HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-12-08, Page 5Phone 53 E. TIEMAN & SON The Christmas Spirit We are ready with a full New Stock of Christinas Gifts, picked and collected from the best makers. As some lines cannot be repeated we advise an early look, and choose while the stock is comp 9 TOK EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE % Gift Towels Towels are always an ac­ ceptable and practical gift. Splendid new numbers in bath towels at 49c to $1.25 Handkerchiefs A. wonderful showing of pretfy hankies at prices less than you expect to pay. 5c each to $1 a box - New Flowers For dresses and coats a big choice at ’ 50e, 75c and $1.00 Interwoven Socks For men who want style, comfort and wear. The new­ est patterns are here 50c, 75c, 85c and $1.00 SPECIAL 10 pieces-all linen hand to­ welling brown and white stripe 5 yards for 85c Men’s Shirts The Leaside is a nice pat­ terned., shirt for the dressy young man. It is a guaranteed fast color shirt, which will give wonderful wear, soft collar to match each $2.85 a Men’s Ties Again we lead an exception­ al showing this year. Boxed of- O Q pTi 50c, $1.00 and $1.50 BRING US YOUR PRODUCE HIGHEST TRADE PRICES PAID. Illi HENSALL FOR SALE—A Lister gasoline engine, nearly as good as new and can be bought for half price of new one. 5 horse power, Bosch mag­ neto and English made.—John Elder ■Hensall. 12-l-2tc SCHOOI. CONCERT Babylon Line School (S. S. No. 6) Hay, will hold their, Christmas con­ cert on December 22nd. One of the main items of the program will be a play entitled “The Captain’s Predica­ ment.” Keep^the date in mind. Everybody welcome. 12-8-3tp. -------- ------------------------------------------------- MisS Efiua Gill has taken a posi­ tion. witlr Mr. J. Passmore and will also have charge of the Hensall Printing office. * Orders ‘for print­ ing may be left at the office and will receive the same prompt service attention- Mr. Scruton, who had. charge of the Hpnsall office divide his time between Exeter Hensall. and has will and WELCOME D. I). G. M. Right Worshipful Brother At- Mac­ Kay, of Goderich, D.D.G.M. Tor S. Huron, paid his official visit to Zu­ rich Lodge, No. 224, A.F. & A.M., Hensall on Monday night, and was welcomed by a large gathering. Wor­ shipful Master John W. Bolton and' his officers exemplified’' the first de­ gree in a manner that elicited high praise from the D.D.G.M. and visit­ ing brethren present. Following the lodge work the members and visitors ^njoyed a splendid hot chicken sup­ per served by the Ladies Aid of the United church, following which in­ teresting addresses were given by the district deputy and a number of (tethers. Worshipful Brother G. J. Sutherland acted as toastmaster. A number of visitors were present from London, Exeter, Seaforth and Gode­ rich. Miss Nellie Boyle, of London, vis­ ited over the week-end at her home here.—Mr. and Mrs. A. J.*’Sweitzer and little daughter Lois and Miss? .Irma Higgins, of Detroit, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Higgins and family. Miss Flora Higgins accompanied them back to Detroit, where she will visit fqr a few weeks.—The services in all our churches were well attended-on Sun- 'day last, and excellent sermons were delivered while the service of praise was well in keeping.—Mr, Alex Sparks is visiting for a few weeks •with relatives in Detroit.—The Sun­ -beam Trio gave a number of con­ certs around Toronto and Oshawa 4 and other places recently.—Mr. and Mrs. John Reid and little child, of London, visited for a few days with relatives in town.—Mr. White and Mr. J. W. Skinner were in London, Thursday on business.—A number from Hensall attended the hockey­ match at Stratford on Friday even­ ing,—a Brepartory service will be held in the basement of the United .church on Friday evening.—- Mrs. Mosey, of St. Marys, is visiting her sister Mrs. John Wilsoii.—The sportsmen of the village are look-, ing forward to the shoot to be held on Wednesday, December the, 9 til.— A communion service will 1 the United church next morning, present.