HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-02-09, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CreditonDashwood m B, F. WARD, B.A., M.Accts,„ PrincipalPJione 198 * HENSALL ■It a few where given 75, Irene Flypn 64. Jr. Neeb 77, Gladys Ratz 63, 55, Audrey Yearley 50. Ratz 85' Gladys Kinney Regier 83, Abigail Flynn Students may enter at any time ool of CLINTON, ONTARIO *Dr, H, H, Cowen, L.D.S., D.D,S. DENTAL surgeon At office in Ilartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three das of week and at office over the Post Offlce( Zurich, last three days of week. has been left last Dakota, of Zurich, The undersigned has had placed Un his hads for sale a very desirable dwelling place, well jfnished throughout. It needs no repairing. Cheerful location, a good garage; possession can be given to suit the purchaser. Apply ta J. G. Suther­ land at the Post Office, Hensail 2-2-2tp. hens/£ll school report for January I Sr, IV——Bob Houston, Mabel Work­ man, Howard Hemphill, Irene Hat­ ers, Eleanor Bell, Grace Brock, B Drummond, Ed. Little, M. Kennings, Jr. IV—Florence McDonald, Marion McKay, Alice Higgins, Gladys Pass- more, Irene Hoggarth, Hazel Hud­ son, Will Drummond, ’Mavis Spencer Vera Saundercock. Sr, III—Harold Sherritt, Eleanor Bell, Harold Foster Norman McKay, Ray Patterson, J. McKay, Helen Glenn, Will Nicol, L. Elder, Aldon Appleton, Roy Brock, __ ____ ______~ Viola Hilderbrandt, bors, foi' their kindness and sym- \ Harold Appleton, Isabell Baunder- pathy during the illness* and death ] cock, of the late Mrs. Thompson. They1 wish to especially thank Rev. Mr. Sinclair and the male Quartette who took part in the funeral service. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Geo. Thompson and son Wnx, and his daughter Mrs, Barnett wish to thank their friends and neigh- ‘ Emma Wurm, Mr. Sid. McArthur visited in Clin­ ton on Monday. Miss Gladys Garton visited over Sunday at her home at Whitechurch. Miss Mary Stewart visited ovex the week-end at her home in Sea­ forth. Dr. Jas. Munn, of Seaforth, vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Munn on Sunday. IMrs. Jas. Barnett, who has been I visiting friends in Hensall, returned ‘ to Toronto on Wednesday. Mr. Alex. Sparks, who has • visiting for some time with his • in Detroit, has returned home. Miss Lula McDonald, who has visiting for the past two weeks relatives in London, is home again. Misses Greta Lammie, Catherine Sells and Gladys Slay gave a num- bei' of points The Henry she is .much improved after her rec­ ent illness. The young peoples’ league of the United church, was withdrawn this week owing to the re-decoration of the basement of the church. ’ ‘ Master Ray Paterson underwent an operation at his home on Monday morning for the removal of his ton- _ $ils and is getting along nicely. The members of St. Paul’s Y. P. A. are putting on a play in the town hall on Friday evening, Feb. 17th, entitled ‘Muinmy and the Mumps.’ Mr. Geo. Hudson has secured the contract foi’ the caretaking of the school, his being the lowest tender. He will no doubt give satisfaction. The hockey match which was to be held on our local rink on Tues­ day evening between Seaforth and , Hensall was postponed on account ’■r-of the. wet weather. The Orangemen of Huron county Will celebrate the 12th of July in Hensall this year. An account of a meeting held in Exetei’ on Tuesday will be found in another column. Mr. Ed. Taylor and Miss Rosa Pepper, who have been visiting foi’ the past two weeks with relatives in Lenox, Mich., and London, ret- ’ F-?trned home on Monday evening. The hockey match held on the local rink on Tuesday evening last between Zurich and Hensall, resul­ ted in a victory for Hensall by the score of 4-2. A