HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-05-17, Page 2J;., X" TH1TLSDAY, MAY ITth, 1028 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE SIR VINCENT MEREDITH, BART. Chairman of the Board and Chairman of the Executive Committee. UGH used; during the first . he taken durmb itnPrOpparties otU discsscs folk* Rickets, weak fa’ brnent. k thrOugh this and under-nour baby chic** rdoned , Chick Foods sa/e*\ „rC scientific^^d constituents Monarch • d These foods ? correct food c flocfc ^°winteC and aether. ~.a. many °j . .already doin.-c monarch CHICK MA=>y A r«' ‘“2“ ^inerals ind '^development, and is recommended ingredmnt. - - 1 Cornmeal.heat (lord O’"™' Meal. .<T‘l S>'Mtsk,A\ Meat Meet Cod Uver Sold by _ «Hogarth Baby Chick Hatchery “ 1 Exeter, Ontario MONARgH „ , is the first gram Monarch Chick bee bal. feed for chicks, fehoUM be i< anced mixture. conjunction Monarch Cl.i hoppers. CAPITAL .................................t- . REST and UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS . $ 29,916,700 31,071,499 831,548,967 H. R. Drummond, Esq. PRESIDENT Sir Charles Gordon, g.b.e. VICE-PRESIDENTS Maj.-Gen. the Hon. S. C. Mewburn, c.m.g. News of the District » Henry Cook, of Goderich Tp. died recently in his Slst year. Chas. Skinner, of Mitchell, died recently at the family residence. Mr. F. D. Hutchison, of Seaforth, .is able nt’ss, Mrs. slowly eent illness. ■>. to be out again after liis ill- Joseph Amos of Brinsley, is improving following her ro- Mr. W. J, Greenwood presented the Mitchell United Church with a new communion set. A twice daily motor coach service has been established between Gode­ rich and Stratford. Mr. Jas. t option, the rich died on McClure, with one oldest resident of Gode- May 10th, aged 93 years are contemplating theMitchell erection of a rest room, and are ap­ pealing t.o Fullerton and Hibbert townships for a grant?. Miss Catharine McDougall, passed away at her home in Goderich Town­ ship on May the 3rd. The deceased Was in her 69 th year. , Mrs. J. G. Steepe, of Clinton, had the misfortune to fall, breaking her right wrist and sustaining a disloca­ tion of the same wrist. D. Forbes Angus, Esq. Harold Kennedy, Esq. E. W. Beatty, Esq., k.c. James Stewart, Esq. J. W. McConnell, Esq. GENERAL, MANAGER Sir Frederick Williams-Taylor DIRECTORS Wm. McMaster, Esq. G.'B. Fraser, Esq. T he Hon. Sir Lower Gouin, k.c.m.g. F. E. Meredith, Esq., k.c. F. W. Molson, Esq. Lt.-Col. Herbert Molson, c7m g., m.c. The Hon. Henry Cockshutt Gen. Sir Arthur Currie, g.c.m.g., k.c.b. The Hon. Thomas Ahearn W. A. Black, Esq. THE BOARDEXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF SIR VINCENT MEREDITH, BART. (Chairman) Sir Charles Gordon, g.b.e. H. R. Drummond, Esq. Major-General the Honourable S. C. Mewb'urn, c.m.g. LONDON COMMITTEE His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, k.g. (Chuirnuirj). F. R. S. Balfour, Esq. Sir Hardman Lever, Bart., k.c.b The Rt. Hon. Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal. PARIS COMITE CONSULTATIF M. le Senateur Gaston MenIer Frederick Adams, Esq. MEXICO COMMITTEE C. Gordon Paterson, Esq.Bertram E. Holloway", Esq. The Bank has over 600 Offices in Canada, Newfoundland, United States, Mexico; at London, England, and at Paris, France, with Correspondents in all Countries, offering exceptional facilities in all departments of General and Foreign Banking. The Bank of Montreal holds ah interest in Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial and Overseas), and by reason of this associa tion is able to offer its clients close competitive rates and complete banking service for business with the West Indies, among the important advantages offered being facilities for obtaining accurate local information. the bride’ of Roy Bertram George Powell, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Powell, of Granton. The cere­ mony was performed by Rev. J. At­ kinson, rector of St. Thomas church iti the presence of ‘ ' into relatives of groom. . The bride Miss Edna Powell groom while Mr. of Lucan, supported the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Powell will reside in Bur- gesville. only the immed- the bride and was attended by , sister of »the Clifford Shipley, WK ALSO PASS IT UP Here’s a problem somebody shot at us the other day, so we pass if. along to our readers for solution,— Supposing a man in Paris, France, wanted to fly to New York. He fig­ ured that as the earth turns on it® axis from west to east all he’ll have to do 'is fly around in circles and America will come around and meet him. Why does he have to fly to America. rather than wait till Amer­ ica revolves around to him? I Miss E. Holmes, of Seaforth, left last Friday for Seattle, Wash., route to Alaska, by boat, where she will enter a college at Fairbanks. At a meeting of the executive of the Children’s Aid Society held in Goderich, steps were -taken for the Huron County Council to take over the shelter. Mr. Geo. Andrews has sold his farm on the Bayfield road to Mr. W. Johnston, of