HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-02-16, Page 4OTURSMY, MORT 16,THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE USBORNE COUNCIL The Municipal Council of the Township' of Vaborne met on Satur­ day. February 4th at the Halt, Elim- ville in its monthly meeting*. Reeve Ballantyne occupied the chair with Councillors, Skinner, Dew, Berry' and Williams present. The minutes of the meeting of January Sth were read and approved on motion of Dew-Berry. Acknowledgments were received from Children’s Shelter, Muskoka Hospital and Sick Children's Hos­ pital for grants made, and from Treasurer of Hibbert Township of payment of Boundary account. Communication from Ontario Railway Board re By-Law for opera­ tion of the Thames Road Telephone System. Eastern Ontario. Good Roads Association Circular soliciting co-operation at the 'Good .Roads Con­ vention for better terms from Gov­ ernment for Municipal aid. Berry- Skinner: That Reeye Ballantyne at­ tend the Good Roads Convention, if "possible. Carried Communication from Highways De­ partment urging the Attendance of all Township Road Superintendants at the Superintendant’s Convention in Toronto on February 20th and 21st pointing out that the Depart­ ment defrayed 50% of the expenses Henry Ford was instructed to at­ tend. < Wm. Johns presented the Audi­ tor’s report on the 1927 business showing a balance for local purposes of $3288.69; Schools §4500; Drains Hogarth Baby Chick I 3t- L. V, HOGARTH Manager and Proprietor Hatchery I am now preparing to start my Hatchery in a few days, and in order to have as many orders as possible booked before setting the cmahinfes, I am giving a discount of 10% on all orders received-by February 15th, accompanied by a deposit of 25% of the amount of order. March prices for Barred Plymouth Rocks, White Wyandot- tes, and Black Minorcas, $19-00 per 100. White Leghorns and An- conas, $18.00 per 100. April prices lc. per chick less. I have now the incubator capacity of 94,000 eggs every three weeks, having purchaed the 47,000 egg Smith Incubator, exhibited at “The Worlds Poultry Congress” at Ottawa last summer. This should give me space to take care of all orders this season, whether they he large or small. We afe prepared to continue our Custom Hatching work at 4c. per egg, in tray lots. Parties leaving their orders at the Hatchery with deposit and who call-for their chicks, lc. less than above prices. We have in stock a large shipment of coal and oil brooders of the latest models, as well as everything necessary for the raising of abby chicks, in feed, feeders and drinking fountains. I wish to take this opportunity to thank all my old customers fox- past business, also to welcome many new ones. You will find us always ready to help you with any poultry problems you have, and to assist you in raising poultry at a profit. TRY US. $715.36. Williams-Skinner: That the Audi­ tor’s Report as presented be adopted Carried. Skinner-Williams •’ That the Audi­ tors be paid $2.00 each extra for ad­ ditional demands made by Govern­ ment and increased volume of busi­ ness for 1927 and road expenditure and drains. Carried. Thos. Bell interviewed the Coun­ cil re change of course and repair to the open portion of the Winchelsea Creek Drain. He was istrueted to prepare his petition and present it to Council at its March meeting. Berry-Skinner: That Jas. McElrea be assessor for 192S: Williams, no seconder, an amendment that A. Doupe be assessor. Jas. McElrea was appointed As­ sessor and Dog Tag Distributor for 1928. Dew-Williams: That Henry