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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-05-03, Page 4
THE EXETER THURSDAY, MAY 3i‘d» 1P28 Local News k The shovel, the too.e and thb rakp, i oon to come into their own, ’Mh-s Margaret Johns has taken a w at Harvey'® grocery. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fraser visited in Crediton over the week-end. Mtes May Brintnell, of Hensall, is Hsiung with Mr. and Mrs, Clifford glrihiaell.M»*. Clifford Mclvoy, of Wingbain Client Sunday in town visiting with <elnf.ves.Mcp. Emily Swinerton, of London, f/feiUd recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hogarth.Mi."'. Geo. Anderson is able to be mt again after being indisposed, for time.Itev. Borden Cunningham and ' fwife of St. Thomas, visited in Exe- rfUri’ v ; Tuesday.Mr. Ed. Willard, of the London ltd. North is ill at his home suffer ing '■•om pneumonia. ih. Browning lost a valuable tfem <e bull dog one day last week, in- ug run over by a car. Rev. Jas. Foote is attending the j&Jynvu which is being held in Monks ^ihu.’ih. Woodstock. Ellen Coultis has returned giome after spending the winter with Dr. J. W. and Mrs. Harrison. M'-. D. B. Sanders, of London, cpV'u the week-end with his sistei’ <ElTi> Jus. Hill and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Neil, of Lon- <ior, visited for a couple of days tins.! week with M. and Mrs. J. H. 4one:;.■JSI.b-'s Katherine Inwood, of Lon don, is spending a few days with Vosper and Miss Sanders in Miss •4TO'‘k j’ c’hcner, ming.Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Vosper, of De- itioit, motored over and spent the pveek-end with relatives and friends Exeter.Mr. Jas. Penrice has resigned his jposition at Southcott Bros, store V.is place is being taken by Mr. Am , Follick. A ^meeting of all interested in <enn.’s will be held in the Bank of •Commerce rooms on Friday evening 8 o’clock p.m. Mrs. R. N. Rowe, who has been ill, continues to improve. Miss Kathleen Smiley, R. n4‘ of Wood- «ik>ck, is in attendance. * • Mrs. Esli Heywood is visiting with fmr sister Mrs. J, W. Mallett and ftlrr. Wm. J. McNicoIs, at London <tnd Gtrathroy respectively.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunter and I .family of the 'London Road South I lhave moved into town, into £he resi- ’ j<lence vacated by Mrs. Bishop.Rev.- W. D. McDonald, B. A., of ffilgmondville, oocupied the pulpit of James St. United Church on Sunday Mast both morning and evening. Mr. iBJcDonald’s inspiring messages were •istened to by large and appreciative j&udiences. The pastor, Rev. D. Mcr ^Tavish took Young Peoples’ Anni- -rejrary Services for Rev. McDonald. May Sanders, after a two visit with friend.s in Kit- returned home Monday ev- motored over and spent the Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rowe, and Mr., and Mrs. Fred MacDonald and babe, of Galt, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, 1\ Harvey. ? over the week-end. " 1 Mrs. J. M. Perkins, returned Sat- i urjay aftei* spending several weeks in Detroit. Her son Norman brought her home by auto and they were accompanied by Miss Jeffrey. Messrs. Maurice Ford and Jack Batson and Mis^ Vera Langley, of Toronto, and Mrs, Hillborn, of Ham ilton, spent the week-end visiting in Exeter.Mr. Wm. Greenley has moved in to the residence he recently pur chased from Mrs. Howard. Mr. G. H. Smith has moved from Ann St. into the residence vacated by Mr. Greenley.Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers motored to London on Wednesday where Mrs. Beavers underwent an operation at Victoria Hospital. Her many friends will hope for her speedy recovery., Mr. J. S. Harvey has been indis posed for the past couple of weeks suffering from the effects of the flu He is able to be out around at times and his friends will hope for his speedy return to health. Mrs. John Mallett, of London, spent a few days in town last week. ' While she was here she' received a message stating that her son Clif- “ ford, in Detroit, was quite ill. She returned to London on Sunday. The Provincial Highway Depart ment which recently took over the London Road from Clinton to Exe ter is calling for tenders for the con struction of culverts between Exe ter and Elginfield and also between Exeter and Clinton. Miss M. E. Hale has resumed her position