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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-04-26, Page 7
Sir John Simon Optimistic Over His Indian Visit Press Generally, However, Does Not Take Sam?! View —^Labor’s Report Bombay — The members of the royal commission on constitutional re form having campletefl its preliminary tour of India, has sailed for Englands Its arrival and departure from Bom- Ji&y were characterized by a complete (ftb^ence of the hostile demonstrations witnessed on fib'e day their landing. Sir John Simon, the chairman of ‘the commission, and his colleagues have had a busy time for the past two months and their exemplary cour tesy and patience are admitted on all sides. Before embarking, Sir John, in a statement to the press, declared: "We have established personal contact with all communities and classes in various parts ot the country, and will leave with renewed confidence in the ultimate success o-f our mission.” Despite Sir John Simon's optimistic goneralzaton, the Pioneer, a leading Anglo-Indian journal of Allahabad does not believe that the preliminary ylsit of the commission has been a success. Sections of the community, We pajpei* adds, might have greeted the commissioners’ visits In different parts of the country with enthusiasm and certain pubic bodes, it is true, notified their willingness o co-operate with the commission, but the support was sectional and spasmodic and by no means representative of political India. Viceroy's Commission Suggested The problem, which for the sake ^^of British prestige must speedily be can a bridge be built between the present commission and the opposi tion? The paper suggests that a vice roy’s commission should be constltut- .-ed from members nominated by the Legislative Assembly with power® and status equal to a rqyal commission. This solution the paper regards as almost Impossible to refuse, and one which would pave a way to a better understanding and healthier relation ship between this country and Great Britain. The Liberal organs regret that the commissioners have not been able to remove the objection® against the constitution of the coihmlsslon and procedure of giving the Indians ade quate place In Inquiries and delibera tions. It is still possible th© journals aver, when the commissioners return to England they may convince the British Cabinet that further substan tial advances should be made In order to enlist the collaboraion of the most active and Intelligent forces in the country In framing the future con stitution of India. .. . ----------;------------ The Egyptian Problem Ask Your Automobile Dealer to chow you the New Models or write for list. Sidy Brass Foundry Ltd. cS NewModels dealers. Have your car equipped now and nave the run- nhm board. R/L«. ’ towns-, village®, farmhouses, schools, ihuHlOntOH IViap s chuixjlie®, elevators, telephone lines-, _ •——* ’ post offices, and so on. Another interesting feature record ed upon the latest edition is that in the 104 townships covered there are According to the Topographical'sonle 250 KliIes of U*unk 493 Survey, Department ot the Interior, mU«a o£ secondary roads, and 2350 our Dominion is becoming more and mlles of 1<,ea* roads iu f?Ir edition, more a nation of map users. This is Tfceae nre shown, respectively, in rod, reflected in the Increasing demand, and ln black. requiring successive edition® of some I n Fort. Ausrustue. of the more popular map sheets is sued by this organization. The Ed monton sheet of the Sectional Map of Canada, for instance, has already gone through ten editions since it was first published tlhirty-seven years ago. The latest edition, which has just been, issued, shows in seven colors all topographical features, both natural and artificial, possible for the scale employed—three miles to an inch. A study of the successive editions ot tfhis map would afford a ready means of tracing the progress of settlement in this district. When he first ediion was Issued the Calgary and Edmon ton branch was the only railroad in Alberta north of the C.P.R. main -line. To-day, -as the present edition shows, the area is served by a network of main and branch railway lines and Is also filled with' other features- result ing from the Works of man, such as Reflects Increasing Demand For Maps in Canada According to the Jnore a nation of map users. Assam, the native home of the tea bush* produces teas which are famed the world over for their strength, rich ness and flavor. The superior and distinc tive quality of Red Rose Orange Pekoe is largely due to th&se fine quality Assam teas, of which it xs chiefly composed. Every package guaranteed. y.B schwegixrS”THOR OBRED” baby • -* ‘-*UVE AN.D CAY.” CHICKS Our breeder# »re bred for high «gg production. White, Brown ana Buff Leghorn*. Barred and White Rock*. R. 1. Red*. Ao* coca*, Buff Orpington*, White Wyandotte*. 