Ford be appointed Tp. Rd, Superintendant for 1926 at 35c, an hour for time employed. Carried. The Gardner Drain Report will be considered at the next meeting at 2 o’clock, Skinner-Williams: That the fol­ lowing bills be paid: Wm. Johns, auditing $12.00; E. N. Shier, audit­ ing $12.00; Jno, Whelihan, snow work Bidd. Bdy. $7.00; Jno. M. Glenn, error Hibbert-Usboime Bdy, Drain $1,33; Frank Coates, salary Treasurer $85.00, excise stamps $15. total $100.00; Gerald Ford, snow work con. 2, ,,,.7.80; Hector Row­ cliff e, snow work $2.00; R. Williams snow work, road 7, 70c.; C. Johns, snow work, road 7, $2.0 0; Kenneth Johns, snow work, road 7, $1.00; Henry Ford, snow work road seven, $3.00, superintendance $9.45, total $12.45; Ray Brooks, grav. con, 5, $1.25; Ross-Taylor. Bridge material con. 14, $7.80; Albert Neil, error dog tax $2.00; Sec’y-Treas, of Good Roads Assoc., Membership Fee $5. Carried. Berry: That we adjourn to meet Saturday March 3rd at 1 o’clock. Henry Strang, clerk. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned John Wein, John C. Reid, Pearl Kraft Susan Kraft and Marie Kraft, as General Merchants, was this day dissolved by mutual consent, so far as regards the said John Wein. All debts due to the said partnership are to be paid, and those due from the same discharged, at Dashwood, Ontario, where the business will be continued by the said John C. Reid, Pearl Kraft, Susan Kraft and Marie Kraft, under the firm of J. C. Reid & Company. Dated at Dashwood, Ontario, this 1st day of February A. D. 1928. John Wein, J. C. Reid, Pearl Kraft, Susie Kraft, Marie Kraft. Witness, Mrs. John Wein, YOU RUN NO RISK just get Mrs. Sybilla Spahrs Tonsil!' tis. use it for Sore Throats, Croup, Catarrh, Head Colds, and all Throat and Tonsil diseases. Success or money back. Howey’s Drugstore, Exeter and A. W. E. Hemphill’s in Hensail. WMHWFW'W1'1 ot'l’’1 *- Wfc'JibuUUL. ujk, PHONE 155W jC^NLY in Chrysler “52” at its V-/ new low prices of $870 up­ wards can you buy these qualities. Characteristic Chrysler speed and dash, usable with complete com­ fort because of unrivaled engine and riding smoothness. Ease of handling unlike anything ever before experienced in any low-priced cars. Full-sized roomy bodies of excep­ tional fineness. Smartness and beauty of line and color that set the pace for the industry. Dependability and long life that te- fetilt from a precision of manufac­ ture totally unknown in the build­ ing of any other low-priced car. The inevitably superior results of that Chrysler Standardized Qual- C. C. PILON EXETER, ONT. ity of engineering and manufac­ turing which produces the Chryslers of higher price— “62” “W and 112 h.p. Imperial “80.” There you have the smart New Chrysler “52°—which, at its new low prices and sensational values, public prefetefice acclaims as more than ever the greatest car in the low-priced field. See this great car and ask for a demon­ stration. # r / Sensational New Low Prices Coupe, $870;Roadster (with rumble seat) $870; Touring, $870} Two- door Sedan, $880; Four-door Sedan, $930; DeLuxe Coujpe (with rumble seat) $930; DeLuxe Sedan $1000. AH p rises f. o. b. Windsort Ontario, in* eluding standard faptory equipment (freight and taxe* extra). lisa ffH£ CANADIAN-BU I LT CHRYSLER FOR CANADIANS Exeter High School-Report * indicates a subject taken in a lower form. H indicates a subject taken in a higher fornL FORM I, 1A Ballantyne^ Roy ................LA FR CO O,C.LI tJ.H.AL BO GE AR ..... 86 65 51 GO 58 62 85 81 S3 51Balkwin, Rmth ..................... 