HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-02-16, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE at Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Hogs, 0 AND GET SATISFACTION 3 7T. Appleton reports having robin several times since New “Oh say! Have yon had your Linxberger to-day?”— HARVEY’S GROCERY. e are giving Great Values in times Exeter Markets Wheat $1.25. Oats 68c. Barley 72e— -80c. Manitoba Flour $4.40. Blended flour $3.90. Pastry Flour §8.40. Feed Flour $2.25 Bran $1.85 Shorts $1.85 Creamery Butter 48c. ’ ‘ Butter 35— extras 3Gc. seconds 30c. $8.50 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev,. J a an eg Foots, B.A., Minister IQ a.m.—-Sunday School. 11 a.m.—--“The. Great Chartex* of the Church.” The Minis,ter 7 p.m.—“The Morality Play.'' The Minister FUN RAL DIRECTOR PHONE 20w and 20j “ Fh- Nerves: in Gents’ Furnishings. PANCAKE SOCIAL io be held in the Parish hall of Triyitt Memorial church on Shrove Tuesday Feb. 21st under the- auspices of the W, A. Ad­ mission 25 c. Everybody welcome. Supper Served from 6 to 8 ■ 8 new Suit J ADIES ST. UNKTED OHUROH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor - W. R. Moulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Clxoir-Leador 11 a.m.— “The Psalmist—Setting the Lord always before me,” 5 th in the series on "Lord teach us how to pray,” p.m.—Sabbath School p.m.—“Jonah--and the great fish” 5tli in the series “Old Friends made Y. P. L. Monday evening. •sionary lecture. Prayer service Wednesday at 7:30 Teachex* Training class 8:30. new/* Mis­ programme. Illustrated Easter is less thar. seven weeks away and time soon flies. You will likely he wanting a new suit for spring. Our new spring goods arc on our shelves and we have a very special assortment in ail the latest shades and patterns. Suits as low as SAMPLES GALORE Everything in stock that a well dressed man needs. w PHONE 81w EXETER, ONT. w x. Model fi6Two»F5fty with Table Speaker No extras of any kind to buy; no future battery-expense to think about; t/ns radio is complete—all ready to “just plug in—then tune in” when it is delivered to your home. Why deny yourself and your family the pleasure which a Rogers will give you this Winter and all the rest of the year when you can now get this complete 1928 Rogers Bat­ teryless Outfit for the same price as an ordinary, reputable, ZmWery-opCrated set? You’ve probably wanted a Rogers—most people do. Get this splendid outfit now while radio programs are at their best. Liberal terms of payment to any responsible family. EXETER, -.....' ■ ■ ................ ONTARIO FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT KIRKTON (Dr.) Fletcher is visiting her Mrs.0. A. Norsewortlxy, of MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. O. J. Moorhouse, Pastor 11 a.m.—“One of the Greatest Ri­ vals of Christianity.'’ p.m.-—Sunday School p.m.—“Painted Faces. The De­ vil’s ox* the Lord's Compact, Which?” Praise and prayer service with­ drawn. Russell and aunt, Mrs. motored to Detroit for NOTICE^—Dr. Kinsman wishes to announce that he will continue to practice dentistry at his present Ex­ eter office on the third Saturday of each month. 2-2-3tc FOR SALE—Organ in first-class condition, oak. Apply at Times- Advocate. 2-16-2tp. been vis- witlx Mr. FOR SALE—50 acre farm, good land, well fenced and drained,-bank barn, water inside; large hen house and driving shed; good house, all buildings in first class shape; never failing well with’ windmill. Con. 10 and 11, Usborne, half mile south of Farquhar The Finance Committee at the re­ cent session of Huron County Coun­ cil brought in the following report. The finahce committee recom­ mended payment of a number of ac­ counts, recommended payment of an account of $229.50 to the Muskoka Hospital ire Wilfred Etne; recom­ mended, a payment of $60 to the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, re Gordon Williams. The commit­ tee strongly recommended that any­ one needing 'hospital attendance should fee placed in one of the hos­ pitals of- the county. We recoin mend that the auditors* report for 1927 be.adopted aftd.Vthat the audi­ tors be paid $50 each for their* ser* vices. Stragallia, of St, Marys, isMrs. Cv. VL Ul, JlVXSUJTH, visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Switzer. Mrs. Walter Hazelwood is visiting friends in London, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Balfour and family and Miss Eliza Shier, of Lon­ don, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Paul. Mr. Harvey Vicers, of London, spent a- few days with friends here this week. Miss Effie Corniish had the mis­ fortune to fall on the slippery side walk on Wednesday, fracturing a number of ribs. We hope to see her around again seen. . ..Mr. W. A. McKenzie, of Mitchell, gave a very Interesting talk oxUCo- opucatlte Marketing,*of the th F-, o. Club meeting on 'i.-ur.-da.. Dr. Dennis of Burgessville, is vis­ iting with Mr. and Mrs. T, Allen. Snell Bros., local Ford dealers, have secured their first new coach. Mr. seen a Years. Mrs. sister, Glencoe. Mr. Earl W. J. Beer, the week-end. Mr. Chas. Acheson, of London, visited under the parental roof over the week-end. Mrs. Robt. Mawhinney, of Alvin- ston, is visiting with relatives in and around town. Miss Wiggins, of Goderich, visit­ ed ovex- the week-end with Mrs. Mol- lard, of town. Mr. S. Hardy, who has beeix ill for some time, has been very low dur­ ing the week’. Miss Ella Link, who has itixxg in Detroit, is,.visiting and Mrs. Wm, Kuntz. • Mr. Silas Reed .is this w§ek, at­ tending a hardware dealers conven­ tion held in,. Toronto. . Miss Mildxjed Harv-ey is visiting ixx Toronto and expects to hear Men­ delssohn’s clxoix* while there. Mrs. Frank Hunter, of Stratford, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordoxx Hunter* of town. Mrs. E. A. Amy, who has been vis­ iting fox’ several weeks in Brantford returned home on Friday last. Miss Edith Walters returned home last Thursday after visiting for some time in Hamilton and Toronto. Miss Hilda Sims has position as stenographer ing manufacturing firm Mr’, and Mrs. Herman last week with the Mr. and Mrs. John Jacob Wal.per and Blake, visited last.' and Mrs.- Henry secured a for a cloth­ in Toronto. Dayman, of Seaforth, visited latter’s parents, Millar. Mr. and Mrs. family, of "Port Sunday With Mr. Bierling. About thirty-five neighbors had a very successful wood-bee at the home of Mr. Will Etherington in Usborne on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Tlxos. Consitt, of Stanley Tp., has purchased an Atwater Kent radio from Mr. W. J. Beer and it is giving splendid satisfaction. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones and fam­ ily visited in London on Sunday and were accompanied home by Mrs. Jones!' mother, Mrs. F. H. Neil. Misses Reta Rowe and Ella Jones are leaving to-day (Thursday) to spend a few days in Toronto going down to hear the Mendelssohn choir. Wm. L. Butler, who has been vis­ iting Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perkins, returned to' London on Thursday accompanied by Miss Nola Perkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Perkins Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brooks, of Chrystal City, Man., who are at the present visiting Mr. C. T. Brooks and other relatives in town, intend leaving or theii’ home on Friday of this week Miss Dorothy Williams, dining­ room girl at the Central Hotel, un­ derwent an operation for appendi­ citis at the Exeter Hospital on Fri­ day evening and is getting along as well as can be expected. A Valentine social was held by the Young Peoples’ Guild of Caven church on Monday evening. A splen­ did musical and t literary program was given followed by a social hour in games and amusements. Refresh­ ments were served. In an’ interview with the Deputy Minister of Highways it is learned that the bridge between Lucan and Clandeboye over the Aux Sable rivex*. Edgar Fahson, 'Kirkton; R. R.'No. 1 FOR SALE—-^Second hand cloth­ ing suitable - fox- making over fox­ children. Apply Times-Advocate 2-16-tfc. 2-16-2tp'.‘ FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT— 150 acres, lot 13, Con. 13, Stephen; 50 acres grass,“'south half of lot 16, con. 13; 50 acres grass, S. I-I. lot'4, con. 15. Apply to D. Lippert, Mel­ bourne, Ont. 2-16-tfc. FOR SALE OR RENT—100 acre pasture farm oxx Lot 11, Stephen and 150 acres Lot 11, south boundary of Hay and west half of lot 3 oix the 6tlx concession. Will also be sold in 50 acre lots. There is quits a lot of good timber on., the land. Apply to John Ford,"Sr,, Hay P. O., EXetei’ North. ■ 15-2-3tp HOUSE FOR .SALE—Desirable residence in Exeter the- property of the late David Johns._ Apply to Mrs. W. W. Taman,. Exeter 2-16-2U WANTED—Matron for Children’s Shelter, Goderich, duties to begin on March 1st, married woman preferr­ ed. • Apply at once, stating qualifi- -cations and salary