large crowd .witnes­ sed the game. The services in Carmel Presbyter­ ian church were largely attended on Sunday last, Rev. Mclllroy preach­ ing inspiring sermons at both ser­ vices. At the evening service Mrs. Mclllroy sang a very pleasing solo. Mrs. R. Y. McLaren very pleas­ antly entertained her Sunday school class on Saturday e'vening last. The ■evening was spent in games, music and contests, after which a dainty lunch was served. During the even­ ing the young ladies presented Mrs. McLaren with a Pyrex plate and a sandwich tray. The services of the United church were- largely attended on Sunday been sons been with concerts in Toronto and other last week. many friends of Mrs. Win, will be pleased to .learn that The senior Christian Endeavour Soc­ iety with sleighs--drove out to the home of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Fink- beinor last Wednesday ©yoning, there being forty in the party. The follow­ ing program was presented; solo by Clara Morlock; the topic presented by Alvin Finkbeiner, community singing conducted by Levina Smith, solo by Lloyd Wein, wit and humor by the pastor, reading by Adaleen (•raiser. In Musical Contest Clayton Sims had an alert musical ear and i it looked as if his list was nearly correct. Other contests followed with leading members showing their keen intellect in solving puzzling ques- i GliATtXLr IT 4-Z-* •»* 4 4 rv 1» 4. 1 -- — I- Mr. Samuel Birk, who visiting in this vicinity, week for his home in N. 9 Mr, and Mrs, R. Stade, were Sunday visitors in town, Miss Alice Hoffman spent days in Stratford last week, she attended the “At Home” by the Normal School.Miss Olivia Weltin returned home j tions’. Shortly after midnight lunch on Thursday after spending a few i was served and no one objected, weeks with friends in Kitchener. (The first course was sandwiches, Mrs. Hy, Bender is at present on doughnuts and coffee, second course . I cake and ice cream, third course made fudge and chocolate the sick list. Mrs. R, Baker returned home on I home c&ndy. The .Dorcas class of the Evangel- Khiva Mr. Fred Schroeder is holding "’an Auction Sale on Friday, February 10 th. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Mason spent Sunday with friends in Shipka, • Tim report of S.S. No. 6, Stephen for the month of January is as fol­ lows: Sr. IV— Clement McCann 75, Gordon Ratz 68, Bernice Neeb 63, Alex Dietrich 61, Earl Ratz 52. Jr. IV—Roy Willert 57, Monica Diet- rich 50, Mildred Neeb 41. Sr, III ■Evelyn McCann 85, Jean Willert III—Hilda Irvin Ratz Jr. II- 85, Laura 62 ‘ - CROMART)' The February meeting of the "VY. ; M. S. met at the home pf Mi's. Thos. Scott on Thursday last. The presi- . dent Mrs. Oliver presiding. AD though the day was not so pleasant thirteen members responded to the \ roll, call. “What we found to be veiY helpful to us during the past year.” The meeting opened, with, prayer by the .president and singing the 193. Psalm selection. Mrs. D. McKellar -read the Scripture lesson; Mrs. Alien leading in prayer. The first part of the Study Book, “The Royal Road” was given by Mrs, T. Scott; Mrs. Jas. Scott’s ehoice subject being a> fine sketch of life and work§ of Mary Slessor. very enjoyable duet was given Miss Grace Houghton and Mrs, • McKellar. The meeting was closed iby singing Hymn 606 and prayer by ; Mrs. McLellan and the Lord’s pray- . in unison. During the severe cold spell last week, some of our citizens report the thermometer registering twenty below zero. Divine services will be held in the church on Sunday evening’s on the first Sunday of every month. The January meeting of the Ma­ rian Ritchie Auxiliary met at the home of Miss Mary Allen on Satur­ day, 2 8th at 3 p.m. The president Mrs. Duncan McKellai’ presiding The