HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-03-01, Page 6Motor Cars
In. Far Countries
Both Her Children
Subject to
Farm Notes
Automobiles in the Fiji Islands?
Yes, more than 10ft are daily flae
there, we are told, and, the jungles of
Papua boast 135 motor-cars and
trucks, while Borneo, famous for its
head-hunters, is abreast of Papua in
the number of its motor-vehicles, ac-|
cording to a copyrighted article of
the Ullman Feature Service, based on.
the international registration figures.
The Society Islands boast a registra-j
tion of 365 cats, including 9 motor
buses; the Samoan group has a total
of 260, while Guam, an American
cable post in the Pacific, has 269 cars.
Even the Cook Islands, with an area ‘
of only 142 square miles, possess 75.
automobiles. |
The motor-car is gradually forcing
its way into the farthest corners of;
the earth, says William Ullman,!
writer of the article, though in a few
countries it is still advancing with
faltering steps. We read:
That part of the world which per
haps is the most untouched, fvom this
view-point, is Tibet, where a lone, soli
tary motor-cycle represents the sum
total of modern Ingenuity and science
as incorporated in the automotive
vehicle. This country, lying high in
the mountains of Central Asia, seldom
is visited by outsiders, and then gen
erally on foot or by means of animals.
Next in line are the Solomon Islands,
where there are but two automobiles
to be found. The Gilbert Islands also
have the distinction of having but two
automobiles registered.
Afghanistan, a country to the north-
wesr of India, has a total of 165 auto
mobiles, of which 85 are passenger-
c irt.. This country suffers from the
of mads, so common to many
Asiatic countries, although Pers'a,
i. - its neighbors, has a registra-
u*on of about 4,500 cars,
Mesopotamia, lying to. the
Persia, and now a British,
fioin the la-ague of Nations,
than 2.500 cars and trucks.
Colonial possessions and
pendencies show a wide
even in cases where, they 1
one State. in the case of
Morrovr--' has a total of some 10,0'10
cars, while French Somaliland has but
61 automobiles and French Guiana an
exact 100. Reunion Island, w'here
Abdel-Krim, leader of the uprising in
Morocco in 1925 and 1926, teas exiled,
has a registration which numbers 70S
The Tonga Islands,in the Pacific,
have a total registration of 125 auto
mobiles, while the Faroe Islands have
but 12, as have also the Seychelles Is
lands. Iceland has a total of 355 cars,
all passenger automobiles.
In the case of British dependencies,
some further interesting figures are
brought to light. British Somaliland
has a registration of 79 carsX; British
Guiana has 1,100 cars, while British
Southwest Africa has approximately
730 automobiles. Malta, the small is
land between Italy and Africa in the-
Mediterranean Sea, lias more than
1,200 cats registered.
China, the country with the largest
population in the world, has only 1S.-
900 antomclrles—and most of these,
E.ays Mr. Ullman, are owmed by the
foreign res‘deni.-.
Another lara?
before the war
Mr*. H. Farrell, Windsor, Ont.,
writes:--“I used to draad the coming
of wintor m both my children were
subject to eroup and bronchitic.
* ‘ My baby was co bad, with bronchitis
I had to keep her in a sitting position
all night long or she would havo
“Tho other child had bronchitis and
croup continually until I read about
Dr. Wood’s
bottle and at the
Nitrate of Soda as a Top Dressing
For Strawberries
i able * for fattening purposes than
mangels. The latter are better suit-
j ed for milk production. Results of
i tests at dift’ereat experimental sta-
I tions show that turnips have a high
Iraq, or
west of
has more
other de
belong to
J France,
He continues:
country, one which
ranked among the
world powers and which to-day stands
with the eyes nf the world fixed upon
it, also is vt-ry backward from the;
flandpoint of automotive transporta-1
tion. That country is Prussia. With!
a population greater than that of any
other European country, Russia has
but -Slightly more than 21,000 motor
cars, approximately one to every 6,000
The automobile is making headway
in the Near East. Bus service on re
gular schedule across the deserts of
the Arabian peninsula is nothing new,
and the tribal sheiks and rich mer
chants all are supplied with cars, or
are doing their utmost to secure them.
A total of 130 automobiles is register
ed in the sultanate of Bahrein and an
equal number is to be found in Trans-
jordania. Of the 130 cars in this lat
ter country,. 127 are reported to be of
American manufacture.
