HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-10-20, Page 66 » FLWTERB Had Real Bad Spells When the heart begins to beat irregu­ larly or intermittently, palpitates and throbB, skips beats, beats fast for a time and then so stow as to seem almost to stop, and the least little excitement poems to affect it, it causes great anxiety and. alarm. To all sufferers from heart trouble we would advise the use of as we know of no remedy that will do so much to make the heart regain strength and vigor, regulate its beat and restore it to a healthy, normal condition. Mrs. Ambrose Orser, Elgmbwj;, Ont., writes:—“I suffered for some time with a 1 >ad heart. The. least little excitement would cause it to flutter and palpitate ■and at times I had real bad spells. I (Suffered in this way for some time when, ■one clay I saw Milburn’s Heart and Nerve Pills advertised, so decided to try them. I had only taken a few boxes twhen I noticed I felt better, so I con­ tinued taking them and in a short time ■my heart felt entirely different.” Price, 50c. a box at all druggiT’ oi (dealers, or mailed direct on receipt oi tpriee by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, 'Toronto, Ont. il queen. Two of the twin colonies were w filtered y:-in ed SALT RHEUM ALL OVER HER HANDS COULDN'T DO HOUSEWORK Mrs. Walter Misner, Midville Branch,1 N.S., writes:—“I had salt rheum all over my hands and especially between my fingers. It was impossible for me to put them' in water, or do my house- work, “After trying medicines and salves, whicl| did rile no good, I heard of apce with the outside world {chups. 11 land 2), No doubt he had heard the; teaching of the prophets in his own, ! town on new moon days and $abb.;ths; I (2 Kings 5:23), and he wiv have; traveled abroad to the markets of northern Israel or of Egypt with his bundles cf wool for sale. Although u native cf Juruh, his Lessen IV—The Call of, messages of warning and exhortation - - were addressed to the people of Israel at the great northern sanctuary of Bethel. It was a time of prosperity* of wealth and luxury, and of the vices which go with luxurous self -indulg­ ence, in the latter part of the long reign of Jeroboam II (795-745 B.C.), Amos’ messages contain a ringing call to righteousness, and to sincerity and truth in religious worship (5:21- 24). It is because of his prediction of swiftly coming doom on king and people because of their iniquities that he arouses the wrath of the chief Introduction—The call by God of priest of the royal sanctuary at Bethel individual men, and of a nation, to (vs. 10-13). ; grrat and specially important tasks is III. the call of isaiah, Isa. 6:1-8. ; recognized again and again in Old Isaiah, of Jerusalem, began his" and New Testament story. Abraham career as a prophet in the year that is thus called to be the leader of mi- Tz" j.s_j t> n grating tribes and the inaugurator of a new era of civilization and of reli­ gion, Joseph to be the savior both of his own folk and of Egypt in years of famine, Moses to be deliverer of his people from bondage, their leader and law-giver, Joshua to be their captain in a war of conquest. Skilled work­ men are called and given wisdom for their task (Exod. 35:30—36:1), the farmer is instructed aright and taught by God (Isa. 28:23-29), and kings, governors and judges are chosen by him. But above all others the call of the prophet is recognized in the Old estament, foi* he must mjwjwvj vx vrvvi ciivmivu'cu-uvmre99;p«*v ........ .v recr on uie oooy weignt or ray enter into the very counsels of God, (2) his realization in the holy pres- mended should not ba less tyan <2 lets during the winter months. Sunday School | 4- Lesson October S3. The Prophet, Kings 19: 13, 20? Amos 7: 14, 15, Isaiah 15: 1-8, Gol­ den Text—And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shah (send, and who will go for us? Then I said, Here am 1? send me.—-Isaiah fl: 8. ANALYZING, I. THE CALL OF 'ELISHA, 1 Kings 10: iy, 20, II? THE CALL OF AMOS, 7:10-15. Ill, THE CALL OF ISAIAH, Isa, 6:1-8. Canadian Hockey League Rearranged Toronto, Ont.