HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-03-15, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE ✓THURSDAY, MARCH I5«x, 1928 rv ■ We are giving Great Values in Furniture of all kinds at all times. DEAL HERE AND (SET SATISFACTION The Newest in Gents Furnishings 6= Butter 35—38c, extras 34c. seconds 28c. $8.75R. N. ROWE FUNERAL DIRECTOR PHONE 20w and 20j Exeter Markets Wheat $1.30. Oats 70c. Barley 80c. Manitoba Flour $4.40, Blended flour $3,90, Pastry Flour $3.50. Feed Flour $2.25 Bran $1.90. Shorts $2.10, Creamery Butter 45c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, -F Hogs CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foot®, B.A., Minister 10 a.m.—-Sunday School. 4.1 a.m.—“The Best Fruits.” • The Ministex* 7 p.m,—‘Christ’s Cross and Passion’ * The Minister <£oaals Order that new Suit NOW! Easter is less than five weeks away and time soon flies. You will likely be wanting a new suit for spring. Our new spring goods are on our shelves and we have a very special assortment in all the latest shades and patterns. Suits as low as $24,00 SAMPLES GALORE Everything in stock that a we’l dressed man needs. a Li- H a W EXETER, ONT,PHONE 81w == TAMAN 3-is/ii ib25c. Dressed White Fish lb18c. 10c. lb lb ib ro L. O. Jumbo Herring L. Superior Salt Herring, 10c. Fresh Frozen Fillets ...... 17c. 18c. Silver Bright Salmon 17 & 19c lb We recommend it for the differ­ ence in prices B. C. Halibut RUMMAGE SALE—In Southcott Bros, old store next to Postoffice on April the 7th under auspices of Tri- vitt Memorial Chancel Guild. Any­ one with articles or clothing to spare please phone 205 or 170w. 3-15-3tc. -.... ............. ■...................... . JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, D. Mclavisb, Pastor W. R. Gould Ing, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—Jesus—the High Priestly Prayex*, “A prayer for sanctifica­ tion.” 9th in the series on “Lord teach ns how tp pray.” p.m.— Sunday School ’ p.m.—“Companions of the Cross.” 4th in the series on the “Drama of Calvary”. Introducing Simon of Gyrene and the two malefactors. Y. P. L. Monday evening at eight p.m. Prayer service, Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Teacher training at 8:30 Come to the St. Patrick’s Enter­ tainment and Tea in Caven church under the uspices of the Y. P. G. on Monday evening, the 19 th inst, at 8 o’clock. A good program will be rendered of music, drama and Len­ ten lantern slides. Admission 25c. and FISH to bakei (WiWFISHtd1n'oi1 just like a steak ; fci* chowder^ and io (fc-iPKJWay you / cate io riy, 20c. pair 2 5c. box Ib Ib qt Smoked Fillets, large English Kippers ....... Red Herrings ........... Kipperines ................ ...... 20 c. Codfish, Acadia ............ 18c. Oysters, Fancy Selects.... $1.20 WHY BUY BEEF, WHEN FISH IS CHEAP Harvey’sEAT MORE FISH • A wdoble—a worn bearing-—a badly lincd'tcp wheel— anything that keeps tires from tracking true w:H rob you of m:l;age and make your motoring costly. EVEN if the tread doesn’t show it to your eye —our experienced tire men will usually notice the first signs of trouble. Give us the chance to save you the price of a new tire. Wheels do get out of alignment. Catch it before it gets really bad and you will lower your tire bills and get greater tire mileage. Let our service man check up your tires every week. Let him test tire ' pressure and look for hidden trouble. A little care may sdve you a half-hour on the roadside—and knock dollars Off your running costs. JOHN TAYLOR, Exeter Mrs. Finch-Noyes, of Oakville, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. T. S. Woods. Mr, W. W. Taman was in Wing­ ham on Monday attending the fun­ eral of his neice, Mrs. Summers. Mr. John Francis, of London, at­ tended the funeral of the late Thos. Clarke on Monday. Mrs. (Dr.) J. H. Browning return­ ed home last week after a pleasant visit with friends at Chicago and lleliot, Wis. Mr. Wm. J. Bagshaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bagshaw, Birsay, Sask., left Monday for liis home after spending the winter with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hawkins, of Seaforth, spent several days in town owing to the illness and death of Mrs. Hawkin’s father, the late Thos. Clarke.Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader. have the sympathy of the community in their sad bereavement. An account of the fatality will be found on the front page. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mallett, who have been visiting in London since Christmas, have returned home. Their son Fred brought them home by auto on Sunday. Mr. C. H. Sanders, who is ill in Victoria hospital, London, has been in a critical condition during the past week; but we are pleased to report that he is now considerably improved. Mrs. T. Elliott’s group of the Ladies’ Aid of the James st. United church met Tuesday evening and decided to hold an Olde Tynie Con­ cert on April 17th., Watch for fur­ ther announcements. The drugstore of Mr. F. L. Grieve of Straithroy, was broken into on Thursday evening of last week and about $150 worth of merchandise stolen. When Mr. Grieve went to work in the morning he found the front door forced and the plate glass doox’ window broken. Lieut. Wilson W. Hitchen, died in Toronto recently, in his 38th year Lieut. Hitc'hen was wounded at Passchendaele which caused blind­ ness. On his return to Canada, he was united in marriage to Miss Edna Verity. Mr. .and Mrs. Hitchon were in Exeter 'recently as guests at the Gladman-Pickard wedding. 40th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker celebrat­ ed* their 40th wedding anniversary on Wednesday of last week by en­ tertaining their children, grand­ children and brothers and sisters to a fowl supper. The tables wore set for 24 and were tastefully decorated for the occasion. During the course of the evening the honored couple were- presented with a cabinet of silver from the children and grand­ children, the address being read by Miss Belva Fishei’ and the presenta­ tion made by Miss Doreen Baker. The brothers and sisters presented Mr. and Mrs. Baker with a handsome library table, Mrs. Hill, of Crediton, reading the address and Messrs. Jno. and Newtoii Baker making the pre­ sentation. Mrs. Johnston, of Sea­ forth, who was unable to be present, sent them a beautiful bouquet of carnations. The evening was pleas­ antly spent in games, speeches and readings. Mr. and Mrs. Baker will •have the congratulations of ihany friends who will Wish foi’ them many years of health and happiness. - THE LATE THOMAS CLARKE The death took place in Exetei’ on Saturday last of Mr. Thomas Clarke, aged 71 years, 11 months, and 1 day. The deceased had been ailing for about two weeks with pleurisy which resulted in his death. The deceased was born in Usborne township, where he lived until com­ ing to Exeter four years ago last fall purchasing the residence of Mrs, Jas. Pickard on James Street. Mrs. Clarke predeceased him last Sept­ ember. Three daughters and three sons survive, Mrs. M. L. Beavers, of Woodham; David, of town; Edward, of Huntington, W. Virginia, who ac­ companied by his wife, arrived in Exetex’ a few days before his father died; Nelson, of Usborne; Mrs. Wil­ son Hawkins, of Seaforth and Mrs. J. Simpson, of Wincholsea. One bro­ ther and two sisters also survive, Wm. Clarke, of Usborne; Mrs. Wes­ ley Mills, of St. Marys; Mrs. Wm. Sawyer, of Vancouver, B. C. The funeral Monday Afternoon Was held from James Street United church and was largely attended. The pas­ tor, Rev. D. McTavish, spoke in very warm terms aS to the splendid' Chris­ tian character of the deceased. Mr. W. R. Colliding presided at the origan and sang a very appropriate solo, ‘the pall-bearers Were: John Francis, Jos. Creery, R. A. -Camin and Chas. Godbolt, interment was made In Ssetev cemetery, MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. O. J. Moorhouse, Pastor 11 a.m,—-We unite with the church in the Celebration of Trinidad Ju­ bilee Missionary Celebration. p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—“Thou Shalt Have No Othex- Gods before* Me.” Thursday at-7:30 prayer service. 3 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. W. Jones, Rector 1th SUNDAY IN LENT 8 a.m.