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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-03-22, Page 8
M THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1028 e> Furniture 0 _____ . We are giving Great Values in Furniture of all kinds at all times. DEAL HERE AND RET SATISFACTION R. N. ROWE FUNERAL DIRECTOR PHONE 20w and 20j ‘The Newest in Gents’ Furnishings.” i a a Order that new Suit NOW! 'C? E3 ■•= a s •■s=s -= Easter is less than five weeks away and time soon flies. You will likely be wanting a new suit for spring. Our new -spring goods are on our shelves and we have a very special assortment in all the latest shades and patterns. Suits as low as $24,00 SAMPLES GALORE Everything in stock that a well dressed man needs. 0'==s -=w.W. TAMAN PHONE 81w EXETER, ONT, Your Garden Needs « re Steele, Briggs’ Seed have been proved. For fifty-five years they have been sown year after year by growers whose whole success depends on the seeds they sow. And now to our great i organization we have added the facilities of the Canadian business of the D. M. Ferry Seed Company by absorbing the , latter. "Canada’s Greatest Seed House” now offers you better Service than ever. Said everywhere in Canada. Send for new illustrated Catalogue « To Send Money use the Money Orders sold at all branches of this Bank* They are safe, cheap and convenient, and are readily cashed in all parts of the world. n yr THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid Up $20,000,000 Reserve Fund $20,000,0^-* M. R. Complin, Manager M. W. Telfer, Manager Exeter Branch Crediton Branch. Harvey’s Grocery Bulletin MARMALADE TIME HAS ARRIVED Grapefruit Marmalade Use 1 grapefruit, 4 oranges and 1 lemon. Slice fruit fine with marma lade slicer, or put through the meat grinder. To every pint of fruit add 21 pints of water. Remove the seeds from -the fruit and take.l pint of the water and pour over the seeds to separate bowl. Let all stand over night. Next day boil fruit and wa ter, % of an hour quickly. Also boil seeds in a, separate dish tor hftlf an hour, and then strain into the fruit. On the following day weigh, and to every potfnd add one pound of sugar, Boil tor one hour quickly* . Bitter Orange Marmalade Oiie dozen oranges, sliced and cut line or put through meat grinder. To every pint add 2 J pints of water. Let stand for 24 hours; Boil for % hour ^ttiekiy. Next day weigh, and to every pound add 1% pounds of Aigar. Boll i hour' quickly. H The Provincial Plowing Match to be held this year on the Carmich ael farm, London Township, will take place from October 9 th to 12th The Trivitt Memorial A. Y. P. A. met Monday evening in the Parish Hall, Vice-Pres., Mr. H. West, pre siding. During the business ses sion it was announced that Mr. G. W. Pifher, of Brantford, vice-presi dent of the Dominion Association, had accepted an invitation extended him to be the spacial speaker at the closing banquet here on May 28th. The Rector speaking in the interests of the Diocesan Summer School to be held in St. Thomas July 9th to 16th, suggested that the A.Y.P.A. be come responsible for the expenses of one delegate; the question to be de cided on at the next meeting. All members of the A.Y.P.A. are expect ed .to be prepared to do all request ed of them in preparation tor during the’Parochial Mission. An illustrated address Oh the slow study book “Africa and People?’ was given in th© Parish Hall Tuesday evening, Exeter Markets Wheat $1.30. Oats 70 c. Barley SOc. Manitoba Flour $4.40. Blended flour $3.90. Pastry Flour $3.50. Feed Flour $2.25 Bran $2.00 Shorts $2.10. Creamery Butter 45c. Dairy Butter 37-40e. Eggs, extra 32c. Eggs, seconds 26e. Hogs $8.75 1 11 ■■ - ................ ■ ' ' ~ CAVIN PRESBYTERIAN CHKJLCM Rev. James 'Foote, B.A., Minister 10 a.m.T—-Sunday School. 11 a.m.~«*“High Reckoning" The Minister 7 pan.—“The Descent into Hell." - The Minister ul r J locals J ....... .....-O The Women’s Institute will hold ■their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. T. Dinney on Tuesday, March 27 th. Mr. G. S. Howard will give an address on bulb planting. Roll call, garden hints. Mrs, T. Coates’ group of the James St. Ladies Aid will hold a cooking sale Saturday afternoon at three o’clock in the sample room of Mr. C. Lee’s hotel. Not an “Uncomfortable Predica ment” but an Exceptional Opportun ity to hear one of Detroit’s ablest harpists. We promise you pleasure and more pleasure and then some ■more pleasure when you attend the concert under the auspices of Main. St. Young People on Tuesday, April 10th, JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Bey. D. McTavlsh, Pastor , W, R. Goulding, A.T.C.M, Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—“Jesus in the Garden." 