—-The Canadian Profes­ sional Hockey League which operated for the first time lust season, held a reorganization meeting here recently, '* '^wlien a number of matters that creat­ ed difficulty and confusion last win­ ter were cleared up and the circuit may be enlarged from a five-club lea­ gue to one of elg'Jt clubs. Toronto, Kitchener and Detroit were granted franchises, the price being $5000 each. , The Toronto team will be a farm for the local National Hockey Lea­ gue Club while the Detroit club will be a feeding organization for the De­ troit Caugars. These two clubs were admitted definitely, while Kitchener was taken in on the understanding that an artificial ice plant be installed before the opening of fr!:e season, abo-T' Nov. 15. Buffalo made application, but it was held over pending further in­ formation of the situation in that city. President Frank Calder of the N.H. L. attended the meeting and the agree­ ment between theitwo organizations was clarified considerably. It was de­ cided that in the future players sent back to the Canadian league from the N.H.L. could be recalled only when waivers had been given by all clubs in the Canadian League, Players bought from Canadian League teams cannot be delivered until the end of th? playing season. The schedule, which will open about the middle of November, will be drawn up in a week or so. The- N.H.L. playing rules were adopted. ----------------------------------------- A New Record Rushing-some wheat from his “com­ bine” to his farm feed mill, C. L. Fai- kenliagen, of Agar, S.D., ground it into graham flour from which his wife made “gems.” Twenty minutes after the wheat was cut the gems were on the table. Falkenhagen believes this is a world’s record and It probably is. Mme, Sun Yet Sen Widow of the Chinese Nationalist leader, has married Eugene Chen. Fencing For Sheep. One of the principal'reason1*, by farmers for not keeptug f lu the difflmtlty o. The Department tawa has reco*j and through the is giving encouragement to the pro­ viding of proper fencing.. One of the services of this Branch of tho Depart­ ment is the assistance it gives to the organization of sheep clubs made up of memberships of boys and girls of teen age or members of Junior Farni' ers’ organizations. In addition tq helping these clubs to procure breed­ ing stock, including pure -bred males, members are helped to procure loans for the purchase of proper sheep fenc­ ing. That is to say, any member of a club in good standing who is pre­ pared to provide one-quarter of the cost of a new fence, is enabled" 'by reason of his membership in the club to borrow the other three-quarters of J3ut' danger^now necessary expenditure for build- * 1’ " the’fence. To do this, however, 'von p is ! fencing the rtock, of Agriculture at Ot- mized this difficulty > Live Stock Branch packhig cases in the bee /‘I ;:■:<! Vto tuber two wore placed I the cellar. The four queens pack-1 ur?.all ti’Tough Mive and ’ . o of the four placed in the cellar: survived. » : Electric Lights for Laying Hens, ‘ In order to find out what effect elec- " trie lighting im egg production • and tho general development of hens,! a test has been carried on during the ‘ last three years at the Kupuskasing Experimental Station in Northern On­ tario. In each of tho three years one hundred pullets were used in tho ex­ periment. . They were equally divided as to weight, general development and breeding intp pens of fifty each, • AH conditions wore similar < It often happens Chat one can get a quantity of fruit, but not nearly en­ ough sugar to do the canning in the usual manner. At such times it is worth while to know that all kinds of fruit may be preserved for winter use without any sugar at all. Such fruits may be used later for making jelly cr pies, for salad purposes, or for sauce. In tlw latter case, the fruit is best drained from the juice in the jar and the liquid used instead of water in _ __ making a sugar syrup to suit the tasto., , J|- ___, _____ except Add the ruit, bring to a boil, then that one pen got no electric light; leave to cool and to absorb some of while the other was lighted from four 1 the sweetness bofore it is served, in the morning until daylight from,,: November 1 to April 30, The results of the experiment, which are given in the latest report of the superintendent of the station, show that lights have a favorable ef­ fect on tho number of eggs laid dur­ ing the winter months, as the three year average showed an advantage of nearly lights, whole ; When there is no sugar to help, preserve tho fruit, especial care must! be taken to can the product the day it • is picked and to