75 79 60 50 64 65 83 85 83 77Beaver, Edna ......................... 78 46 63 73 71 70 70 71 91 63Brown, Earle . ....................... 86 78 64 41 65 83 37 92 70Christie, Earl ........................ 81 88 66 6?47 60 98 70 92 70Christie, Grace .................... 73 56 65 56 49 45 65 70 61 77Coates, Jean ..................... Cochrane, Grafton ............63 66 70 65 60 85 72 96 63 .... 78 57 55 77 54 40 96 56 80 66Cox, Dorothy ..................... Creech, Joseph ................. .... 66 62 62 59 55 65 90 89 83 78 ... 94 90 62 72 77'87 100 80 96 70 Dearing, Edward ................. 46 61 66 60 71 75 70 74 95 81 Grab, Gordon ........................ 87 79.73 64 73 88 95 98 100 59 Hicks, Gwendolyn ...........61 69 70 56 55 ab 64 85 76 Jackson, Joseph .................... 4G 64 58 72 69 67 75 82 87 72 Jennings, Rose ..................... 49 43 60 55 48 65 96 54 94 57 Kuhn, Marguerite ................ 94 76 70 58 77 75 90 76 98 76Lawson, Olive ....................... 77 69 60 57 52 40 88 70 81 74 Martin, Margaret ................. 74 44 65 63 65 65 78 42 91 56 Penhale, Jean ..................... 48 45 65 63 61 60 68 58 71 66 Pryde, Raymond ................. 77 52 68 60 72 92 50 65 96 67 Sanders, Bernice ............... 34 42 69 55 55 60 ab 67 85 79 Seldon, Wallace ................... 82 67 61 60 69 73 98 88 91 64 Simp, Merna ....................57 61 61 65 68 72 82..74 Skinner, Gerald .................... 74 50 57 52 61 79 ab 83 94 66 .... 79 58 67 61 55 59 90 73 97 84 Stewart, Madeline ................. 78 76 69 57 6-5 62 78 50 96 71 Stone, Ruby ........................ 80 72 71 62 61 86 100 93 94 85 ... 89 75 76 68 77 95 100 94 97 67 Webb, Milton ...................... 62 78 69 65 64 43 77 73 93 78 Wheeler, Viola ..................... 91 79 63 70 45 65 92 70 FORM I, IB LA FR CO O.C.C.H , AL BO GE AR Brown, Allan .................................80 97 75 80 86 54 16 87 48 Brown, Leona................... .76 99 73 60 40 8 22 61 59 Cole, Harry .......................85 79 85 59 30 67 96 56 Cooper, John ..............28 55 57 75 48 27 28 67 50 Davis, Dorothy ,................96 70 80 50 68 73 77 66 Davis, Marion ......,........................87 68 70 30 45 75 79 72 Dearing, EHa .....................•64 86 64 65 40 26 45 88 81 Dearing, Greta....................69 80 60 65 25 54 43 83 82 Ellerington, Margaret .....90 92 76 75 40 49 54 60 79 Elliott Elizabeth .............88 ab 79 80 ab 44 38 79 54 Elliott, Marie ...................ab 53.75 ab ab 48 88 73 86 64 85 50 27 64 86 62 Hamblin, Oswald .............ab 68 85 47 70 69 91 58 91 97 61 60 52 77 92 70 Hutchison, Gladys ,..........86 94 58 60 25 63 64 80 72 Jennings, Constance .......80 95 61 80 57 39 84 89 47 Kay, Gladys .........,............85 99 74 85 48 35 92 89 .72 99 64 65 ah 57 50 85 70 Kerslake, M'ary .................o.......72 86 73 90 73 30 86 96 88 Laing, Cecil .......................56 60 55 35 10 50 74 54 MurdoCk,-W. ..................................31 68 ab ab ab ab ab 79 ab Murdock, McBeth . 75 70 ab ab ab ab ab 85 ab 77'ab-62 60 7 19 41 72 79 ■R Tin rip iVTarearftt, .........83'61 80 48 40 51 53.49 81 87 78 75 59 24 59 88 78 90 60 50 35 S3 62 87 59 Snider, Melvin .................. Stuart, Lydia .................... Swan, Dorothy .................. ............78 76 74 96 74 79 73 63 80. 78 65 59 41 ab 57 .52 46 64 66 40 ,98 74 64 68 . 74 54Swan, Dorothy ...................... Mabel Hay was absent. FORM II LA Balkwill, William .............*••• Boyle, Clarence .....................Calf as, Stella .......................... 86* Campbell, Stuart .................. j>6 Desjardins, Irvine ................. 