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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-05-17, Page 4
THURSDAY, MAY 17th, 1028 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE DECEIVES INVITATION Mr. W. F. Smith, of the Elimville United church, has received an in vitation to become the pastor of the ■ Bethel of McKillop, Winthrop and charge with the beginning next Conference year. EORD GARAGE DAMAGED Th© front of the Ford garage partly wrecked Friday afternoon when an oil truck in attempting to back through the door missed the opening and struck the side of the wall. A large pane of glass <Looi‘ was broken and a brick was nearly knocked out. CANADIAN HONORED the was in the pillar were tastily decorated in white and pink for the occasion. An interest ing program was rendered consist ing of instrumental anil vocal music and readings. Following the pro gram Jean Brock and Arthur Hern, dressed as bride and groom, entered the room drawing a decorated wa gon loaded with gifts, which, with a bouquet of flowers, were presented to the guest of honor. The bride-to- be opened the presents and read the verse that was attached to each. Refreshments were served at the close. Miss Earl has been an active worker in 'Sunday School and the various organizations of the church, Tlio occasion was a very nappy and the best wishes of many friends will go with Miss Earl to hei* home. OJlc Mrs. John Gilfillan, who is leaving soon for her home in Canada, was the guest of honor at a luncheon (given on April IStli by Mrs. J. B. Lucas at Hotel St. Francis. Guests included J. Cantly. W. E. Kahn, G. A. McCann, H. Morrison and Mr. H. Tibbs.™-San Fransisco Examiner. SHOWER FOR BRIDE-ELECT lastOn Thursday afternoon of week the ladies of Zion United •church met at the home of Mrs. W. Brock and presented Miss Gladys Earl, a popular bride-elect, with a miscellaneous shower. About 35 ladies were present. rooms HONORED GUEST OF PRIME MINISTER new residence which Mrs. ed guest, with Mr. King. The following clip ping was taken from* one of th© city dailies,-—“One of the most arrest ing among all that galaxy of dis tinguished men i|nd women seated with the Prime Minister of Canada at the head of the table was the sweet-faced little 'woman on his right. It was Mrs. J. C. Gardiner, of Huron, mother of Hon. James Garfield Gardiner, Premier of .Sask atchewan, who was thus signally honored and who listened with keen interest and enjoyment to the inspir ing words of the Liberal Chieftain. “Laurier House,” at Gardiner was the honor- and received the guests The following ellp- AT The Times-Advocate recently made reference of the visit of Mrs. J. C. Gardiner, of Usborne, to the Nation al Convention of the Liberal Women at Ottawa, at which she was an hon ored guest,t at the special request of the Prime Minister of Canada, the Rt. Hon. W. L. MacKenzie King. In addition to the banquet tendered the convention at which Mrs. Gardiner was seated at the head table at the right of the Prime Minister, Mr. King also gave a dinner at his own 2Ji^ T&utt^IheyreTapered Brantford Big Butt Asphalt Slates provide a roof of double and triple thickness, matchless beauty and life long protection— Brantford Big Butts also give a shadow line—adding greatly to the charm and distinction of your home. Being tapered, extra thickness and weight are in the part exposed to the weather. Size 16 inches by 10 inches, laid 5 inches to the weather. Brantford Roofing Co., Limited Brantford, Ontario Brantford ROOFS Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service on Brantford Roofing rendered by Ross-Taylor Co., Ltd McLAUGHLIN-BUICK owners enjoy the highest degree o£ safety it is pos- car—because to 4 sible to build into a motor day’s McLaughlin - Buick embodies every recognized safety factor, unique degree of efficiency. The double-drop frame — pioneered by Mc Laughlin-Buick—provides a lower center o£' gravity, as well as maximum headroom, road clearance and all-round roadability. . McLaughlin-Buick mechanical, external-con tracting four-wheel brakes—the world’s safest type — act instantly, release instantly, are always ready for any emergency. The famous McLaughlin-Buick Valve-in- Head six-cylinder engine surpasses all others in P.ashing pick-up and tremendous power reserve—assuring constant safety in touring* in traffic and on the hills. McLaughlin-Buick is soundly built, thor oughly dependable, unrivaled in value — the safest car of them all to drive and the sound est of all to buy. developed to a M-12-5-28C The G. M. A. C. Deferred Payment Plan offers many advantages to buyers of McLaughlin-Buick cars^ ft f tajaaai L JOHN TORRANCE DIES CLINTON The death occurred at Sunday after an illness months of John A. was widely known community. He was Mr. Torrance took ally active part