HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-11-03, Page 8THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1027 A Sales Event Thanks- Jtoaals With Every “Brantford” Kitchen Cabinet $5.00 Worth of Groceries Free ■' ■7 I 11<CZE> ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ W. R. GOULDING ■ 1874 are accept* FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE—Storey and half brlclt house on Gidley Street with two lota, hard and soft water? and Electrics ./ 3 7 3 7 Exeter this glad to re­ half yearly for 1 to 5- motored to visited with CHURCH Minister APPLES FOR SALE — Mostly Baldwins and Spys.—Apply to John Caldwell, London Road, North. T0-27-tfc Ice Ford’s STRAYED—Onto the property of W. B. Gaiser, Crediton, a yearling steer. Owner may have same by proving property and paying ex­ penses. 10-20-3tp Evangelical Parsonage, Cred- 11-3-tfc FOR SALE OR RENT—Fine brick residence, heated with hot air, elec­ tric lighted, good garden. Apply to R. E. Pickard. 10-27tfc Oyster Shell, Cell-O-Giass, 9-29-tfc bln. Apply at Times-Advo- Nordheimer used piano for sale, in good condition, reasonable price. Apply iton. ton and Mr.FOR- SALE—Good second-hand baby carriage, will be sold reason­ able. Apply at Times-Advocate. NOTICE Buy your men’s and boy’s wear from T. H. Elliott, the store with a small profit. FOR SALE—-Largo bo* Suitable for oat ‘ * cate. S. of E. of Thos. linnkin, of Usborne, Willis residence on Main and Simcoe move to will be FOR SALE—One acre of good turnips. Apply to J. A. Van Camp, phone 57w. ll-3-2tc FOR SALE—Small Chicken house cheap—Apply to R. E. Pickard 10-27-tfc Cream Bricks—Get them, at Grocery ll-3-3tc butter 35 38 c. extras 48 c. seconds 40c. HOUSE FOR SALE—Good frame house on Huron St., new garage, plenty of small fruit. This makes a fine home. Apply to Milton Hod- gert, Exeter. 10-20tfc FOR SALE—'Large size baby car­ riage with coil springs. Apply at Times-Advocate. 11-3-ltc CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. James Foot©, B.A., 10 a,m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.-—‘‘The National giving,” 7 p.m.—“Blessings we Forget” DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Head Office, Waterloo, Ontario Clinton G. Morlock Agent, Crediton, Ont. Telephone 21 r 5 10-6-4te Dan. Hampton, FEED! FEED! - FEED! We have a surplus of splendid Mill Feed, Bran, Shorts, Feed Flour, Get in your supply while we have it.—« HARVEY -BROS. Have Your Eyes Examined To-day “ is nothing to be gained by that eye examination, is much to be lost. 1847 1927, CANADA LIFE The Oldest Assurance Co. in Canady 5. M. FRANCIS Phone 104, Exeter THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Ordinary ■o Exeter Markets Wheat $1.20. Oats 50c. Barley 72b Manitoba. Flour $4,50. Blended Flour $4,00. Pastry Flour $3.50. Feed Flour $2,10, Bran $1.60, Shorts $1,75. Creamery Butter 44c, Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Hogs SOUTHCOTT BROS Phone 16 ram LOATS MAPLE LEAF WINDOW We have a large assortment of hats in matron’s, misses and child­ ren’s styles. See our hat of velvet and metallic, satin and metallic, just the thing to wear with your furs. Our prices are moderate. A. YELLAND. JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Key. D. McTavislif Pastor! W, R, Goulding, A.T.O.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m,—“The Sin of Ingratitude” A Thanksgiving message, 3 p.m.—Sabbath School. 7 p.m,—'“Swords or Ploughshares” A plea for world peace. FOR TWO WEEKS OHLY See Our Win­ dows Ask US about the Sale R. N. ROWE MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT ■ ■ I Great Special Offer == . ' H For one day only during the ■ ir^MRrtUaAR^5NKEi3r~S?Evx±iT"R3?!KESE'NTATIVE OF BERGED TAILORING COMPANY, LTD. jjj We Offer You EXTRA PANTS FREE WITH EVERY SUIT ORDERED Identical material and workmanship without extra charge We announce that on Wednesday, November 9th, Mr. Garfinkel, Head Office representative of the Berger Tailoring Company, Ltd., will personally conduct a special advance showing of Berger Fall fabrics, which are