12c*ndup. 100® live delivery guaranteed. Write tod^y for FREE CHICK BOOK. KHWESUR® tUTCHKRVua KnnuMirrmi. *UFFAEO,N.Ki A German View An Empire Settlement Board Toronto Glob© (Lib.): All .interested parties are agreed that British coun tries should b© peopled by British stock, not only for the sake of th© peo ple pud the Empire, but for the bene fits It would bring to Empire trade. The Empire Marketing Board is bend PHIIUPS5 For Troubles due to Acid. indigestion agio stomach HrARTBUAH HEADACHK malntal narmed of communication with the Suez Cafial—to protect safety Nahas Egypt, * ** The site of old Fort Augustus, shown upon the map as located on the north side of the Saskatchewan below Fort Saskatchewan provides a Jink with the past, Alexander Henry, the younger, tells in his journal of cutting barley at this place on the 3rd of September in 1810 some time after the fort Itself had been abandoned. Edmonton, a city of over 65,000 is built on the site of "New” Fort Augustus, erected in the latter part of he 18th century and sometimes designated Upper Fort des Prairies by early explorers and traders. "New” Fort Augustus was maintained by the North West Company until their fusion with the Hudson’s Bay Com pany in 1821. Later the name was changed to Fort Edmonton. The Edmonton sheet may be obtain ed from the Surveyor General, Topo graphical Survey, Department of the Interior, Ottawa, upon application for the nominal sum of 25 cents in sheet form or 50 cents when linen-backed or in folder form. German Clock Announces Midnight by Striking 24 Berlin—Wlhena clock strikes as high as thirteen it is ordinarily assumed that there is something wrong with it. Ths is no longer so in Freienwalde, Brandenburg. The clock in the tow er of St. George’s Church there not only has been equipped with a dial running up- to twenty-four, hut the striking mechanism has been altered so that the clock strikes up to twenty- four—twenty-four lines a midnight! The twenty-four-hour system was introduced for the German railways and post office, but Freienwalde is the first place to accept all the consequ ences of it. When Pain Comes What many people call very often means excess stomach. ”” /______ ____ been over-stimulated, and food sours. The corrective is ah alkali, which neutralizes acids instantly. And the best alkali known to medical science is Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia. It has remained the standard with physicians in the 50 years since its invention. One spoonful of this harmless, taste- indigestion acid in the The stomach nerves have less alkali in water will neutralize in stantly many times as much acid, and the symptoms disappear at once. You will never hse crude methods when once you learn the efficiency of this. Go get a small bottle to try. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi cians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains full direc tions—any drugstore. Berlin Courfc Rules Lipsticks Necessities! Orders Month’s Pay to Discharged Girl Berlin—Lipsticks ar® no longer luxw article® Which women may use; 1|Jg Us effprtH In the direction pf Its functions are partly of a publicity nature, but it also proposes to assist in Empire development by studying potentialities and by further ing research. If It Is worth while to devote money, time and enrgy, to this end for th© sake of th© Empire, It is even more important that effort should be made and money should be spent to distribute the human Intelli gence and man-power of the Empire In a way to bring the best results. NEW BLOODlffiEDED IN THE SEP,INC TIME er not, according to their desire, but, trade recoguteed companents of milady’s I toileti the same as dress, hat and shoes, a Berlin court ruled recently. Further, the court decreed that em ployer© are not privileged to dis charge girls merely because they us© office curtains for removing excess carmine. The fault Iles with the boss If he does not pay large enough sal aries to enable the daughters of Eve to buy quality cosmetics which will not nib off, the Judge solemnly stat ed, In defence tike employer In this case sold the red daubs on curtains In bis office caused his wjfe to become sus picious of his fidelity, and