The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-10-20, Page 5■’i
Phone 198
Sfctyaol af Commerce
Fall Term Opens, Tuesday, Sept. 6, 1927
Expert teachers, Two Standard makes «of Typewriters, Practi
cal Business Training, Gregg Shorthand, Secretarial Studies, Actual
Office Practice and a record of successful Graduates, whose high
Standard for good work, we expect you to reach or exceed.
B. F. WARD, B.A., M.Accts.
IV—Bob , Houston,
Little, M. Kenning,
Jr. IV.—Florence
Hoggarth, Alice
McKay, Gladys,
Hudson, William
_______. IV,—Harold^ Fost-
ej*. Normap McKay, Will Nicol, E.
Wurm, Isabel-.Smale, Eldon Apple
ton, Ray Brock, John McKay, Helen
Glenn, Lome Elder, Ray Patterson,
Eleanor Bell.
Wm. McKay, Teacher
Workman, Irene
Skinner, Grace
Hemphill, Ed.
Beryl Drummond.
McDong.ald, Irene
Higgins, Marion
Passmore, Hazel
Drummond. Sr.
It is said that real friends and
neighbors are best known at time of
great distress. This was fodnd
true at the disastrous fire on Sat
urday last and we thank the help
ers one and all for their kindness.
A. Moir.« _
A fowl supper will be held in
basement of Carmel Presbyterian
Church, Hensail, on Friday, October
21st, supppi* served from 5 to 8.SO
pan. After the supper a splendid
•program will be given by the Bruns
wick Trio, of London, in' the Town
Hall. Admission: Adults 65c and
Children 35c.
two streams of water most of the
time. 0
The services in the United church
.on Sunday last-were largely attended, r ' — — - • • • • ■ •
both services,
Mr. W.
preach in the United church with
the Zurich choir furnishing the
music, Rev.. Mr, Sinclair and the
United church choir going to
for the evenipg service.
The Mission Circle of the
church held their meeting
basement of the church on
evening last, Miss Elva Shaddock
presiding. The meeting was open
ed by the singing of a hymn. The
scripture lesson was read respon
sively'followed by all repeating the
Lord’s Prayer. Miss Mary McKay
read a letter from Miss Humes, of
Goderich. Miss Grace Stone was
appointed treasurer for the remaind
er., of the year, Miss Consitt read
a chapter of *‘Under the Grey Olives”
from the study book. The meeting
was closed by all repeating the
Mjspol Benediction, Lunph was
served. -
The regular meeting of the Young
People’s League of the United
church was held on Monday evening.
The meeting was in charge of Miss
Jessie Buchanan and presided over
by Miss Margaret Hobkirk. ~*
opening prayer was made by __
A. Smith and the scripture lesson
was read responsively led by Dor
othy Hefferman. A piano solo was
given by Avis Lindenfield and a
duet by Mr. and Mrs. H. Pfile. The
topic was very ably given by Miss
Margareta Hopkirk on ‘Jennie Lynn’
This meeting was to have been a
men’s meeting but was postponed
on account of the fowl supper at
Kippen. An interesting meeting is
being looked forward to for
Rev1.Mr? Sinclair preaching at *, l Special parts in the
were taken by Mrs. Lee
Mrs. Ed, Lindenfield and
O. Goodwin. Next Sunday
Rev. Mr, Dreier, of the
church, Zurich will
in the
Dashwood Qreot eNew
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D,p.S.
At office in Hartleib Rlock, Dash
wood, firpt three das of week and
at office over the Post Office, in
Zurich, last three days of week.
Dr, Taylor returned on Tuesday
after epending several months in
New York.—Rev. Jacob H. Ehlers
left for bis home in Indianapolis
after spending the past week with
his father.—Mr, Chas, Stephen who
has been suffering from blood pois
on is improving slowly.—Mr, and
Mrs, G. Hooper, .of Ingersoll, visited
Mr. and Mrs, E. Guenther on Sun
day,—Mr, and Mrs. H. Eidt, of In-
gfersoll, Mr. and Mrs. R. Stade, of
Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. L. Shoemaker
and Mr. *and Mrs. Wm. Stade were
Sunday visitors at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. C. Stade.—Miss Gladys
McDowell, of Blyth, spent the week
end with Miss L, Gpenther—Mr.
and Mrs. Chas Guenther spent Sun
day in London.—Wedding bells will
ring in this vicinity shortly.—Mr.
Wm. Kleinstiven, who spent the
summer in Detroit, returned on
Saturday.—'Miss MyrtleSBeaver who
has been engaged at the Commercial
Hotel left for her home near Ex
eter.—Messrs. Percy Kleinstiver and
H. Willert, of Detroit, spent a few
days at their homes here last week.
—Mr. Milford Merner and sister,
Margaret spent Sunday with their
parents.—Mr. P. Moffat, Misses L.
Guenther, N, Gaiser and A. Hoff
man attended he teachers’ conven
tion in Exeter and London last
week.—Mrs. Schultz, of Detroit, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
L. Rader.—Mr. Ed. Siebert and
family, of Detroit, .visited in town
on Sunday. Mrs. Siebert returned
with them after spending a week
with her father.—Mr. and Mrs. • E.
