HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-03-08, Page 8Furniture »■ aWe are giving Great Values in Furniture of all kinds at all times. DEAL HERE AND GET SATISFACTION Keep April 10 th open for excep­ tional opportunity to hear one of America’s finest harpists. Full par­ ticulars later. “Eyes of Love” Exeter Opera House, March 30. Watch for par­ ticulars next week. 8 THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, MARCH Sth, 1028 R. N. ROWE FUNERAL DIRECTOR PHONE 20w and 20j ‘The Newest in Gents Furnishings. Easter is less than five weeks away and time soon flies. You will likely be wanting a new suit for spring. Our new spring goods are on our shelves and we have a very special assortment in all the latest shades and patterns. as $ SAMPLES GALORE H w TAMAN Exeter Markets Wheat $1.30. Oats 70c. Barley 80c. Manitoba Flour $4.40, Blended flour $3.90. Pastry Floui’ $3.40, Feed Flour $2.25 Bran $1.90 Shorts $1.95 Creamery Butter 43c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Butter 35—38c. extras 34c. seconds 28c, $8.75 locals Before buying your hat see our new spring stack. You’ll want to tell your friends how reasonable our prices are.—A. YELLAND n the CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHVRCB Rev, James Foote, B.A., Minlater 10 u.m.—’■Sunday School. 11 a.m.—‘<Thp Fearless mance of Service.” Period 7 p.m.—“The Soul.” The Awakening Minister of the SOUTHCOTT BROS. Phone 16 x The Minister JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavlsh, Pastor W, R. Goulding, A.T.C.M, Organist and Chpir-Leader ■ a.m.—“Paul giving thanks to the Father.’- sth in series on “Lord teach us how to pray. p.m,— Sunday School ' P-m.—“The Drama of Calvary” continued. Roman Rule and Jew­ ish Jurisdiction. The scene be­ fore Pilate and Herod. 3rd in series. Y. ‘P. L. Monday evening, eight o’clock. The pastor will speak on “Social Standards and Ideals." Prayer service Wednesday even­ ing 7:30. 11 3 7 == is W. PHONE 81w EXETER, ONT. Silver Bright Salmon 17 & 19c Ib We recommend it for the differ­ ence in prices B. C. Halibut ................... Dressed White Fish ....... L. O. Jumbo Herring ..... L. Superior Salt Herring Fresli. Frozen Fillets ....... Smoked Fillets, large ..... English Kippers Red Herrings ............... 25c. box Kipperines ...................... 20c. ib- Codfish, Acadia .............. 18c. lb Oysters, Fancy Selects.... $1.20 qt WHY BUY BEEF, WHEN FISH IS CHEAP ' 25c. 20c. 12c. 10c. 17c. 18c. lb lb ib Ib lb ib Them? HSH io staff and FISH to balcet just like a steaki' for chowder' and io vtLGnyjway you care io iiy/ BAT MORE FISH 7 20 c. pair HMMtk MISSION CIRCLE The happy WALL PAPERS ! 85c. Weldrest Silk Hosiery In all the newest shades for spring. This is a beautiful full fashioned hose that will give satisfaction. PER PAIR . . Large Comforter Bats .Opens out the full size of a com­ forted. Made from fine white cot­ ton. "This is a popular seller. EACH $2.00 Phone 16 Beautiful Range of New Dresses We have on display a Beautiful Range of New Dresses have just been opened. Georgettes, Crepes, Satins and the new Spider Web. If we haven’t your size we can take your measure and guarantee a perfect fit. Stamped Mats In a fine assortment of new pat­ terns in the best selling sizes. These have just arrived. MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. O. J. Moorhouse, Pastor 11 a.m.—‘God's part in Redemption’ Second of the Easter Series. p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—“There is a God” Prayer service Thursday evening- at 7:30. ’ 3 7 WALL PAPERS! Buy your Wall Papers early before the paper hangers get too busy. We have a Big Assortment of New Papers, suitable for any room in the home SEETHE NEW 30 inch MAXIMUR PAPERS Miss Edith Hogarth spent- week-end in London. ' Mrs. Fissette, of Brantford, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. Taman. Mr. Harold Taylor returned home last week after spending some -time in Detroit. ■ Mr. Wm. Pym, of Kirkton, visit­ ed for a few days with his brother, Mr. C. Pym, of Usborne. Mrs. G. J. Dow returned,.