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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-03-01, Page 2
11111 I Use Replaces Looks 3 I* its its- NURSES WANTED The Toronto Hospital for Incurables, in affiliation with Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, New York City, offers a three years' Course of Training to young women, having the required education, and desirous of becoming nurses. This Hospital has adopted the eight-hour system. The pupils receive uniforms of the School, a monthly allowance and traveling expenses to and from New York. For further information write the Superintendent. ORANGE \ PEKOE “Pekoe” comesfrom the Chinese word “Pak-ho”, meaning silver hair, which was applied to the tip leaves on the Chinese tea bush. Tip leaves are wiry in shape. In India they were more orange In colour, so were called “Orange Pekoe” (Pak-ho). % —- ri.* 5 i «• “A anything else, I took the five dollars that Weinberg offered and went out. * * •A * t The midwinter air had grown chil lier with the later hours. I shuddered as I stepped from the close atmos phere of the pawnshop upon the side walk, I had promised Mrs, Gannon her money within an hour, I could keep1 my promise and stiff have time, be fore paying her, in which t osatisfy my anguished stomach- I walked up Sixth Avenue toward a mean little restaurant where I could dine cheaply. I was as near to an animal as it is possible for man to be. My whole being was concentrated on the effort to conserve my energies so that I would not collapse before reaching the restaurant. So, when a man laid a hand on my shoulder, halting' my the g^ifleation of where I planned to satisfy my hun-i!>«’ As 1 have said I had ger, and a delay maddened me. bM0“e <«™al-l1ke. Reason had de- ant n-rtoA parted from me; I was governed by I recognized my gentleman of the'w belly, not by my mind So. like ~ - He stepped slightly anV am™aI balkcd of his f<X)d’ 1 non and the pawnbroker should know of my starvationbut it was worse that a man whom I had never seen, until twenty minutes ago, should ac cost me thus and venture impertinent solicitude. For no matter how kindly he may have meant it, I considered it an unwarranted intrusion into affairs strctly my own. Moreover, he had struck at more than my pride; he was ±rv < ger, and a delay maddened me. “Let go!” I cried, BEGIN HERE TO-DAY. John Ainsley^, a man of education and breeding, whose war wounds left him unfit for manual labor, returns hungry to his shabby boarding-hodse. His landlady confronts him with a ; demand for the week’s rent—.$1. ‘Be ing a gentleman born, Ainsiey is hu- - miiliated at being unable to pay her on the instant, lie asks her for an : hour of .grace. He decides to pawn an ivory niiniaturs of his. mother—the • last of his pc§s<?ssioffg—in order to . wipe away the debt and to.get food for himself. NOW GO ON W’ITH THE STORY. I saw miself. before I had oppor tunity to prove those undeveloped1 gifts, entering the French hospital service at the outbreak of the great wai‘- I saw myself later, transferring to the army, which later decorated me for valor. And then I saw the months that followed the war. Wounded in the last battle before the Armistice, I was discharged, as cured, six months later. Illness developed, and the last of my father's estate went to pay my hospital bills. I saw myself seeking work. I re member the sudden horror- that swept over me when I discovered that I was incompetent. I was a dilettante and the world refuses to pay the amateur. I knew no trade, no profession. The only thing that I could -do better than most people was the performance of certain tricks in slc-ignt-of-hand. That was because few people imaeticed par lor magic. I had in me a streak of stubbornness that I called pride, that forbade me to trade upon my father’s friendships. Like all youths who have been brought »p with the idea that there will al ways be’enough money available for their wants, I was conceited- I thought that success was an easy matter. I will not recount all the visions that passed before me as I looked at the miniature. Suffice it, that with times hard, I got no work. And when finally I had swallowed my pride and was willing to work as* a common manual laborer, illness and privation had sapped my strength. I had moved | from the best hotel in New York to' £3 shabby a rooming-horse as the city \ held. And now my landlady threaten- ‘ ed me with eviction. * A: * ♦ Well. I could at least assure myself another week of shelter. After that— I refused to contemplate what would follow after the proceeds of my trans action with the pawnbroker were gone. I had not eaten for forty-eight hours. Before that I had eaten scant ily, not more than once a day, for six months. As a sandwich man, as an errand man when I could get a job, as guardian of motor cars parked on the city streets, I had managed to pick up enough, added to'the results of fre quent trips to the pawnshop, to