HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-03-01, Page 8locals 8 I 3 Butter 35—38c. extras 34c, seconds 28c. $8.75 Easter is less than seven weeks away and time soon flies. Yow will likely he wanting a new suit for spring. Our new spring goods are on our shelves and we have a very special assortment in all the latest shades and patterns. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Furniture We are giving Great Values in Furniture of all kinds at all times. DEAL HERE AND GET SATISFACTION FUNERAL DIRECTOR PHONE 20w and 20j “The Newest in Gents’ Furnishings Order that new Suit Suits as low as J SAMPLES GALORE » Everything in stock that a well dressed man needs. W. W. T A M A N] PHONE 81w EXETER, ONT. I h i Exeter Markets Wheat $1,25. Oats 70c. Barley 80c. * Manitoba Flour $4.40. Blended flour $3.90. Pastry Flour $3.40. ’ . 1 Feed Flour $2.25 Bran $1.90 Shorts $1.95 Creamery Butter 43 c. < Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Hogs * •-~O 1 B............ of Bothwell, writes:-“Mother and I have tried them all, but Harvey’s Flour for us’ Leave your order for Schneider’s Country Pork Sausage, fresh every Thursday night.—HARVEY’S GRO­ CERY. PAVUN PRESBYTERIAN OHVRCH Rev. Jamei Foot#, B.A.» MhdlteE 10 a.m.—-Sunday School, 11 a.m,-'—“The Good Roads System of Scripture.” The Minister 7 p.m.—-“The Giants of Huron” Monday at 8, pan. Young Peoples’ Guild, * The Minister JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—-The Man who Knocked at Midnight.—7 th in series “Lord teach pg how to pray.” p.m.-—Sunday School— Special Missionary program, p.m,—-'“Faces round the Fire"— 2nd in the series on the “Drama of .Calvary." A word picture of Peter’s denial. Monday, Mission Circle, no league Wednesday, Prayer service at 7:- 30. Teacher training at 8;30. 11 3 7 == m THUKSDAY, MARCH 1st, 102S J SOUTHCOTT BROS Phone 16 is your chance Boys ! We want to see what you can make Phone 16 J SPECIALS in GROCERIES ALYMER SOUPS In 8 different^ varieties 2 tins for................................... BEANS Lovely hand-picked beans Special at...............................4< lb 25c. We offer two prizes, one to boys 9 years and under and the other to boys 13 and under. This contest will be open till Saturday night, March 31st, and will be exhibited and judged on Monday, April 2nd. YOU MAKE YOUR OWN CHOICE WHAT TO MAKE, AN AERO­ PLANE, BIRD HOUSE, BOB SLEIGH, WAGON, ANYTHING YOU CAN MAKE AND THE TWO WINNERS GET A BRAND NEW SUIT WITH SHORT OR LONG PANTS JREE FOR EASTER. VALUED AT $10 00 ANE> $12.00. THESE SUITS ARE MADE IN EXETER BY S. M. SAN­ DERS MEG, CO, WHO ARE TO-DAY MAKING A VERY FINE RANGE OF BOYS’ CLOTHING. WE ARE FEATURING THIS POPULAR BOYS’ CLOTHING THIS SEASON. SEE THESE SUITS IN OUR WINDOW. Get busy Boys and see what you can make ■ ........ . ---------------- -------. -- *' u '*11... Mr. Jos, Grant, of London, spent Sunday under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. C. Keslte, of Sea­ forth, visited in town on Sunday, Mr, Harry West spent the week­ end visiting with Walter Spencer in Hensail. Mr. Fred Steele, of Clinton, visit­ ed for a day with Mr. and-Mrs. El­ more Harness. Harvesting of the ice above the dam has been in, full swing during the past week. Mr. Verne Roulston was up town Tuesday for the first time since his operation. Miss Mildred Harvey returned home on Saturday after visiting for two weeks in Toronto. . Messrs. Percy McFalls and Thos. Yellow left on Thursday of 'last week for Calgary, Alta. , Mrs. Mollard, who has been ill, is at present spending a few days with relatives at Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Russell en­ tertained about 125 of their friends and neighbors last Friday evening. Mrs. A. E: Buswell, of Lucknow, visited over the week-end With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Harvey. Mrs. Chas. Way, Miss Jean and Billie, of Ingersoll, are visiting with the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Rivers. "*Mr. Gus. Hennessy, of Stephen, has been seriously ill with pneu­ monia, but is now making splendid recovery. Mrs. Jos. McTavish, of Shake­ speare, visited for a few days last week with her parentis, Mr. and Mrs. J. w. Taylor. Mrs. Geo. Baynham, of Centralia, who is ill’ in Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital continues to improve and expects to return to her home soon. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. White and son left on Friday for Detroit where they will visit for a few days before' leav­ ing for their, .home in the west. Mr. Thos. Clarke, of James St., is confined to his home suffering from pleurisy. His daughter, Mrs. Wil­ son Hawkins, of Seaforth, visited him on Sunday. Mr. W. R. Goulding: was confined to his home for several days last, week but is again able to be aroud. Mrs. Geo. Williams presided at the organ in James St. United church on Sunday in his absence. Mr. Gerald Fitton, of Detroit, visited his parents for several days during the past week. Accompanied by his mother he motored to Toron­ to and spent a couple of days with the latter’s sister, Mrs. John Drew. An enjoyable family gathering was held at tlie home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kerslake on Saturday last. This was a postponed Xmas celebration some members of the family being- ill during the holiday season. Architect Murray, of London, met the Building committee of the James St. United church on Thurs­ day of last week and is furnishing plans for the renovation of the base­ ment and the installation of a new heating system. What will probably be the. biggest single re-union of an overseas unit ever held in Canada will take place March 24 at the Carlsrite hotel, To­ ronto, when members of the old 4th Brigade, C. F. A. will gather for the first time since the war. The Home and School Club will meet in Senior’s Hall on Friday ev­ ening at 8 o’clock, Mrs. Graham will give a talk on simple aids and reminders for home and school. All members are asked to bring a short, interesting, humorous, or instruc­ tive experience from their own school life or that of others. A union prayer service of the members of the Women’s Mission­ ary Societies of the church of town was held Friday afternoon last in Main St. church. Mrs. J. E. Moor­ house presided over the meeting and each of the churches was well represented, each society taking part in the program. The day of prayer is a world wide intercession for every Woman of the land. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Maas, of the 14th concession of Hay Township in the loss of their little 18 months old son. The little lad pulled the plug from a washing ma­ chine and the hot water, scalded his leg. While the scalding was not so serious the fright and the pain drove the little fellow into he passed away. What might have accident happened noon while ML Rod Ellis# of town, was’ drawing a load of hay from the farm Of ML Quinn, Of tTsbdrne. He had the misfortune to Upset his load causing the team to tun away and break the rack considerably, Mr, Ellis had several scratches about the head add face. Jas. Taylor, who was helping Mr. Ellis, caught the team, ■ i Farmers to Honor Memory of Empire’s Soldiers. Honor fo the memory of the Empire’s soldier dead will be offered by the members Of the Canadian Farmer’s Marketing todr which is now proceeding overseas tinder the auspices of the Canadian National Railways. A huge wreath, six feet in diameter* beautiful in design and beating the crests of each province, intertwined with characteristic foliage, has been made in Montreal and Will be deposited at the ceno­ taph in London this month during the party’s visit there, •The picture shows the wreath being inspected by W» D. Robb, vice- president of the Canadian National Railways in charge of colonization and agriculture, before the departure of the party from Montreal. convulsions and been a serious Tuesday after- MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. O. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Gospel” to last until 11 a-.m.—.“An adequate Beginning of a series Easter, 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7- p.m.—‘-‘The Value of Membership.” .................... w Church TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH February 26, 1928 SUNDAY, MARCH 4th, .1928 Second Sunday in Lent a.m.—-Holy Communion11 3 p.m.