HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-05-17, Page 6THURSDAY, MAY 1928 A Convenient High Chair ll four rubber-tipped door stops tare -erewed into the tegs of an or­ dinary chair, it makes an ideal high «chair for kitchen work, or ssuiull child. To Test Eggs Place an egg in a pan of water. If fresh it wilt lie on its side. If a few days old it will tilt upwards. If stale, it will stand on end. If very old, it will float. t 1 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE STEPHEN COUNCIL Manure Spreaders i ' i d I^JNEVEN fertilizing means un­ even crops, and uneven crops mean delays in harvesting. Taco Manure Spreaders distrib­ ute fertilizer as smoothly and evenly up-hill as down—spreading faster, wider and more evenly than any other spreader in the country. An exclusive patent windshield prevents manure from being blown or thrown on the driver. ■« • I Come in and see for yourself the many improved features of these dependable Taco Spreaders. The Faynous TACO Line PLOWS HARROWS CULTIVATORS MOWERS RAKES PULVERIZERS MANURE SPREADERS SCUFFLERS CREAM SEPARATORS GASOLINE ENGINES STEEL WHEELS SLEIGHS WAGONS AND GEARS RANGES AND STOVES FURNACES Write for free folder, telling us the particular whic^i you are in«line in terested, PRESBYTERY MEETINGhe appointed Cow Tag Inspector for 1928 ancl his division shall be from concessions 1 to 11 inclusive and Placid Desjardine Cow Tag Inspector and his division from Concession 12 to the western boundary, Dearing—Goetz. That itlie of. Rivision for hearing against the Assessment Roll in the Town Hall, Crediton, unlay, the 26th day of May, 2 p.m. Carried Tenders were opened for t struction and repair of Th | Creek Drain and the Dietrich Drain and on motion of Goetz, seconded by Tetreau and carried, the contracts were awarded to Broderick Bros, of Welland. The price for the Alud Creek Drain is $10,872.00 and tlm Dietrich Drain $1200,00. The clerk was instructed to write Geo. A. McCubbin Esq., O.L.S. to prepare plans for two bridges across The Mud Creek Drain—one on the 1st sideroad opposite lots 5 and 6, Concession 10 and one on the 4th side-road opposite lots 20 and 21, Concession 10. The following orders were pass­ ed,— - I Wickwire Print Shop, debentures re Aux Sable Drain $10,p0; Wick- wire Print Shop, By-law re Dietrich Drain $15.00; Wickwire Print Shop printing Mud Creek By-laws $37.50; Chatham News adv. for tenders re, Mud Creek Drain $7.7 0; Chatham News, adv. Tenders re Deitrich Drain $7.70; Joseph Guinan, Assess­ or $153.00; Pay Sheet No. 2,—Nel­ son Baker $9.15,* Nelson Baker $6.- 10, W. J. Stanlake $11.20, W. J. Stanlake $42.75, Lewis Davey $52.- 00, Geo. Hirtzel $49.20, Alvin Ba­ ker $9.75, Alvin Baker $17.00, Hy. Schenk $32.00, Robert Gower $12.-' 90, Jos. Finkbeiner $8.45, Jos. Fink­ beiner $13.00, Thomas Yearley $3., Thomas Yearley $9.75, Thos. Ma- wliinney ;$ 19.00, Roy Ratz $14.50, Roy Ratz $3.50, ^Tohn Houlahan $12.65, Placid Desjardine $10.00, Placid Desjardine $19.50, Isaac $1.60, Wesley Isaac $25.75, Thomas Isaac $23.87. Thomas Isaac $10.00, Adalbert "Webb $9.50, Aclel- bert Webb $21.10, $2.50, William Baker $11.00, Hodgins $15.50, Roy Hodgins 20, Henry Link $8.50, Henry $8.00, A. H. Neeb $6.50, A. H. $14.50, E Falnier $2.50, Massey Ltd. $16.4S, $6.00, Jas. Mawliinney $l.Q0. The council adjourned to meet again in the Town Hall, Crediton, 1 The Presbytery of Huron, in reg­ ular quarterly meeting, n Tuesday of this week in tli forth Presbyterian Church. J Rev, J. Melllroy, Moderator, were present Revs, McDerniiil Macfarlane, Goodwill, Larkin, min­ isters. Also Messrs, Eberhart, Bell, Weir, ^McEwen, Strang. Elders, with Dr. R. R. Ross, Thomas Beat- tie and others. The resignation of Rev. Alfred Macfarlane from ths pastorate of Clinton congregation was dealt with in a brief meeting i at Clinton, held at one o’clock, and at the later meeting at Seaforth the resignation of Dr. Larkin from the Seaforth charge was similarly dealt with. At each of these meetings members of Presbytery and Elders from the rsepective congregations spoke words of nnucli appreciation concerning these brethren who have served so long in the ministry, and in this part of Ontario, and both Mr. Macfarlane and Dr. Larkin spoke words of equal appreciation relative to the work and those with whom they had been associated over a period of 17 and 28 years, respectively. Clinton pulpit is to be declared vacant next Sunday, May 13th, by Rev. Mr. AIcDermid, Mod­ erator pro tern, while Dr. Larkin’s ministry at Seaforth closes on June 10th, after which Bev. Mr. Foote, of Exeter, will be associated with the Session, during the vacancy. Several changes in committees had to be made, the most important being that Rev. Melllroy, as Con­ vener of the Presbytery’s Home Mis4- sion Committee in place of Mr. Mac-' farlane. Mi*. Thomas Beattie, Sea- I forth, asked the organization of a softball C. G."I. T. League, with the membership to be- made up by the various congregations of the Pres­ bytery. All were in full sympathy with the proposal, and steps were taken >to move in the direction desired. The next meeting is to held in Hensail in September. The® Council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, May 7, 1928. at 1 p.m. All members present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Tetreau—Goetz. That whereas the Council of the ’l’ownship of McGilli­ vray served John Hayes, Reeve of the Township of Stephen with a Drainage Report prepared by G. A. MeCubbin, Esq., flO.L.S. and known as The Lewis Drain on April 9 th, 1928, he it resolved that the -same be accepted and that the clerk have the same printed in pamphlet form and served on all interested parites | as provided by sec, 24 of The Muni­ cipal Drainage Act. The By-law having’ been read the first time, was provisionally adopted, and it was or­ dered that" a Court of Revision be held in the Town Hull, on Tuesday, July 3rd, next at 1 p.m. Mawliinney—Dearing. That where-' as John Hayes, Reeve of .the Town­ ship of Stephen was served with a plan, profile and report of Tin? Black Creek Drain -on April 20th, 1928 as prepared by'R- T. Patterson Esq., Engineer, that the same be re­ ceived and that the By-law be print­ ed and served on all the interested owners as provided by The Muni­ cipal Drainage Act and that the By­ law having been read the first tim- , bp provisionally adopted and n Court of Revisipn • be held in the Town Hall on Tuesday, July 3rd next at 3 p.m. for the purpose of hearing appeals. Carried. Goetz—Dearing. That By-law No. 366 being a By-law for repairing the Mud Creek Drain, having been read three times be passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the seal of the Corporation attached thereto. Carried. Mawliinney— Tetreau. That By­ law No. 367 being a By-law foj* con­ structing the Dietrich Municipal Drain, having been read three times be passed and signed by the Reeva and Clerk and the seal of the Cor­ poration attached thereto. ’ C’aried Dearing—Mawliinney. That where­ as Ernest McPherson has asked the Council for permission to sign the petition of N. Sitter and others for the construction of a Municipal Drain on the Sauble concession, we grant his request and the clerk is instructed to notify the engineer to that effect. Carried. Mawliinney—Tetreau. That the Assessment Roll of 19 2 8 as prepar­ ed by Jos. Guinan be accepted and the Assessor be paid his salary. Crried. Tetreau—Dearing). That By-law No. 368 being a By-law to borrow money to meet current expenses un­ til tlie taxes of 1928 have been col­ lected, having been read three fihtes be passed and signed by the Reeve and the Clerk and the seal of the corporation attached thereto. Car. Goeitz—Tetreau. That Eli Lawson Carried ( Court appeals be held on Sat- 1928 at Wesley 1: so be and, STAFFA (Intended for last week) Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Jones sons are visiting in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hambly spen^ Sunday in Walton. Miss Margaret Wilson, R, N-, Sea- fortli, spent Sunday with Air. and Mrs. G. G. Wilson. Mr, Howard Leary, or the West-* ervelt School, London, spent the? week-end with his parents Air, and Mrs. John Leary. Miss Rebecca Bruce, of Detroit^ spent the week-end with Air. atijj, Mrs, David Bruce. Air. ail'd Howard Shier, of Groin* arty and Air. Donald McKinnon, of Detroit, .spent Sunday with Air. and Mrs. Righard McGill. Air. and Mrs. C. O’Brien, Ridge­ town; Mr. and Mrs. W. O’Brien, Ot Flint; lVIr, Harold O''Brien and Mr, and Mrs. C. Tuffy, of London, visit* ed with Mr. and Mrs. F', O’Brien 01$ Sunday. ' Mrs. H. Leslie and son are hpli* daying in Galt.' 1874 1928. The London Life POLICIES AS GOOD AS GOLD' . W. C. PEARCE '. j Exeter. Phone 13 OW. ’ ' Residence, Ann St., two blocks W0>| of Ford Garage GLADMAN & STANBURY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Money to Loan, Investments Mad® ■ Insurance Safe-deposit Vault