- l : be held in church next Sunday everyone is urged to be _____ On Sunday, December 4th, Rev. Mi’, Ilroy will preach at the I Jnorning service, “What Should an . Elder Be and Do" and at the even­ ing service,'"Which Church is Right” —Mr. Jas. Bonthron is improving the appearance of his home by putting in * hardwood floors and making other improvements.—-Mrs. J. Leiper and Miss Flossie Foss visited friends in JCippen on Monday.—Reeve Geiger Is in Goderich this week attending the meeting of the Cpunty Council. Mr. and Mrs, Allan McDonell, of Dashwood Dr, U w; Cowen, L.P,S., D.D.S. PENTAILSURGEON At office in Hartleih Block, Dash­ wood, first throe das of wook and at. office' over the Rost Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Groceries Underwear; Sweaters See our bargain table of Children’s underwear & sweat­ ers, underwear each 29c and 49c Sweaters each 95c and $1,69 Mixed Peel ........,....?..... 35c lb. Thomson Seedless Raisins e. 2 pounds .......... 29c. New Dates ........2 lb. for 25c Large Prunes..... 2 lb. for New Figs ......... 2 lb. Marschino Cherries .... Nu-jell Jelly Powders 3 boxes for .,................ Fresh Ginger Snaps 2 lb. Fresh Fig Bars ....,.... Corn, Peas, Tomatoes 2 cans for .........,.......... 25c. New Mixed Nuts ..... 4 lb. 79c, Men’s Overcoats- for 23c 25c. 25c. hot. 25c. 25c. 19c. lb. TIEMAN & SON ONTARIODASHWOOD, Detroit, wlio, have been visiting at., the home of M1’- and Mrs. Chas. Mc­ Donell left for London on Monday. —The meeting of the Young Peoples’ League was held on Monday even­ ing.with Miss Pearl Elder presiding Miss Dorothy Hefferman acting as secretary. The meeting was opened by singing hymn 138, followed oy all repeating the Lord’s prayer. The Scripture lesson was read respon­ sively. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted, after which Miss Johnson gave an account of the Young Peoples’ Convention in Ex­ eter. Hymn 268 was then sung, after which Mr. Sinclair led in pray­ er. Three .girls then gave a^ very pleasing tr-io followed by a s.d’lo by Mrs. Joynt, hymn 150 was t&en. sung followed by the "benediction! by Mr. Ortwein.—The W. M. S. met in the school room on Thursday afternoon with the president -in the chair. The meeting was opened by singing hymn 95 after which Mrs.* Lammie led in prayer. Mrs. McDonald gave a reading aftei* which hymn 299 was sung. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. C. McDonell then Mrs. A. Hemphill read the Devotional leaflet. The roll call found eigh­ teen members present. The offer­ ing was then taken. The visiting committee reported they .had visited 15 sick and shut-ins. It was decided to send fruit and quilts to Deacon’s Home in Toronto. The Study- Book was read by Mrs. Merner followed by the election of officers-. Hymn 310 was then sung'Utter which Mrs. Dougall closed in prayer.—Owing to Reeve' Geiger being in1' Goderich this week the Council Meeting was post­ poned.—Mr. and Mrs. David Christie of Hibbert, visited at Mr. W. L. Mc­ Laren’s on Monday.—Miss Ruby Mc­ Laren visited on Tuesday with her sister Mrs. Wes. Venner near Chis­ elhurst.—The Y. P. A. of the Anglican church held a meeting on Monday evening. ’The meeting ..was opened by singing hymn 517 after which T. W. Jones, led in prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The busi­ ness was then discussed. The topic, “Important Persons in History” was given by Mrs. W. O. Goodwin, Mrs. S. L. Peppier, Miss M. Drummond each gave interesting readings on important characters. The me'eting was closed by singing hymn 566.— The Mission Band of the Presbyter­ ian -church met in the basement of the church on Sunday afternoon with ak good attendance. The meeting was opened by singing hymn 721 after which all repeated the Lord’s prayer. Irene Hogarth read the minutes of the last meeting. The roll call was taken by Eldred Smith, hymn 494 -was then sung, memory work was reviewed, short stories of the Bible were read, Beryl Pfaff leading the list. The concluding hymn No. 416 after Which all repeat­ ed the Mizpah Benediction.—Mr. and Mrs. David Christie, of Hibbert, Vis­ ited at Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McLar­ ens on Monday.—-Mr. John McEwen is taking in the Winter. Stock Show at Guelph this week. HENSALL SCHOOL REPORT Sr. IV—Bob Houston, Mabel Workman, Howard Hemphill, Elean­ or Skinner, Irene Daters, Grace Brock, Ed. Little, Mao Kenning, B. Drummond. Jr. IV.