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gtdjftol of Commerce
Students may enter at any time
B. F. WARD, B.A., M.Accts.
Phone IDS Principal
...... . .... >
called the roll. Margaret Kennings
led the responsive reading. Ray
Patterson then gave a reading, a
trio by Gladys Passmore, Florence
McDonald and Lula Lindenfield and
solos by Mary Hemphill and Katlx*.
erine Drysdale were well rendered.
The study was then given by Mrs.
C. McDonell aftex* which the meeting
closed with prayer.
Before a large crowd in the
legiate Institute at Stratford on
day evening last, Miss Margaret Mc
Laren, of Hensall, cax’ried off the
oratory honors for Ontario District
No. 4, ‘competing against students
from five other centres in this dis
trict. George Lochead, of Kitchenei’
was second, and Frank Marsh, of
Forest, was third, All candidates
spoke on “The Future of Canada.”
Word 'was received
Saturday of the death
of Thos, Bell, son of and Mrs. Wim. Bell of _______MH
__________________ body was sent from'Edmonton on
day last of the late Mr. Hays amMCuesday and should arrive here the
, Mr. John McDonell was in London
Friday last.
Miss Mary Stewart visited over
the week-end at Seaforth,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Skinnex’ visit
ed for a few days in Strathroy.
Mrs. Thos. iSiinpson visited rel-
■ atives in Kippen on Friday last.
Fai'mers in this district are be
ginning the maple syrup making.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Jackson visited
relatives in Mitchell on Thursday.
A number from Hensall attended
the daxifi# held in Seaforth on Friday
evening last.
Miss Lillian Steacy visited ovpx-
the week-end with M.iss Beryl* Asii-
ton, at
a few
sister, Mrs. Wesley Venner at Chis-
dliurst last week.
Miss Helen Elder and friend, of
London, visited over the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. John Elder,
A numbei* from Hensall attended
the funeral at Klippen on Wednes-
A. McDonald is vi&iting for
weeks with relatives and
in 'Toronto.
Ruby McLaren visited her
•daughter, Jean.
The many friends of Mrs. Thos.
Parlmer" will be pleased to learn
that she is greatly improved after
tier recent illness.
Rev., Mr. Mclllroy is giving' a
series of sermons on “The Prodigal
JSon.” These sermons are very inter
jesting and everyone is invited to
Mr. Robt. Green,* who recently sold
Siis house to Mr, Henry Horton, of
Tuckersmith, is this week moving
anto the apartments over Hemphill’s
The Ladies’ Aid of Carmel Pres-
•fcyterfan church held a Pancake
Social in the basement of the church
on. Friday evening' last, which
well attended.
Mrs. Errold Drummond, who
Mrs. Errold Drummond, who has
Jbe'en in Seaforth' hospital for the
Hast few weeks, returned home oxx
Thursday last,* - and is now much
improved in health.
Mr. T. C. ‘Joynt held a showing
•»£ Ladies and Gents spring apparel
®h- Friday and Saturday last. Both
days saw big crowds at the store to
«efe the newest creations.
The dance held 'in the town hall
last Wednesday evening was largely
attended and all reported a good
time. The Boyce orchestra- of Bruce-
lield, furnished excellent music foi*
the occasion.
Mr. Andrew Christie of the town-
shi^'’of''H'tb,bert‘,-*as a director- of the
jSuroXi Wind Co., attended a meet-
inig held in Hensall on Friday last.
IWhile in town he visited his uncle,
JMr.xWm. L. McLaren.
The services of the United church
ivere well attended on Sunday last.
At the-evening service tlte pastor
aspoke on “Lifefs* Biggest Question.”
Mr. Sam Rennie also rendered a
very pleasing solo at this service.
The Young’ Peoples’ League of the
jGnited church held theii* regulai*
meeting on Monday evening with a
fair ^crowd , present. Mr. Sinclair’
gave"’’ a very interesting topic on
’“Pluck,” which *was mjich. enjoyed.
