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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-03-15, Page 4
THURSDAY, MARCH 15th, 192 ft THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE J* Mr, lUymontl Ttompson. son o£ >Iri aurt Mrs. John Thompson, of •^VUeattand, Sask., who have num- .jgroua relatives in this part, wag. inarri.,T. recently to Miss May Emer- .|'ek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. JEmeririi, of Cawduff, Sask Mr. Win. Whaler., a resident of Biddulph, who has been in the san itarium at Hamilton fox seven years suffering from tuberculosis, died on March Sth. Local News • j BS: emL%h Mr. Andrew Hamlton and. Mr. H. ' i sold medal for the Upper Tuylor left Friday last for Detroit, j valedictory Mr. L. B. Doyle attended the fu-j neral of hfs neice. Miss Marjorie’ Coughlin, of London, on Monday. | Mr. Wm. Pomfret has moved from I Huron St. into the residence of Mrs. i W. Russell on William St. | Mrs. K. J. Sims returned home last Friday night after spending a week in Windsor and Detroit. Mrs. Sims attended the funeral of her aunt, home ford. r ___| relatives and friends. DIED IN WINGHAM The death took place in Wingham on Friday. March 9th, of Effie Gid- ley, beloved wife of David Somers and daughter of the late S. H. Gdley and Mrs. Gidley, of Blyth, aged 44 years. The remains w^re interred in Blyth Cemetery on Mnday. j » who died in Windsor, at the of her son Dr. C. W. Astle- She also visited many other Miss Morlock spoke in very splendid terms of the school and the staff and delivered a very splendid ad dress. The presentation of the athletic awards won at a field dav held in Lucan were presented by’principal Wethey. There were five awards made in three classes, junior, inter mediates. seniors and Exeter won them all. Ewing to the condition of the * roads which were blocked to motor j traffic in places, a number of the ex-students and friends were unable to be present., • FOR SALE-—A choice gander. Ap ply at Times-Advocate. 3-15-ltp ! --------------- - .... ROGERS (Batteryless) RADIO THE famous Rogers Batteryless ‘’Two-Twenty” Model, shown above with the Junior Symphonj’ Speaker, is the standard In performance and quality among all ’’electric” radios. ' The former price of this model in combination with the Junior ^Symphony Speaker was $330. Now you can buy it for $275— a clear saving of $55. Or you can buy the set alone for $225— . | nd more than you would pay for any good battery-operated set. pcbu’ve probably wanted a Rogers Batteryless—most people du. [Take advantage of this new low price to get this complete •Rogers Outfit now—the best radio for the least money on the market today. Terms to suit your convenience. K W "«■*****«* 11 Mg'" "MW,. J. BEER, Exeter PASSED MUSICAL EXAMS, The following piano students were prepared by Mrs. Gambrill for the recent music examination held at Exeter by the London College of Mu sic, England. Primary Grade—Lloyd Hern*; V. Squires*. Elementary— Marguerite < Amy and Scott Thomson*. Inter-' mediate—Florence Mitchell*; Hazel? Earl*. Violet Stone, Pearl Baker*. I Advanced Senior—Luella Stanlake.{ Graduation A. L. C. M. Pearl Wood*.; These examinations include the! theory of music which is compul sory. Those marked with an aster isk gained 85 marks honors distinc tion.«=a JAS. ST. W. M. S.