10th and last in the series Of “Lord Teach Us How to Pray.” p.m,— Sunday School 1 • p.m.-v—“The Crowd Around the Cross.” Sth in the series the “Drama of Calvary."—An interpretation of the Soldiers, the crowd in gener al, the disciples, the motlier of Jesus and her friends and the of ficer of the guard. These messages are claiming the interest of* large congregations. You can’t afford ito miss these sermons so full of the spirit of the Lenten season. Y, P. L. Monday evening. Prayer service on Wednesday at 7:30 and teacher training at 8:30. 3 7 M. G. Bayne spent the week- her home in Newbury. Ruby Creech, of Corbett, ■ Miss end at Miss spent the week-end at her home here. Rev. of St. week. Mr. Gordon Hunter has moved in to the rooms at the rear of Mr. Fit- ton’s store. Mrs. McAsh, has returned to town after spending the winter with her daughter in Pontiac. Mrs. F. H. Neil, ofi London, is vis iting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones,- Dr. M. D. Fletcher, of Harper Hospital, Detroit, is visaing with his brother, Dr. M. G. Fletcher, of town. Mr. Wm. Pomfret was, in London tor two days last week' attending a convention of C. N, R. express agents Mrs. Wm. Etherington has so far recovered from her recent illness as to be able to enjoy short auto drives. Mrs. Geo. Grant returned Satur day evening after visitiing for a week with her aunt, Mrs. Kuhn, of Lon don. a Mr. and Mrs. George Jacques and daughter Miss Ina visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Peart, of Rockwood. Mr. Ulrde Snell accompanied, by a number of men, are in Oshawa, and will bring home with > them se ven new Pontiac cars. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Camm, of Bridgeburg, vi'Mted with the .for mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Camm over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer, Mr. E. Russell and Miss Thelma Taylor were at St. Thomas on Sunday visiting Rov. Borden and Mrs. Cunningham. Messrs. Wm. Davis, Bruce Medd and Miss Hills, of town, were in Lon don on Friday evening last attend ing the annual Arts Ball at Western University. Mr. James Atkinson, of Biddulph, had the misfortune last week to slip on some ice and in falling dis located the first finger of his right hand. Mr. and Mrs. Sam’l Elliott and daughter, of Milford, Mich., have returned to their home after visiting tor a week vzith relatives in Exeter and Clinton. Mrs. John Johns and Mr. Samuel Johns and Mr. and Mrs. Will Fraser attended the funeral of their cousin the late Mr. Roland Cudmore, in Hensall, on Monday. The Times-Advocate has received a communication from Dr. H. J. Browning in reference to the water situation in Exeter wheih will ap pear in next week’s issue. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Trevethick and son Carl, of Brinsley, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dorman and family, of Ailsa Craig, visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Amy. Mr. John McCallum,, -who left here some time ago for the west and who spent ‘the winter at Conqest, Sask., is now at Grand Prairie, „Alta., and says that he likes the country fine. Guelph months’ the MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. O. J. Moorhouse, Pastor 11 arm.—.“A Magnetic Joy and It's Power to Endure a Tragedy.” Third in the series leading up to the Easter Message. 3 7 p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—“Thou Shalt not make unto Thee any Graven Image.” Thursday at 7:30 prayer service. B. and Mrs. Cunningham, Thomas, visited in town this TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. W. Jones, Rector 5th Sunday in Lent 11 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer and ser mon. 7 p.m.—Evening prayer and sermon Wednesday, 8 p.m. This Week Theme “From Bethany to Calvary.” Illustrated address “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Mrs. Geo, Anderson had the mis fortune to slip and fall on the icy pavement on Main St. on Thursday of last week with the result that the bones of the elbow of -the left arm were badly shattered. This is the same arm that was injured in an au tomobile accident last summer. R. FOR SALE— Anyone wanting young calves. Apply to Roy Brock, phone.34-16, Kirkton. 