—Sunday School Wednesday' evening Lenten Ser­ vice at’8 p.m.' ‘ Illustrated address “Bethany vto Calvary”. Parochial Mission April 22nd to 29th inclusive Major Rev. Geo. Pugsley, of Strath- roy, Missioner. FISH - FISH A fresh supply of Halibut, B, C. Salmon, Dressed White Fish, L. O. Herrings, L. S. Salt Herrings, Fresh Frozen Fillets, Sniok6d Fillets, Red Herrings, Kipperines, Oysters, Cod­ fish, Etc. HARVEY’S GROCERY FOR SALE—Child’s iron bed and mattress. Apply at Times-Advo- cate. 2-23-2tp. 1 FOR SALE—Good building site, cor­ ner of Andrew and Victoria Sts. Ap­ ply to D. Mack or Gladman & Stan- pury.2-23-2tc. SALE— A cement block at Grand Bend, bungalow FOR house, style, hard and soft water, practi­ cally new; also a lot and a half of land and q basement stable. Pos­ session first of May. Apply to Ed­ ward Gill, Grand Bend. 2-23-3tp. BUSINESS FOR . SALE—Candy, fruit, tobacco, soft drinks, ice cream and all kinds vegetables. Business part of London. $3,000,. half cash. Opportunity'to buy'cash store. Syd­ ney Smythe, Market' Lane, London. FOR SALE—Frame cottage, 6 rooms on Simcoe St.; also one acre of land, apple trees and small fruits. Apply at Times-Advocate. 3-1-3 tc JUST IN THIS WEEK— Advance showing of new dresses. Call and see them.—Southcott Bros. The many friends %’of Mr. C. H. Sanders, who is ill at, Victoria Hos­ pital, London, will be glad to know that he is getting along nicely. Why not join the course in Food Values and Cookery being held in the opera house at 2:30 p.m. each day? Discussion ’ of the.,., different foods and their values and methods of 'cooking demonstrated. The course is open to anyone interested for the small fee of 50c, The February meeting of the W. Institute was held on Tuesday ev- ‘ j the' -ening in the Opera House where ’ class in cooking is being held. The meeting was a very interesting one although the attendance was- not as I large as usual. The roll call was ,answered by each'"'member telling of j an incident in pioneer life.- Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers gave a very inter­ esting paper on the history of the Eacretts a pioneer family. The da­ ta of pioneer life should be record­ ed while it can be obtained and col­ lections of pioneer life should be were displayed. Much interest is being shown in the course in Food Values and-Cook­ ery beiilg conducted by Miss Short­ reed, of Toronto, in the opera house each day at 2:30 pan. These . les­ sons are very beneficial to anyone interested in food and its prepara­ tion. The regular monthly meeting, of the W.C.T.U. was held oh February £7th in James St. fthurch with Miss Murray the president presiding. The Devotional exercises were conducted by Mrs. Amy, Evangelistic Superin­ tendent. A reading was given by Mrs. C. W. Christie entitled “The Price of Father.” The Clip Sheet led by the president was very in­ structive. Miss Murray was ap­ pointed delegate to the “Prohibition Union Convention** to be held in T,o/ •ronto on March 1st and 2nd, 1928.* I ' iiliilii Illi I ill! 11H Wu |Mm> . HYDRO ELECTRIC Wiring and installing, guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices. Repairing stoves and motors a spec­ ialty, Estimates ,gladly furnished free. We have__________ used 550 volt 3-faee motor 25 cy*1 1 used 550 also for sale: ole, 10 11, p. volt 3-face motor 25 ey- ell 7i h. p. ERN. DAVIS Phone 224 " ' ... SPECIAL OFFER—Delineator for 12 months for 85c Let us take your order for a year’s subscription to this splendid magai zine* This is a special offer for this month. 85c. for 1 yr. or 2 yrs. for $1.50 25c; Best Granulated Sugar d»/j A r t your supply. 100 lbs for «P Southcott Bros Phone = X FOR SALE OR RENT—Fine brick residence, heated with hot air, elec­ tric lighted, good garden. Apply to R. E. Pickard. . 10-27.tfc FOR SALE—Two good Durham cows due to calve in April, good stocker pigs. Apply, to .Ge’o. Link, phone 21-3 4, Dashwood. 3-1-ltc. FOR SALE—Two Durham cows to freshen March 15. Apply to Herman Powe, Con. 2, Stephen. 3-1-ltc. A tew PASTURE FARM FOR SALE—75 acres in lot 16, Con. 7, Hay, well fenced, never failing water in ditch. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. • FOR SALE—Colony house 8x10ft also a Buckeye'Brooder, 1000 capa­ city, coal burning. Apply Lloyd Hodgson, R. 2, Centralia. HOUSE FOR SALE—A splendid brick residence on Main St. Exeter; all conveniences, three-piece bath, furnace, good stable, garage. All kinds, of fruit, large garden,, good well. Possession at once. . Apply to Times-Advocate. • 3-3-4tc. HOUSE TO RENT—Five room house, electric lights. Apply to Times-Advocate. 