HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-05-03, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, JOY 3«T, 1028 Want Column FOR SALE—-Large wicker baby carriage, in good condition. Price $5,.00. Apply at Times-Advocate. * 5-3-tfc Exeter Markets FOR SALE—Quebec heater, al­ most new and the price is right. Ap­ ply at the Express Office, 5-3-tfc FOR SALE—Child’s White Enam­ el cot with mattress. Apply at the Times-Advocate. 5-3-tfc Wheat $1.35 Oats 75 c, Barley 85 c. Manitoba flour $4.50 Blend Flour $4.25 Pastry' Flour $3.70 Feed Flour $2.40 Bran $2,20 Shorts $2,20 Creamery Butter 46c. Dairy Butter 38-41C. Eggs, extras 27c. Eggs, seconds 22c. Hogs $9,50 CAVHN PRESBYTERIAN CHWROM Rev. James Foot®. B.A., Minister 10 a.m.™Sunday School. Services as usuual.JV o> Is there a young man, who has the nerve to take a position selling Life Insurance during his vacation? To qualify you must have soud judg­ ment and be working your own way through College, and be willing to receive instructions, assistance will he given. Send answers to ' Richmond Bldg., London, Ont. to locals 7j> 214 dayTry NAMELESS for the every cold epidemic.—Get it at Powell’s. POTATOES! POTATOES! CARMEN—Splendid coOkers and would make excellent seed at $2.25 GREEN MOUNTAIN OR IRISH COBBLERS—Now in stock at $2.35 per bag. Good strains of planting stock. NOTICE—Will the party who has a 32-ft. extension ladder belonging •to the Public Utilities Commission kindly return same at once. Leave your orders for flowers for and and Mother’s Day. Roses, pink w’hite, carnations, red pink white. We deal with Gammage and Estate.—Havey & Harvey Dale WANTED—Five thousand Market Gardeners to plant our hardy field grown cabbage and Bermuda onion plants. These plants will produce vegetables three weeks earlier than home-grown plants. It is no ex­ periment. We guarantee results or refund your money. Strong, field- grown, toughened plants ready to set in open field. Will stand tem- peature twenty degrees above with­ out injury. Bermuda onion plants and all leading varieties of cabbage . plants shipped promptly. 200 plants Postpaid $1.00; 500, $1.75; 1000 $3.00. Ship express collect $2.00 thousand. Catalog and. testimon­ ials sent free. Advertise in the Times-Advocate. Onion planting is the order of the day. The martins are back with their happy song. Mr. Jas. Dignan and Miss Helen, visited Lucan friends over Sunday. Mr. Jos, Grant, of London, spent the week-end under the parental roof. Mr. Clarence Simmons, of Wind­ sor, spent Sunday under the parent­ al roof. Mr. A. J. Ford held a successful sale of his household effects on Sat­ urday last. Mr. Ed. Pollen has moved into the residence of Mr. C. Atwood, on Simcoe St. Rev. J. W. Down occupied the pul­ pit of the Elimville United church on Sunday last. Boys and girls are being urged to look up and down before cross­ ing the street. Mr. and Mrs. L. Greive, of Strath­ roy, visited over tire week-end with relatives in town. > Mr. and Ms. Frank Irwin, of Put­ man, visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Davis on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Pethick and son Gordon -spent Monday visiting friends in Seaforth. Mr. Thos. Harton and Jas. Lutton, of London, town over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn neice Mrs. visited in BUS SERVICE Mr. Cap. Howard has resumed his bus service between Exeter and Lon­ don, calling at Centralia, Moores­ ville, Clandeboye and Lucan. Leaves Exeter at 8 a.m., except Monday when he leaves at 7 :'30. Returning leaving London at 4:30, due in Ex­ eter at 6 p.m. NOTICE Owing to the large membership the secretary of the Thames Road ‘ Farmer’s Club finds it difficult to notify all members by phone. Orders are now being booked for Coke, No. 4, Chestnut, Drumheller Alberta Coal and steam threshing lump for June delivery, also binder twine. Parties wishing to order , coal or twine are asked to place their order with any of the directors or the sec­ retary at once. P. Passmore, Sec’y, phone 172rl3, Exeter. the and TENDERS FOR WIRING Tenders will be received for wiring for hydro of the manse stable of the Thames Road United Church, also for the wiring of the manse, stable, the church and shed. Contractor to submit his own speci­ fications. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be in the hands of the Sec’y-Treas. by six p.m. on May 7th. JI. H. Brown, Sec,y-Treas., R. R. No. 3, Exeter. FOR SALE OK RENT—Fine brick residence, heated with hot air, elec­ tric lighted, good garden. Apply to R. E. Pickard. 10-27tfc DON’T MTSS TIHS Smith’s Creole Troubadors of Chicago, will stage an Opera play consiting of comedy, music, singing, buck and wing dancing and splitting sketches. A real old darky show. Come and have a laugh. Opera I|ouse, Exeter MONDAY EVENING, MAY 7th Doc Arthur Hill, Mgr. Adults 47c., Childen 25c. no re­ served seats side­ time good NEWS - We heard a lady say, when pass­ ing the other day, yes, this is Po­ well’s the place to buy those real good stockings.-—This is only one of the many remarks aye hear about this store.