meeting was opened by singing- Psalm 37 after which Psalm 141 was read by Christina MacKaig. The The MrZ^Edga/sq'in-re ari?Mn’and Mrsn cal1 was ans^eref by a vers® on Frank Squire spent Tuesday with ahS61 verance- The treasurer, Mary Mr, and Mrs Nelson Souire at Far- • gave her report; Lila McCuI-quhar squire at l'm- ;lough then read a paper on China> Ml'S Alhpvt (Innninp- Imnr.mrin o- I 752 WaS SXU1£ after Which after being confined to the house ? b°^L^aS „ .M,™ Sr. I -—Eddie Yearley, Pearl Kinney, Sid­ ney Neeb, Marie Regier, Jean Ken­ ney. Sr. Primer—James Clark, M. Ziler, Lucille Dietrich, Evelyn Clark, Maurice Schroeder, Harvey Neeb. Jr. Primer—Leona McCann, Grace Willert, Gertrude Ratz, G. Schenk, Jack Lawson, Maleeda Clark, Number on roll 3 6, average at­ tendance 33. V. M, Mawliinney, teacher so near! tfl must call John hy Longr Distance and let him know I got here all right, Then neither of us will be worry­ ing. It’s wonderful to be- able to visit you like this, and yet keep as close touch with home as if I were there. What must it have bn?n like in the old days, before Long Distance made it possible?” Sunday after ©pending (Several months in Bridgeburg. On Thursday evening a number I icars\m^^ Chom6and Missiontod^athmef < l^Sn/of'peb' Uth TK^tt^ miscellaneous; shower. A yery I pleasant .evening was spent followed1 by refreshments. j evening of Feb. 14tli, A largo at ten- WHALENSociety of rendered The large male Chorus the Evangelical church several excellent selections in con­ nection with the anniversary. Requ­ ests to repeat the selection “Living for Jesus” next Sunday evening have been received. The officers of this ELECTION PROTEST IS TAKEN TO COURT AT GODERICH The suit of ex-reeve Geiger, in which he is endeavoring to unseat reeve Robt. Higgins, of Hensall was I up before Judge Lewis at Goderich on Tuesday. The evidence was taken ' and the case will be argued before the Judge on Saturday, of this week. Dudley Holmes, Jr„ of Goderich, is acting on behalf of Mr, Higgins and Hayes & Hayes of Goderich is act­ ing on behalf of Mr. Geiger, case is creating considerable est in this district. Among who attended the trial from were reeve Higgins, Mr. Geiger, W. Consitt and Mr. Alex. Neeb. A. Y. P. A. BOX SOCIAL The A. Y. P. A. and the Guild ot St, "Paul’s Anglican church held a box social in the basement of the church on • Monday evening. MV. Peppier acted as chairman, An in­ teresting programme was given, consisting ot a quartette by Mrs. Drummond, Louise Drummond, Rev Mr. Jones and Thos. Simpson, solo by Mr. Goodwin. Mrs. Pepplei’ gave a very interesting topic on “Why I Gq to Church’'’- Written - by Ed&ar’ Guest, this was followed by contests the winners of which where Mrs.! Pullen, Mrs. Garnet - Case, Miss I Margaret Drummond-and Mr, Good- j _____ _ __ ___ ________ Win.-. After the contests Mr. Louis ’auction sale on the Thames Road. I Miss Violet Gill was home for a j week visiting with her parents and also with Mrs. Cole. We regret ta report that Miss Ma­bel Purdy, who underwent an opera-' tion in Clinton hospital "last week] to have her broken leg set, is not re-; ’ covering as we would like to see. ] . On returning to her home from the hospital hei’ leg came out of place. Dr. Dougall, of Hensall, had to re­ set it again last Sunday afternoon. We hope that she will fully recover this time. We are glad to report that Mrs. E. Jacobi is able to be out qgain .after hei’ accident on Christmas Day while going to her neices’ for din­ ner. The horse turned a corner too 'quickly with the result that Mrs. Jacobi was thown out and badly shaken up. Her son Harvey escap­ ed being hurt. Owing to the soft spell the roads are quite icy in places. Some cars are still running in this