& The March meeting of the W.M.S. of James Street United Church wasj held at the home of Mrs. R. Skinner with a good attendance. Mrs. Thos. Harvey, 2nd vice-pres., was in the chair. After the devotional exercises, Mrs. S. Davis and Mrs. F. Down conducted the px’Ogram. Mrs. Wm. Frayne gave a well rendered solo. It was decided to hold a Cafeteria Tea on the evening of April 12 in the church. A musical program will be given. Mrs. Rev. G. Weir, Blyth, will be the speaker. Mrs. Mantle and Mrs. McTavish were appointed delegates to the Huron Presbyterial at Wingham in April with Mrs. W. Frayne as alternate. -fi H. S. COMMENCEMENT EXAMINE YOUR LABEL I The -label sheet of the Times-Ad- voeate has been corrected up to j March 10th. Please examine your I label to see lhat it is correct. The •month and the year to w’hieh the I paper is paid appears on the label. ; Thus if your label reads January i beginning of next year. Subscript hers in arrears should take this op portunity* of paying for the paper in advance as after May 1st the sub scription rate is being increased to §2.00. ZION Margaret, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern, was taken to Victoria hospital. London, Sunday afternoon for an operation for ear trouble. Mrs. Hern accom panied her and Mr. Hern was down on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor enter tained the young people of the com munity on Friday evening and all report a very’jolly time. Mr. Philip Hern, of Exeter, is iting his son Melville for a days. vis- few nn1 HROUGHOUT Canada the Bank of Montreal is daily loaning funds to re sponsible farmers to assist them in their business. This Bank is at all times prepared! to advance loans on terms consis tent with sound banking. Established 1817 Total Assets .in excess of >&3<jt0oo»ooo T» S. WOODS, Manager Exeter Branchi AUCTION SALE oil ***?• JUBM mWJFANO The undersigned has received in- struct Jons to flell by public auction,, at LOT 8, (JON. 4, STEPHEN, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21st, 102^- at one o’clock sharp the following; HORSES—Brood mare 12 year© old; driving horse 11 years old, CATTLE—Pure bred Ayrshire cow 7 years old with calf at foot; Hol stein cow with calf at foot; Durharm cow freshened since January; Her ford cow due March 23; Durhajm cow 7 years old; 2 Durham cows carrying second calf; black cow A years old; feeding two heifers* springing to calf; Ayrshire heifer calf, black heifer calf, 3 heifer cal ves. PIGS—1 brood sow bred sine® February 1st; 8 pigs 2^ months old.. also some 2 months okL- IMPLEMENTS—M/ H. Binder, ';2“5 set of double harrows, disc, I.H.C. stiff tooth cultivator with 2 set feet;. F. & W. spring tooth cultivator; Clover Leaf manure spreader; car for wooden track with slings com plete, gravel box, flat rack with 20> inch sides, hay rack, set double har ness, set single harness, seed drill,,, log Thinks for wagon, 21 Fleury- walking plow, Maple Leaf Cockshutt. turn plow; Chatham fanning milk ‘ with bagger; trailer for buggy, root pulper, good as new; ab'out fifty on ion crates, whiffletrees, chains, sho vels, etc., etc., DeLaval cream separ ator, good as new; Melotte creanri separator; Bain wagon; one horse scuffler, nearly new; tub & wringer stand, cradles, churn, cutter, buggy,, a quantity of hen fence and other articles. A quantity of mixed hay, a few bushels of barley seed also a few” bushels of oats. TERMS—Hay and §10.00 and under, cash, over that amount'12 months' credit on fur nishing approved joint notes with Gt per cent, added. JOS. WHITE, Proprietor HODGINS, Clerk 8011 AUCTION SALE FRANK TAYLOR Auctioneer This Preston FORAFORD Garage Size 8ft. 6 in. x 16ft. Other types and sizes to suit any need FIRE-PROOF, ready-cut, com pact, Preston Garages are perfect in. design and a source of real satisfaction. They resist thieves,.. last... are handsome in appearance ... low in cost. Write for free garage folder EastemjSted] hrnited) PRESTON, ONT. Toronto • Montreal Successor to Metal Shingle & Siding Co. Ltd. AUCTION SALE —- of — HORSES The undersigned aiictioneer will by public fiuctipn^zbn FRANK TAYLOR'S FARM Exeter, Ont. — on — FRIDAY, MARUH 