have ready new can ' rubbers and thoroughly sterilized jars i and covers, Prepare the fruit for can- j ning by washing, peeling and coring | it in the usual way, then bring thej fruit to a boil in just enough water to I {cover, and pack it/hot, in hot sterl- ' lized jars. While adjusting the rub-' King Uzziah d'tod, about B.C. 740. Uzziah’s long reign in Judah (B.C. 750-740), like that of Jeroboam II in Iisrai?!, was comparatively peaceful and prosperous. . L.L , threatened those little kingdoms from png the fence. To do this, however, the* rapidly growing empire of As- > he must satisfy the bank in his local syria, which was extending its con- i district that the loan is justified to quests westward, and still greater; secure a suitable fence. Further par- fpwe*r danger from the growing evils within I ticulars as to tlie Assistance that the H which were corrupting the life of the Department of Agriculture i~ p— UGOTlJe. I* OF TOl't’V* VOMIT’S fl-TlO. ITIOVO i i utiu ui wv aax a, lil j&l lilluIsaiah was the faithful monitor and,pared .to^.ive .t(? ,shx®ep „Pre?5Q th0 fact that more eggs are obtained soon as possible so no heat will be counselor of king and people in Jeru-iglv®n m "Pamphlet No. 76 of the De- (jm-ing the winter months when the Host. sutorm In the story of his vision and Durtment of Agriculture at Ottawa, yriCQ ;s high. The experiment ntoe , the «« ..... call we see (.1) his conception of thep'bich gives specifications for a suit- showed that lights have very little ef-' when the jars are set in. Sterilize for majesty of G-od enthroned in holiness ; able sheep fence, which it is reconi- £ect on the body weight of laying pul- ---1—~~~ —i' ' ' ' --------- r ' -----W — ------- --- -- ---- -T-—. — , iota uu»iiib vuu mviivus.. The/ hear his voice, and bear to the people ence of his own and his people’s un-| inches high, with not less than seven ajso pave little effect on the amount his messages. And not to one rank cleanness; (3) his experience of for-pine wires, 16 stays per rod, with the oI feed consumed or class or kind of man only does giveness and cleansing through con-; top and bottom wires! No. 9 gauge and the cost of feedim God’s call come but to many, In the tact with the altar fire, and (4.) his thp intermediate wires of 12 ean&e : A- J J passage, placed before us in this les- ready response to the divine enllfHere wL being so wonderful, and after taking two bottles I am entirely relieved of my trouble.” Manufactured only by The T. Mil-' burn Co,, Limited, Toronto, Ont. salem. God’s call come but to many, For forty years and more In the tact with the altar fire, and (4.) his son study we read the call of Elisha, am I the ploughman, and Amos, the herd-; man, and Isaiah courtier and man of; the town. CT. is still God’s way, and happy, indeed, is he who is not obedient to the voice { from above. I. THE CALL OF ELISHA, 1 Kings 19: 19, 20. The end of Elijah's life and min­ istry was drawing near. He had fought a great fight for his people and his God against a corrupt foreign idolatry, introduced into Israel from the Phoenicians and supported by the clever, unscrupulous and ambitious queen. Fearing that he had failed in his task and in a mood*of despond­ ency he had fled from the country to die in the wilderness. But the voice which called him from Gilead speaks to him again in Horeb and sends him back to finish his task. For whatever the apparent weaknesses and failures of the workmen may be God’s work must go on in the world. Elijah is bidden to anoint to their office kings who will execute vengeance upon the evil Baal worshippers, but his,, greater1 duty is to find and call and prepare a successor' in the prophetic office who will continue to teach the people and witness for Jehovah when he is gone. There is a striking contrast be­ tween the two men who are thus brought together, Elijah, the man of the Gilead wilderness, wearing a gar­ ment of hair and a girdle of leather, appearing suddenly to denounce the sins of the royal house and tho ven­ geance of God, and waging uncom­ promising war on the worship of Baal, and Elisha, a man of the culti­ vated lands friend of the common people and counselor of kings. Both are one in their life-long war against the evils of the Baal cult and their staunch loyalty to Israel’s God. II. THE CALL of AMOS, Amos 7:10-15. The prophetic ministry