The Sacrainent of the Lord’s Sup
per will be observed in the United
church on Eastex* Sunday at the
mioniiing service. A preparatory ser
vice will be held oxx Good, Friday
evening, April 6th, iix the^base'ment
■of the church. ’
That excellent play “Cranberry
'Corners” will be presented by the
choir of Bayfield United, Church in
the town hall on Friday evening of
this week, under the auspices of the
Mollard Mission Circle. Come early
sxnd enjoy this treat,
Rev. Mr.' Jewett of Goderich, will
-occupy 'the pulpit in the United
church on Sunday next, Rev. Sin
clair taking the- services in Sarnia
United church. Mr. Jewett is a for-
□ner pastoi' here and his many frv
-ends will be pleased to see and heax*
liirn again.
■ A merry tliree-act comedy en
titled “The Prince of Liars” will be
^presented in the town hall Hensall,
on Thursday evening, March 29ith,
9xy the St. James Players, of St.
Marys. These players are well knowxi
In Hensall having presented “What
Happened to Jones,” some time ago.
A good program will be- given bet
ween the acts. Don’t nxiss this one.
The mission band of the United
■church held’ theix- regular meeting
-jon Sunday last. The meeting was
■opened by the singing of a hymn
lifter -which Mary Hemphill led in
prayer. The minutes of the last
aileeting were read by Ray Patter
son, after which Aidoil Appleton
Chrysler Dealer
Jno. Passmore, Hensail
l’HONE NO* 31.
I-Ionox* graduate of Faculty of
Medicine, and Mastex* of Science,
Hnivefsity of Western Ontario.
Member of College of Wsiclana
and Sxitgeons of Ontario. Office
two doors east of Post Office.
Mxone 56 Residence 114
in town on
in Edmonton
the late Mr.
Hensail. The
latter part of the week, and will be
taken to the home of his brother,
Mr. Jas..,A. Bell, from which- place
the funeral will be held. Mrs. Alfred
Taylor’is a sisitei* of the deceased.
The Welfare of Youth club of the
Carmel Presbyterian church held a
meeting on ’Monday evening with
the president, Miss Rena Hudson,
presiding. The meeting was opened
by the singing of a hymn after which"
Mr. Geo. Walker led in prayer. The
scripture lesson was read by Irene
Hoiggarth, Irene Daters and Mabel
Workman. The minutes of the last
meeting were read, after' which the
roll was called,' each member ans
wering with a verse' containing’ the
word Faith. A very interesting topic
was given by Mr. -Geo. Walker on
“Brother.”' Miss • Ruby McLaren
then rendered a pleasing solo after
which Eldred Smith favored those
present with a, violin selection. The
meeting was then closed with the
benediction. The topic for the ne,xt
meeting will be “Our Friends.” The
ciub is holding a social in the base
ment of the church Tuesday even
ing, March 27th. A good program is
beiiig prepared, and an enjoyable
time is looked forward to.
•> ’
A. special meeting of the village council was held'oh " Saturday even
ing last to receive and discuss the
Auditor’s Report for the year 1927.
M’r. Ray McArthur presented the
report and after considerable dis
cussion it was adopted,^ and 200
copies ordered to be printed, and
the auditor’s paid. The school board
showed a surplus of over $1400, the
public utilities a surplus of about $9,000’, the Public Library Board
$221, and the general current ac
count of the town a surplus of $51.
As the township of Hay are holding
a special meeting on Wednesday of
this week to discuss fire protection
for the township, .Councillor Cam
eron and Fire Chief Bates were ap
pointed- a. committee, tp attend the
meeting, and see what arrangement
can he made for the Hensail Fire
Dep’t. to take over,a portion of Hay
township for fire protection pur
poses. The- council then adjourned
to meet'again the: first -Monday in
April. • ..•
The W- M. S. of the United church
-held a very successful birthday
party in the basement of the church
on Friday evening last with a large
attendance, and Mrs. C. McDonell
presiding. After the singing of a
Vymn and prayer the following pro
gram was .given: reading by Miss
Gladys Luker, vocal duet by Mr. and
Mrs. W. 'H. Pflile, instrumental by
Miss Irene Douglas, vocal duett by
Katherine Drysdale and Ray Patter
son, .violin selection by Mr. Scott
Welsh accompanied by Miss Avis
Lindenfiold. These numbers were
all well rendered and much enjoyed
Rev. Mr. Sinclair gave a very inter
esting .address on :St. Patrick, which
was listened to with muck pleasure
followed by a mixed quartette by
Mrs. Sinclair, Mrs. L. Hidden, M’r.