she ac cused him of allowing stenographers to kite his ba'Id head and later remov ing the marks Of his treachery with curtains. He therefore summarily dismissed Fraulein Bibl, who was guilty ot making the marks in ques tion, but the Go-urt made him pa|y her a month’s salary, as the girl was not blamable for the Interior quality her lipsticks. CREATHfiPTH YOUNG MOTHERS Try Dr, Williams’ Pink Pills as a Bipod Improving, Health- Restoring Tonic. of Baby’s Own Tablets Have Many Uses and Are Absolutely Harmless. To have in the house a simple, harmless remedy for the minor ills of babies and little children is a great boon to young mothers, and this is exactly why Baby's Own Tablets have been found in thousands of house holds. The Tablets regulate the stom ach and bowels, break up colds and simple fevers, allay the irritation of cutting teeth, yet they have no drug taste and the children like them. Concerning the Tablets Mrs. Ruth ven Crommlller, Ruthven, Ont, writes; —"Kindly send me your little book on the Care of the Baby. I have two children, one four years of age and the other a year and a half. Both are in excellent health and the only medicine they have had is Baby’s Own Tablets. I always keep the Tablets in the house and am happy to recom mend them to other mothers.” Baby’s Own Tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cts. a box from The Dr. Williams’ cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Medi- Oil Well Gives Great Returns In England If you want the very best, ask for Red Rose Orange Pekoe 17 In clean, bright Aluminum India’s Reasons Classified Advertisements For Demanding Juoidard Independence! ■■"a—HAVE YOUR OWN MUSI- JL> NESS—earn pig bonuses. Writ* Standard Company, Roy 6Q1, Toronto. KIW B»VjrgWlC» There is no intention on the part of the British Government to leave the Egyptian situation where it now stands. This was made clear recent ly when an authoritative statement was made to the effect that the latest Egyptian note would be answered. The Cabinet met to discuss It. The Egyptian attitude ,as revealed in the note, is that Great Britain’s insistence upon her right to forces in Egyp t to safeguard her lines Orient—the her own and other foreign reBidents in Egypt, and to defend Egypt against all foreign aggression or interference, is in itself an interference in Egypt’# internal affairs. The Egyptian Gov ernment offers to secure the of foreigners itself. Supplementing the note, Pasha, the present Premier of gave "out a ’Statement, rir y/’ made the preposterous claim that Egypt never has been a part of the British Empire. In view of the de- j duration of a British Protectorate over Egypt in 1914 and the subse quent administration of that country under British authority, Nahas Pasha is merely making political gestures for home consumption. The British Protectorate over Egypt was recog-’ nized by all the European Powers at j the time.At the same time the Premier en-1 deavors to give reassurance thjit: Great Britain has nothing to fear in i Egypt. British interests, he declares, j are not in the least incompatible with I Egyptian independence. This is pre cisely the - attitude the British Gov ernment has taken, provided British interests are not molested or threat ened, Nahas Pasha is merely stating a truism when he remarks that Bri tain’s policy in Egypt does not extend beyond, safeguarding her interests; but he is assuming the impossible when he argues that the Egyptian army is adequate to defend the Suez Canal. It may be strong enough, from the Egyptian standpoint, but Britain cannot possibly be content with a 12 re£ard t0 ty of a waterway HW winch uie whole maintenance of her Oriental Empire in the final analysis depends, This is the Britta attitude, and ho amount of specious argument by Ha- has Pasha is likely to change it one lota, under existing circumstances?