for use of Clients without charge EXETER LONDON .HENSAMI TUDHOPE-ANDERSON CO., LIMITED Makers of Good Farm Implements Orillia Ontario Ed. Kraft,. Dashwood W. G. SIMMONS, EXETER Ont It BLACKSMITH AND IMPJJE3CENT DEALER E s tablishing THE 65 Passenger Cars Fours and Sides from $725 t<> $2195 f.u.h. I.eusidf. Ont Taxes Extra ■WK— ■[ William Baker Roy $21- Link Neeb Sawyer- Dan Mclsaae on Saturday, May 26th 1'123, at pan. Henry Eilber, Clerk HAY COUNCIL of in ^ability and(Pomer meritedbyBeaidy z/FTER a ride in the Durant "6>” . . . after a thorough demonstration on a straighi-away run, on a curving, steep hill, in traffic ... or under any road conditions you may choose . . . only then can you honestly express an opinion regarding this well built automobile. Stability ... to stand the strain of everyday motoring with ease. . . . Power. ... to meet every reasonable demand with certainty. . . . And in addition the beauty that is so charac­ teristic of Durant built Hayes-Hunt bodies. . . . The opportunity of proving to your own satisfaction that the new Durant Sixes have these vitally»important qualifications awaits you . your local Durant dealer’s without obligation! Butte by Durant "Motors of Canada, Limizei Toronto Canada The DwfUrtt “65 Six Cylinder tri four fitniirU, l fritr OtMtf Sedan (iUtutriited); Coujfe, udlh KumMc' Srt«r rtrttr Itow 5/w>»c Sedan’ Cabriolet, with Kumb/c Trucks, Four and Six Cylinders; Capacity 1 ton and tons The regular monthly meeting the Township of Hay was held the Town Hall, Zurich, on May 7th. All members were present. The -min­ utes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Henry Flaxbard was appointed foreman of construc­ tion of the Talbot Drain at $3 per day, and to hire first class labor necessary for the work at $2.50 per day, work to be started at once. The following accounts were passed; Metallic Roofing Co., culverts, $149. 79; Sawyer-Massey Co.,'grader $185 E. P. Daters, pay list, $27.40; P. Schwalm, pay list, $17.45; T. Ayette pay list, $13.25; W. A. Sclinurr, repair account, $4.85; Sam Ropp, pay list, $8.15; N. Stanlake, pay list $82.88; John Oesch, pay list, $33.85; S. Hoffman, pay list, $9.25, E. Gabel, pay list, $15.95; E. J. Walper. pay list, $16.70; G. E. Thompson, pay list, $18.25; H. Kru­ eger, pay list, $448.42; A. L. Srec- nan, pay listT $19.10; N. Foster, pay list, $15.75; H. Krueger, pay list, $8; C. Aidworth, pay list, $13; T. Kyle, pay list, $13.40; C. N. R, for freight on grader, $7.35; H. Neeb, road superintendent, $S2; A. Wein, tile, $100.64; R. Geiger, pay list $3, Municipal World, supplies, $2.16; postage, Black Creek, $7.46; In­ dependent Concrete Co., tile Talbbt Drain, $320.14; C. N. R. freight on tile, $-10.5 6; report, by-laws, etc., Talbot Drain, $155; George Thiel, teaming tile, etc., $22.50; C. Smith, printing Black Creek by-laws, $150; W. Dabus, labor, $3; Northern Elec­ tric Co., poles, etc., $175.56; Can. Telephones and Supplies, material, $93.81; C. N. R. freight on supplies $5.80; Bell Telephone Co., -tolls and directories, $170.19; Economical Fire Insurance Co., insurance, Dash­ wood, $S.2O; postage on directories. $13; Win. Shirton Co., cross arms, $131.12; W. A. ■ Syhnurr, telephone­ account, $3.40; Case & Son, coal, telephone office, $14.85; .Bell Tel­ ephone Co., tolls, $95,42/g. Thiel, teaming, $3.50; C. N. B>( freight on cross arms', $15.87; L. Albrecht, salary. $80; M. Q. Deitz, salary, etc 102.65. Council adjourned to meet again on Saturday, June 2nd, at 1.30 -o’clock p.m. for general bus­ iness and as a Court of Revision on the 1928 assessment roll. — A. F. I-Iess, Clerk. ZURICH Miss Stella Callfas is confined to her bed suffering from appendicitis, Mr. Geo. Deichert has taken a position with Mr. Wellington John­ ston, butcher. Miss Elizabeth Leibold ed home after spending months in Stratford, Miss Gertrude Weber .. . __ er her positon as clerk in T. Wurm’s store. Rev. W. and Mrs. Drier, motored to Clifford recently and visited the latter’s sister, who is ill. The smoke-house on the farm of Mr. Wni. Koehler, Line, was destroyed by fire. gether with the contents, ■which con­ sisted of tlieir summer supply meat which was being cured. CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, KKL ^* LOANS, INVESTMENTS, IN­ SURANCE Office: Carling Block, Maia Stiretfe EXETER, ONT. to RADER lias tlie lias return­ winter resign-, of the Goshen to- of WHAT HELPS A TOWN?. Every town has its ’advantages and should