3-15-2tp. We have our Bitter , Oranges in now tor Marmalade.—Harvey^s Gro cery. LISTEN !- 3 Cabinet less than to play on must sell i This week we offer Phonographs, NEW, at Wholesale cost. Records them, half price. We them. HOSIERY, all Children’s and Wo men’s, wool hose reduced, and as a SPECIAL., be sure and see our Men’s medium weight, all-wool socks, worth 50c. OUR PRICE 35c. or 3 pair for $1.00. “Try this store for Salted Peanuts, ours are good." Powell’s Variety Store Phone. 55 Beautiful Dresses in Printed Crepes, Georgettes and Spider Web We have your new dress for you for Easter Last week we received the largest shipment we have eve(r had. We will be glad to have you see them. The prices are reasonable.t Stamped Mats The old fashioned rag mats more popular than ever. We showing many new patterns spring. are are this Ring a Rosy Cloth This cloth comes in a variety of patterns and colorings. It is splen did for children’s dresses. PRICED PER YARD 30c. SKS . New Styles in Spring Coats for Misses and Women We show a very smart range of what is new this season. For those who are hard to fit we offer splendid service, by faking' your measure and having your coat made special. We guarantee- a perfect fit- Over prices are in reach of all $12.00 $17.50 $20.00 $25.00 $35.00 Full Fashioned Hosiery, We feature Weldrest full-fashion- ced Silk Hosiery this season. They look well and also wear well. All the new shades PER PAIR $2 00 Gold Dollar Hosiery In all the newest shades for 1928. This is our leader and is extra value eight shades * PER PAIR $1.00 Boys’ and Men’s Clothing for Easter Let us show you your new suif/for Easter. Boys’ New Tweeds with, short or long pants priced at $7.50 to $12,00 made in Exeter by S. M. Sanders TvWg , Co.; also a fine range of Men’s New Tweeds and Worsteds Priced at $22.50 $25.00 $27.50 to $35.00 Boys’ Hobby Fair See the two boy’s suits with long pants in our north window that wilB be given away to the two boys of 9 and 12 years who can make the best ar ticle for this contest. These smart suits are made in town by S. M. Sanders Mfg. Co,, who are making a very fine range of Boys Clothing this season. Southcott Bros Phone 16 Phone 16 I Number of-young calves tor sale. Apply to F. Lewis, Centralia; phone 4 0-24. 3-8-3tc. FOUND—Airedale dog. Owner may have same by paying expenses. Apply at Times-Advocate. 3-15-2tc FOR SALE—2 turkeys and 2 gobblers. Apply to Wm. Sims, Crediton. 3-15-2to NOTICE—All accounts owing to the estate of the late A. Rumford are now due and may be paid at the store of S. Martin & Son. 3-15-2tc. Used Nordheimer Piano tor sale in first class condition. Evangelical Parsonage, Crediton. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY ON EVERYTH^TG YOU BUY AT T. H. Elliott’s Suits, -Overcoats, Overalls, Smocks, Odd Pants," "Underwear, Sweaters, Gloves, Mitts, Shoes, Rubbers, Shirts Collars, Mufflers, Ties, Hockey Shoes Hats, Caps or anything you want in Men’s wear. , This is not a ten day sale, but I am going to continue ttiis sale just as long as the public will help me to carry out my plan of selling on a small profit. And let me tell you everything I Ernest C. Harvey GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER * Representing Mutual Life of Canada FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS; WINDSTORM, ETC. sell is first class quality and not old studio Main St stock. I ’ exE’ y Mr. Harold Fisher, of ‘‘la three ........ butter-making at Guelph Agricultural College, and has returned home. He has resumed his position at the Exeter Creamery. Mr. M. MacRae, of.„Detroit, ac companied by Miss' Mildred Wood, who recently returned, from the West, are visiting with the latter’s Sister, Mrs. O. S. Winer for a few days. ' Mr. C. H. Sanders is progressing as well as can be expected at Vic* toria Hospital, London, ders continues to be with him. number from town have visited Sanders during the past week. ■Julias completed ’bourse in but Mrs. Saii- A Mr. f ST. PATRICK’S EVENING A very’pleasant St. Patrick’s and mis- her Mrs, M. Armstrong, of Londesboro is spending this week with her son* in-iaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. PethiOk, ( A very’pleasant St. Patrick’s ev eningwas.held in Caven Presbyter ian church on Monday under the au spices of the Y.P.G. A very fine program was rendered consisting of a reading by Ivan Stew art; one-act play entitled “Will you Marry