16th Commencing at 1 p.m. the following 1 black team, 5 years old, weighing 1,700 pounds; 1 light grey team, 5 and 6 years old, weighing 1,600 pounds; 3 dark grey horses, 4 and 5 years old, weighing 1,500 pounds; 4 dark grey horses, 4 years, old weighing 1,400 pounds; 1 black mare, 5 years old, in foal, ■weighing 1,400 pounds; 1 matched team, bays 4 years old, weighing 1,400 pounds; 2 three-year-old bays; 2 three-year old greys. These horses are all broken, quiet and ready to go to work. ‘ ,, ,TERMS OF SALE—Five months’ credit-with 6% added. ELI LAWSON & F. TAYLOR Pro prietors; FFANK TAYLOR, Auc tioneer, FRANK TAYLOR Auctioneer — of--- FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has receive^ in structions to sell by public auction — at — LOT 6, CON. 22, STEPHEN TP. Known as the Mollard Line — on — WEDNESDAY* MARCH’ 28, 1928 Commencing at 1 p.m. the following HORSES—1 team black Percher- on mares, well matched; 1 black driving mare, work single or double. CATTLE—Durham cow due July 12th; Durham cow, freshened 1st of December; roan cow freshened 15th- of December; roan heifer due April, 12th; roan heifer due May 6 th; steer rising 2 years old; heifer ris ing 2 years old; 4 fall calves. ’ PIGS—10 pigs six weeks- old; brood* sow. _- IMPLEMENTS— M. H. . binder McCormick mower, M. H. disc drill, 13“plate; M. H. hay rake, 10 ft.; P. H. cultivator, M. H. disc, 14 disc; Cockshutt corn cultivator, single scuffler, land roller, set of diamond harrows, Cockshutt riding plow; P. H. walking plow; two-furrow plow, Imperial Cockshutt manure sprdhd- er. These implements are all in first class shape. 2 wagons," one nearly new;? set wagon springs, set bob sleighs, buggy, cutter, hay rack, stock rack, gravel box, wheelbar row foot power grinding stone, large sugar kettle, sap pan and buckets, Ankei* Holth cream separator, Daisy churn, fanning mill, 2000 lb scales, bag trpck, 2 set double harness, set single Harness, set collar and-hames, 30 good grain bags, crosscut saw, root pulper, corn sheller; about JO tons of good mixed hay; a quantity of red clover seed pair of wool horse blankets, forks, shovels, hoes, whif fletrees, logging chains and other articles too numerous to mention. Positively no reserve as proprietor has sold his farm. TERMS OF SALE—All sums of §10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 7 months’ credit will be giv- furnishing approved joint - off grain, cash;: A. F. TAYLOR, AuctioneerSTEPHEN COUNCIL «r The Council of the Township Stephen convened in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, Mareh 5, 1928 at 10 a.m. All members were pres ent. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. The Council organized themselves as a Court of Revison to hear ap peals against the Assessment of By law No. 361, of 1927 known as “The Improvement of the Aux Sable Drain.” Aftdr each member had taken his oath of office, four minor appeals were disposed of and the Court closed. The Council convened for general business at 1 p.m. A -petition was presented by Nich olas Sitter, asking that'a Municipal' Drain be constructed on lots 14 and 15, Aux Sable Con. and on motion of Mr. Goetz, seconded by Mr. Dear ing, the Reeve was ordered to sign the petition as well as any other pe titions which might be presented to the council to have other drains on this concession converted into Muni cipal Drains. Moved by Mr. Goetz, seconded by Mr. Mawhnney: That By-law No. 361 being a By law known as “The Improvement of the Aux Sable River Drain” and provisionally adopted on December 5, 1927 and which was printed in pamphlet form and served on all the interested parties and the Court of Revision being held disposing of all the appeals, having been read three times, be passed and signed by the • Reeve and Clerk and the Seal of the Corporation attached thereto. Car. The following orders were passed: 25? Municipal World, supplies $13.