on the H. S. Staff. Owing to the sudden death of her father at Easter and the illness of her mother Miss Hale was unable to take her work following the Easter holidays and Miss Hauser, of Toronto, has been supplying for her. Mr. and Mrs. J. Braund were in London Sunday attending the fun eral of the former’s sister, Mrs. J. Head, who died in St. Joseph’s hos pital, aged 74 years. The funeral was held from Geo. E. ‘Logan’s fun eral home on Dundas St. to Wood land cemetery.Mr. Archie Ryckman, of Moose jaw, Sask., who with Mrs. Ryckman and five children have been visiting Mrs. Ryckman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tlios. Venner of Chiselhurst, has rented the residence of Mr. Jas. McFalls on Andrew .St. We wel come them to Exeter. ,Mr. D. A. Evans, teller of the Bank of Montreal has been moved to the • Ft. Erie branch and left Wednes- ■ day morning. Mr. T. S. Neale, of the Market Square branch, Lon don, ’is taking his place here. Mr. Evans has made friends in town, and the best wishes of all will follow him. ZION Hanna, the little daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wellington Brock, who has been ill, is improving and able to be out.Mrs. Sheenau has been under the doctor’s care. J",, nan, who have been Earl, are moving into ley’s house. Wedding bells are Mr. and Mrs. W.Sunday in Hensall with Mr. and Mrs.! Willert.Mr. Won. Morley, of Whalen, is confined to his house through ill ness but is improving. Everybody is on the land and the land is working fine. The fall wheat has been hard hit. A num ber are ploughing it up and reseed ing. Mr. and Mrs, Shee- witli Mr. Jas. Mr. Wiu. Mor- riugVig. Batten sp6nt WHALEN Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gunning spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Squire, of Granton. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Tookey, of Lucan, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley. Mr. Wm. Morley is improving a little each day. He is now able to be up for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jacques. Mrs. Nat. Ogden, of Exeter, spent a few days last week with her dau ghter, Mrs. F. Squire. Mrs. Jas. Swallow, of Woodham, is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs, Frank Patkinson. Miss Jessie Brooks returned to Victoria hospital this week having spent (her vacation under the par ental roof. Mr. Ray Parkinson, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. George Parkinson. Miss Ruth and Master Ralph Millson, of Lucan, spent the week end with their grandmother, Mrs. Geo. Millson. AUCTION SALE — of — HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Mr. 0. W. Reed has received. THAMES ROAD Rev. Mr. Wortman, of Watford, occupied the piiljiit on Sunday. A pleasing social evening was spent at the hom,^ of Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Harrison (nee Marie Cot-’ tie) when their neighbors gathered and presented jhern with a Colemah , lamp, A good crowd attened the dance last Wednesday when the Atclieson orchestra of St. Paul’s again fur nished the -music, The junior pupils are busy preparing Mother’s Sunday. Mr. Dave McNicol son, of Toronto and Mr. Lawrence - Fulton, of Stratford, were visitors with their relatives on Sunday. Miss Plieta Pollen spent the week end with her parents. KENNEDY—GOLLINGS A pretty wedding was «ni- by the <Rev. G. 1VI. Chidley at the Thames Road Manse, on Saturday, when Marjorie second daughter of [Mr. and Mrs. Gollings was unite'1 marriage to J. Edgar Kennedy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, of London. The bide was ass’"*”''’’ 1'-" I Miss E. Rowley, of London. The goom was supported by Mr. Elton Oliver of Watford. The bride wore a pretty dress of shell pink georg- etteette, for travelling. She also wore a smart tweed coat with floral hat and shoes and gloves to match. After the ceremony the happy couple returned home where a < delightful supper was served to about forty guests. The decorations were white h-IJ. Miss Rowley sang very, pleasingly during the evenipg. The beautiful assortment of gifts testi fied to the high esteem in which the bride and groom are held and best wishes are extended to their new home. Friends were pres- , - ■n-rx m oc-.nlent ! and of the school a pageant for and ,hia eldest of Devizes. J and gold. BIBLE