HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-02-16, Page 5r * ........ ............. .......-............*................................... ..... THE EXETER TJMES-ADVOCATE r. •* r A of Commerce CLINTON, ONTARIO Students may enter at any time Phone 198 R. F. WARD, B.A., M.Acqts. REWARD $500. IN GOLD Offered to any party or parties Who can produce positive informa­ tion that will lead to the arrest and conviction of any party or parties who were responsible for creating damage on the farm premises owned by HORN BROS, and described as ship of Usborne, "Lot A, Concession 10, in the Town- The said damage was created by the cutting up of a gravel box, and totally destroying one set of brass­ mounted harness by cutting same to pieces; also placing iron in sheaves of oats in the field, and the placing of 24 strands of fence-wire in field. Address any information or munication to HARRY HORN, 1297 Queen Street, W. Toronto. 2-2-4tc GLADMAN & STANBURY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c. .Money to Loan, Investments Mach Insurance Safe-deposit Vault for use of oui Clients without charge EXETER LONDON HENSAL1 CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC LOANS, INVESTMENTS, IN­ SURANCE . • Office: Carling Block, Main Streel. EXETER, ONT. DR. M. C. G. FLETCHER PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Faculty of Medlclna University of Western Ontario, Mem her of the College of Physicians an£ Surgeons of Ontario; Member of tin British Medical Council. Phone 6—(rThe. office of the latt Dr. H. K. Hyndman). ...... Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S DENIAL SURGEON Date District Dental Officer of Militar; District Number One, Dondon, Ont. Telephones Office 84 W Residence 84J Office open every "Wednesday un­ til April 25th, 1928. MAIN ST., EXETER, ONT. Dr. G. F. RouLaian, L.D.S.,D.D.S DENTIST Office over Carling & Morley Law Office Extractions Under Oxygen Ga® EXETER, ONT. JOHN WARD DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER OPTOMETRIST Physiotherapy Treatment PHONE NO. 70 MAIN ST. , EXETER DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED Tt Office in old „ Ford Garage Building Corner of Main and Ann Streets EXETER, ONT. FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 188 -------rsr-1. ....... ..................1- ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY $ Years Experience, Prices Reason­ able, Satisfaction Guaranteed or no Charge Phone 57-18 Dashwood R. R. 1, DASHWOOD, ONT. iSL'm-i!"...... . ......r'lrssxssrszr1 .................... OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jones’ Auc­ tion School, Special course taken It Registered Live Stock (all Breeds,) Merchandise, Real" Estate, Farx Sales, etc. Rates in keeping with prevailing prices. Satisfaction as­ sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont. 1874 1928 The London Life POLICIES AS GOOD AS GOLD W. C. PEARCE Exeter. Phone 130W. Residence, Ann St., two blocks west of Ford Garage USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, JOHN ALLISON "Vice-President, JAS. McKENZIE DIRECTORS frank McConnell, simon dow ROBT. NORRIS, WM. BROCK ' " " AGENTS' ± " JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agdnt for Usborna and Biddulph OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fttllarton and Logan W. A. TURNBULL Secretary-Treasurer Box 99, Exeter, Ontario. GDADMAN * STANBURY Solicitors. Exeter1 Principal --------f HENSALL GOOD FARM FOR SALE The undersigned offers for that good farm known as lot No. 23, on th© 4th concession of the town- sliiii of Hay, a little over two miles from Hensail or Zurich, possession can be given to suit purchaser, also arrangements can be made as to the taking over of the stock and inplem- ents if desired, apply to Mr. Albert Pranger, owner, or should he not be at home, to his neighbor, Mr. Ed. Daters, address of both is R. R. No. 2, Hensall, Ont. 2-16-2tp, THVJttsuw, 1'KnnruiY te, was Dashwood t week. Owing to the illnes-j of th$ lst Vice-X’resIdent, Mrs. Albert Gun* hung, who was to have charge of tha meeting, the president was in the ) meeting took the usual :. John Hazelwood, Mrs, ring, Mrs. Harvey Squiro ’sideitt" wesson, 5 /was Edgar •aflet, ’ Riches,.’ y. Que Khiva Master Robert Flynn, son and Mrs. Jas. Flynn, of the Line, had the misfortune .. ___ while attending the sale at Mr. Fred Schroeder’s last his leg. i Mr, and Mrs. Sunday with Mr. of Dashwood. Mr. Alex Neeb visited friends in Toronto a fesw days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mason spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stade, of Dashwood. i Mr. and Mrs. Ant Willert spent Tuesday with friends near Parkhill. Mrs. Alfred Tilley, of Sharon, vis­ ited her father Mr. Wm, Witzel a few days last week. Mr. Albert Mosser, of Corbett, called on Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ziler on Sunday, > A number of young people guth ered at the home of Mi\ and Mrs C. Cook on Tuesday evening to cel ebrate the 17th birthday of their son Harry games, music which a dainty lunch was served.* Special re-opening services will be held in Carmel Presbyterian church on Sunday next, .Rev. Mr, Mclllrqy will occupy his own pulpit at both morning and evening services* and special music will be given by the choir. The church lias been nicely painted and decorated. The Zurich Lodge of Masons held a banquet and concert in the* Town Hall on Wednesday evening. ■ The Avalon Orchestra of Lucan gave a number of selections. After the entertainment a dainty lunch was served after-which the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing. The literary society of the Hensall Continuation school held their meet­ ing on Friday afternoon, with Scott . Welsh in the chair. The meeting was opened by singing “Coming through the Rye,’.’ after which two trials took place,, the both being theft trials and of much interest to the children. A spelling match then took place in which Robert Varley took the prize. The meeting was closed by singing God Save the King Judgement was given on Tuesday, morning by His Honor Judge Lewis, at Gorediqli, in the case of 0. Geiger! against .Robert Higgins, on gro.uhds that he was a county auditor at the time of his nomination. The Judge directed that the seat be vacated, each party to pay their own costs. Clerk Alex. Murdock immediately took steps to call another election. Nominations will be held on Monday evening, Feb. 20, the election to be held on Monday, February 27th.... . The services in the United church on Sunday last were largely attend­ ed, the church being filled to capa­ city both morning and evening. .The Womens’’ choir consisting of thirty voices, rendered excellent music-for the occasion. Mrs. (Dr.) Reid, of Toronto sang.solos at both services and were greatly enjoyed by the large, congregations present. At the evening service Rev. Mr. Sinclair spoke on “A young women’s woo­ ing, or a bride’s destiny.” . Next Sunday evening the subject will be, “Copyists, Imitators and Mimics.” MRS. STEVENS PASSES • Word was received in town . on Wednesday afternoon of the. sudden death of .Mrs,,, S. Stevens, who pass­ ed away at her home in Toronto on Wednesday morning last. Mrs. Ste­ vens was stricken with pneumonia, and was taken to a hospital where she passed peacefully away. Mrs. Stevens was in her 25tli year and had lived in Hensall all her life. After she finished her education she went to Toronto to take a position. Her maiden name was Pearl Dykes. Be­ sides her bereaved husband she leaves to mourn her loss, two young sons, Dewy and Charlie. Her grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. A. Reichar.t, of Hensall and Nelson Rei- chart is an uncle. The funeral was held on Friday afternoon from her late home, and the remains terred in Toronto. The evening was spehMn and contests, after m of Mr. Goshen to fall Friday, fracturing Wm. Stade spent and Mrs. Ed. Maier The Mro, 1UH1 ■chair, form. Tiioy. and th Script? versos with : votion; search Will f. on the given Everyi ‘‘In the Garden” by’Miss’Violet *Ei and Miss Verna Hazelwood with Bes-‘ ” ' inter ud’-i was On TOCLfl ( led In prayer. The John 4th chapter, read responsively Squire. The Do ‘Sharing the Un- ” was read by Mrs. •stions were asked A dr al abl lurk i Annual- Report and answers . the different members enjoyed the vocal duet, Dr. H. H, Cpwen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three das of week and at office over the Post Office, Zurich, Just three days of week. Rev. F. B. Meyer attended the funeral of his sister-in-law in Gorrie last week. Miss Nelda Fassold visited in London the past week. Miss Alice Willert of Birmingham spent the week-end with her parents Mrs. Sinclair of Brucefield, spent the week-end with hex* daughter, Mrs. Moffat. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hooey of Tor­ onto, visited with Rev. and Mrs. Meyer over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Vic. Heywood, of Ex­ eter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. P. Kraft on Sunday. Mr. Tims. Klump has purchased the saw mill and property from the Goetz estate and is busy getting the mill in shape for the spring. Miss "Clara Kraft is visiting her sister near Exeter. Mr. Hampson of Hamilton, is here conducting the big sale now on for J. C. Reid and Co. GREENWAY Last reminder of the oyster sup­ per to be held in the United church on Friday, February 17th. After the oysters and other good things to eat have been served a splendid program of music and readings will be given by local talent. Don’t miss the event of the season. Admission 50 and 25". Mr. and Mrs.- Pressey of Arkona, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. E. Curts. , We regret to report that Mrs, Roy Hutchenson has been ill. Mr. Murray Luther has hired with Mr. Frank Quinan for the summer, Mrs. Annie Hicks is nursing her sister, Mrs. J. B, Nicholls during her illness. Rev. J. M. Colling will continue his series of sermons next Sunday. The Young Peoples' League will not meet this week. Mrs. J. Brophy is ill with heart trouble. Mr.. Manford Billing returned to Detroit on Saturday after spending his holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Billing. • Miss Viola Curts of London, spent the week-end at her home here. . Miss Bolton visited her home in London on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Carruthers visit­ ed Mr. and Mrs. Gollin on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Webb and Misses Lillian and Nora were visit­ ors in our burg on Saturday night. S. S. NO. 15, HAY The following is the report of S. S. No. 15, Hay for the month of January. 'Those who missed exams are marked Jr. V—Janet Turnbull 73. Sr. IV— Martha, Rader 75. Sr. Ill—Luella Walper 69, Elva Turnbull 68, I-Iarry Willert 62, Arietta Walper 5 9, Ivan Sharrow 48!S. Sr. II -—Lillian Wilson 65, Jack Turnbull 56. Jr. II—Frieda Rader 53*, Willert 40*, Glass- Keller ner, per !■ Chronic coughs are ordin* ary coughs that have been allowed to settle in the . throat, bronchial tubes, or lungs. To check a cough before it develops into something worse, follow the course that doctors recommend and apply a home made mustard plaster to your throat or chest. It isseldom, indeed, that a cough will not yield to this tried and proven remedy. To make d plaster mix two tablespoonfuls of Keen’s Mustard with six of Linseed meal or flour into a paste with cold water. Spread between leaves of brown paper and cover with muslin. b n corn home com- WHAtEN I Thos. Tapp of CHISELHURST were, in- AND Crediton SundayLyle Stokes spent Alex Johns, of Exeter visited Jones, of ,Kip- ter I THAMES ROAD and Mrs. Kestle, of Seaforth 114 CROMARTY A. J. CLATWORTHY Sunday, Feb- clioir will lead Barb Wire 7 8 8 7 9 last week from Seaforth Hos- where she underwent an oper- for appendicitis a few weeks Skinner Gordon Visiting London, way to mother visited Squires Phone 12 GRANTON Manitoba, is with relatives Mr. spending a few weeks around here. Mr.’ and Mrs. Frank 'How Mrs. a Holy sssle Mor- ", article#* Christian Its Habits Produce Con stipation, which “Fruit-a-tives” Corrects ELIMVILLE Miss F. Cudmore, of Toronto, is visiting lier parents.Mr. and Mrs. R- is sale Mr, Wm. Consitt returned from Clinton on Tuesday. Mrs. E. Jackson visited for a few days with relatives in Clinton. Mrs. D. McNaughton is visiting for a few days with relatives in Exeter. Mrs. Jas. Bell is visiting for a few weeks with relatives in Windsor. Miss F. Cudmore, of Toronto Cudmore. Mrs. (Dr.) Reid, of Toronto, visiting her par’ents ’ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sheffer.- Mr. Roy Todd visited his'brother- in-law, Mr. Fred -Berry, in Clinton on Monday, . . - . Mrs. T...C. Joynt left on Tuesday evening 'for, Detroit, where she will visit for'a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Howard, of Exeter, visited over the week-end with relatives in town. Mrs. S. Merner and -Mrs. J. Elder are in Toronto this week attending a Horticultural convention. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Simpson pleas­ antly entertained a number of their friends on Friday, evening last. Mr. Nelson Reichart attended the funeral of his neice Mrs. Sam. Ste­ vens in Toronto on Friday last. A cottage prayer meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Lam- mie on Thursday , evening _ of this week. The many-friends o'f’Mrs, George Case will be sorry to learn that she is confined to her room through ill­ ness. The condition-of Mr. John Cald­ well, who is lying seriously ill at his home east of Hensall, shows no im­ provement. Mrs. Lee Hedden sang a very pleasing solo at the Valentine social held in Chiselhurst United Church on Tuesday evening. Mr. and ./Mrs. Gordon Appleton and Mrs. Ernest Appleton of Exeter, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Tlios. Appleton. The play entitled “Wanted a Wife” given here last iveek by the young people of the United church, will be given in Stal'fa in the near future. Miss Margaret Anderson returned home pital, ation ago. The public school held a skating party on the rink on Friday evening last, with a large crowd attending. After a few hours of skating a dain­ ty lunch was served. Don’t forget the play to be given in the Town Hall on Friday evening of this week, entitled “The Mummy and the Mumps,” under the auspices of St. Paul’s Anglican church. . . Word was received in town on Monday evening of the death of Hy. Sheffer at Kippen. Mr. Sheffer was one of the oldest men in this dis­ trict, and had many friends in town who were sorry to here of his death. A pie social will be held in the basement, of Carmel Presbyterian church on Wednesday evenieng,-Feb. 22nd, and a good program will be given, after which lunch will be served. Mr. Geo. Thompson intends hold­ ing an auction sale on Saturday, February 25th of his house and lot and household effects. After the sale Mr. Thompson intends to re­ side with his daughter in Toronto. The sale held on Saturday after­ noon last by Mr. T. C. Joynt and Mr. Chas. Jinks was largely attended, and quite a lot of stuff was sold Mr. Arthur Weber- of Dashwood was the auctioneer. The services of Carmel Presbyter­ ian church--were-largely attended on Sunday last,, inspiring services being delivered at both services. Mrs. Wm. McLaren and Mrs. Andrew Dougall sang a very ( pleasing duet aL.the evening service. DR. R. I. P. DOUGALL Honor graduate -of Faculty of Medicine, and Master of Science, University of Western Ontario. Member of College of Physicians tnd Surgeons of Ontario. Office two doors east of Post Office. Phone 5 6 Residence HE NS ALL, ONT. B. C. SHINGLES Edge Grain xxxxx BEST MADE $3.60 per apotb wire Frost Fence..... 46c. per td wire Frost Fence Close Stay 53c. ‘ wire Ring Lock ..........».i.,t...»45<j. wire Rink Lock ............,.,...40c. wire HOg Fence ...»..............*45c. U Bar Steel Post.....46c. each sassssaa 8. S. NO. 10, USBORNE Report for the month of Jauary 1928. Names in order of merit. Sr, IV—Jean McQueen, Nellie Mc­ Lean, Willie Cann. Jr. IV—Mary Westlake. Jr, III—Harry Stone, A. McLean, Melvin Glanville. 2nd Class —Clara Glanville, Jeanette Stone. Primer Class—Ruth Trevett, Letha Glanville, Gerald Glenn, Lome Pass- more, George Trevett. Perfect at­ tendance for the month—Nellie Mc­ Lean, Annie McLean. Those having least mistakes in spelling during the < month and in monthly test Sr. II J. I McQueen; Jr. Ill, Annie McLean; Il class, • Clara Glanville. Number on roll 14, average attendance 11.86. M. Thomson, teacher Hott Miss very El we day” ley. Stewardship.welcome Mrs. Mossip as a* new mem­ ber in our society. The meeting was closed with benediction by Mrs, W411 Morley. Following the meeting tea was served and during te social chat over the tea cups best wishes were extended to Mrs. Jos. Morley, one of the older and valued mem­ bers, in honor of her birthday which was that day. .ie Morley accompanist. A esting reading, holiday became read by Miss Be the. Watchtower, on India and on ..HL. JIL„ We are pleased to This Modern Life! Mr. evening in London. Miss Erma Fahner has returned home atfer spending two weeks va- ation in Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anderson spent Sunday with their daughter Mr., and Mrs. George Hay on the London Road. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis and family attended the funeral of the former’s mother Mrs. Lewis who has been ill for some time at Brins­ ley. The funeral was held on Wed­ nesday. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. H. Schenk and Mr. and Mrs. William Motz .spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Em. Beaver of Detroit, who are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Neil. A very jolly time was spent on Monday night when a few ladies gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz to have a fowl sup­ per after which games and music were enjoyed for a few hours. Crediton United Church Notes Next Sunday evening, Feb. 19 th, the pastor of the Crediton United church will preach on the subject “Jesus is King.” This is the first of a series of Lenten sermons on “Day by Day with Jesus through Passion Week.” This series of sermons Will be interesting and helpful, you dq not want to miss one of them. So come next Sunday evening and bring your friends. Women’s Institute The February meeting of the Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs.' C. Haist. The presid­ ent Mrs. C. Zwicker presided. The roll call was answered by “If you could- have one more labor-saving device, what would it be, and why.” The program consisted of community singing, an excellent paper given by Mrs. T. Mawhinney, a piano solo by Mrs. Emery Fahner and a vocal solo by Miss V. Prang. This was follow­ ed by a demonstration of hooked rugs by Mrs. C. Haist, which proved very interesting, after which dainty refreshments were served by the hostesses in charge, Mrs. H. K. Eil- her, Mrs. H. Beavef, Mrs. E. Haist, ORATORICAL CONTEST The Oratorical Contest of Sunday evening last brought out a large and attentive audience to the Evangel­ ical church. The orations of the evening produced a profound effect ernest, interesting, instructive and inspirational. The following Were the contestants in order of the program together with a key word that seems to describe the very spirit of the oration and person, Ervin Fink* beiner, (strong and manly), Clara Gaiser, (scholarly and complete,) Margrette Lamport, (innocent and eager,) Vera Mawhinney, (poetic and very pleasing,) Clara Morlock, (clear and appealing.) The judges gave their decision in favor of Miss Clara Morlock on delivery, because of the distinctness of her speech and its closing appeal. Three musical numbers were presented during the evening. The choir rendered an an­ them, the male’ chorus of some 20 contributed an appropriate selection “Let us return • -unto the Lord,” a violin solo by W. -M. Sippell, organ accompaniment by Miss A. Gaiser, the selection was “Meditation.” The meeting was dismissed in the usual manner becoming to the Sabbath of the Lord. The decision of the judges went over the wife soon after. The chairman desires no public demon­ stration of jurial decisions in the local church. When tlm contestants are from different parts of the en­ tire district or confeence, it changes conditions for then local interests are not in opposition or strained. The.pastor feels highly pleased with the interest of the community shown in this high class service. The young people held a valentine social in the church Tuesday even­ ing. There was a splendid program followed by a lunch and a social time. The neighbors on the 10th and 12th held a woodbee Wednesday for Mr. Henry Purdy and assisted him to cut his wood. Miss M’abel Purdy is recovering as well as can be ex­ pected from her recent accident. She will have to stay in bed for a couple of months which no doubt will prove a very trying time, for her. A special service for mon win be heard in the church ruary 26th. A men's ■the singing. Mr. and Mrs. Herb pen, visited at Mr. Wm. Parsons on Sunday. Lome and James Oke visited the Harris brothers on Friday and Sat­ urday and on .Monday and Tuesday Cecil and Percy Harris visited with the Oke’. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Williams, of Usborne,visited with friends on Sun­ day. Anna Paterson 52, Lloyd Billy Sharrow 3 7*, 1st •Warren Sparrow 79, Erma 57. Primer--—Florence Trem- 89, Eva Baker 87. Myrle Wal- Sl. Ruth Sharrow absent. A. Hoffman. Teacher. Mr. with his mother over the week-end. Miss Florence Herdman with her grandfather, Mr. during the week. Miss Bessie Bell and Ruth visited at the home of Mrs. Hunter over the week-end. Mr. Smith has returned home af- attending his father’s funeral. Gunning were in London on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Langford, of Uderton, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Langford. Messrs Wilson and Adalbert Mor­ ley attended the. funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Frank Scratch of Wind- ; sor, (nee Jane Sutherby) formerly: of this place, on Thursday afternoon at London from the home of her sister, Mrs. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Squire and family spent Sunday in Exeter with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden. , WHALEN W. M. S. The February meeting of the W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. Harvey Squire on Thursday of last Montreal, Que., — “After suffering many years from constipation, I was advised to try ‘Fruit-a-tives.’ Alt my ills are gone now.” Mrs. H, Godin. Indoor work, soft, rich foods, lack of exercise impair our bodily functions. The most commcfn evidence is constipation. Normal intestinal activity, denied • to most of us by our way of living, is restored and maintained by evidence is constipation. Normal intestinal activity, denied • to most of us by our way of living, is restored and maintained by “Fruit-a-tives,” made of the Juices of fresh, ripefruit, blended with health-building tonics. 25c and 50c a box.25c and 50c a box. “Fruit-a-tives,” made of the Juices of fresh, ripefruit, blended with health-building tonics. Is there Something you Want to Buy? • JF it is worth buying, it is worth saving for. putting a little more in your Savings Account on your regular deposit days. Y^u will reach your objective all the more quickly. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid Up $20,000,000 Reserve Fund $20,000,000 M. R. Complin, Manager M. W. Telfer, Manager Exeter Branch Crediton Branch creaoBWX After Measles Take AWKEEl’S EMULSWN The chief danger of measles lies in the complications which follow. Quickly and efficiently the soothing and tonic effects of ANGIER’S EMULSION build .up the general health and strength—thereby pre­ venting the development of bronchitis or other chest troubles which so frequently attack the system weakened by measles. In WHGOTW too, ANGIER’S EMULSION relieves the spasms of coughing, loosens and assists in throwing off phlegm, quiets tlmstomach, enabling the patient to retain and digest food. And by increasing the child’s strength and vitalityj ANGIER’S assists in throwing off the disease without any dangerous after effects. ANGIER’S is pleasant to take. It has been endorsed by the Medi­ cal Profession of Great Britain and Canada—-and has been used in Children’s Hospitals for over thirty-five years* A 'Btitish Doctor writes: "1 consider Angier’3 Emulsion isjone of the finest tonicsand st rongth-buildorsobtainable.'’ (Signed)—-M,D. ANGIER'S EMULSION an^ dll tirugghl'd s Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. E. Pollen and fam­ ily, of Exeter, were week-end visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pollen, The Boundary Club were splendid­ ly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ballantyne an. Friday evening. There passed away on Sunday night at her home Mrs. Neil McGill at the early age of 32 year. The sympathy of the community goes out to Mr. McGill and two little children Freeman and Annie. Miss Dorothy Harris, of Ottawa, is visiting among friends here. (Too late for last week) Mrs. Alee Dunean and son Jack visited with friends at Seaforth rec­ ently. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Kerslake were host and hostess to a very suc­ cessful dance last Friday. Mr. Robt. McDonald is laid up with severe eye trouble. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dawson are the happy possessors of a little daughter. Mr. Joe Morrison has hired with Mr. Dave Hackney for a year. On Thursday evening last the 70 members of the farmer’s club enter­ tained their wives in the opera house at Exeter. After a splendid oyster supper the master of ceremonies ar­ ranged progressive euchre which ■was enjoyed till midnight. During supper the Gloom Chasers orchestra offered several musical numbers. Dancing was enjoyed till the early morning for which Mrs. Frayne and Mr. W. McNiCOl filled the musical bill, and all left for home feeling the management were to be congrat­ ulated on so successful an evening. Mrs. .Dwight Fisher and son Lome of Guelph, who have been Mr. and Mrs. Butler, of arrived in Exeter on their Cromarty to visit thoir Mrs. Wm. Butler. You can tell cl good driver by the mileage he gets from his tires SOME fellows are sure rough on tires—slam on the brake and slide a yard or two in stopping-—• drop in the clutch and spin the rear wheels in starting—speed round comers and skid. It may save a few minutes running time—it may even look a little ‘‘showy” to the man on the side­ walk—but the real driver knows that it means miles off the running life of the tires. Good tires will give unbelievable miles of service if you treat them right. Drive sanely. Come in and let us put the gauge on the valves once a week—under inflation means certain trouble. Let us examine the casings regularly for embedded flints and nails. This service will save dollars on your year’s car expense. DOMINION TIRE DEPOT John Taylor, Exeter