W. O. Goodwin and Mr. J Passmore,
Solos by S. Rennie and readings by
Miss M. Ellis concluded the program.
Mrs. McDonell then thanked those
who had taken part and helped to
make the eveninig a success and
after singing a hymn the president
closed the meeting with prayer. At
the close of the program a? dainty
lunch was served. The collection
taken in at the door amounted 'to
nearly $50. . The accompanists for
the evening were Misses Eleanor
Fisher, Jessie Buchanan and Irene
this week to chronicle
of another of Hensall’s
Wo have
the passing
esteemed residents in the person of
Mr. Roland 'Cudmore, who passed
peacefully away on Friday after
noon last, after a severe illness of
three months or so. He had,-been in
declining health fo some years but
was able .to be around as usual till
this year. Mr. Cudmore was born
is Devonshire, Eng. 69 years ago,
and camo to this country in the year
1886, a,nd first lived in Exeter for
a short time, .moving to Hensail in
1887, where lie has been a resident
ever since. Mr, Cudmore tvas mar
ried in London, Eng. in 1885 to
Margaret Ann Warren, who survives
him. Besides his wife, he leaves‘to
mourn his loss three sons and five
daughters: Reuben and Garnet of
Toronto, and Albert, of Kitchener;
^Misses Flora, Mabel, Beatrice, Win-
nifred and Mrs. P. W. Phillips, all
of Toronto. All the family were able
to attend . the funeral which Was
held from St. Pauls Anglican church
on Monday and which was largely
attended and conducted by ,'Rev.T.
Jones, who paid high tribute to the
life and character of the deceased.
Mr. Cudmore was a builder
contractor and many of our
and private buildings were
workmanship. In politics he
Conservative and a member
Paul’s Anglican church. He
loving husband and indulging par
ent and also a good neighbor aiid
friend and took an interest in the
welfare of the village. He was a
member of Zurich Lodge, A.F.&A.M.
of Hensail, and the Masons attended
the funeral in a body, performing
the last sad rights, both at the
church and the Hensail Union cem
etery, where interment was made.
The floral tributes were many and
beautiful, and a telegram of con
dolence was sent Miss Mabel Cud-
more from Rev. C. Cody, of Toi*oiito,
with whose church Miss Cudmore is
connected. There are seven grand
children to>g,ether with his wife and
sons and daughters to mourn the
loss of a devoted husband and father
The pall-bearers were Messrs. Thos.
Welsh, Geo. C. Petty, E, Rennie, T.
W. Parlmer, A. Taylor and L. Rands
’ and
Of his
was a
of St.
was a
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.
At office in ^Iartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three das of week and
at office over the Post Office, In
Zurich, last three days of week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wildfong
and Mr. R. Willert, of Detroit, spent
the week-end in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Stadelbauer,
of London, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. P. Kraft.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid and Miss
sail, spent the week-end with Miss
Anna Tiernan.
M'isses Leta Guenther and Miss
Alice Hoffman spent Saturday in
Mr. aixd Mrs. Louis Schumacher
have moved to town. -
. Mr. and Mrs. D. Pfaff, of Sarnia,
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Hartman Elsie.
Mr.' A. Tieman and E. Gaiser
made a business trip to Toronto
, Mrs. Hunxble, of Sarnia, is spend
ing a few days with her mother,
Mrs. Finkbeiner.
. Mrs. Otto Restemeyer ‘underwent
an* operation -for the removal of her
tonsils pn Tuesday.
Rev. Golling, of Grand Bend, will
give a lecture in the ’Evangelical'
church on Friday evening under the.
atxspiCes ‘ 0f”ri:lT6^choiT. Come -and-
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McFalls, of
Biddulph, are on the sick list, and
upder the doctor’s care. We hope
for a speedy recovery.
A reception service was held in
the church, on Sunday last when
three local young ladies were re
ceived into the church membership,
Mr. Herman Powe has returned
home from Barrie where lie was a
delegate to attend the Orange Grand
Mr, Thos,
one day last
Mr. Lome
one day last
Messrs. G.