mef* by four young people; solo by Miss Kathleen Strang; reading by Miss Annie Strang. This was followed, by h Series Of interesting lantern sides by Mr. JOg. Senior, Following the program a very excellent lunch was served and a social hour enjoy ed. Miss Fulton, the president, pre sided over the mooting. MINING STOCKS AH stocks listed oil the Standard Mining Exchange bought aiid Sold. BROKERAGE SAME AS TORONTO A pool for the purpose of buying a selected list of mining stocks is now being formed by a number of business men -of Exeter. This pool gives the smaller buyex* an opportun ity of having an interest ill a wide range of stocks and Offers a chance of making some real profits with the least amount of risk, immediate application is necessary to loin this pool. Immediate Phono Ocf Details iatnlshed oil rgqttedt S. G. BAWDEN Bonds & Stocks FOR SALE—In Hensail a very comfortable residence, good garden and stable. Apply to W. J. Pybus, R. R. No. 2, Kippen. 3-15-2tc. FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT— 150 acres, lot 13, Con. 13, Stephen; 50 acres grass, south half of lot 16, con. 13; 50 acres grass, S. H. lot 4, con. 15. Apply to D. Lippert, Mel bourne, Ont. 2-lG-tfc. FOR SALE—A. quantity of O.A.C. No. 21 Barley, grade No. 1, $1.15 per bus. at the barn. Ed. Brode rick, Con. 2, Hay, Exeter R. R. No.l Phone 13 r 83, Hensall. 3-22-tfc Mr, G. J. Dow will hold an auc tion sale of mixed horses and cattle in a couple of weeks time. Watch tor dates. ‘ , TURNIPS FOR SALE—At 10c. a bushel. Apply to Peter Murray, Hay P. O. . 3-22-ltp.- ■ ■ ......■■ ■ ■■■- . ■ SEED BARLEY FOR SALE—O. A. C., No. 21, seed barley for sale at $1.15 per bushel. Apply io Edgar Cudmore, R. R. N. 1, Hensall, phone 15 on 92. 3-22-ltp W. Hatter desires to announce that he has an abundant supply of fresh milk and croani and is pre pared to handle rnny new customers. ‘ FOR SALE—On Saturday, March 26th, house and lot at Clandeboye to be sold by public auction, sub* ject to reserve bld; also household effects, Terms, $5 and -under cash; 6 months’ On credit amounts. Gddd home for retired fdtiner Or laboring man. Moses Simpson. 3-15-2tp.- FOR SALK-—Several good drivers will make good third horses. Apply L Moir, "Exeter, Phone 149 ! - M2*4tp. TRUCKING AND DRAYIN^ with Trailer tor Stock. Persons needing anything in. this lifie phone L Moir, 149, Exeter. 3:22*4tp. Many can help one and in this case one can help many. 1874 ‘ 1928 The London Life POLICIES AS GOOD AS GOLD W. C. PEARCE Exeter. Phone. 130 W. Residence, Ann St., two blocks west of Ford Garage RE-FLOaRi WITH! SEAMAN-KENT I HARDWOOD FLOORING So Quickly 1 Done ... ' So Little Mess! Having the floor-layers in doesn’t mean upsetting the whole house. Start them ata bedroom in the morning, and they’re through with it by night . * . . without ev<n moving the furni ture but into the hall! , And so inexpensive 1 » ROSS-TAYLOR CO., Ltd. « Exeter, Ont. *■ A THE BEST THAT'S MADE IN EVERY GRADE W R. GOULDING A. T. C. M. . Organist and Choirmaster Janies St. United Church Instruction in Plano Vocal Organ Theory I Supervisor of Music rn .Schools "i?"’ Ro* 5?. Phone 192 ITER. ONT. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE ................ ; DOUBLE EDGE ..............’........... . Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, DRUGGIST FOR SALE 5.0 LBS. OF COMB HONEY PliACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR SPRING BABY CHICKS Quality Chicks our Motto W. F. ABBOTT Phone 124 Exeter, Ont So 4c TRY IT YOURSELF, at our risk and learn as thousands have, that Mrs. Sybil'la Spahrs Ton- silitis, treats Sore throats, Quinsy, Croup, Cough, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Bronchial Asthma and Tonsil troub les Successfully. Howey’s Drug dore, Exeter and A. W. E. Hemp hill’s store in Hensall. FOR SALE OR RENT—Fine brick residence, heated With hot air, elec tric lighted, good, garden. Apply to R. E. Pickard. ’ 10-27tfc FOR SALE OR RENT—Splendid. brick residence,, porner Of Andrew and Waterloo streets^with four ac res of land in dohnection; also tt brick cottage corner of Main and Wellington streetsalso 50 aero .pasture farm in Hy. Towship. Ap ply to Tims. Laing, Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE—Storey and half brick house on Gidley Street with two loti, hard and soft wate., and Electric Lights, also some fruit trees. Cen tral location. Apply GLADMAN * STANBURY, Solicitors for Adminis trator, Estate Caroline G. Ford.