The Kingdom of the Hejaz, lying
along the Bed Sea, has but 9 automo
biles registered,, while Yemen, also on
the Arabian peninsula, has but 15.
Across the Red Sea, in the Anglo-
Egyptian Sudan, there are more than
800,‘cars- registered, and Eritrea, an
Italian possession also bordering on
An experiment conducted over the I value when fed to beef cattle, esped
last * . .. — —
Ims given
under .soil conditions in the district,
an application of 100 pounds of nitrate
of soda per acre materially
the yield of strawberries,
rate of soda was applied
after the strawberry plants
four years at the Kentville,
Scotia, Experimental Station
results indicating that,1
I ed growth in the snring,
O tMa! ? on I IA n l-Lnn "I A A •
*‘I started with & bottle and at the
first symptoms they showed, of their
old weakness I gave it to them and it
relieved them both, and neither of them
have been troubled since.”
Price 35c. a bottle, large family size
60c.; put up only by The T, Milburn
Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont I
The nit-i
had start-j
applications than 100 pounds per
acre were op the average not so pro
Some New Varieties of Apples
The Division of Horticulture of the
Dominion Experimental Farms. Branch,
has for manv years been carrying on
breeding work with different kinds ofl
j fruit apd each season sees some new
j varieties of special promise produced.
So far as apples are concerned it is
the cbject of the Division to origin
ate new varieties, the seasons of use
for which will cover the whole year,
and which will at the same time
possess all the characteristics neces
sary to ensure popularity. The latest
report of the Dominion Horticulturist,
distributed by the Publications
Branch, Department of Agriculture,
Ottawa, gives descriptions of some of
the most recently originated varieties.
Among the most promising of the new
apples is Coxstone, a Stone seedling
which bears no mffrked resemblance
to its parent, except in flavor. It
is yellow splashed with orange red,
the predominate color being orange
red, and is a nice dessert apple of at
tractive appearance. Its season is
probably from December to
Another new
cross between
with a seaso-n
March. It is
sweet apple, attractive in appearance
and resembles Forest considerable in
flavor and shape. /Fortosh, another
McIntosh and Forest cross is a
promising winter dessert apple of
good quality and flavor. An. inter-
the Red Sea, has a total of 101 auto
Of the independent countries in Af
rica, Abyssinia has a total of 100 cars,
further development being hampered
by reason of lack of roads. Liberia,
on the west coast of Africa, has 73
automobiles registered.
The famed Rock of Gibraltar,
known as the guardian to the en
trance of the Mediterranean Sea, has
an automobile registration of 577 cars,
while Hong Kong, also a British pos
session, has 1,579 automobiles regis
Some interesting registration figures
are brought to light by Mr. Ullman
when examining those. of South
America. The largest number he,
finds in Argentina, where there are ’
more than 222,000 cars, while, the
smallest number, 711, is in Paraguay.
Bolivia has more than 2,000 cars,1
Ecuador about 1,100, and the other
States range between 5,000 and 20,000, i
except Brazil, where 81,100 cars are1
in operation. We read further; I
New York City, with more than 555,-' esting new variety which mav be use-
000 motor-vehicles registered, exceeds < ful on the prairies, is- Redman, a
the figures of any country in the' cross between Prince and McIntosh,
world excepting England, France, and, it is large for a crab but below
......a“ “ J *. _ It is, how-
Wash- ever,a ibandsome, dark crimson apple,
ington and San Francisco, each with resembling a deep colored McIntosh,
more than 125,000 automobiles, vie
favorably with Spain and are within ,
a few thousand of the total registra
tion for the Kingdom of Italy.—Liter
ary Digest.
Its -season
apple is Forsweet, a
McIntosh and Forest,
from December 1 to
a good, late keeping,
Canada, as does also Chicago, with a' medium for an apple,
registration of about 368,000.
and seized his fair cus-
No Need to Worry.
The angry grocer ran swiftly round
the counter
tomer by the arm.
“Do you know, madam/ he blurted,
“that your dog has eaten, a pound of
my best fresh country butter! I saw
him do it a second ago!”
The customer relieved the grocer
of her arm and regarded him coldly.
