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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-05-17, Page 5
of ©ommcrcc CLINTON, ONTARIO Students may enter at any time B. F, WARD, ILA., M.Accts. Phono 198 V HENSALE over Sea- Sat- visit Airs. Bertha Bell is in Toronto this week on business. Mrs. Alvin Wurm visited relatives in Stratford on Alonday. Mrs. J. Case, of Toronto, is visit ing Air. and Airs. Ben Elder. • Professor Kingston’ of London University was in town on Tuesday. Miss Alary Stewart visited the week-end at her home in forth. Mrs. Wm. Buchanan left on urday for Ethel where she will for a time, Mr. John Dallas has received 150 famous 'Togo Barred Rocks from Guilds, Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Stelk, of Varna, vis ited for a few days last week with friends in town. _ Mrs. J. AIcKenzie, who fias been visiting with relatives in Brucefield has returned home. Air, D. Cantelon attended the fun eral of his father in Clinton on Wed- ■ nesday afternoon last. Mrs, E. Shaffer left this week for Port Rowen where she Will remain for a time, owing to ill health. Mr. Alervin Brown, of Toronto, visited over the week-end at the home of Air. and Airs. Geo. Brown. Air. George Petty was in Bayfield ou Monday evening attending a meeting of the Orange Lodge there. Air. and Mrs. Earl Parlmer, of Windsor, are visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Parlmer. . Mrs. G. W. Reid, of Port Huron, visited over the week-end with her parents Air. and Airs. Edward Sheffer. Air. Wm, Gramm and sister Miss Ada Gramm visited over the week end with Air, Gramm. Afr. and Mrs. got ther home nicely re-modelled, the work being, done by Mr. Coles, of Clinton. Air. and Airs. Wm. Higgins, Air. and ACrs, Thos. AIcNeal, "of Clinton, visited with relatives in town on Sunday last. Air. Leonard Dart left on Friday morning last to attend the funeral . of his father, who died suddenly in Haliburton. Air. and Airs. Albert Cudmore and family, of Kitchener, visited over the week-end with their mother Mrs. Roland Cudmore-. Air. and Mrs. Fred Bonthron, of New York, are visiting for the sum mer months with his parents Mr. and Airs. Robt. Bonthron. , Air. Alilton OrtWein, of London, visited ov ,r the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrst' J. W. Ortweim and other relatives in town. . Miss Polly Moore who has. been Visiting for the past month with her sister, Mrs. T. Simpson, returned to London on Friday evening last. and Mrs. George C. Cook have now Principal Mr. and Mrs. Israel Lindenfield and family, of London visited over the week-end with Mr. apd Al'rs. Jacob Lindenfield and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lindenfield. The collectors who are canvassng for the Western Ontario Bible So ciety have met with great success and expect when through canvassing to have a much larger amount than last year. The following have purchased new Chrysler cars from Mr. J. Pass- more this season. Messrs. John Bell, Emerson Kyle, John P.arke, Thomas Kay, Robert Allen, Chas. Wasman and Percy Passmore. Mr. J. H. Moore, of Toronto, is speaking in. the Town Hall here o-n May 17th, His lecture will be on shrubs and perennials in the interest of the Horticultural society. Every body is welcome to attend this meet ing. A very interesting baseball game was held in Hensall on Tuesday ev ening on the school diamond be tween the Exeter and Hensall Jun ior teams.. The game resulted in a victory for ’Hensall, the score being 10-9. ° The many friends of Miss Bar bara Forest will regret to learn that she was taken with a severe at tach of • appendicitis. She was im mediately taken to Clinton Memor- r ial Hospital -where an operation was performed and is now getting along as well as can be expected. The Anniversary of the Hensall United church will be held on the 27th of May. Rev. Mr. Manley, of Toronto, will be the speaker for the day. The choir will render special music for the occasion. Mr. Man- ley will also speak in the church on the following Monday morning. Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Consitt were in London on Friday and Saturday of last week. On Friday they atten ded the ^meeting of the Western Ontario Conservative Association, and in the evening heard the ad dresses of Hon. Mr. Bennett and the Hon. Howard Ferguson, the Conser vative leaders. Mothers’ Day was observed in the Carmel Presbyterian church on Sun day last. At the morning service the choir composed of young people rendered some very pleasing an thems. At the evening‘ service the regular choir sang anthems appro priate to the occasion. Rev. Mr. Mclllroy rendered excellent sermons for the occasion. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE WM, JDEITZ’ HOUSE DESTROYED BY FIRE ON MONDAY The home of Mr. Win. Deitz, one mile and a quarter north of Klppon was destroyed by fire on Monday morning. The cause of the fire is unknown. A call was put in for the Hensall Fire Department, but as the Tuckersmith Council would riot take any action in former fires the Dep artment could not leave the village without the consent of the Council. Reeve Higgins and Councillor Petty were located as soon as possible and gave their consent for the Fire De partment to go. They were on the scene of the fire in a few minutes, but were a few minutes save the building, but buildings were all saved. too late to the other BIG CELEBRATION ON Don’t forget the big in Hensall on the 24th of May’under the auspices of the Hensall Firemen At one o’clock there will be a sch ool children’s parade, decorated autos, floats, calithumplans, base ball teams headed by the Kiltie Band. There will be a live baseball game between Boundary and Clin ton, also Billy Struthers, champion horse shoe player, of Sarnia, will be present, besides a number of other attraetions which will be held at the ball park, In the evening Dun can Cowan and his troupe, of Tor onto, will give*a concert in the town hall, followed by a dance, old and new time, furnished of Lucan, to be one Hensall. come with the crowd. MAY 24 celebration music for which will be by the Avalon orchestra, This celebration promises of the best ever held iii Keep the date open and THURSDAY, MAY 17th, 1928 1 DR. R. P. J. DOUGALL Honor graduate of Faculty of Medicine, and Master of Science, University of .Western Ontario. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office two doors east of Post Office. The pageant entitled, “Canada’s Opportunities and' Responsibilities,” which was given by a company of thirty ladies from the United church Clinton in the Hensall United church on Friday evening last and was well attended. A large sum being real ized. 'Every one present had a real treat and a very profitable evening. I The ladies from Clinton excelled | themselves and the Hensall orchest- • ra added very much to the evening’s entertainment. MOTHER’S DAY SERVICE Mothers’ Day was observed in the Sunday School of the United church on Sunday morning last with an at tendance of 218 and a generous of fering was given. The following was the program for the occasion, solo by Mr. Ed. Lindenfield, read ing by Leonard Hogarth and a read ing by Olive Brock and a chorus by Miss Irene Douglass/’s class. Mr. J. W. Skinner gave a very interesting talk on Mothers’ Day which was much enjoyed. Mothers’ Day was also observed in the church with a Mothers choir at both morning and evening services. At the morning service Rev. Mr. Bremner of the United church Brucefield conducted the service and gave a most inter esting sermon appropriate Mothers’ Day. There was also Tine musical service consisting anthems by a mothers choir and duet by Mrs. Alice Joynt and Mrs. George Hess, which were well ren dered and much enjoyed by the con gregation. At the evening service the pastor, Rev. Arthur Sinclair gave a fine sermon bearing on mo thers and their great and won derful influence and how it had been well said, That the Hand that rocks the Cradle ruled the World. He gave many incidents of the wonder ful influence they 'had exerted and which <made for the welfare of the family, the community and the na tion. The service was also much enhanced by fine anthems and a well rendered quartette by Mrs. Drysdale Mrs. A. Sinclair, Mrs. E. Lindenfield and Mrs. G. Hess. to cl of a HENSALL ONT. Phone 56 Residence 114 We have on hand a number of Used Cars which we offer at Attractive Prices. Come in and look them over. US' O CHRYSLER DEALERS HENSALL ONTARIO ' Tile A. X. P. A. of St. Paul’s An glican church held a very interest ing meeting in the basement of the Church on Tuesday evening last with a large attendance present and was in charge of Airs. Peppier. The following program was given, a se lection by the orchestra, reading by Dorothy Varley, duet by B. Drum mond and Irene Hoggarth, accord ion solo by Thos. Bennett, duett by Air. Goodwin and Aliss Grace Stone, a selection by the orchestra, after which a dainty lunch was served. The meeting was closed by singing “God Save the King.” A1INSTREL SHOW AIUCH ENJOYED The Seaforth Alinstrels put on an entertainment' in the town hall here on Alonday evening under the auspices of tlie Hensall Ball