in district. Huron County in 1892 and for six years, beginning in 189 6, he served on the County council. He was president of the South Huron Con servative Association for 11 years, and he was also president of the South Huron Farmers’ Institute and the Hay Fire Insurance Company. In 1906 he was appointed license inspector or South Huron from which post he resigned in 1920. In December, 1926, Mr. and Mrs. Torrance celebrated their golden wedding- anniversary. Besides his widow, he is surviv ed four sons, John, of Lethbridge; M. J, and A. P., of Toronto; and A. IL, of Sudbury; also three daugh ters, Mrs, V. L. Cranston, of Port Arthur; Mrs. Geo. Foote, of Mont real and Miss Maude, at home. onClinton of several Torrance, who throughout the in his 76th yr. an exception- the life of the He served as warden of THAMES ROAD PRESENT v SUCCESSFUL PLAY The Young people of the Thames Road United church put on their play “The Path Across The Hill,” in the Exeter Opera House on Friday evening under the auspices of the James St. Ladies’ Aid. There was a good turn out and the audience thoroughly enjoyed this very excel lent play. Each of the characters took their part well. The play has a splendid moral with sufficient hu mor to keep the audience in. excel lent spirits. The leading parts were taken by Mrs. N. Hunkin as Ruth Conrod; Rev. G. M. Cliidley as Grandpa; and Miss Bella McDougall as a colored cook, the latter playing her part to perfection, much to the amusement of the audience. All of the others taking part did so with considerable • credit to themselves. Music was provided between the acts by Misses Pearl.Wood and Margaret Johns, Walter Cutbush and Rev. D. McTavish. The proceeds of the ev ening amounted to $72.0 0. Follow;-' ing the entertainment the James St, Ladies’ Aid served refreshments. Mr visited with his parents over week-end, Mr. Harold Taylor, of Detroit, and Mr. James Taylor, of Exeter, spent Sunday with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderson and son Jask, of Exeter, spent Sunday with the former’s parents Mr and Mrs. Wilson Anderson. Mr. Jake Messner, of Dashwood, spent Monday with his sister Mr. H. Motz. Mr. Stuart Kuhn, of Kitchener, visited over the week-end with his parents Mr, and Mrs, Henry Kuhn. Mr. John Edwards Sr, left Friday for the West where lie will visit for some time. Mother’s Day services were well attended at the Evangelical Church. The service in the morning was con ducted by the pastor and the music and sermon were in accordance with the spirit of the special day. In the evening Rev, Otto Brown, of White house, Ohio, occupied the pulpit. The congregation seemed pleased to listen to one of their own sons. The Sunday School session was also an inspiring service. A song service accompanied by the orchestra; ad dresses by Mr. Wm. Heinmiller, of Chesley and Rev, M. Whiting, of Toronto; vocal duett by Mrs. Emery Fahner and Miss Clara Oestreiclier, “Little Birdie” solo-by little Flor ence Whiting. “Mother” was /the subject of the address given by Miss Adeleen Gaiser; chorus, “I will be true,” by the junior girls class. Mr. J. H. I-Ioltzman, the superintendent gave short speeches between the various exercises. Mrs. G. K. Brown was the oldest mother in the Sun day School, being in her 77th year. A little token was presented to her while she stood on the platform after brief remarks by the pastor referring to her active Christian career as a member of the church and Sunday School, and also in her own family. One of her daughters is now the wife of Rev. Kellliolfer, of China Inland Mission and one son is the pastor of the Evangelical church of Whitehouse, Ohio. Week-end visitors >at the ‘home of and Mrs. G. K. Brown were Mr. Mrs. Damm, of Chesley, Mr. Mrs W. Brown, of Forest, Mr. Mrs. Daffener, of Sebewaing, Elgin Woodall, of Detroit, the CREDITON NOTICE TO CREDITORS » Re THOMAS CLARKE, late of the! Village of Exeter, in the County o| Huron, Gentleman, deceased. Both Ald- Mr. the Edward services. assisted was much ap- program was School which MOTHERS’ DAY AT MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH The pastoi’ Rev. C. J, Moorhouse being absent the morning and even ing services were conducted by throe young men of the church, Messrs. E. Aldworth, N. Geiger and E. Ho wey. In the morning the address was given by Eugene Howey and in the evening by Newell Geiger, young men did well, worth conducted both Smillie, of Toronto, choir and his singing predated. A specal given in the Sunday consisted of a recitation by Vera Kestle, duett by Misses Dignan and Jaques; duet by the two little Kestle girls; violin solo by Marion Powell. The special speaker was Mrs. J. C. Gardiney, of Kirkton. Her address was listened to with the closest at tention and was one of the finest addresses on mother