British Importations of the finest and newest woollens and worsteds procurable, and finished models. During this special display, extra pants of identical material and workmanship will be given absolutely free with every suit ordered. BRING THIS WITH YOU It is worth $7.00 to $15.00 When applied on the purchase of any “Clothes of Quality” suit purchased at this store on. the dates mentioned herein, this coupon entitles you to AN EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS of identical material and workmanship ABSOLUTELY FREE tailored to your individual measure (Only one coupon applicable to each Suit purchased.) IM Remember 1 day only Wed., Nov. 9th . W. T A M A N Miss Vera Rowe, who has been working in Toronto, is spending a few days at her home here. Mrs. Wm. Ellerington, who is ill in St. Joseph's hospital, London, continues in very bright spirits al­ though she is not improving as fast as her friends would like to see. Some of her relatives visit her every day. A series of letters, threatening, if is alleged, the life of Mr. Seth Brown and his wife of Usborne, led to the apprehension by provincial policy and the appearance in court at Strat­ ford on Monday of Frank Yeo, well- known Staffa farmer. The case was held over until Friday. We wonder how much the resi­ dents of this community have appre­ ciated the wonderful.. beauty of the scenes that have been so common­ place during the past few weeks. Magnificent are the many-colored hues of the countryside as the trees have decked themselves in all the splendor of color that only nature can paint,We rave over the beauties of foreign fields but do we stop to think of the wonderful things wo have at our own door. Col. W. J. Heaman, R. N. Creech, L. J. Penhale and JL C. Rivers have returned home after spending a week in the Bruce peninsula on a hunting expedition. They report an excellent week but the weather wal g llttle too fine for hunting. MSISflL IL W. Doerr and H. " WMltafc joined them for a Couple days during the week. Mr. W. Sanders who ha< Spent a number weeks there: returned with thorn. Monday next will be Thanksgiving Day. Mr. Thos. Pryde was in Toronto on business last week. Mrs. Alma Prout, of Usborne, is ill at Dr. Fletcher’s hospital. Mr. Jas. Morley spent a few days last week in Toronto on business. Reserve this date, November 23r for the opening dance of the season. Mr, C. H. McAvoy, of Wingham, spent Sunday with his mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sanders mo­ tored to Toronto to visit for a week. Miss Hamilton, of near Wingham is visiting her cousin, Miss H. South­ ern. Mrs. D. Love left on Saturday for Toronto, to visit her daughter, Miss Pearl Love. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis spent the week-end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clif­ ton Davis, of London. Mr. Bruce Medd, Miss Marjorie Medd and Mr. Walter Spencer spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. McMane and sons of Milverton^ visited with Dr. and Mrs. Roulston on Sunday. Miss Ruby wood, teacher in the Clinton Business College visited in Exeter over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hodgins, of London, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Welsh. Miss Isabelle McTavish, of Shakes­ peare, visited with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. D. McInnis, of Paisley, spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Sweet. Mr. Earl Russell, of Detroit, has taken a position with Mr. W. J.„ Beer. He will look after^ -Wdio (sales and service. , _ - "" Rev W.., £. McGregor, of London, and 7vir. T. C. Russell, of Toronto, MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. 0. J. Moorhouse, Pastor The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup­ per on Sunday morning. 11 a.m.—“Guests at the Lord's table. p.m.—Study of God’s Word p.m,—The Value of Sickness for parents - in making us to know Christ. Prayer and Praise on Thursday evening at 8 p.m. for all who need real help. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH EXETER NOVEMBER 6th, 1£27 21st Sunday after Trinity 8 a.m.—Holy Communion. 11 a.m—Special Armistice Service of Remembrance Preacher, Rev. Major McGoun, B.A. The war Veterans will attend this service, p.m.—National Thanksgiving, Preacher, the Rector. the Salvation army Sunday, November the 6th . am.—“Walking with God” by Lieut. C. Aird p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—“A Thief in Exeter which the Police cannot catch.” by Capt F. Huson, EVERYBODY COME **»,«*» ««• We are anticipating of having Bro. and Sis. Aird also family from Toronto to be at the Salvation Army all day. Come and bring a freind.* * * * + * * * * A special service will be held on the Main St. on Saturday night. B. sure 2 come. I■ ■ I B ■ ■ i i ■ ■ Mr. has rented the the corner of streets and will month. Exeter ceive them as citizens. The Southcott family Morpeth on Sunday and . __ __ their brother, Rev. R. E. Southcott, the occasion was the Harvest Thanksgiving services at his charge at Palmyra, This splendid country charge was packed to the doors and a former Palmyra boy, Rev. Mr. Ship, of Detroit, preached fine ser­ mons. A motor trip was made through the fine summer resort of Rondeau Park and the colorings of the leaves contrasted with the bright green of the spruces and pines made a gorgeous picture that was a sight to behold. The October meeting of the W.C. T.U. was held in the school room of James St. church on Monday after­ noon, October 31st. Mrs. Miners was In the chair in the absence of the president. Mrs. Amy, the evan­ gelistic superintendent Conducted the devotional period. Mrs. Mc­ Tavish took charge of the clip shfeet which dealt with the demoralizing effect of some of the present day motion picture films bn the youth of our land. Mrs. C. W. Christie, dele­ gate to the Provincial Convention recently held at Ottawa, was present and gave an excellent report, which wo? feel assured will be an inspira­ tion to those Who were privileged to heAr her. After singing “Win Them One by One,” Mrs. Ffeckleton dos­ ed the meeting with prayer. attended the funeral of the late Dr. Fletcher last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bingham and daughter, Mildred, of Pt. Huron, spent the week-end at the home of Dr. J. W. Browning. Mr. Albert Spencer is this week moving with his wife and family to Hensail where they recently purch­ ased a planing mill. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kestle and son Donald and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Trevethick, of Crediton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Moses Amy last Sunday. Messrs. William and Garfield Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Miller and son Laverne, spent the week-end with’ Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson. The ladies of the Home and School Club are having a fruit shower for a needy family on Saturday, Novem­ ber 5 th. Kindly leave fruit at Grigg’s Stationery store. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brogan and son Billy, of Windsor, are visiting Mrs. Brogan’s mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Harness. Mr. Brogan is recuperat­ ing from a recent operation. Mr. John Stanbury is this week installing a new Frigidaire cooling unit in his butcher shop at the cost of approximately $1000. Mr. W. J. Beer is making the installation. Mr. W. C. Huston, of Naco, Alta", in renewing his subscription to the Times-Advocate says that crops are excellent in that distrirt, but thresh­ ing is held up on account of bad weather. A special W. M. S. thank-offering service was held in the James St. United church on Sunday morning last when Rev. D. A. Armstrong, of Wroxeter, occupied the pulpit and preached very acceptably. An of­ fering of $134 was received. Messrs. Chris, and Robt. Luker left Monday for Rochester, N.Y., to attend the funeral of their nephew, Mr. Charles Bailey. Mr. E. J. Christie took them as far -as St. Thomas by auto to catch a train. Hallowe’en passed off with the usual celebrations around town but we have not heard of .any serious offences