The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-12-08, Page 1FIFTY-FIFTH TEAR, NO. 281:4 in i un- ii Of Course You Will Want Wed. December 14 on PHONE 32 Select your Christmas Us- ac- are ten no- the London and Mr. MeFalls, of Lucan, extends tlieir greateat sympathy the bereaved parents. com** Of< 1.3f, BURIED IN EXETER The funeral of Gordon Ray Kydd, iclliMren wi.n bet disappointed Christ- AVALON 5-piece ORCHESTRA IN ATTENDANCE GENTS 95c plus tax.' Ladies please provide lunch EXETER DANCE CO.MMITTEE Wq Can Help You to See Better Our method of testing is most plete and our prices moderate, fice hours 9.30 to 12 a,m. and to 5 p.m. Evening by appointment S. FITTON Phone 75w. OPTOMETRIST ««•!» EXETER TIMES, ESTABLISHED 1873 I AMALGAMATED J0XETER ADVOCATE, ESTABLISHED 1887/DECEMBER 1st, 19.24 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER Sth, 1927 K Visit our store often until Christinas. " We ► can solve the Christ­ mas Gift Problem for you. We offer a few Suggestions F©r Ladies and Girls,-—(Silk Underwear in separate gar­ ments and sets, fancy parasols,, handkerchiefs in boxes, purses and handbags, sweaters, gloves towels boxed, fur and cloth coats, kimonas. For Men and Boys,—Initialed and bordered handkercheifs, ties, garters, sets of braces and garters to match, belts, pyjam- as, sweaters,■%. umbrellas, suits and overcoats, fancy socks. Ladies’ Fur Coats as Christinas Gifts Wehave a nice stock of ladies’ fur coats in Persian Lamb and French Seal. These make very attractive Christmas gifts. Our prices are very reasonable. Wonderful Bargains in Cloth Coats Get one of our real bargains in Ladies’, Misses and Children’s win­ ter coats, many at less than cost price. Good coats are selling at the price of cheap ones. See our Girl’s Coats at $5.00 each. Men’s and Boys’ Overcoats Navy Overcoats,?uTweed QvqrfiJ?at&. Ru^ftgr-linejd , Overcoats* Sheep- lined Overcoats and Fur Coats at low pricesy^ “ " ‘ ‘ ~ ‘ ... Lightning Hitch Hockey Boots Hockey-Boots make a good Christmas gift for boys and .girls, have them in all sizes and at moderate prices. Bedroom Slippers as Gifts Fancy Bedroom Slippers and leather-soled house-Slippers are al- . ways very acceptable gifts. We have a very nice selection. Goodrich Zipper Overshoes In fawn, grey and black, we carry a very fine assortment of low and high’ overshoes. PHONE 32 from our stock and save money For Hockey, Pleasure and Speed — use —■ c. C. C. M. SKATES from $1.25, up * Bobb Skates 50c. pair Hockey * Sticks 10c. up Hockey Pucks 10 to 25c. C. C. M. Ankle Supports, $1.00 Knee Pads $1.35 Polished Brass IN USEFUL ARTICLES from 75 cents up I A Very Complete Line of TOYS from 5 cents up Visit this new Department USEFUL GIFTS PYREXWARE POCKET KNIVES COLEMAN DAMPS CODEMAN LANTERNS SCISSORS AND SHEARS FLASHLIGHTS $1.19 WEAR-EVER ALUMINUM GRANITE ROASTERS $1.79 aluminum: roasters $2.30 SHEET METAL ROASTERS 65c We allow 4 per cent, for cash, in coupons Heaman’s Hardware & Paint Store IN MEMORIAM “DltNCAN-^/n loving memory of our mother, -.Mrs. J. R. Duncan, who passed away ow year ago Decem­ ber 5th, 1926. Ycyj. did hot stop to.isay farewell, ,'jSMd bid good-bye to hone, UThe Heavenly gates wore open wide gentle voice said' *(Come,” •Our life cannot epeak how wel loved her, ■Ood ohiy knows how We miss her. •OUr hearts cannot tell What to say, .In a home that is lonely today. iSadly missed by husband and family 1^8-ltp. REV. J. ELDER TO BE INDUCTED AT CROMARTY Rev. John Elder, a minister of the Presbyterian church in 'the United States, has apceptaed a call from the Cromarty congregation and the in­ duction will take place, Thursday, December the Sth. son of Mr. and Mrs. MiltOn Kydd, of Detroit, Mich., took place from the residence of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joixathan Kydd, Exeter North on Friday afternoon. The babe was horn Octobei’ 35. 