pay my small rental, and buy myself an occasional meal. But for the last two days I had earned nothing- And I was too proud to beg. • Today I was- starving.' I recognized that fact at last-. Star- vation! That, unless I yielded to the impulse of self-destruction, was my inevitable end. The battle was over, even though I might postpone sur render for a few hours longer. I, .horn and bred in luxury, educated in the best university in America, a con noisseur of the fine arts, would die in blackest poverty. And probably the only person to mourn would be little 'Peter Gannon, the landlady’s son, whom I had frequently amused with tricks of legerdemain. At least, though, I. would: die owing nothing. So I rose, putting the min iature in my pocket, and unsteadily fur collar at once, back, then smiled ingratiatingly. “Take it easy, son,” he said. “I want to talk to you.” I shook my head; the effort of speech, was too much; I moved again toward the restaurant door. He stop ped me once more. “Wait, son,” he commanded, “You .want to be careful; you might kill yourself overeating. Come along with me, and I’ll fix you up.” It was bad enough that Mrs. Gan- struck at him- Had I not known how weak priva tion had made me, I would have learn ed it then. For he avoided my blow with ease. Exhausted by my effort, I pitched forward and would have fallen to the ground had he not caught me. The next few minutes were blur red. I dimly saw him signal the driver of a closed motorcar. I felt myself being assisted into the machine; I made, no effort to resist. I think I SUN LIFE SETS NEW RECORD Canadian Company With World Wide Organization a Great Credit to This Country. Increase in New Business For Year Greatest on Continent. “Feel better?” he asked. He knew my condition. descended the stairs to the street. I walked uptown to Washington Square, then crossed to Sixth Avenue. The oily gentleman with hard black eyes, with whom I had had so many little transactions in the past, looked up as the bell on the door jangled. at my entrance. It was an unflourishing' establishment that he ran- I never, was compelled to meet curious eyes, i But this evening he was engaged. He leaned across the counter whisper ing to a client who also looked up at • my arrival. ’ He looked away again ' swiftly, but not before I had time to . gain an impression of shrewd eyes, a The extraordinary expansion of the Sun Life Assurance Company of Can-, ada during the last few years has caused its annual report to be awaited with unusual interest, not only by the policyholders of the Company, but by a large section of the general public. The annual report which the Presi dent has just submitted, and which ap pears in this issue, must have sur passed the expectations of the most sanguine. The total amount of as surances in force with the Company now approaches the billion and a half figure, $1,487,000,000, an increase for the year of over $231,500,000. The total net income for the year exceeded $100,000,000—five times what it was ten years ago and more than $23,000,- 000 in excess of the income for the previous year. Such statistics as are available for 1927 indicate that the aggregate new business of all the companies operat ing in North America last year barely exceeds the total new business of the previous year,. -The increase in the new business of the Sun Life of Can ada, on the other.hand, was twenty- three per cent. Assurances in force on the books of the Company have doubled in four years—new business has trebled in that period. This wonderful expansion has been paralleled by a great increase in the The strength and solidity of our large insurance companys, banks, etc., is a source of great pride to all Canadians, and it is in the best interests of the country that these institutions remain Canadian in ownership and not pass to foreign control, as have-many of our large business enterprises. must have fallen into a stupor, for j the next thing that I remembered I found myself sitting in ja huge arm chair, Some one was holding a spoon tp my lips, and I was drinking greed ily of a hot soup. A few spoonfuls must have revived me. I sat up, pushed the spoon away and reached for the bowl from which the fur-collared gentleman—he had doffed his overcoat now—was feeding me. He did net resist, and I lifted the bowl to my mouth. It revived- me, yet merely sharpened my craving for solid food. My benefactor—at the moment I considered him such-—smiled. There was neither mirth nor kindliness pos sible tq those thin lips, but there was a certain bleak friendliness' “Feel better?” he asked. He knew my condition and I did not pretend to hide it. “I want more,” I said. He smiled again. “Wait a minute; let the soup get settled, then we’ll see what you can do to a chop,” I tried to return his smile. “I’ll do more things to it than you can guess,” I told him. He glanced over his shoulder at the opened door leading to the next room. He called a question, and a man servant, correctly dressed, appeared. He announced that dinner was served. My host looked at me. “Can you ’ make it?’ ’he asked. “Watch me,” I replied- I rose unsteadily and walked with ■ him into the dining-room. The soup had helped me mentally as well .as ■ physically. My mind1 felt clarified; I. was ablq, to exercise a self-control that had been lacking in me. I did not need his-Avaming that I must eat sparingly. . But after his warning he tried to put me at my ease. I was surprised that the owner of such a face could possess so much tact. And as I ate, I tried to take stock of my host and his sur roundings. (To be continued.) The Lance as a War Weapon Now Meets Its Second Doom Minard’s Liniment relieves pein. ----------------- ----- Admirals Entertain Crew at British Reunion Tea rat-trap mouth, a diamond shirt-stud, a rich fur collar and a general atmos phere of money. I wondered vaguely why one so apparently prosperous should be dickering with a pawn broker. As I waited for my friend Wein berg to finish with the other man and! attend to me, I somehow seemed to sense that, whatever had been the subject of their conversation before my entrance, their talk now concerned me. The fur-collared, gentleman glanc ed over his shoulder at me, not once but two or three times, and seemed to be putting questions to the pawn broker. Then Weinberg’s visitor, turning his collar up so that his flashy shirt stud was hidden, nodded abruptly to the proprietor end walked out of the shop. His hard eyes searched my face as he passed. However, he did not pause, and I promptly forgot ’him under stress of my negotiations with Weinberg. I had done too much business with the pawnbroker for him to believe that -there was any remote chance of my redeeming the goods which I pledg ed with him. I had every reason to believe that he took advantage of my poverty'; yet I was too proud to open negotiations elsewhere- I did not haggle. I Rsked for ten dollars; the ivory alone was worth more than that, I believed; the silver frame in which the portrait was set must also have been worth at least ten dollars. Intrinsically, the thing, as a work of art, was worth hundreds. Sentimentally, it -Was priceless. But the need of Mrs. Gannon was beyond MR. T. B. MACAULAY President Sun Life of Canada already proverbial strength and re sources of the Company 4 The assets have been increased by over $56,000,- 000, and now reach the impressive total of over $400,000,000. The Com pany’s assets approximate the amount of the total assurances in force only eight years ago. The wisdom of the Company’s in vestment policy is reflected in the fact that it^has no arrears in interest or dividend on’eithex- its bonds or pre ferred stocks, while the dividends ac cruing in its common stocks are great ly in excess of those payable on those stocks at the time of their purchase. The care and foresight exercised^ in this branch of the business is indi cated by an appraisal of company securities, the market value of which has increased by over $19,000,000 dur ing this year. The surplus earned during the year amounted to ovc-r $38,500,000. The deducted. $5,000,000 from the market value of its securities as a further pro vision against possible future fluctua tions, the total amount set aside for this purpose now standing at $10,000,- 000. The account to provide for un foreseen contingencies has been in creased by $1,500,000 and now amounts to $12,500,000. The sum of $1,000,000 has been written off the Company’s properties; an additional $500,000 has been set aside In antici pation of the greater longevity of an nuities—the total provision under this head now $2,000,000. Another $50,000 Las' been set aside to provide for claims with respect to total dis ability cases as yet unreported. $11,- 000,000 has been paid or alloted as profits to policyholders during the year, and over $6,000,000 has been contingently allotted to deferred , dividend policies issued prior to 1911 and to five-year distribution policies to provide for profits accrued but not yet payable. After making these liberal deduc tion and allocations, over $11,000,000 has been added to th a undivided sur plus, which now stands at more than $45,600,000. There is good news again for the participating, policyholders of the Company in the announcement that the scale of dividends to be paid, to, policyholders during the year com mencing April 1st next will be again increased—this for the eighth succes sive year. The interest rate on divid ends left with the Company will be maintained at 5% per cent, per an num during the new dividend year. There were paid to policyholders and beneficiaries, in respect to death claims, matured endowments, etc., • during the year over $42,000,000. The Company has paid out since its organi zation, under this head, over $300,000,- 000. . * ■ It is indicative of the efficiency and morale of the world-wide organization of the Sun Life that the increases in its income are from every department of its business and from every terri torial division, namely, Canada; United States; South America and. West Indies; Great Britain, South Africa and ;the Near East; China, Japan, India and the Far East. Such a showing is not alone a tribute to President Macaulay ,but a - striking proof of the high quality of tbe per sonnel of his organization. The Head Office building in Mont real is to be increased to mammoth proportions, the first unit of the new building being now under construc tion. This bulldipg is designed,‘When completed, to. accommodate 10,000 em ployees. Almost equally interesting is the action of the Company this year in purchasing one of the most central sites in London, just off Tra falgar Square and adjoining Canada House. Hero is being erected what vil be undoubtedly one of the finest offico buildings in the world's metro- FOR SHOW ONLY The lapce is doomed. England, stronghold during the centuries of prime, before its importance in battle was ever questioned and again during the years of its revived popularffyr now uses it only for tradition’s sake in ceremonies and parades. Thus passes from the practice field a weapon almost as ancient as fight* era themselves. When the crack of gunpowdei* was first heard on the.' field of battle its prestige was blasted. Before the arquebus it rapidly de clined in importance, and by the end of tho sixteenth century it had been almost entirely laid aside in Europe. There remained for it only a few prominent partisans. At the battle of Ivry, in 1590, 'Egmont's Flemish spears,” as Macaulay named, them,, fought for the Catholic League under the Duko of Mavenna, and it was said that Henry IV. feared those thousand more than double the number of any of the league cavalry. Home of the | Scotch cavalry in Cromwell's army- boro lances, too, at tho battle of Mar ston Moor, and the Spaniards also- showed themselves loath to give them up, After the beginning of the seven- .teenth century, however, the jance | was little seen vr heard cf ’in Westtru i Europe until Nayoleon brought It | back. The Turke, however, kept it 11 [use in Eastern Europa. They them*- selves had abandoned it, but their enemies found it the most effociive- weapon against the scimitars in tho ! hands of their swift and skillful horse- imen; and so the Foies, the Croats and ! the Cossacks refused to give it up. | Marshal Saxe, experienced In wujytng | with the Turk, attempted to revive Mussolini has agreed to write the . the lance in France by putting it imo> story of his life, and it will probably . the hands of one tegimeni of o be called "Me.” | goons,, but after his death it du-; p- i peared again. Frederick ihc C/ont Uncle Sam has earned the credit of Jiired a regiment of Wallachian lan- iiitrodueing two kinds of diplomacy; jCers, but lie took avic ili.n Icnro;. shirt-sleeve and airplane. , aud aimed Lwm p.a iiU’*ar.i ii st- r.';.. When Toland was divided, however, her troops, absorbed into the armies, of her mar tors, were allowed their national urn&s aid wespt so Vhlanr, the Fotirh v.-ord cere, appeared in the cm .thy r.ia, Prussia and Austria. Napoleon's Polish Lancers MARE BETTER HOME MADE BREAD STANDARD OF QUALITY5 FOR OVER 50 YEARS “Your uncle seems rather hard of | hearing?” ‘Hard of hearing! Why, I once he conducted family prayers kneeling on the eat!’’ The man who blew hot to warm his handstand cold to cool his soup had nothing on the candidate who is per sonally dry and politically wet.—Bos ton Herald. Those who say that Prohibition is a failure have never tried it, says Pussyfoot Johnson. The same can be said of capital punishment.—The New York Periscope. Minard's Liniment for asthma. /-A. AH Who Served on Frigate Raleigh in 1885-’87 In- I vited to Party j Portsmouth, England—The battle- j ship Nelson was the scene‘of a tea' party which has written-a new chap-1 ter to British naval social history, j English newspapers say it is the first time two admirals invited the crew of ordinary rank to such a func tion. i The hosts were Vice-Admiral Sir Hubert Brand, commander in chief of the Atlantic Fleet, and Admiral Sir Osmond de Brock, commander in i chief of the Portsmouth command. ; The guests- were both men and offi cers, without distinction of rank, who served in the steam, frigate Raleigh i during the' commission from 1885 to 1887. Both Sir Hubert and Osmond were midshipmen of watch together in the Raleigh. Sir the 'Hundreds of Queens Workers Ral ly to Connolly’s Support.”