committed by those who were out for the evening. Many of the youngsters were on parade in all manner of fancy costumes. Rev. L. C. Harvey, M.A., accom­ panied by Mrs. Harvey and little son, of Courtland, spent Tuesday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Harvey. They were on their way to Bervie where Mr. Harvey was to deliver a couple of lectures. Neighbors and friends to the num­ ber of about 25 surprised Mr. and Mrs. Asa J. Penhale, of Stephen, on Monday evening the occasion being the fifteenth anniversary of their wedding. The evening was gay with games and amusements followed by refreshments served by the ladies. Mrs. 0. W. Christie has return­ ed after attending the Jubilee Con­ vention of the W.C.T.U. held ih Ot­ tawa, where she was the guest of Mr, J. R. Browh, B.A., during the week. She spent three weeks visit­ ing relatives in Kemptvllle, Win­ chester, Merrickvllle, Oxford Mills, Smith Falls And other tdwns includ­ ing Prescott and Brookville. She also enjoyed a trip up the St. Law­ fence and over to the States. THE LATE MRS. WM. HODGSON The death took place In Exeter on Saturday, October 29th, ofr Mrs,, Elizabeth Hodgson^. the late W.i^t2tlirrtHddgson, in her 84th The deceased had been in failing health for about a year but was confined to her bed only two weeks previous to her death, the breaking up of-a rugged constitution being the cause of her demise. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Brooks. She was born inAVhitechurch., York­ shire, Eng., and came to Canada with her parents at the age of three years her father being the late W. Brooks The family settled on the Townline, near Whhlen, where they cleared the land and endured the hardships of pioneer., life. At the age of fifteen years the deceased was married and settled on the farm adjoining that of her parents. Here she resided until about thirty years ago when they moved to Toronto where Mr. -Hodgson predeceased her. For some time after the deceased lived at Granton and for the past 18 years she has made her home with her daughter, Mrs. R. Skinner, of town. The deceased is survived by nine children, seven sons and two daugh­ ters, viz: John W. Hodgson, of Whalen; Daniel, of Centralia: Mrs. R. 'Skinner; Mrs. J. F. Flewelling, of Mirror, Alta; James, of Granton; Thomas, of Kitscoty, Alta.; Nelson, and Dr. R. 0,, of Saskatoon. Twenty­ eight grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren also survive, besides one sister, Mrs. Thompson, of Forest and one. brother, James Brooks, of Winnipeg. The funeral private, was held Monday a/fternoon, con- ducted by Rev. D. McTavish, inter­ ment in the Exeter cemetery. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral were: Mr. Nelson Hodg­ son, of Hamiota, Man.; Mr. C. Hodg­ son, of Toronto; Dr. R. C. Hodgson, of Saskatoon; Mrs. Whitfield, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and daughter, of P/L Huron; Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Frayne, Mrs. Ross, Mr. Chas. Hamp- ----- -----of Forest; Mr. Dan. Thompson, of Ar- — Mr. and kona; Mr. and Mrs. A. Steel, and Mrs. Louis Steel, and Mr. Mrs. Sproule and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steel and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert, of London; Mr. Earl Hodg­ son, of Essex; Mr. and Mrs. A Steel, of Windsor, besides relatives from Ilderton, Stratford, Granton, Whalen Kirkton, Woodham, Crediton, Cen­ tralia and surrounding community. S. S. CONVENTION IN MAIN STREET CHRCH A successful Sunday School con­ vention of Usborne and Stephen townships and Exeter was held in Main Street United church on Wed­ nesday afternoon and evening of last week. During the afternoon ses­ sion the business part of the pro­ gram was disposed of and reports of the department of superintendents were heard, after which an able ad­ dress was given by Rev. W. M. Sippell, of Crediton, on “inculcating Reverence in Church Schools.” Lunch was served in the- basement by the ladies of Main Street Sunday school. In the evening a large crowd gathered. An brehestra, un­ der the