community. Most of .the farmers around have sold tlieii’ beans sin.ee they went up to $2.60 a bushel. Mrs. James Stork who has laid up 'is getting better, heai' it. CENTRALIA The inter-' those here The February meeting of the Wo-' HRI man’s Association of the Centralia: society are: Pres. J. I-I. Holtzmann, United church was held in the base- Scc’y, Freeman M'orlock, Pianist, H. ment of the church on Thursday af- K. Eilber, Chorister, W, M. Sippell, ternoon, February 2nd with the j The anniversary services over last congre- the evening The subject on Sunday A vote of morning was “Christianity the Uni- j _ retiring, versa!‘ religion.” Evening subject: urer, Mrs. T. Neil, who had held the' nection "with^*"rcceptinV chri.7uaiiity p’F’Pi/iia 4‘lin noof rxicrlif- ■traci’vcs rP1ir* ’ml,-. ..... n«r._ «i ladies decided to hold a supper on 1 evening February 24th, the occasion being! Dr, ‘ the twenty-fifth Anniversary of the'_____ ___ _ ____________founding of the Society in the Cen- tion of ali "for his pleasing^and tralia church. A good program will structive sermons and lecture, follow the supper. After the meet­ ing was adjourned, a delicious lunch was served by Mrs. W. Bowden, Mrs. J. Neil, Mrs. J. McFalls and Mrs. ~ Smith, president Mrs. Wm, Bowden in the Sunday brought out large Chair. It was the first meeting un- gations especially for der the new name and constitution service. and was well attended. thanks was tendered the i _ ____ . —__ _____oofficers and especially to the treas-j“Two Fundamental Truths" in^con- urai* IVTi’a rP IVTcnl whn liorl Iiolrl tx 1 office for the past eight years. The! The Subject” oFtYi^^ ladies decided to hold a sunner on'ovpm'ng “Worth While Life.” Rev. Staffocher, of .Cleveland, Ohio,J received the attention and apprecia- ORATORICAL CONTEST R. CHISELHURST Mr. .Campbell Eyre returned' to Detroit last week after visiting for several weeks at his home here. Mr, Thos. Driver bought a fine span of horses at Mr: Ed. Penhale’s Miss Florence Pollen left nesday, February the 1st to Victoria, Hospital, to train nurse. Mr. Geo. Parkinson is confined to his home suffering from scarlet fever. Wed- enter for a Mr and Mrs. Geo. Squire, Mr. and JLVS? ,5 Clark auctioned off. the boxes. Miss’] Grace Stone won first prize for the] best decorated box. The judges were Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Case and Mr. Goodwin. The Conveners for the .evening were Mrs. Drummond and Miss Emma Johnston. UNITED CHURCH MISSION I'lie Mission Band of the church held their meeting­ basement of the church on Sunday afternoon with a good attendance present. The meeting was opened by -the singing of a hymn after which Ray Paterson led in prayer, the min­ utes of the last meeting were read . after Which Aldon Appleton called the-roll. The scripture lesson was read by__Emma Wunn after which Mary Henmpliill took up the offer­ ing, while the band sang ‘Heai' the Pennies Dropping’. Readings were given by Isabell Sandercock and E. Wurm, A chorus was then given by three girls. An instrumental by Bella Smale, reading by Florence McDon­ ald, and an instrumental by Olive Brock were all well given. Mrs. J. W. Skinner gave a very interesting address after which the meeting was closed by all repeating the Lorcl’-s prayer. PLAY PROVES BIG SUCCESS A four-act play entitled ‘Wanted, A Wife’ was given in the town hall on Friday evening last, the hall be­ ing filled to capacity. A short pro­ gram was given before the play con­ sisting of an instrumental duet by Miss Eleanor Fisher and Miss Irene Douglas, a reading by Master Ray Paterson, solo by Mrs. Lee Hedden, trio by Mrs. G, M. Drysdale, Miss J. Buchanan and Mrs. G. Hess and an instrumental by Miss Gladys Luker. The high school orchestra