ever listened to. At the close of her address Mr. G. Mawson presented Mrs. Gardiner with a bouquet of carnations as a token .of esteem from the school. Im mediately following this MT. G. S. Howard on behalf of the school pre sented Mrs. Enoch Follick with a bouquet of roses. Sunday was Mrs. ninety-first birthday, she oldest person present. At of the school Mrs. Follicle Gardiner received many Follick’s being the the. close and Mrs. congratulations from those present. A beautiful bouquet of daffodils ami basket was presented by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ford in honor of the late Mrs. A. J. Ford, who took such an active part in the Sunday School. Also a beautiful plant was presented by Mrs. Milliard in memory of her mother, the late Mrs. Banos. SH1PKA Miss Eileen Baynliam, who under went an operation for appendicitis in St. Joseph's hospital last week is doing nicely. A good attendance was out to Mothers' Day’’services in the United church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Mitchell, of Centralia, visited at the home of Mr. A. Smith on Sunday. The regular meeting of the Ladies' Aid was held on May 2nd. They planned on holding a strawberry festival on the United church lawn on June 18th. More particulars later. Mrs, L. Sweitzer, Mrs. Martha Hewlett and son Gordon, visited at the home of Mr, Wm. Sweitzer on Sunday. Mr. Sandy McEaehen been in Victoria ’ Hoi for several weeks is this week. Mrs. Geo. Keyes Geo. Brown; Mr. Keyes and daughter Beverly, of De troit, visited Sunday at the home oi Mr Thos, Keyes. , who has spital, London, expected home ; Mr, and and Mrs, Sooner Rented for More Money! Yes, Mr. Landlord, that’s exactly what hardwood floors will do for that empty house of yours. Why let it stand unoc cupied eating its head off, when for a small outlay you can make yield you an income ? Ask us for prices. ROSS-TAYLOR CO Exeter, Ont. in- CREDITORS AND OTHERS hav ing claims against the estate of th© said deceased are required to send full particulars of such claims, duly; proven, to the undersigned solicitors for the executors of the said estate on oi' before th© 28th day of May* 1928, after which date the executor® will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate, having regard on ly to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated at Exeter, Ont., this 9thj day of May 1928 CARLNG & MORLEY Solicitors for Executory Exeter, Ontario. .Mr. and and and Midi; Rev. Otto Brown, of White house, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heinmiller, of Chesley, visited on Sunday at the parsonage. Rev. and Mrs. M. Whiting and family, of Toronto, spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Holtzman. The subjects of the sermons in the Evangelical church next Sunday will be, at 9.45 ’ ‘ ‘ Word,” and at Everybody is our worship. ; Mr. Merner Mrs. Carl Haumuller, MT. and Mrs. George Treller, of Detroit, and Mrs. Louis Raymond, of Buffalo,' visited over Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eilber. AUCTION SALE •— of — HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned lias received structions to sell by public auction, at the Residence of Alonzo Hodgins CREDITON, ONT. —• on — THURSDAY, MAY 17th commencing at 1.30 o’clock consist ing of » Rockers, chairs, writing desk and book case combined, range, heater, bed steads and mattresses, dressers, arm chairs, pictures, Singer sewing machine, sideboard, extension table, forks, shovels and other articles numerous to mention. TERMS —CASH ALONZO HODGINS, Proprietor FRANK TAYLOR,. Auctioneer too “Comfort of the 7.30. “The Hebrew.’’ cordially invited to Eilber and family, TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that a Court, of .Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Stephen, will hold its first meeting in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Saturday, May 26th, 1928, at 2 p.m. Henry Eilber, Clerk, Crediton. Doia’t let t&e get away f r@m y@«! “I’m sorry the Martins are moving away,” said Mrs. Drummond to her husband. “It will mean that we are going to lose track of some very nice people!” “I don’t see why it should. If a good customer of mine moves away we follow him up by Long Distance. Don’t let' a little thing like dis tance separate you from the Martins!” A great change has come over Long Distance tele phoning. Now it is almost as rapid as local telephon ing. You give Long Dis tance the distant number and, in a great majority of cases she is able to make connection while you hold the line. The Long Dis tance operator will look up . the distant number for you, if you don’t know it, and tell you wlmt it is. Still better, give us a list of the friends or customers are likely to talk -with, will add the numbers return the list to you. MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain motgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale ■at public auction on. WEDNESDAY, MAY 23rd, 1928 at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon, at BROWN’S AUCTION ROOMS 97 Carling St. in the city of London, in the County of Middlesex, by Joseph Brown, auc tioneer, the namely: A portion of the Lake Road the Township < County of Huron, being otherwise known as Lot number 396 according to Municipal Plan number 24 of the Township of ‘Stephen, the said lands being situate in the Village of Grand Bend in the said County and being in size Forty-five feet by one hun dred and twelve and one-half feet, together with the buildings situate thereon. TERM’S-—Ten per cent, of the purchase price to be paid in cash at the time of the sale, balance to be paid in cash within fifteen days thereafter or upon such terms as to repayment as may be agreed upon with the mortgagee. DATED at London, the eighth day of May, 1928. For further particulars and con ditions of sale, Gunn & Murphy, gagee. Bank of London, Ontario. Or to Joseph Brown, Auctioneer, 97 Carling St., London, Ontario. following property Lot number One in ! West Concession in of Stephen in the apply to Murphy, Solicitors for Mort- Toronto Chambers, MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, on the prem ises, in the , TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN, at GRAND 'BEND, on THURSDAY, MAY 24tl), 3928 At 2 o'clock p.m., the following Real Estate, namely: — A portion of Lot number One. the Lake Road West Concession, the Township of County of Huron. There is on this Cottage, known as good repair, built with good drainage, composed of three bedrooms, good sized living-room, kitchen and din ing room on porch at side of cottage. There is a hard water pump and sink in kitchen, and a sleeping porch at back of cottage, with garage under neath. This cottage is situated on Huron St., the second last cottage from the main entrance to the said street., at Grand Bend. TERMS OF SALE—Ten per emit, of the purchase price to be paid down at the time of sale, and the balance, without interest thereon; In thirty days. Property to be offered for sale subject to reserve bid. For further particulars and con ditions of Scale apply to ARTHUR WEBER, Dashwood, R. R, 1, Auc tioneer or to A. W. BIXEL, Stratli- roy, Ontario, Solicitor for Vendor. Dated at Stratliroy, this 7th day of May, 1928. in of Stephen, in the property a Stucco “Cuddle Inn.” in on high ground, This cottage is i your barb ways wire. . in stock. Phone 12 GRANTON, ONTARIO Arthur Jones MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT g ............ —--------------------- BUY COAL NOW Prices away down for Month of Majr No. 1 B. C. 5x Shingles $1.16 bunch, 7 8 wire woven fence per rod 38c. wire woven fence per rod 42 c. FERTILIZER ON HAND REWARD in, new can rock price you from $10 to $15,. Enquire about our proposition^ Let us fill requirements for fencing, posts' wire. A full fine of repairs al- NOTICE TO CREDITORS , I Notice is hereby given that all persons having, claims against th© estate of Silas Desjardine, late oj the Township of kSteplien in the, County of Huron, laborer, dpceased^ who died on the 9 th day of Aprils 1928 at the Village of Grand Bend*; in the County of Lambton, intest-i ate, are required to forward their, claims, duly proven to H. Eilber & Son, Crediton, on or before the 26tli day of May, 1928. And notice is further given that! after this said date the administra tor will proceed to dsitribute th©’ estate, having regard only to th© claims of which he then shall havg notice. • Dated at Crediton, this 11th day, of May, 1928. Zacharias Desjardine, Administrator. Zurich, Ontario, $1,000 in Gold Offered to any party or partie® who can produce positive informa tion that will lead to the arrest and conviction of any party or parties who were responsible for creating: damage on the farm premises owned by HORNE BROS, and described as Lot A, Concession 10, in the Towni of Usborne. The said damage was created by the cutting up of a gravel box, and totally destroying one set of Brass mounted harness by cutting same; to pieces, also placing iron in. sliea- ves of oats in the field, and the plac ing of 24 ^strands of fence-wire ir$ corn field. Address any information or comi munications to;—HARRY HORNE. 1297 Queen St., W. Toronto. Is your cream.', ^separator getting, you all the pro fits. Let us skim your skim milk and you that we can.' save you money. Are you need of a wagon we give you a bottom and save prove to writes troubled a at times could not sit ‘•I dot’foi not seem to I. thought I and after I ba(i ta&en it j hef and in a short time rot » results.’* ” s*\/ ' a?ut up only by The T, Milbum Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.