make the most of them. Every town is peculiarly fitted for some one enterprise more than an­ other, and as soon as it is ascertain­ ed what would be most conducive to the growth and prosperity of the place the citizens should take hold of the matter add push for all there is in it. One cannot make a town. The newspaper cannot do it. But one man or a newspaper with the help of the wide-awake men of the place all pulling together can make a wide difference in a place. Every man who succeeds in a town is a help to it. The more money he makes if he spends it the better for the community. The larger busi­ ness he builds up, the more he ad­ vertises, the more attention is call­ ed to the town. A man cannot build up the honorable business in a town without helping tlio town A town cannot build up without helping the county. The interest of one is the interest of all. The rivalry that sometimes exists between towns in the same county is short-sighted policy. National taxation in Canada will be reduced by $19,000,000 this year, including ten per cent, reduction in personal income, jfc ♦ * 4: ♦ Two railway travellers were rob­ bed white.,'engrossed in a ganio of cards. Generally only one of the players is Tobbed. Mrs. John Reynolds, Stratfoul, Ont., writes:—“I am pleased to take this opportunity of felling you of my ex­ perience in regard to Wood’s Norway Fine Syrnp “ Early last winter I suffered from severe bronchial cold that left me DR; M. C. G. FLETCHER PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Faculty of MedietM* University of Western Ontario, Mem* ber of the College of Physicians an< Surgeons of Ontario; Member of British Medical Council. Phone 6—(The office of the w Dr. H. K. Hyndman) Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.3, DENTAL SURGEON Late District Dental Officer of Milltar© District Number One, London, Ont. Telephones Office 34W Residence MJ? Office open every Wednesday ua* til April 25fli, 1928. MAIN ST., EXETER, ONT. Dr. G. F. RouUUn, L.D.S.,D.DX ( DENTIST .J Office dver Carling & Moriej; Law Office j Extractions Under Oxygem Giw J EXETER. ONT, JOHN WARD DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER OPTO3£ETR1ST Physiotherapy Treatment PHONE NO. 7G MAIN ST. EXETERT- AN®- DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario VeterLiaag College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED T® Office in old Ford Garage Bmiding Corner of Main and Ann Streets EXETER, ONT. I ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER , For Huron and Middlesex . FARM SALES A SPECIALTY. PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Rhone 57-13 Dashwood B. R. 1. DASHWOOD, ONT- FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and SatisfactJO Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 138 OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jones’ Auc­ tion Schodl, Special course taken 1st Registered Live Stock (all Breed a,)’ Merchandise, Real Estate, Far® Sates, etc. " Rates in keeping vvlth prevailing prices. Satisfaction auh sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, on; phone 1S-93, Zurich, Ont. NEUSCHWANGER Am interesting event took place at the Lutheran Parsonage, wood, on Saturday, Alay 6th Rev. Ness performed the ceremony which united in marriage Hilda, youngest daughter of Mr, John Neu­ schwanger, Blind Line,I Hjay, and Mr, John Rader, son of Mr. and Mrs Louis Rader, of tlie Town Line, Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. Rader will reside on the groom’s fine farm on the 11th concession of Hay. Dash- when a ... __ ..... with a jnovoking, dry, hacking cough. “After being bothered, both night and day, with it, for some time, I had a professional nurse recommend the above cough syrup which I tried with wonderful results, and now if is the only remedy I over use for colds.” <fDr. Wood’s” Norway Pine Syrup is 35c. a bottle, large family size' 00c, Put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Jjimitcd, Toronto, Out. OSBORNE * HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office^ Farquhar, Ont. President, JOHN ALLISON Vice-President, JAS. McKEHZIB DIRECTORS frank McConnell, simon dow: ROBT. NORRIS, WM. BROCK AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent Zoff, Usborne and BlddulphOLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent Hibbert, Fullarton and Logan W. A. TURNBULL Secretary-Treasurer Box 99, Exeter, Ontario. GLAD3IAN Si STANBURT Solicitors, Exeter