J. Dobbs were in London one day
last week, on business.
The coming of spring seems to
have had its effect on several of oui*
citizens and we expect to see a num*
her of new cars in this vicinity in
the near future,
The roads in and around this vi
cinity are tin a very bad condition
at the present time.
We are glad to lean that Mr, C.
McFalls still continues to improve in
health, since his recent illness.
Mr. Gus. Hennessy has recovered
from his recent illness sufficiently
to be around again.
The trustees have had the wood
supply replenished’ at the school,
the same being supplied by Mr. H.
We are glad to see Mr. John
Brock out again after his recent ill
Miss Dorothea A. Davidson spent
the week-end at her home in Guelph.
Mrs. Huxtable has returned from
London hospital, where she has been
receiving treatment. :
Miss Helen Hicks, nurse-in-train
ing, at Victoria
spent Saturday afternoon
home here.
We are sorry .. ...
and Andrew- Maguire,
around the Corner
Tpn will be needxig some repairs
visited in Goderich Sunday.
Hazel Snell, who has been
her parents, returned to
on Saturday.
Mildred McDonell, of Hen-
the clioir along.
. Mr. and Mrs. H. J., Lovie and fam
ily spent, a very pleasant time at the
home of'‘-Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mol-
lard last, Thursday evening.-
Mr. Whiter Stratton and Mr. F.
Stratton ana sister, Mrs. J. W. Holt
were in Sarnia on Tuesday last to
see- their sister, Mrs. Bert Batty,
who was very ill hut is now- improv
ing according to the last report.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce* Bossenberry
of Forest, called on.Mr. P. Isenbach.
Mr. Joe Oliver spent a couple
days visiting his daughter, Cora,
’ Mr. Guss Latta’s '.son Robert,
quite ill. in St. Joseph’s hospital
Mr. Warren Patterson is visiting
under the ’parental roof oVer ’
Mrs. Sam Meriier is visiting
daughter in Bayfield.
Some have tapped, but report
Some have tapped, but report not
much of a run and it looks like a
pooi* season for • maple syrup.
Mr. and Mrs. Horton,, of Hensail,
visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Mousseau on
Next Sunday morning subject will
be “The Last Supper,” after which
the Lord’s Supper will be, observed.
At the evening service the pastor,
Rev. J. M. 'Colling will answer sev
questions which have been han-
to him, so come and hear the
answers to some-big questions.
Eliza Shier, of London, is
'her sister, Mrs. David Haz-
A very enjoyable yme was spent
on. Friday evening when the- Wo
men’s Instiitue held an At-Home in
Aberdeen Hall. There Were about
175 present. It being Irish night,
the ladies had the hall nicely decor
ated for the occasion. A good pro
gram was given and Dr. C. R. Camp
bell acted as chairman and claimed
that he had some Irish blood in his
veins but that his name gave him
away. The musical part of the pro
gram was given by the Paul Boys?
Mr. and Mrs. Silas Shier, Mrs.
teel, Billy and Ray Mills and
Paul, with Msr. Paul and Mrs.
phrey, accompanists. The rest of the
program consisted of dialogues,
pantomines and a> hat-trimming
test, all of which caused (much
Billy ‘Mills received the prize
the best trimmed hat and Rev.
Bouteel, second prize. After
program tickets were passed
the crowd had to make a< search for
their partners and a dainty lunch
was served by young ladies and men
dressed in Irish costumes. The lad
ies who had the entertainment in'
hand are to be congratulated on the
success of the evening as it meant
a lot of work.
Mr. Heber Shute, son Of the late
John Shute, of the 14th eon.
township of tlsborne, and
Elsie Gardlher, of Hibbert,
quietly married, oh Saturday
of the
' Were
Wlllis was in Windsor
week on business,
Hicks was in Deleware
week on business,
F* Penwarden and W.
Hospital, London
at her
to learn that Mr.
___ ______ ____„___, Mr. James
and Miss Ellen have been indisposed
for some time. We hope for a
speedy recovery.
, Spring is coming. Quite a number
are making preparations for sugar
M'r, and Mrs. F. J. Da.vis visited
theii’ daughter, Mrs. Mardlin, of
Birr, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke and
Mr. and Mrs. Larue Scholdice spent
Sunday at -the home of Mr. F. A.