“I did not know it,” she replied,
icily, “but if you are quite sure it was
your best butter, that it is quite fresh,
and that it really did come from the
country, 1 dont’ think there is much
reason to suppose it will do him any
Mrs. A. Juba, Angle Lake, Alta.,.
writes:—“For two years I was so
troubled with my kidneys I could not
do my housework.
“I could not sleep at night, and my
back got so bad I could not bend.
“A friend came to visit me one day
and I told her of my trouble, and she
advised me to take Doan’s Kidney
“After using three boxes I got com
plete relief from my trouble.
„ f£I advise everyone who is in
same position as I was to use
ally when no other succulent food,
such as silage, is available. When
tulped and mixed with cut or chaffed
straw7 or poor quality hay they very
much improve the palatahillfev and
quality of these coarse roughages--
The bulletin, which gives a great deal
■of information on the cultivation of
roots, may bo obtained from the Pub- j
lications Branch, Department, of Agri-!
culture, Ottawa. (Issued by the Direc-1
tor of Publicity, Dominion Depart- >
i ment of Agriculture, Ottawa.)
! I’m Lucky
; I'm lucky when I find a task
I To do with all my might,
(And nothing better can J ask
I From life, by day or night,
I Than that- my heart ami m»r>d bo set
i On what I do, not what I get.
j I'm lucky when I find a friend
| Who sticks through thick and thin,
Whose, friendship will not break
Whether I lose or win,
Whose loyalty knows no reverse,
But hold, for better or for worse.
I’m lucky when I learn that luck
Is seeking not my own,
That all expedients come unstruck
When Self is sought alone,
And that no gain can e'er transpire
From evil deed and low desire.
A. B.
Var’ed Resources Spell Diversity in Avenues of Business GrpwCi [M Herves Were Bad
(Hor-ee Power*)
VALUE OF l922i
- *'* ■’ »3
1922. - 1927
Mrs, A. Watts, Bond Head,
writes:—“I have been so greatly bene
fited by your Milburn ’a Heart and
Nervo Pills J feel I should write and
tell you how gratefid I am for your
splendid remedy..
“My heart has been weak for a
couple of years, and as a consequence
my nerves became very bai.
,fI was unable to do my work, could
not sleep at night, and seemed to ba
gradually getting worse.
"I tried several remedies, but re
ceived no
mo to try
benefit from them, and was.
very much alarmed by my
Ono day a friend advised
*fI was rather
doubtful about
them as I had
become discour
aged trying so
many things.
However, she per
suaded me to get
a box, and how
thankful I ran to
her advico. I havo taken
and am on my fifth, and
undeveloped resources and to speed up
the return to prosperity by the creation
of new industries, new production and
new trade.
Much has been said of the extent of
Canada's resources but it has probably
been their variety, as distinct from
their sheer extent, that has stood the
country in greatest stead. New develop
ment has been versatile and widely dif
fused, not confined to one or two lines.
And Canadian business has enjoyed a
great, cumulative stream of fresh
strength drawn from many different
sources—from growth in forest industry,
in water-power development, io mining,
and in tourist trade which is largely ”
attributable to the Dominion's scenic
and other recreational resources,
While the comparative figures, for
1922 and 1927, of mining output, in
stalled water-power, newsprint produc
tion and tourist revenue cover ouiy
four fields, they serve at least to sug
gest what a powerful and versatile im
petus Canadian business has derived in
the last few years from the extension«
of natural resources developtneaL
Seldom has Canada’s business out
look shown such a volte-face as has
occurred in the last few years. Six
years ago the Dominion struggled in
the depths of depression. Today pros
perity is at a high level, and the year
■ 1927 has been authoritatively labelled
as “ the most expansive year in business
enterprise that this country has ever
Many factors have had a hand in this
about-turn—the improvement of world
conditions; the series of good crop
years; the re-adjustment of prices; the
capacity shown by the Canadian people
in the face of adversity.
But, back of all these, the Dominion’s
business recovery has had the inestim
able benefit of one special advantage.
The Canadian* people have been in the
fortunate position of possessing a coun
try with great undeveloped resources.
They have not, in the same degree as
the people of older countries, been
compelled to wait and rely upon the
revival of old-established industry and
trade. ..They have been able to turn to
have taken
four boxes,
I feel that. I am very much better.”