—We invite Overy soul in i usthis neighborhood to call on every day they pass this way. Among this week’s arrivals, new Rubber Balls, Fancy China and Glass Salad Bowls, Cut Glass Water Sets and Flower “V-aseS and 6 new patterns of Dinner* Sets, thus mak­ ing our assortment” up to 25 sets. Our selling plan Sates you money. BARGAIN TABLE SPECIALS ..Pretty China Salads, new shipment going at 29c. and 35c. each. Don’t waft. MOTHER’S DAY, MAY lath Carnations $3.00; Roses $3.00 and $4.00; Tulips $1.50 per dozen. Leave or send yoiur orders, Powell’s Variety Store I , Phone are Coxworth, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Heideman. Members of the Ailsa Craig Unit­ ed Church are considering the erec­ tion of a new chuch biulding. Mrs. McAsh is this week moving her household effects to London where she will reside in future. Mr. Ted Davies, who at one time was manager of the Dominion Store here, visited Exeter friends on Mon­ day. Mr. G. dence of drew St. J. Ford. Mr. and Sirs. Wm. Newell and children, of Stratford, spent Sunday with Mrs. Bissett. Sir. and daughter, the week-end with air. and airs. J. R. McDonald. air. Chas. Davis, son of Sir. .and airs, Joseph Davis, who lias been ill for several weeks, is able to be up and around the house. Try Grant’s genuine cheese bread for toast. 12c. a loaf. air. and airs. Bert Amy, son and two daughters and air. Dickson, of Woodstock, visited last Sunday with air. and airs. M. Amy. air. W. H. Harness, who recently disposed of his residence on aiain street to air. Frank Taylor, has rent­ ed the residence of airs. McNicol, on Carling Street. Several auto loads of Odd Fellows from Exeter were in Hensail Sunday evening attending divine worship in St. Paul’s church with the Hen­ sail brethren. air. and airs. Jack Simpson, of Winchelsea, has moved to Exeter in­ to the residence of the late Thos. Clark, on James St. We them to our midst. air. W. F. Abbott, who underwent an operation in Hospital, London, is able to sit up daily. Members of the family have been down to see him during the week. aiiss M. E. Brown recently re­ turned to her position at the Toron­ to General Hospital after spending four months in California in com­ pany with Mrs. Howe. Dr. Ottis spent the Truemher, has been visiting for a week with her parents air. Mrs. Wm. Winer. aiiss Olive Wood, who hhs visiting for two weeks with her par­ ents air. and Mrs. W. H. Wood, of Usborne, has returned to her duties as nurse-in-training, at Toronto General Hospital. air. Frank Delbridge had his Ford car side-swiped in London on Friday last, damaging one door and running board- The party running into him. has consented to replace the damag­ ed parts with new ones. Miss aiargaret Hern, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern of “Zion Wh6 recently underwent an opera­ tion in Victoria hospital, London, has returned to her home and is doing as wMl as can be expected. Mr. Lampman, who has been oc­ cupying the residence on John St. recently purchased by Mr. Henry Rundle, has moved into Mrs- Ho­ ward’s ’residence on Main St. re­ cently vacated by Mr* W. F. Abbott* Mrs, McFalls and Miss Leila Mc- Falls, who for the past eight years has been employed with Mrs, Ada Yeo Down, left on Monday for Lon­ don where they will reside for a tifne, Bost wishes of Exeter Mends Will follow them. Mr, McFalls Is assisting his brother ia Usborne,. J. Dow has rented the resi- Mr. Thos. Harton on An- recently vacated by Mr. A. Newell’s Mrs. W. Lois, of sister, Miss E. J. Statham, and London, (spent welcome recently Victoria Miss L. M. Jeckell and Truemner, of Strathroy, week-end here.Mrs, over and been JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—-Rev. John Garbutt, London. p.m,—Sunday School p.m.—Rev. A. E. Doan, M.A., B.D. of Clinton, subject—“Men or Fish.” You are’ specially invited to greet these strangers to our pulpit. Mo­ ther’s Day services on May 13th. Baptismal service in the morning, 3 7 o£ il If you have never worn a suit of Semi-Ready Clothing we want yoii^td let usjscll you one this spring. You will like the way they fit. The doths cAnnot he beaten, and the prices are reasonable. See our Values in Clothing at $20.00 tof$35.00 MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor 11 a.m.—Rev. J, M. Colling of Grand Bend will preach. p.m.—Sunday School. Young Men’s Bible Class will put on a brief missionary program. p.m.—The eighth commandment, Stealing, ancient and modern. Thusday 8 p.m. prayer service. 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Walter Jones, Rector SUNDAY, MAY 6th, 1928 4th Sunday after Easter . a.m.—'Holy Communion and Ser­ mon. 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Evensong and sermon. The members of the I.O.O.F. will attend this service. Special preach­ er, Captain the Rev.. A. C. Cummer, Rector of Christ Church, London, Confirmation classes will com­ mence soon, candidates please hand your names to the Rector. 