HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-12-29, Page 8THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 192S i VOCATE * r i Phone 16 8 7 The Newest in. Gents’ Furnishings.” CAY THE EXETER TIMES bargains in Furniture AT Prior to Stock-Taking I faLSTFi...Ur....... k<’ zl ’ ■ ■w. ta^Tn J .' '' ..UfCExETER, OHTiPHONE 81w i ■■ ------ -A"-...- ■ ' vr’V.t' WORK OF EXETER BOY APPREIATED\ Saving with a Btirpose " I- )• F? ««small „ m aSavings Accoimftry^rwill soon accumulate a fon* siderable sum forinyest* merit, say,?iniSa£3KSern* merit ISomd* »• .t-.-.- ~ ■ i* THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid Up Exeter Branch Creditor! Branch ^ooiooo M. R. Complin, Manager MV'WrTElfe'r^’Manager 'il. ‘u Following interesting item refers to an Exeter Old Boy, Organist of a church at Elora. ’The Cantata,. “The Nativity of •.Christ,” given^^afdet the auspices of the- Elora United ®;church, was fairly well attended, in '•Spite of the fact that it was Christ- I. mas 'week, and that the majority of ^ people were more or less engaged in holiday preparations. The Rev. A. H. Plyley opened the evening’s . entertainment With a few appro­ priate remarks and outlined the I'iplari of the Cantata. The program I'prqneY^Vvas opened With- selectidns. ?:. by the-.NAveity- Male Orchestra , of ‘‘‘lithe' pieces-, of which Mr, Robert GambiW?AX.&M;;' * the ?church’ or% ' gaiiist, These wereWclitMWhdr rTh& cantata was dir .rfded - •intty.’x.ft-ftfiteen. sections. r tO£ D these, seven were given as a first part arid -Six as a secend, with an intermission. The choral work all through Was particularly fine, re- „ fiecting much credit on the mem- S'sw.Bers of the organization, ana show­ ing careful and effective training by the choir leader, Mr. Gambrill. ■ The solo parts were takeii by the fallowing: Mrs. Wm. Watt, Miss E. Winfield, Mrs. R. G« Faskeri, Mrs* / Scott, Mrs. A. H. Gambr’ll. jL.R.A.M of Exeter, Messrs. Fester, Hunt and Frazer. The intermission was nfce- Jy^illed in with a violin solo by Mr* S. fGambrill, Mrs. Gambrill accompany­ ing oh the piano. A- male quar­ tette composed of Messrs. Hunt, Wardley, Johnson arid Frazer,, ten* k dered “The Wayside Cross,” and the orchestra played a selection. At this stage of the program, too, there i, was a feature Of special merit, a t dftet, “Christmas Iff’ W Heart/* given by Miss Hazel Staffer and Master Billy Wardley. Ws W ...........'rendered, arid'tvas'- brie 'Oi' t OiiDjtanding features Of the ev* Then foiiowd the second l&cawtay and at its close ,feWed song ”My Work IS wO're'ndared by Mrs, Gam* M Mir. R. GambriU ac- ’■ d* on the piano* After hoir and a few friends 1- were ‘’entertained in the church par­ lors, where the Women’s Associa­tion SeriY^'^e^e^hitfeiits. A hearty vote at Jihanksjfeajs. tendered the la­ dies onfc mouonrof ^'Mf. Bissell and Mr. Johnson. Mrs. Thomon replied for the ladies with a few pleasant words. Mr. Hi J. A. MacEwan, has been elected mayor of Goderich for the fifth consecutiveMr. MacEwan defeated’ G.i*C* Lie,jf reeve last year, by 278'vqtbsf y OLD HOME-GATHERING The Borne 'of Mr., Frank AJlen^ {ot Ci’pma.rty, .was .thpjscerie of, sant Christmas;, gathering pit. Mon- daYr 'He,dembe^'’Wev, 26th*‘ ^VhriB? >29 adhererits; ;:th£e*Alieri ‘‘ I am 11$*' as­ sembled rit the bld home to join in ■ait old-time . Christmas celebration. Among those* present Mrs. A. Allen, of * Exeter; Mr. and Mrs, Preston Dearing also of Exeter; Mr. Wilsori Allen and his two children, Mairjorie and Deari, late of Saska­ toon; Mr. and* Mrs. Stanley Alien and family, of Westlock, Alta.