expected, and giv­ ing references to' A. M. Roberston, Sec’y, C. A. S, Goderich 2-16-ltc .TIIVRSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1923 ros Phone 16 Phone 16 HARVEY’S GROCERY’ BULLETIN “Why Lemons Cure Colds,’’ Here’s a simple, 'easily remember­ ed explanation. As a rule, colds are caused by an “acidj ’ condition of the body. The Medical Profession has dis­ covered that, when “acid fruits,’’ are taken into the body, theii' reaction is Alkaline, the opposite of acid. Therefore, such as colds, lemon juice, in the form of hot lemona.de, offers the most reaction to body acidity and quickly cures the cold. SEED CLEANING DEMONSTRA­ TION TRAIN WILL VISIT EXETER, FEBRUARY 29th Ontario Government’s Seed Clean­ ing demonstration train will visit Exeter, on Wednesday, February 29,. The most approved “power and seed cleaning machines will be in oper­ ation daily on this train. Practical demonstrations in the use of proper screens will be given by qualified men in charge. A limited quantity of grain and seeds Will be thorough­ ly cleaned and graded at each point designated below. Lectures will be delivered by experts each day at 2:30 p.m. on diseases of different farm crops and insect pests, destrut­ ion of weeds and all other phases of farm work. Information will also be given as to the sources of pure seed grain. Samples of selected var- will he built this year and that mostj*B^s °/ Rxtdx crops will be shown. of the bridges on the London Road will be built in readiness for paving the road from Clinton to Elginfield. It is not likely that Lucan will have its main street paved this summer. SURPRISE PARTY Several from Exeter together with a number of neighbors assembled at the home of Mr. Roy Coward, in Us- borne, as a surprise Monday even­ ing. The -evening was pleasantly spent in progressive euchre which was followed by a sumptuous provided by the ladies, dancing was enjoyed winners in euchre were, lady, Elsie. Gardiner; gent, Harvey en. After The lunch lunch prize Miss •Poll- The train .will stop at 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day at the following points Ailsa Craig j| " " St. Marys . Stratford .. Mitchell .... Seaforth ... Clinton ..... Exeter ...... Hensall ...... This train for the benefit of the farmers in the vicinity of the points above named. Take advantage of its educational features. The Federal Seed ^Department, tpe Canadian National, the Canadian Pacific and the Michigan Central Raidroads are co-operating with the Ontario Department of Agriculture in operating this train. For further particulars apply to is .Wednesday, Feb. 22 ...Thursday, Feb. 23 .......Friday, ....Saturday, .....Monday, .....Tuesday, .Wednesday ..Thursday, being run Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. March 1 specia.ly 24 25 27 28 29 FISH—A fresh supply of Halibut,, _ _____ .. . - Salmon, _White Fish, Herrings, S». J. Lockie Wilson, Dept, of Agricul- Snacks, ~ ' dng, Klpperlnes, Oysters, Fresh Fro­ zen Fillets. -Salt HARVEY’S GROCERY Fillet*.Oodf’tsh. ..U.c Herring and etc.— ture, Toronto, Ont._ Hoixorable John ~S. Martin, . * Minister ,of Agriculture; . Toronto, Ont have beautiful papers Black Silk, satin finish 1 piece oixly Black Silk, 3G inches wide good black and fixxe even weave. Special at per yard $1.29 Strap Slippers and Oxfords Almost all sizes in this lot. Just the thing to wear* around the house and with goloshes, values to $5.00- Clearing at per pair $1.98 Special Price on Flannelette Blankets _ 75 pairs of Large Size Flannelette Blankets, in white with pink or blue borders. These were bought before the advance in cotton. Very Special at per pair $2.19 English Turkish Towelling d< bundles of Engislx Tiiykish Tow­ elling,""good Aveight, fast colors, and good patterns, regular 35c. Special per yard 25c. All Wool Bats Thoroughly washed and scoured. These will make lovely warm comfor­ ters. Regular price per pound $1.00. Special this week per pound 75c. 50 pair of Ladies Rubbers All sizes in this lot. These all have high heels. Perhaps you caix use a pair? Reduced to 35c. 2 only 97-piece Dinner Sets Ixx Holly Rose pattern. Good por­ celain in full 97 piece Dinner Set. Re­ gular $24.95; 2 only sets left . . Reduoed to $16;95 Specials in Groceries only special this week at. each 49c. CUT MACARONI Try our Macaroni and cheese- Fresh this week. 2 pounds for 25c. BROOMS WILL BE HIGHER 5 dozen LARGE BOTTLE CATSUP Special for this hveek. Large size Tomato Catsup per bottle' 25c. Finished in Two-Tone Walnut BENCH TO DIATCH tlJaad C/ V (i Your Organ or Phonograph taken in exchange. See and hear this piano and decide fox* yourself. ■ 2 c-melody Saxophones Silver Plated in Leather Cases ' HALF PRICE WANTED— Experienced married man wants work on farm. Situa­ tion as herdsman ox* working small farm alone preferred. Willie Mul­ ler, Zurich, Ont. R. R. No. 2. 