—Marion Mc­ Kay, Gladys Passmore, Irene Hog­ garth, Alice Higgins, Hazel Hudson, Florence McDonald, Will Drummond. Sr. IIL—-Eleanor Bell, Harold Fos­ ter, Harold Slierritt, Aldon Applo- Jqn, Isohel Smale,‘Helen Glenn, Roy Brock, Will Nicol, John McKay, Ray Patterson, Lome Elder, E. Wurm, Norman McKay, Harold Appleton. I-Iildebrndt. ' V. Navy Blues and Heather Mixtures $13 $19 $23 Regular Values $19 $26 $30 SUITS SUITS Men’s and Boys’ Suits at greatly reduced prices. ’LIVE>OWL—We ship every Tuesday and Friday before noon. CROMARTY Miss E. Anderson visited in Ailsa Craig on Sunday.—-Mr. Lome Pfile, of Detroit, spent Sunday with his parents.-—-Mr. and. Mrs. Stadelbauer, of London, visited with M'r. and Mrs. ■ P. Kraft on Sunday.—Misses Alice an cl Lucille Willert and Mr. Brinkey, of Birmingham, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willert.—Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestrieher spent a few days in London last week.— The Evangelical Sunday School is holding its annual Christmas entertainment on ,Friday, December 23rd.—Mr. R. Goetz is attending County Council in Goderich this week. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wein gave a birthday dinner last Thursday even- inf, in honor of Mrs. Henry Rader. In the presence 'of the children and twenty-one grandchildren there pass- fc’ed a series of events that made for a pleasant evening. An address by Mr. Louis Rader was well received followed by an assembly reading given by Mr. Alvin Walper.—Dear Mother and Grandmother we your children and grandchildren have .gathered here this evening for the purpose of offering a token in re­ membrance and to express our very best wishes in honor of your birth­ day. We cannot tell you how de­ lighted we are to be the means of conveying to you this medium of our united affection. In this you will find a symbol of our sentiment that portrays the attachment each one of us cherish. It would seem ! that every one of us needs most the advise and comforting admonitions that your years of experience in the walk of life -can give to us. On this occasion our appreciation wells up and we submit to you this simple indication of’ ourx affection. We hope to share with you good health and many happy returns of this your birthday. Signed on behalf of your children and grandchildren. With the presentation of a lovely silver knives and forks tea set, Mrs. Rader made a suitable reply, expressing a happy surprise and her desire to continue to be of parental service to all her kin. ‘ The December meetings of the W. M. S. met at the home -of Mrs, Jas. Sco<tt, on Thursday, December 1st this being our annual business meet­ ing and also the twenty-fourth anni­ versary of dur Auxiliary.' A parti­ cularly remarkable part is that our annual December meeting’s have al­ ways been held at the home of thQ president, Mrs..Scott; also that Mrs. Scott has never missed a meeting of the Auxiliary since organized. The reports of the year were given which were- very satisfactory having an in­ crease over last year. Two of our members moved to other parts, but very fortunately we had the addition ■of two members. Mrs. Scott gave a very inspiring pfe'sidehtal address. New officers for the coming year were duly elected: pres:, Mrs. Thos. Oliver; sec., Mrs. Thos. Scott; treas., Mrs. Hill; program com., Mrs. Scott, Mrs. S. A. Miller, Mrs. McKellar, Mrs. Thos. Scott;Scattered Helper’s sec.,’ Mrs-. Wm. McLaren, Mrs. McLellan; press sec.,’ Mrs. S. A. Miller. It was decided that the Study Book for the coming year be “The Royal Road." —A number from here attended the Presbytery Meeting held at Strat­ ford on Tuesday last.