HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-03-01, Page 3-•J Sunday School Lesson * x. >- r March 4.—Lesson X,—Jesus and the Twelver-Mark 3: 13-15; 6: 7-13. Golden Text—Go ye Into ail the world, and preach the gospel to every creature,—Mark 16; 15, * ANALYSIS, J. JEEJUS’ APPOINTMENT OF THE TWELVE, 3; 13-15. JI. THE MISSION OF THE TWELVE TO ISRAEL, 61 7-13. Introduction—When the syna- {ogiie authorities turned against our ord and spread the blasphemous re­ port that he was not to be believed in, because he was In alliance with Satan, •our Lord's answer was to found a new Order, the order of the Twelve. In our present lesson, we read how Jesus first appointed them, and what task he soon ■committed to them. This was the task of assisting him in preaching the word, of the kingdom to Israel and in •casitng out demons and evil spirits- Jhsus felt that this work was too tgreat for his unaided strength, and he was anxious to train helpers. “Tho harvest,” he said, “is plenteous, but the laborers are few,” Matt. 9: 37, 38. I. JESUS' APPOINTMENT OF THE TWELVE, 3; 13-15. V. 13. The appointment took place one day when Jesus had gone up the hillside bordering qn the lake/ St. Luke says that ho had gone up tho hill to pray, and that the appointment took place after a whole night’spent in communion with God, Luke 6:1.2. This •shows how so’emnly our Lord regard-j ■ed the step which he was now about bo! make. From the hill he sent a sum-' mons to the men on whom he had de­ cided- The ^act that h? chose twelve •shows that be was thinking of send­ ing them to Israel. Israel in ancient •times had twelve tribes, and the twelvg disciples are meant to represent the beginning” of the new Israel of God. V. 14. the first purpose of their ap­ pointment is that they may be “with ’him,” that is, in orderly and regular attendance upon his person and his teaching. There is much that they must learn before they can become teachers themselves. So a school of ‘Christ begins. V, 15. The second intention of Jesus is. that after training them, he may ••send them out to preach the Word in The cities of Israel. They are to bear to Israel the tidings that God’s sal­ tation has come. In other words, they •are to teach men the Fatherhood of ’God as Jesus taught it, and to call 'them to the Father, that they may be­ come his sons. Along with this, they •are to cast out demons, as Jesus also •had done. « II.TI-1E MISSION OF THE TWELVE TO ISRAEL, 6: 7-13. V- 7. We now pass to the time ‘when, their training being complete, Jesus sends out the Twelve on their •first tentative mission. The despatch was carried out solemnly. Jesus ap­ pointed them to travel in pairs, and ' .'gives them authority not only .to preach, but to cast out evil spirits. . Vs. 8, 9. Perhaps the disciples were taken by surpri.se, They were in no ispecial state of readiness for a long journey. They had no supplies of 'bread on hand, no bag or “scrip” in •which to carry it when procured, no money with which to meet incidental •expenses. Jesus said that none of •these were necessary. All they needed was a staff; for the rest, God would provide. The disciples said that they 'had no shoes, but only sandals, and no •clothes except what they were wear­ ing. Jesus answered that these would •do. V. 10- Now follows a more import­ ant instruction. The • disciples were mot, apparently, to seek an audience in the synagogues or in public places, •but to go among the houses. Their mission was to be a house-to-house mission. Earnest people, who were “waiting for the kingdom of God,” would here and there invite them to their houses; and the opportunity thus .provided would give the disciples an ample basis and scope for their work. V. 11. If, on the other hand, they •wbre refused a welcome in any place, they were not to linger there, but to -pass on, for-the work was urgent, and the time was short. It should be clear to them, however, that those who did not receive them were putting them­ selves in the position of Gentiles or 'heathen. The Jews believed that the dust under the feet of Gentiles was -contaminated1. Therefore, when the disciples shake off the dust which is ■under their feet, it implies that the •unbelieving Israelites who refuse them a hearing and a welcome are no bet­ ter than the heathen. Vs. 12, 13. St-. Mark now tells of the results of the disciples’ efforts. The disciples preach repentance, cast out a number of demons, and practice ■faith-healing wherever they encounter •sick folks. . ........................................................... 4 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY CANADA 1,487,990,000 328,408,000*• 102,774,000 42,224,000 300,040,000 45,280,000 EXTRACTS FROM DIRECTORS' REPORT "A IVestminster Abbey Irony* Assurances in Force (net) An Increase of $231,500,000 New Assurances Paid For AnTncrease of $62,518,000 Total Income ------ An Increase of $23,801,000 Payments to Policyholders and Beneficiaries - - - - Total Payments Since Organi­ zation ............................. Reserve for Unforeseen Contingencies 1 2,500,000 Surplus over all Liabilities and Contingency Reserve - - An Increase of $1 1,269,000 ASSETS at December 31, 1927 ------ 401,305,000 An Increase of $56,054,000 Dividends to Policyholders increased for eighth successive year K • 4 V- ’ . - # Substantial advances have been made in all departments during the year. The total net income for the year exceeded one hundred million dollars . . . The strength and resources of the Company have been further enhanced . . , The high earning power of the1 Company’s investments has been again demonstrated. The net rate of interest earned on the mean invested assets, after fully providing for in­ vestment expenses, was 6.47 per cent. This gratifying result has been made possible by­ dividend increases, bonuses and stock privi­ leges accruing on many of the Company’s holdings. The wisdom of the investment policy which has been consistently followed in past years, in favouring long term bonds and the stocks of outstanding and very carefully selected cor­ porations, has been once, more; emphasized. The appraisal of our securities shows that the excess of market Values over cost increased during the year by $19,235,889.99. In addi­ tion, a net profit of $5,028,033.20 accrued from the redemption or sate ot securities which, had risen to high premiums. The quality of the investments listed in the assets is testified by the fact that on both bonds and preferred stocks not one dollar, due either as interest or dividend, is in arrear for even one day, while the dividends accruing to com­ mon stocks are greatly in excess of the divi­ dends payable on the same stocks at the time of purchase. The surplus earned during the year amounted to $38,511,029.67 from which the following appropriations have been made: $5,000,000 has been deducted from the market value of our securities as a further provision against possible future fluctua­ tions, increasing the amount so set aside to $10,000,000. $1,500,000 has been added to the account to provide for unforeseen contingencies, which now stands at $12,500,000. $1,000,000 has been written off the Com­ pany's Head Office building and other properties. $500,000 has been set aside to provide for the greater longevity of annuitants, liring- ing the total provision under this heading to $2,000,000. $50,000 has been set aside to provide for claims in respect of total disability as yet unreported. . . $11,090,056.61 has been paid or allotted as profits to policyholders during'the year. In addition, $6,205,573.00 has been con­ tingently allotted to deferred dividend poli­ cies issued prior to 1911, and to five year distribution policies, to provide for profits accrued but not yet payable. .,s ? After making these deductions and alloca­ tions, $11,269,330.89 has been added to the undivided surplus, bringing the total over all liabilities, contingency account and capital stock to $45,280,896.14. Your Directors are gratified to announce, for the eighth successive year, a -substantia! in­ crease 'n the scale of profits to be distributed to participating policyholders during the en­ suing year. » SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA o ---------------------- Will Rogers Gives Praise To Rockefeller and Hoover To Editor, The New York Times. j Beverley Hills, Cal.—Young John D.1 Issued such a straightforward state- ■ ment Saturday that It didn’t sound like a rich man at all. He is liable to shame some of these other big men into being for the country, and if he , does that will do more good than his gifts have, Hoover is formally In tho race now. He is the only candidate in either party by acclamation. The others are candidates by personal desires. It will be interesting to see what kind of a race a known qualified man can make. This election will decide whether qualifications are an asset or a liability. Yours, . WILL ROGERS. Mrs. Sayxnore—'Tm ^ug to get a divorce. George is tho xaeanest man in the world/’ Her Mother—“Why, ' what did he do?” “Ete’s been teach­ ing tho pafrot to take Mp side In an 1 grtfuttwiiit* , , A ~ . FLOWERS