of Elijah and ^Elisha covered a large part of the ninth century B.C., that is the period from B.C. 900 to 801, That of Amos, Hosea, Isaiah and Mica was in the middle and latter part of the eighth century. Amos was a native of Tekoa, a town of Judah, about five miles south of Bethlehem, on the border of the rug­ ged wilderness of Judah, which drops 'town four ^thousand feet to the Jor­ dan and the Dead Sea. He describes himself as an herdman and a gatherer of sycamore fruit. The latter is some­ times called the fig-mulberry. It is a large tree still common in certain parts of Palestine, and bearing a rather poor sort of edible fruit. While tending his flocks of sheep and caring for his sycamore orchards, Amos had held communion with his God. And thus, very simply, he call came to him. The Lord took me, he says, as I fol­ lowed the flock, and the Lord said to me, Go, px'ophesy to my people Israel. He was not a man trained in the pro­ phetic schools of the time, .nor was he a member, of any of the prophetic guilds, the so-called “sons of the pro­ phets” (I Kings 20: 35, etc,). But he knew the history of his own people (279-12), and he had some acquaint- &To Clean Tarnished Gold Braid and Fringe 500 eggs for the pen with At the same time over tile year the pen with lights laid bers, bring to a boil the liquid left In, eggs than tho one without J the kettle, then fill each jar with it The biggest advantage in the ;and adjust the cover so it will not bo . pr_®‘ use of bsbts would appear to be In'tight. Put each jar into the cannot as j . If the water bath is to be used, The experiment also ‘ tho water must be close to boiling They ,and therefore on tg.—Issued by When it is necessary that the fence shall keep back cattle and horses, the pamphlet recommends that the fence must carry in addition one strand of - barbed wire and preferably two. The I corner posts of such a fence must be ' When gold braid and fringe trim-! Properly anchored and the posts set I ming have become- tarnished the very best way to restore them, to their na­ tural state Is by maxing a paste of 1 ounce of fine stale bread, y2 ounce of magnesia, and % ounce of cream of > tartar, and moisten this with a little ! denatured alcohol. Apply with a smalt clean paint brush- and when thoroughly ■ dry dust off the crumbs and rub the braid gently with a piece of chamois leather or soft cloth. The trimming will haveHost all trace of tarnish. This method will also clean gold lace, A Homemade Hammock A most durable and comfortable hammock for the children may be* made from the burlap bags in which grain is sold and which may be pro­ cured at any feed 'Store Do not rip the sacks, toy leaving them double makes the hammock stronger. Sew five sacks together, either with coarse thread, on a machine, back and fourth several times, or by hand, using twine and making very firm stitches Sew the sides of the sacks together so that the hammock is.as wide as the sacks are long. Turn'a wide hem at each end and sew it very firmly, also. Run a piece of broom-stick into each hem. Suspend the hammock by ropes at­ tached strongly to the ends of the sticks. Which Did He Do? Father (anent erring son)—“At last we decided to give him all tho rope he wanted.” Friend—“What did he do—hang himsel for quit smoking?” ---------—>-----—---- To Remove Shine From Cloth To remove the shine from long- used cloth, take an emery board or a piece of fine emery paper and rub it vei'y gently with pa rotary movement over the glossy surface." Thl3 raises the nap that constant rubbing has driven back into the material. not more than one rod apart. Wintering Bees. On account of our long winters tho successful wintering of bees is an. im- ' portant factor In Canadian „beekeep­ ing. This can be easily done when . one knows how and the proper proce­ dure ies described in a bulletin on Wintering Bees available at the Pub­ lications Branch of the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa. The lpng cold winter in most parts of Canada is not as hard on bees might be imagined, and advantage may be taken of it to give the bees a com­ plete rest instead of having them wear themselvqs out with useless ac­ tivity as they often do in milder cli­ mates. To live through the winter months the colonies must be well filled with young bees, be provided with an abundance of good whole­ some stores