SOCIETY FIELD SECRETARY TO VISIT EXETER PRESTON, ONT. Successor to. _ Metal Shingle & Siding Co. Limited. RIBROLL/ House roofsLasting,inexpensive RoOF your house or cottage with Rib-Roll. Handsome to look at... increases value of property . .. lasting. .. col lects clean rainwater, Banishes leaks...ideal for houses, barns, eheda, warehouses, schools, churches, public buildings. Give size of roof for free estimate. Write 4" mE-FLPQRWITH iWAMAiHffiNT itMOWOW -----------ILI Mil A Priceless Boon for Farm Homes! House work is naturally harder on the farm than in the towns . . . there are fewer conveniences. But no farm need be without that greatest of all modem conveniences „.. and adornments ., • hardwood floors. Estimates gladly fished. ROSS-TAYLOR CO., ’ ff"' Exeter, Opt. |rriMMB fur- a Ltd. best wishes are extended to MT. CARMEL Miss Eileen B. O’Rourke returned to her home at Khiva after spend ing several days visiting her cousins Mr. 'and Mrs. Basil O’Rourke, of Brucefield. Mr. J. J. Hayes, of Goderich spent the week-end with friends here. Mrs. Kearns left last week for her home at Wallacetown, after spend ing several months with her daugh ter Mrs. P. Sullivan. Mrs. Kenneth McNicol, of Delhi, is spending a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Breen. Mr. and Mrs. R. Etue and babe, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mrs. Etue’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Carey.Mr. Denomme, of Detroit, was the guest of Miss Eileen Ragiei’ last week.Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Shenk and family spent Sunday with friends near Crediton. Mr. Sandy Stuart is on the sick list this week.Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Doyle and family left this week for Loncloq where they intend to make th.eif home. ’Messrs. Joseph and James Camp bell, of Detroit, called on their bro ther Jerry Campbell last week. from Anderson, Mt. London. Mr. 0, w. Reed has received in structions from Mrs. R. J. Roberston to sell by public auction in the Village of Cromarty, on SATURDAY, MAY 12th commencing at 1:30 p.m. the followingMaple bedroom suite, bedstead with coil springs, mattress, oak ex tension table, 8 ft.;°2 kitchen tables 5 ft. and 4 ft.; 2 parlor tables, bed room table, wash stand, rocking chair, nursing chair, 11 kitchen chairs, velour couch, lounge, sewing ’machine, wringer, 2 wash tubs, wash 'board, copper boiler, wood heater, coal heater, 3-burner coal-oil stove with oven, clock, stepladder, house plants, curtains and poles, ' grain bags, crocks, pails, -garden tools, sealers, dishes and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH Mrs. B. J. Robertson O. W. Reed Proprietress Auctioneer Pleasant KIRKTON Miss Myrtle and Bessie Bickle, of St. Marys, spent Sunday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bickle. Seeding is the order of the day and the ground is working nicely.A very sudden death occurred: on Monday, April 23rd when Mrs. Nel-; son Gettler, of Fullarton Township parsed away. Before her marriage she was Miss Hylda Hoskin, of Kirk- I ton, daughter of Mr. and Mr^. Rich ard Hoskin, of London, formerly of Kirkton. She was in her usual health up to Sunday, when she took ,a convulsion from which she never became conscious. She was 37 years old and besides her bereaved husband she leaves four children all boys. Her funeral to the Union cemetery on Wednesday was largely ----3.., zii-rtrl R’ty T?.P.V. AUCTION SALE — of---REAL ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLD 1 EFFECTS The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction on’ the -London Road just south of EXETER 4 SATURDAY, MAY Sth, 1028 commencing at 2 p.m. the following; Range, oil stove and oven, Quebec heater, glass, cupboard, kitchen table, sideboard, desk, Singer sew ing machine, .Axminster rug 9x9 ft., pedestal^ linoleum, Simmons steel bed, walnut finish; springs, mat tress, cream separator, 3 farm gates, light wagon, cutter, single harness, ■harrows, hand- cultivator, scuffler, straw cutter, fence wire, lumber, feed boxes, pig troughs, shovels and hoes, rakes, chains, buck-saw, axe and numerous other articles. 