HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-02-23, Page 5*>* -< *■ 'V' •A >- ♦ iw TOE EXETER TJMES-ADVOCATK r •s V' gjrftruxl of ®omntmxe CLINTON, ONTARIO Students may enter at any time F. AVARD, B.A., M.Accts, Phone Principal HENSALL GOOD FARM FOR SALE ’the undersignetl offers for sale that good farm known as lot No. 23, on the 4th concession of the town­ ship of Hay, a little over two miles from Hensall or Zurich, possession can be given to suit purchaser, also arrangements can be made as to the taking over of the stock and inplem- ents if desired, apply to Air. Albert Pranger, owner, or should he not be at home, to his neighbor, Mr. Ed. Haters, address of both is R. R. No. 2, Hensall, Ont. 2-16-2tp. . 1 . ----------------- ■:% AUCTION SALE — Of--- REAL ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned lias received in­ structions to sell by Public Auction, HENSALL" f SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 215th, 1928, at one o’clock sharp The property of the late Joanna Thompson REAL ESTATE—Consists ’ Of lot 276 south Richmond st,, contains one fifth of an acre of land, good garden, fruit and ornamental trees, raspberries- and grape vine. Com­ fortable one and a half storey frame Lbouse with kitchen, storm doors and ^vindows, six good sized rooms, new roof on house, hard and soft water. This property will be sold by auc­ tion if not sold-by day of sale. I-IOUSEI-IOLD EFFECTS—2 kit­ chen tables, 10 kitchen chairs, 2 ^'cupboards, kitchen .stove, lounge, linoleum, washing machine and wringer, sewing, machine, about 5 single cords of hard wood, copper boiler, parlour suite, six octave or­ gan, 2 small tables,'rugs, also’hand anade rugs, vacuum cleaner, good as new; 3 bedsteads with springs and mattresses, dresser, parlour lieater, coal oil heater, lawn mower, 4 dozen sealers,’ several coali oil ■lamps, 2 -toilet sets, 2 washstands, quantity of flowers and flower pots, 2 rocking chairs, garden tools, pic­ tures, jardinieres, dishes, kitchen utensils, pots, pans, kettles, erpek- jery and other numerous articles. EVERYTHNG MUST. BE SOLD TERAIS—CASH OSCAR KLOPP, Auctioneer AIRS* L.. , w ■ IVedding bells are ringing in Hen- ^feall this week. Airs. Chas. McDonell visited with friends in Clinton on Friday. Miss Beatrice Urquarfof London, visited friends in town on Saturday. l\Irs. Alaulkinson is visiting for a few days with relatives in London. Miss Mary Stewart visited over the week-end at her home in Sea- ' forth. MTs. Al. McKaig of Exeter, visited Nfeir a few days with relatives in the village. AIT. W. C. Pearce and son Charles of Exeter, visited friends in town on Friday last. Air. Allan McDonell of London, is visiting his parents, Air. and Mrs. . C. A. McDonell. Inspector J. E. Tom, of Goderich, jwas in. town on Monday inspecting <he public school. Mr. Wm. R. Henry, of Brucefield, visited friends in town on Wednes­ day of last week. A number from Hensall attended the masquerade dance held in Exeter on Friday evening last. Air. and Airs. George Hess very pleasantly entertained a number of friends one evening last' week. Air..- Mervyn Brown, of Toronto, recently visited his parents, Air. and Airs. George Brown, in town. Aliss Jean Chapman, of Palmers­ ton. is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Geo. Scott, and Aliss Katie. Mr. Sani * Rannie and Walter Spencer attended the hockey match in London .on Wednesday evening,! « ;i'lie many IrieiKlr, Of Mr. Frau^J ®eiin V’ ll .v ij*vdbu<.i to learn that Sic is improving nicely after his recent -illness. Mrs. .Dr* Reid., who has been vis-. Ring he>-parents,* AIi\ and Mrs* Ed, Sheffer, returned tp T'orontP pn Thursday last. . .An account of the death of John | Caldwell, a well" known resident of this community, will be found in Smother column. MT. Wm.’ Doig, of Port Huron, Visited for a few days with rol- utives and friends in and around SRmsall and Kippen. Aliss Dorothy McQueen pleasantly Entertained a number of her girl friends at her birthday party last “Wednesday evening. - Airs. W. IL. Pfile visited in Clin- Jton on Friday and was accompanied Rome by tier mother, who will visit amr for a few weeks. The. many friends of Mr, R. Cud- anoro will lie sorry to learn that he Ss confined to liis home through ill- .iiess. Wo. hope for a speedy re- 4tmvery. * The firemen are holding a dance Sn tlie town hall on Friday evening ■V)f this week. Good music, is being furnished and a. real time is looked forward to. DR. R. I. P. DOUGALL Honor graduate of Faculty of SMadicine, and blaster 01 ®cixen®®* /University of ~ OWember of College of Physicians tend Surgeons Of Ontario. Office Airo doors, east of Post Office, ^hone 56 Residence HENSALL, ONT. R. J. BARNETT, Executrix ______________________________________________________ The services of the United church were fairly well attended on Sunday last. At the evening service Ai'iss Jean Chapman of Palmerston, sang a very pleasing solo. The Ladies Aid of the United church are holding a sale of home made cooking and serving an after­ noon tea in the town hall on Friday afternoon, Alarch 2nd. Next Sunday evening in church Rev. Air. Sinclair will speak on “A young . man and his ..mate,” or Ten Commandments for the en­ gaged. You are invited to. attend. Air, George Hudson, caretaker of the rink, has the ice fixed up good shape again after weather, order people Air, taken few weeks ago, was brought • home on Saturday last and -is’ greatly im­ proved. , His many friends will be pleased to learn that he Js getting along so well. Airs, James Barnett, of Toronto, returned to town Friday evening to prepare for the sale of the house, lot and effects of her mother, the late Airs. Thompson. The sale will be held next Saturday afternoon. After the sale Air. Geo. Thompson will return with his daughter to Tor­ onto where he will make his home, Mr. Dave AIcKay and assistants, of Clinton, are nicely re-decorating tlio basement of the United church, and will have it completed by the end of-the week, and ready for use on Sunday. During the past ”two weeks the Sunday school was held in the auditorium of the church. The basement will present a hand­ some. appearance when finished. The funeral of the late Nicholas Horton took place <£rom the-- -resi­ dence of -liis daughter, Airs. - Robert Patterson, on Saturday -morning, of last, week, interment being made in. the Hensall Union cemetery.. Afr,‘ Horton died in Aloosejaw, in pec- ember,, and was kept in a vauff’in the Mobsejaw cemetery until it was brought home. Mrs. Horton accom­ panied the remains from Aloosejaw. The AVelfare of Youth club of the Carmel Presbyterian church held a regular meeting on Monday evening Mrs. Alcillroy read a very interest­ ing topic on “Alotlier,”- which was greatly enjoyed by those present. There were several other numbers on the program -but, owing to the stormy night, they wei»e-110b-given. Air. .-'Alcillroy closed the* meeting with prayer. A number of the young ladies of the village met at the home of Miss Margaret Johnson on Saturday even ing last, it being a miscellaneous shower for bliss Dorothy Welsh, bride-elect of this week. The even­ ing was spent in games and cards after which a dainty lunch was ser­ ved. During the evening bliss Welsh was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts. A. Y. P. A. PLAY PROVES A BIG SUCCESS The play entitled “The Mummy and the Mumps,” which was given in the town hall on Friday evening last by the A. Y. P. A. of St. Paul’s church, was a big success. Everyone took their part splendidly and the hall was filled to capacity and over 100 persons who came late had to be turned away. The high ■orchestra rendered several ions. Those taking part were Shirray, Rev. T. AV. Jones, Drummond, AAr. A. Houston, Shirray, Mrs. S. L. Peppier, Stone, Louise Drummond, Airs. D. Shirray and- Mrs. A. L. Case. The proceeds amounted to ,$222.50. The play will be repeated in Hensall in the near future. HENSALL TO itUVE SECOND ELECTION CARMEL CHURCH RE-OPENED Re-opening services were held in Carmel Prosbytevi.au church on Sun­ day last. The church has been nicely decorated and presents a handsome appearance, and a large congregat­ ion attended the opening services. At the morning service the