< who afrivrid a couple of Weeks previous in company with Mr. Edgar Allen, of Cromarty, who had been visiting in the Edmonton district during the fail seasonjMr. Ivy Alien, of Brant­ ford and son Lloyd were here, but bWing to illness at the hbme of Mrs. Allen’s patents the rest of the fam­ ily wete unable to be present. Mr. arid Mrs. R. B. Quance, of Cromar­ ty arid Mr. arid Mrs. Edgar Allen, and family of the 12th Concession made up the assemblage. All sat down together tb a sumptuous dinnej* served bn twu extension tables and did Justte to both. After dinner Santa Claus appeared to pass around the ’maiiy goodly presents hanging on the Christmas tree. Then fofc. lowed a short musical program in which four violins and piano took part, played by Messrs, Stanley, Frank. Edgar, Wilson and their sister, Mf»i Quance. The evening was spent Iri games and dancing. All acclaimed it a right merry Christmas. * -Exeter Markets Wheat $1.25- OataOSc. BarW;72e ‘Manitoba Flour $4-4.0, Blended flour §3,90. Pastry Flour $3,40* Feed Flour $2.10, Bran Shorts §1,85 Creamery Butter 44c, Dairy Butter 35—3 8c. Eggs, extras 48c. Eggs, Seconds 42c. Hogs §8.00 _____ —JU.-------,-------—Q localsI---’—J ---- Two dozen Ladjes’ and Misses’ Hats on sale at $1.50 each. Two days only, Friday and Saturday, Jan­ uary 6th and 7th.—A. YELLAND &4YTERIAN CHKRCH Emit®. b.A;7 Minuter .m.-t—Sunday School. ' 11 a.m,—- “The ;God .of Creation, Grace and Providence,” 7 p.m.*—“Thq Unknown. Path.’ Write 1928. Stock-taking is the order of the day. It doesn’t look much like an open winter. Mrs. S, Martin is confined to her bed through illness. Mr. Thos. Kay spent the holidays’ With his parents at Strathroy. Mr. Chas. Pilon left last week for New York to attend a motor show. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Harness and family pent New Year’s in Clinton. Mr. W. A. Patrick, .visited’ at. his home in Seaforth ovei* the holidays. Mr. Ernest Collingwood is con­ fined to the Exeter hospital through illness. Mr. Stanley Walter has taken a position 'as junior at the Bank of Montreal. Mr. G. Trevithick, of Toronto Uni­ versity, spent the week-end with friends in town. Mr;’ Ulric Snell is in Oshawa at­ tending the first showing of the New Pontiac models. , Mr. Bert Doyle is in Toronto this week attending a convention of the Overland dealers. Misses Ellen and Pearl Love, of Buffalo, spent the week with their mother, Mrs. D. Love. » • Many are predicting that 1928 will be a year of prosperity for Can^ ada. May it be true. < "Miss Jean McMillan, of Morpeth, visited over New Year’s- the guest of Miss Stella Southcott. Miss Marguerite Aldswortli, of Stratford, spent the holidays with her parents at Sexsmith. Rev. R. E. Southcott has return-’ ed.to Morpeth after'visiting for sev­ eral days with his- mother. • Mr. and Mrs. Merkely, of London, visited over the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Etherington. . Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gowie, of Sar­ nia, ’ spent Christmas with the lat­ ter’s mother, Mrs. .D, Love. ■ « Mr., A. Sheere lias returned to De­ troit if ter visiting his mother, Mrs,, M. Sheqrp over the holidays. Mr, and Mrs- Frank Flintoff, of Strafford, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Geb. Ether jqgtop’s over Sunday. Mr- Clayton “Dodo” Hoffman has been appointed manager of the Galt O.TI. A. Intermediate hockey team. Mr. Thos. Tapp,- of Detroit, who spent the holidays with his father; Mr. Wm. Tapp, has returned to his home. Miss Kathleen LoVe, of Parkhill, visited at the home of her aunt? Mrs. D. Love, during Christmas week. • Miss Viola Hodgson visited for several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Skinner, . of Us- borne. Mr. arid Mrs. Jas. Hill, have re­ turned from Hamilton after spend­ ing the holidays with their son, Mr. Francis Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert and child­ ren, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Skinner on Wednesday of last week. Mr. A- Llewelyn Stewart, of Mont­ real, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stewart for a fpw days last week. Mr. Maurice Ford returned to To­ ronto Saturday after spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ford. Miss Francis Pearce, who is at­ tending Central Business College, Stratford, spent the holidays with her parents here.. i; ’•“JWriH ’ Wtis ^received .recently; .from 'Millett’, Alta.;. of the death of Wil-4 bdr Djnney, soil of Robina and the late John Dinney. Mi’S. Win. Essery and daughter, Mi^s Vera,, and; Mrs.