Club. The hall was crowded to the doors and the audience was well repaid. The organization is under tho able management of Air. Alilne Rennie', a former resident of town and the troupe gave an exhibition of singing that is not usual in small towns. The antics of the four negro clowns were a constant source of amuse ment to all present. ZION A joint service of the congregat- tion and Sunday School was held on Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock, when a very excellent Mother’s Day pro gram was given to a large congre gation. A splendid address was giv en by the minister and a pageant was put on by the members of the school. Air. tor’s ( . W. J. Brock is under the doc care. ELIMVILLE DASHWOOD Dr, H» H. Cowen, L.D.S,, D.D.S. DENTAL SUflGWO-v At office in Hartleib Block. Dash wood, first three das of week and at office oyer the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Merner and Miss Margaret Merner, of Detroit, spent the week-end with their parents, Mrs. T. B. Meyer spent a few days in Gorrie last week. Mr. and MPs. Geo. Edighoffer, of Mitchell, called on friends in town on Sunday. Miss Nelda Fassold, of London, is spending this week with her parents, .Miss E. Graybell, who spent sev eral months with her sister in Mich igan has returned. Miss Myrta Hoffman and Mr, Bergey, of Kitchener, visited former’s parents on Sunday. Mr. Alfred Zimmer, who has in Los Angeles for some time is vis iting at his home here. Wm, the been Lumley and Airs. Jaques, of Wood- Mr. and air. ham, spent Sunday with Airs. John Selves and Bert. Miss Doris Bolton, of London, spent Sunday at her home on the Boundary. -Miss Mae Brintnell returned to her home last week from visiting with her brother, Clifford, at Exeter Air. and Mrs. Arthur Jones and Miss Maud Horton spent Sunday with Mrs. Broadfoot and family, Air. and 'Mrs. John . Glenn and family visited in Exeter on 'Sunday M..; with Mrs. McTaggart.last. CENTRALIA ladies, Sunday at the’ ST A FEA Air. and Airs. Wm. Butler of Lon don, spent Sunday with the former’s mother, Mrs, H. Butler. Air, and Mrs, F. A. Hambly and Miss Vera were in Mr. and,Airs. G. Norma spent the Rev. and Airs. H. Air. and Airs. C. Templeman and Aliss Betty, of Detroit, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tempjeman. Air. Q; IV. Reid is enjoying a new automobile. London Saturday Wilson and Miss week-end with Graham, Guelph. WHALEN Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Morley, of near Granton, spent feunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tookey, of Lucan, spent Sunday with the lat ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gunning. Mrs. Nat. Ogden-and Mrs. Etlier- ington, of Exeter, spent Thursday with the former’s daughter, Mrs. Frank Squire. ■The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. ,S. was held at the home of Mrs, Frank Squire on Thursday afternoon and was well attended. Mr. and Mrs, Wellington Skinner of Elimville, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foster. Mr. and Mrs. George Millson and Miss Lucy Gunning spent Sunday in Lucan guests of Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Millson. Mr, and Mrs George Squire, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Squire spent Sunday in London. WHALEN W. M. S. The W. M. S. held a splendid meet ing at the home of Mrs. Frank Squire on Thursday afternoon, May 10th. The 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. John Hazlewood was in charge of the meeting which took the usual form., Mrs. Albert Gunning, Mrs. Thos. 'Gunning and Mrs. Hazlewood led in prayer. There was much cor respondence received and several items of business received attention. The President was appointed to see about having a returned Missionary speak at the July meeting. The delegate, Mrs. Hilton Ogden, gave a report of the Presbyterial held in Wingham. Mrs. Frank Squire con tributed a beautiful solo, “Heaven is my Home.’’ A Stewardship Ser vice of Worship was used with Mrs. (Rev.) Irwin as,leader and Mrs. W. Morley, Miss Violet Elliott and Miss Edna, Squire reading introductory leaflets. The meeting was closed with the benediction by Mrs. Frank Gunning. Mrs. Squire and the com mittee in charge then served an ex cellent tea and the social time was 0much enjoyed. SAINTSBURY St. GREENWAY "ai Mr. and Mrs. Lome Finkbeine ■ and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hotson on Sunday. Mr. II. English visited at Port Huron last week. Some of United pared church last Saturday Rev. will preach in the United next Sunday as the pastor, Rev, J. Al. Colling is taking1 anniversary services in the Melbourne charge. Mr. Ernest Luther had a sever.