pastor, Rev. Alcillroy spoke on “The Urgent Need of the Church.” Besides the anthem by the choir a ladies quar­ tette rendered a pleasing number. At the .evening service the pastor took for his subject “What churches ought to be.” The service of song consisted of a male quartette, a solo by Mrs, by the enjoyed THE L J. Bonthron and an anthem choir, •which were all much by the large congregation. ATE JOHN CALDAVELL the United his .mate,’ in the mild and skating is again the of the day with of the village. Fred Berry, who had his leg off in the Clinton hospital a the young school select- Albert Errold David Grace Robert Higgins ahd Owen Geiger 'to Contest ‘ Ileevcsliip Hensall held its second,, .municipal, nomination on Monday evening, and Western Ontario. 7’he death took place at his resi­ dence, Lot* 5, Concession 2, Town­ ship of Tuckersmith on Thursday, February 16th, of Mr* John Cald­ well, in his 80th year. The deceas­ ed had been ailing for several years with heart trouble but was able to be up and around. He had not been as well the past few months but was thought to be improving and the day of his death had planned to take an auto trip to Seaforth. The de­ ceased was born at Thornhill when a lad came to tlie second cession of Tuekersmitli with his ents. He was twice married, first wife being Mary Chambers, predeceased him 29 years. To union ten children were born, seven of whom survive. Eighteen years ago he married Mrs. G. Godbolt, his bereaved widow. The children are four daughters and three sons, Ed. and Grant, of Lawson, Sask., who have been visiting their father; John of tlie London Road; Aliss Sadie Caldwell, of Vancouver, B. C.; Mrs. L. McConnell, of Kettlestone, Sask.; Mrs. Lawrece Aloffat, of Regina, Sask.; and Aire. Russell Sproat, of Seaforth. He is also survived by two brothers and two sisters, AVm., of Henall and Arthur of Stanley; Airs.- Wilson, of Superior, AVis.; and Mrs. Geo. Smallacombe, of Aloose Jaw, Sask. The deceased was a Presbyteriaif in religion. He was fond of pitching horseshoes and with Air. A. Boa carried off numerous, prizes having competed in the Lon­ don ..tournament last fall. The fun­ eral was 'held'Sunday afternoon -In terment ’ in McTaggart’s” cemetery. ' PRESENTATION AND SOCIAL EA’EN ING FOR BRIDE ELECT .. The choir of the United Church ■.met ut the home of Miss Ethel Mur­ dock on Tuesday opening last, for a social evening in honor of Aliss Dorothy AA’elsli, bride-elect. The .first part of the evening was spent in music, contests, and singing. Air. Thos. Murdock gave a number of fine selections on the violin, after which a mock wedding took place. While the bride and groom signed tlie register the audience sang. AVay down in Tinker town one ev­ ening, . „:■ , . r J Sometime away Dats where my heart was turning ever Dats where the girl did stay. All up and down the solid sidewalk madly I roamed, Still longing for the sound or sight of Miss Dorothy alone. All the world was sad and weary Everywhere I roamed, Until J saw tlie girl I looked for And got invited home. All round the little house I've wan­ dered Since first we met There many evenings I have squan­ dered Many good'times you bet. AVhen she was playin’ the piano Thinking was I How could I really pop the question And win her for my bride. Then the world was glad and cheery Everywhere we went For I had surely got the courage And she had given consent. Gne fine new house up there on King street One that we love I’ve built and we have got it furnished AVhere we can live like doves But just before we move into it We must And this day Down in and con- par- his who this get wed is all arranged for Satur- the old west end. All the boys are sad and r- -everywhere I roam Since I have taken their Array from the old "folks This song’ was written lonely companion at 'homo. ___ „ .. by Mr. AV. O. Goodwin the choir leader. Dur- 1 ing the evening Welsh was pro* , seated with a beautiful table lamp, Crediton Mr* Leonard Wein has taken a position with Mr. Chris* Eahw for the purpose of candling and grad­ ing eggs for the season. ?" ” ’ ner hopes to give the best isl’action to his customers. bliss Lulu Gaiser, of Al University aud Airs. Garnet of New York city, hurried i the bedside of their sick Airs. ^Vm. Gaiser. At this writing there has been hopi provement in the patient’s cc Fond hopes for her speedy j by her many friends, Airs. Geo. Finkbeiner, wl been under the doctor’s .care period of ten days is slowly r< ing, Don’t forget the play at Ct- United Church on Alarch 9 th. Air, Miohael Schwartz died at rich on Thursday evening at t of nearly 82 years. He wa; at Baden, Germany, An aged widow four -sons and one daughter are his nearest living kin, The daughter is Mrs. Christ. Haist, of Crediton. Fun­ eral at Goderich, interment at the Maitland cemetery. The friends of ■this community well remember this venerable father and extend kind words Mrs. ......... _ . . ___ . home after visiting in Brinsley for a few Airs. AVm. Motz attended the fun­ eral of her aunt, the late Alr.i. Alary Herdman, at Elimville, on Thursday of last week, Mr. Sam Sims has been confined to his home with la grippe for the past week. MT. Charles Anderson spent Tues­ day with his parents, Air. and Airs. AVilson Anderson. “What Jesus did Monday of Passion the pastor’s subject United church next Feb. *2Gtli. Friends are cordially in­ vited to attend. The Hustler Class of the Evangel­ ical .Sunday School spent a very en­ joyable evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wein on the 13th of February,, it being the birthday of one of its members, Jordon Pascoe. After spending the evening in games all did justice to a sumptuous re­ past,.- a special feature .being the wp.nd.erful birthday, cake bedecked with candies. MTsr A. "AV.' Alorl'ock; Air. Clinton Morlock and Gordon Watson spent a very pleasant time last week vis­ iting with friends and' relatives in Guelph, Kitche’rier, Hamilton and other places. Mr. Gordon Watson, who lias been visiting with A. AV. MQi'lock and friends in Crediton and vicinity for some time, returned to his home in AVawanessa, Alanitoba, 8* Valentine Social Fifty members of the Dorcas Class of the Evangelical S. S. met at the parsonage on the evening of Febru­ ary. 14th- for their annual Valentine .Social. • Airs, ■H.*K.lVEybcrlr occupied the chair for the evening’s’ program and-called on the following;Opening song service, prayer by the- pastor, vocal duett by Airs, Albert Gaiser and Mrs. Wm. Smith. Three min­ ute literary productions; reading by Mrs. Clayton Sims, address by Mrs. AVm. Swartz, violin solo by AV. Al. Sippell. reading on St. Valentine by Airs. Albert Gaiser; ladies quartette by our usual effecient. four ladies, “Far From the Old Folks at Home.” The judges appointed tb award prizes to the best costumes Oestricher, Mrs. Alf. Joe Finkbeiner, Mrs. Miss E. Grenzebach. best comic costume given to Mrs. C. Sims and best costume of character to Mrs. AVm. Smith. Two contests were put on by Mrs. Herb Young, two games by Miss E. Grenzebach. Refreshments were served. Airs. J. AA^ein was convener of the lunch com­ mittee. It was the desire of the class for a flash light photograph of all present but Air. .Camera was ill-natured, however, lie promised to bo in shape when the fifteen ab­ sent members of the class could also be present with the rest, The ev­ ening was pleasurably spent. At midnight the host and hostess were given a vote of thanks. The rooms of the parsonage were decorated in keeping with the spirit of St. Valen­ tine and the seemingly splendid acoustics the program could be heard in all the rooms. Brief but appreciated remarks were indulged in a-t the usual mooting of the Class Sunday morning. SI Mr. Fuh- of sat- sbx* Master Switzer, mine to mother time of 'ful im- edition, •ecovery Is o lias for a 'cover- ntralia in his memory. Harry Lewis has returned weeks, and taught on Week’' will be in the Crediton Sunday evening, were: Mrs. AV. AVuerth, Mrs. Wm. Ratz and Prize for the next Alonday will hold its second I j election for the present year." The' W1U1 a ueauumi uwie nuxu*, contest is for the reeveship and tae .■-frojM ^ie choir, as MiS's Welsh hadBn a membel, of tllQ choir f01. a number of years, and thanked the their kindness and beautiful gift. At the close of the evening a dainty candidates will be the same two who j)00n battled for -the office on January tlw ................................ 2nd, Robert Higgins, whb was elect- choiv a ‘few chosen words for ed on that day, and Owen Geiger ' * reeve for several years past. I v ........ ..........o _ .......... The new election is due to the i*e- iunch of sandwiches, pickles, coffee, cent proceedings which resulted in 1 cai<e aiK; ice-cream were served. The the unseating of Air. Higgins. Ho I program was in charge of the defeated Mr. Geiger by 11 votes in cent proceedings which resulted the unseating of Air. Higgins, defeated Mr. Geiger by 11 votes In the election on New Year’s Day, but soon after the ex-reeve launched protest proceedings on the ground •that Mr. Higgins was disqualified through being employed as auditor I for the County of Huron at the time The protest was up- rm- jun- last of his election. held and Air. Higgins declared seated in a judgment given by C ty Judge Lewis at Goderich Tuesday. Mr. Higgins’ employment as coun­ ty auditor ceased about the boginn- of the year and Mr. Geiger ad* at Monday’s meeting that the is now qualifier to be a can- and to hold office if elected, of the choir for the eyening. men KIRKTON Miss Helen Brethour, who 114 CROMARTY Dashwood ar. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash-: wood, first three das ot week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Mrs. P. Humble of Sarnia, spent a few days with her mother, Airs. Finkbeiner, who is still confined to her bed. Airs. L. ATorenz is visiting in Sim­ coe and Kitchener. Air, and Airs. O. Restemeyer ent­ ertained a number of their friends, on Friday night. A Valentine Social was held in- the basement of the church Tuesday* evening and was well attended, Mrs, Sinclair, who has been vis­ iting her daughter, Airs. Aloffat, has returned to her home in Brnce- field. - . The Band intend giving a concert in the near future and. a number of the young people are busy practis­ ing for a Play which will be given, so watch for the date. Air. Thos, Klumpp has purchased the planing mill from Air. George Kellerman and will be ready for business in a few weeks. Air. J. C. Reid and Go’s, sale was a great success. The bargains were proved by the crowds that took advantage of them. They are now offering a further list of bargains Ibis week. Mrs* Matilda Kraft has sold her house and lot to Mr. Louis maker. where they their home in the Otto AVillert atten- of the latter’s uncle Battler, at Zurich on Mollard, of Balmoral, Mrs, W« Bherrit last j. Brown is ill with a bad of influenza. Jas, visited Shoe- CH1SELHURST GREENWAY The oyster supper at the United Church was well attended and was an unqualified success In every way The program of readings, vocal and instrumental music by home talent was thoroughly appreciated. The proceeds amounted to over .$115. The men of the United church held wood bees last Tuesday and Wednesday and cut up 60 cords of wood. Mrs. attack Airs, Alan., Monday. Rev. J. M. Colling will complete his series of sermons on Religion on Sunday afternoon next Khiva Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schroeder’had their household effects moved to AAraterloo on Thursday intend to make future. a Mr, and Mrs, ded the funeral the late Mr. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fanlder, of Me Gillivray, accompanied by Mrs. Wj son, of Lobo, visited Mr. and Mr AVm. Mason on Saturday. ■ Mrs. Garnet Heywood, of Exeter visited her father, Mr, AVm. AVltzel on Thursday. Thursday, February ’ Every Woman Needs ■ ■ Fruit-a-tives” the sure way to regular health MRS. A. PARENT. PRINCE OF AV ALE’S GIFT So numerous were the letters ceived acknowledging the peony plants which the Prince of AVales had distributed throughout Canada last fall as a memento of his visit that His Royal Highness has re­ quested that his formal acknowledg­ ment to the Bank of Alontreal tliro’ whom tlie letters were forwarded to him, be taken as constituting a gen­ eral reply. It will be remembered