-Jjpme last Friday evening after visiting with relatives in Montreal. ’ Miss Constance Reddin, of Trow­ bridge, has taken a position as mil­ liner with Miss M. Armstrong./. ' Mr. S. Hardy, whose life has been in the balance for some time, still continues in a critical condition. •Rev. F. E. Clysdale, of Ridgetown, visited friends in Exeter on Wed­ nesday and Thursday of last week. Messrs. W. J. Beer and Earl Rus­ sell are in Toronto this week attend­ ing a convention of Frigidaire deal- ©rsMiss Cecelia Christie, of Stephen, visited for a few days with her uncle and aunt, Mr.'and Mrs. -C. J^jgfyof. Usborne. • / ' *Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wells"' and daughter Caroline, of Windsor, are visiting for a week with relatives in town. Miss Verna Brock of Winchelsea, spent the latter part of last week with hei’ cousin, Miss Ina Jaques, of town. Miss Grace Creech has resigned her .position at Heaman’s Hardware and has taken a position with Mr. H. T. Rowe. Mr. Chas. Prout, was in town on Thursday last taking ovei- the farm on the London Road south recent­ ly purchased, from Mr. Luker.’- We extend congratulations to Miss Pearl "Wood who was successful in gaining her honor mark standing in her A. L. C. M. music graduation. Mr. Wm. Bagshaw, of Birsay, Sask., has returned to Exeter after visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Northcott, of Alvinston. Messrs. Harold and Jo-Tin Kuntz, motored up from’Windsor for .the week-end and returned home by,,way of Grand Bend, the London .road being blocked by Sunday’s storm. Mr. J. L. Hembly, of Wiarton, is the new teller at the Canadian Bank of Commerce, taking the place of Mr. W; A. Patrick, who has been transferred to Crediton. Mrs. E. A. Ross, of Winnipeg, Man., in renewing her subscription to the Times-Advocate says that she has been having the paper for 46 years and would miss the weekly visitor very much. Messrs John Cole and John Ker- nick were in Blyth last week where the former purchased a fine Clydes-, dale horse. Mr. Cole has had some hard luck 'with his horses, having lost some valuable animals, but he will be in the business again this year. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Pym, of ^Usborne, was the scene of several social events during the past week. On Wednesday afternoon the members of the Hurondale Women’s Institute met a.t their home and the same evening about thirty guests were entertained to tea and spent a very sociable evening. On Thurs-, day evening Mr. and Mrs. Pym en­ tertained a number of relatives and on Friday evening a shower to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jeffrey was held. The regular monthly meeting of the Home and School culb was held Friday evening. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Graham took the chair, and in the course of the program gave a splendid paper on first aid. At the March meeting there will be a demonstration of public oratory and Watch for further’ John Prout O' TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. W. Jones, Rector 3rd Sunday in Lent -Morning prayer, sermon ■Evening prayer, sermon 11 7. p.m. AYednesday at 8p.m. Lantern ser­ vice and illustrated address “Beth­ any to Calvary, The Magnet of the Cross.’’ a. m. Number of young calves for sale. Apply to F. Lewis, Centralia; phone 40-24. ------3-8-3tc. ’SALE—400 Barred Rocks good laying strain at $1.25 FOR pullets, each; also after March 20th 140 .2- year-old hens and 20 roosters. Good reason- for. selling.— O. Pedersen, -Dashwood; * 3-S-ltc. PIGS FOR SALE—9 Stockers, also 8 shoats and 1 hog. Apply '"to J. Querin, Lot 9 Con. 12 Stephen. 3-8-tfc. I will offer another sale of mixed horses and colts in about two weeks. Watch for our date.—G. J. DOW. 3-8-ltp. FOR SALE—Two Y01’k hogs, just right 'type, also some sows coming in this month. Chas. Harvey, Exe­ ter.. * 3-8-tfp.„ WANTED—A man 34 years of age residing on a ■ farm north-east of Exeter would like to get in com­ munication with a young lady about thirty, with a view to matrimony. Apply Box M, Exeter. 3-S-2tp. The board of management of the Main St. Sunday School met Mon­ day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wildfong, of Hay. There was a fine attendance of teachers and officers and a splendid meeting was held. Refreshments were serv­ ed. Mr. Ira Moir had a successful auc­ tion sale of his farm stock and im­ plements on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Moir recently sold his farm on the Thames Road to Mr. Russel Hed­ den, of town, Mr. Moir getting Mr. Hedden’s property on Main St. The exchange is being made this week. UNDERWENT OPERATIONS - I 31 NEW PATTERNS IN Comforter Chintz 12 only n&w patterns and colorings in Comforter Chintz. This is 36 in. wide and make splendid coverings. PER YARD .............. . 25c. Boy’s Hobby Fair HERE IS YOUR CHANCE, BOYS! WE WANT TO SEE WHAT YOU CAN MAKE. YOU HAVE UNTIL SATURDAY, MARCH 31st WHICH GIVES YOU PLENTY OF TIME. WE HAVE DIVIDED THIS CONTEST INTO TWO CLASSES FOR BOYS 9 YEARS AND UNDER AND BOYS 13 YEARS AND UNDER AND WILL GIVE A BRAND NEW SUIT WITH SHORT OR LONG PANTS FREE TO THE BOYS WHOM THE JUDGES DECLARE HAVE MADE THE BEST ARTICLE. THE SUITS THAT WE GIVE AWAY ARE MADE BY THE S. M. SANDERS MFG. CO., OF EXE­ TER WHO ARE MAKING A FINE RANGE OF CLOTHING FOR BOYS. Southcott Phone 16 HOUSE TO RENT—Five room house, electric lights. Apply to Times-Advocate. 3-l-2tc. FOR SALE OR RENT—Fine brick residence, heated with hot air, elec­ tric lighted, good garden. Apply to R. E. Pickard. 10-2 7tfc FARM WANTED- state price; give description. 2G4, Kitchener, Ont. 60 to 150 acres Box 3-8-ltp. FOR SALE—Frame cottage, 6 rooms on Simcoe St.; also one acre of land, apple trees and small fruits. Apply at Times-Advocate. 3-l-3tc YOU CAN SAVE MONEY ON EVERYTHING YOU BUY AT T. H. Elliott’s Suits, Overcoats, Overalls, Smocks, Odd Pants, Underwear, Sweaters, Gloves, Mitts, Shoes, Rubbers, Shirts Collars, Mufflers, Ties, Hockey Shoes Hats, Caps or anything you want in Men’s wear. This is not a ten day sale, but I am going to continue this sale just as long as the public will help me to carry out my plan of selling on a small profit. And let me tell you everything I sell is first class quality and not old stock. | Many can help one and in this case I one can help many. —• Ernest C. Harvey GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER Representing Mutual Life of Canada FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, WINDSTORM, ETC. W R. GOULDING f 1 A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction In Plano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music tn Schools I Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 193 I EXETER. ONT. FOR SALE— A cement block house, at Grand Bend, bungalow style, hard and soft water, practi­ cally new; also a lot and'a half of land and a basement stable. Pos­ session first of May. Apply to Ed­ ward Gill, Grand Bend. 2-23-3tp.* SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make). SINGLE EDGE ............................ 3e DOUBLE EDGE ................... 4a Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, DRUGGIST Mrs. Archie Brintnell underwent an operation for an acute attack of appendicitis at the Exeter hospital Monday evening. She is getting along as well as can be expected. Mr. Isaac Sims, who has been ill for several weeks, with inflamma­ tion of the abdomen, underwent an operation in Dr. Fletcher’s hospital on Tuesday evening. Mr. Thos. Clarke, or James Street, is in a very critical condition suffer­ ing from pleurisy. He underwent operation Tuesday evening and his many friends will hope that life may be’spared. PIGS FOR SALE— 14 stackers, also 8 pigs 6 weeks old. Apply to Wm. Mason, Dashwood, Ontario 3-1-tfcHOUSE FOR SALE—A splendid brick residence on Main St. Exeter; all conveniences, three-piece bath, furnace, good .stable, garage. All kinds, of fruit, large garden, good well. Possession at once. Apply to Times-Advocate. 3-3-4tc. farm for sale or rent— North half of lot 22 and South half of south half lot 23 on the fourth concession of Stephen, containing 75 acres more or less, good pasture land. Apply to Mrs. Edith Snell, Exeter. 