leadership of W, R. Gould­ ing, furnished the mtislc. Two able addresses were given by Rev. J. M. Colling, of Grand Bend, on “Why Havb a Standard Training School?” and by Rev. D. McTavi§h, of James Street church, on “Sunday School and World Vision.” The nominat­ ing Committee brought in its report, Which was accepted, B. W. F. Beav­ ers was re-elected president; Geo. Mawhlnney, vice-president ahd Miss FROM November 5th to Nov. 12th we will have on.display a beautiful range of Ladies’ Fur Coats and Neck­ pieces. The Fur Coats will consist of Muscrat, Persian, Lamb and Hudson Seal; while the Neckpieces will be novelties that are the very newest in style. WHETHER you are interested in a coat or not it will be our pleasure to show you this splendid range of mer- chandise that is made by a most reliable manufacturer. 'T’HIS will be your opportunity to select a beautiful coat and have it made to your measure as well as choose your own linings. SEE OUR DISPLAY IN THE CENTRE WINDOW Our big reduction sale continues this week until Saturday night. We apologize for not being able to serve all of our customers a week ago on account of the crowd." MANY NEW LINES ARE FEATURED FOR THIS WEEK COME IN AND SEE US. Southcott Bros. Phone 16 Phone 16 Marjorie Jennison,. secretary-treas-' urer. A number of excellent reso­ lutions were passed, all of which tended for the upfilt of the Sunday schools. These were ordered to be sent to each Sunday school in the constituency. STRAYED—There strayed into my grass farm, one Holstein heifer about two years„ old. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply to Chris. Dietrich, R. R. No. 3, Dashwood, Phone 31-r 18. 10-13-4tc There delaying There Each day that your eyes are under a strain makes it more difficult for your Optometrist to give you satis­ factory glasses You will be surprised at the thor­ oughness of our methods—and will be pleased with the glasses. Call today and learn the truth about your eyes. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster . James St. United Church Instruction in Plano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 193 EXETER, ONT. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE ............................ DOUBLE EDGE ......................... Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, DRUGGIST FOR SALE—A. six room cottage on Huron Street, hydro, hard and soft water practically rebuilt, garage 16x20 feet, i acre of land, 5 apple trees, a Quantity of plum trees and 1 cherry tree, also a number of small fruits. Apply to Joseph Meid- inger, Exeter. ll-3-4tp % 128 acres, Huron County, adjoin­ ing Clinton; all clay learn; large brick house, 2 bank barns, silo; large orchard; a few minutes walk to toWn, churches and Schools; tewn water piped through buildings and river at back. Apply to E. W» Mor- MsOn, R. R. No. 4, Clinton, Ont. li-3-3te HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES Authorized by Government as Trustee Investments The Interest is paid upon $100.00 or more years. Applications for same ed at any time by Carling & Morley Barristers &c., Exeter, Ont. The London Life Insurance Co W. o. PEARCE, AGENT Exeter. Phone 13 OW. Residence, Ann St. two blocks west of Ford Garage FOR SALE—1 driving mare ris­ ing 4 years old, Gratton; rubber- tired buggy, nearly new; steel-tired buggy; set single harness, new; new fanning mill and bagger. Will also rent property to suitable party.— Wm. Mitchell. 10-27-2tc HOGARTH BABY CinCK HATCHERY ♦ FOR SALE—Some choice cocker­ els for breeding purposes, various prices. We carry a complete line of poultry Supplies, including Cod Liver Oil, Poultry Specifics, Developing and Laying Mea], Beef _MeaI, Bone Meal, Etc. 9 Life Insurance WITH SUBSTANTIAL DIVIDENDS Mutual Life of Canada E. C. HARVEY, Agent Lights, also some fruit trees. Cen­ tral location. Apply GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors' for Adminis- FOR SALE—-One new flat topdesk, suitable for of fice 'or residence. ... ___I_______ ____ Apply to E. X Christie. 10-27-2tctrator, Estate Caroline G. Ford-'