11 ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS The extrance board of examiners, consisting of Inspector Tom, and Principals Wethey and Howard, held a meeting in day evening, tions, as set on June 25, siding examiners at each centre was selected and will be notified accord­ ingly. •the school on Wednes- The datea of examlna- by the department fall 26 and 27. The pre- Rev. A. A. Trumper, of Windsor, in renewing his subscription to the Times-Advocate says: “Please find your paper to which we all look for­ ward. You could perform a useful service by warning men not to come to Windsor or Detroit at the present time looking, for work; although the motor and other industries are pick­ ing up yet the local labour supply will be sufficient to meet all de­ mands for some time to come. The past winter has been most strenuous for the unemployed and some most deplorable cases of poverty and vir­ tual starvation have come to light.” “’for SALE—Essex Crystal Dwarf Clover has many outstanding ad­ vantages. It is about four weeks earlier than the common Sweet Clo­ ver and grows much smaller, more branchy and leafier and has finer stems. It seldom grows over, three and a. half feet tall. It, produces finer hay in large quantities and is better seeder yielding as high as 25 bu­ shels per acre on large acreage. $20.00 per bushel Apply to F. Taylor, Exeter or W. J. Anderson, Crediton. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE ............................ DOUBLE EDGE ........................ Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, DRUGGIST DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Hoad Office, Waterloo, Ontario Clinton G. Morlock Agent, Crediton, Ont. Telephone 21 r 5 5-3-8tc Ernest C. Harvey GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER Representing Mutual Life of Canada FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, WINDSTORM, ETC. W R. GOULDING A. T. O. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction In Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music m Schools Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 192 EXETER, ONT Men’s Fine Oxfords We are showing several of the newer styles for Spring in tan and black. Priced at $5.00 to $6.00 New Felt Hats In the newest shapes and colors. We have-a style and color*’to suit you. Priced at $3.95 to $4.95 75 pairs of Childrens’ Shoes, Sandals and Slippers 1 We are clearing this lot of Children’s Footwear at very low prices. Some of these lines sold as high as $2.75 a pair. Nearly every size in the lot. WALL PAPERS Ten-room lots of paper for bed­ rooms with enough border to do an ordinary room. They are worth double the price. Special at 98c. & $1.25 I Linoleums and Congdleums We are showing the very newest patterns in this popular, sanitary floor covering. Bring in the size of your rooms and get our prices. (’ 97 Piece China Dinner Sets FIVE THIS SET IN A BRAND NEW PATTERN AT A VERY SPECIAL PRICE 97 pieces SPECIAL at $23.95 NEW PATTERNS IN BEAUTIFUL CHINA DINNERWARE. IS A REAL OPPORTUNITY TO PROCURE A CHINA DINNER Southcott Bros Phone 16 Phone 16 ? ji > -■ All stocks listed on the Standard Mining Exchange bought and sold, i BROKERAGE SAME AS TORONTO There are several -mining stocks if bought at present prices will make a big profit. Our board room is open for your convenience. Why not make some money now. Personal attention makes our ser­ vice to yqu better than you G.an pect from a large city office. ExeterPlione 95 $185.00 ‘Come to us with Confidence 0 Furniture We are offering some wonderful bargains in furniture during the month of May R. N. ROWE FUNERAL DIRECTOR PHONE 20w and 20j ■4> '■ it isjvalue you are looking for deal with T. H. Elliott and you will get it. And do not forget that I am selling my goods at a small profit and in order to do this I have got to ask the public for all the support they can give. My store will be open every night from now on. T. H. Elliott’s Two Doors North of Post Office LA FORD Touring, • wonderful condition CHEVROLET Touring, 1922 special .................... $125.00 OVERLAND Touring, 1 1923 special ................... $125.00 1925 FORD Tudor Sedan original finish like new .. §375.00 1924 CHEVROLET Superior Touring ...........*............... $285.00 1925 CHEVROLET 4 door sedan ................... $385.00 1926 CHRYSLER A4 door sedan ..........-...(.t $775.00 1925 .McLaughlin ‘V* Six Coach, like new for a $865.00 1927 OLDSMOBILE Coach, 4 wheel brakes, etc ....... $825.00 1927 OLDSMOBILE 4 door sedan, 4 wheel brakes .... $925.00 1928 PONTIAC 4 door sedan brand new, never driven, no license. Traded New Oldsmobile, list price ....... 1928 CHRYSLER door sedan, see brand new, novel’ driven $200 off list ................ $1490.00 UNIVERSAL MOTOR SALES I»hoiiC: Metcalfe 2714 354 Clarence Street, LONDON “SPECIAL FINANCE PLANS” IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU in on the $100 off ............ $1085.00 “62” four this one WHERE. I WILL BE PLEASED TO. MEET ALL MY OLD CUSTOMERS AND AS MANY NEW ONES’AS REQUIRE FRESH GROCERIES aiY STOCK is FRESH AND ALWAYS UP-TO-DATE YOUR PATRONAGE KINDLY SOLICITED . W. H. HARNESS Phone 25 EXETER We Deliver 1 j A