gave a number of selections. The play which followed was well presented, every- ! one taking tlieir part splendidly, wexe- _____. and proved to be one of the finest last. The subject for the evening ser- Lplays given here for some time, 'vice was ‘Who owns you,? or Sold j Those taking part were Mildred Mo­ tor Shackles. Besides the anthem a Donell Margaret Douglas, Mary Mc- very pleasing quartet was rendered Kaig, Ruth Chapman, Ayi-S Linden- hy Mrs. L. Hedden, Mrs. W. H. Pfile field, Elva Shaddock, Mildred Scru- Mr. W. O. Goodwin and Mr. E. Lin~--Lon, Nora Follicle, Miss J. Johnson, BAND United in the hei’e been Glad to There will be an oratorical test in the Evangelical church Sunday evening. the contestants: Clara Gaiser, Maur- gretta Lamport, Vera, Mawliinney, Clara Morlock and Erwin Finkbei- ! ner. The ©ubjept -of each oration is /‘Evangelistic Endeavors.” A jury of five has been selected to decide on subject matter and delivery and which one of the orations may be most fitting to seiid on to the larger contest put on by the Conference Bodrd of Religious Education. The names of the jurists are H. K. Eilbei’ I J. H. Holtzmann, Arthur Amy, Mrs. j Emmery Fahrner and Mrs. W. M. ; Sippell. Considerable interest is tbeing aroused and everyone seems ! to appreciate the priveldge it af­ fords our young people to enter in­ to this project. At least three mus­ ical numbers will be presented. W. M. Sippell, pastor. Crediton United Clnircli Notes The Annual Congregational Meet­ ing of the Crediton- United church was held on Thursday evening ot last week and has been described as being the best in the history of the church both in interest and atten­ dance, things which sisting es, solos, etc. was well rendered. Alt departments of the church took part in the program. The report of each department indicated a prosperous condition. All funds excepting the M. & E. Fund were eported paid with a balance on hand. The New Church debt ” was considerably re­ duced during the past nine- months and the officials are hoping to clear off the balance of the debt within the next twelve or eighteen months. Great praise is due to all the depart­ ments for their faithful work dur- con- next The following are A bountious supper of good was set at 6.30 o’clock after an interesting program con- of reports, readings, clxorus- with tonsilitis. Mr. Frank Parkinson is quite ill with tonsilitis. Miss Elva Morley left Monday for London where she is going to spend several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Squire spent Friday at the home of Mr. A. J. Sherritt. Mrs. John Renn and daughter Roxie spent the week-end with Mrs. Frank Parkinson. TERM REPORT S.S. No. 10, HAY Sr. IV—Hugh McEwen 726;Grace; Dick, 7 86 (honors); Ted Munn .723; Marg, Dick 696. "Jr. IV—Jim Me-1 Ewen 781 ,(H.)J Alvin Bell. 7 66--(H) ! Garnet " Mousso 745.; Helen ’ Munn ! 65 9; Mary Huisex4 677; Harold El-» der 643. Sr. Ill—Dorothy Corbett 622; Jessie Dick 587 (Fail; Irene Mousseau 554 (F.). Jr? Ill—Annie Coleman 689 (H.T; Mary Coleman 5 95; Annie Huiser 5 6 6. Sr. II—Ed­ ward Corbett 682 (H); Edna Cor­ bett 67 8 (H). J-r. II—Ken. Elder 550 (H.); Marion Dougall 530 (H) Jack Munn 530 (H). First—Doro­ thy Munn. Primer—Lloyd Mousso Aleck Munn. Marks in order merit; best, conduct, Jimmie Ewen. Teacher, B. Stewart. SCHOOL REPORT OF 8. S. NO. 5, HIBBERT MacLaren. Hymn 766 was then sung and all repeated the Lord's prayer in unison. "I’ll place the call for you while you are taking* your wraps.” "That will be fine. Just for our number, 124, so get the cheaper Station-to- Station rate. In a couple of days I’ll call up again, in the- evening, so I can have a few words with the children, too. The Evening Rate after 8.30 is really very low.” off nsk ni KIRKTON Annie Muir, of St. Marys, is her sister, Mrs.Millon Gre- John Dun- and Toron- the Fairs’ Miss visiting gory. Mr. Amos Doupe and can were in Stratford to this week attending Association. We are pleased to know that Miss Ina Rogers, who is und'ei' the doc­ tor’s care, is improving. A large congregation was out on. Sunday evening .last to heai* Rev.. J: . L..Foster, and/those, who £ . / ; away missed hearing one of .the best sermons preached in that church for , some time. ; . ' '■i ...