that His Royal Highness asked the Bank to undertake, for him the distributiojn of Canadian-grown peony plants to“ His Excellency the Governor Gener­ al, tlie Prime Minister and members of his Cabinet, the Lieutenant-Gov­ ernors and Premiers of the Pro­ vinces; also to all the cities, towns and incorporated villages through­ out Canada. The distribution was made through the branches of the Bank with the co-operation of His Afajesty's Alails, and the hundreds of letters received from mayors and other public officials showed how greatly the royal gift was appreciat­ ed. These letters, conveying the thanks .of the various communities and expressing loyalty and devotion were bound in a handsome portfolio and transmitted by the Montreal to Vice-Admiral Halsey, Controller of the AVale/s Household. The letter from Sir Vincent Bart., to the Controller, dated from the Head Office, Bank of Montreal, January 21st, accompanied the port­ folio; “Sir:—I have the honour to for­ ward to you under separate cover for the information of his His Royal- Highness, the Prince of AVales, a portfolio containing copies of letters of appreciation and grateful thanks for the gift of peony plants that His Royal Highness so graciously sent to the cities, towns and villages, thro’ the medium of the branches of the Bank of Montreal throughout Can­ada as a memento of hisSrisit to the Dornin on during its Diamond Jubi­ lee Year. Through the courtesy and co-operation of the Honourable the Minister of Finance and the Honour­ able the Postmaster General, tlie sesviees of His Alagesty's Alail were promptly placed at our proposal and this greatly facilitated the distribu­ tion. AVith every sentiment of loyalty and devotion to His Royal Highness (signed) VINCENT MEREDITH Chairman of the Board” re-i Bank of Sir Lionel Prince of following Meredith, STAFFA Mrs. Dwight Fisher of Guelph, is spending a week with her mother, Airs, Wm. Butler, Mr. Stewart Robertson and Wm. Jeffery are attending the Good Roads convention at Toronto this week. We are pleased to- report Air. Lyle Worden doing nicely in Victoria hospital, London. Mr. and Airs. John Scott and fam­ ily, of Cromarty, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. G. AVilson. Air. A. AV. Norris spent AVednes- day in London. We extend congratulations to Mr. and Airs. Henry Golding, who cel­ ebrated their sixty-first wedding anniversary on February 14th* MT. CARMEL Tlie death took place on Friday, February 17tli, of Airs. Alary Cough-* lin, widow of the late Timothy Cou­ ghlin, aged 75 years. Airs. Cougiijin suffered a stroke eight ------- — and had been since. She is ghters, both Heart Order, sons, Judge J. J. Coughlin, of Wind­ sor, and Frank, with whom she lived. Air. Joseph Glavin of this place ,is a brother and also James Glavin of Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Airs. David O’Brine of London, is a sister The funeral took place to R. C. cem­ etery here on Alonday at 10 a.m., with requiem mass celebrated by the Rev. Ft. Corcoran. - - Mrs. Alicliael Ryan is visiting in Chicago. Mr. John Hayes, accompanied by his niece, Aliss Tress Hall, is visit­ ing in Detroit; The social held in the hall on Alonday evening was well attended. Miss Alice Dederick, of St. Jos­ eph’s hospital, London, spent a few days at her home here. Miss Kathleen Alorrissey, don, spent tlie week-end home of her parents. Aliss Dillon-, of Dublin, is her aunt, Mrs. Jerry Campbell. Air. and Mrs. Corrie O’Brien ent­ ertained their friends at their home one night last week. All report a real good time. Miss Kathleen returned ito her after spending a of her uncle, J. J. Aladden. Daily tasks rob many women of th’$ priceless boon of good health, because constipation, biliousness, headaches, in­ digestion, backaches and kindred ail­ ments, undermine their constitutions, Read this sincere letter: 4 Driscol Lake, Sask.