1923 FORD COUPE. REAL ESTATE—(if not prev iously sold) 3B acres of laud in high state of cultivation, Jacre of straw berries, good orchard, brick barn, drive house, hen house, good well, 7-room brick house newly decorated, furnace, hydro, cistern. A desirable' property, nicely treed, suitable for tourist camp, being on the Provin cial highway. TERMS—Chattels cash. Terms on real estate made known on day of sale or may be had on application to the auctioneer. Real estate sub ject to reserve bid. DR. A. B. GIBSON, Proprietor. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. funeral to the Union cemetery un ----’ ‘1*'’ attened and yas conducted by Rev. J. L. Foster.Mr W. 'A. Gilfillan was obliged to go through an operation in the'Lon don Hospital this week for throat touble. NOTICE TO DRAINAGE CONTRACTORS TENDERS will be received by the- undersigped up to Monday, May 7th- 1928 at 1 p-m. for the construction and repair of the Mud Creek Drain estimated cost $15,106 and the Diet- trjch Drain, estimated cost $1400 both in the Township of Stephen, int the 'County of Huron. Plans, profiles and specification®- may be seen at tbe office of the un dersigned. 0 A marked cheque for 5% of the specified price shall accompany each- tender. The lowest or any tender not ne cessarily accepted. HENRY EILBER Clerk Township of Stephen- 4-19-3tc. Crediton, OhU ... ..............•....... NOTICE of die proposed By-law for Stopping; up and Selling Highway Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Township- of Usborne will take into considera tion, and if approved, will pass at its meeting to be held on Saturday^ May 5th, 1928, at the hour of two o’clock at the Township Hall, Us borne a By-Law for stopping up and selling that highway or sideroad ini the Township lying and situate be tween Lot E in the seventh conces sion and Lots 11 and 12, South West Boundary, and between Lots E and F in the eighth concession, in the- Township of Usborne, County of Huron. ' ■*> The said Council will at the above- mentioned time and place hear any person, or by his counsell, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudically affect ed by the By-Law and who applies, to be heard. Dated this 9th day of April^928. HENRY STRANGClerk of the Township of Usborne J * --------- - ....... * NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS,HEREBY GIVEN that, all Creditors and others, having; claims against the estate of ANNA - R. FISH, late of the Village 3f Exe-. ter, widow, who died on the first day' of April 1928, are required to for ward their claims duly proven to th© - undersigned on or before {the , day of May, 1928. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER EN that after the said date the__ cutrix will proceed to distribute the- • estate having regard only to the { claims <of which she then shall have- . notice. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for Executrix 14 th. GIV- Exe- z CONTRACTORS be received by the till 7 p.m. May the the construction of '" ’ d ...~ ’ J NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all Creditors and others having: claims against the estate of DAVID'1 MACK, late of the Village of Exeter- in the County of Huron, who died! I on,the 17jth of April 1928 are- I required to forward their claims duly NOTICE TO Tenders will undersigned up 3rd, 1928, for the Gardiner Improvement and Re pair, and the Passmore Municipal Drains in the Townships of Usborne Plans and specifications canybe-tseen at the- office of Jno. Roger, O.L.S., Mitchell,- or at the Clerk’s office, Us borne. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A mark ed cheque foi’ 5% of the amount, specified to accompany each tender. Tenders will be opened May 5th at 3 p.m., at the Township Hall, Usborne HENRY STRANG 4-12-4tc. Hensail, R. R. No.l leqmrea to ioi wara tneir ciaims auiy J proven to the undersigned on or be?/ fore the 14th day'of May 1928. \ AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- - EN that after the said date the Exe cutrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only, to th© claims of which she then shall have notice.- GREENWAY Wallis is visiting Mi’s. Eng- - Viola Curts, of London, the week-end with her par- ‘Mrs. lisli. Miss spent __ents Mr. and Mrs. Curts.Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, of Exeter, will conduct a special service in the United church next Sunday in the interests of the work of the Young Peoples’ and Sunday School depart ments.Members of our local talent as sisted in the program at the Tennis Club last Friday night and several others attended.Mrs. Slierritt went to visit her j daughters in Wheatley and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. High, 'of London, were Sunday visitors in our com munity.Mr. and Mrs. C. Brinker, of Park hill visited at the home of Mr. T. Bullock.Miss Inez Hay ter spent last week in our burg. SOUTH HURON BOYS’ WORK BOARD The annual meeting of the Board et in Brucefield last Tuesday . night. The chairman, Dr. R. Sauvage presided. The election of officers resulted as follows: Chairman, W. C. Barber. Seaforth; Vice-Chairman, D. McIntosh. Brucefield; Secretary- Treasurer, A. Y. M°Lean, Seaforth. A motion of thanks was tendered Dr. Savauge for his excellent work as chairman during the last two years. A full report of the camp committe was given to the Board. The Board decided to hold’ a camp. Contrary to earlier expectations, this camp will be held on Lake Huron, near Grand Bend, from the 2nd to the 10th of July, instead of at Kitchi-gami, the latter part of August.. This change was made nec essary ,by the lack of suitable lead ers available the end of August. It was also decided to hold a three- j day leaders camp previous to the main camp, from June 29th to July 2nd. Rev. Mr. Colling and Mr. Holt; of Grand Bend, were appointed to secure the site. A committee of Messrs. Colling, Holt, Savauge, Bar ber, Crawford, McLeau and Miss McKenzie were appointed to arrange - all the details in connection with i the camp. W. C. Barber of Seaforth, : was appointed registrar and bus- i- iness manager, with Rev. Bremner, of Brucefield, his assistant. During the seven days of camp the boys may take their choice of first aid, swimming, nature study, • bird lore, athletics^ group games, astronomy, etc. A doctor will be in attendance the whole time. The director will be Rev. Mr. Colling, of Grand Bend, ;a great favorite with boys and one who has had a. great deal of exper ience in this line of work. The tent leaders ‘ and department directors have been chosen for their special fitness in their work and for their ability to make the week interest ing for the bdys. The cost will be $7 for 7 days, of $6.50 if your reg istration is in by June 15th. The leaders camp is $1 a day. Only 85 can be accomodated, and as there are many more boys than this num ber throughout the county wanting to come, it will be necessary to reg ister early. Any boy between 11« qnd 18 years of age can attend. Write or phone now to the registrar, W. C. Barber, Seaforth, for any further information you may require and for registration blanks. The lawn mower Will be the next source of pleasure.Blddulph Council has awarded the tender -for the Heenan creek drain to Felix Curtin, for the sum of $2,- 770,00 There "wore seven tenders, COURT OF REVISION | . TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Usborne will hold its first meeting in the Township Hall Elimville, on Saturday, May Sth, 19- at two o’clock p.m. Henry Strang, Clerk Hensail, R. R. No. 1 28, <> 4 GLADMAN & STANBURY^ Solicitors for Executrix^ NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Roland; Cudmore, late of the Village of Hensail," mason, who died on the 16th day of March, 192.8, are required to- forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of May, 1928. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN- that after the said date the Exec utors will proceed to distribute th© estate having regard only to th© claims of which they then shall; have notice. . DATED at Exeter this 9th day o£~ • April, 19,28. GLADMAN & STANBURY Executors’ Solicitors,• TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be be received up until Saturday, May 5th at 10 p.m. for the installation of a steam heat ing system and for the remodelling of the basement of the James Street United Church, Exeter. Plans .and specifications may be seen at‘the office of W. G. Murray, architect, London, or P. Coates, chairman, Exeter. Work to be let separately or as a whole as the committee sees fit. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be (addressed to J. H. Jones. Sec’y, Exeter. Rev. John Garbutt Rev. John Garbutt, field secretary of the Western Ontario Bible Socie ty will be a visitor in Exeter and vi cinity on Sunday. May 6th. In the morning he will preach in James Street church at 11 o’clock at 2:30 at Chiselhurst and in the evening at Hensail. The story of the Bible is a won derful one, and nowhere more won derful than in distant lands among strange languages. It has been the aim of the British and Foreign Bible Society to bring this Book to every man in his own language; and the story of the translations has been a romance in itself. What the Bible can do for the world may be seen in the outlook for India. India is the mother of three-quarters of the great British family. She is the land of contrasts, racial, political, cultural, and, deepest of all, religion' What can we do to help her to take her rightful place in the world? Mr. A. Mayhew, fomerly a Director of Public Instruction in. India, has written: “If there is any book that can culturally unite a Morley and a Ghandi it is the Bible; and: “The record of the life and personality of Christ has done far moe education ally for I^clia than the v.T'.c’.c of Western literature.” The Bible Society is the whole Bible in 20 of the princi pals languages , of India, and lesser portions in some 50 more. In 1926 it issued from its seven Bible houses in India 869.000 books. It gave Bibles or Testaments to 7.000 Indian University students. Tt employed or .assisted about 150 colporteurs. The Empire’s best and most welcome gift to India is the Bible. The Western Ofttario Bible Society has its part in this great worl< Exeter bury, ward. William Wilkinson, Martin McTaggart, Gordon Cudmore. Hensall, Resident Mr. J, W. Ortrveiii, Treasurer, Mr. J. I G. Sutherland, Secretary, Mr. G. C. Petty, whole of publishing It’s .local officers President, Mr. J. G. Stan Mr. G.. S. Ho President, Mr Treasurer, tMi Secretary, Ml Sec’y-Treas.. Chiselhurst REWARD / $1,000 in Gold . Offered to any party or parties who can produce positive informa tion that will lead to the arrest and conviction of any party or parties who were responsible for creating damage on the farm premises owned by HORNE BROS, and described as Lot A, Concession 10, in the Town- of Usborne.The said damage was created by the cutting up of a gravel box, and totally destroying one set of Brass mounted harness by cutting same to pieces, also placing iron in shea ves of oats in the field, and the plac ing of 24 strands of fence-wire in corn field.Address any information or com munications to:—HARRY HORNE. 1297 Queen St., W. Toronto. GOAL «• SERVICE We Deliver BUY GOAL NOW Prices away down for Mouth of May No. 1 B. C. 5x Shingles $1.16 bunch wire woven fence per rod 38c. wire woven fence per rod 42 c. FERTILIZER ON HAND 7 8 <1 A. J. CLATWORTHY Phone 12 GRANTON, ONTARIO NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditos land others having claims against the estate of William Pfaff„ late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, farmer, who died on March 22nd 1928, are required to> forward their claims, duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of May, 1928. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV EN that after the said date the Exe cutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to th© claims of which they then shall hav© notice. * Dated at Exeter this 16tlj day o£ April 1928. ' , GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for Executors1 Try a Quebec, Sulky it is sure to please you. We have them in No. 11 or 21 bottoms. See the new Fertilizer Drill which is Ighter and‘draft. Call and let us explain it to you. If interested in a Tractor the Wal lis is sure to please you. It will operate on one third less fuel that any “ 2 other tractor of its rating, good second hand drills for sale Arthur Jones MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all Creditors and others having claims against the estate of Andrew Kain, late’of the Township of Stan ley in the County of Huron, farmer, who died on March 27th, 1928, are required to, forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on. or before the 7th day of May, 1928- AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV EN that after the said date the Exe cutors will proceed to distribute the- estate having regard only; to the claims of tvhlch they then shall -have notice.Dated at Exeter this 11th dgy of April 1928,GLADMAN & STANBURY, Executors’ Solicitors/