—Holy Communion 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer and ser­ mon. p;m.—Evening prayer and sermon Wednesday, 8 p.m. This Week Illustrated address. “A Sabbath at Bethany.” “Where two or three. are gathered together in my name. There am I in the midst of them.” 7 FOR SALE— Anyone wanting young calves. Apply to Roy Brock, phone 34-16, Kirkton. 3-15-2tp. Cochrane Macnine Works will open Monday, March 19th. % We have our Bitter Oranges in now for eery. Marmalade.—Harvey’s Gro- SALE — We still have a of Essex Chrystal Dwarf Frank 3-15-ltc. FOR quantity Sweet Clover seed for sale. Taylor, Exeter. : FOR SALE—On Saturday, March 26th, house and lot at Claudeboye to be sold by public auction, sub-, ject to reserve bid; also household effects. Terms,' $5 and under cash; 6 months'’ on cx-edit amts. 3-15-2tc. _____ R................................................. / SPECIAL ! Clearing the balance of our im­ mense stock of PHONOGRAPH, and RECORDS, to make room for a New department in our Store, we offer unheard-of Values in New Instru­ ments: Edison, Brunswick, Clarion. Records to play on them and all other machines at reduced prices. The stock must go; here’s your chance to get a fresh stock of re­ cords or a good musical outfit cheap. FLOWERS Plants in. bloom, wreaths, wedd­ ing bouquets, cut flowers fox’ the sick, etc.; Easter Lillies, in pot or cut. We appreciate your orders. Powell’s Variety Store Phone 55 HURON GARAGE Buick, Pontiac and Chevrolet Sales REPAIR PARTS FOR GENERAL MOTORS CARS CHRYSLER AND GRAY DORT CARS ULRIG SNELL PROPRIETOR Head Mechanic, —E. POLLEN WALL PAPERS ! 85c. Il Stamped Mats In a fine assortment of new pat­ terns in the best selling sizes. These have just arrived. •F Phone 16 m IB i SOUTHCOTT BROS. Phone 16 Beautiful Range of New Dresses We have on display a Beautiful Range of New Dresses that have just been opened. Georgettes, Crepes, Satins and the new Spider Web. If we haven’t your size we can take your measure and guarantee a perfect fit. Weldrest Silk Hosiery In all the newest shades for spring. This is a beautiful full fashioned hose that will give satisfaction. PER PAIR.................................$2.00 WALL PAPERS! Buy your Wall Papers early before the paper hangers get too busy. We have a Big Assortment of New Papers, suitable for any room in the home SEE THE NEW 30 inch MAXIMUR PAPERS NEW PATTERNS IN Comforter Chintz 12 only new patterns and colorings in Comforter Chintz. This is 36 in. wide and make splendid- coverings. PER YARD .............................. 25c,. Large Comforter Bats Opens out the full size of a com­ forter. Made from fine white cot­ ton. This is a popular seller, EACH HERE IS YOUR CHANCE, BOYS! WE WANT TO SEE WHAT YOU CAN MAKE. YOU HAVE UNTIL SATURDAY, MARCH 31st WHICH GIVES YOU PLENTY OF TIME. WE HAVE DIVIDED THIS CONTEST INTO TWO CLASSES FOR BOYS 9 YEARS AND UNDER AND BOYS 13 YEARS ANDTJNDER AND WILL GIVE A BRAND NEW SUIT WITH SHORT OR LONG PANTS FREE TO THE BOYS WHOM THE JUDGES DECLARE HAVE MADE THE BEST ARTICLE. THE SUITS THAT WE GIVE AWAY ARE MADE BY THE S. M. SANDERS MFG, CO., OF EXE­ TER WHO ARE MAKING A FINE RANGE OF CLOTHING FOR BOYS. Number of young calves for sale. Apply to F. Lewis, Centralia; phone 4 0-24. ' . 3-8-3tc. PIGS FOR SALE—9 Stockers, also 8 shoats and 1 hog. Apply to J. Querin, Lot 9 Con. 12 Stephen. 3-8-tfc. FOR SALE—Two york hogs,, just right type, also some sows coming in’ this month. Chas. Harvey, Exe­ ter.' 3-8-tfc. JFOR SALE OR-RENT—Fine brick' residence, heated with hot air, elec­ tric lighted, good garden. Apply to R. E. Pickard. 10-27tfc WANTED—A man 34 years of age residing on a farm north-east of Exeter* would like to get in com­ munication with a young lady about thirty, with a view to matrimony. Apply Box M, Exeter. 3-8-2tp. HOUSE FOR SALE—A splendid brick residence on Main St. Exeter; all conveniences, .three-piece bath, furnace, good stable, garage. All kinds, of fruit, large garden, good well.' Possession, at once, to Times-Advocate. Apply 3-3-4tc. ~*L FARM FOR SALE—Lot 4, USborne Tp., containing 11, Con. ______ _4.., _______„ 100 ac­ res more or less; 2 storey brick’ resi­ dence, two bank barn with water­ works, litter carrier etc in barn; hen house 18x36, good hog pen, drive house, all cement floored; 2 'gbod wells. All cleared land, facing Co. road. Apply to Albert Penwarden, R. 3, Exeter._____________3-1-3tp. FOUND—Airedale dog. , Owner may have same by paying expenses. Apply at Times-Advocate. 3-15~2tc Country Pork Style Thursday Night at Harvey’s Grocery Exeter 6rt Inst. Orders left At s. Martin & Son will redfeiVe prompt attention. "Used Nordheimer Piano for sale in first class condition. Evangelical Parsonage, Crediton. FOR SALE—In Hensail a very, comfortable residence, good garden and stable. Apply to W. J. Pybus, R. R. No. 2, Kippen. 3-15-2tc. ’ NOTICE—All accounts owing to the estate of the late A. Rumford are now due and may be paid at the •store’ of S. Martin & Son. 3-15-2tc. Formerly 11. years with Heintzman Co. and Gerhard Heintfc- man Ltd. will be in Tuesday next the 20th frSjtgU Phorfe 16 4 FOR SALE—2 turkeys and 2 gobblers. Apply to Win. Sims, Creditor^ 3-15-2 tc < *■ YOU CAN SAVE MONEY ON EVERYTHING/YOU BUY AT T. H. Elliott’s Suits, Overcoats, Overalls, Smocks, Odd Pants, U nde rwear^g^ea ter s, Gloves, Mitts, Shoes, Rubbers, Shirts Collars, Mufflers, Ties, Hockey Shoes Hats, Caps or anything you want in Men’s wear. This is not a ten day sale, but I am going to continue fcSiis sale just as long as the public will help me to carry out my plan of selling, on a small profit. & Ernest C. Harvey GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER Representing Mutual Life of Canada FniE, AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, WINDSTORM, ETC. W R. GOULDING A. T. O. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction in Plano Vocal Organ Theory And let me tell you everything IJ Supervisor of Music m Schools sell is first class quality and not old I Studio, Main St. Eox 5 7. Phone 19T ztzz'-. EXETER. ONT.stock. Many can help one and in this case one can help many. FOR SALE—Frame cottage, 6 rooms on Simcoe St.; also one-acre of land, apple trees and small fruits. Apply at Times-Advocate. 3-1-3tc FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT— 150 acres, lot 13, Con. 13, Stephen; 50 acres grass, south half of lot 16, con. 13; 50 acres grass, S. H. lot 4, con. 15. Apply to D. Lippert, Mel­ bourne, Ont. 2-16-tfc. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE ............................... 3a DOUBLE EDGE ............................. 4e Perfect Edge Guaranteed , W. S. COLE, DRUGGIST FOR SALE 50 LBS. OF COMB HONEY MMMI WIMMNr PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR- SPRING BABY CHICKS Quality Chicks, pttr Motto < W. F. ABBOTT Phone 124 Exeter, Ont; ! < >■ Wamt an Extra Bateman ? Then why not re-Hoor that upstair store?room with hardwood? •You can make it won­ derfully attractive and comfortable, and it will cost you so little! Let us show you samples, and give you an estimate based on actual measure­ ments. „ 0 ROSS-TAYLOR CO., Ltd. Exeter, Ont. THE BEST THAT'S MAM I . , tN EVERY GgADE' j FARM FOR SALE—Lot 5, Con. 2, Tuckersmith'Tp., containing 10G acres more or legs, estate of the late John Caldwell. Good solid brick house with brick kitchen attached: good bank barn 42x70; never fail­ ing Well a.t the house; 12 acres fall wheat, balance ready for crop; A’1 location, one mile from Hensail and. school across the road; farm is in. high state of cultivation; possession April 1st, Apply to the undersigned executors, John Caldwell, London. Road, R. R. 3 , Exeter, or R. H. Sprout, Seaforth. 3-8-tfc. FOR SALE C»R RENT—Splendid brick residenc&r^corner of Andrew and Waterloo streets with four ac­ res of land in connection; also a brick cottage corner of Main and Wellington streets; also 50 acta pasture farm in Hy. Towshfp. Ap­ ply to Thos. Laing, Exeter, Ont. FOR SALK—Storey and half brick house on Gidley Street.with two Iota, hard and soft wate., and Electric Lights, also some fruit trees. Cen­ tral location* Apply GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors lor Adminis­ trator, Estate Caroline G. Ford.