HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-05-17, Page 7a “THE TOWN BEAUTIFUL” are to be by their he an of his Barnum said a sucker is born every minute, but he had to place 10 c. 50c. Sc. per line, one verse beauty should begin where things begin, at home. If beautiful thoughts, and the love of beauty which is our Henry Waymouth, a pioneer Londesboro, died recently in 9 3rd year. He was born in. South Devon, England. It holds up It says, "Make the Town It imposes a duty. It the spiritual, phrase, Such a week the estimate that low in his. day be-jSQ to speak; cause he lived long before thousands I F°lloW(kt him across the lot, would pay $40 a seat to see a fight. —Beloit News. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE COM BARELY WORK r z NEU-TONE the fat (trash- able paint Mrs. Rickard Lay, Breckenridge, -Que., writes:- “I used to have such JWh in my l ack I could hardly do my ■work. 'Du* must was my washing when I had to bend over the tub. “I tried a great many remedies, but they didn't r.t<m to do me much good. friend of mine had used Doan’s Kidney Viilx and told me how much good they had done her. I only used ‘ ■them a short time and found a great change.” Doan'* K.dney Pills do not act on lhe Vowels and if a laxative is needed ■we wo” d lei onnmiiil the use of Moo.;,/, ‘j. Laxn-’Liver Pills, 25c. a vial at all /.eiders. Price 50c. a box at ail dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Mil­ bum Co., Limited. Toronto, Ont THURSDAY, MAY X7th, XOSS v utye izxftrr uHwja-Afciuirate Established 1873 and 1SS7 Published every Thursday morning at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION— $2.00 per year in advance. United States sub­ scription $2.50. RATES—Farm or Real Estate for sale 50c. each insertion for first four insertions, quont insertion, tides, To Rent, ^ound 10c. per ' Reading notices Card of Thanks vertising 12 and Memoriam,. with extra verses 25c. each. Member of the Canadian Newspaper Association .. 25c. each subse- Miseellaneous ar- Wanted, Lost, or line of six words, per line. Legal ad- In 50 c. Our Comer "Undue stoutness caus&s many deaths,” says an advertisement. Es- specially among turkeys. CROW, ROOSTER, CROW I’ve a varied io| of chickens In a pen. And they used to raise the dickens Now and then. Every rooster in the flock, Brahma, Leghorn, Plymouth Rock, j Dunghill strain or blooded stock, j Loved one lien. • She was fickle and flirtatious, Gay and spry, I Coy, uncertain, pert audacious, ■ Likewise sly. j When some valiant chanticleer *** o* m (Tried to whisper in her ear Real success is of the mind and * He received a vicious spear real success calls for constant dis- • In the eye. ■ Old and lough, Bandy legged, dingy yellow, Called her bluff, Female feathers filled the air, Blood was spattered everywhere But ho licked her then and there, Sure enough. From that very day and hour She was meek, 'Mistress Hen was in his power, Cheer up J About twenty years ago a bumper crop followed seeding done after the 20th of May. . t ik * Si $ jit * fK The flower that follows the sun does so even in cloudy days.—Leigh­ ton. * * * r iX * * * # >x Young Scot:—“Do you know the difference between a taxicab and a tramcar?” Girl: ‘No’ “Good; then . we’ll 'take a tram- car” satisfaction, with yourself and what j ^ut 011(1 day a scrawny fellow, you have accomplished, constant wil- ' lingness to receive new ideas. Money is not happiness nor is it a true mea­ sure of success; the great happiness comes from a sense of achievement. IF there is anything more outstanding than the value offered by the “Bigger and Better” Chevrolet, it is the extraordinary value of the Used Cars which Chev­ rolet buyers have traded in.' Your dollars never went so far before, as they will now go in the purchase of a really fine Used Car. Never Jbefore were Used Cars ‘ such undeniably good value, from our stock of Here are a few samples CD-82EEJ 1- 1924 Ford Coupe, in good condition 2- J923 Ford Tourings, in fine shape 1-1919 McLaughiin-Buick touring 1 Overland 90 J. McDONELL HENSALL Fed them to him, like as not, with her beak. This is just a homely tale, Yet it’s true. Hens prefer a master male, Yes they do. He who hesitates is lost; Stand ymir ground at any cost; Hens delight in being bossed— Women, too. HURON COUNTY BEING ASKED EOR A GRANT OF $73,000 On the eve of the campaign by the University of Western Ontario throughout Western Ontaio to raise $1,000,000 twoard. the endowment fund which, is necessary to the sur­ vival of the institution, a