^-Wm^liooper spent .the <ih.oli4ay •. ■au>.the/hOTric ot1 Mr. JaS. Oke, Centralia. ' ■ Mr. Harold Fisher, who "has been employed at the Exeter Creamery left last week for Guelph to take the winter course at the O. A. C. Miss Gladys Marshall, of Toron­ to; Mr. Eldon McKinney and Mr, E. L. Ed worthy, both of London; were holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Horton, Mr. David Marik, Who has been in failing health for the past eight years, has iiot been as well of late arid for the past, three weeks has been confined to his bed. The Times-Advocate during the past few "weeks have received many renewal , subscriptions but bwiag to the holiday rush the labels have not been changed. This we expect to do at our first opportunity* Mr, Samson Yelland, has retard­ ed to his home in Ft. Petry after spending the Christmas rind New Year holidays with his sisters In town, MK Gibbs Yelland, of Wind­ sor, spent Christmas here. : A week’ of prayer is being ob­ served in the James St, United church this week. Service is being held each evening and the paster, Rev. D. MriTavish is being assisted by Rev. W. Down. BROS. Phone 16 Redu&d Prices JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH n ' CANADA Rev, D. McTavish, Pastor .W, R- Gouldlng, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m,-r—.“I believe in the Holj tholic Church.” 4th and last in the Study of the Apostle’s Creed. p.m.-rr-Sabbath School « r p,m.—“The Faith of John Wes­ ley.” 5 th in the series on “Faith of our Fathers.” The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup­ per will be administered at both services, Don’t forget the prayer service at 8 o’clock each evening. Special Pre Communion and Recep­ tion Service, Friday evening. Ses­ sion will meet at 7 p.m. to receive candidates for membership. MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. O. J. Moorhouse, Pastor OPENING SERVICE OF THE YEAR 11 a.m.—“The Fruit of the Spirit— Longsuffering” 3 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—“On the. Edge of the Prime­ vil Forest.” Continued by request.- Mrs. Clarise.- Snell and children spent New Year’s’With the former’s parents in London. Mr. Jack Pryde, of Windsor, spent New Year’s with his brother Thomas in town. Mr. Norman Hern, of Norwich, spent New Year’s with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas., Hern. Mr. Cecil Atwood has left for Pe- terboro where, he will take a three months’ course in aviation. Mr. Maurice Senior has returned to Toronto after spending the holi­ days under the parental roof. «• M*rs. Walters has returned to Brantford, after, spending the holi­ days with her sister, Mrs. D. Davis. Mrs. D. McTavish and children have returned home after spending the' holidays; with relatives in Rip­ ley. Mr. arid Mrs. W. J^ Heaman' and family'spent New Year's with the former’s brother, Mr. A. M. Heaman of London. . Mr. Fred HQUinan has returned to his studies at'Arin Arbor Univer­ sity after, spending the-holidays' alt. his home here. • Mrs. Chester Lee; who recently jinderwqqt an operation for append­ icitis :at DrU‘ Fletcher’s hospital, - is getting, along nicely and was able to be removed to her home on Wed­ nesday. .... ■ • * Jr ,r Mr. and >Mrs. O^ H./Becketf; Betty and Robt., of NeW'- Hamburg, spent the holidays uwRh V'M’ts- '‘■-BeckSr’s parents, Dr. J. W. a.h4 Mrs- Brown­ ing., \ .js'.