-...— . ...........L —~ -'. visiting her parents Mr.s and 1 Wm.-Bibby. I - ..----- •I of Mc- I S. ot "Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station.” _______________________ _ 711 GRAND BEND Mrs. Maggie Holt, who has been visiting her daughter Mrs. Abner Mollard in Sarnia, returned home stayed Saturday. Miss Francis. B'ibhy, of. London,, is Mrs. GREENWAY The illustrated lecture “A Trip Across Canada”, put on by the Young People last Tuesday night, was real good and enjoyed by all. •Mr. Garnet Statton has gone to- Stratford where he has secured work for the winter. A number of friends of Mr. Jos. Ravelle spent a very enjoyable denfield. Next Sunday will be Wo­ man’s Day in the United church, and a women’s choir will be featured. At the evening, service Rev. Sinclair will speak on ‘A young woman’s wooing’ or ‘A bride’s destiny.’- < ARMED Y. P. LEAGUE The young peoples’ meeting of the Carmel Presbyterian church was held on Monday evening, and was open­ ed by the singing of a hymn after which Rev. Mclllroy led in prayer. The scripture lesson was read by ■« Miss Rena Hudson, after which ano­ ther hymn was sung, The topic en­ titled The Home Relation was very ably given 1 Sam Rannie, Walter Spencer, Harry Cook and Manley Jinks. The pro­ ceeds amounted to almost $130,. UNITED CHURCH W. M. S. The W.M.S. of the United held their regular meeting basement of the church on church in the __ _____ J __ ___ Thurs­ day afternoon with the -president in the chair. The meeting was opened by the singing of a hymn followed by the Lord’s prayer. The minutes were read followed by the roll call, with an attendence of 22 and a col­ lection of $11*7,0. The visiting com­ mittee reported having called on 16 shut-ins and hick members. Thetitled me Jtiorne xteiuiauuably given by Mr. Mclllroy. Minutes1 annual day of pfayer will be held on of the last meeting were read and, Feb. 24th, and this Will be held adopted after which the roll was this year in Carmel . Presbyterian called. Miss Blanche Mustard then' church. Mrs. Agnes McDonald gave favored the league with an instrii- an mental. It was decided to hold a pie social on Feb. 22nd in the basement of the church. Another hymn was then- sung after which Mr. Mclllroy closed the Meeting with prayer. The topic for the next meeting Will be ‘Mother/ DR. R. I, P. DOUGALL Honor graduate of Faculty of ^Medicine, 'iVnlirersity and Master of Science, of— Western Ontario. Member of College Of Physicians sand Surgeons of Ontario. Office 4wo doors east of Post Office. Phone 56 Residence 114 HENSALL, ONT. Unsearchable Riches. A question*- aire was sent out from head office and was taken up at th© meeting, out of the blue book and a number of questions answered. The first was on Organization, taken by Mrs. Rev. Sinclair. The next question was on 1 Supply Work and was very ably taken by Mrs. C. Cook. The topic • entitled Christian Missions hhdRac- I ial Attitudes was taken by the Pres­ ident. Sentence prayers for'the Mis­ sionaries in different places were given by Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Meriier, Mrs. R. B latch ford and Mfs. C. Mc- Doneii. The meeting was closed with the benediction. The Ladies Aid had their meeting at the close of the , Missionary meeting. The following is the report for S. No. 5, Hibbert for the month January. Those pupils marked with an asterisk were absent for one or more examinations. Names in or­ der of merit. Sr. IV—Lloyd Hackney, Emily Harrison. Jr. IV—Roger Christie*, Margaret Hamilton, Jim Scott*, G. Scott,* Robert Hamilton. Sr. Ill— Murray Christie, Colin McDougald, Sarah Harburn, Aley Hackney, Mary Dow,* Laverne Colquhoun,* Velma McNicol,* Alvin McNicol,* Alvin Scott,* Jr. II—Jeanette Scott, Ross MacPherson,* Jean Colquhoun,* M. J. Hamilton,* II— Blanche Harri­ son, Mary A, Hamilton, Robert Gar­ diner, Willie Harburn, Carman Mac­ Pherson,* Rhena McNicol,* Elmer Dow ' time at his home one evening re- Don’t forget to keep the date of cently.February the 17th free for the oys- Mr.’ and Mrs. Peter Eisenbach ter supper at the United church. spent Sunday with Mr. I. Tetreau ot Come whether you like oysters or............ not as there will be other eats pro­ vided and then a splendid program put on by local talent. Admission 5 0 and 25c. The members of Grace church held a successful quilting bee last . Wednesday. | A new class has been organized in the United church S. S. composed of young married folk to be known as the Harmony Class. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Young entertained them last Friday evening and dur­ ing the evening the following of­ ficers were duly appointed. Teachers Mrs. Elton Curts and Mrs. Harold Brophey; president, Mrs. W. Hicks; vice-pres., Mrs. Lawrence Pollock; treasurer Mr. Lawrence Pollock. Mrs. R. English visited her dau­ ghter Mrs. R. Sheppard in Landon last week. Several here received announce­ ments of the marriage in Detroit, of Miss Edn Belt to Mr. R. D. Crosby. The bride’s many friends here ex­ tend best wishes for a happy future. i the 14th. The largest supply of ice that Was and sum pueg puuaf) pesnoiq joa® up this week, and all completed. Mr. Mayburg called on Mr. Dave Sturgeon on Sunday. •Some nets were set by the fisher* men and some of them have .been .lost as the ice has gone out of sight. Don’t fail to be out Sunday even­ ing to hear seven questions answer­ ed by Rev. J. M. Colling. Also next Sunday we expect to have the ban­ ner Sunday at Sunday School at 10:15. , Mr. Dave Sturgeon and family visited friends in Bayfield Sunday. Mr. Andrew Desjardine, who has been laid up for most of the win­ ter, is able to be out again we are glad to report. Miss Mabel Walker has gone to Toronto and elsewhere, on a two week’s visit. Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Sims, of Gran­ ton, visited at Mr. John Baird’s for the week-end. Mr. Geo. and wife visited at Mr. Fred Kerr’s at Crediton last week. SHIPKA Mr. William Sweitzer spent a few days in London last week on busi­ ness. Come and enjoy the lecture given on February 14th by Rev. J. M.-ing the year. The election of Elders Colling, of Grand Bend, in the Unit-' and Stewards resulted as follows: Z___ Z Mis- Elders for three years, Jos. Wood- Other program will all, J. W. Lawson; for two years, T. ‘ Trevethick. Stewards for three years: Richard Hill and Win. Ma- whinney. Dr. J. W. Drme was ap­ pointed convener of the M. & E. Fund committee. All other official positions were filled previous to this meeting. “Let us not be weary in well-doing for in due season we shall reaii if we faint "not.” You are cordially invited to at­ tend the service in the United church, Crediton, next Sunday even­ ing, February 13th. The pastor’s subject will be: A Man Who was Too. Busy to Succeed. The service commences at seven o’clock. Watch for the pastor’s announcement of his Lenten series of sernions in next week’s issue. ed church “The Seven Great takes of . Life.,, be given by- home talent and lunch