1927 and died November 23, 1927. He was brought to Exeter on Thursday, in­ terment being made in the Exeter’ cemetery. Those who attended the funeral from a distance were: His parents Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kydd, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Kydd and family, of .Detroit; Mrs. Kydd’s mother, Mrs, Shaus and Mr. Allen Shaus, of Mild- may; Mrs. George Glosser, of Kit­ chener; Mrs. Fred Bloomfield, De­ troit; Mrs. Samuel Hedden, Miss R. Hedden, Mr. John Hedden, Mr. F. Snell, Mr, Wellington Snell all of and Mrs. Albert The community to ’SANTA CLAUS’ | The Chamber started a Santa distribution of needy families The citizens of I responded nobly to any appeals for j tin? needy but it was felt that some systematic effort should be made at ' this season of the year to see that no FUND of Commerce have Claus' Fund for the Christmas cheer to in this community; Exeter have always ; mas morning because Santa Claus had forgotten them. There have been such cases in Exeter and the Chamber of Commerce have appoint­ ed a committee of ladies to look after the distribution of the fund. Contributions will be received at the Times-Advoeate office. The follow- I ing donations have been received:— Exeter’ Chamber of Commerce $10; L. J. Penhale $1.00; F. A. May $1.00 J. W . Powell $1.00; B. W. F. Beav­ ers $1.00; J. M. Southcott $1.00, WESTERN ONTARIO RACING CIRCUIT FORMED Officers for the new" Western Rac­ ing Circuit* were selected at a recent meeting held in Stratford and dates have been set. With fourteen re­ presentatives present the meeting was a lively and enthusiastic one and a number of points came up foi: discussion. The circuit will open at,Mitchell on May 24th. Dr. White- ley, of Goderich, is the new presi­ dent and the officers are as follows: Vice-Pres., Wm. Martyn, of Mitchell; Secretary-Treasurer, W. F. Clarke, of Goderich; executive committee, Wm. Elliott, of Exeter; W. H. Currie of Strathroy; W/n. Grosch, of Strat­ ford; J. Beattie, of Chesley and Frank Blair; of Galt, "representative of the Preston Association. The dates have been arranged to August 1st. but the circuit will carry on up until Toronto Exhibition. Those already set are as follows: May 24th, Mitchell; May 3 0th, New Hamburg; June 6th, Seaforth; Jund 13th, Prestop; .Jyhe 20th, Sim­coe; June 27th,’ Stratford; July 2nd, Strathroy; July lltH,^Forest; July ISth, Watford; July 25th, Exeter; August. 1st, Goderich. The or'"1-: at the various mf,'’<ings will either be stake or purse a-J lie moneys range from $500 to the big $5,000 Western Ontario Derby, to be held in conjunction with the Stratfor'1 on June 27th. USBORNE COUNCIL MEETING The municipal council of the Town­ ship of Usbfffne met in its regular meeting on December 3rd at the Tp, Hall, Elimville pursuant to adjourn­ ment. All the members of the coun­ cil pere present with Jas. Ballantyne Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and ap­ proved on motion of Berry-Dew. No appeals being presented against the proposed assessment on the Mc­ Donald Drain Award, By-law No. 8, 1927 confirming the same was read of On Wednesday evening of last week about fifty neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Quinn, who recently pur­ chased the farm of Mr. E. Kestle on the 2nd concession of Usborne, met at their home to spend a social even­ ing and to welcome them to the neighborhood. A very pheasant time was spent in games and amusements followed by refreshments served by the ladies. The Ladies’ Aid society of the Main St. United church held their annual meeting on Thursday of last week. Reports ’ showed the society to have had a very successful year. The officers were re-elected as fol­ lows: Hon. pres., Mrs. Jas. Willis; president, Mrs. W. S. Howey; 1st vice-pres., Mrs. J. N. Howard; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. W. G. Medd; secre­ tary, Mrs. H. W. Doerr; treasurer, Mrs. J. W. Powell. Sharon Public School (S. S. No. 4) Stephen, will hold their ,.Xmas con­ cert on December 19th. • One of the pxain items of the program will be a play entitled “Too much of a Good Thing.’’ Keep the date in mind. The Mission Circle of Elimville will hold a bazaar on Friday, Decem­ ber 9th in the church. Doors open at 7 p.m. Lunch served. Santa Claus will treat the children. Come buy Xmas presents? and =“J INMEMOR1AM EARL—-In loving memory of with and mother, Lily Maud Earl, who : passed away ohe year ago, Deo* 15, 1926, and son and brother. Wilbur Charles, who died Dec. 8,. 