—“I have takehr many kinds of medicine, but none proved as good as ‘Fruit-a-tives’ for me. IM& the only medicine I take—I use it regui larly and do not feel right if I do not;’’ —Mrs, A. Parent- “Fruit-a-tives” is universally successful because it is a natural medicine —madc- from the intensified juices of fresh fruits^, combined with tonics. It will help you,, too. 25c and 50c at all druggists. Buy a box to-day. Mr. Henry Purdy and family wish’ io express their thanks and apprec­ iation to the boys who got up the wood bee and to all those who atten ded. over over The bee was very successful,, fifty being present and cutting thirty cords of wood. : t GRAND BEND years ago in feeble health ever survived by two dau- nuns, of the Sacred at Alontreal and two of Lon- at the visiting Moir of London, home this week week at the home Mr. and Airs. Piffer and family^, of Stratford, visited with Mr. and. Mrs. Dave Sturgeon on Sunday. Mr. and Airs. Elgin AVebb spent Sunday with Air. and Afrs. Sol* Pol­ lock. Mr. and Mrs. E. Davidson and daughter, of Pt. Huron, spent a few days with Air. and Airs. E. Alerner^ Air. and Airs. Isaiah Tetreau visit­ ed with their daughter, Airs, Peter 1 Eisenbach on Thursday. Don’t forget the lantern slides 011 behalf of the Mission Band on Fri­ day evening of this -week. The fee- is silver collection. Everybody wel-, come. Considering the stormy day on Sunday two large congregatons as­ sembled to hear tlie close of the the morning series of sermons and to hear the qestions ably answered at the evening service by Rev. J. AL Celling* .; 7 , (To late for last week.) The AV. Al. S. held their regular monthly meeting in the basement of -the new church with a goodly President,, Mrs. T- number present. The Afrs. John Gill, presiding. Love read the lesson. Psalm 3 4> with Psalm 23 read in unison. Af­ ter the roll call the president gave a helpful reading “The Little Al'aid Who Passed By;” also a reading by Airs. John Eagleson “Tlie Hidden Springs.” The Lord’s prayer was. repeated to-getlier. Airs. Cy. Green gave a paper on “The Perfect Lo­ ver” -which was appreciated very much. A resolution was passed on motion of Mrs. Ed. Gill and Airs. W. P. Lovie that a letter of sympathy be sent to Airs. J. R. Alollard, vice- president, in the loss of her mother,. Mrs. Banes. A motion was also- passed that at the March meeting: all the mothers and babes of tho congregation be invited. The meet­ ing closed by singing and the bene­ diction. Airs, Marie Statton, who has been at the home of Air, J. W. Holt most' of the winter, has gone to visit her daughter, Airs. Bert Batty, of Sar­ nia. Rev. J. AL Colling, who lias been laid up with a very bad attack of lagrippe was able to take his work on Sunday.- He was still very we’alw Air. and Mrs. Geo. Sheppard, MTV and Airs. Wm. Mellmin ‘’visited <at : Mr. Thos. Webb's ’ on- Sunday.,'* •* - Mrs. Wm. Holt- is on the sick list - at present. A very successful quilting ,be6 was held at Airs. Sol. Pollock’s and as quilting is the order of tlie day,. All'S. J. W. Holt held one also; Many a car drove to see the large- iceburgs, Sunday and some brought, their hand sleighs and slid down the- banks on the ice. present from Exeter, hill, Thedford, Forest ing country, A very enjoyable spent at the home of Mr. AValter England when a few of their friends called and spent a few -sociable hours. Mr. Delbert Webb and Air. WaD ter England are**spending the week in Goderich being called on the jury. Mr. and Airs. John Wilson, of Thedford, arc visiting at Mr. John Devine’s. AIT. Jos. Brenner, of London, vis­ ited under the parental 1’oof 011 Suu- . day. Air. and Mrs. John Pollard, Of Centralia, visited at Mr. AVal. Eng­ land's on Sunday. The questions answered Dy Rev. J, M, Colling Sunday night drew a very large crowd and they Wer& answered in a very capable manner. Mr, Sol. Pollock is Ofi. -the sick list. . * , , . The boys who attended the train-* ing class on farming at the O. A. C. Guelph, have arrived home. They were 'Eddie Gill, Carlyle TayloL, IL Love and Cecil Gill. Air. Jos. Ravelie and Wife Suuday at Air, Walter Station's Air. and Mrs. W. B. Oliver, who have spoilt a couiile of months fe St. Mai'M have returned home. * Keep Free To resist, and repel colds, gripp e and bron­ chitis, there is nothing better than a course of ANGIER'S EMULSION. Its strengthening