Goderich and also his pasture farm on the Huron road to Mr. Townsend, of Goderich. The T. Eaton Co. has purchased twenty-one stores of the Canadian departmental stores for four million dollars. This includes the Duncan Ferguson store at Stratford. Mrs. W. J. Miller, of Clinton, while working about the garden fell against the edge of a cement step and fractured her right ankle. The same leg was broken a few years ago The cost of keeping the provinc­ ial highway open from Goderich to Stratford during the winter season of 19 26 and 19 27 was $2648.97; for the winter season of 19 27 and 19 28 the cost $1445.58. Rev. Selborne Anderson, a pastor of the Methodist Church for many years, died recently at Monkton. His remains were taken to London for interment. Mr. Anderson was at one time pastor on the Kirkton Circuit. St. Marys church, Brinsley held their anniversary services on Sunday last, the services being taken by Rev. J. A. Bloodsworth. It was while Mr. Bloodsworth was in charge at Brinsley that the church was re-built Stratford lion of the sary of the road. The proposal is to have cele­ brations at various places along the highway in September, after the paving is completed between Clin­ ton and Sen forth. “Nurse Hohner, who has been nursing in Clinton for the past ten weeks returned last week to her home here, having had an operation on her foot. Her sister, Nurse Smith, of Exeter, is now waiting on her in en­ i.i planning a celebra- on? hundredth anniver- opening of the Huron ol her. We hope soon to see around again.—Brucefield item the Seaforth News. Grattan wars, the property Fred Thrower. Kerwood, the sensa­ tion on the London track last year, is now being trained in Cleveland by trainer Fleming, who is fitting him for some of the big stakes this season. Owner Thrower recently turned do,wn an offer of twenty-four thousand dollars for this bay pacer. Wm. Cantle-m, died in Clinton on May’7tli, in his 9 0th year. Mr. Can- telon had been an invalid for the past nine years, . the result of a broken hip from which he never fully recovered. Most of his lifer was spent in Clinton. He is surviv­ ed by his wife, who nursed him through his long illness, one daugh­ ter. Mrs. J. E. Brooks, of Mitchell, and three sons, J. E., of Clinton, D. A., of Heiisall and W. F., of Toronto. One brother, David, of Clinton and one sister, Mrs. survive. Kyle, of Calgary HURON COUNTY LEAGUS BASEBALL taken to reorglin- Huron county Stops are being ize and expand the baseball league, and affiliate the or­ ganization with the Ontario baseball association ceiving favorable consideration from the baseball no doubt a formed. Exeter and Zurich as well as Goderich, has signified their intention of entering teams. As soon as another entry is received to make a six-club circuit, the annual meeting will bo held pro­ bably at Clinton. Mr. E. L. Dean IS looking after entries, POWELL—HODGINS NUPTIALS A Quiet but pretty wedding took place on May 2nd., when Ethel Vic­ toria, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hodgins, of Granton, became The proposal is re- fans in the county and strong league will be Clinton, Hcnsall s. to cook on Easy to light. . . Strike a match—that’s all! No flaring .... Patented automatic wick stop will not permit flame to rise above set point. Easy to control . Flame can be adjusted to any safe level; it remains set. No soot an pots and pans . . . Every bit cf oil is changed into clean, intense heat in the long chimneys. Oil reservoir can be easily filled while cooking is being done. Safe baking. ... A wonderful oven in which you. can bake cake, fish and onions at the same time with­ out mixing flavors. ' See the wonderful new models at your dealer’s. Perfec­ tion prices which range from $8.75 to $212.50 are splendid value. Write for full information ,to General Steel Wares, Limited, Toronto, Ontario. * Nome i t i i Mail TODAY Dept. 118 , General Steel Wares Ltd., Toronto. Please send me free particuhrs of the Pcrfc&ion Oil Range. _~ ----1 ..---------. i >1 WtfgisjssyS* 4 WHEEL BRAKES NEW FISHER BODIES NEW STEERING GEAR NEW THERMOSTAT NEW FUEL PUMP NEW GASOLINE GAUGE NEW STOP LIGHT LOVEJOY SMOCK ABSORBERS IN ALL the great General Motors’ family of automobiles there is no other six so low-priced as Pontiac. Yet no car more fully typifies the»z^ famous General Motors’ "Policy of Progress.” For the New Series Pon­ tiac Six is as advanced in quality as . it is low in price. A. 5 Look at this imposing array of fine- car features:—Rugged, powerful six- cylinder engine: New GMR high- compression cylinder-head: Crank­ case Ventilation: Oil Filter and Air Cleaner: Safe, sure Four-Wheel Brakes: Lovejoy Hydraulic Shock- Absorbers; And . . . Big, roomy, luxurious bodies by Fisher (famous for fine craftsmanship) All these are yours . . . in General Motors’ lowest priced six . . 4 the New Series Pontiac. p.12.5.a«c Ark your cooler about the G.M.A.C. Deferred 1 ayment Pion f'hich buying etsy. I ,L‘, PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED