HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-02-23, Page 1IIIWMIIM A Further List of Bruce, 8-year-old spn of Mr. and and Timothy Seeds for Balance of February IVORY ..$3.49 were: I?,. for a Howey’s Drugstore ONTARIOEXETER were and BIRTHS DANCE IN MEMORIAL and MARRIAGES Oil Mr. o£ to on So- for for DON’T FOR GF LEE’S HAL] CARD OF THANKS Ida Beavers and family express their sincere thr for 65c. ...... 69c. for 25c. for ”19c. Lon- Feb- Bea- late things he heard and saw at Horticultural Society at Tm> and other ’ interesting ad- wjll^be given, A musical, 1 de- auks many friends and neighbors ROSES ’ chapped face CREAM Unexcelled hands 25 c NADCO CASTOR OID absolutely pure 25, 35 and 75c. EBONY mirror for ..$4.9S Hair Bruses $1.9S Clo. Brushes $1.43 FRUITATIVES with each 5uC box you buy we give one 50c BON SALVE FREE in Mr. , a RUSSIAN OIL Regular 75c,, Special 69c Don’t forget the play at Centralia United Church on March 9th.* $5.00 mirrors at ...$3.98 '$6.00 trays at $6.00 hair brushes $4.50 $3.50 hair brushes $2.98 Lang SyneC the leaving behind, their health, wealth and the bride in her new FRACTURED LEG Dan ci hi Admission; Gents 50c. ‘ Ladies ‘The College Widow with Dolores Costello Brilliant screen revival of Georgia Ade's stage sensation. • 4 B&st’ of all Football Comedic^ i RUM, HONEY & COD LIVER OIL Bronchitis'and diffi­ cult coughs. Tn (5Oc. bottles $1.00 Box Assorted Jergens Soaps ......... $1.00 Box Coty’s Face Powder, flesh for 35c. Can Derkiss Talc, flesh ...................... 25c. bars Castile Soap ................................. The. pall-bearers Fred and George Moir; Bruce and Oscar Tuckey, Ernest Willert Clifford Hutchinson. PICKARD VS. KER NICK t the dance in , ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25th front 8:30 to 11:45 25C. ‘‘(hunt Size” FOLGATES RAPID SHAVE CREAM 45c. Free—Trial tin of talc for men. Howey’s OF for and PER BOTTLE 10c. Many Flowers SOAP ~ 3 cakes & wash cloth for 25c. A. I^ull strength. 19c., or 2 for 35c. NYAL’-S sUOIiN RE3IOVER 23e. It’s guaranteed 3t?c. COCOANUT OID SHzlMPOO Special 25c. $1.CO JELLY KNIFE FREE with each box of CHARME FACE POWDER FOR $1.00 25c. WOODBURY' FACIAL SOAP 3 for 69c. B. S. & C. TABLETS Reg. 25g Pai’kc Davis Pure COD LIVER OIL Best for Young and Old. DOME THEATRE * .......... ■ ■ --- - -3 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY and 25tli ^tg plants for* * { ng baskets if start/Wr / i,v4t COBH* 'Ate. Of-* ' EXETER TIMES, ESTABLISHED I < AMALGAMATED jCXETER ADVOCATE, ESTABLISHEDf‘l’887/DECEMBER 1st, 1924 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 23rd, 1928 i Our February Sale was M great siiccess. That the ‘‘Money Savings” w&e appreciated by^Our customers was proved by the crow’ds that took advantage jof them. We now offer a further list as well as'some of the previous bn^T: ,; As before 4hesM»$^^ J A iday, February lYtH tb Saturday> Mareh^Srd MAIN ST. SUPPER The Ladies Aid* of the Main St. United church provided a splendid supper, on Wednesday evening of last week, The tables were laden with an abundance of good things to meet the wants of the inner man but the attendance was only fair. Following the supper Rev. G. E. Morley, B. A., dramatic elocutionist of Toronto, entertained the audience with his various numbers that were well received. Mr, W. R, Goulding led those present in community sing­ ing that was greatly enjoyed. Messrs MarYin Howey and Reg. Beavers gave interesting selections on the saxaphone, . Greetings from James St. congregation were conveyed by Rev. D. McTayish. The pastor, Rev. Mr, Moorhouse, filled the chair in a very happy manner, Cotton Staples 36 in. heavy quality bleached, cotton Regular price Sale price 19c a yard. 36 in. extra fine quality English nainsook Reg. price 40 c ydi On Sale at 29c. a yard Circular Pillow Cotton, heaviest quality, Wabasso brancl 40 and 42 in. wide Regular price 60c yd. February sale 49c. yd* Circular Pillow Cotton, regular price 45c. a yard, February sale price 39c. a yard. Wabasso bleached sheeting extra heavy quality 72 and 81 in. wide, regular price $1.00 a yd, sale price 79c. a yard 3 pieces Juvenile Cloth, tan, green and. grey, fast colors for5 Children’s wear and ladies’ house dresses., regular price 35c. a yard, sale price 29c. a yard A Black Silk Bargain, heavy 36 in. black Duchess Silk on sale at $1.35 a yard. CLEARING SALE OF MANY LINES OF CURTAIN NETS Our New Spring Coats are now ready for your inspection Groceries I BIRTHDAY, PARTY The Ladies’ Aid society of the James St. United church held a very successful birthday party in the par­ lors of the church on Friday even­ ing. The husbands of the members together with members of the family were invited, and there was a fine turn-out. Each member of the so­ ciety was provided with a little bag and the price of admission was Re­ cording to the age; of the member. A splendid musical had literary pro­ gram was carried, out, the principal feature of which was a debate “Re­ solved .that women should be ad­ mitted to the ministry in the United church.” The 'affirmative was ta­ ken by Miss McKenzie and Miss Hor­ ton while the negative was upheld by J. S. Harvey and Dr. Roulston. ‘Both sides presented some splendid larguments. The decision was given f|n favor of the Affirmative, the (judges being Miss Medd; Mrs. J. H. .'Jones and J. M. Sodthcott. Follow- •i#g the program h ‘guessing contest Svhs held and refreshments were served. ’ MOUSE SOLD Mr. Thos, Rundle, of Ubborne, bus purchased the' residence of Mr. C. B. Snell on John St, at present oc­ cupied by Mr, Lampman, Mr. Bun­ dle gets possession jn the summer, DON’T MISS IT On Thursday night at ■ Senior’s Hall a specially interesting meeting of those interested in flowers and home and town improvement will be held. Mr. Beavers will tell some of the the big onto, dresses program is being prepared and a light lunch will be served. Every­ body wanted, SHOWER FOR BRIDE ELECT Miss Hazel Luther, a popular bride­ elect was guest of honor at a “Groc­ ery Shower” given on Thursday ev­ ening at tlie home of Mrs. E. J. Shortt. The evening was spent in music and games after which a dainty lunch was served. After lunch Miss Mary Tbm entertained the guests with a reading “The Fate of Man’’’ which was greatly enjoyed by all. The bride was the recipient of many useful articles, After all joining hands and singing “Auld guests departed best wishes happiness home. Groceries ! 'AFFLES arc scarce, you' will appreciate these low prices on these seasonable goods. JAM—Raspberry, Blackberry and Peach Jam: 40 oz. Jar 44c.; 4 pound pail 62c. STRAWBERRY JAM, 40 oz. JAR 52c 4 pound pail 69c.; ORANGE MARMALADE 40 oz. JAR 32c.; 4 pouPd pail 49c. PRUNES—A brand new speciat or^.prunes—Best.Quality San­ ta Barbara Prunes, medium size 3 pt&SJnd for ^8c. or $2.19 a. box? ” FANCY BISCUITS—12 liries ' Fancy Biscuits just arrived from the factory, regular 32 to 40c. a pound on sale at 27c lb. a tinCanned Peas............... 10c< 5 lb. pail of Corn Synrup at 33c. a lb. 10 lb. pail of Corn Syrufp at 65c. Zinc Washboards . ...............39c. each Dutch Cleanser JOc. 2 forvl9c Handy Ammonia-..........4 pkg. 25c Lux ...................... ..... 3 pkg. for 28c SUGAR $6.75 A HUNDRED Phone 32 HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY It is not too late for the people Exeter and surrounding country „ lay their plans for tree and flower planting for the* spring.. The di­ rectors of the Horticultural Society have made an excellent selection, of plants and shrubs premiums to the .members and the list Will be printed for inspection- soon. In/ad£' ditiqu^^Q L these preMiums. the menw ■•WVe :getUn*B extra ' goods tligy require at actual cost, which usually means a large reduction. Last year many availed themselves of the services of the landscape gardener which the So­ ciety secured for the members free of charge—-services which in the re­ gular way would be qfiite expensive. Those desiring their property plant­ ings planned by a professional land­ scape gardner should speak to the Secretary early. Every family in town, and neighboring townships should have at least one member­ ship in the Horticultural Society. Many find it profitable to have at least two or more at $1.00 each. Mrs. S. J. V. Cann, had the misfor­ tune to fracture his right leg Tues­ day afternoon while tobogganing pn the hill at the north side bf tlie river, on Mr. F. Taylor’s farm. He was coming down the hill on a sleigh when his right leg struck a stump and he was thy own off. Tim log was’iraHured between the ankie and the knee and tlie left ankle- was sprained. Quite a number of young people were on the hill at the time and the* little lad was taken to his home on a toboggan where Dr. Graharh,-.reduced the fracture. JEFFREY—LUTHER NUPTIALS • *$ duiet wedding took place at the, James St. United parsonage on Sat­ urday afternoon when Miss Hazel Bernice Luther, daughter of Mrs. lAfther -and the late Henry Luther, K1RKTDN HUNT CLUB RAG mW- <xoo rabbits , ’jTunt: Club which Ueldi their -^Mve, for jack rab- bita 4QJ1 Thursd^;-^ last week, have bagged qvex* rabbits this sea- sqn. The club Avgs organised early in. the winter and dui-iqg the season, have held twelve,The <a»t- ains were Hugh Berry, Ted PoqW the first twp having beeB/o^^^h every drive, i QnThursdaiudst,<S hunters bagged -1.4-3 rabWs, Milton Gowey getting the most during :th^. drive, 12 rabbits*-At the close of tfee drive the members of the-liib ed the number of rabbits . during the season and the total bered 1105. Mr. Hiram was high man with 81 to his eyedit and Mr, Ed. Davis was’ second with' 57. Each meqiber of the club paid" a membership of $1.00 at the start and another $1,00 at the close which will be used, to, provide an oystex' supper to be held about week in March. Sides chosen at the start hut will be drawn and the rabbits killed totalled and the los­ ing side will do the work at the oys­ ter supper. The club has covered a lot of ground in the* drives having hunted in Blanshard, Biddulph, East Missouri, London Tp.f Fullarton, Usborne and Hibbert Tps. A drive is the most interesting affair. The ,in$n line up about five rods apart and the end men start ahead until the line forms a u shops. The men; start through a block and the rab­ bits are started up and usually run, foul of some waiting hunter. Oc­ casionally a rabbit breaks through the line. The jacks can travel fas­ ter than a dog, although no dogs are used on the drives. Numerous drives have been made by others than the ICirhton dub and hundreds v? jacks have been killed, othei' than those of’"Kjshbi'he, was united 41f murfiageiL" to Mr ' “"■ •“ ‘ * - of Mr borne, th; ed by Rev. D. J tor Jeffrey and sett, sister of the bride, nesses. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey left, on a wedding trip to Sarnia and Pt. Huron and on their return they will take up their residence on the farm on the Thames Road recently pur­ chased from Mr. John Ratcliffe. The manj- friends of the bride and groom will join with the Times-Ad- vocate in extending congratulations. DIVISION COURT Charles Goldwin Jeffrey, son and Mrs. Geo. Jeffrey, of Us~ ceremony being perform- Mc,Tavish. Mr. Vic- . Mrs. Herbert Bis- were wit- DRECO splendid tonic and laxative Regular SI..25 for 89c. &0c. V1NOLA BOR ACK 1 ■’jM> ('OLD CREAM SOAP 3* for 50c. BARGAINS CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Herd­ man desire to express theii’ sincere Hianks to the neighbors and friends for the sympathy and assistance ex­ tended during their recent sad ber­ eavement, and to those who furn­ ished cars. JJrs. to -fh> fhJ? ftjhe (kindness and sympathy ex- -J.qiVled during their recent bereave* .ment. also for the loan, of cars •/be floral tributes. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and AIi*s. Thos, McCurdy wish •’,o thank Rev. Mr, Cliidley and the ^neighbors and friends of their dau­ ghter Jessie for-all the acts of kind­ ness and sympathy shown to her and hers through all her sickness and Add beroavenient. GINGERICH—Tu Hay Township, on January 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich, a son, DUCHARME—In Hay Township, February 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. vereign Ducharme, a son. , STECKLE — At Bronson Line, Stahley, on February 4th, to and Mrs. Menno Steckle, Jr daughter. AUBIN—in Hay Township, on Feb­ ruary 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Aubin, a daughter. LUTHER—In Usborne, on Sunday, February 19th, to” Mr. and Mrs. Milton Luther, a son (Maurice Ed­ mund.) WILLtS—In Stephen Township, Tuesday, February 21st, to and Mrs. John N. Willis, a son DEATHS CALDWELL—In Tuckersmith „ on Thursday, February IS, 1928 Johan Caldwell, in his SO th year Tp, VINOL Tonic and Builder Regular $1.25 for 89c. FREE A 15c. box of HUDNUT FACE POWDER with each $1.00 box you buy. MASQUERADE DANCE A SUCCESS The Valentine Masquerade dance in the Exeter Opera House on Thurs­ day evening of last week was a most successful affair. There was a good attendance and most of those were in costume. Many of the'’Costumes were well gotten up while some of the comic costumes were a* perfect scream, and it was with a great deal of difficulty that tho judges made their award.1 The hall was gaily decorated and confetti andstreamers was showered upon the dancers each of whom was provided with a whistle. Toy ballons also filled the air. The “Gloom Chasers’1' orchestra provided the music. Following the dance lunch was served. The prize win­ ners were: Ladies-' fancy costume, Miss Grace McLean, Hawaiian; La­ dies’. comic, Miss Alma Winer, old lady; gents,’ fancy, Alex Elliott, Chinese; gents' comic, II. 8. Walter, clown. The judges were Mrs. H. J. Browning, Mrs. W. J. Ileaman, N. Creech and Jus. Morley. Friday evening, February 24th. supper under the auspices of the Centralia Woman's Association in honor of the 25th anniversary of the organization of this society, formerly known as the Ladies Aid. A supper will be served in the base­ ment of the church commencing at 6 p. ni., and will be followed by a good program. Admission 35 and 20 cents. KEYS—Tn Stanley Tp., on Wednes­ day, February 15th, 1928, James Thompson Keys, in his 6 Sth year. LUTHER—In Usborne, ’ on Sunday, February 19th, Maurice Edmund, infant son of Mr, and Mrs. Mil- t.on Luther. BEAVER—In Usborne, on Febru­ ary 16th, 1928, Garnet Arthur Beaver, son of Mrs. Ida and the late Samuel Beaver, aged 20 years 2 months and 12 days. .... JEFFREY—LUTHER— At Jamcs- St. United parsonage on Saturday, February 18th, Miss Hazel Bei** nice Luther, daughter of Mrs. Luther and the late Henry Luther, of Usborne, to Charles Gohlwln Jeffrey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Jeffrey, of Usborne, by Rev. D. McTavish* ARMSTRONG— In loving memory of William H. Armstrong, who passed away one year ago to-day, February 23rd, 1927. God is good, Ho gives us strength, To bear our heavy cross, He is the only one who' knows How bitter is out loss. There is not a day, dear father, That we do not think of you For life is not the same to us* Since you wore called away. His loving wife and children. ~ # I'ndoprs. We -&l Our jnethqd plete and our p flee hours 9.3Q to Evening S. FJiifON PJmfr OPTOMETRIST Judge Lewis held court here on Friday afternoon when two cases camo before him. The first was an action for wages by James .Baigent against Alex McFalls. Mr. Baigent was the only witness for the claim and was followed by several witness­ es for the defence. Judgment was given the plaintiff for $48.00 and 1 casts and the counter claim of rhe Defendant for $123.00 for board and washing was dismissed. J. G. Stan- bury appeared for Mr. Baigent and J. W. Morley for Mr. McFalls. The second case which was an action by Qscar Copeland against John H. Cole was stopped by a motion on behalf of Mr. Cole by Mr. St anbury to have the. case dismissed on the ground that it had been previously decided THE LATE GARNET BEAVER The death took place -on the don Road north, on Thursday, ruary 16th, of Garnet Arthur ver, son of Mrs. Ida and tho Samuel Beaver, aged 20 years, 2 months and 12 days. The deceased had been ailing for tho past three years and for a number of weeks had been confined to the house. He was horn at Sarepta and came with (he family to the farm on the Lon­ don Road and by bis genial dispos­ ition made many friends among the young people. Besides his mother he is survived by three brothers and two sisters, Orville, Harold, Harry, Myrtle - and Mildred-. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon con­ ducted by Rev. Mr. Moorehouse, the interment being made in the Exeter cometcry. A case which has aroused an un­ usual amount of interest in town is that of R. E. Pickard against Win. Kernic'k to establish a right of way over the strip of 49 feet of land on the west side of Mr, Kornick’s pro­ perty. Mr, Pickard claimed that the lute George Samwell and his. father when partners had laid out the lane as a common driveway and although It was not so described in the deeds his family had so used it for more than 30 years. The action was tried before the County Judge at the December Sessions at Goderich and a number of witnesses from here were hoard but judgment was re­ served. His Honour handed out his decision last week, finding in favor of Mr. Pickard’s claim to a joint ownership and directing that each party have the absolute title to half of the roadway. Gladman & Stan- bttry acted for Mr. Pickard at Carling <& Morley for Mr. Kornick mentioned, the second were not the names number of USUAL COMEDY PROPRIETOR. one of her arms wero She was taken to Dr* hospital and later \vas her home. WE HAVE A FULL LINE READY FOR ¥OrJR, SPRING REQUIREMENTS -fljoining plots .tau.,h'hmp over and uuss up eaeh’'others Tots. '*us 5 Authorized by the Chrysler" Motor Co., Windsor PARTS AND SERVICE FOR ALL CHRYSLER CARS HURONGARAGE ULRIC SNELL FRACTURED ARM Mrs. John Peart had the misfor­ tune to fall on the slippery walk on Main St. on Saturday last with the result that fractured, Fletcher's removed to COAmUNICATloN WHY DUKYESIETERY A. great deal of complaint is being heard about -the lay-out of the new -part of-tlie eemetery and tlie Board Wplihi do wqjl- to revise their plans before" it is? -too late. Conserving* space is not nearly so important as making it necessary l’or owners of muss up have plenty of paths even if it d-oes take more land. Alfalfa, •Timothy Seed Red Clover, Sweet Clover, Akike Clover You will soon be needing them and anyone vzho needs Alfalfa Seed will do well to get their supply early as thc£ supply is limited. Our seed department is being run as a separate depart­ ment. We are obliged to remind you that seed is CASH. We do not intend to open up an account system for our seed department. We believe this to be in your best interests as well as our ovzn. We v/ill try to give you the Best Values that we have ever given, JONES.& MAY : HARDWARE | — AND — 1.PAINT STORE .| USE DUCO for Painting your Kitchen Furniture AU Colors in Stock . 50c. a tin up LOWE BROS. 1 Paints and Varnishes Cmera More Lasts Loiigcv Looks Bettor ’ [ Color Cards for the asking I Try the Johnson Electric Polisher $2.00 poi‘ day; $1.25 fol* half day JOHNSON WAX 75c. lb. JOHNSONS LIQUID WAX In bottles 50, 85 mid $1.45 Guaranteed Axes • and Saws ; 44 4 ................. $1.75 Samson .......... $2,00 1 Handled axes ................... $2.40 Black Diamond X Cut Saws $6,50 Tinsmithing and Plumbing - Estimates Furnished ■ Heaman’s Hardware & Paint Store l|. r."",,1"?■s.Tsrr.-.rr?..,----------------- --—j ~'-i "--"rag