HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-10-20, Page 8THE EXETER. TIMES-ADVOCATE —. y < Big Furniture Sale, Still on I $ '< We will continue to sell our B1& Stock of Furniture at prices that cannot be Ifetffeh, no matter where you go. We also have a iar£e stock of Window Blinds and Window Rods at reduced prices. Everything in our big store goes at this continued sale, WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU • ’st Call and see us, and be convinced that what'wp (say is true —.-------------- f ‘' ri Exeter Markets Wheat $1*2Q, • 1:' .Qafe 00b, ’ ...Bayfey 72c Manitoba Floui* $4.50, Blended Flour $4.00, Pastry Flour $3,50, Feed Flour $2,1Q. Bran $1.60, Shorts $1.75. Creamery gutter 44c. Dairy butter 35 38c. Eggs Extras 45c Eggs, .seconds 38c. Hogs $9.50, 1 i XUV»N PRESBYT^HLjuH^qEnJRCH ^■Rev. JamesFoofe, #,4., (Minister JO ^bl.-r^puday School? U’“{' 11a.m.—-‘The Christ of qlf Nations’ 7 p. in.—»“The Worship of iFalse Gods.” - ' ' c —I R. N. Rowe & Thos. Dinney Funeral Directors and Embalffitrs Sweaters & Wind-Breakers- WE HAVE A NICE RANGE OF SWE ATERSk AND WIND­ BREAKERS FOR MEN AND BOYS. COME IN*AND LOOK THEM OVER. PRICED FROM JQ T0 QQ Underwear— y v = • WE HAVE TWO OF THE BEST MAKES OF UNDERWEAR YOU CAN BUY. DON’T FAIL TO SEE THESE.sf.pft^ij’feRiOM $100TO $5.00,, v’/xr:? Also a nice selection of Hats, Caps, Ties, Socksi/ Etc. % V Let wind, rain and sleet buffet your • home and out-buildings-^—“'Brantford Arro-Locks will protect the^j^splutely. Every Brantford Arro-Tock Slate is locked on—tough, stron^and secure. They are fire-resistant, per­ manent and economical. ••3^1$... . Brantford Roofing Co. Brantford, Ontario 3 0 Stock Carried, Information Furnished and" Service' on Brantford Roofing rendered by f-, : Ross-Taylor Co., Ltd., » - - ' Exeter twitiiiiiiiiiunmiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiLiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Forest radio * THURSDAY, OOTOBEB 2OU1, 1837. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev* D. McTavish, Pastor ’ W, R, Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and CholrrLeader 11 a;m—“What Seest Thou?” 3 p.m,—Sabbath School. 7 p.m.—“Love, the Final Test.”' Last in the series on “Tests of a Christian.”<£oaalst ir- A Hallowe’en Social, under the auspices of Society of Main the J Aid church. Reserve particulars later. ■O October 31* the Ladies’ St. United date. Full Mrs. W. D. Sanders “At Home” Wednesday, October 26th, from 2 until 6 p.m. Southcott Bros, are running their second big sale to reduce the two stocks. Many articles on the count­ ers that are not listed. See their full page advt. on an inside page. Reserve November 2nd to hear Rev. D. McTavish give his lecture “The .Measure of a Man” in James St. church under the auspices of the W. M. S. her St. De- W. MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. O. $L Mopjhousc, Pastor 11 a.m.—“A Statement and a Com­ ment.” p.m.—Sunday School. pm.—“Caleb, a Study Succeed.'? Main St. Anniversary, October 30th, Rev. Murray B.A.,, of Mitchell, will preach at both services. 3 7 How to Sunday, Stewart, HOSPITAL OPENING The public are invited to attend the opening of the new hospital on Main St. recently fitted up by Mr. O. B. Snell' and in charge of Mrs. McNicol to be held Thursday even­ ing from 8 to 9 o’clock. A service will be held commencing at 8 o’clock at which short addresses will be de­ livered by resident clergymen, doct­ ors from this vicinity and others after which the building will be open ^or inspection. The public are invited to be present. The auction sale of Mr. Alex. McFalls. of the third concession of Usborne is being held to-day (Thurs­ day. ) Miss Helen Dignan is visiting with relatives in Toronto. Mrs. Sharp, of Simcoe, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stanbury. Mrs. Frank Gill is visiting cousin, Mrs. (Dr.) Brock, in Thomas. Miss Harriett Knipe, R.N., of troit is visiting her sister, Mrs. D. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wade, of Fordwich spent Sunday with Mr. Fred and Miss E. Southeran. The Taylor Hotel property at Kirkton was sold by .public auction on Saturday to Dr. Jose for $1800. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Davis and son Walter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Atkinson, of Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Heideman re­ turned home Tuesday after visiting in Toronto, Kitchener and London. Mr. Sylvester Taylor has 'placed in stock a beautiful grandfather’s clock with full Westminster chimes. Miss Francis Pearce, who has beea convalescing at her home here has returned to Stratford Business Col­ lege. Mrs. T. Stewart, of Dungannon, is visiting for a few days with Miss M. Tom town. Dr. J. Detroit, Sunday,and Monday with relatives in town.' Mr. Wm, Russell, Mrs. Rose Rus- se|I and daughter Patricia visited with friends in Londesboro over the weekrend. J4r. Hy. Bierling has traded his racing horpe Peter Templeton for Star Patchen, owned by Thos. Eedy? of Petrolia. Miss Annie L. Sanders picked some fifty ripe raspberries in her garden on Tuesday with several still to ripen. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hawkins, of Pasadona, Penn.,'3- visited at the home of Mr. Wm. Russell for a few days last week. Mr. Thos. sister, Mrs. _______, ______w_ non, visited with Mrs. A. Hackney on Saturday Rev. E. S. Hiscocks, Next Trivitt men’s have charge of the services through­ out morningand evening. The special speaker will be Mr. E. Doug­ las Brown, of Goderich, chairman of the Laymen’s Association, of the Deanery of Huron. There will also be a men’s choir and all the men' of the congregation are earnestly re­ quested to attend these services; Come, let us make a decided effort. The public ' are cordially invited to these services: Sunday will be observed in Memorial church as Lay- Sunday. The laymen will and other relatives ,in W. and Mrs. Harrison,' of motored over and spent Kernick, of Blyth and Kendrick, last. of Dungan- Crediton, Miss Lily Westcott is confined .to Dr. Fletcher’s hospital through ill­ ness. Mrs. G. Manson, of London, vis­ ited with frien.ds in Exeter on Tues­ day afternoon. ■Messrs. Ross, Hern and Milan Pollen visited with Mr., and Mrs. C. Ker'slake on Sunday. , Mrs. Beatrice, Fitzgerald and son, 4 If You Could See V* Inside Your Radio If you could look through every part of a D.C. Radio with X-Ray eyes, you would be amazed to observe how pre­ cision, strength and fine adjustment ’ enter into even the smallest detail of construction. m Like the smooth and dependable action , of a good Which, DC accuracy assures ’ yoUlhstiiigsatisfaction. FRBE DEMONStRATIOW . Let us Demonstrate anfr of the Royal ' > Series in your home—no obligation—call vot phone*......... 4 1 u Sevan $45 o;, 00 J. W. BEER EXETER, ONT. Rev. E. S. Hiscocks, of Crediton, conducted the services in James St. church on Sunday, preaching two very fine sermons. 'Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hogarth, Mfrs. W. B. Hogarth, Mrs. Wilson and Miss M. Hogarth, of Tillsonburg, called on relatives one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cock and little daughter, of Windsor and Mrs. Arm­ strong, of Iona, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pdarce during,the past week. Mr. Geo. Clarke, of' 'the Lake Road brought into the office several branches that were loaded with, ber­ ries, many of them being quite large and ripe. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McAllister and family, of,Wit. Brydges and Mr. and Mrs. W. I3radt And family, of Lon- donr» spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jass Jewell. Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Sweet, of Cleveland, visited for several days with the former’s mother, Mrs. Thos. Sweet, a trip way. On pane of glass in the door of Miss Yelland’s millinery store was brok­ en. The glass broke into many pieces when the door slammed in closing. e The engagement is announced of Miss Grace Aurelia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Lindsay, of Norwich, Ont., to Mr?Kenneth J. Lampman, of Exeter1, the marriage to take place this month; Messrs. Archie Davis an# C. Att­ wood motored to Camp Borden on Thursday of last week. They made the trip In a day leaving early in the morning and returning about fen o*616ck the same evening. Mrs. S, B. drocker, of Toronto, arrived in Exeter on 'Saturday And will spend the winter , with her fath­ er* ■ Mr, Win. Treble. Miss Ruby Treble abtompanfed hef and' spent the week-end here. • < .Dr/and Mrs, A. Snell, of Toronto, accompanied by Mrs?K, Gordon and daughter Juno* motored up And spent the week-end with Mt. and Mrs. T. O, Southcott, Mr, and Mrs. Snell went On to Detroit fof the Week, while Mrs, Gordon and Jtind are remaining In Exeter. They left here Monday for around the Blue Water high- Saturday evening the large *’***?• CXJJLUL OUH, Lome, of Loni§i)^ spent the week- end with friend^Jn town.. Miss Gladys Harvey,- who is teach­ ing school near Mitchell, spent the week-erid under .the parental roof'. Mrs. E. Pollen, wJiQ recently un­ derwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, is making splen­ did improvement. Mr. Ed. Kestle, who recently mov­ ed to Exeter from Usborne, has been advised to keep His bed and take the rest cure for a few weeks. Miss Florence’West has resumed her position at the postoffice after being off for a week following an operation for the removal of her tonsils. Mrs. Calvin Simpson (nee • Miss. Lulu Hastings) of London, who has been seriously ill in hospital, has sufficiently recovered as to be able to return to her home. Rev. Geo. A. Moor, 'of Ailsa Craig conducted the services in Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday morn­ ing last and preached a very sermon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgert, Alex. Hodgert, Mrs. D. Richard Mrs. J. Bell are id Harrow this week attending the funeral of' Mrs. Alex. Foster, a cousin. A motor trip through the country at this season of the year is most, delightful. The roads are in splen­ did shape and the colorings of the trees and woods are beyond descrip­ tion. Rev. A. E. A. Menzies, M.A., of Fullarton, occupied the pulpit of Main St. church oh Sunday evening and he delivered a very splendid message that was much enjoyed by the congregation. Mrs. Ferguson -Maguire add Mrs. Fred Maguire, of London, entertain­ ed at the former’s home for Miss Marguerite Maguire, of Clandeboye, a bride-elect of next week, who was showered with pretty gifts, present­ ed by little Masters Russell and Brian Maguire. The 24 guests en- iftyed an evening of cards. A dain­ ty supper was served. The annual Dominion Conference of the A.Y.P.A. will be held in peterboro, October 20th to 23rd in­ clusive. The Trivitt Memorial branch will be represented by Miss Kathleen Heaman, Miss Marion Bis- sitt, Mr. Wm. Davis and the and these leave by motor on day morning. A duo art recital was held------- home of Mr. H. T. N. Reynolds, of Sarepta, on Tuesday, October 11th. Among the artists taking Jiart Wefe Mrs. Victor Kestle, of *Exeter; Mr/ Hyde, of Hensail; Miss Grace Peck and Mr. Arthur Berry, of London. About thirty were present and all thoroughly enjoyed the splendid musical program. A light lunch waa served. Mr. James Ferguson* who is mov* Ing from Winnipeg to Tdrdhto and has been watting for bls, furniture* motored up from Toronto Saturday and was accompanied back to the city by Mrs. Ferguson and two children who hate been visiting with with Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Coates. Mrs. Thomas kernick, Of Toronto, ac­ companied him here and spent the week-end with relatives. fine Mr. and rector Thurs- at the Mr. and Mrs. Well. Hern and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hern visited in Nor­ wich on Sunday. ‘ ’ y-**—-■ —r—.............. The engagement is announced of Edna .C., only daughter of the. late Hugh J. and the late Mrs. McDon­ ald, of Hensail, Ont., to Kenneth S/ King, of London, Ont., son of Mr; and Mrs. Wm. King, of Dresden, the marriage to take place quietly early in November. HONEY FOR. SALE—Good qual­ ity amber honey. Customers bring-' ing their own containers 7c per lb. while it lasts.' Darrell Parker, R.R. 3, Exeter. 10-20-2tp' STRAYED-—Onto the property of W. B. Gaiser, Crediton, a yearling steer. Owner may have same by proving property and paying ex­ penses. 10-20-3tp HOUSE FOR SALE—Good frame house on. Huron St., new garage, plenty of small fruit. This, makes a fine home. Apply to Milton Hod­ gert, Exeter. 10-20tfc STRAYED—From Lot 14, con. 5, Hay, a red yearling heifer with horns. Any information will be gladly received by Donald Burns, HensallP.O. 10-20-2tc FOR SALE—Three Holstein cows and one Jersey; three pigs, chunks. Apply to Dr. Gibson, phone 99, Ex­ eter. 10-20-lte FOR SALE—Good second-hand top buggy. _Apply to Thos. McCurdy Exeter. 10-13-2tp FOR SALE—2 Gfade Durham, dual purpose tows, coming in be­ tween now '•and Christmas. Apply 1, phone 34-15, Kirkton, 10-13-2tc STRAYED—There strayed Into my grass farm, One Holstein heifer about two years old. Owner can' have same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply to Chris,. Dietrich, R. R* No. 3, Dashwood, Phone 31-r 18, io-13-4tc HYDRO ELECTRIC Wiring and installing, guaranteed Workmanship, at reasonable cost. Repairing stoves and motors a spe­ cialty. Estimates gladly furnished free., Phohe 224.—Elrn. Davis * 4-28-tfc HOGARTH BABY CHICK . v HATCHERY ‘ ‘a-. FOR SALk^-Sonfe choice cO6k6t- els for breeding purposes* Various prices. We carry a complete Urie of poultry supplies, including Cod Liter Oil, poultry Specifics, Developing, and Laying Meal, Beef Meal, Bone Meal* Oyster Shell* Cell-O-GlaSs* Etc. 9-29-tfc W. R. GOULDING \a. t. c. m. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church' Instruction in ’ Plano - Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools ■ ■ Concert Engagements Accepted Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 192 EXETER, ONT? SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE ....... 3e DOUBLE EDGE ......I...;....../.?..... 4C Perfect Edge Guaranteed < W. S. COLE, DRUGGIST 1874 ... , 1927 The London Life Insurance Go. w. c. pearce, Agent' \ Exeter. Phone 130W.; ■ Residence, Ann St. two blocks west of Ford Garage Have Your Eyes Examined To-day There Is nothing to be gained by delaying that eye examination. There la much to be lorft. “• Each day that your eyes are under a strain makes it more difficult for your Optometrist to give you satis­ factory glasses You will be surprised'at the thor­ oughness of our' methods—and will be pleased with the glasses. Call today and Seam the truth about your eyes. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAINvST. EXETER* ONT. PHONE 70 : POR SALE—Used cook stove with high oven and reservoir, burns Coal or wood, Apply to B. S. Phillips, Exeter. 10-13*2tc Earn $25 weekly up at home (slip­ ping newspapers and addressing en­ velopes. No canvassing. Every® thing furnished,- Spare or fan­ time. Particulars for (stamp, Gil* ifes Mailing Service, box 8, Sydney, N- 8. • ___________ 10-13-2tp STRAYED—From lot E, conces­ sion 8* Usborne, a dark red year-old steer, dehorned. Please communi­ cate any Inferhiation to James Earl, Phone 41 r 12* Kirkton, 10-13*216 N*. S. DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Head Office, Waterloo, Ontario Clinton G. morlock Agent, Crediton, Ont. Telephone 21 r 5 * 10-6-4tC HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES Authorized by Government ; as. Trustee Investments The . interest is paid half yearly upon $100.00 or more for 1 to 5, years. Applications for same are accept- ed.at any time by , Carling & Morley, Barristers &c., Exeter, Ont, 1847 \ 192j CANADA LIFE The Oldest Assurance Co. In Canady B. M. FRANCIS Phone 104, Exeter Life Insurance WITH SUBSTANTIAL DIVIDENDS^ Mutual Life of Canada E. C. HARVEY, Agent MADE A MESS OF IT } Bought CHEAP remedies, got (0). Use Mrs, Sybilla Spahrs Ton-? silitte for Cotigh, Bronchitis, Croups Quinsy, Head Colds, Catarrh, Soro Juccess og _ Lrug Storey ■A. * I Treats and -Tonsil ills. S’ money back. Howey’s 15ri Exeter. Notice T. H. EIuLIOTT, ' ’ * The Cleaner and Presser has rent* ed the store tWO doors north of tn« post office and is putting in A stock ci men’s furnishings and his mottaj is going to be a small profit and M quick turn over. Store will be opbinl every evening after Sept* 1st until *** ■ ■ ■■■ /___ FOR^SALE—Storey and half brick house on-Gidley Street with two lots,; hard and soft water* and Electric Lights*. also some fruit trees. Cen­ tral location. Apply GLADMAN STANBURY* Solicitors for AdmlhfaK trator. Estate Caroline G. Ford* ;