to last well into the fol­ lowing spring, '-and be given sufficient protection to prevent waste of energy and life in the production, of heat. To ensure sufficient young bees each col­ ony should be headed with a prolific queen at least G to 8 weeks before the normal cessation of brood-rearing in the fall. The bees must be given at least 40 pounds per colony of the best grade of honey or sugar syrup in the fall before the winter cluster is form­ ed. For outdoor wintering the cases must be large enough to hold suf­ ficient packing and must be tight to prevent the packing from becoming wet and the apiary should be sur­ rounded with a good windbreak. For cellar wintering the cellar must be well insulated from outdoor tempera­ tures and kept at from 45 to 50 de­ grees F. The cellar must also be kept dark, fairly dry, and be well ven­ tilated. After being placed" in winter quarters the bees should not be dis­ turbed. Wintering Extra Queen Bees. It ie Often advisable to winter over a number of surplus queen bees to be used the next spring for introduction to colonies that may have lost their queens during. the winter or to re­ place weak or failing queens in the spring. That it is quite possible to do this is indicated in results obtained' in an experiment conducted at tho Ka- puskaslng, Ontario, Experimental Sta­ tion.' In preparing the hives for win­ ter four of them were equipped with tight-fitting division boards, and* the entrances were closed in the- centre to provide a double entrance , to each hive., fioth sides of each lilvo were made quite strong with a plentiful supply of bees an deach half given a the De- partment of Agriculture, Ottawa. EASILYAN ATTRACTIVE FASHIONED fruit into h thin cloth sack or a splint basket. Have ready a sugar or a flour barrel with the bottom intact and in it place a skillet or some other metal container holding live coals. Have a stick across the top of the barrel on the inside, and on this hang the bas­ ket or bag of fruit. Also have ready a close-fitting coyer and just before covering/put on .the coals in the skillet 1 tablespoonful of sulphur. Cover the barrel quickly and leave the fruit in it for 30 minutes. Then put it in stone jars, just as it is, and cover with a thin' cloth. That -is all there is to it. Women preserved a great deal of fruit by this method be­ fore the days of glass jars and rubber rings. • the length of time necessary for the product being canned, - according to '• the outfit used. When tho fruit is ■ done, screw down the caps, test for 1 leaks and leave in tho kitchen over- • night. Next morning, wrap4 in news­ paper, .to prevent branching of the fruit, all jars that look as if they were in perfect condition,andstore them in a cool, dry place. Any fruit that locks suspicious should be canned over in other sterilized jars. If. the open kettle method is pre­ ferred, cook the fruit in the water un­ til it is done, then can it in sterilized jars in the usual manner and seal at once. Quince added to applesauce put up by this method gives splendid results. The quinces should be put through the food chopper so the fruit will be thoroughly cooked through when the apples are done; or, the water used On the apples may be that in which quince peelings and pits were boiled when that fruit was being prepared for other dishes, and then strained. j ; Crushed or chopped canned pineapple * for looking smart, if her tailor isn’t.”’ , Sad Fate. Egg—“Wotta life.. We’ll either bo fried, boiled or go into cold storage!” “A girl sometimes does get credit AND DRESS. Dignity and grace are admirably combined in this charming dress. The bodice is sligstly gathered to the two- piece skirt, and there is a smart plait­ ed tunic at the left side... The cuffs finishing the dartfitted slebves arb notched to match the graceful collar'. Buttons adorn the vestee and side­ closing belt. No/ 1514 is in sizes 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 inches bust. Size 38 requires 4% yards 39-inch mater­ ial, or 3% yards 54-inch. Price 20 cents the pattern. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain­ ly, giving number and size of such patterns a3 you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or .coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your order" to Pattern Dept., Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade­ laide St, Toronto. Pattern^ sent by return mail. --------—»>---------- "Father, is /t true that big mean generosity?” “Yes, generosity of Nature. ears i used with pears in the same way makes them quite a novelty. When apples or pears are lacking in flavor, such combinations are especially de­ sirable. Canning By Baking By this method, the fruit is brought to a boil as previously described and packed hot into the hot sterilized jars. The cans are then • covered and set into a.hot oven and the fruit is baked until it can bo pierced with a straw. There is enough water on the fruit as j it comes without special draining from the* kettle to last until the heat ■brings out the juice, hen the juice boil3 up from, the bottom of the jars and the fruit is cooked in that and in the steam. When the fruit Is done, fill the jars from one or two of the cans, adjust the rubbers and seal. To be absolutely sure/ of sterilization when there is no sugar to help preserve the fruit and cans have been opened for refilling, some experts place the sealed, jars immediately in a bath of boiling water to cover and boil for 5 minutes longer. Sulphurizing Fruit Fruit can also be sulphurized when sugar is lacking. The method is very simple and apples^ pears and peaches are splendid when preserved in this way. Incidentally, they will keep for years. When they are wanted for use, they may be taken from the crock, washed and baked or otherwise pre­ pared as one" would fresh fruit. They make excellent preserves because they retain their form and become perfect­ ly transporent. 'Soft-seed peaches preserved by this method rfiay be eaten with sugar and cream with as much pleasure as the day they were picked. Another advantage is that it fruit put up in this way happens to get frozen, it docs not spoil. The fruit must be freshly picked. .Peel, -core and^cut into quarters pears or"*apples; peaches should be peeled and halved. Put each 2 gallons of the ----------❖—----S London-Oslo Line Opens,New. ■* Direct Telephone Service London—The completion of the task of linking up British and Scandina­ vian countries by telephone will be an achievement when the direct London- Oslo "service opened Oct. l. The Lon­ don to Stockholm line, which -it Is claimed is the longest direct service in Europe, wag- opened during the spring during the -annual Congress of International ChambePs of merce. Day charges from London to are 23c. 6d. for a call of three uteS', and the night charge is 13s. 6d. It is understood that the route is via Belgium, Holland, and Denmark. Oslo min- SHE HAD A FLOATING. K8DHEY AN OPERATION ADVISED MrT Charles Llewellyn, Middlewood, N.8., writes:—“I got very sick and called in the doctor. He. told me I had a floating kidney which he said was caused* from a strain and tliat I should go to the' hospital at once and have-an operation, and that I could not be helped unless I did. ' . He would not even give me any medi> cino as he said it was of no use. I re­ fused to have an operation and was told about so I got a box and soon felt a tot better and after using a few more boxes I was perfectly well again-. I have great faith in ’Doan’s’.” Price, 50c. a box. at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn. Co.j Limited, Tornnf ^ n.,t- Wanted, at Once, a Derrick. -* ■ . ■ “MUTT AND JEFF”—By Bud Fisher. •S3! nlfc, Hr « u j .... AYG,AYG I SrtEIK vuHAT’sMothers Should Use Ti PICKGD UP ANl ACQUAIMTANK Ahlp ’ u/ftH AN EGYPTIAN adHo SAYS Mp He’S a blftecT p !| OF KlfUGTuTUGFF IAHCC Go CRAzy WITH CMVY! ----- WW5* ‘7 Ff?lE Mb AHMC-D, HAVG ASM0KG1 J| ipi thank, s hi muTTI LISTCAJ, "AHMGbl HGR<S COM^’a fc’M, 60 A) NA S !/LtSTCA), AHMGbi l (t=RlGNb OF MING InTRODUC-G You UUST TO MAIce j1,' ' HimTHRow A JGAtoui fit! RUN ALOMG HOM<? and PRGPA&& * MFTk spReftb! lord Carnarvon* with mg THis t ain'T'T'AYimg 1 When The Babies Are Cutting Teeth During the baby’s teething time, in the hot summer’ months, the bowels become loose and diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, cramps and Other bowel complaints manifest themselves; the gutiss become swollen, cankers form in the mouth, and in many cases the child Wastes to a shadow, and very often tho termination is fatal. Hue is the time when the mother should usd “Dr. Fowler’s,” and, per* Shape, Save the baby’s life. It has been on the market for the ' Ipart 80 years; put up only by The T) W& MJ