HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-02-16, Page 7>>■ »• Classified Advertisements jpoo^ecair SWTATE WAJTED. The picture GREAT ] endorsation of The BABY BROKEN mushrooms, prepared as usual, with and infantile ailments ISSUE Ho. C—*28 '• Coughs <an3&dl ds in the SI reef Oi’ator—"Nah! Any more in­ terruptions and I finishes up, leavin’ yer ignorant of the ’orrible times in which yer lives.” Lindbergh made a full atop at tolou. He—"Dearest, do you think I shall prove a satisfactory mate?” Bhe— "Oh, you’ll do for a mate all right. Now, look me over and tell me what you think of your captain.” the nation contributing nations means that or constipation Or those many times when don’t know what is the mat- real sickness, call the doctor, At other times, a few drops There, is a great difference in mem Rome are well to do, and others are hard to do. "When cremation becomes more popular probably a dust pan will replace the skeleton in the closet." Lady (buying, a car)--"Now, there was some other question I wanted to ask you. Ah, yes, what is the brute force of the car?”c •stimulated. There is excess acid, way to correct it is with an alkali, :h neutralises many times its vol­ rays Fletcher’s, may bp just as from dangerous why experiment? Besides, tarn and fcotWiv, ivo Hours alter eaj fier from sour it inuigostion. stomach nerves Coming events must cast their sha­ dow. llow else can you account for calling Chicago the Windy City so many years before the arrival of .Bill Thompson? i Minard's Liniment far siek animals doctor often tolls you to do just and always prepamtlons just as free b thus uneven- improper com- for a solution thirtepn-month TOO EASILY Deacon Turtle (severely): Haven’t you made any good New Year'6 resolutions, young man? Rabbit: Yes, I resolved not to make any more resolutfoiw! 'Hopkins tell Susan enough.” three girls behind. Charles; this one’s name is Belinda! ” (to his wife)-—"You might that this steak isn’t done Mrs. Hopkins—“You are THOMAS A, EDISON WITH AN OLD FRIEND His 1914 model flivver still serve® him beautifully, he says, was made at Mr. Edison’s Florida home at Fort Myers. Mining Investors Intrinsic values govern market prjees eventually. We shall be fliad to' analyze your holdings from that angle without obligation. LYLE, BELL & CO. Stock Brokers, Mall Bldg., Toronto ELgln 2136-7 Write, Wire or Phone getting on :i.” Hamilton, Ontario. — ‘ 'I have taken several bottles of Lveia E.Pinkham’s teaming, and Double Worth Because one Ton D W 8-16-S = two Tons 4-8-4. r. D. W. GUNN, LTD. 200 Vine Ave., Toronto, Ont. ig many stomachs. It means have been APIeasantSWnstentBelicf There is »n effective way to pleas­ antly relieve that distressing Cough. Bucicley’e Mixture is delightful and "friendly”. Yet-it act# like a flash in clearing the throat and chest. One dose stops coughing—and there are 40 doses' in a 78-cent bottle I All druggists sell it under * money-back guarantee. W. K. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual St., Toronto 2 Acta single dp ptavti =PHHUM= For Troubles <lue 4® Acid. INDIGESTION agio (jTOMACH HCAR.TBUR.N HEADACHE OASES r NAUSEA^ Calendar Revision His Chief Ambition Constantinople The Wizard and HU Car Meres ctnr F- H.*" ft Li b.*h: Cn‘Fwort tu'tndar B. Cc<sworth of Van- :r 1 ;as Become Inter* rrjly Known Over Ttccn-Months Plan wr and amp: out the s it been written and are it ten about Moses B. 1 is intornaiimal fixed sign, a move which the present method of passage of the year with a system of thir­ ds days each with the international holiday. have II e: would wipe re cording ; ml rcplaci teen months of i day, an E.> has risen from an obscure Van­ couver, B.C., accountant to a world, figure, whose namo is p byword in European capitals. Yet tho man, Cotswortli, is to a degree unknown, he has been pushed into the back­ ground by Log immensity of his ob­ jective. From his childhood, he admits, he lias had a desire to "get to the bot- ioni of things.” On his graduation from a Yorkshire grammar school, the 'readmaster openly commended on this trait. As a man in his thirties b-n came to Vancouver where he open­ ed an accountants office and flourish­ ed in a modest way. Hit; work, ho says, immediately brought one point to the fore—busi­ ness comparisons based on monthly returns could not be taken as a true barometer of business. Different, days of the week have varied values to tho business man, length months gave parisons. He