- 55.' The Council adjourned to meet again .in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, April 2, 1928 at 1 P..m. Henry Eilber, Clerk. ■i-i of The Exeter High School commence ment exercises were held in the Opera House on Friday evening last, the occasion being one of the big events of the year for the pupils. In the absence of the chairman of the Board of Education Mr. J. G, Stan- bury occupied the chair, Mr. Stan bury spoke of the splendid work ac complished by the school during 1927. The program which was in charge of Mr. W. R. Goulding consisted of vocal and instrumental music by the H. S. students and proved of a very high order. Several choruses were sung that were well received. The other selections were as follows: violin solo, Graftod Cochrane; piano duett, Misses Tieman and Medd; se lector by the orchestra; saxaphone solos by M. Howey and Reg. Beavers vocal solo, L. Birk; piano solo H. Creech. Diplomas were presented to the following graduates by Principal E. J. Wethey: Elva Anderson, Bland Campbell, Frederick Faist, Gordon Fowler, Newell Geiger, Thomas Hey wood, Wesley Heywood, Gilbert Jar- rott, Ella Morlock, Leslie Thomson, Grace Turnbull, Wilfred Turnbull. , The scholarships .were presented; by Mr. Stanbury, chairman of the Wickwire> Print Shop, account §25 Scholarship Committee. The H.S. .................... *■"’ entrance scholarship was presented to Joseph Creech by Mr. G. S. Ho ward, principal of the Public School. Form 1, general proficiency, Margar et Lillian Penhale, Anna Kathleen Wiseman, Ivan Laird Stewart; Form 2, general proficiency, Hazel Eleanor Hay, Mary Isobel Russell, Irene Bierling; Middle School, J. Alexan der Addison, Harry Joynt; Upper * en on _ notes with a discount of 6 % for cash on credit amounts. JOB OLIVER, Proprietor J. AV. HOLT, Clerk Fz TAYLOR, Auctioneer Frank .Taylor, the popular auctioneer, of town, is a busy man these days wielding the auctioneer’s hammer. Mr. Taylor has eight sales booked up so far this month, a num ber :of them appearing in the Times- Advocate. Frank, as he is familiarly known, has had splendid success in his chosen line during the 19 years he has been at the job. He is well- known throughout the community and by his ready wit and jovial man ner has made many friends.. CLEARING AUCTION SALE MSKznesssiisES TRY IT YOURSELF. at our risk and learn as thousands have, that Mrs. Sybilla Spain’s Ton- silitis, treats Sore throats, Quinsy, Croup, Cough, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Bronchial Asthma and Tonsil troub les Successfully. Howey’s Drug store, Exeter and A. W. E. Hemp hill’s store in Hensail. HYDRO ELECTRIC ' Wiring and installing, guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices.. Repairing stoves and motors a spec ialty. Estimates gladly furnished free. We have 1 used 550 It is wonderful how a little mustard in your bath will bring new life flooding through your system. When you feel jaded after the day’s work look in the pantry for the tin of Keen’s Mustard, A Mustard Bath Throw three table spoonfuls into the hot water, swirl'around, and then get in and soakl After five or ten minutes yoii ./will feel like a new being,. 