— Montreal Star, With 2,000^0(1‘mot© women than men voting in Engl anti, Sir Frederick Hall predicts a "petticoat govern ment” Sir Frederick should take an other look. APPLICATIONS As Possible in the Order in Which They Are s' i Received s' ' UN 1 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Farm .Help Supplied APPLICATIONS Offerln^Anuj-iaL 4 ' v/ork Are Invariably Given the Preference .z,' The Colonization and Immigration Branch _|__ Department of Agriculture for Ontario will have available a number of Experienced Married Men With Their Wives and Families—Married Couples Without Children— Also Single Men. farmerB requiring help will be well X. advised to make early application to Geo. A. Elliot s' Director ot Colonization y' Pnrffamont Bldgi,, Toronto, Ont,File Your Application at Once •a of the Alt fflen Placed Subject to Trial Period HON. JOHN S. MARTIN, Minister of Agriculture High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish INDUSTRIAL TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister of Education. DAY AND BVEN’inQ GLARES may be conducted In accordance with the regulation* Issued by the Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION Is given In various trade*. The schools and classes are under the direction Of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for attendance should be made to the Prlnolphl of the school. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for In the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and High Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies Of the Regulations Issued by the Minister of Education may ba Obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Owing to Legal Technicalities Its Commercial Working Is Not Feasible London—Dtr, Arthur Wade, speak ing at the Institution of Petroleum Technologists, quoted Dr. A. C. Veatch, an American oil expert, as saying that "the petroleum possibili ties in the Midlands of England are of the most amazing and striking character,” The lecturer referred to the oil well at Hardstoft in Derby shire. Few people, he said, realized that between May and December, 1927, the well produced some 2500 tons of oil, an average of six barrels daily, which compares favorably with the official statement of the average yield of producing wel-ls* in the United States. He felt certain that accumulations of petroleum, possibly of comparatively ered iii England. Dr. Wad® concluded by saying that although ibe was sure accumulations of oil did exist in the English Mid land®, he was also quite sure that it was not at present commercially feasible to look for them. Owing to the fact that the lands were minutely subdivided, it was a complicated task to block up an area such as a com pany would require for drilling. Even in the case of coal leases^, he had < known the average time between tb.e j agreement for a lease and the signing * of the contract to he eight years-. | Further than that, he most favor- I able oil disricts are in he coal fields , where fuel resources of a competitive character wore not kindly regarded. Again, if the bore-holes went through the coal seams, the coal owners must be compensated, which, actually oc curred at HardSitofL Such obstacles have thrown a cold douche over any optimist oil seeker, aA;. ■ ■ ■ : ._ - •- ' . •• . -vlc--, ,r We would suggest that, before com panionate marriage be tried, the couple experiment with a few sessions ( of companionate bridge-playing, Every man, woman and child needs new, /ich, red blood at this time of the year. That is a scientific fact. All doctors know it. The blood grows thin and poor in the winter; there is not enough of it, and spring shows the effect. Take notice and see how many people are pale and sallow at this time of the year. They complain of being easily tired, their appetite is poor, and they are often depressed and low spirited. That is Mother Na ture urging them to Improve their blood supply; but often their diges tion is weakened so that they cannot turn food into blood without help. Here is where modern medical science comes to the rescue. Dr, Williams’ Pink Pills have a direct action on the blood and enable you to get full use of the blood-making elements in your meals. You soon feel their effect— your appetite Improves, your nerves are steadier, cheeks and lips, you and energy, and can fatigue, The value of Dr. Pills to all who are in what is known as a run-down condition of health is proved by the experience of Mr. John A. O’Neil, Port Hood, N.S., who says: —"It is not possible for me to. recom mend Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills too highly. J had been gradually growing weaker, and found it hard to do my work. I suffered from severe head aches and pains in the back. I was nervous and easily irritated, and alto gether my condition was deplorable. A friend urged me to take Dr. Wil liams’ Pink Pills, and I got a half dozen boxes. I had only taken them a short time when I found them help ing me, and by the time I had taken the supply I got, I was again enjoying good health. Headaches and pains had disappeared, my nerves were strengthened and I had good reason to be thankful that I had followed the advice of my friend.” Whether you are seriously ill or merely feel easily tired and out-of sorts, you should try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills this spring. They are sold by medicine dealers everywhere, or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box by writing The Dr. Williams' Medi cine Co., Brockville, Ont. color returns to have more work with the vim less Williams’ Pink ___ _ ' GRICULTURAL SAY, "Ever since Lorfc Birkenhead took i unau/pas«ed5 Another1 fact* (he Important and extraordinary de-'^eris "?rel ‘catfio?