sought nd his idea of tho alendar was born. Afjer years of research he believed the plan was ready for submission to l.'ie public and he reviewed it in addresses before official and com­ mercial groups. The history of its growing support is too well known to require, repeating. Five years ago he -left for Washing* ton, D.G., . oxpecting to be- gone two weeks. He • re'ttirne'd '*to' his home, .in Vancouver- at the last Christmas vaca­ tion for the second brief'visit-in the half decade. His campaign has been.'one for an ideal and has entitled personal finan­ cial loss fis he lias refused to accept an” payment, taking only expense money. In the meantime, his busi­ ness in Vancouver has disappeared. A hearty man year, he cherishes goal is in sight. "I believe that practically every to the league of i it will be only a matter of a short time, before the simplified calendar will be adopted,” he said during his visit, to the coast cit.y. January 1, 1933, will be the ideal date to com­ mence, for it falls on a Sunday.” Cotswortli expects no. reward even if his plan succeeds.. The achieve­ ment of his goal is sufficient. Chief Joy of National Parks The visitor to the national parks In the Canadian Rockies who leaves without having taken a trail trip missed one of the chief joys of region. If ono wishes to know real heart of the mountains he to. go. off alone and live and camp among tli*m. There are over 700 ■miles of trails in Rocky Mountains national park, Alberta, a large part of which radiate from Banff. "I often wonder when I am in Heaven how I shall get my coat on ovei* my wings.” Whereupon his wife regard­ ed him silently for some moments, and then replied: "You need not wor­ ry about that. Your difficulty will be your trousers over your A Neva Scalia Lady Was in an Refugees Must Quite Turkish Anaemic Condition, ...- Capital by Feb. 1; League of Nations Has Task Finding Homes for Them Geneva. The League of Nations which hat?, already sent Aineriesan lountrleo many Russian refugeet’, finds fronted with the task of from Constantinople the last 3,0ffi) re­ fugees resident there. Vnder a Turkish edict, all the rcfii- gees must leave Constantinople by February 1, lip to 1921 no fewer than 9(i,oob Russians had taken refuge in the Turkish metropolis from their na- Williams- five land, at the time of military move- "I have received. ments inaugurated by Generals Deni- •n who do not t-loc-p ; not refreshed and. i a, night’s rest, are t watery; got the d head- : is the i is the 'Ith and nothing (.-he can equal Dr. Williams’ l’ink Pills. Flora first dore to last they en­ rich and pmify the biuod, and in this way promote bettor appetite, better lest at night, and renewed strength. , Mrs. Mary E. Uhlman, town, N.S., writes: —‘__ _ so much benefit from Dr. Williams’ kino and Wrangel. Pink Pills, that 1 rvould feel myself! ungrateful if I did not let yc u know. ’■'I was in a very bad state of health and reached tho stage where I had to A doctor was called I I had no organic simply run clown 1 had been left, with I blood. The liourMimcut aclwfi and a remit. Build one suit stitp strength, and to .11* demand a •n-out feelin up the blo< renewed h< this purport to Latln- families of Itself eon- evacuating TE £°<>d te** The Orange Pekoe, at a little extra cost, is extra good Zn clean, bright Aluminum remain in bed, in and he told me trouble, but was from overwoork. a family to support, which I did by dressmaking. Tho doctor said my blood had almost turned to water, and advised a rest cure. 1 did not see how it was possible for me to take a very long rest, no I decided to try Dr. Wil­ liams’ Pink Pills, Sooi} I found ray strength returning and before very long I was able to go about my duties as usual again. This was a few years ago, and my health remained good until about a year ago, when I broke out with humor of the blood. Again I consulted tlffi doctor, who said my blood bad become so thin really poisoned itself. I had bought several boxes ’Hams’ Pink Pills, and he go on taking them as he thought they were just what I needed. I took eight boxes and again was in good health. I can therefore recommend these pills to-all in- a weak- or run-down, condi­ tion.” • Dr. Williams' l?fnk-Pills itr.o sold by all-druggists-' or-Will, be--sent by mail, post paid, on receipt,-of price, 50 cents -a box. Try them to-day. An old Negro got up one night at a revival meeting and said: "Brudders an’ sisters, you knows an’ I knows dat I ain’t been what I oughter been. I’se robbed hen-roosts an’ stole hawgs, an' told lies, an’ got drunk, an’ slashed folks with mah razor, an’ cussed and swore; but I thank Heaven dere’s one thing I ain’t nebber don—I ain't neb ber lost mah religion.” Free—a new nook of poultry Lessons. L. R. Gqild & Sons, Box T., Rockwood, Ont. Nansen Places Refugees. Dr. Fridtjof Nansen, high commis­ sioner of the League of Nations for refugee questions, succeeded in dis- i parsing most of the refugees to forty- five different countries, where employ­ ment was found for them in collabora­ tion with the International. Labor Of­ fice. Funds furnished by member states and by American and British relief organizations financed the mi­ gration. As the evacuation progressed, how­ ever, the task of finding employment in other countries -for the refugees be­ came more difficult. A climax was reached in 1926. At the same time that Turkey declared all Russian refugees must obtain Turkish nationality o rleave the coun­ try before August 1, 1927, France de­ cided that it could accept no foreign workers because of the economic crisis which followed the stabilization of the franc. All Must Quit Turkey. Only in exceptional caees could the refugees obtain Turkish nationality. A temporary suspension was .granted In the- clecree* that. tho. rest must'leave; butrnow all have1'to go. ■ -AmongL the' -3,000- Russians • left • in Constantinople -are-many jazz .artists,- dancers, agricultuidsts, carpenters, sailors,«•' domestics and commercial fblk. It costs'to transport and settle them in South America about ?100 apiece. The labor office estimates that for the final liquidation of Rus­ sian refugees in Turkey some $250,000 will be required, including some §75,- 000 for the removal of 800 invalids. Some of the 3,000 probably will be sent to the Argentine, Bolivia and Peru. .. _ ______t»t British Charity Bequests Decline in .10-Year Period London.—-Are British people less charitable tiffin they used to be? An affirmative answer is suggested by an article in "The Nineteenth Cen­ tury,” by Wyatt Tilby, who computes that whereas in 1918 the amounts be­ queathed in wills to charity or other public or religious purposes were more than. 8 per cent; of the total be­ quests, in 1927 they had dropped to 2 per cent. As individual wealth has increased during the last thirty years it is sug­ gested that the decrease"in bequests to charity is due to the fact that the state now does more for the com­ munity, while the increase of taxation inclines the family to do more for it­ self when money is bequeathed. --------------------- From Rab and His Friends He was killed by a cannon splinter, Quite in the middle of the winter; Perhaps it was not at that time, But I can get no other.rhyme. ■Marjorie Fleming, Edinburgh, 1810. (8-year-okl poet prodigy). WE SELL AND TRADE PROPERTY anywhere in Canada. tfterilBC ffixebange Co., Box 84, Galt, Ont, MARRY —JOIN CANADIAN COR­ RESPONDENCE CLUJB. Address X.OX 1738, Calgary, Albsrta. MAKING HISTORY President Cosgrave made a state­ ment at the Prime Minister's Din­ ner at Ottawa after hi® railway ac­ cident earlier in the day that deserves a prominent place in our annals. "I have witnessed some stirring incidents in my time,” he said, "but never a finer example of bravery and coolness than on that train to­ day, when a railwayman, (Frank Lafleur, Montreal brakeman, injur­ ed in the derailment of the Presi­ dential Special), lying on his back with a broken arm, asked: 'Are the guests al 1 right?’ The country which produces men like that Is bound to succeed.” Be- AN AUCTIONEER. EARN FROM ?25 to ?100 per day. Send for largo illustrated catalogue; also how to receive Home Study Course free of i Address: Reppert’s Auction School and Business College, JB(ix 119, Decatur, Indiana.