■ «, Mr. arid Mrs. F/jJB- Neyman qnd $on ^eldon, of-. Kingston, visited With '.Mrs. Newman’s -parents, Mp. ^nd Mrs. R. G. Seldon, - ov.er Ney Years. , ■ Mr. Harold Wood and Mr. Bert Welsh, of Toronto;-'' arid’ ' Dr? ■' G. -Blatchford, • of f Fenton, ’Mich.,- !tfere' the. guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood over the holiday. Mrs. Edna Hearts left' on Satur-’ day to visit her brother, Mr. Jos. Follick, of Hamilton, over the holi­ day arid also to visit in Toronto prior 'to leaving with a cousin to' spend the winter. in-Florida. Mrs. A. Cottle, of London, was in town the forepart Of’ the week at­ tending the funeral ,of the late John Keys. Mrs.' Cottle, who has been living in London, .intends, moving back to Exeter as soon as the roads are in condition. , ... School re-opened Tuesday follow­ ing the Christmas holidays. -The old staff, with the exception of Miss Hills who is ill at her home in Dub­ lin, are all back on the job. The The University students, who were home, have all returned to studies. The Exeter H. S; Hockey' ___ will play In Parkhill bn Friday, January . 6th, this being the first game in the WOSSA League. Park­ hill will play Exeter in Hensail bn ,Jan. 11th as there 4is**hb ice here owing to the collapse of the skat­ ing rink. Miss Jean MbKweri, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. McEwen, of Till- sonburg, and a grand-daughter of Mr1, and Mrs, D. Mack; of town, was presented with a i life-membership from her Mission Band?, of the Unit­ed. church df'.4ja*riaida/.jrit’'Ii^^riik'i'ven‘' deretT the best ~ services aria "raised the most mone? during the year. She was also made a member of the W. PRESENTATION At the Sunday Schbol service in the James St. United church on Sun­ day afternoon the Young Men’s Bible Class presented their retiring teacher, J. M. Southcott, with a well- worded address of appreciation and a handsome end-table.handsome endtable* The their team If you can’t feel just right, If you can’t sleep at night, If yoti moan and sigh, If your throat is dry, If yriu can’t smoke or cheW If your grub tastes like gltfe, If your heart doesn’t beat, If you’ve got cold feet. If ydUr head’s in a Whirl, For heaven’s sake—marry girl,the .'teMrtliJwiiwitl'mi It'll in'mil IT FISH FISH We wilt have this week SALMON, WHITE FISH, SALMON SNACKS, FILLETS, HADDIE AND HALIBUT HARVEY A HARVEY *, Overcoats 20 only Men’s Winter Overcoats, nearly every size in the lot. Here is ypur chance to buy a good winter overcoat at a gr^at saving in price These overcoats sold for $23.00 to $25.00 Take your pick for $14.95 New Patterns in Chintz for Comforters ' 15 nevz patterns in Chintz for Comforters, 36 inches wide in a very fine range of new patterns. You, will be needing a suw,ly- • „,, - Good value at per, yard 25c, Remnants Remnants We start to take stock ^thisr^vie^k.. and will place on our counters many ends that have beeq greatly reduced in price for quick selling..' -m i , — 10 doz. Ld^sfVests s In Cream or White, with no;sleeves and half sleeve, re-. . gular $1.00. These are good1 weight , and good value. Cfearing at 75c. —' * l> ' ■ ■ ...... ;15 doz. Ladies Wool & Siik & Wool Hose • , - These hose sold as high as !|>1.50, ar pair.' We,have group*-. ' ed them all together and offer* them for' quick clearing ANNUAL MEETING ' TAKE NOTICE .tpat the Annual Meeting of the Exeter Horticultural Society will be held Friday, Jan- mdry 13th at 8 o’clock p.m. when the report of the- officers will be received and the election.; of- direc­ tors take place. j. J. G. Stanbury, Sec’y-Treas. ;‘FOR SALE—Used Electric Range suitable for farmer, will sell very cheap. Apply TimeS-AdvociatG. STRAYED—Onto the premises, a yearling heifer. Owner may have same by proving property and pay­ ing, expenses. Apply to Thomas Mawhinriey, Dashwood, R. R. No. 3. ; . 42-22-3 tc. FOR SALE—Two cutters. Apply to Dr. Orme, Crediton FOR SALE—Coal range. Apply to W. W. Taman. 