Mr.' J. W. Pym, of Kirkton, and
Mrs. M. S. Manning, of Vancouver,
B. C., visited over the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Davis.
Messrs. Fred and Minor Dobbs
underwent operations in Exeter
general, hospital on Saturday last
fox’ the removal of their
M’r. J. C. Creery, of
visited last week with
Mrs. A. S. Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
all smiles these days; it’s a girl.
; ~ -.Mise... Grace-.spent tliQ
week-end at her home near Chisel
hurst. ‘
The young people of St. Patrick’s
church are busy practicing for theii’
play which they intend putting on
in the -near future. Watch for date.
Mr. W. J. Smith is. again on his
annual trip ovei’ the. township of
B'iddulph, acting as assessor.
I carry a good supply. It will be
your advantage to order early.
If you are needing any new
machines come in and see me.
Quality Right. Prices
Shop Next Doyle’s Garage
Phone shop 231 Res. R. 3 on 172
Rev, J. E. Jones preached a.very
inspiring sermon on Sunday last,
his subject being “The Unknown
Mr. W. J. Fell, who was operated
on for appendicitis in the Seaforth
•hospital recently, arrived home on
Saturday. We are glad to report
that Mr. Fell is feeling much better
The Irish concert and box social
under the auspices of the Women’s
Institute on Thursday last was a
big success.
Mr. and Mrs. G, G. Wilson spent
Sunday with M'r, and Mrs. F. D.
Hutchison, of Seaforth.
Mr. and Mirs. Georgo Tuffin en
tertained a number of friends to a.
dance Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Durward
Windsor, are spending
with Mr. and Mrs’. Frank
Mrs. Lloyd Elliott and
spejit the week-end in Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. ..Sadler
Bobbie spent Sunday with Mr.
Mrs. S. Casey .of Mitchell
Elliott of
the week
his sister,
Davis are
Mr. Roht. Taylor* Jr., who recent
ly underwent an operation for ap
pendicitis in London hospital pass
ed away on Monday,—March 19th.
The deceaesd was 20 years of age.
Seveval from here attended _ the
funeral of Mrs. Gordon Ulens last
Friday at Greenway.
The Lames; Aid held a social ev
ening last Thursday at the home of
Mr. and 'Mrs. 'A. Finkbeiner. The
evening was spent in a short pro
gram, games, contests, etc., and all
had an enjoyable time?
Mrs. John Gower spent last week
in London with relatives.
Mrs. Sandy McEaclien spent last
Tuesday in London.
Mr. Nelson Finkbeiner, of Red-
ver’s Sask., is spending a few weeks
with his father, Mr. C. Finkbeiner.
McPhee Bros, had a successful
sale last Friday.
Mr. Roy Parkinson left last week
for Devizes where he has been en
gaged to work for Mr. Ethol Pitt.
Mrs. Wm. Morley spent Saturday
in London.
Mr. and Mrs. C. AV. Millson and
family, of Lucan, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Frank .Squire.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Langford
spent Sunday at the home of the
former’s brother, Frank, of Ilderton
Mrs. Frank Parkinson is spend
ing a few days with her mother,
Mrs. Jas. Swallow,-of Woodham.
RIB-ROLL/' House'
Roof youi’houao or cottaffo
With Rib-Roll, Hahdsoma to
look at... increases value of
property . *. lasting.,. coL
lects clean raihwatet, banishes
leaks.. .ideal for houses,
barns, sheds, warehouses,
schools, churches, public
buildings. Give size of roof for
free estimate, write
.. . Successor^fo
Metal Shingle & Siding: Co»
* Limited.
Sincere sympathy is expressed ljere
in the churches and whole commun
ity to Mr. Gordon L. Ulens and his
family in their hour of bereavement
in the loss of a loving wife and
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Brophey, of
St. Thomas, visited his parents last
Wood bees are very popular just
Neighbors and friends to the num
ber of fifty gathered at the home of
Mr. J. Brophey last Tuesday even
ing and presented Mr. and Mrs.