____________________________ The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co. has received the following letter from Mrs. Griffith, of 21 Merchison Ave., East Hamilton, Ont., concerning her experience with Baby’s Own Tablets: Dear Sirs,—I wish to thank you for the handy little booklet you sent me on the Care of Children. My baby boy was six weeks old when I first used Baby’s Own Tablets, being new to Canada, but since the first proof of their many uses*in bringing up a family, I have never been without them, for they are worth their weight in gold. There is no trouble in get­ ting the little ones to take them and they often prevent an illness if taken in time. My first baby is now, at the age of four and a half years, a pic­ ture; of health, and my nine-inonths- old \baby is also weH. and, happy; They are-" both- tv real- gpodvsample of wliat Baby’s Own. Tab lets, can do, for I have never yet-needed a doctor for either of them.” The booklet to which Mrs. Griffith refers is entitled "Care of the Baby;” and treats with what a mother ought to know for baby’s ’sake. A copy of the booklet will be sent free to any­ one requesting same from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Broclcville, A certain grumpy clergyman .made v his home life almost unbearable. His ‘ wife, however, rarely complained anl | seldom-jjid anything that might, bring on one of his tantrums. Emerging from deep thought one day, he said: »>— Mushroom Recipes When Food til Ji se n" table to be he didn’t indicates whether it this alleged disparity in. in- that he advocated early mar- lias the the has that it had told him I of Dr. Wil- told me to his sixty-nintli belief that his Drive away the pain by massage with Minard’s. ■up- use ip .V*- • cream to make a> Season with salt ve with crufohs. Solicitor—"Is your husband here?” Woman—"No. Whenever it is a court affair it is your humble.” Sows Fast East|-Cuffing Esmonds SAWS Guaranteed becauscmade from our own steel SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO, LTD, MONTREAL VANCOUVER, ST.JOHN.N.B.,- TORONTO Sore Back Freshman (to witty partner)—"Why do so many men at the ’Varsity wear torn and shabby gowns?” Witty Part­ ner—"Well, you must remember the undergrad has always had a weakness for rags.” NURSES The Toronto Hospital for Incurables. In affiliation with Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, New York City, offers a three years’ Course of Training to young women, having the required education, and desirous of becoming nurses. This Hospital has adopted the eight-houi’ ^system. The pupils receive uniforms of tfio’ School, a monthly allowance and traveling expenses-to and from New York. For further information write, the Superintendent. Save LABOR during the spring rush when time is at a premium. Because D W Fertilizer is double strength, you save in bags, freight, spreading Wcgrowourown nursery stock and soil direct to you—no snles- men.no aRcnts, no costly commissiOBBlhatyouhnve to ?ay for. Our dales pion naves money—you can buy yourplantineo direct from unnnd save upto 50%. Nothing but high grade, No. 1 Block, of proved Btcndard varieties suited to Canadian conditions. All Btock guaranteed true-to-name. Grow Tour Own Fruit Plant fruit trees and berries thia Spring—before you knowit they will bo producing delicious crops for tabic ubo and canning. Beautify Ycur Home Trees and shrubs odd valuo and improve ap­ pearance yet cost but little. Get details of our epecial low price collections. Write for catalog today--It's FREE. UNION NURSERIES, Bon G Fonthill.Ontario harmless. It has remained the sUnl- ard with physicians in the 50 years since its invention. It is the quick method. Results come almost ihstantly. It is the proved method.' You will never another when you know. Bo sure to get tho genuine Phil Milk’of iM&Mncda prerertbed-hy pl ovei The Whit time in acid The right way Is.-Phillips' Milk of J clans for 50i years in coiToeUMMwesfi Magneelh“just- n ’tasteless dose ■ In ’acids.” .Each bottle contains full dlreo- viatetr.’ It is pleasant, efficient and | (ions'—any drugstore. Compulsory Marriage at Early Age Favored London—"If I were* dictator-of tfaie -country - every girl-should-. be-married atdgh.teen.-and everyman at‘• t wenty- one-— if 'necessary,-by oompulsion/-’ de­ clared- "Tay Pay” O’Connor, - M;P., re­ cently. Mr, O'Connor also •advocated "Votes for Flappers^” as ho eol<L the average woman of twenty-one had twice the sense of a man of the same age; but avas for tellgence riages, A BresIau’sExpansion to Add 40,000 to City’s Population Breslau—Breslau will gain 40,000 inhabitants and thus Increase its population to more than 600,000 with the coming Into existence, probably on April 1, of Greater Breslau. The annexation to the city of vari­ ous outlying districts will make neces­ sary a material increase of the street­ car system, for which plans already are-being made. Statisticians esti­ mate that the greater city will have 1,000,000 inhabitants in 1950. Woodsmen—Keep Minard's handy. --------------*j,--------------- From Rab and HIs Friends Paddy Tims—whose soul at alse With the point of his nose And the tips of his toeos Turn’d up to roots of the daisies. ■Anonymous Epitaph. *OTU U A standard Ao I n mA remedy Eor 58 years Dr. Guild's Green fountain Asthma Compound has sue- fiesafuny and quickly relieved the distressing paroxysms of Asuima. Two sizes $1.50 and 35c, also clgraj'- ettes (box of 24, 60c), at your drug­ gist or sent direct post paid for cash. FREE TRIAL box of 6 cigarettes With treatise on causes and treatment of Asthma, etc., sent on request. J. H. GUILD CO., Dept. 22, Rupert Vt., U.8.A. Distr. for Can., Lyman’s Ltd., 244 St. Paul St. W., Montreal. ■tm............ '• Mrs. Wilson’s Experience * Guide to Women. Passing through th© Change of Life Vegetable Com­ pound ami I can- hot speak too highly of it as 1 was at the Chang® of Life and waa. al! run-down and had no appetite. I was very weak and sick, and th® pains in my back, were so bad I couldharolymove. t I got \ ery sad at, T knfl nnl:times and thought I had not irfritsd on earth. I did not care ix I lived or died. I was very nervous, too, and! did not go out very much. A friend advised me to try a bottle of Lydia E,. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound,s® I did. I am a farmer’s wife, and ways worked hard until lately, was in bed for two months. I began, to feel like a new woman after tfe* first bottle and I recommend it witJt great success, also Lydia E. Pink-* ham’s Liver Pills. 1 am willing to answer letters from women askiiw about your medicines, as I carmoi Bpeak too highly of them.”—Mr®, Emma Wilson, 471 Wilson Streep Hamilton, Ontario. Sold by druggists everywhere. In cooking mushrooms it is es­ sential to retain the flavor which is so delicato Serve them as soon as they are prepared. If necessary let the family wit. for the mushrooms, but do not let the mushrooms wait for the family. For creamed mushrooms remove the stemc and peel one pound of mushrooms. Melt five tablespoons of butter, add the mushrooms broken in pieces and cook for three minutes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge With one and a half tablespoons of flour and pour over them half a cup of thin cream. Cook for five minutes, stirring constantly. A more unusual mushroom dish is mado by sprinkling half a pound of Why do so many, many babies of to-; day escape all the little fretful spells 1................ .......that used to salt and pepper, dredging them with,worry mothers through the day, and flour and cooking three minutes in a keep them uphalf the night? < If you don’t know the answer, you Add one cup of boiling haven’t discovered pure, harmless ------ . ........— ...... — . It is sweet to the taste, and ivt 4-1^ i<4 4-lzA 1 Sprinkle with three table-1 gentle influence seems felt all through cheese. As soon as [the tiny system. Not even a distaste-' melted arrange the. ’ Cui dose of castor oil does so much pieces of toast and [ good, the sauce. Garnish ’ serve at once, n excellent way « which may not recipes. Scrape the Add melted ispomis onion * are sieve. ;• (bin and hot saucepan with two tablespoons! of butter. ........... water in which a bouillon cube has' Castoria. been dissolved and cook slowly five.[sweet in the little stomach, minutes. spoons of grated the cheese is mushrooms on pour over them withparsley and Roup offers a utilize the stems *•' qtiired in other ins and cut 1; m to ter,1 ti flour fine. dor for m soup and sfe the hut of cut *(en t n.iadd cream pepper four table redge with and add o: When the mushroom them through a fine < I Fletcher's Castoria is purely vege-' [ table, so you may give it freely, at [first sign of colic; or constipation; or ! diarrhea, ’you just ■ ter. For always. • of Fleteher’n Castoria. i The i (hat; ’ Other pure, . drugs, (he* hook on earew and footMn'^. of 1 babies that comes with. Flntchor's Catsloria is worUi its in g*ld! The whole world knows Aspirin as an effective antidote for pain. But it's just as important to know that there is only one genuine Aspirin. The name Bayer is on every tablet, and on the box. If the name Bayer appears, it’s genuine; and if it doesn’t, it is not! Headaches are dispelled by Aspirin. .So, are colds, and the pain that goes with them; even neuralgia, neuritis, and rheuma* tism promptly relieved. Get Aspirin—-at any drugstore—with proven directions, Physicians prescribe Aspirin; it does NOT affect the heart the will l«s auaqiH \VJIJ1 tutlr imtM'wnj'k.