12-29-2tp FOR SALE — Set of tire chains, size' 30x3^. For sale cheap. Apply to W. J. Beer. < , 1-5-ltp. YOU’RE NOT SO DUMB ‘ to suffer from Sore Throat, “ Bron­ chitis,' Cough, Brbticliial Asthma, Catarrh, Head Colds’, Adenoids' and Tonsil troubles, when GOOD re­ sults -lare guaranteed by using Mrs, Sybilla Stfahts TonsiKitis. Try It. HoWey’s■'•DhiglBtcfrtf, Eifbter arid A. W. Ei HempllilW Hensall. Electric Wiring and . Repairing Workmanship Guaranteed LEO. HENNESSEY Exeter, Ontario William Street Telephone 193 YOU CAN SAVE MONEY ON EVERYTHING YOU BUY AT T. H. Elliott’s Sults, Overcoats, Overalls, Smbcks, Odd Pattts, Underwear, Sweaters, Gloves, Mitts, Shoes, Rubbers, Shirts Collars, Mufflers, Ties, Hockey Shoes Hats, Caps or anything you Want in Men’s wear. . ’ This is hot a ten day saie, but’I am going tb continue this said just as ldng as the public will help me to carry out my plan of selling on a small profit, And let me fell you everything I sell is first class quality and net old stock. Many can help one and lh this ease Otte can help many, Phone 16 Ernest C, Harvey GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER Mutual life ofCanada FIRE, ■ -■ AUTOSfelBILE’ . ACCIDENT, SlCKNESSi^lND^T^ii^, ETC. ■' W;.;R,<GOIJLD1NG '■ ’1' . ■Organistand GhoirmaMC'r James S££United CliurCh . 9. Insfrhctlon. Iri " Piano ydCaj J ..: Organ ^- J'Thieorj Supervisor, of Music m .Schools,,„ } Concert Ebgajgementsf Accepted Studio, Main St? Bqj^57, Phone192 EX]4YER.Offj, DOMINION ASSURANCE CO. Head Office, Waterloo, Ontario Clinton g. morlock Agent, Crediton, Ont. 'Telephone 21 r 5 10-8-4t<r mm...... wife 19 zf: The London Life Insurance Co. < W. O. PEARCE, AGENT Exeter. Phone 13 0W. . Residence, Ann St. two blocks west; of Ford Garage ' J 1874 SAFETY RAZOR BLADES . iSHARPENED (an£n^ke) SINGLE EDGE{..............a...,. • .-V ‘■ • -7/ i'.'u- * DOUBLE EDGE .............. ?.' Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. s. COLS, DRUGGlW; 3c 4c •— ------------------------— ------------ HOGARTH BABY CHICK ; HATCHERY , ’ FOR SALE-r-Some choice cocker­ els for breeding purposes, various prides. We carry a complete line Of poultry supplies, including Cod LlVbr Oil, Poultry Specifics, Developing and Laying Meal, Beef Meal, Bohe Meal, Oyster Shell, Ceil-O-Glass, Etc,. ’ t ‘ ' ‘a tj. . , % FOR SALE OR RENT—Fine brick residence, heated with hot air, elec­ tric lighted, good garden. Apply to R. E.. Pickard. 10-27tfc FOR SALE—Storey and half brick house on Gidley Street with two lots, hard and Soft wate., and Electric Lights, also some fruit trees, cen­ tral location. Apply GLADMAN A STANBURY, Solicitors for Adminis­ trator; Estate Caroline G, Ford. ^I’QULTRY——We Want your poul* try... -Highest .prices paid.—South­ cott Bros. ................ .. ' H0U$feANb >ARN FOR SALE— Baril iSf »6X4O ft, with 18 ft. posts, Tw^Moi'dy brick- house. Both to be removed nff farm. Terms reason­ ably. Apply tb . Noah Deltfich, Dashwood. iPhone 5 on 31 ■ . ; ■ ' a i'2-3^st0. LOST— On'" Main St. Exeter on Saturday evening a sum of money In bills, onh> a $20.00 bill, Finder rewardod, Plesirie leave word at. TimdeUdvoi^io; s'4 1-5-1 tp. Have Your Eyes Examined To-day There is nothing to be gained by delaying that eye examination. There is much to be lost. Each day that your eyes are uadeg a strain makes It more difficult for ' your Optometrist ‘ to give yon satis­ factory glasses You will be surprised at the thor­ oughness of our-methods—apd wtDF be jpleaeed- with 'the glasses. , Call today and ’earn the■ . truth . abo.ut your eyes. - John Ward CHIROPRACTOR * OpTI<MA$f HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES Authorized by Government. as Trustee Investments The Interest Is paid half yearly upon 1100.00 or more for 1 to S? years, Applications for same are accept­ ed at any time by t carling a Morley Barristers &c.. Exeter, Oat. „ STRA.YHD—Onto the. premises of Z. Desjardirie, Babylon Line, Hay, d two-ycar-old heifer. Owner may have Same by proving property and paying expanses. Apply to T. H. Meyers, Zurich. DOG LOST— Black and white the name of Mack SttitabW* reward. Apply at Times- Advocate, 1-5-lte S'OIt SALE—One cutter and one eet Of dingle driving harness* Apply te Dr. GibSoii, phohe 99, Exeter; ' 5 4'