Brophey with a beautiful electric
parlor lamp and Miss Nellie Bro
phey with a bedroom clock a.nd tray
prior to thelir departure to their
new home in Parkhill.
Mr. William Johns was in Sarnia
couple of days last week.
Mrs. Case -Miners is spending a
few days with relatives in this com
The Y. P. E. 'League is preparing
for a box social to be held on March
26th. A good program is being pre
Mrs. Fred Wright sang a solo at
the St. Patrick’s Social given in Main
St. church, Exetei* last Friday even
Mrs. Leon O’Reilly was called to
Sault Ste Marie owing to the ser
ious illness of her mother, Mrs. Ir
win. iSlie left bn Monday.
Mi’, and Mrs. John Johns, of Exe
tei’ celebrated their 5 5 tli Wedding
Anniversai’y * on March 20tli. Their
family spent the day with them. Mr.
and Mrs. Philip Madge were’ also
married 55 years ago the same day.
The many friends of both couples
will extend their congratulations
and best wishes to them.
The Meeting of the Mission Cir
cle was held in the church on Thurs
day, March 15tli. M'iss. Verna Brock
presiding. Meeting, opened with
hymn 92 followed, 'with prayer by
Mrs. Chas. Johns. The president
read the lesson, John 3:14-17; John
Roll call
Horne and Mrs, M. O’Reilly. Several
letters pertaining to the society
were read. It was decided to have
a social evening on Thursday, April
17th. The committee for program
were: Walter Johns, Kenneth Johns
Dal m ex’
with two verses of hymn 12 follow
ed by the benediction by the pres
The minutes of the last
were read ancl adopted,
by Mrs. M. O’Reilly, eleven
responding. A St. Patricks
was given by Miss Elva
Mui’ch. For refreshments
Herdman, Harold Prance,
Hunter, Fred Wright and
Skinner. Meeting closed
Election of Sunday School officers
will take place next Sunday at the
Evangelical church in connection
with the morning service.
Next Sunday will also be a special
Missionary Day. 'We are looking
for nil ’promises, pledges and free
will offerings to be brought in be
fore the Conference year closes on
April the First.
Mrs. Domm, of Chesley arrived
at Crediton Saturday evening to
spend a few days with her aged par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Braun. 'Mr.
Braun has been in failing health
since Christmas. Mrs. Domm is <
prised with the small quantity
snow in these localities while
Chelsey they are walking down
middle of the roads to ’evade
massive drifts.
Mr, Nelson Finkbeiner, of Sask
atchewan, is spending a few weeks
with his father Mr, Christian Fink
beiner, of Shipka. This son was not
able to attend the Golden Wedding
or the funeral services of his motliei*
the late Mrs, Christian Finkbeiner.
Father and son graced the morning
service in the Evangelical Church
with their presence,
Miss Clara Gaisei* spent the week
end at the home pf Mr. and Mrs, A*
M'ellick, of Zurich*
New comers in the neighborhood
in the nature of Chinchilla Rabbits
which will attract considerable at**'
tention as time goes on, Chinchilla
is a valuable fur and in great de
mand at present. Fully seventy-
five per cent, of the Chinchilla used
is imported from Europe.
. pie regular monthly meeting of
the Women’s Institute was held re
cently in the Institute hall with the
president Mrs. C. Zwicker pesiding.
The roll call was answered by quot
ations bearing on “Courtesy,” After
the business was disposed of current
events were given by Miss M. Fahr-
ner and Mrs. G. Hill, a 'piano solo
by Mrs. E. Fahrner. The topic “The
Understanding Heart” was very ably
given by Mrs. H. Young. This was
followed with two splendid contests
in charge pf Mrs. C. Hill. After
which dainty refeshments were serv
ed by the hostesses 4n charge.
M'r, Wilson Anderson received the
news of the sudden death of Mr.’ T.
Lapson, of Dakota,
dent of here.
a former res
ile was born and
raised on the* farm now owned by
Mr. Charlie Schroeder, near Fair
field. While_ visiting his sister and
was as
and several
His remains were taken to Dakota
for 'burial by his son, William.
Mrs. Francis Flynn and Mrs. J,
Bullock spent Thursday with the
former’s parents, Mr. -and Mrs. Tuf-
field Tetreau, near Grand Bend,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bullock and
daughter Helen spent Sunday with
the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ike Gower near . Woodham.
Bullock and
Mr. Frank
Sunday with
in Birmingham, Mich., he
well as usual and just fell
He intended to come here
for a visit among his old
He leaves his aged mother
brothers and sisters.
Helen remained for a
Taylor of Exeter, spent
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
Mrs. John Mahaffy, a life-long
resident of Hibbert Tp., died rec
ently in her 82nd year. Her maiden
name was Mary Ann Hutchison and
she was stricken with paralysis a
week ’ ' ’
union there was born one son, Fred
previous to her deatlu She
married twice. To the first
McHendry, of Detroit, and to
the second marriage one son and
five daughters, Nelson, of Hibbert;
Mrs. Daniel Linton, of Eden, Man.;
Mrs. R. Norris, of London; Mrs. J.
Linton, of Hibbert; Mrs. Austin
Dillon, and Mrs. R. McLean,
of Tuckersmith. The funeral
place to • Woodland cemetery,
ch ell. ®
The Times-Advocato is in receipt
of a letter from Miss Jeckeil who
has spent the ‘winter in California
but who is leaving there to visit
with relatives at Vancouver. Miss
Jeckell says that she has received-
all the copies of the Times-Advocate
and appreciated all the home news
very muchf She says: “We have
had1 a wonderful three months in
Southern California, seeing so much
of it by motor, visiting Imperial
Valley where we had the opportun
ity of crossing into Mexico. I can
now say I have crossed a real desert
as the road to the Valley takes one
over a part of the Colorado desert.
Tlhis is a wonderful country in both
climate and production. We forget
the cold wintei’ until we read in the
lip me' paper of your snow storms.”
Finds Road to
Health at Sixty
**Friiifea-tiyes ,F corrects
■I am sixty years old and tried all kinds
of medicines for bladder and kidney
trouble, which used to keep me from
work a month at a time, until I started
taking *Fruit-a-tives’, Thanks to ‘Fruit-
a-tives’ I have worked steadily for four
years without a sick day. I have never
felt better than I do now,” writes Mr.
Thomas Graham of Oshawa, Ont,
Because it is made from the juices of
fresh, ripe fruits, intensified and com
bined with strengthening tonics, “Fruit-
a-tives” soon brings radiant health to
those who suffer from constipation,
bladder and .kidney troubles. It works
in nature’s own way. You will find
“Fruit-a-tives” the very thing your sys
tem needs.’ ’25c and 50c a box at all
Keep Free
To resist andl repel
colds, grippe and bron
chitis, there is no*thfiig
better than a course of
Its strengthening and tonic
influence upon all the
bodily fun c t i o n’s make
Angier’s Emulsion a. most
useful medicine for the pre
vention of these dangerous,
win ter ills. I f a cough or cold
has already commenced,
start taking Angier’s ,
Emulsion at once.
Being an emulsion ofspecially puri’
fied petroleum ANGIER’S exerts a
sootning, laxative action that.
keeps the bowels in the normal,
• healthy condition so essential in
. the prevention of colds, coughs
and other winter ailments.
ANGIER’S has been recommen
ded and prescribed by the Medi
cal Professionof Gt'. Britain arid ’
Canada for over 35 years.
A British Doctor writes: “I frequently
commence the winter by taking
Angier’s Emulsion, as I find it an excel
lent tonic and preventative of bron
chitis.” (Signed)-----Af.D.
6^c and $1.20—at all druggist's
Seed CleamntWeek j
March 26,h W<h 1928 !
.To further encourage the production of better crops and in I
fighting the deadly weed menace, Farmers are urged to set
aside the week of March 26th io 31st as Ontario Farmers J
Seed Cleaning Week- ' I
Do your part in ridding the Province of noxious weeds, f
which destroy Ontario’s crops to the extent of millions of
dollars every year. The Ontario Department of Agriculture j
is prepared to co-operate to the fullest extent, i
Clean seed means larger dividends in dollars and cehts, free- 1
dom from weeds, and a finer appearance of your Crops, Use
this coming week to have clean seed ready for sowing at the
earliest suitable date, '
Parliament Buildings, Toronto