Price 50c. a box at all -dealers, or
mailed direct on receipt of y-rice by The
T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
logical office of the aerodrome, from"
which he receives, hourly reports of
conditions at various places on the
routes, and the aircraft themselves.
He controls the taking off and
landing of machines by visual signals,
and be" is also in charge of the aero
drome obstruction lights and the bea
| In his -office is a map on which aero
planes in flight are represented by
arrows that are moved along as the i
‘ machines proceed.
i lie is thus able to give directions
to pilots end warn them if they are
flying iu close proxiroitv to each other
in, mist or cloud. Risk -of‘collision
is minimized considerably by this
theWonders of the Great Air
Which is Now Being
Recleaned Elevator Screenings for
Fattening Hogs
A series o-f tests have been made
at several of the Dominion Agricul
tural Experimental Stations to ascer
tain the value of recleaned elevator
screenings as a feed.,for hogs. These
recleaned screenings are described in
a new Dominion Department of
Agriculture pamphlet on Screenings
as a Feed for Livo Stock, as contain
ing about 50 to 70 per cent, of wild
buckwheat, 20 to 40 per cent, broken
or shrunken, wheat, some wild oats,
and not over 3 per cent, of small weed
One experiment conducted at the!
Central Farm at Ottawa showed that
finely ground recleaned screenings
had a high feeding value for hogs.
They were very much better than
screenings not recleaned. In tests
at the Bandon Farm the reeleaned
elevator screenings gave more rapid
gains In fattening hogs and a lower
feed consumption per pound of gain
than did barley. In experiments at
the Lennoxville Station, the reclean
ed screenings, when fed alone, com
pared favorably with mixed meal and
with barley rations. They gave
still better results, however, when
fed in mirtures. Tests at other ex
perimental stations have given simi
lar results.
In all the tests made at the vari
ous stations recleaned elevator screen
ings showed a high, feeding value,
comparing favorably with good -meal
mixtures and with such single feeds
as barley, corn and oats, nusually
high rates of gain were made with
the hogs fed screenings, these being
exceeded only by lots fed on good
meal mixtures. In all cases the
screenings were finely ground. The
pamphlet may be obtained from the
Publications Branch, Department of
Agriculture, Ottawa.
Turnips for Beef Cattle
When roots are fed to beef cattle
turnips should be used as, according
to a new Dominion Experimental
Farms bulletin on Growing and Feed
ing Field Roots-, they are more suit-
at Croydon,
Field Marshal Left Matter to
Discretion of Trustees
-London.—The late Field-Man hal
Earl I-Iaig’s war diaries and oth*r
papers may be published at the dis
cretion of his trustees, it was dis
closed in the will of the British Com
mander in France in the Great War,
which was made available at the
gister House at Edinburgh.
The baring of this provision of
will also disposes of reports that
diaries would be deposited in the Bri
tish Museum, whore they were to re
main sealed for a period of years, an-1
brings into sight the prospect that
the papers may be published at, an
. early date. The
! point:
j ‘I have written
connection with
War. I hereby authorize my trustees
to publish the same and any othai’
writings or papers I may leave at
such time or times, and on .such
terms and conditions as they in their
uncontrolled discretion may think fit;
and until such publication the diaries
and other papers shall remain in the
custody of my wife.”
The trustees are the Countess Ilaig,
Colonel-Commandant B. D. Fisher, of
the cavalry brigade at Tidworth, and
Major Rugod Dupree, commandant of
the Royal Military Academy'at Wool
Earl I-Iaig during liis lifetime pre
served a stern reticence while the
war events in which he was a leading
figure were being heatedly discussed,
so that it may be Inferred that his pri
vate diaries are of outstanding in
terest. The Field-Marshal in a codicil
in his will, which is mainly of a per
sonal character making provision for •
his wife and heir and other children,
expresses u wish to be buried at
Bemersyile, Scotland, where he was
England's premier air port, Croy- ]
don, has just entered upon a new ‘
phase of its career—the new hangars
and landing-ground having now been ;
taken into use. The extensive altera
tions are not yet finally completed,
but already the aerodrome has been
considerably improved, and its ap
pointments are said t<5' be the moSi’t-
up-to-date in the world.
The temporary structures which
were put up during the War are be
ing removed, and new buildings have
already been erected to take their
place, but in another part of the aero
drome. As a result, there is a
for machines of 1,450 yards in
direction and of 1,300 yards in
Among the new buildings are
J large hangars, -covering a floor space
■of 90,000 -square feet. Beside them
are workshops and offices with an
area of 36,000 square feet.