and tonic influence upon all the bodily fu n c ti p n s make Angier’s Emulsion a most useful medicine for the pre­ vention of these dangerous ' winter ills. If a cough or cold has already commenced., start, taking Angier’s . Emulsion at once. Being nn emulsion of specially pan’ fled petroleum ANGIER’S exerts a soothin'?) laxative action that keeps tlie bowels in the norma?, - healthy condition so essential in the prevention of colds, coughs and other winter ailments. • ANGIER’S lias bfifen recommen­ ded and prescribed by the Medi­ cal Profession of Gt. Britain, and Canada for over 35 years. A British Doctor vrtitoSi *'1 freqttentty comnionco ths winter by taking Angier's Emulsion, as I find rt an &xeel^ lent tonic and proVohtntivo of Mon* chitis.” (Signed) Sunday night ' after church Both the Henderson' hoys are far away frojh the old home. But Sunday is still a very special day for Father and Mother, for every Sunday night after church the tele­ phone bell rings and the old •folks know that one of the boys is calling them from the distant city. Harry calls one Aveek*. and. Fi’ed the next. Long Distance is wonderful for keeping family ties strong. It is so simple, so inexpensive, to call distant jfriends for a few minutes’ Chat. And how welcome is the sound of their voices! Do yon call friends by I>oug Distance ? .The Evening Rate after S.3Q is .very. low. The annual- oysPr . supper under the auspices of tlie- Cromarty Scale Co. was held at the home of Air. Oswald Walker, all the members and their families being present. Oysters were served to about-sixty and tables were bountifully laden with all kinds of delicacies. The evening was. spent in games and dancing and evervono present a very enjoyable time. . Al’r. Joseph Speave, who 'has very seriously ill of late, .is improving. ‘.Air, and Airs. Andrew.. McLachlan very nicely entertained.^the' yoitug people, of"the vicinity on Friday last to a' dance. Upwards of one hundred guests were present and all report an. excellent evenifig; ‘ Mr. Lloyd Miller, ..of St*? Spent lasC'Sabbath with his i accompanied by his friend Banks, had been now Persons wqrQ Zurich, Park- and surround-* evening was' *.*..**. _______ _ ___ has been visiting in St. Thomas, return­ ed home oh Friday. Mr, and Airs. Mr. and Mr hockey match in Stratford evening. The Hunt Club have bagi. one thousand jack rabbits so far this season. The little Mrs. Hiram operation in London, on Ross and. the week-end in Granton. - Mr. Jas. Walker had a very suc­ cessful sale of stock on Thursday. He is moving on to John Gallop’s farm the first of March. Ira. Marshall and Chas. Paul took in the Friday :ed over in mittod former didato ----The meeting which followed the of­ ficial nominations was marked by some heated passages, as the speak­ ers Wm. also ship, soon were to be contestants again. Mr. Alex Murdock, village cleric, presided at the nominations and al­ so was chairman of the subsequent meeting. The Town Hall was near- .......I _ _ ly filled for the occasion, the situa-; said news generally being about tion having aroused keen interest. themselves. reviewed various local issues. Consitt and Alex Smith wore nominated for the vacant reeve- but both Withdrew when it was that Mr. Higgins and Geiger Mr.anddaughter of Hannah underwent an the Victoria hospital, Thursday. Velma Marshall spent HARPLEY j Friday afford friend* Mr Hugh Love has returned afte1 There are ill every town several censors, self-appointed, who con­ sider it their duty to keep certain i kinds of news out of the papers-^ «nh1 iipavs c-e.nn.rfitlv Imine- abO Mr. ___ ... spending some time in Guelph. Quite a number of people her attended the oyster sppper Greenway last Friday evening, report a. good time. Mr, Newton Hayter has returned from Detroit, Miss Beatrice Stratton, of Grand Bend, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Newton Hayter. i Mr, and Mrs. Newton Hayter spent Saturday evening with Mr, aud Mrs, Therman Hayter, from nt All EMULSION 6se and ^r.20^at all druggist's Rd I Telephone is t? Dlsfanca Station»h' ............... ........................... 718 1