- attack of lumbago last week, Appropriate music was furnished by a male Day last the young folk of th? Church Sunday School pre- some flower beds at the McKillop. of Mt.Brydges. Church chorus at the Mother1;- service in the United Church Sunday. THAMES ROAD Mrs. Robt. Kydd attended th? Branch Convention of the W. Al. S. held in Woodstock last week, was the guest of .Mrs. Hohner. Mrs. Geo. Monteith is under Doctor's care at present. Mother’s Day was observed in Sunday School when the pupils car ried out the pageant, splendid attendance, and Mrs. S. Coward sang Mrs. Chidley also sang accompanying herself on the mandolin; Rev. J. A. gave a short talk to the children Findlay gave a short talk to th-- children much to their delight, after wards occupying! the pulpit in th- regular service. .Some lovely flower.- adorned the church, number of the mothers of the con gregation had charge of the music to whom we all express our pleas ure and "thanks. Sin til? tlu« There was a Mr. Mood? a duet; A choir of a GRAND BEND appreciative audience enjoyedAn to the full the lecture “The Misty Flats,’’ or “The Drifters of Life.” by Rev. D. McTavish, of Exeter, given in the United Church at Grand -Bend last Tuesday evening, under the auspices of the Youju. Peoples’ Department. The lecture is full of wit and wisdom, and thosi who failed to avail themselves of the opportunity of hearing Mr. Mc- Tpvisli missed a rare intellectual treat. The vocal number “The Cail of the Cameron Men” was also en joyed and rendered as only Mr. Mc Tavish can,' the good old Scotch songs. KIRKTON Air. Lewis Woods and five boys, from London, visited his father. Air. Robert Woods, last Sunday. Air. and Airs. Alert. O’Reilly and children went to their farm near Slielbeurne on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Jones, of London, Spent the week-end with Air. Hy. Johns. Air. and Airs. Wesley Johns and children visited the former’s mother Airs. John Francis, in London, on Alother’s Day. The Alother’s Day program was carried out at tile church service here last Sunday morning. There was a lovely display of flowers of var ious kinds. Air. Lew. Woods brought a beautiful bouquet of roses and carnations for his mother’s grave, which he thoughtfully placed in the. church during the service. No Sun day school was held in the afternoon Rev. Down, of Exeter, will preach in this church’next Sunday evening. Rev. Smith will have charge of the service in James St., Exeter. A little son has arrived at the home of Air. and Airs. W. Stephen. Airs, Chas. Johns and Airs. Rohl. Kydd attended the London Branch W. M. S. Convention held in Wood- stock on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Air, and Airs. Johns also visfted relatives in London and Ingersoll, AUTHORIZED CHRYSLER DEALER The Mother’s Day service, under the direction of our genial Sunday School Superintendent, Mr. Cecil Skinner, was very largely attended on Sunday morning last. The church which was beautifully decorated with flowers, was filled to capacity. The choir, consisting wholly of mo ther’s, rendered some very fine singing, and recitations were given by three girls Who took their parts splendidly. Mrs. (Rev.) IrWin gave a very excellent address on “Mother hood,” which was listened to with much interest, She outlined the im portant part that the mother plays in moulding the young lives in the home, also the fond and tender memories that the departed mother leaves behind, quoting from such men as Kipling, Lincoln, Robert W. Service and General Grant. At the conclusion of this splendid discourse two little girls came to the alter and presented beautiful bouquets of ear nations to Mrs, Jas. Walker, and Mrs. J. Boyes, who are great-grand- jnotliers. These floral tributes were touchingly received by the who are members of -the School. Miss Verna Pollock visited home of Mr. A. Hicks on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Anderson, of London, spent Sunday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Essery, Mr, Fred Elston was in town last week for a short visit. We are glad to report that Mr. Chas. McFalls is improving from liis recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. H. Powe day at Kirkton wher Mr. an address in the church Mr. John Sleamon is the house on Main St. recently pur chased from Mr. B. E. Hicks and when completed will be quite an im provement to the village. Mr. Trueman Mills has returned home from Dorchester where he has been in charge of the station. Mr. B. E. Hicks shipped two very fine,, carloads of cattle to Toronto last Saturday. We are glad ta see Mr. Gus. Hen nessey in town again, he being greatly improved since his recent operation. Miss Mary O'Brien, of Stratford Business College, visited at her home here over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith attend ed the Oddfellow's “At Home” in the Opera House, Exeter, on Tues day evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baynliam Jr., and family spent Sunday in Sliipka. Mr. and Mrs, B. Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson were at Grand Bend on Sunday Mr. and Airs. F. King and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. C. II. Baskerville. Mrs. C. H. Mitchell and babe re turned home from Dr. Fletcher’s hospital. Exeter, on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. T. Dobbs, of Wood- stock. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dobbs. The sermon by Rev. Mr. Irwin next Sunday morning will bo espec ially to fathers All of the drovers of this vicinity were busy last week moving cattle some to market ture farms. Mr. and Mrs. the week-end ill Mr. and Mrs. John Willis and fam ily spent Sunday at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Willis. Mr Grant Ford hud his tonsils re moved in Dr. Fletcher’s hospital on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs E. Beaver, of De troit, are spending two weeks’ va cation at the. home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Neil. Miss Helen Hicks, nurse-in-train- London, th® par spent Sun- Powe gave there. rebuilding and others to pas- Milo McCabe spent Strathroy. Jno. Passmore, Hensall i PHONE NO. 31. I ing at Victoria Hospital, spent Monday last under ental roof. Mr. Mark Mtehell spent in Exeter on business.Mrs. E. Caldwell visited on Monday.Dr. Jose, of Kirkton, shipped 3 carloads of cattle from this station , on Monday last.I Mr, and Mrs. jSlef Fattlder, of J Mooresville, spent Sunday with Mr. hud Mrs, Ronald Hill, Monday in town The Anniversary Services Patrick’s church, Saintsbury held next Sunday, May 20tli, when the Rev. H. W. Snell, rector 'of St. Paul’s church, Stratford, will 'have charge of both services at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. assisted by Mrs. T. Hodgins, soloist, of Lucan. Mr. Fred Dobbs underwent a very serious operation in Victoria hospit al, London, on Fridaj- last. At the time of writing he is resting as well as can be expected. Afr. and 'Mrs. Will Dickens visit ed last week in Watford. Mr. Richard Drought is Hie proud possessor of a new Ford coupe. Quite a number from the vicinity accompanied the Dramatic ‘club to Birr last week where they presented their three act comedy to a good audience and were entertained the rest of the evening by Mr. E. Harris in dancing. The Avalon Orchestra, furnished the music. Miss Lena Davis is off duty at S. S. No. 4, for a few Idays suffering from a severe cold. of will- be The choir will be Mr. John Hannah attended th? Conservative Convention in London on Friday. t The play “The Path Across the Hill”, given by the Young People of the Thames Road on Tuesday even ing was well given and much appre ciated. by the well-filled hall. ... Mr. Fred Johnson has made a(hig improvement to his property ‘ by building a new garage and putting stucco on his house. Air. and Airs. Albert Spencer and daughter Alavis, of Hensall and Mr. and Airs. Wm, AfcKenna, of London, ■were guets of Air. and Airs. Silas Shier on Sunday. Airs. Gardiner was in Exeter on Sunday addressing the Sunday School of Alain St. United church. The objective of 200 was over reached on Sunday at the United Sunday School on Alother’s Day wnen 223 were present. Air, Har ker of St. Marys gave a fine addres-- and the Alother’s choir was very fit ting for the occasion. Girls sang “'We Greet You”. Ruth Hannah read the story of tin Angels; Elen Hazlewood read a verj fitting poem and the special singing by Airs. S. Shier. Airs, Wm. Urqu hart and Mrs. T. Tuft was much ap preciated. Four Junior Mis;- Your-Tires are CAR'S of your tires repays you just as well as care of your engine. It means thousands of extra miles —■ hundreds of dollars saved in a few seasons, 'And that is exactly the reason for Dominion Tire Depots —• not just to repair your tires when trouble occurs, but to inspect them regularly — to remove every cause of trouble and to Correct every injury at its beginning. Make a habit of calling at your nearest depot every week to have your tires checked. You are never far away from a 228 DOMINION TIRE DEPOT JOHN TAYLOR, Exeter, Ont.