm. Davis, was in London for the week-end, attending the an­ nual reunion of the 63rd Battery at the Tecumseh House. Messrs. Al. Gladman and Will Brown, of London former Exeter boys also attended the reunion. Mr. Frank Wildfong, of Sexsniith, went to Clinton hospital on Monday and on Tuesday underwent an oper­ ation. He is getting along as as can be expected. Mr. and Afrs, Francis Hill two sons have returned to home in Hamilton after visiting for over a week with mother Mrs. Jas. Hill. Mrs. Win. Vale was field last -week owing of her son-in-law, Mr. AVm. McDo­ well. Mr. McDowell had a slight touch of pneumonia, but is improv­ ing nicely. Mrs. J. S. Passmore returned Sat­ urday after visiting in Detroit since New Year’s. son and by auto and spent, the week-end here. Frost Sunday morning and also on Monday morning, ice being half an was in the open. mage was done as the vegetation is not far enough advanced. Mr. J. J. Millar, of Exeter North, has purchased a new Clydesdale Stallion, Theobald (20472) and will be. on the road this season. This horse has been a prize-winner at all the big show. Rev. H. E. Wriglit. of Raysville, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ford, of Usborne. Mrs. Wright, who has recently recovered from an operation and has just returned from spending a few days with her brother Austin, in Detroit, will re­ turn with Mr. Wright on Thursday. The engagement is announced of Betty Mae. daughter of Mr. and Mrs John Laurie, of Toronto, to William Spence Mam-on, Phm. B., son of Mrs, Geo. Maimon. of London, and the late George Manson, formerly of Exeter, the wedding to take place June 16th at Westminster United Church. Mother’s Day services were ob­ served in Caven Presbyterian church on Sunday. Splendid sermons, be­ fitting the occasion, were delivered by the minister, Rev. Jas. Foote. The sacraipent of baptism was ad­ ministered at the morning .service. The choir furnished sne^ini mw«ic for I he occasion and a pleasing solo was sung my Mrs. Foote. The regular meeting of the Main St.,W. 31. S. was held on Thursday afternoon, May 10th. Mrs. Pearce the vice-president was in charge of the meeting and plaits were made for a birthday party to be held the last week in May when Mrs. Forbes, delegate to the Jubilee in Trinidad will bo the speaker. Mrs. Medd had charge of the program and a very interesting and profitable study hour was spent. Mothers’ Day services in James St. United church, on Sunday, were of a special character. A baptismal service was held in the morning, when six children were baptised. In the afternoon an open session of the Sunday School was held in the aud­ itorium, when a printed program provided for the occasion was car­ ried out. A story was told by Miss Lily Hunter, a recitation was given by Miss Marjorie Kernick and a duett was sung by Misses Reddin and Essery and following this a very interesting pageant, “A Gift for Mother,” was presented. Sermons by the pastor, morning and evening were in keeping with the occasion and much enjoyed by the congrega­ tions. A’ mother’s choir led the service of song in the evening, FEU/ THROUGH BARN FLOOR Mrs. Robt. Tinney, of Hay Town­ ship, had the misfortune to fall through the barn floor, landing on her back in a wagon box, which was below. Fortunately there were no bones broken, but Mrs. Tinney was ' * She is doing as expected. Her (’. J. and Airs, Aloorhouge visiting relatives in .Restlo, of Brantford, of Ingersoll and Mr, w ell and their* the former’s called- to Den- to the illness Mr, and Mrs. Robin­ children brought her over visited this section early ok formed nearly inch thick on water that Very little da- very badly bruised. well as can be mother Mrs. pavid Russell, of Exc ter North is with her. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN* CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B.A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.-—“The Hero of the Lord’s Parable.” Communion 7 p.m.--“Disappointing the Future” Preparatory service Friday at 8 o’clock p. m. JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W, R. Gouldteg, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.-—“A Model Citizen, study in Loyalty. Rev. J. W. p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—Rev, Wr. F. Smith, of ville. Subject—“A New Testament trait of Jesus.” * 11 3 7 ” A Down Elim- THURSDAY, MAY 17th, 1928 “The Newest in Gents’ Furnishings. BORSALINO & KING HATS = MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA J. Moorhouse, Pastor as usuual. Rev. C. Services Thusday 8 p.m. prayer service. 8 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Walter Jones, Rector MAY 20th, 1928 Sunday after Ascension Day a.m.—Holy Communion 11 a.m.—Matins and Sermon 3 7 p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—Evensong and Sermon Please Note—The A. Y. P, A. will meet Thursday evening, May 17 at 8 p.m. All members are re­ quested to be present. from Por- PHONE 81w S21 EXETER, ONT, ’-f “Last week the Exeter Times-Ad- vovate came out in an all-home printed paper, eight pages, and we congratulate the Editor, Mr. J. M. Southeott and staff on the fine job they are making of.it.’’—Zurich Her­ ald. Back in the OH Stand A Permanent •FRESH GROCERIESHeave Cure — Sold by •— ■w. H. HARNESS EXETER We DeliverPhoqe 25 .ft WHERE I WILD BE PLEASED TO MEET ALL MY OLD CUSTOMERS AND AS MANY NEW ONES AS REQUIRE MY STOCK IS FRESH AND ALWAYS UP-4'O-DATE YOUR PATRONAGE KINDLY “SOLICITED South of Powell’s Bazaar Either Wood or Asphalt Our B. C. Shingles are all verti- o o All stocks listed on the Standard Alining Exchange bought and soIcL BROKERAGE SAME AS TORONTO cal grain, inspected and packed bunches to the square. — In Stock — GYROC, WALL BOARD, 1 CEDAR POSTS J. H. Maurer,. Paisley will be at the ^Commercial Hotel. Hensail Central Hotel, Exeter V. Yell it all around Yelland’s is Iho shop Where swell hats are found. There are several mining stocks, if bought at present prices will make1 a big profit. Our board room is open for your, convenience. WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE OUR SUMMER HATS — Also Our — . LUMBER STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE Give us a call and we will estimate your requirements V/e DeSvoi’ z’uaywhere Why not make some money now. Personal attention makes our ser­ vice to you better than you can ex­ pect from a large city Office. s. Phone 05 Exetcr, Out, re in <&v. FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT^ SICKNESS, WINDSTORM, ETC. EVERY CAR GUARANTEED AND EVERY CAR PRICED IN OUR AD GENERAL INSURANCE BROKEN Reprcsen tin of E'jeter, Ontario ASSURANUE UO. Head Office, Waterloo, Ontario Clinton • G. Morlock Agent, (Tetliloli, Ont. Telephone 21 a 5-3-8to Treat yourself to a Visit to this Store. The oftenor you study »:>ur Stock ahd prices, and plan of doing business, the more you save. You won’t always wish to purchase, but when you' do, you will know what we have and that we appreciate your patronage. It’s purely Mutual. Since last issue we received New art silk elastic U inch and B inch. D. M. C. Gottoh, bias tape, fancy garters and sport belt for ladies and kiddies, toe sox, new lock pins, 5 c. seeds, cut glass water sets, cel­ ery trays and 150 pairs of pure silk hose to sell at less than 50c. a pair. Oh boy. but this is the store for values. Come! Sec for your­ self. Something now all the time. BARGAIN TABLE SPECIALS Genuine Cut Glass Vases, 25c 19 22 CHEVROLET. “Special’.’ Touring good running con­ dition ................................. $85.00 23 OVERLAND 4 Touring guaranteed ..................... $125.00 1925 CHEVROLET 4 door Sedan, see this one at this price ........... ,..... $385.00 1926 CHEVROLET Coach, like new ...... $550.00 V26 ESSEX'Coach? city , driven, original finish irke. new........... ,.................. $575.00 1926 OLDSMOBILE Coach, a snap at ....................... $675.00 1925 MAXWELL* 4 door sedan hurry if you want it at .... $750.00 1926 CHRYSLER 4 door sedan ..... $775.00 1927 OLDSMOBILE Coach 4 wheel brakes, driven less than 3000 miles ............. $825.00 1925 MdLAUGHLIN Six Coach City driven ........ $865.00 1927 OLDSMOBILE 4 door sedan 4 wheel brakes, etc ....... $925.00 1928 PONTIAC 4 door sedan, brand new, never driven, no li­ cense. $100 off list price ............ .................$1085.00 Our Tumblcns, 0 for 75c. • Dinnerware plan of buying saves you money, ask to see our samples. jell’s Vari “WHERE YOU SAVE” PbdhO 55 MOTOR SALES Phone: Metcalfe 2714 351 (')aronco Street, LONDON •“SPECIAL FINANCE PLANS’1 W ’ R. GOULbING A. T. a M." ' Organist and Choirmaster •James St. United Church * Instruction in Vocal Organ TheoryPla.no Supervisor of Music m Schools Studio, Main St. Box 57. Phono 1321 EXETER, ONT. it is value you are looking for deal with T. H. Elliott and yon wilt get it. And do not forgot that I am selling my goods at a small profit and in order to do this I have got to ask the public for all the support they call give. My store will be open every night from now on. “ K • t 1 » »