—Mac McKel­ lar has returned from the West and reports having very cold weather in that part when he left. HURONDALE In-Hurondale held „a successful stitute meeting -at the home of Mrs. Rundle on Wednesday, November 30th, 37 ladies being present. Th 6' meeting opened at 2 o’clock with the president Mrs. Kestle in the chair, by the Opening Ode and com­ munity singing, dered from Mrs. Mrs. H. Perkins for flowers ___ Several items of business were dis­ cussed. It was decided to donate $10 to the War Memorial Hospital for Sick Children in London. A Demonstration Lecture Course in Do­ mestic Science was proposed for the last two weeks in January and a committee was appointed to arrange for same. aA committee was also named to look after a course in Mill­ inery which was suggested foi' a later date. Mrs. Garnet Frayne fa­ voured the meeting with a violin solo which was greatly enjoyed by all. Mrs. L. Oke ably demonstrat­ ed the making of fowl dressing bringing several new ideas to the ladies. A report of the recent Con­ vention held in London was -given by. Annie Strang. Lunch was serv­ ed during the Sbcjal half hour by the ladies in charge. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. H. Strang. Roll call, Say, Sing or Pay and the topic to be taken by Mr. J. Morley, Exeter on Ontario Laws con­ cerning Women and Children.—Keep in mind the Christmas concert to be held in S. S. No. 1, Usborne on ev­ ening of Friday, December the 16th. A good program is being prepared under the leadership of Miss Baker and Mr. W. R. Goulding, Thanks was M. Brechler ELIMVILLE Mi* ten- and sent. at is the saying, but after where do you get the lei- "Marry in haste and repent leisure" marriage sure? Fred Wright Was confined to his bed h few days recently but is able to be around again.—Miss G. Johns has been confined to her home for some days with a bad cold.—The school children were all vaccinated at the school by Dr. Graham, M. II. O. on Monday as there are a few cases of Smallpox in the vicinity.—- Zion services were withdrawn at the churches on Sunday but the Bazaar will be held on Friday night and the services as usual next Sunday. Schqol is also being held this week as usual —Mrs. Whiteford, of Exeter, is vis iting at the home of her daughter Mr Wes. Horne, Crediton Mrs. Jos. White left on Monday for St. Joseph's Hospital, London, to undergo a series of blood and nerve treatments.—Last Thursday evening the Stars class of the Evan­ gelical S. 8, together with some of the fair sex spent an enjoyable time in pondon.—Mrs. Joseph Haist re­ turned home after spending a few’ days with her daughter, Mrs. Wm« Watson and family at Thedford.— Miss Pearl Fahner spent the week­ end with Miss Emma Cunningham in Elderton. CENTRALIA The Misses Jennie and Rachael Wilson, were visitors last week with their neice Mrs. Dr, Mamilton, ofr Ailsa Craig.—-Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson were in Highgate last week owing to the death of the latter’js father Mr. Smale whose death took' place last Thursday,—Mr, W. Boyle, of London, spent Tuesday with rela­ tives in the village. The funeral of the late Mrs. Mi­ chael Thompson, a highly esteemed resident who died Sunday, Novem­ ber 27tli in her 64th year, was held Wednesday morning from her late residence to St. Peter’s church, Bid- dulph. Mrs. Thompson had been in failing health the past year. She is survived by her husband’ and two sons, Leo, of London, and William, at home, and one daughter, Mrs. O’Rourke, of Brucefield. O wi ............ i t. 1 - r-- i * THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 192T PARALYZED 47 : ..... ...... •••’ COULD INOT WALK But Restored with Natural Herbs One of the many letters we receive daily:— Elmwood, Ont., May 3.3th, 1927 Mr. B. J. Murfin:— Deal’ Sir,—I must write and let you know how our son, who had creeping paralysis, is improving. He had only taken, your medicine about a week when he could walk^and in three weeks had gained 13 pounds. He helped his father with seeding, and is feel­ ing fine. Our daughter is also making an improvement, is gaining nicely, but is still taking your medicine. We* certainly cannot praise your medicine too highly for what it has done for us all. We do not think there is any medicine on the market so effective in building up a rundown system as Mr. Marfin’s Natural Herb Medi­ cine, and we highly recommend it to our neighbors and friends. Hoping to see you soon, we remain, sincerely yours, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Leifso, Elmwood, Ont,, R. R. 2 You too can be well MR. MURFIN, the proprietor of the Canadian’Herb Gardens^ Experts in Herbs, will be at Khiva A quiet but pretty wedding took' place on Wednesday, -November the 30th at 5 p.m., when<Edna, daugh­ ter of Mr. Wm. Witzel and the late Mrs. Witzel was united in marriage to Mr. Alfred Tilley of Stephen. Tim ceremony was performed under an arch beautifully decorated with pink and white roses in the presence of the immediate friends of the bride and groom. Rev. R. Hiscocks, of the United church, Crediton, officiat­ ing. The bride was becomingly at­ tired in old rose 6repe-de-chine with gold and silver trimming and car­ ried a bouquet o£,„^,M1q,w and white ■mums. The brp.