71* Ellerington, Wm..................... 90- Etherington,' Archie .............. 62 Godbolt, Gerald ..................... 72 Godbolt, Kathleen ................. MacDonald, Marguerite ........ ab McKaig, William ................... Mustard, Aldie ...................... ao Penhale, Helen ..................... Penhale, Margaret .............. »» Qtiinn, Everett ..................... "1 Smith, Eldon ......................... 87 Stanlake, Normair ...............87 Stuart, Ivan .................. 96- Stackhouse. Eva ...............•••■ 95- Thomson, Dorothy ................. 53 Wells, Mary ............................ Wiseman, Kathleen ........ 81 Caldwell, Bernice ................. McLean, Dorothy ................. 66- Stella Calfas, I Botany 64; Etherington, Middle School B. H McLean I Geograthy; Dorothy Th ab* 54 40 54 55 19 16 38 25 STorman Stanlake, I Algebra 68; Archie story 74, Physics 65, Chemistry 68; D. rmson; see also IV. FR GR-CO O.C. LI AR GO ZO PH 95 82 30 65 ab 85 76 74 66 72*59 83 28 64 62 52 65 34 60 30 51 53 71 65 63 54 39 38 49 52 60*66 73 30 19 ab 55 97*54 58 61 73 71 54 69 63 82 5Q 50 72 65 65 59 66 78 50 68 65 ab 65 58 48 32 54 42 48 ab ab ab ab 35 ab ab 76 39 90 49 64 77 99 63 80 57 70 74 53 63 77 97 67 ab 88 54 87 68 66 77 73 66 58 85 78 92 55 67 55 67 .77 92 85 95 66 52 65 30 37 24 92 40 54 75 55 33 28 79 96 57 56 78'74 85 100’1:86 30 58 73 87 50 86 87 64 62 66 79 85 76 70 62 42 50 55 58 46 50 90 68 67 83 70 46 90 91 79’96 78 68 80 87 90 88 97 71 59 69 43 20 62 52 FORM III Beavers, Reginald ............... Clerk?, Laura ..............., CO .................. 59 ......................ab LI 23a abh AH BH 77 AL GO PH CH 92*69 66 Ford. Irwin .........................43 33 32 35 58 Hay, Hazel ............................................. 59 33a 79 50 66 75 Hunter, Marjorie .................................... 57 42 58 22 51 ’59 60 Kerr, Lulu ............. .............. .................. 64 66 47 100 52 McClyment, Harvey ............................ 38 43 54 49 90 55 Reid, Kathleen ........?....... ................... ,-47 48 26 33 72 44 50 Reid, Stanley .......................................... 45h 49 52 63*28 50 Sims, Verda ............................................ 34*52 «10 17*5 4 Skinner, Harold ...................................... 56 56 44 30 25 Pearce, Charles ........... ................... 17h 55h 64 50 58 54 West, Sydney ......................................... 35 49 59 69 50 80 74 Westcott. Doreen /.«................................ 52 47 54 33 50 40 36 Gower, Herman .............................ab 80 77 ab ab Verda Sims IlOral Comp., 5 9; Harvey McClymont IV Latin A. 76, Lat. C. 70; Charles Pearce II Latin 74, II French 55, English taken in Upper School; Laura Clarke II French absent, II Latin 51; S. Reid, Latin absent, French absent, Spanish 53. FORM IV LA. LC F A F 5 CO LI AH BII AL GO PH CH Anderson, Harry ■ -GO 71 59 51 67 65 72 51h ;• Bierling, Irene .... 62 57 81 57 49 89 21 57 Birk, Leonard .... 94 62 76 59 53h 88h Brcmner, Edna ....ab*58 45 46 59 54 52 • 28 0 55 Delbridge, Marjorie 87*60 61 90 78 Heywood, Lena .... ab 65 ab': Hicks, Margaret ....68 77 71 61 63 n 64 64*60 Howald, Muriel .... Jennings, Harry .... 67 76 66 65.55 85 8779716952586070Klopp, Lloyd ........75*16 20a 57 7 57Love, Lettie ........ 75 68 79 55 50 55a 36 83Bearce, Marjorie .. 55 Russell, Isabel 93 54 43 51 57*38 52 70* 51 72 47 48 45 60 54Salter, Doris 62 76 51 65 50 68 62 62Sippell, Kenneth 98*96*37 44 47 70 Snider, Kathleen .... 