“rfidy cielon in 1924 to summon Lord. Read- Alfred Burley Co.5 Limited ing, then Viceroy to India, to private conferences In Whitehall the demand | has been gaining ground that the j future of India should be decided upon } after consultations between British and Indian statesmen,” say» D. N. Bannerjea, member of the Committee of Itellicetual Co-operation of the League of Nations, in an article In April "Current History” Magazine. "India to-day is no longer content with petty reform®. She asks for self-government as her inalienable right and 1® prepared during the transition to leave control over the army and relations with foreign pow ers in the hands of the British Gov ernment. India asks for self-govern ment for fundamentally eound rea sons. . . . The arrival of the members of the Royal Oammlssio on Indian Constitutional Reforms on Feb 3 was marked by closing of shops and sus pension of business in Bombay and by ‘dramatic triumphs’ in Calcutta. It must not be understood that the boy cott applies only to the commission. It will continue until either by Parlia mentary pronouncement or by means of a round, table conference of pleni- potentlai’ies of England and India the 1 future Constitution of India Is .’ •>'?’ mined upon and accepted. Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru proposes the appoint ment of an Indian commission to- tour I the country and conduct an investiga tion, into the working of the Constitu tion. The British Parliament, no doubt, takes longer views and is more sympathetic. , . . The question of In dian self-government finally does not rest on the merits, or demerits of the present nerman dictum proper meat.” Government. Campbell-Ban- decided it long ago by his that good government is no eubstitute for self-govern- Minard’s be re policy spend unless Burley’s free bargain catalog ready. Alfred Burley Co., Limited, st. John, N.B, I Gladiolus, dahlia and flowers. Glpdfi fifty, Dablia> -0. or i rosea 8, delivered, |2.0d <Mwfog free. rx.owi»s Of fAriDAJe- VW M. & O. Dodds, Sorrento, B.C, MOVING AKD BTORAGII. Hill the mover—pioneer dis tance movers of Canada. Largest speedy padded vans. New Equipment, latest methods. Two experienced men every trip. All loads Insured. Beyond compare for skill and care. Before you move, write us or wire and reverse the < charges. Head office Hamilton, Ontario, ss Canada. Hill the Mover, BOB QUALITY CLASS A CXSCKB From healthy heavy layers of large eggs, S.C. English White Leghorns, Anconas, Rocks, Reds and Assorted chicks at reasonable prices. Also pullets. No money down. Pay Cull amount ten days before chicks are shipped or C.O.D. Special discounts. 100 per cent, live de livery postpaid. Catalogue free, Hob Hatchery, Keeland, Mich., B. Wo. 2C. Cuticura Talcum Unadulterated Exquisitely Sc^terl Mix Min'-rd'e Linirimt v. Molasses and pour over a h- mash. Brings quick re:vita ‘KBffiOFBUH DoYo^GetUp Tired, CrossL~^“ It may be kidneys. Try and Liver For Better Programs Ottawa Citizen (Lib.): Canada has tried the policy of government regula tion of private radio enterprise. It has been fairly successful ®o far, but the problem®, such a® the question raised by the International Bible Students, are just beginning. An in tolerable situation is plainly bound to develop unless government control of broadcasting is extended to govern ment ownei^iji^.^^yari^^ ... broadc ng stations as it”is*in’Great 'Fa A German psychologist says that perfume has played an important part in this may be' i „ , t bargain when I bought my wireless feet?’, Frank—"Are you q,uite sure of that?" j "Thete's no doubt about 1L After I, ihad assembled the set I had sixty- | seven parts left over." in the growth of kindlinesn world of o-urs, but, then, he just an old sentimentalist, John—"I certainly got a Use Minard’s Liniment for Corns. A professor finds that a girl baby triples her weight during her first; year. And tries to halve it during, her fortieth' i WHITE STAR, SHIPS Over 3 blocks long-~ 5 stories high I Luxuriously appointed, de pendable* unsurpassed in cuisine and service, comfort- qble as the finest hotels. MkUUi Jt area, Cabin $2S0 up Tourist Third Cabin $184.50 p. Third Olaatr S156, Bftybrbafc Sailings embark evening before. Consult our travel ex perts. wo obligation. Call, phone or write; 56 king St. Bast Toronto McGill Building Montreal WHITE STAR LINE CANADIAN -SERVICE' Look out. Warner's Safe Kidney Remedy, "Yes” says the kindly need a stimulant diuretic.’’ -----. ... .------than 60 years the best known remedy in this class has been Warner's Safe Kid ney and Liver Remedy, originally a physician's prescription, made of Na ture's herbs.Safe of course.-But bc-tter than that, ^reserve your most p-scinus ‘ , Gently it stimulates " of With your ________ and all organa functioning as they should, you awake from a sound night’s sleep refreshed, .’Invigorated, strong. Life lakes on a new 'joy Your eye clears. Your skin gains a healthv color. You walk with assur ance. You display an air of authority and success.Everv druggist knows pleasant tasting Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Rem edy It costs little, hut it is worth un told amounts to t.njone who needs the help it gives. I’uj 5our bottle today. Get back to health. Warner’s Safe Rem edies Co.. Toronto. Cmtario. i Warner’s Sefe Kidney and Liver Remedy doctor. ’‘you And for more ----------------------*--------------------------- Llnlmjni for Backache. -— ----❖------------ Settling the Settler Toronto Mail and Empire (Cons.): Inducing people to come here is one thing. Making them glad they came here is another. Both are matters for which the government must sponsible. Vjon immigration the government might vainly Immense sums every year, for, a very liberal part of the outlay is ap plied to the service of getting the peo ple comfortably established on the ■. it helps to preserv soli and well introduced into the Cana- 'kmnl\-s° an deliver to do 'their work dlan way of living, the newcomers (cleaning out body piosons^ with y must find the struggle a disheartening ‘ one. Corrugated Iron ASK FOR WHEELER & SAIN “Council Standard” thick, even, heavy spread over ©very Inch of face. Deep~corr^8^ __ still open in some locaJluSs?*-11 Write us, elating size of barn you want to cover. WE PAY FREIGHT WHEELER & BAIN, LIMITED Dept. W, 108 George St., Toronto 2 A of sur- ib. Agencies Alling Mm and Women NaeeS T&Ss Tonic Poets sing of Spring, but practical- minded people, everywhere, turn at this time to the Doctor and the Druggist for help to build up run-down constitutions. And no better remedy can be taken than Buckley’s TRU-BLOOD. TRU-BLOOD, as its name Implies, Is a true blood tonic and a safe, sure, power ful corrective for all blood disorders, and rheumatic conditions as well. But "TRU-BLOOD” is more than a blood purifier-—its use eradicates the out ward evidences of impoverished blood, such as pimples, boils, eczema, blotches and all other skin affections. Buckley’s OINTMENT,-used in con junction with Buckley’s TRU-BLOOD, heals magically and leaves the skin smooth ftnd soft, Especial!jr dating the adolescent age. pfaptes and Various forms of skin eruptions are likely to appear. They mar tho corhpiexion and cause untold angulsn, The combined TRU-BLOOD and Buckley’s OINTMENT treatment promptly cor. tetts the condition and leaves the akin dear, smooth and colorful, Most druggists can supply you trilh these proven Buckley products. Tffitss® Mrs, Wilson’s Experience a Guide . to Women Passing through the Change of Life Hamilton, Ontario.— ’T have taken eeveral bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham s vegetable Com pound and I can not speak too highly of it as I was at the Change of Life, and’ was all run-down and had no appetite. I was very weak and sick, and the pains in mv back were so bad I cduldhardlymove,, U------------1 UfT veTy sadtimes and thought I Had hot a friend on earth. I did not care if I lived ory>- 3™ vl.----------carG if 1 live<* 0*died. I was very nervous, too, and did not go out Very inuch. A frfend advisedrne to try abottle of Lydia E.. PinkWlM^gotable Compound, bo Ldid. I amfarmer's wife, ______ Saa in bed for two months. lT>eiran • feel like anew woman after the first bottle and I recommend it with great success, also Lydia E. Pink ham’s Liver Pills* X am willing to answer letters from Women asking about your medicines, as I caiinot sneak too highly of ihem/^Mrs. Emma Wilson, 471 Wilson Street Hamilton, Ontario. Sold by druggists everywhere, o /ways worked hari ISSUfe No. ’S&.