<l^^Ai,d, Miss Erna Neeb, neice of tlie bride wore a pretty gown of shell pink georgette. The bridegroom was attended by Mr. M. Lamport, nephew of the bride. Fol­ lowing the ceremony a dainty wedd­ ing dinner was served in the dining­ room which was tastefully decorated with pink and white streamers. The happy couple left later for Toronto and other points where they will spend -a short honeymoon, the bride travelling in aj.'Sand dress with Malaga pin-point coat with fur trim­ mings with hat to match. Mr. and Mrs. Tilley have the best wishes of there many friends.— Mrs. Chris. Deitrich is visiting friends in St. Agatha at present. , ZION On Thursday afternoon of lastj week the W. M*. S. held their annual meeting at the home of Mrs., John Horn Sr. Following a fine Christ­ mas meeting the following officers were elected: Pres. Mrs. Wm. Horn; 1st vice-pres., Mrs. Hector Taylor; recording sec’y, Mrs. Herman Kyle; corres. sec’y., Mrs. Warren Brock; treas., Mrs. J. Hern, Sr.; assis. Help­ er’s Supt, Mrs. Melville Hern; Stran­ ger’s sec’y., Mrs. W. J. Brock; Sys­ tematic Giving.Supt., Mrs. J. Johns; ass’t., Mrs. George Earl; Mite Box Supt., John T. Hern; organist, Mrs. Wilbert Batten; ass’t organist, Miss Gladys Earl; Missionary papers, Mrs Milton Brock; auditors, Mrs. Well­ ington Brock and Mrs. Milton Brock Flower committee, Mrs’. T. Morley with Mrs. T. Brock, treas.; Watch Tower, China, Miss Gladys Earl; Homeland missions, Miss Alma Hern India, The members of society number 20 annual, 2 members, 3 associate helpers 12 Baby Band. Japan, Mrs. "Warren Brock; Mrs. John Johns. 71............ the life and. THAMES ROAD Mrs. Albert. Etherington is suffer­ ing from a broken bone in her shoul­ der. Mrs. Etherington was helping with the chores when in some way part of a track fell striking her and at present she is as comfortable as can be expected. Mrs. Wiseman has returned home after spending two weeks with her friends at Ilderton. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Suhr, of Mit­ chell, were visitors on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pollen, A jolly dance was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sears on Friday evening. The McNicol Trio filled the musical bill Mr. Wm. Pollen is installing a chop grinding outfit. Mr. Bert Ker- nick, of Exeter, is assisting him. Miss Madeline Dearing, of Exeter, visited over” the week-end with Miss Beulah Glavin. KIRKTON Jas. Walkei* has rented the Mt. the At your PERSONAL Service The men and women of this com­ pany are trying to turn out some­ thing more than just a good gen­ eral telephone service, No two users have exactly, the same needs. When you ask us to install or move a telephone we want to handle your order in such a way that youi' personal require­ ments are exactly met. When you ask for information about a contract, or a bill, or re­ port trouble with your instru­ ment, or make even the most casual telephone call, we want to give each matter the sort of at­ tention that spells personal ser- vice, not just average service. This is not easy. But it’s what we are aiming at—-a personal vice. PT, v At Ar CONSULTATION FREE Gall Stones removed without an operation. Goiter removed without an operation. Asthma, Piles, Heart Trouble, High Blood Pressure, Stomach Troubles, Skin Diseases, Bedwetting, Worms, Nerve Troubles, Constipation and Appendicitis, Kidney Troubles, Paralysis, Diabetes, Bright’s Disease, Lung and Bronchial Troubles, Anemia, Catarrh, Dropsy, Gravel, Over Fatness, Female Troubles, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Neuritis and all diseases. HERB DOCTOR BOOK FREE To all our customers taking Herb Treatments, this book con­ tains (25 0 old-time Herb Formulas) the long-cherished secrets of our forefathers and great Herbalists like Nicholas Culpeper and Pastor Kneipp, who lived many years ago and used them with great success. There is an Herb for Every Disease Remember the date, Tues. Dec. 20 CANADIAN HERB GARDENS BOX 513 LONDON, ONTARIO WE SELL THE HERBS THE JUICE COMES FROM Mr. farm of Mr. John Gallop, of Pleasant, taking possession on first of March.