58 51 69 ab 48 51 77 66Tieman, Eugene 82 78 79 62h 100 88 94Willis, Wanda..........89 .65 68 55 85 67 67 Woods, Catherine ,.56 48 72 35 50 54,30 64* Thomson, Dorothy 53 42 Ha 47 62 89 Marjorie Delbtidge,Trigono metry 78 rry Anderson,Gorman 37; Dorothy Thomson, See al so form II, FORM V L.A, Addison, Alex L.C. F.Ax F.C CO 61 LI MH ' 52a AL GO TR PH CH 80 73 85 78 72*99* AlWOrth, Edward 8'4 65 73 69 06 92 Cook, Harry .......72*68*05*70*57 Creech, Hugh 91 62 56 65 14 100 62 Douglas, Mafgare't 65 68 88 74 64 58 44 Greb, Lily .............60 77 57 44 80*78 Horton, Harold 85 70 39 70 62*72* tiofyoy, Etigono 84 82 82 07 86 Howey, Marvin 77 74 64 42 67 Hunter, Lulu ......71 68 85 75 44 44 71* Joynt, Hatty 80 71 71 67 67 McDonoU, Mildtoj 70*72*75*26*63 66* McLean, Clarence"'.88 80 65 90 70 Medd, Marjorie ....92 60 ■ 73 64 24*64* Mitchell, Clifton ....70 67 44 55*77*86 74 Orme, Helen ........75*67*70*38 55* penrose, Walter ....72 78 41 67 40 87 Pfaff, Leonard ....61 50 62* Prang, Leonard ....61 47 78 50 49 Taman, Edward ....82*79*92 70 67 20 79- Thomson, Hazel ....91 73 90 73 50 56 42 60 Tieman, Anna 80*76*78*74*6G 66 49 Willis, Marie ........82 ab 50 88 39- Workman, Olive ..90 69 82 80 25 Addison Alox,Botany 79, Zoology 64,, Spanish absent;Cook,Harry Botany 74, Zoology 84; Howey, Eugene Botany 64, Zoology 84; Joynt, Hy.. Botany 54, Zoology 41; Penrose, Walter, Spanish 83; Pfaff, Leonard Bot­ any 29; Zoology 66; Willis Marie, Botany 55, Zoology 56, Spanish 93. Harold Horton, B. History 73; Marvin Howey, German 54; M. Mc- Donell A. History 85; B. History $7; C. Mitchell B. History 90; H, Orme- A. HistoryJ40, B, History 68; L. Pfaff, B. History 75. CENTRALIA, Ontario Friday, February 17th 1928, at one o’clock sharp CAR LOAD^FWI^OUN SEVERAL MATCHED TEAMS, GREYS AND BLACKS. THESE HORSES ARE WELL BRED AND ARE BIG AND SOUND; NO BRANDS, QUIET AND WELL BROKEN. TERMS: CASH Frank Taylor F. Coates C. R. Cottingham & W. R. Elliott Auctioneer. Clerk Proprietors Cattle Sale FRANK TAYLOR’S FARM EXETER MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20th 1928, at one o’clock sharp 6 cows with calves 12 cows calving soon 6 cows due in March 7 yearling heifers TERMS 7 months credit on furnishing ap­ proved joint notes with six per cent, interest. F. TAYLOR, Auctioneer BYRON E. HICKS, Proprietor . CLEARING AUCTION SALE. --- of --- FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, AND HOUSEHOP EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction, "LOT 21, CON. 12, HIBBERT — on — MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1928 ■at 1 o’clock sharp th& following HORSES—Gelding rising 6 years old; mare rising 8 years; General Purpose mare, 12 years old in foal; General Purpose mare, 9, years old; Driving colt rising 2 years. CATTLE—2 cows due at time of sale; cow due March 5th; cow due March 7th; cow due April 1st; cow due April 3rd; cow due April 6th; cow due September 1st; heifer due March 21st; heifer due April 25th; 8 two year old steers; 6 two year old heifers; 12 one year olds. PIGS—3 sows due March 3rd; 1 sow due May 20 th; 15 chunks 125 pounds each; 8 pigs 10 weeks old; 8 pigs 6 weeks old. POULTRY—- 75 hens; about 75 pullets; 2 turkeys, 1 gobler; 2 geese, 1 gander; 2 ducks, 1 drake. IMPLEMENTS—M. H. binder, M. C. binder; 2 M. H. cultivators;.two M. H. hay sakes; F. & W., mower; drill with grass seeder, set.Diamond harrows, Cockshutt riding plow, one walking plow, steel roller, bean , cul­ tivator and puller, 2 wagons and neckyokes, gravel box, wagon box, stock rack (new), sleigh, 2sets of whiffle trees, 2 cars, ropes, pulleys, horse scuffler (new), fanning mill, wheelbarrow, grindstone, top buggy 2 cutters, water trough, set of brass mounted breeching harness, 2 sets of plow harness, set single harness, shot gun, cross cut saw, root pulper, hoes, forks, chains, grain bags, two horse blankets, Anker Holth separ­ ator (nearly new), churn and other articles too numerous to mention. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Plano, bench and music, sideboard, cup­ board, 2 extension tables, oval table 2 small tables, 2 lounges, 2 rocking chairs, arm chair, 12 chairs, congol- nim rug 9x9 ft, linoleum rug 9x12 ft., linoleum rug 12x15 ft., 3 fugs, baby sleigh nearly new, 7 bedsteads and springs, 4 mattresses, large bur­ eau, dresser, wash stand, camp bed, bin, toilet get, set of dishes, 86 pieces; kitchen clock, cook stove, $tove, clothes horse, quantity of lamps, pots, pans and other t0 mention.■ TERMB—$10 and under, Cash, over that amount 8 months’ credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes, or a discount of 4 per cent, off for cash. R. ROBINS, Proprietor, FRANK Taylor, Auctioneer, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all Creditors and others having claims against the estate of JOANNA THOMSON, late of the Village of Hensall, who died on the 20th day; of January 1928, are requested to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 5tli day of March 1928. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Exe­ cutrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she then shall have notice'. Dated at Exeter this 13th day of February 1928. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for Executrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ■that all Creditors and others having' claims against the Estate of ELIZA­ BETH McDIARMID, late of the- Towship of Stanley, widow, who died on the 2nd day of January, 19- 28, are required to forward theta; claims duly proven ,to the udersiguJ ed on or before the 5 th day of-March. 1928. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said elate the Exe­ cutrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter this 13£h day of February 1928. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Ferdinand Henry- Schrader, of the Township of Stephen, County of Hu­ ron, did on the Sth day of February 1928 make an authorized assignment of all his property for the benefit of his creditors, and that Edmund Weld, Official Receiver has appoint­ ed me to be custodian of the Es­ tate of the Debtoi* until the first meeting of creditors., NOTICE is further given that the first meeting of creditors in the above estate will be held at my of­ fice, No. 404 Talbot St., in the city of London, Province of Ontario, on the 20th day of February, 1928 at 2:36 o’clock in the afternoon. TO ENTITLE YOU to vote therer at proof of your claim-mut be lodg­ ed with me before the meeting is held. PROXIES to be used at the meet­ ing must be lodged with me prior thereto. AND FURTHER take notice that at such meeting the creditors will, elect the permanent trustee. AND FURTHER take notice that if you have any claim against the debtor for which you are entitled to rank, proof of such claim must be filed with me, or with the trustee when appointed; otherwise the pro­ ceeds of the debtor's estate will be distributed among the parties en­ titled thereto without regard to your claim. Dated at London, this Sth day of' February 1928, F. W. RAYMOND* Custodian Box 171, London, Onto Electric Wiring and Repair in g Workmanship Guaranteed • LEO. HENNESSEY Exeter, Ontario William Street Telephone 19S&