HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-05-17, Page 1EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 17th , 1928ESTABLISHED 1873 MOVING TO BARRIE Lowe Bros, Mellotone Lowe Bros. Mello Gloss I Lowe Bros. Enamels i A good oven for above $<J.OO SCREEN WINDOWS 45c.SCREEN DOORS $2.45 Heaman’s Hardware & Paint Store BIRTHS of Oil Goderich, on Fri- Rev. Janies I-Iam- blot not. Sis- CASTLE—-In Bayfield, on April 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Castle, a son Lowe Bros. Auto Gloss Express your divic pride in a dean 'up, paint up, campaign. CROCKER—In Exeter on Sunday, .\Iay 13th, Veda Treble, wife of R. S. Crocker, of Toronto. WALKER—At the General Hospital, Rochester N. Y., on May 7 th, to ■ Mr. and Mrs. Yarn B, Baker, neo Jessie Chesney, a daughter. day, May 7th, 80 years. HAMILTON—In day, May 4th. ilton, B.A., in his 68th year,New Perfection Wicks .........’40c. HODGSON—At; Whalen, on Sunday, May 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wih. Hodgson, a son. „v. FROM $10.00 UP ........................... 75 and 90c, CANTELON—At Clinton, on Mon- Wm. Cantelon aged MARRIAGES SWEET—In Exeter, on Saturday, May 12th, 1928, Mary Hamlin Prout, beloved wife of the late Thomas Sweat, aged ,73 years, 1 month and 4 days. Ladies’ & I BARGAINS’! EXETER COUNCIL Monday, May 14, 1928 regular meeting of the Muni- Council was held in the Town with all members present. The FIFTY-FIFTH YEAH, NO. 283# spring Coats BARGAINS!! Every Spring Coat must go at once, regardless of price. We offer you Real Bargains in a fine range of styles, Come early and make your selection. Men’s and Pencil Stripe and Fancy Worsteds Pencil-stripe and Fancy Worsted Suits for young " men, in all the new light and medium shades, also navy stripes, brown stripes, etc. The best range of fine suits we have ever kept. $25 to $30 PRICED AT.......................................... Staple Blues and Greys Navy Suits and plain Grey Suits for older men, who require a larger full-fitting suit at $25.00 and up. Also a fine range of medium colors of pencil­ stripes etc. for those requiring this kind of suit. Boys’ Long-Pant and Bloomer Suits A new range of Youth’s Long-Pant Suits just opened up. Bring in the boys and let us fit them Also we have a goad range of Bloomer .Suits $6to $8.50 . FLEET-FOOT OUTING SHOES—Get a pair of Running Shoes, for the' girls a’Ad boys. THe best shoe value for summer wear. All the newest styles- MEN’S AND BOYS’ KHAKI SHIRTS—At $1.95 for men, and $1.35 for boys. We give you a khaki shirt, guaranteed not to fade. Stands hard wear and will not fade under any condition. ci pal Hall minutes of the meeting held April -,n’d wore road and approved. A circular letter was received from the Department of Agriculture re The Weed Control Act pointing out that the roads and the. responsi­ bility for the cutting of Aveeds there­ on are under the authority of the Road Commissioner. The appoint­ in' nt of Commissioner Bissett as'In- sp* et»r was made during was again confirmed. *’ A letter was received Secretary of the Board of with a copy of resolution by rlie board as folIOAvs,— Brawiiinff, seconded by H. T. Rowe. “That the plan of a four room school he submitted to the council, and that they be asked to provide §20,(inn by the issue of 20 year de­ bentures for school accommodation and that a committee be appointed to wait on the council and decide between them for Avhich purpose it Would be designated. A deputation consisting of Mes­ si’s. R. NT. Creech, J. G. Stanbury, F. J. Delhridge and Dr. H. J. Bi’oavii- ing waited on the'council and spoke i in favor of the plan as outlined in the above resolution and asked that the council appropriate the amount. The council deferred action until’ Wednesday evening when a special meeting will be held to consider this matter. -Mr. Bissett, Street Commissioner, made application for a of clothes. Granted on Francis and Rivers. A great number of have Ivon made to the the council and also to _ _ ___ missioner Bissett of the number of dogs rnnuing at large and doing damage. A general request is here­ by made by the