statement has been addressed to the citizens of the counties within the university constituency, giving a general out­ line of the university needs and the project under way to meet them. This statement is as follows: Some years ago the present build­ ings of the University of Western Ontario were erected, but no pro­ vision was made then or subsequent­ ly for their maintenance. Since that time the demands upon the University fm^ its services have continued to increase to the extent that the student enrolment has doub­ led. As the result of this increased enrolment the indebtedness of the university has also year to year. It at $425,000. As is well known, any university pays far less than the equivalent of the cost of his tuition, In the case of the student at “Wes­ tern” student’s fees meet less than one-half of the <^>>r of their educa­ tion. They must remain thus if “Western” is to continue the ‘open door’ policy of ’a higher education for every boy ami girl in Western Ontario.’ The Board of Governors, in fac­ ing this problem, considered very Every Woman Needs “Fruit-a-tives” the sure way to regular health MRS. A. PARENT. increased from present totals the student at s Everybody loves and beauty. Beauty is one i vinest forces that, life holds, based fundameutly on order, sym­ metry and harmony. The contour of a beautiful face; the blend of co­ lors in a masterly picture; the charm of a beautiful woman—all these have their universal appeal. The city or town in which, our home is made should be less beaut­ iful, in our eyes than the country­ side we repair to in summertime, the. mountains or the seashore. Our quest of all, good we have inherent portion in the land of the living, we shall not be content with a city or town which does not mirror the beauty that possesses us. We shall want our home-town (that blessed word! > to be beautiful, wholesome, orderly, healthy, virile, and a place of which to be proud. “Clean-up Week” comes as a boon and a blessing to many an uti- beautiful community an ideal. Beautiful.” offers, in “Beauty for Ashes.” -reip^ds us of the saving that if the streets of the New Jerusalem be kept clean it will only everybody sweeping before own doorstep. Hence it will incentive to work hard and enthus- istically for the place we love. There is a sacred obligation rest­ ing upon homebuilders to keep the house, the home, clean. If the full meaning and significance, of home is truly realized it will be seen, home is not confined within walls. Home is where we where we find our work to do earn our li.irg, where our ones share our the community, "he byways, and be made clean that- the streets children to play in. and the children Im healthy, happy and beautiful and radiant in “The Town Beautiful” we have, builded for them. Exeter holds an enviable reputation for its beaut­ iful homes, well kept lawns and gar­ dens; and the interest the citizens take in floral culture. There is no standing still. Plan for better things this year. Daily tasks rob many women of thes priceless boon of good health, because, constipation, biliousness, headaches, Sag­ digestion, backaches and kindred ail­ ments, undermine their constitutions. Read this sincere letter: Driscol Lake, Sask. — “I have takcFi many kinds of medicine, but none proven as good as 'Fruit-a-tives’ for me. It rt the only medicine I take—I use it regu lariy and do not feel right if I do nor.-A —Mrs. A. Parent “Fruit-a-tives” is universally successful because it is a natural medicine — mark; from the intensified juices of fresh fruits, combined with tonics. It will help you, too. 25c and 50c at all druggists. Buy a box to-day. It Pays to use 100% PURE PAINT AND VARNISHES j/ special product ~ for every pu rpose- for every surface 100% PURE , PAINT for exferior or inferior MAR01E-ITE for hardwood Floors VARN0L6UM for Oilcloth & Linoleum WdODTAC skin for floors andfurnilurdA I admires of the <lj-1 seriously different ways in which it It is I might be met; on~ being to reduce the student enrolment. This was practically impossible in view of the fact that there. wer<^ so many asking application for admission. Increas­ ing the fees was suggested, but this would mean that only children of wealthy parents w-mld be able to at­ tend. The only solution pos­ sible was a public appeal to the Pro­ vincial Government the City of Lon­ don and the Fourteen Counties which the University serves, for an. endowment fund of $2,0im.uU0, the interest on which would provide the necessary annual income of $100,- 000.00. The Board of Governors have started this fund by making individ­ ual contributions amouting to $100,- 000.00 Tlife Provincial Government was approached and offered to provide ways and means for - the funding of the present indebtedness. And, real­ izing, that the University, for the next two years, until the interest on the returns from the proposed en­ dowment fund materializes, will need further assistance, has increased the present grant of $250,00(1 a year to .