When the alterations are completed
He lay by the roadside, groaning
and writhing in pain. A policeman
hastened towards him and inquired
will frays on this
certain diaries in
the recent Great
oue ' what was the matter. He could get no
the definite answer. The man muttered
again and again:—
“I ate ofle too—I ate one too.”
The limb of the lav/ soon arrived
solution of the problem.
“Poison,” he said to himself.
Hastily procuring what he thought
would be a suitable antidote, he ad
ministered it to the man.
The result, however, was rather
• surprising. Like a shot the man sat
| up and asked why he was subjected
i io such treatment. On being told, he
became angry.
“What did I eat?” he yelled. “Why,
you fool, 1-812 is the number of the
car that knocked me down!”
Extremely well-fitting are the at-]
tractive bandeau and blomers pictured
here for Ladies and Misses. The ban
deau has attached shoulder straps and
is gathered at the centre-front and'
closed at centre-back. The .bloomers
have elastic inserted through hems at
the lower edges, and the top is gath
ered into shaped yokes. No. 1714 is
in sizes 16 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42
inches bust. Size 38 requires 2%
yards 36-inch material for the ban
deau and bloomers, or 1% yards 36-
inch material for the bloomers and
% yard 36-inch material for separate
•bandeau. Price 20c the pattern.
Our Fashion Book, illustrating the
newest and most practical style, -will
be of interest to every home dress
maker. Price of the book 10c the copy.
Write your name and address plain
ly, giving number and size of such
patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each number and
address your order to Pattern Dept.,
Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade
laide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by
return mail.-
there will be an hotel for passengers j
and their friends. A special en-'
closure from which the flying can be J
watched is likely to be a great at
traction, but some people, at least,
would probably rather dispense with
the new Customs and immigration
A post office, a buffet, and maps to
tell the state of the weather are fur
ther features. In the booking-hall
of the main building a notice-board
gives details of the arrival or depar
ture and place of destination of all
machines engaged in the services.
In the Control Tower
There are also .garages, police quar
ters, and a fully equipped first-aid and
dressing station.
The working of t'l:e new fifty-foot
control tower is a marvel of efficiency.
The officer in charge of it is in com
munication with the London offices of
the aircraft companies, the meteoro-
Not Likely.
An Irishman, who was also a sand
wich man, was walking along the
road eating his midday meal. It was
obvious, however, that, there was
boards were reversed, so that noth
ing but their backs was visible.
"Pat,” shouted a passer-by, “do you
know your boards are turned round
the wrong
man. “Do
as to work
doctor had
had sent a
"I sent, for
to christen
You Can’t Get a Whole Lot For Fifteen Cents These Days
Price 50c. a box at
all dealers, ox mailed
direct on receipt of
price by-The T. Mil
bum Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
v/ay ?"
and I do/ 'said the Irlsh-
you think I’m such a
in my lunch-hour?”
Bay cash—it’s to your credit.
An old woman who had called in
the doctor to give her treatment for
a cold was somewhat grumpy when
she found that her own
been unable to come and
young deputy.
After questioning and
the patient, the young doctor raid:
‘Ah, I know what’s the matter with
you. You are suffering from nasal
The old woman looked
at the doctor.
“Hoots, mon,” she said,
you to cure ma could, no’
ivay through harvard
X Bought A cotu
ANb i sgll thg
/THRee quarts at
IS" cgnts a quasi
/ chew,
mists ft MuTT
H£RG‘S Youft
QUAfet oF
LtsTewi t'vc-
<Sor a Humch-
Ygu MIV. WATGfc.
V Mulct
/SAY, You GXPecV Me
T8 Ml* powbaReb SUGAR,
cgfjts a Quart ?
Mrs, John R. McLeod, North River
-“I had large,
I __
Centre, N.S., writes:-- .. «««.
red pimples on iny face and I tried all
; maimer"bf things to clear up my com
plexion; but nothing seemed to d.O any
“My brother got me a bottle of
and it seemed to help mo so much I
got ’two more bottles, aud when I had
them used my face was perfectly
put up only by T» a Milburn Co.,
LimilecL Toronto, OnO-,