council to the. oavu- ers of dogs. That at this season of the yeer Avhen flower beds and gar­ dens are being set out and prepar­ ed; for all dogs to Site properly chained and kept tied up,, so as -to preserve the beauty of ’the roundings of the homes that zens are so deeply interested in are doing so much to beautify. The following accounts Avere read and passed,—Grigg Stationery Co., books, library $43.7 5; Nelson Wells brJanee on bell rnging. for 1927, V*&.5(i; Homer BagShaw, draying $2.00; Rd. Welsh assessor and post­ age $127.00; labor Fred vorty labor $2.00. Pryde, trees and shrubs, ®plans and blue prints. $57.00; Wm.'Smith La­ bor $49.50; Joseph Green, labor $10.00; Percy Webber, labor $9.00, Passed on motion of Bierling and Rivers. Carried Adjourned to meet again on Wed­ nesday evening at 8 p.m. 1927 and from the Education as passed -Per H. J. ncAV miit motion of eomplainrs members of Street Com- sur- eiti- and Wm. Webber, team $24.75; Jno. Norry, labor $3; Wells, labor .$3.00; Wm. La- labor $3.00; Russell Moore. $6.25: Jonathan Kydd, labor Cemetery accounts,—Thos. LAWN MOWERS RAKES SHOVELS . Galvanized 2-Gallon OIL CANS Large Gaiv. TUBS $1.45 CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Thos. Sweet desire to express their appre­ ciation and thanks to the many .friends and neighbors for the ex­ treme. kindness and sympathy shown during their recent bereavement; also for the floral tributes, the' ser­ vices of the choir and. the loan of ears. Lowe Bros. High Standard Paints Lowe Bros. Neptunite Varnish Lowe Bros. Aluminum Paint New Perfection Oil Stoves from $22.00 lip New Perfection OvSns from $8.00 up Mr. Wm. Pomfret, past fve years lias had charge of the C. N. express office in Exeter, has received Word of his appointment as manager of the Barrie office and will report for his new duties, on Monday next. During Mr. Pomfret’s stay in Exeter by his genial and obliging manner he has made many friends. His appointment to the Barrie position is in recognition of lis faithful services. Mrs. Pomfret and family will remain in- Exeter until the close of the school term. HERN- EARL — On . Wednesday, May 161 h, Gladys Laurene, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Earl, of Usborne, to Mr. Harold Mervyn Hern, son of Mr. Eph. Hern, of Usborne. DEATHS IN .MEMORTAM ESSERY—Til loving memory Irene Diary, who passed away < May 21st, 1923. As we loved you, so we miss you. In our memory you are near; Loved, remembered, longed, for al­ ways, Bringing many a silent tear As time moves on Ave a^re reminded, Of the day our hearts were crushed, When God took you, oh, so quickly, And we in gloom were thrust From memory’s page we cannot Throe little words, forget you Sadly missed by Mother, Father tors and Brother. THAMES ROAD AXD ROY’S CHURCHES INVITE REV. JAS, ANTHONY largo meeting of the congre- of Thames Road and Roy’s churches, Monday evening, decided to extend an invita- the Rev. James Anthony, M. Fingal. Mr. Anthony con- the services at Tliams Road He Avill succeed Rev. At a gallon United it avas tion to A., of ducted on, Sunday. G. M. Cliidely, avIio has been invited to St. Andrews church, Watford. For nearly eight, years Mr. Chidley has been the popular pastor at. the Thames Road church, where he has done splendid work, particularly among the young people. IX CRITICAL CONDITION J. S.The serious illness of Mr. Harvey has been causing consider­ able anxiety to the members of his family and to his many friends throughout the community. A few­ weeks ago Mr. Harvey avgs taken ill with infulenza and while able to be around he suffered from the effects On Friday last he Avas taken ser­ iously ill and the members of his family are at his bedside. Rev-. L. C. Harvey, of Courtland. Mr. J. M. Harvey, of Toronto Medical College and Miss Gladys Harvey, teacher at Willow Grove, are all home. An op­ eration was performed on Sunday u orning. At time of going to press his condition is little improved. DIED IN EXETER The death occurred on May 13th, in the General Hospital, Exeter of Veda Treble, wife of R. S. Crocker, 629 Gladstone Ave,, Toronto. Mrs. Crocker