—Headline. Possibly to the tune of "Fifty ihous- and henchmen can’t be wrong.” MiningStocks Now They are now at low levels, and there are several which show splendid profit possibilities. Write, wire, oi? phone us for Information without obligation. LYLE, BELL & CO. Mining Brokers 104 Mail Bldg., Toronto. gBPrr ’ Use SIMONDS S SAWS ? Machine Knives® k SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO. LTD. nJ MONTREAL E& VANCOUVER, ST. JOHN, N,D.. PM Km. tohonto B t I Corrugated Iron ASK FOR Wheeler & Bam “CguhcsI Standard' ’ A thick, even, heavy spread of galvanize over every inch of sur face. Deep corrugations.! Write us, stating size of barn you want Io cover. WE PAY FREIGHT WHEELER & SAIN, LIMITED Dept. W, 108 George St, ^Toronto 2 2i o. v * 1 (t> I ro o C)u A. P. H. Acadian Pride Homespun i Reeistered) The strongest and wearing Pants made in ada. Heavy weight, mixture. by the Woollen Mills, : best Can dark • grey ------------ Manufactured by the St. Croix Woollen Mills, from first weave Canadian Wool. Kepi ' . " .. iers in the Dominion. If you cannot procure them from your Dealer, enclose $6.0(1, with waist a.nd leg measurements, for a sample pair. Postage paid. CLAYTON & SONS TlaPiax, IC.S. by the leading Cloth oraBwii EwKjgaai V And there are 40 doses in avet©. 75-cent bottle I Pleasant to take yak and instant in action in every kind MK of Cold. Relieves Bronchitis, Croup nnd Whooping Cough. Prevents Vl "Flu" and Pneumonia. Eases irri- * fated throats. Buy "Buckley’s”. Sold by all 'druggists and guaranteed. W. K. Buckley, Limited. 142 Mutual St., Toronto 2 .RUCKLEY& j J6# MIXTURE CsP Acts like a flask—' /iff a single sip proves it St7 of I he Guard, formed aft'; r he cmiftituted ihe Grand Duchy cf AVancw, became so- famous that later lie formed six mere lancer regiments, uniforming them in green and crimson v.'lth leather h ;1- mots crowned with, comb and crest of fur. In Spain and against the Rus sian Cossacks they greatly increased thp reputation of the weapon thejr . bore. Polish lancers acted as Ka- I poleon’s bodyguard at Elba and re turned with him, carrying their sad dles until they could find horses. They did such damage during the Penins?.- : lar campaign and at Waterloo that after the victory the British also re~ : Introduced lancers into their army. I The lance continued in I favor through the nineteenth cqnt.ury, ’ especially for the Anglo-Indian army., j Opinion was set against it at Sadowrt, ;and Sedan by the breech-loader, and I the French and Austrian, armies gave- i it up soon afterward. Russia follow- ’ ed their lead, leaving lances only to 'the Cossacks and. the Imperial Guard. ’It was found that a regiment had need of carbines as well as lances, but the. combination left them overarmed. Tho British plan of using lances as a front rank weapon, with carbines for the men in tho rear, won the favor of Em peror William II. of Germany; and Frannc, too, employed tho lanco in. this way to a limited extent, though she had condemned it as nselots iwen- jty years before. ' In the Boer War the lance proved useless before an enemy that would not fight at close quarters; and so tho. weapon fell into disrepute in England in the early part of the twentieth cen tury. . for its abandonment. j still held it the "queen of cold j weapons” and pleaded for its j until the World War finally put ; the antiquated list. British The War Office then declared But army men steel place it on, Empire Drinks CANADIAN/ SERMCE JhtclioP Pies, Cakes, Buns and Bread Company has followed Its conservative 1 polis and from which the business of policy With respect to this surplus and the British Isles will be administered. Halifax ‘I nnaivTo WinnipegD. W. GUNN, LTD. 200 Vine Ave., Toronto, Ont. Vancouver Saskatoon CAloary Qurorc Epmonton SAtKr j0KN Montreal I JS$£4f£ /Jo- 8---'23 Insure Your Crop Fertilizer insure© a crop, above, lib.© averageA-and D W. Fertilizer -give's | you DOUBLE WORTH T/you give us rheir names, your relatives and friends may obtain the low ocean rate of £i, reduced rail road fares, and FREE transportation for children under 17, providing they fire p.acfd in farm or domestic employment Ask tit once for details of the British Nomination Scheme from any of our offices or agents 3: LINES Just a very short while ago no ma- ’tured-in-rhe-wood Tory would have dreamed of drinking anything but Por tuguese port. Now the Empire Mar keting Board claims that he's begin ning to sip, “port” from Australia. Britons are drinking three times -as much Australian wine as they were two years ago. They are also appar ently dscovering that quite a decent brandy comes much cheaper when it hails from South Africa--and the im ports of brandy from foreign sources have also dropped considerably. Rum, of course, always did come from a crown colony- Jamaica—while 1 most of the Canadian rye consumed in this country is consumed by thirsty American tourists about sticking brand despite the accessibility Scotland’s best. ports of Rhodesian tobacco have jumped by £21,00-0,000 in two .years. All of which goes to show, accord ing to- the Empire Marketing Board, that it pays to advertise. who' are bigoted to the old familiar of As for smoking, im* YOUR BAKING BEST Mrs.—“I won’t be long, -dear. I’ll be ready In a minute.** Mr.-'-^Well, ' for goodness* sake do pick out a itollm uto that’s not more tlms bal&rn-'b.our away,*’ A