1 used 550 also for sale: volt 3-face motor 25 cy cle, 10 h. p. volt 3-face motor 25 cy- cll 71 h. p. ERN. DAVIS Phone 324 1874 1928 The London Life POLICIES AS GOOD AS GOLD W. C. PEARCE Exeter. Phone 130W. Residence, Ann St., two -blocks west of Ford Garage AUCTION SALE — of--- FARM, FARM STOCK, IMPLE MENTS & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction, at LOT 9, CON. 17, STEPHEN TP. ^4 mile south of Shipka — on '— FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1928 Commencing at 1 p.m. the following HORSES—1 bay matched team rising 8 years old; 1 aged driver, quiet and reliable. IMPLEMENTS— McCormick bin der, 6 ft,; 1 Deering, mower, 5 ft.; spring-tooth cultivator, 3-section harrows, wagon, gravel box, disc, walking plow, riding plow, 1-horse scuffler, Clinton fanning mill, 2- H. P. International engine, top bdg- gy, cutter, light w&gon, light sleigh, pair of bob sleighs, pair of bunks, ropes and pulleys, chains, forks, shovels, neckyokes, whiffletrees, 50 .grain sacks. HENS—50 hens mostly pullets. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Kitchen stove, rhnge stove, heater, table, side board, cupboard, 2 dressers. 2 stands, 8 good chairs, 2 bed steads, 2 springs and mattreses, 3 rocking chairs, 3 lamps, 2 lanterns and other articles too numerous to mention. REAL ESTATE—50 acre farm, all cleared and all seeded down; well fenced and drained; house and barn on it with plenty of good water TERMS OF SALE—Farm, 10 per cent, to be paid on day of sale, bal ance in thrty days. All sums of §10.00. and under, cash; over that amount 12 months’ credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes with a' dis count of 4 pel* cent, off for cash on St. Patrick’s Auction Sale All - Ontario- HORSES — at — Central Hotel Yard, Exeter — on — Saturday, March 17th at 2 o’clock p.m./ ’'Consisting of three and four-year- old fillies and geldings and horses ranging from 5 to 8 years of age, weighing from 1300 to 1700. We have always sold without re serve and will do so this .time. TERMS—8 months’ credit on fur nishing approved joint,notes with 6 per cent, added. G. J. DOW, Proprietor F. TAYLOR & W. E. NAIRN Auctioneers — of — FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS ANO HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction, on LOT. 21, N. B., TOWNLINE. MCGILLIVRAY, half mile east of. MT. CARMEL, on FRIDAY, ..MARCH 23rd, 1928 at one o’clock p.m. HORSES—Clyde mare rising tP years old; 10-year-old Clyde marg in foal; grey Percheron mar'e vising; 7 years; gray Percheron mare ris ing 9 years; aged driver, good sin gle or double; Percheron mare colt rising 2 years; Clyde mare colt rising. 1 year. CATTLE—1 cow due in April; 3- cows due in May; 1 cow due in June- 1 cow due in Sept; 2 cows, freshened' and bred again; 1 cow due in Oct.; 2 cows due in. March and 1 cow due in May. Five 2-year-old steers; 9- • 2-year-old heifers; 10 one-year-old! steers; 4 one-year-old heifers; fall calves; 2 winter calves; 1 Short horn Durham registered bull, two* years old. . PIGS—1 sow with litter at footy 1 sow due March 25th; 5 chunks of pigs, weighing about 140 pounds. POULTRY—125 hens, mostly -alR white leghorns, 2 white ducks and. one white drake. IMPLEMENTS—An International! cream separator, 650 lb. capacityr nearly new; six-foot cut McCormick; binder in good repair; five-foot cut McCormick mower, nearly new; 1 twelve-tooth F. & W. Cultivator, 1 new Cockshutt disc, 14 plate with, two or three horse "whiffletrees;; neiv International bean corn or to bacco cultivator and suitable for a bean harvester; McCormjck 13-disc fertilizer drill; 10-foot McCormick steel sulky rake, lumber wagon, a goqd light wagon with hog rack, land roller, single horse scuffler, 2. walking plows, twin Flurey plow, set four-piece harrows, new harrow cart, set new sleighs and log bunks top buggy, cutter, good 16-foot hay rack and hog rack combined, 1-3 cord gravel box, manure box, 35 ft,, extension ladder, one man grind stone, London fanning mill with, new screens, root pulper, set 2000- lb.- Renfrew scales, bag truck, 301 grain bags, 50 good sacks. 