1926. We often sit and think of them Whe’n we are left alone For memory is the only friend that grief can caM Its own; Like ivy on the withered oak, When all other things decay Our love for them will still keep green and never fade away. Sadly missed by husband and dau­ ghters. * BIRTHS \ MOORE— At the Rectory,Aiisa Craig, on Thursday, November 24, 1927, to Rev. and Mrs. W. Moore, a daughter, (June Margaret.) DAVIS—At Ft. Erie, on Friday, December 2nd to Mr. and' Mrs. Oliver. Davis, a daughter. MITCHELL—In Stephen on Decem­ ber 4th, to Mr. add Mrs. Herman Mitchell, a daughter, (Doris Jean) ip DEATHS MAXWELL^—In Lucan, on Wednes­ day D^dembet 7 th, Maty Anu. Pat­ rick, beloved wife of T. A. Max­ well, in her 67th year. Funeral to take place from the residence of her Son-in-law, Victor L H. Shell, on Friday, Dec. 9th. Service at the house at 1:30, interment in Rirr United cemetery* Friends please accept this intimation. o and finally passed on motion B er ry-Willi urns. Skinner-Williams—-Motion re mination and election. 1. That __ nomination meeting for the Council of 1928 be held as per statue on Monday, December the 26th, 1927 at the hour of 1 o’clock. 2. That the clerk shall preside at such nom­ ination meeting. That if an elect­ ion be necessary through more than the required number of candidates signifying their intention of stand­ ing for election, polls shall be held from 9 o’clock a.m. to 5 o’clock p.m. with the undernamed officers in charge on Monday, January 2, 19’28, at the following places viz:— Div. 1—School house No. 4, Eden, J. J. Hunter, D.R.O.; Harry Coates Poll Clerk. Div. 2—House of H. H. Brown, H. H. Brown, D.R.O.; Chas. Allison, Poll Clerk. Div. 3— House of Louisa Horton, S. W, Dou- gall, D.R.O.; Wm. Jeffrey, Poll Clerk Div. 4—Public Hall, Farquhar, Jno. Hodgert D.R.O.; Albert Scott, Poll Clerk. Div. 5—Tp. Hall, Elimville, J. J. Woods, D.R.O.; Lloyd Johns, Poll Clerk. Div. 6—School house No 7, Zion, Wm. Smith, D.R.O.; Chas. Jaques, Poll Clerk. Div. 7—House of R. Morrison, D. Goulding, D.R.O.; Oliver McCurdy, . Poll Clerk. 4. • That a By-law be drafted confirm­ ing the same. Carried. By-law No 9, Re nomination and election for 1928 was read and approved on mo­ tion of Dew-Skinner. The following bills were present­ ed, passed and orders issued for the payment of same on motion of Wil­ liams-Berry viz.—Dr. Graham med­ ical attendance of Jas. Remnant $35; Wickwire Print Shop, By-laws Cen­ tralia Drain award $5.00, By-laws McDonald Drain award $5.00, $10; John R. Duncan, farm bridge Elim­ ville D. Ext. $20.00; George Coward farm bridge Elimville D. Ext. $20.; Jas. Cottle, farm bridge Elimville D. Ext. $20,00; Jas. Cottle, ditch con. 8, $1.00; Geo. Hunter, refund Elim­ ville drain ass. $3.52; Samuel Brock, board of health inspection $5.65; Bill of Geo. Kellett deceased, Fee as cow supervisor $5.00, mileage re same $4.70, Board of Health in­ spection $1.25, supplies for Tp. Hall $1.67, total 12.62; Robt. B,ell cutt­ ing weeds con. 4. $8,25; R.'Drought cutting weeds con. 4, -$3.00; John Whelihan weed cutting S. W. B., Us. share $3.50, Jno. Whelihan dragg­ ing ,S. W. B. Usb. share $2.50 total $6.00; John Stewart, 84 and 1 third cords gravel less overdrift $51.75; Wm. Stone, 731 yards of gravel for crushing $80.41; John Cann, 3001 yards ditto, $330.11; R. Skinner 375 and 3 fifths cords gravel less advance $181.70; Alice Cudmore, 154 and 1 third cords of gravel less advance $15.75; Robt. Ross 29 and 1 third gravel ditto $22.00; Huron Co. 32 yards gravel $4.80; Chas. Jeffrey, gravelling rd. 7, $1.00; L. Rowcliffe gravelling con 4, $3.50; H. Rowcliffe, ditto $20.00; Maurice Coates ditto $10.00; Harold Hunter ditto $10.00; Freeman Horn gravell­ ing $18.25, grading $1.00, total $19.25; Fred Ford, gravelling $20, grading $2.50, total $22.50; Wilfred Johns grading $20.00; Henry Ford, team work $5.00, superintendance $35.70, total $40.70; Jas. Ballanty­ ne salary as reeve $70.00; W. Skin­ ner, salary as councillor $60.00; D. Dew, ditto; H. Berry, ditto; B. Wil­ liams, ditto; H. Strang, salary as clerk $300.00, postage $7.08, total $3 07.00; Mrs. Kellett caretaker of hall $12.00. Carried. Williams That we adjourn to meet as per statue on Thursday Decem­ ber 15th at 1 o’clock at the Town­ hall. Mr. A. B. Rowcliffe, of. the Lon­ don Road, north, had the misfortune on Tuesday to fracture his right arm while cranking a car. The engine backfired and the crank struck him in the arm. Mr. Rowcliffe runs a dairy farm delivering the milk in Hensail and the accident is most fortunate. REEVE OF USBORNE MEETS WITH ACCIDENT Reeve James Ballantyne, of borne, met with an unfortunate cident while in the act of climbing into the loft of his large barn when he slipped from the ladder and fell about ten feet to the barn flooi’ below. Both of his feet were injured and the lower part of one- of the bones in his- right leg was fractured. He is able to be around on crutches. FOOT BADLY INJURED Mr. W. H. Dearing met with an. unfortunate accident on Friday last that will confine him to the house for the Christmas season. Mr. Dear­ ing was at the farm, of his son, Pres­ ton in Stephen, and was sitting on a sleigh with his feet hanging out ovei’ when his right foot caught between! a frozen lump of earth and the sleigh runner. The foot was badly injured and the ligaments torn. It was worse than a break. Mr. Dearing was finishing up his fall work that day and figured on taking things easy for the next few weeks. POST-NUPTIAL RECEPTION The following account was taken from a London paper on Friday last and will be read with interest by many of our. readers: Mrs. Melville Gladman’s post-nup­ tial reception was a smart event of yesterday afternoon, the charming bride welcoming many callers to her attractive home, in Richmond Street, north. Mrs. Gladman, who, prior I to her marriage was Miss Marguer- ' ite Pickard, of Exeter, received in her wedding gowii, a French crea­ tion of white georgette, studded with brilliants. She wore a corsage of roses and lily of the valley. Mrs. R. E. Pickard, of Exeter, and Mrs. F. W. Gladman, of this city, also re­ ceived, the former wearing a hand­ some gown of black transparent velvet and georgette over flesh pink chiffon, with black velvet hat and corsage of roses. Mrs. F. W. Glad­ man was also smartly gowned in black and wore a becoming black hat Many yellow mums added a cheery touch to the Jiving-room, and in the dining room "the tea tables was at­ tractively done with pink roses, lily of the valley and baby breath and lighted by tall rose candles. Miss Pickard, of Brantford, a house guest with her neice; Mrs. Melville Glad­ man and Mrs. J. E. McGillicuddy poured out tea. Mrs. Gordon Brid­ geman and Miss Marion Price invit­ ed to the tearoom, and Miss Marion Gladman, prettily frocked in blue taffeta, attended the door. Assist­ ing and looking aftei’ the guests were the Misses Margaret Gladman and Ellen Gallagher, of London, and Miss Stella Southcott, Verna Coates, Kath­ leen Heaman and Reta Rowe, of Ex­ eter. In the evening Mrs. Melville Gladman entertained informally for those who attended at the reception. r A. F. & A. M. ELECT OFFICERS At a meeting of Lebanon Forest Lodge A. F. & A. M. on Monday ev- 1 "i!ng the following officers were ' elected foi' the coming year: Wor. Mas., Bro. Geo. Thompson; Sr. War. Bro. H. S. Walter; Jr. War., Bro. E. Howald; Chaplain, Bro, J. Foote; Secretary, W. Bro. R. N. Creech; Treasurer, V. Wor., Bro. C. H. Sand­ ers; auditors, W. Bro. T. Pryde and Bro. W. Pomfret; Examing Board, W. Bros. W. W. Taman, R. N. Rowe and G. M. Ghidley; Installing Master Wor. Bro. W. W. Taman. Installa­ tion of the officers will be held December 27th. SMALLPOX IN USBORNE, EXETER IS FREE A souple of cases of Smallpox reported in Usborne Tp. about miles from town but fortunately there are no cases in Exeter. The homes in Usborne are under quaran­ tine and every precaution is being taken against the spread of the di­ sease. The children of the schools- in that -section have been vaccinated and as there have been no new cases develop it is felt that the disease has been checked. A