3-l-2tc. ’ PIGS FOR SALE— 14 Stockers, also 8 pigs -6 weeks old. Apply to Win. Mason, Dashwood, Ontario 3-1-tfc FARM FOR SALE OR- RENT— North half of lot 22 and south-half of south half lot 23 on the fourth concession of Stephen, containing 75 acres more or less, good pasture land. Apply to Mrs. Edith Snell, Exeter. 3-.2-tfc FARM FOR SALE—Lot lli Con. 4,.iUsborne Tp., containing 100 ac­ res more or less; 2 storey brick resi­ dence, two bank barn with Water­ works, litter carrier etc in barn; hen wells. All cleared land, facing Co. house 18X36, good hog pen, drive house, all cement floored; 2 good road. Apply to Albert Penwarden, R. 3, Exeter, 3-l-2tp. The London Odd Fellows Imper­ ial First Degree Staff have been invited1 to visit Tillsonburg, Monday Marcli 19th» Harrison D. Tufford, Captain, 403 Richmond St. bo your hogs need minerals*? For a good mixture at $3.75 see JElarvey Bros, SAtdE!—-50 acre farm, goodFOR ____ land, well fenced and drained, bank barn, “water inside; large hen house and driving slied; good house, all buildings in first class shape; never failing well With windmill, Con. 10 and 11, thsborne, half mile south of Fafqnhar, Edgar Fahsoib R. It. No. 1, Kirkton. 2-16-4tn. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY ON EVERYTHING YOU BUY AT TH. Elliott’s Suits, Overcoats, Overalls, Smocks, Odd Pants, Underwear, Sweaters, Gloves, Mitts, Shoes, Rubbers, Shirts Collars, Mufflers, Ties, Hockey Shoes Hats, Caps or anything you want in Men’s wear. This is -not a .ten day sale, but I am going to continue this sale just as long as the public will help me to carry out my plan of selling on a small profit. And let me tell you everything Isell is first class quality and not old I Studio, Main*St stock. Many can help one and in this case one can help many. Ernest G. Harvey GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER Representing 4 Mutual Life of Canada FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT* SICKNESS, WINDSTORM, ETC. W R. GOULDING t A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction in Plano Vocal Organ Theory; Supervisor of Music m Schools . —- Box 57, Phone 102* EXETER. ONT. WANTED — Experienced married man wants work on farm. Situa­ tion as herdsman or working small farm alone preferred/ Willie Mul­ ler, Zurich, Ont. R. R. No. 2. FOR SALE—Second hand cloth­ ing suitable for making ever for children. Apply Times-Advocate 2-16-tfc. «n*iMrtn| 'SEA'MAitSWW HARDWOOD FLOORING Charity "• Begins at >,-• Home! ■. t. If your wife has blistered hands from sweeping ., ... an aching back from scrubbing . . 4 . you’re not giving her a square deal. Equip your home with the greatest of labor- saving devices/..;./ hardwood floors! a ROSS-TAYLOR CO** Ltd. Exeter* Ont. THE BEST THAT'S MADE , IN EVERY GRADE' 1 SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE .................. 3a DOUBLE EDGE .............. ........... Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. s. COLE, DRUGGIST FOR SALE 50 LBS. OF COMB HONEY PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR SPRING BABY CHICKS Quality Chicks our Motto W. F. ABBOTT Phone 124 ‘Exeter, Ont, « FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT—- 1'50‘acres, lpt' 13, Con. 13, Stephen; 5'0 acres grass, south half of lot 16. con. 1'3; 50 acres grass, S. H. lot 4, eon. 15-. Apply'to D.‘ Lippert,‘Mel­ bourne, Oiit. • ' • '2-16-tfc. FOR SALE OR RENT—100 acre pasture farm on Lot 11, Stephen and 150 acres Lot 11, south boundary oE Hay and west half of lot 3 on the Will also be sold. There is quits a lot . Apply 6th concession. in 50 acre lots. ____ of good timber on the land. Apply to John Ford, Sr., Hay P. o., Exeter North. 2-16-3tp FOR SALE OR RENT—Splendict brick residence, corner of Andrew and Waterloo streets with four ac­ res of land In Connection; also & brick cottage corner- of Main and. Wellington streets; also 50 acre* pasture farm in Hy. Towship. Ap­ ply to Thos. Laing, Exeter, Ont* FOR SALE—Storey and half brick house on Gidley Street with two lots, hard and soft wate., and Electric tights, also some fruit trees. Cen­ tral location. Apply GLADMAN 4b STANBURY, Solicitors for Adminis­ trator, Estate Caroline G. Ford. u