had been in ailing health for about a year. but. her sudden, death came as a sh She was a memln United church, Toronto and also a member of Rebecca Lodge of the 1. O. O, F. She leaves to mourn her loss a husband, five sisters and two brothers’. A short service Avas held Tuesday afternoon at the resi­ dence of the late Wm, Treble, after which the body was taken by train to Toronto for interment. The fun­ eral will be hold in Toronto on Thursday at 3 o’clock p.m. and pro­ ceed to Mount Pleasant, cemetery for interment. Mr, and Mrs. Sam’I Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Treble and Miss Effie Treble will leave by motor Thursday morning to attend the funeral. ick to the family, ir of Centennial BASEBALL A well attended meeting of the Exeter Baseball Club was held in S. G. Bawden’s Board Room, Tues­ day evening with M. R. Complin, Viee-Pres. in the chair. The min­ utes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. The treasurer, R. N. Creech, presented his financial report, duly audited, which showed a balance of $51.65 in the bank. The following officers for the year 1928 w.ere elected.—Hon. Pres. AV. G. Medd, M.L.A.; Pres. M. R. Com­ plin; Vice-Pres., H. O. Southcott; Sec.-Treas., James Morley; assistant sec.-treas., H. C. Rivers and F. M. Boyle; manager, Dr, E. S. Steiner and assistant manager, S. G. Buav- den. Executive Committee, the captain, L. J. Penhale, R. N. Creech, A. B.' Medd and Waltei’ Harness. A communication was read from the Secretary of the Huron County Baseball Associatio'n asking that Exeter send representatives' to a meeting of that body to be held in Hensail on Thursday, May 17th at 8 p.m. The following members were appointed to attend that meet­ ing; M. R. Complin, R. N. Creech, F. M. Boyle and Jas, Morley, but the question as to ivhether Exeter Avould enter a team in the Huron County league was left open until after the meeting on Thursday night Avhen the territorial division of the county will he settled. We Can Kelp Yon to See BetUr Our method of testing fs rncffitj complete and our prices moderate^ Office hours 9.30 to 12 a.m. a MS 1.30 to 5 p.m. Evening by appointment $ S. FITTON Phone 75av OPTOMETRIST? A COMEDY DRAMA in tln’oc acts, entitled “EYES OF LOVE” Which was played to a full house® and so highly spoken of, is being xefar peated by request, in. the Opera House, EXETER —• oh — DIED IN MANITOBA Mrs. Joshua. Johns, of Elimville, received a telegram on Sunday an­ nouncing the death of her brother, Mr. Henry Andrew, of Crandall, Manitoba, who died the same morn­ ing follov’ing an illness suffering from cancer. The deceased was in his 61st year. Mr. Andrew visited in this community during the sum­ mer. of 1925. WINDOWS BROKEN WHEN TIRE BLOWS OUT On Thursday last wlile a Goderich truck was standing in front of Dr. Fletcher’s office, one of the rear tires blew out and the loud report was heard for several blocks. The report startled many of the citizens in the business section and the con­ cussion shook the buildings in the vicinity. A hardware dealer, about 100 yards distant staged that the hardware rattled on the shelves, A small piece of tire passed under the truck and struck a pane of glass in Dr. Fletcher's office making a hole large enough for a football to go through and scattering what seemed like a thousand pieces of glass in the office. One of the wuidows the Times-Advocate office cracked by the concussion. The was a new one. not having been very long. Quite a number of citizens gathered around. THE1 LATE MRS. SWEET The death took place at Exeter, on Saturday last, of the beloved wife of the late Thomas Sweet.. The late Mrs. SAveet Avas born at Pickering, Ont., near Whitby, on Easter Sun­ day, April Sth, 1855. Her maiden name Avas Mary Hamlin Prout. Be­ ing bereaved Of her mother when 4 years of a^e, she Avas brought, to this community and raised by her aunt, the late Mrs. William Hamlin, whose home Avas on the 2nd Concession of Stephen, oir the farm .now owned by Mr. Wilfred Shaptoii, Avhere her happy girlhood Avas spent. On re­ tiring to Exeter with her aunt and uncled where the Trivitt Memorial church now stands, and in the same resi­ dence in which she spent the last few years of her life. The deceas­ ed was united in marriage to the late Thos. Sweet on September ?