rumor has been current that there are several cases in Exeter but such is not the case. MUNICIPAL POLITICS The municipal pot in Exeter is be­ ginning to warm up and there seems to be some agitation in the town to place a bunch of younger men in the field at the forthcoming election. There is a rumor that Beavers will be brought to contest the reeveship, of B. M. Francis, C. B. Coultis, J. A. Stewart and L. J. Pen- hale are being mentioned, even the editor of the Times-Advocate has been approached'. In addition to tile old council the names of E. J. Christie, P. Coates, H. C. Rivers, F. A. May and Herb Ford are being mentioned. ’ B. W. F. back again The names Snell, Eli Henry Strang, Clerk EXETER OPERA HOUSE FRIDAY, DEC. 16 POPULAR AND OLD TIME DANCING Christmas Cake — for — CHRISTMAS IT JUST WOULD NOT SEEM COMPLETE WITHOUT A BIG TASTY FRUIT CAKE, ONE OF THOSE OLD-FASHIONED CAKES LADEN WITH DEL­ ICIOUS FRUITS AND MEATY NRTS. Orders taken now for CAKES, FRUIT WAVES and SHORTBREAD We Specialize in Slwrtbreaa GRANT’S BAKERY PHONE 8 the Truth A COMEDY IN THREE ACTS Exeter Opera' House at 8:15 p.m. Presented by the Clinton L. O. L., under the auspices of Exeter L.O.L. Admission 47c. plus tax All seats reserved. Plan at Howey’s Drugstore. This Comedy has been presented in New York theatres, and is full of thrills and laughs. With Almond Icing Fancy Decoration 1 TUCKEY—-MOIR NUPTIALS A' quiet but pretty wedditfg was solemnized at the Presbyterian Manse, Hensail on Saturday, Decem- bei’ 2nd at 2 p,m, when Anna Mary second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Petef Moir, London Road, became the bride*1©! Oscar Dwight Tuckey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tuckey, of Exeter, Rev. JAines McIlroy offi­ ciating. The bride was prettily gowned in* rose taffeta with black silk velvet trimmings and gold .bro-. cade hat. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Tuckey left by motor on a short lxoiieymooh trip, the bride’s travelling dress being black satin trimmed with sand crepe with blue fur-trimmed coat and scarf to match. On their return they will reside off the groom’s farm near Exeter, The Ladies Aid of Centralia Unit­ ed church held their regular meeting last week. At the Fowl Supper held recently in the new shed the pro­ ceeds amounted to $510.00. Reports are coming from some lo­ calities that unauthorized men are going about the country represent­ ing themselves as officers of the law and collecting fines from farmers who have failed to comply with the regulation regarding the carrying of lights on vehicles. Dome Tuesday was the twelfth anniver­ sary of the organizatioft of the Hu­ ron BAttalibn. of the officers at the home of forth. The annual dinner of the Battalion was Major Hayes, of Sea- i INSURE ! MY FRIEND, INSURE ! There are things we must procure, Supposing your injured and lose your sight. Supposing your home is burnt out over night. Supposing your family is lost in the fight. Insure! Why not? E. C. Harvey General Insurance FRIDAY AND SATURDAY December Dili and 10th’ MARION DAVIES in COMEDY “Masked Mamas*’ Admission 15 and 256. ■< The very choicest of ingred­ ients are being used for our Christmas baking and special effort is being made to meet the wants of our large trade. Fancy Boxes of Chocolates Candy, Nuts and Oranges W. E. Middleton By phoning your order in advance you will get just what you want. Insure! We have this year a larger and better stock of Jewellery for your inspection and we invite you to come in and see that we have a large assortment of AY15IklCL}VATCnKS roR RADIES AND GENTS FROM $4.50 to $50. WALTHAM, ELGIN AND OMEGA SWISS POCKET WATCHES FROM $1.50 to $65.00. Every one fully guaranteed PRINCESS BLUB WHITE DIAMOND RINGS AT $25 to $150.00 AND OTHER FANCY STONE AND SIGNET RINGS FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. We have also a good range of SILVER WARE, CUT GLASS, CHIME CLOCKS, MANTLE* CLOCKS, Wall clocks, ladies’ hand bags, fountain pens, elec­ tric TABLE LASIPS, CHINA AND CHRISTMAS CARDS. MANY OTHER NOVELTIES THAT MAKE REAL XMAS GIS’TS Jeweller S. B. TAYLOR Exeter, Ont,