and VEGETABLES No. 3 Order new varieties of gladiolus and dahlias early. Stocks of these are soon exhausted. Never attempt to lay out a vege­ table garden without previously draw­ ing up a plan on paper. When the soil will crumble after being pressed between the hands, it is ready to dig. It it sticks in a ball, it is too wet and should be left for a day or two. Save5 broom sticks for stakes, and small boxes for indoor planting. Spread manure on the garden as soon as it can bo procured, Bo’ not bo in a hiirry to remove the OKMrt KJH —UWU but do not the young Early. winter cover from the perennial bed and- tender shrubbery, leave this there until growth Is smothered. . Plant Sweet Pea3 There Is another early job. Sweet peas should be planted just as soon as one can work up the ground. These will come along in first class shape no matter what the Weather following planting is like. It is best to dig a trench about a foot or so deep. Place a layer of rich soil or rotted leaves Or manure In the bottom, covering It with about six inches of fine loam. In this plant the sweet peas about three Inches deep, and an Inch apart, The rains will gradually fill in the trench, and the plants will develop a very deep root growth 0s a tOsult, which will protect them against summer droughts. Get the very best seed pos­ sible, *-and try some special shades. After,the peas have come up an Inch or s6t thin out to four inches apart,1 and supply brush work, strings or poultry netting at least thirty Inches high for the vines to climb on. Wire netting Is the leaBt desirable for this purpose, as it is liable to Injure the growing plants. Suitable Vegetable Varieties, The Central Experimental Farm Ottawa recommends the following list of vegetable varieties as suited for planting In this part of Canada: As­ paragus — Washington, satisfactory from the standpoint of disease resist­ ance and a good cropper. Beans— Pencil Pod Wax, Round Pod Kidney Wax, Strlngless Green Pod with Ken­ tucky Wonder Wax add Early Wohder Golden Pod as polo‘sorts. Boots— Flat Egyptian Early ana Detroit Bark Red later. Cabbage—Goidon Acre, aS a found-head pd first early, followed by Copenhagen Market^ Enkhutzen Glory as hiid-season, with short stem Banish Ballhead for winter storage. Cauliflower—Early Snowball and Ear- at ly Dwarf Erfurt, Carrots—Chantenay i and Danvers. Corn—Extra Early i Cory, Golden Bantam and for later use, Stowell’s Evergreen. Cucumbers —Perfection. Celery—Golden Plume. Lettuce—Grand Rapids, Iceberg, Musk­ melons—Hearts of Gold or Hoodo, Miller Cream or Osage, Bender Sur­ prise and Emerald Green. Onions— Yellow Globo Danvers, Prize Taker Yellow Globe, Red Globe. Peas— Thomas Laxton, Blue Bantam, Hun­ dredfold, Stratagem. Parsnip-Hol­ low Crown. Radish—Scarlet Turnip White Tip, French Breakfast. Spin­ ach—King of Denmark and New Zea­ land, which is a perpetual variety. I Squash—Golden and Green Hubbard or vegetable marrow may be used for early use. Tomatoes-—Avon Early as ‘ first early followed by Earliana, With John Baer and Bonny Best as tho main crop. Turnip—any table turnip. It Is well to remember that ths quali- ty.of the seed Is.even more important than variety. After all few but the l most suitable varieties of garden vegetables have survived and it high quality fresh seed is purchased the gardener’s Worries are over. Ope otAhe spiritual victories of th* day. is counted the burial ot the »»h** pt Thpmss Hardy In Westminster Ab- •hey. AtaMt is counted #n ‘irony" by the Westminster Gazette, which drawn a moral from the honor accorded Hardy and denied George Meredith, Thus wp read; “The Dean of Westminster’s prompt willingness to sanction the burial of Thomas Hardy Ju the Abbey is not without Its elements of irony,, though ft meets the mind of the nation, and • also makes a breach in the theological wall which has in the past made the test of orthodox Christian faith a whimsy of Deans. It restores the Idea that the Abbey is the proper shrtua for men of all sides of great achieve­ ment. In these latter days Hardy’s fame was so massive that a refusal on the part of the .pean would have raised a storm which would have re­ verberated through the land and play­ ed Its part in .the dissatisfaction with mere ecclesiasticlsm which was be­ hind the rejection of the Prayer Book. Some other Dean however, might have vetoed the public demand, and ft I« instructive to recall that George Mere­ dith, Hardy’s nearest fellow novelist and poet, was excluded from the Ab­ bey in 1909, when the desire to have him burled there was Indorsed by‘ths Prime Minister of the Day, Lord Ox­ ford. “There is something seriously lack­ ing in the administration of our Cathedrals Which leaves the Deans— who are usually chosen, as Disraeli said in one of his inspired flippancies, because of their dogma—the deciding voice in these matters. Meredith was just as entitled as Hardy to burial in the Abbey. He preached the same artistic theology that ‘In tragic life. Got wot, no villain need be, we are be­ trayed by what is false within.’ His nature poems, like Hardy’s, are per­ haps the chief part of his philosophic work, full of 'hard weather’ and de­ picting man as of the very essence of the soil to which his body returns. Meredith's women rank, too, with Hardy's, as among the most wonder­ ful portraits in English fiction and. iu. the true line of the heroines of Shake­ speare and. Scott. There may have been4 more enchantment, and a more tonic accent, in some of Meredith's writings. But both were great Fan- theslsts as well as great writers. They should have had the same national sepulcher. “Even now Hardy might not hav» been taken into the Abbey if he had died in the height of the controversy over ‘Tess’ and 'Jude the Obscure'; the moat discussed but not the most esteemed of his novels, these being ‘The Mayor of Casterbridge,’ ‘The Re­ turn of the Native,’ and ‘The Wood­ landers*—that glorious book In which you can hear the sap running In th* trees. Some who believe Hardy was entitled to this tribute, and agree that he should have been ottered it, may still think it more appropriate that he should have been burled in his native Wessex, as he expressed a wish to ba. But Hardy’s relatives should know best whether he would have been, will­ ing to accept the homage of a nation­ al burial. It is certainly not likely that he could have expressed such » wish in his will. It would not hava been like the man. We think that all these considerations should be put aside in view of the recognition mad* by the authorities, with the full in­ dorsement of public opinion, that Ou? men of letters count as much as our successful statesmen, soldiers and sailors. This is a hard doctrine to get into the consciousness of the averaga man. Yet there never was an age in which it was more necessary to chal­ lenge the material estimate of merit and reward. As Prof. Ernest Barker said, in his charming essay in our columns on Wednesday, ‘we rhe a little toward the stature of the dead when we pay a heartfelt tribute t» their memory.’ We regard the burial of Thomas Hardy In the Abbey as one of the spiritual victories of the day.” The Daily Chronicle (London) de­ murs mildly: “There are many who will feel some twinge of regret that Westminster has been chosen in preference to a place which seemed to them still fitter ta receive hia remains. That place la Stlnsford, in Dorset, near the grave® of hta parents and grandparents, In the parish Where he was born. Did he not himself write In his will: ‘I desire to be buried in Stlnsford Church’? But all will respect the de­ cision of his wife and executor, who are most likely to know what Hardy would have decided had a decision tested with him.” halt Scales of Injustice Manchester Guardian (Lib.): (A London bookseller has Set up scales- on hts counter and sells second-hand books at so much a pound). What Is wrong with our modern books is bulk. Our libraries are swollen with vast treatises which contain only the matter of a pamphlet It Is rarely re­ membered that all the essential texts of the Greek and Latin classics can bo accommodated on a couple of shelves. Thrown Into the scale, they would barely match the memories of half a dozen modern War lords, Who can spll words as freely as lives and do not realize that the best Way to mimic Catsar Is to cultivate the curt­ ness of ills prose stylo. No Time to Waste Yorkshire Evening' Post (Cons.): In 15 or 20 years Canada will look overseas In vain for surplus man­ power to develop 4 her resources. Economists freely predict a station­ ary of possibly receding future world, population. . . . For a few years yet European countries may remain part- t ly over-populated With adults, but Canada's chances to secure more peo­ ple ate dwindling steadily day by day,^ It requires no great prophetic fore­ sight to conclude that the time limit within which Canada may solve her( population problem, In terms of mil­ lions of now citizens, is coming to an end. 4 s ‘'Father, I want to get married.’* "'No, my boy, you are not Wise enough?” “When you get rid of ths Idea that yon*'1". e to (tot married.’* J «