3 heSs A solid slab of wood, cut to size and shape, couldn’t be any tighter fitting than a floor of Seaman-Kent hardwood. That’s why dust can’t work through * . .. why cold in Winter and heat in summer are both kept out. i3 ROSS-TAYLOR CO., Ltd. Exeter, Ont* lAHE BEST THAT'S MADE IN EVERY CRAPE' > E» YOU CAN SA-VE DIONEY ON EVERYTHING YOU BUY AT T. H. Elliott’s Suits, Overcoats, Overalls, 'Smocks, Odd Pants, Underwear, Sweaters, Gloves, Mitts, Shoes, Rubbers, Shirts Collars,’ Mufflers, Ties, Hockey Shoes Hats, Caps or anything you want in Men’s wear. This is not a ten day sale, but I anx going to continue this sale just as long as the public will help me to carry out my plan of selling oxx a small profit. And- let nxe tell you everything I sell is first class (—’Si“ — J ■ stock. Many can help one and in this case one can help many. HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES Authorized by Government as Trustee Investments The Interest Is paid half yearly upon $100.00 or more for 1 to 5 years. Applications for same are accept­ ed at any time by Carling & Morley Barristers &e.. Exeter, Ont. auauty and not £; Harvey GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER FOR SALE—A commodious brick cottage, situate on the West side of Main Street, Exeter, Ont., conven­ iently located as to churches, school and stores, in first class repair, with bath and electric lights, hard and soft water, beautiful grounds and garden planted with choice fruits and ornamental shrubs, and well built stable; also two frame houses in good repair with suitable grounds, together with a few choice building lots. For further particu­ lars and terms apply to Carling & Morley, Solicitors, Exeter, Ont. 2-2-3tc. HOUSE FOR SALE— A Splendid brick residence on Main St., Exeter; all conveniences, three-piece bath, furnace, good stable, garage. All kinds of fruit, ; large garden, good Well. Possession at once. Apply to Tiines-Advocate. .. ' l-26-4tc. STRAYED—Onto the premises, a yearling heifer. Owner .may have same by proving property" aixd pay­ ing expenses. Apply to Thomas Ma­ whinney, Dashwood, R. R. No. 3. - 2-2-3tC. PASTURE FARM FOR SALE—75 acres in lot 16, Con. 7, Hay, well fenced, never failing water in ditch. . W. C. Pearce, Exeter. Buy a Common Sense fanning mill and clean your own seed grain. They clean it right and will help to keep your farm clean. I also cover sieves and screens with wire of zinc of the right mesh for any kind of grain. Seed oats, barley, corn, po­ tatoes, all pedigreed seed, for sale. Wm, "Mitchell, Agent, Exeter. Phone 187j. • 2-9-2tc> FOR SALE OR RENT—Splendid hriclc residence, corner of Andrew and Waterloo streets with four, ac­ res of land in connection; also a brick cottage corner "of Main and Wellington stTe^ts: also 50 ’acre pasture farm ift II y. Tdwshlp. Ap­ ply to Thus. Laing, Exeter, Ont. Representing Mutual Life of Canada FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, WINDSTORM, ETC. W R. GOULDING A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction in Plano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music tn Schools Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 193 EXETER, ONT. In »wui'.«ii I !■ ri>«»TuiiR'W'iwrwgji>i'M>w<mwi»rrrM wweuwWi SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE ...................."...... 3a DOUBLE EDGE ......................... 4o Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, DRUGGIST FOR SALE 50 LBS. OF COMB HONEY PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR SPRING BABY CHICKS Quality Chicks our Motto W. F. ABBOTT Phone 124.Exeter, Ont. >■ ........ n.—r... ■...................... ......IB FOR SALE OR RENT—-Fine brick residence, heated with hot air, elec­ tric lighted, good garden. Apply to R. E. Pickard. 10-27tfc FOR SALE—Storey and half brick, hong© on Gidley Stree*-. with two lots*, hard and soft wate., and Electric- Lights, also some'fruit trees. Cen­ tral locatloh'. Applj GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors for Adminis­ trator, Estate Caroline G. Ford.