—Mr. Smith O’Brien, of Bowmanville, spent a few days this week with his brother Mr. John O'Brien.—Word was received here on Saturday, of the death at Niagara Falls, of Mrs. Sherman whose name before marriage was Annie Dawson. Deceased lived here for a number of years before moving to Niagara Falls. She is survived by two bro­ thers, Robert'of Toronto and Wil­ liam of Niagara Falls. Afiter Measles Take ANGIER’S EMULSION The chief danger of measles lies in the complications which follow. Quickly and efficiently .the soothing and tonic effects of ANGIER’S EMULSION build up the general health and strength—thereby pre­ venting the development of bronchitis or other chest troubles which so frequently attack the system ^weakened by measles. In WHOOPING COUGH, too, ANGIER’S EMULSION relieves the spasms of coughing, loosens and assists in throwing off phlegm, quiets thestomach, enabling the patient to retain and digest food. And by increasing the child’s strength and vitality, ANGIER’S assists in throwing off the disease without any dangerous after effects. ANGIER’S is pleasant to take’ It has been endorsed by the Medi­ cal Profession of Great* Britain and Canada—and has been used in Children’s Hospitals for over thirty-five years. A British Doctor writes! "I consider Angier's Emulsion is one of the finest tonics and strength-buiidersobtninable.'’ (Signed) EMUL and $1.20—at all druggist's 5 GREENWAY Mr. Schroeder, of North Dakota, is visiting his sister, Mrs. C. Curts. —Mr. W. Curts and Miss Viola Curts, of London, spent the week­ end at their home here.—Mr. Mur­ ray Luther has returned home.— Mr. Alfred Hayter, Of Clandeboye, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hayter on Sunday.—Mrs. Toll, of London, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Mason.—Miss McLean and Miss De­ vine Mason were recent visitors in Sarnia.—In spite of very inclement weather a goodly sized congrega­ tion listened with interest and pro­ fit to Rev. F. Langford, of Toronto, and Rev. Foster, of Parkhill, in the United church last Wednesday. Vis­ itors were present from Crediton and Grand Bend.—Next Sunday after­ noon Rev. J. M. Colling will speak on "Why We Believe in Prayer." series of sermons are enjoyed very much by the large congregation.— Don’t forget the lecture by the pas­ tor on Friday evening entitled "The Seven Great Mistakes of Life?’ All who have ever made a mistake are eligible to attend. Music and lunch promise a profitable and pleasant evening.—Mr. Geromette has bought part of Mr. R. L. Pollock’s house and is moving into his lot west of Mr. R. English’s shop on Dundas St. He will put his chopping mill there and the public will be served much more conveniently. Just watch our burg grow!—*Mr. J. Turner is suffering from a lame knee. We hope he may soon recover. WHALEN Mr. Bert Mossip, wife and family are getting settled on the farm re­ cently rented from Mr. John Steven­ son.—The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Morley on Thursday afternoon of this week.—Grafton Squire, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire is confined to the house with chickenpox.-—Mrs. N. Ogden, of Ex­ eter spent the week-end at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. Squire.— Mrs, Nellie Gunning, of Woodham, i. it i.-hi utr arm badly on a little mustard in your bath will bring new life flooding through your system. When you feel jaded after the day’s work look in s the pantry for the tin of Keen’s Mustard. A Mustard Bath Throw three table- spoorrfuls into the hot water, swirl around, and then get in and soakf After five orten minutes Squire attended the sodal evening put on by the "M’vi"5* G-'U-i (Tuh"s. of Lntam mi Friday , v uim .