j will be served. | The Congregational meeting of the United church was held last Wednesday evening, February the 1st with a fair attendance. The minister, Rev. Hiscocks was in the chair. The reports from the differ­ ent departments for nine months were given. Church report, Mrs. T. Keyes; Sunday School by Mrs. G. J. Scott; Ladies Aid by Mrs. E. Keyes;' the elders for the year were also elected, Thos. Keyes, Geo. Scott; Stewards, Ed. Lamport, Roy Ratz; Stewards for M. & E. Fund, Arthur Finkbeiner, Major Baker. The Annual Sunday School meet­ ing was also held the same night Rev. Hiscocks presided. Super. W. Sweitzer; Assist. Super., T. Keyes; secretary, Verne Sharp; treasurer, Mrs. Geo. ~ ” *.*■» .. Lampost. Geo. Scott, Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer, Ma­ jor Baker, Miss P. Keyes, Mrs. Geo. Scott. Mrs. L. Stahls and Miss Cora, of Crediton, spent Monday with Inna ScOtt; organist, Martha Teachers—Thos. Keyes, Finkbeiner. Miss THAMES ROAD The W. M. S. of Thames United church held their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday of last week at the home of Mrs. John Cann with a fair attendance of mem-, bers and visitors present. The President Mrs. Robt. Kydd occupied the chair. After the business dis­ cussion which followed the roll call and reading of the minutes the meeting was favored by a paper on Korea by Mrs. John Selves and a splendid address on Deaconess Work by Mfs.' Johh Allison. Mrs. Chid- ley played a musical selection on the mandolin and after singing a hymn the meeting was clesed with sentence prayer and the Lord’s Prayer in ^unison. A social half hour was spent during the luncheon served by the hostess and committee in charge* The March meeting Will be held at the Manse. Road ELIMVILLE Florence Herdman has been with relatives in Exeter, mission circle met in the Miss visiting The basement of the church last.Thurs­ day afternoon, Feb. 2nd with four­ teen members present, and a visitor The president, Miss Verna Brock, occupied the chair, and Miss Olive Prah.ce was pianist. The scripture lesson was read by Miss Edna Pym. Two very interesting readings were given by Misses ElVa Lavina • Cooper, celebrate St. Valentines by party for the members on so as not to interfere with, ing school on the evening Rev, Smith received word of the death of his father, Mr. Matt. Smith, at Caldwell, Que., and left Saturday evening to attend the funeral. There Whs no service here last Sunday morning. He has the sympathy ot the community Mr. and Mrs. elhurst, visited on Monday. Hockey is in Hire having provided a good skating rink in Mr. Thos. Bell's flats, after playing havoc with that one the boys attempted to make one in Mr. Josh. Johns’ field at the corner* Horne and It Was decided to having a Feb. 15, the Sing- of 14tli. in his bereavement. Will i?ybus, of Chis- at Mr; Rich. Johns full swing now, na- J. Gilfillan, teacher jmimihihmHnftnTminnninnLnmimnwiinninr Canada’s representatives at the Olympic Games at St* Moritz, Switzerland, now on their way across the ocean, journeyed from their homes to the seaboard Via Canadian National Railways* Most Of the party we photographed by th© Canadian National camera man right, the party aboard the MaritimeVUO vy <*11« VI in 14, XT (A VIV1144A «* 4J4AMAA 4*5***, VMV* 7 V*.■ —iat Montreal Oen route to Halifax, Express of the Canadian National Photographs show: Lower left; The Railways; left, Ross Robinson,rnotograpns snow, liower leiv; rne n, an ways;Varsity Grads hockey team, of Toronto^ speed skating champion( Toronto; right, Behan and Dupuis “"v~ of Montreal ‘and Ottawa respec­ tively ski-ing, representatives, Upper who will represent Canada in. th* ; Speed skating events *— Canadian 'j National Railways photographs.