$300,000. But it has been made clear by the Government that in or­ der to expect further assistance, the people of ‘Western Ontario, who are benefiting directly by the Univers­ ity’s services, must do their share. The next step has been to appeal to individual citizens of London for a total of'$l,00<iJi«('.». aside from the fact that the City, through taxation, conributes $55,Of" each year. The appeal now is being carried to the Fourteen Counties in western On­ taio for individual county grants to­ talling $800,000. This, with a per­ sonal appeal to b? ma'de to friends and graduates of rhe University, and grants by cities wi’hin the Western Counties which we hope will amount to an additional $'2"0.(>00. will pro­ duce our objective total of $1,000,- 000 Cor the Western Counties, and the necessary grants total of $2.- 000,000. ” In deciding to ask the Counties of the University’ rmi'dituency for grants, it was considered that the amount should be ^governed by the student enrolment representative of each County, its population and esti­ mated wealth, and its geographical proximity to the University. * In each ease the grants are sought on a five-year payment basis, with­ out interest, Middlesex County is asked to grant SlmijW). or $20,- 000 per annum for five years. The Counties of Elgin. Kent. Lambton, Huron and Oxford are asked for grants of $75,000. or $15,<>00 per annum for five years. The effect of these grants in the matter of taxa­ tion is one of less than one-half mill on the local annual assessment. This will not work a hardship to anyone, and is a much fairer way of apportioning the objective than to appeal to the citizens to raise the. amount by voluntary subscriptions, although there are friends of the University whose means will permit of their doing so. who will have an opportunity of making voluntary contributions and thus perpetrate their names on the records University as benefactors. The eleven chartered cities constituent counties, apart London, i.e., St. Thomas, Chatham, Sarnia, Woodstock, Stratford. Brant, ford, Kitchener, Guelph, Owen Sound and Galt are being asked to make individual gants of One Dollar per capita, or Twenty Cents per annum for five years. Every County and City grant will be permamently invested as part of the Endowment Fund of the Univers­ ity, and only the interest used, and each will be perpetually known in the University foundation as the En­ dowment Gift of that County or City. that four live, and where our loved life, the busy street, Therefore the lanes, the highways should and kept clean, so may be safe for the of the in the from G. A. Hawkins, Exetei It would be well for older ones as well as youngsters to join the "Just Kids Chib,” and learn to look both ways before they leave the curb. 29 x 4.40 BALLOONS| $10.00 GOODYEAR . BUILT - : J wi 'IF you drive a car using | 29x4.40 tires, here’s ej your chance to buy guar­ anteed balloon equip­ ment for mighty little money. Goodyear-built of SUPERTWIST Cords. Big, sturdy, tough- treaded. Also come in 30x3J^ 32x4 31 x 4 33x4 W. J. BEER Phone 109 EXETER, ’Us. I* r a Our service is immediate an<£ | personal—not delayed and by g. a mail. B 2l Mrs. Robt. M. Shirley, R.R. N<\ ” Chipman, N.B., writes;—“I cat. recoinuicnd Milbum’s Heart an-.l fills too highly. "I Iiad been bothered with pains in my heart and nervousness for time, yes, for years, and the least httus thing would put inc on pins and liwik> s tried, a lot of different medumu’ft, out it seemed to. make, no diiToremc. I even went to our doctor, but' all ho> said was that I needed, a rest, but I didn’t as I only had one child throe years old and she didn’t require mueh- care. “Last winter while cooking in a lum­ ber camp the foreman told me to try so 1 got a box and before it Was half taken I found that my nerves went beginning to quiet down, aud the pants were all gone frnm my heart, and £ could lie down And go to sleep without any fear.” Prico 50c. a box at a$ dealerf!, nr mailed direct on receipt of price by TW T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont#