HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-03-15, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCA.TE Students may enter at any time B. F. WARD, B-A-, M.Accts. Authorized ^Chrysler Dealer SALES AND SERVICE DR. R. I. P. DOUG ALL ever offered PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED Honor graduate of Faculty of Medicine, and Master of .Science; University of Western Ontario. Member of College of Physicians Office omical way of buying your Chevrolet on time, w ..... John McAllister's was and everything gijcljwl at Ciammerc? CLINTON, ONTARIO TlUIiSlIAY, SUIK’H ISHi, 1028 Phone IPS HENSALL Mr. J, W. Skinner was in London Monday on business. « Mr. T, • C, Joynt visited over the week-end in Toronto. Mr. Wm. White is confined to his home through illness. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webber visited in Loudon on Monday. Miss Hazel Houke of Brucefield, is visiting friends in town. Mr. Laird Joynt of London, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr, Wm. Fairburn and. Mr. Lee Hedden visited in London Sunday. Mrs. Thos. Pepper is lying very ill at her home on the London road. Mrs. A. C. Hoggarth is visiting for a short time with relatives in Norich. Mrs. L. Sullins, of Detroit, is vis­ iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hudson of town. Mr. and M’rs. J. Smith and child­ ren, of Detroit, are, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt. Mr. Levi Rands has purchased the house on Brock St. owned by Mr. Jas. Kilpatrick. j The many frien.ds of Mr. Norman Cook will be sorry to learn that he ’"'continues quite poorly, Mr. Duncan McArthur of London, visited for a few days recently with Mr. and’Mrs. H. Arnold. 4 Mr. Pepper of Toronto, visited Lover the week-end with his parents, 'j’ilr. and Mrs. Thos. Pepper. Jno. Passmore, Hensall PHONE NO. 31. tend Surgeons of Ontario. < jtwo doors east of Post Office. .HEN^ALL.ONT, . ... Phone 56 Residence , . Principal .. . . .,.... Mr. Earl McEwan, of Lethbridge, Alta,, is visiting relatives and fid­ ends in and around Hensall, The sale of Mrs. ____ ___ held last Saturday afternoon largely attended offered was sold. The many friends of Mrs. Errold Drummond will be pleased to learn that she is getting along nicely after her recent operation. Mr. Henry Horton of Tuckersmith has purchased the property of Mr, Robert Green at the corner of Mill and, Nelson streets and intends to mo ye into town shortly. • The Ladies’ Aid of Carmel Pres­ byterian church are holding a pan­ cake social in the basement of the church on Friday evening of this week, from 5 to 8 o’clock. At Carmel Presbyterian church on Sunday last Rev. Mclllroy del­ ivered fine and inspiring sermons. Mrs. Jas. Bonthron rendered a very pleasing solo at the evening service which was well received. The. Mission Circle of the United church have engaged a company of young people of Clinton and vicinity to’put on a play entitled "Cranberry Corners” on March 23rd. Keep the date in mind, a good time is in store. The dance held in‘the town hall on Wednesday evening of last week was a big success, over 400 people being present. The McBride orch­ estra of Varna, furnished excellent music for the occasion and everyone reported a good time. The services of the United church on Sunday last were largely atten­ ded, the pastor preaching inspiring sermons at both services. Those tak­ ing .special parts in the singing were Mrs. M. Drysdale and Mrs. Sinclair. Next Sunday evening Rev. Sinclair will speak on “Life’s Biggest Ques­ tion.” Everyone is welcome. . Friends here- of the late Harry Humeston, of London, were shocked to. hear of his sudden death on Tues­ day last. "Mr. Humeston often visit­ ed here and a lot of his early life was spent at Chiselhurst. Mrs. Robt. Higgins, Mrs, Ed. McQueen and Mrs Jas. Dick of the London road, south were 'cousins of the deceased. Mrs. McQueen attended the funeral held in London on Friday. The A. Y. P. A. of the Anglican church held a very interesting meet­ ing on Monday evening. After the devotional exercises the meeting took the form of a debate "Resolved that Character has more influence than Money.” The affirmative side was -takejin by -Miss Jean. Stone-and Mr. J. Varley. On the negative side i More thanany other ; LowPricedCarhas THE “Bigger and Better” Chevrolet. For this amazing car presents the most im­ posing array of high-quality features and fine- car attributes ever assembled. in any low- priced automobile. Long wheelbase, 107", 4 inches longer than before. ' New, more beautiful, roomier Fisher bodies. Impressive new radiator and hood. Newly improved, 34 per cent, more powerful engine. Newly designed shock-absorber springs. Tried and proven four-wheel brakes (non­ locking. New luxurious interior appointments. Scores of advanced features and refinements. all at NEW and LOWER PRICES Come and see the car with which Chevrolet again pioneers new heights of quality at low cost. The GM.A.C. . . . General Motors’ own deferred payment plan affords the most convenient and econ- New and Lower, ibices . $625.00 625.00 740.00 740.00 855.00 Roadster Express' - were Rev. Jones and Miss-Margaret Drummond. The .decision was given in favor of the affirmative, and the debate was very interesting and much enjoyed by -those present. Fol­ lowing the debate a half houi* was spent in community singing sifter which a geography match brought the meeting to a close. The Mission Band of the* United church held their regular meeting on Sunday afternoon in the base­ ment of the church with a good at­ tendance present. The meeting was opened by the singing of a hymn after which Ray Patterson read the minutes of the last meeting. The roll was called by Aldon Appleton, and then " scripture collection was taken by M'iss Mary Hemphill. Duets were given by Miss Mary Hemphill and Katherine Drys­ dale, Gladys Passmore and Mavis Spencer and readings by Eleanor and Mrs. Skinner. The meeting was closed by repeating the Lord’s prayer in unison. The Young Peoples’ League of the United Church held a St. Pat­ rick’s social in the basement of the church on Monday evening with a large crowd present. The basement was nicely decorated in Igreen and white for the occasion, Miss Mar­ garet Johnson had charge of the meeting and it was presided over by the president,'Miss Jessie 'Johnston, After the devotional exercises a splendid program was given consis­ ting of readings by Leonard Hog­ garth, Ray Patterson and Miss Ellis piano duets by Grace B-rock and Gladys Passmore, Miss E. Fisher and Miss I, Douglas; trio, by Mrs, M. Drysdale, Miss J. Buchanan and Miss G. Lammie; solos by Kather­ ine Drysdale, Mrs. Lee Hedden and Mr, W. O. Qoodwin which were all greatly enjoyed. Contests were then indulged in after which a dainty lunch was served, ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION A number of the friends and nei­ ghbors of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robbins, of the 12th of Hibbert, gathered at their home on Friday evening last to spend a social even­ ing .with them, before their removal to their new farm on the 3rd Con, of Tuckersmith, lately purchased from Mr, Hy> Horton, The evening was spent in dancing and cards, and a splendid lunch was provided by . ■the ladies. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Robbins were called on and the following address read to them by Miss Elva, Bolton:- Mr. and Mrs. Robbins and family, We, have spend before home. We regret that you are about to leave us as you have always been kind neighbors and true fri­ ends. As a memento .of your sojourn among us we ask you to accept this Coleman Lamp from our hands. In the,.daya. to comte when using it may there be a stray thought come back to those whom you are about to bid adieu. We sincerely wish that God’s blessing may abide with you throughout life,'a journey. Signed on behalf of your neigh­ bors and friends. Mr. David Cliappel then present­ ed them with the beautiful and .Mr. and Mrs. Robbins completely taken by surprise, thanked those present for the Mr. and ' Mrs. Robbins have residents of Hibbert for a number of years, and were valued farmers of that township- and will go to Tuckersmith with the best wishes of their former neighbors. LIBRARY BOARD MEETING The first regular meeting of the public library board for the year was held in the council chamber on Monday evening with all the mem­ bers present except Ray McArthur, who is busy this week auditing the town books. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Reeve Higgins was then appointed chairman of the board for the year, sec.-treasurer. Emma Wurm read the lesson, after which the your neighbors and friends assembled here to-niight to a social (evening with you, your departure to your new lamp were but gift, been A letter was read from Mrs. Archi­ bald dealing with the allocation question.. The visiting committee, Mrs. C. Cook and M'rs. A Scruton, reported on having called on eleven shut-ins during the month. The W. M, S. ladies decided to hold a birth­ day party in the church on Friday evening, March- 16th. A splendid program is being prepared for this occasion and a special speaker will be secured also. It was moved that Mrs. Skinner and Mrs. Hedden form the committee to arrange the pro­ gram. Mrs. Jas. Smillie, Mrs. John Elder and Mrs. A. (Scruton were ap­ pointed a committee to look after the lunch, and Miss A. Moore and Mrs, A. McDonald to look after the distribution of the envelopes for the birthday party. The visiting com­ mittee for this month will be Mrs. S. Merner and Mrs, Skinner. A devo­ tional leaflet on "Enthusiastic Co- Workers with Christ" was read by M'rs. Wilson apd was “ ” the study leaflet, "New Old Purposes,’” by Mrs and a leaflet on "China," Hobkirk . The meeting by the singing, of a hymn and prayer by Mrs. Henry Spring is just around the Corner You, will be needng .some repairs for INTERNATIONAL MACHINERY I carry a good supply, It will be to your advantage to order early. If you are needing any new machines come in and see me. Quality Right. Prices Right GRAND BEND BLACKSMITH . APOLOGIZES’ TO REVL J. M, COLJANG Mr. R. Jf, Bollock, blacksmith of Grand Bend, apologized m Mr. Colling for certain statements made against the minister’s Char­ acter as follows: “1 hereby with­ draw all remarks that could reasonably be interpreted as hurtful to Mr, Coning’s charac­ ter, and apologize for them, as that was certainly not my inten­ tion when they were uttered, as I wish to speak evil of no mam’’ Rev. Colling accepted this apol­ ogy, and the matter is now clos­ ed. Bitter Enemies “Fruit-a-tive*” Foe of ” Constipation. '>■ followed by ■ Paths for i. C. Cook, ’ by Mrs. G. was closed A. DAYMAN Shop Next Doyle’s Garage McUORmiTI, DEARING AGENT EXETER, ONT. Rhone shop 231 Res. R, 3 on 272 Grand Bend Mention was made last weeh Peter Eisenbach breaking camp the cutting of logs and wood. NEW MILLS, N.B.—"I can honestly say ‘Fruit-a-tives’ are the best Internal regulator I have ever Used, Other remedies, an<i I have tried many, cause pain and griping, hut *Fruit-a- tives’ always act easily and effec­ tively. I rpost sincerely recom­ mend them.”’ s ML S. MacNair. Made from the intensified juices of fresh fruits combined with tonics, “Fruit-a-tives” is a natural medicine, It strengthens the system to act naturally without the continuous use of laxatives—25c and 50c a box. Creditor! Mr. Sam Kuhn, who has b^en ser­ iously ill for a few days, has passed the crises and is now slowly recov­ ering. M’r, Ike Gower, of Woodham, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Joseph Bullock. Mrs. Joab Gimms is visiting her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Sims, in Exeter. Mrs. Joseph Bullock and Mrs. Francis Flynn spent Sunday with the former's -aunt, Mr, and Mrs. J. Gower, in Shipka. Mrs. G. Fisher has returned to her home in Dashwood after visit­ ing with her son, Mr. Win. Fisher and wife for a few weeks. A number of friends from Dash­ wood visited in this community and (graced the evening service in the Evangelical church with their pres­ ence. 11 . Mr. -and Mrs. Wm. Hoffman and daughter, Mildred, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hoffman, all of Zurich, spent Sunday With M'rs. Chris. Hoffman and family. Wealthy employment ter months, and community welcome her cheer­ ful countenance. JThe Dorcas Class will hold their annual election next Sunday in con­ nection with their class session. All members are requested to be pres-* •ent. Miss L. Fahner, president. ■Signs of spring up-to-date: The crows are numerous, a flock of wild geese hurrying along, stray flies buzzing in the attic window and the morn comes bright and early. ■Mrs. Thos. Miawhinpqy,, who pas­ sed through a siege of fotluenza, is able to be about the house again ■and will possibly be able to make her appearance in church circles before long. "Thursday-Jesus in Communion” will be the- pastor's subject in the United church next Sunday evening, March 18th. This will be the fifth in the series of Lenten sermons. Everyone in invited to attend. The next E/ L. C. E. Oratorical contest will be held some 'time in June. This will be the District Rel­ igious Educational- Rally and held at some appointed church within the bounds of Jhe district. Miss Clara Morlock represents Crediton- at the next contest. Schroeder, who found in London for the win- is back home. Church Dashwood Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartieib Block, Dash­ wood, first three das of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Mrs. G. Fisher has returned to her home after * spending several months with her son, Mr. William Fisher, of Crediton. The Annual Band Concert will be held in Wein’s Hall on Thursday ev­ ening of this week. As this is the one big event of the year which the public is invited there will doubtless be a big turnout on Thursday night. Mr, Herb Gaiser of Detroit, is visiting his parents. Mr. Fred Rinker and daughter, Miss Minnie, of Thedford, visited in town on Sunday. Miss Fraser of London, has taken a position as milliner with L C Reid, and Co. Mr. and Mrs. P. Haberer of Zur­ ich were Sunday visitors in town. Mr. J. Kellerman visited for a few days in Toronto last week. Mrs. Hotchkiss and son Harold, of Detroit, and Mrs. Elizabeth Klein- stiver, of Port Huron atives Mr. of fOJ!-------He has completed the1 work this week and has moved everything home. He has ower 100 cords of wood and 120- 000 feet of logs ready for the mill. Pretty good wa call it. Those who have been on the sick list are much improved. The dredge is on its way from Thedford to dredge out the river. The work was let by contract to the Broderick Bros., of Detroit, Mr. Wm. Love and family visited at Mr. Walter England’s on Sunday. Mrs. E. J, Sturgeon, of Bayfield, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Merner of this place. Long before the bell pealed the; half hour Sunday evening crowds Toronto. Plans with regard to meeting the allocation were adopted It was decided to have an open meet­ ing held in the church in April. Leaflets, "New Paths for Old Pur­ poses” were read by M’rs. John Hod­ gson and Mrs. Geo. Arksey. The Devotional leaflet was read by Mrs. Will Morley. Benediction by the president closed the meeting. An excellent supper was then served by the hostess and the committee ap- ■' pointed which was much enjoyed bv all present. u visited rei- here for a few days last week W. Gossman, of London, MT. CARMEL was CENTRALIA The congregation of the church will hold a social evening'next Tues­ day to celebrate the freeing of the church from debt. Mr. Rex Mills and family of Wy­ oming, spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mills. Mrs. Wm. Huxtable was taken to the Victoria Hospital on Saturday. Hei* fi-iends extend their sympathy and hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. John Baker, of Ethel, is visit­ ing for a few days with his brother, Mr. Nelson Baker, Mr. Herman Powe, is spending the week in Barrie at the L. 0. L. Grand Lodge as a delegate from S. Huron, of which county he is County Master Mr. Trueman Mills has purchased a brand new Whippet Sedan, Bright ■Outlook for the girls now! Mrs. G. Baynham, Jr. has return­ ed home from Dr. Fletcher’s Hospit­ al at Exeter, much improved in health. The play "Wanted a Wife” put on in Centralia United church on March 9tli was a decided success. Proceeds amounted to $104.00 Mr.. Harvey Godbolt is spending the week at Mr. Herman Powe’s tak­ ing charge during the latter’s ab­ sence in Barrie and Mr. Fred Bow­ den is doing similiarly for Mr, Wm. Gfigyes, wwhile, he_ is- in Biirrie.Messrs. ' William ' and Garfield' Thomson and friend, Mr. Verne Mil­ ler, all of Detroit, spent the week­ end" at their home here. The play "Wanted a Wife” given in the Centralia United church on March the 9 by the "Truthseekers” S. S. class under the direction of their teacher, Mrs. H. Powe, was a decided success. The church was well-filled in spite of the stormy day and everyone has nothing but favor­ able comments for both play and cast. The play is very humorus and refined, with a great deal of sound wisdom as a foundation. The cast did some splendid acting and it would be hard to praise that of any­ one. above another. In <f>iie touch- . ing scene the acting was so natural as to stir the hearts of the audience • and some remarked that they felt the tears nearing the surface, while in other .scenes bursts of laughter testi­ fied to the humor of the play. The young people Were so enthused over their work they spared no pains in getting up their scenery or their costumes, which were both pretty and appropriate. The proceeds amounted to $104.00. The class-is booked for Clandeboye, Exeter and Crediton and there are other pros­ pects running well up into April. began to gather to hear the sermon on "The Second Coming of Christ" by Rev, J. M. Colling. A beautiful number in keeping with the sermon was rendered by the male quartette. The Lenten services will be contin­ ued next Sunday morning and at the evening service a crowd is also looked for. The services have sure­ ly been a real spiritual uplift. The choir will hold a social even­ ing in the church when Lantern slides will be shown on the great Arts of the World. Lunch will be served. Admission 25 and 15 c. Come and help the choir along. Mr. Atkinson, of Exeter, is visit­ ing his son, Mr. O. Atkinson, for a week or so. The men working on the dredge have rented Mr. Dolph Alien’s cot­ tage and also Mrs. Wesley Isaac’s house and will become villagers for. a few months. Miss Beatrice Statton, who fell out of a car and (got hurt, has much improved and we are glad to report that she is able to walk around. Mr. John Gill has been seeing "Stars" lately and at last he has captured one. It’s. a sedan. M'iss Stella Webb was home from London for the'' week-end as also Miss Dora Green. ! The March ...... Miss Anna Ryan, was held to R. C. cemetery here at 10 ai.m., with requiem mass cel­ ebrated by Rev. Fr. Corcoran. She is survived by two sisters, Miss Margaret Ryan and Mrs.*Moyers of Toronto. Interment of the late Miss Mar­ jory Coughlin, of London, took place to R. C. cemetery here on Monday, at 11:30 a.in. Messrs. Thomas and Bert Ryan, of Chicago, attended the funeral of the late Miss Ryan here last week. Mr. Michael O’Leary, of London, is visiting his nephew, Mr. Timothy O’Leary, of the 12th concession of McGillivray.' Miss Hanna Curey and sister Mrs. Brady, of Hamilton, attended the funeral of the late Miss Ryan last week. Mr. Stephen Morrison received the news of the death of his brother-in- law, Mr. George Leveine, of Detroit, last week. Miss Evelyn Dillon returned to her home in Dublin, Monday after spend­ ing a month visiting her aunt Mrs. Campbell. death took place on Tuesday 6th, at Weston sanitarium of and the- fufteral KIRKTON was ; Mr. and Mrs. Lankin, of Granton, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Ira Marshall. The concert given by the Young People of Woodham on Tuesday ev­ ening of last week in aid of the Mis­ sion Circle was well attended and greatly apprecated each one doing their parts real well. Miss Ellen Switzer, of Blyth, spent a few'days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Switzer. Mr. Richard Selves and Miss An­ nie Beavers, of Woodham were unit­ ed in marriage on ’ Tuesday. The young couple intend living on the farm recently purchased by the groom from Mrs. Alf. Hawkey. Con­ gratulations. We ‘regret very much to hear that M'iss Ann Dawson o and Mr. Archie Dawson are in poor health and hope they will soon be around again. Miss Violet Stone, pupil of Mrs. Gambrill, passed with piano examination at Eng., Conservatory of in Exeter. The Kirkton Hunt very enjoyable oyster Business meetings will be the order now and then at the Evangel-, ical church since we are nearing the end of the .conference year. Meeting of the quarterly conference and pre­ paratory services the evening of March 23rd. S. S. election March s25th. Annual business meeting of the congregation on March 28th at 8 p.m. We trust that all require­ ments both for the local churph and for Missions and Benevolence will be met. The ' accidental death of Edgar Rader, at Dashwood, Sunday after­ noon .found sympathetic and pro­ found effect in Crediton. Edgar was a pupil at the Sharon public school at which Miss Lovina Smith has tauglit for nearly five yearns. He was of a. cheerful disposition and 'pos­ sessed excellent efficiency for his studies. The school, as well as his many friends spread over a number of communities will greatly miss this little friend and neighbor. We Closed the series of special services in the Evangelical church with Sunday evening. The various classes responded nobly to their appointed evening: C. I. C. and the Star class Monday evening, Dorcas and Friendly Bible class on Tuesday evening, all ex-members of choirs Wednesday evening, the orchestra on Thursday evening, and Young Peoples’ League on Friday evening. This was splendid spiritual exer- cse for all. The attendance, interest and spiritual enjoyment was extra­ ordinary, so say those who were interested. The orchestra was more complete than it has been for some time and the former male chorus backed up the music with a special number. A splendid number decid­ ed for Christ and many, took some forward step in Christian usefulness May everything help to the advance­ ment of .the Kingdom of God. ____ KHIVA A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr- and Mrs. Albert Ragier last week. Mrs. G. Hutchinson and Arthur ,and Nola, of Shipka, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Neeb of ZUr-. ich, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Alex Neeb on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Dietrick vis­ ited the latter’s father, Mr, A. Fos­ ter, of the Babylon Line on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tilley of Sharon, spenn Sunday with the lat- j tor’s father, Mr. Wm. Witzel. The sympathy of this community is extended to M’r. and Mrs. Louis Rader and family in the loss ot ■their, son, Edgar, who. was accident­ ly killed on Sunday last. A number from here attended the auction sale of Mr. Louis Shoe­ maker on Tuesday. REPORT OF S. S. No. 6, STEPHEN Report for month of February. Names are in order of merit. Sr. IV—Clement McCann, Alex. Dietrick, Gordon Ratz, Bernice Neeb Earl Ratz. Jr. IV—Roy Willert, M. Dietrick, Mildred Neeb. Sr. Ill—E. McCann, Jean Willert, Irene Flynn. Jr, III—Irvin Ratz, Hilda Neeb, G. Ratz, Audrey Ratz. Jr. II—Reta Ratz, Laura Ragier, Glady Kinney, Abigail Flynn. Sr. I—Eddie Yearly Marie Ragier, Sydney Neeb, Pearl Kinney, Jean Kinney. Sr. Primer— Marie ZileV, Lucille Dietrick, Har­ vey Neeb. Jr. Primer—Leone Mc­ Cann, Grace Willert, Gertrude Ratz Gerald Schenk, Jack Lawson, V. M. Mawhiuney, Teacher, honors her the London, Music, held Club held a «• supper on Saturday evening in the Woodham Orange Hall. An account of it is being held over until next week. and. Will, . McKay, Mr. McKay gave an interesting ac­ count of the library work for last year and said that he had some $225 in the treasury. The chairman said he thought that was an unusually large Sum to have to the credit of the board at the end of the year and as a lot of books are getting in bad condition, he -thought that the board should spend one hundred dollars or so in new books immediately, as this money was there for that pur­ pose. This was agreed to by the board and Mr. McKay, Mr. Follicle and Rev. Mr. Jones with the lib­ rarian were appointed a committee to select the new books. Mr. McKay had twelve new books at the meet­ ing which were sent to the Hensall Public Library as a (gift from the Hon. Howard Ferguson, Premier of the Province, and Minister of Educ­ ation. The books were a valuable collection of early pioneer life in Canada, and will be of great histor­ ical interest. Mr. structed to send the board to the Premier •Rev, Jones and Mr. meeting adjourned to the call of the [of the Library Reeve Higgins, chairman; Wip. Mc­ Kay, sec.-treas. Follicle ___ ___, ____ Ray McArthur add Miss McNaugh­ ton, librarian, UNITED CHURCH W. Mj. S. MEET The W. M. S. of the United church held their regular meeting in the basement of the church on Thurs­ day afternoon last* with the presid­ ent, Mrs, Chas.. McDonell, in the Chair. The meeting was opened by the singinig. of a hymn, followed by prayer repeated in unison, after Which Mrs. R. BlatchfoXd led in prayer. A number of questions in the Blue Book questionaire were taken up at the meeting by Mrs. J. W. Skinner and Mrs. G. ,M. Drysdale This was followed by the minutes, Coll call and collection otin ted to $6,70 and ah of 20 members. A very reading entitled "The Coining” was read by the president, sec y. Board McKay was in­ thanks of the •on motion of Follick. The meet again at The members this year are . ReV. Jones, George Fred Simmons, Alt. Clark, ELIMVILLE After Measles Take ANGIER’S EMULSION The chief danger of measles lies in the complications which follow. Quickly and efficiently the soothing and tonic effects of ANGIER’S EMULSION build up the general health and strength—thereby pre­ venting the development of bronchitis or other chest troubles which so frequently attack the system weakened by measles. In WHOOFING COUGH, too, ANGIER’S EMULSION relieves the spasms of coughing, loosens and assists in throwing off phlegm, quiets thestomach, enabling the patient to retain and digest food. And by increasing the child's strength and vitality, ANGIER'S assists in throwing off the disease without any dangerous after effects* ANGIER’S is pleasant to take. It lias' been endorsed by the Medi­ cal Profession of Great Britain and Canada—and lids bfeen tised in Children’^ Hospitals for over thirty-five years. A British Doctor rrrStti: ** I considot Angier’s ICmulsion h oht> of the finest tonlc3*«hdsUeiiigth‘buiMetaObtiiinabI<s.” (SZjrtetf)—. D. ANGIER'S EMULSION Mr. Silas Johns has returned af­ ter a pleasant visit with - relatives at Chiselhurst, Mr. Cecil Bannerman, Mrs. Rod­ gers and Miss Vera Bannerman, of St. Marys, visited at the home of their sister Mrs. Lloyd Johns last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pybus, of Chis­ elhurst, visited at Mr. Wes. Johns on Monday. A large number from this com­ munity attended the funeral of the late Mr. Ths. Clarke last Monday. The "Live Oak” Mission Circle’ are preparing a program to be given at Sunday School on Review Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Johns and Kenneth were in St. Marys on Monday visit­ ing Mr. and Mrs. S. Whaley. Mr. Whaley had the misfortune while in Thorndale last week to fall break­ ing his left arm near- the shoulder. The shock has been very hard on his nerves as he has nt been enjoy­ ing good health. His friends here will hope that1 he will soon recov- Miss Ella Robinson is quite ill and is confined to her bed. Her niany friends hope- for a rapid re­ covery. • c- Imperial Sedan * ^890.00 Cabriolet • 855:00 ■ ’'’Commercial Chassis 470.00 Roadster Delivery - 625.00 Ton Truck Chassis - ’ 655.00 $650.00 Roadster Touring - Coupe . • Coach ■ Sedan • All prices al'Factory, Oshaiva—Govtrnhieitl Taxes extra. Ready Sor Prompt Delivery «' * SALES AND SERVICE Which- an? attendance interesting Master is G. F. Penwarden Centralia CROMARTY” Rev. Mr. Elder left on Monday to ^attend of Rev. .torate Church Miss sjjaiit a „ ■hunt, Mfs. jas; Sfeott. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Scott very nicely entertained a few of their young friends on Friday evening of last week. Miss Agnes Hern, of Chiselhtirst, is at present visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKellar. Mr. Jas. Scott, dtovdr, has chan­ ged his day for Shipping, and Will how ship on Monday instead Of btt Friday, for St. Marys the induction into the pas- Presbyterian Mr.‘Ttobinson of the at St. Jessie „ __ _____ couple of weeks visiting her First Marys. - *.......... ..................... WHALEN Hodgett of Exeter, - There Was a splendid attendance at the meeting of the W. M. S. held at the home of Mrs, Geo. Squiite last Thursday afternoon.* The 1st Vice- President was in the chair and the meeting opened by snging the Dox- OlOgy and repeating the Lord’s pray­ er in unison,Mrs. Will Morley, Mrs. D. A» Johnson and Mrs. A, Gun­ ning led In prayer. Mrs, Geo, Ark- soy led in reading of the Scripture Losson: .John 4th chap, verses 6-17. A card of thanks was received by the Supply Secretary for the boxes of fruit sent to the Deacon’s Home in