2 sets of double harness with collars, 2, sets- single harness, one nearly new; set . , new chimes, 4 sling ropes, log chain,, iron kettle, 3 large water barrels,, forks, shovels, hoes, crosscut saw,, axes, 4 chicken codps, about 20 cedar posts, quantity of alsike and red clover chaff, quantity of alfalfa hay, timothy and red clover mixed,- straw stack, small roll of 8-wire~ . woven fence, 3 sets heavy doitble- . trees and whiffletrees, new set of 3-horse whiffletrees and three-horse* evener, 2 neckyokes, fence stretcher^' ! and clamps, quantity of plain coil spring wire, 200 bus. of mixed grain 50 bus, of seed barley and other ar— . tides too numerous to mention, i HOUSEHOLD 'effects—2 large-' and 2 small tables, 6 kitchen chairs labge dam chair, 6 picture frames^ galvanized flottr bin, cream can, churfis, half do^on milk pails, 3 amall lamps, hanging lamp, parlor 24 seaIers, large coal oil caiK 3 black Iron pots, small coal oi£ heater, coal or wood heater, kitchea tango, quantity of 6 and stove pipes, 2 good lanterns. TERMS—-$10 and undei’* ,Oyer that amount 7 months’ Will be given on furnishing ved joint nctes or a discount pet cent, per annum off for cash, grain—cash RAGIN, Proprietor.A. HOGGING, Clerk, FRANK tAYLOR, ART. WEBBER,. Auctioneers, « AUCTION SALE ot--- FARM, FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned will offer for sale — on — LOT 9, CON. 12, HIBBERT TP., on THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1928 Commencing at 1:30 o’clock the following chattels HORSES—1 team 5-year-old geld ings; 1 black gelding 6 years old; 1‘bay mare 9 years old; 2 gelding drivers; 1 heavy black mare; heavy bay gelding. CATTLE—1 Registered Durham Cow due in May; 1 Durham cow due in April; 1 registered Durham hei fer two ^ears old, fresh; 1 Durham heifer 2 ysr. old, fresh, can be regis tered; 1 Holstein heifer 2 years old due in April;" one Durham eow due in May; 2 Durham cows due in June. HOGS—2 sows due in March; 5 small pigs; 8 pigs 8 weeks old. IMPLEMENTS— Root pulper, 1 walking plow; binder, disc harrows, Diamond harrows, sulky plow, mow er, rake, cultivator, wagons, - hay rack, buggy, sleigh, double harness, hay fork. Quantity of hay and straw; hens ahd ducks. REAL ESTATE— Farm Con, res. best lent count of 4 per cent, off for cash •credit amounts. ** PETER McPHEE, Proprietor WM. SWITZER, Clerk ARTHUR ‘WEBER, Auctioneer __ Lot 9, 12, Hibbert containing 100 ac- Good house and one of the barns in the Township, Excel- lancL Possession by April 1st. 'TERMS OF SAW , Chattels—§25.00 and under, cash. Over that amount 6 months Credit oh approved joint notes. Dis count 6% per annum. Scllement must be made with Clerks in cash or notes before goods removed. REAL ESTATE—1'0% on day of sale and balance upon possession Within 30 days. 75% Of purchase money may remain on Mortgage at 5i%. If farm not sold will lease for term of years, FOR FURTHER particulars apply to ALEX PtTRDON & JOHN G. SCOTT Clerks;FRANK TAYLOR, Auction eer; E, W. COLQUHOUN & GLAD- MAN & STANBURY ' B. C. SHINGLES Edge Grain xxxxx . BEST MADE ,$3.60 per spool 46c. pet rd £ Barb Wire ............ 7 wire Frost Feb co 8 wire Frost Fence’ Close Stay 53c. wire Ring Lock Wire Rink Lock wire Hog Fence w,.^*,„...*..,...46c. U Bar Steel Poet ......4B& each 8 7 9 A. J. CLATWORTHY Phofib lit GRANTON .AUCTION SALE — Of - FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, SEER GRAIN, HAY, HOGS, POULTRY The undersigned has received, in- sructions to sell by public auction, , — at — LOT 22, ;S. B. STANLEY 2 J miles north of-Zurich, on THURSDAY, MARCH 29th, 1928 nt 1 o’clock the following Mostly-all new implements, good stock, watch for particulars next ’ week. OSCAR KLOPP, Auctioneer NORMAN GASCHO, Proprietor 7 inch. Cash, credits' appro- oE six. I