3-2-tfc R The March meeting of the Willing Workers’ Mission Circle of James St. church was held at the- home of Miss Amy Shapton, on Monday ev­ ening, with a fair attendance, the president, Miss Stella Southcott, pre­ siding. The meeting was opened by singing a hymn, followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. • In the ab­ sence of the secretary, Miss A. Hand­ ford read the minutes of the prev­ ious meeting, and called the roll, which was responded to by a Mis­ sionary verse of scripture. The meeting- was then favored with a chorus by the Misses Burke, Johns, Wood, Westcott, Harding and Weber The scripture lesson was taken by­ Miss Florence Norry and the- topic on the “Life of St. Patrick” was given by Miss M. Horton, which was very interesting. The treasurer re­ ported that at the St. -Valentne Tea a little over fifty dollars was cleared The meeting was closed by singing hymn 109 and all repeating the Miz­ pah benediction, after which cial time was spent during hour. FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE—Lot 11, Con. 4, Usborne Tp., containing 100 ac­ res more or less; 2 storey brick'resi­ dence, two bank barn with water­ works, litter carrier etc in barn; hen house 18x36, good hog pen, drive house, all cement floored; 2 good Wells. All cleared land, facing Co. road. Apply to Albert Penwarden, R. 3, Exeter. 3-l-2tp. 50 LBS. OF COMB HONEY anmerchant Never before in the history of the world has it been pos­ sible for a merchant in good 'credit to do so much business iwith so little capital locked UP in stock. I 'One important reason fo£ the present prosperity is, that in­ stead of having to buy a big itock at the beginning of ach season, he is now able o buy small stocks and M- plenish them promptly Dfc Long Distance. Keep your customers for toiles around coming to yott for whatever they need. Lol- yent ways of inducing them io visit your store, or to or- cler from you by Long Dis- .. tance and — they teu U8 » £—you will not be seriously pothered by competition. i Long distance is making | happy merchants in some towns. Don’t overlook its gteat possibilities. £ • ! I (? his season, he is now^ahle W. C. T. V. a so- lunch The W. C. T. U. held a Very thusidstic parlor meeting at en- _ .. --------„ _ the home of Mrs. John Pedlar on Mon­ day afternoon. The meeting was presided over by Miss Murray the President. Rev. J. W. Down, of Ex­ eter, gave an address which was very concise and referred to condi­ tions in this locality fifty years ago and then reviewed the various tem­ perance measures which have been passed by the governments up to the present. True, he stated, reverses had. come in our temperance situa­ tion, but reverses were not defeat. He urged we strive to regain and maintain the advances made. The clip sheet on Travellers’ Aid work Was led by Mrs. McTavish. A re­ citation was well rendered by Miss Margaret Martin entitled "A Real Victory”. A pleasing selection on the violin was given by Grafton Cochrane and a delightful solo by Mrs. T. Coates followed by a beauti­ ful piano solo given by Miss R, Wil­ fong. After the program lunch was served and a social half hour brought to. a close a very successful meeting. essay writing, announcement, has returned a’few days in HOBBY DISPLAY Boys interested in hobbies will be interested in the announcement by Southcott Bros, to donate two suits of clothes to the boys who make two articles that most appeal to the jud­ ges. The clothes are being made in Exeter by the S. M. Sanders. Mfg. Co. The contest is open to all boys throughout the surrounding com­ munity. Boys who are interested in hobbies and handy with tools will no doubt want to compete. The art­ icles will -be on exhibition the first week in April and no doubt it will attract the interest of the public. Mrs. home after spending London and Pt. Huron combining business with a visit with friends. Mrs. Prout recently received a letter from hdr son Ernest, who is visiting his uncle, Mr. James Prout at Fair­ hope, Alabama. He stated that they are having beautiful weather at pre-: sent, the orange trees just coming into bloom. The secretary of the Exeter Cham­ ber of Commerce has been in com­ munication with Mr Ian, M.P., and with Mr. J. C. Elliott, Minister of Public Works, in refer­ ence to a new postoffice for Exeter. The matter of sending a delegation . to Ottawa to interview the minister and although he Was not successful was taken up with Mr, McMillian > in. carrying off the honors neverthe- and learned that the present time,less he gave a splendid account of was inoppdrtune as the estimates himself and left a most favorable have been tabulated for this year, impression upon the audience. The It Was suggested that a deputation winner of the contest was Wm. Fox, be sent down in the fall. This in- ’ of De La Salle School, London, and formation was placed before the Abie Cohen, of the London Central ecutive of the Chamber of Commence! Collegiate was second. Mr. E. J. which met In the Bank of Gommerce | Wethey, principal of the Exeter H. chambers on Thursday evening of S., accompanied Mr. Howoy to Lon- last week. don. Thos. McMil- IN WOSSA FINALS Mr. Eugene HoWd^ XVaS in Londofl Friday evening taking, part in the finals of the Western Ontario Se­ condary Schools oratorical contest which was held don and which large audience. ___ “Canada, the Tourists’ in the Hotel Loh- was attended by a Eugetfe spoke oil Paradise*’ FARM FOR SALE—Lot 5, Con. 2, Tuckersmith. Tp., containing 100 acres more or less, estate of the lata John Caldwell, Good solid brick house with brick kitchen attached; good bank barn 42x70; never fail­ ing well a.t the house; 12 acres fall wheat, balance ready for crop; A 1 location, one mile from Hensall and school across-the road; farm is in high state of cultivation; possession April 1st Apply to the undersigned executors, John Caldwell, London Road, R. R. 3 , Exeter, or R. H. Sproat, Seaforth. 3-8-tfc. FOR SALE OR RENT—146 acres spldndid pasture farm for sale or rent, south boundary of Hay, west half lots 8 and 9. This farm is well situated 3' miles west of Exeter north, has river ruhning through it. It could be divided to make 2 good pasture farms. Apply to Moses Amy, Hay P. O. 3-8-tfc. READ WHAT THIS IS Your money back Of good results, by using Mrs. Sybllla GpahrS Tonsil!- tis, for Sord Throats, Cough, Bron­ chitis, ’Whooping-Cough, Catarrh, Head Colds and Tonsil Diseases, Howey’s Drugstore, Exeter and A. W< E. Hemphill’s Hensail. Miowom FLOORINq i PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR SPRING BABY CHICKS Quality Chicks our Motto W. F. ABBOTT Phone 134: Exeter, Out. Make Your House Saleable! The “For Sale” sign is likely to stay long on your house if it is with­ out hardwood floors. But re-floor it with hardwood, advance your price accordingly, and see how quickly you Will find a buyer 1 ■it Estimates^ladly furni­ shed on request f ROSS-TAYLOR CO., Ltd. Exeter, Oiit. i THE BEST THAT'S MADE IN EVERY GRADE r -FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT— 150 acres, lot 13, Con. 13, Stephen; 50 acres grass, south half of lot 16, con. 13; 50 acres grass, S. H. lot 4, con. 15. Apply to D. Lippert, Mel­ bourne, Ont. 2-16-tfm FOR SALE—50 acre farm, good land, well fenced and drained, bank barn, water inside; large hen house and driving shed; good house, all buildings in first Class shape; never failing well with Windmill, Con. 10 and 11, Usborne, half mile south of Farquhar. Edgar Fanson, R. R,. No. 1, Kirktoh. 2-16-4tp. FOR SALE OR RENT—Splendid brick residence, corner of Andrew add Waterloo streets with four ac­ res of land in connection; also a brick cottage corner of Main and Wellington streets; also 50 acre pasture farm in Hy. Towship. Ap­ ply to Thos; Laing, Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE—Storey and half brick house on Gldley Street with two lots, hard and soft wate., and Electric Lights, also some fruit trees. Cen­ tral location. Apply GLADMAN A STANBURY, Solicitors for Adminis­ trator, Estate Caroline G. Ford.