>u, 1874, and with her husband lived on the London Rd. S., on the farm now owned by Mr. M. Snell. They re­ tired ’to Andrew St., Exeter, about nineteen years ago where Mr. Sweet predeceased her four years last March. The deceased suffered a paralytic stroke almost, four years ago from which she only partially recovered the use of her left and limb, since which time she enjoyed fairly good health, her dition only becoming serious a days previous to her decease, was of a particularly loving tion and was much beloved spected by all who came, in with her. The funeral service was the Trivitt Memorial church; also having been baptised, confirm­ ed and married in the old Anglican church now used as a Crystal palace at the fair grounds. She leaves to mourn her loss four sons and one daughter, William, of London; Clin­ ton, on the St. Marys Road, Usborne Victor, of Cleveland: Harry, ot Windsor; and Miss Hettie at home. She also leaves three s Atkinson, of toAVii; lace, of Waitsburg, Maria Hawks, of Pr Those who came to attend the and Mrs, and and John Cokvill, Mr Colwill, Mr. Elijah Cohvill, Mrs. W, Dearing, _ and Mrs. Chas. Randall, Mr Walrond, and Miss Ont.; burg, Box, Isaac. .. Alonzo Hodgins, Creditor MONDAY, MAY 21st Under the Auspices of the James: St. Ihiited Church Young Peoples* League This play is full of pathos and hum­ or and will provide an evening real entertainment Rev. I). MeTavish will sing GLOOM CHASERS ORCHESTRA. Admission: Reserved Seats 5Oe. Rush Seats 35c. Plan of hall at Cole's Drugstore apem Thursday night. —----------?-------------------------------------------------------------------------•& Anniversary — of — Woodham. Sunday School SUNDAY, MAY 20, 1928 Services will be conducted by Reir T. Sawyer, of : a.m. and 7 p.m. nished by the school. Plattsville at 10.30 Music will be fur­ THURSDAY, MAY 24th- SUPPER AND CONCERT IN THE ORANGE HALL Supper served from 5 until 8 p.m. Program by Brunswick Trio of Lon­ don and Woodham Orchestra Admission.,—Adult’#.- *"*"'*■*.; Childre^ . r:.”’ • undecA...-,^'cV..-'T ■■ 'I '1 ” C. A. Gunning,. S atendent Rev. I). D. Thompwn, Pastor Every Saturday — at the — Grand Bend Casino- Modern and Old Time Dancing Saturday, May 19th. 9-PIECE LONDON ORCHESTRA Come and dance to th©' amplifiers and enjoy good square dancing. she lived on the property arm had con- few She disposi- and re­ contact held in she stars Mrs S, l Sarah Wal­ sh; and Mrs Mt, Wash. Mr: W: esc from a distance, funeral were, Mrs. Thos. Boyle, of Tor A. Ferguson, of Toronto; Mrs. Goo. Winterbottom, Mrs. Chris. Tcalo. Mr. and .nd Mrs. -Air, mto; Mr, Mr, Mrs. Franls Mrs. Calvin Simpson, Mr, “ Win. 5. Win, Sweet, all of London, of Tilson- . Marshall Mrs. Wm. . and MM Mr. and Mr Greta Isaac, Miss Ethel Sweet, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs, Parkhill; Mr. and West Williams; Mr. S ©me Theatre ’ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY May 18th and 19th JOHNNY HINES, in All aboard the S. S. Joy, sailing: immediately for the land of laughs. Leave your troubles at home. Lots thrills, fun and adventure. USUAL COMEDY Admission,—15 and 30c. of Thursday, Friday and Saturday j May 24th, 25th, and 2Gth .a Beu Hur” World's mightiest attraction Tale of the Christ by Gon. Lew Wallace Mrs. (Dr.) Tappert, of Detroit, Mrs. (Dr.) Young, of Walkerville# Dr. and Mrs. McLellan, of Windsor, were, visitors with Rev. Mrs. Foote at the Manse SISTER PASSES Word was received, in Jas. and last, week* ’ Word was received, in Exeter, oil Sunday, of the death of Mrs. Samuel Holman, who has been lbringJwitlt her daughter, M. ~~ of Killarney, Man. * a sister of Mrs. Wm tralia; Mrs. Rd. Tapp Coultis, of town; Mrs. cis, oL-Stephen and Di’, on, of Detroit, deceased her Nine children, 1 State | vivo. Mrs. Howard Bishop# The deceased i® . Ford, of Ceil* and Mft. Hy. Arthur Fran* J. W. Harris* husband pre-* [ years ago* Her : several . two in the UnitM and seven in the West Stttr*