Bender and family motored to Niag-
are Falls last week. They also visit
ed Rev. and Mrs. Grenzenback in Selkirk.—Mr. Jonas Ilartleib and
daughter visited in,,-Clinton on Sun
day.—Mr. Av Kleinstiver, of Port
Huron, Mrs. E, Huntley and Harold
Hotchkiss, of Detroit, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. L. Kleinstiver.
Miss Lillian.
Miss Gladys Broadfoot underwent
an operation on Wednesday last for
the removal of her tonsils at Mrs.
Patterson’s Hospital.
A number from Hensall attended
the anniversary services at Kippen
on Sunday last and also the fowl
supper held there Monday evening.
The liquor permits for 1928 have
arrived in town and will be good till
the 31st day of October, 1928.
Robt. Hig'gjns will again be the is-
-suer in the Hensall district.
A fowl supper will be held in the
basement of Carmel Presbyterian
church on Friday evening, October
21st, after which a concert will be
given in the Town Hall by the
Brunswick’Trio of London.
Miss Emma Wurm pleasantly en
tertained a nxfmber of her girl
friends on Monday evening to a
birthday party. .After a dainty sup
per the evening was spent in games
and music. /
Mt- Fred Hess lias got nicely eet- tled in his neW^h-omS1 near the Lon
don Rd. South Richmond St. His
son and family from the West have
arrived, here and will occupy part of
the new home and will be associat
ed with; his father in the jewellery
business. * .
The Women’s Gui-ld of St. Paul’s
Anglican church are holding a sale
of work in the basement of the
church oh Saturday afternoon, Nov
ember 19th. The booths will con
sist, of fancy work, aprons, candy,
surprise and home made baking.-
Tea will also, be served. The doors
will be open at 4 o'clock.
.Mr. Geo. Petty arrived home from
Winnipeg on Saturday evening, af
ter a very pleasant months’ visit
there, and also attended the Con
servative* Convention as a delegate
from South Huron. Associated
with him as delegates from South
Huron to the Convention were Mrs.
N. W. Trewartha, of Clinton; Co
lonel Coombs, of Clinton and Wes
ley Beaeom, of Hhllett.
The old time dance held in the
Town Hall on Friday evening last
was largely attended and all enjoy
ed a good time. The Broadfoot’and
Bolton orchestra furnished the
music • for ‘*tlie o'ccasion. Mr. ;and' Mrs. Ed. She£?ex: ,'WQ» the, prize' for
the oldest couple on the floor, at
eleven o’clock, . Mrs. Slieffer. was
presented with / a cup and saucer
and Mr. Sheffer.;-a pair of socks.
Much sympathy is expressed .in
town for Mr. Samuel Merner in the
loss of his threshing machine at the
fire of Dr. Moir Saturday evening.
The machine with all the equipment
except the engine and water tank
were destroyed. Mr. Merner car
ried no insurance but with charac
teristic energy he immediately got
in touch with the manufacturers
and anothei’ machine will be here in
a few days.
The W.M.S. of Carmel Presby
terian church held its annual thank-
i^offeiung meeting in the schoolroom
farm on London Road, on Monday,
October 24th at 2 o’clock. Six or
seven splendid young horses, fine
cattle, about 1,000 bushels of oats,
some partly damaged by fire.
sFowl suppers are now the order
of the day.
>.Mr. Dan Beggs, of Toronto, was in
town, this week on business.
■^Ir. T. C. Joynt made a business
trip to Toronto during the past
week. .
Mr. Geo. Thompson has been con
fined to his room this week through
- Illness.
Mrs. Eecles, o^Njew.,Yoi;k>, is visiting^ her sister‘Mrs; Owen'Geiger 'for
a time.
Miss Emily Morrison is visiting
for a short time with relatives in
New York.
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
David Foss.
Miss Margaret Hopkirk left
Wednesday for Detroit, where
jwill remain for a time.
Mr. and Mrs- Cummings, of
troit, visited for a few days with
Mrs. H. Little and family.
Miss Polly Modre‘ of London, vis
ited over the week-end with her
cister Mrs. Thos. Simpson. - »
Mrs. John Douglass, of Hyde Park
visited over the week-end with ’her
mother, Mrs. John Johnston.
Oui’ onion firms are this week
^Starting to take in onions ana store
them in the onion warehouses.
Mrs. Lou Simpson, Wm. and Mae',
Simpsoi?,' of Detroit visited over the'
■^week-end' with relatives in town.
Mr. Garfield Broderick, of Detroit
is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar Broderick west of the village.
Mrs. Colin Hudson and Mrs. R.
Patterson are visiting .relatives in
London, Windsor and Niagara Falls.
Mr. and Mrs.'Fairburn and family
of Tilsonburg, visited for a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fair
Mr. Jack,StaceXnPX,zP^U9/t,; visit
ed over the week-end. with ' his
mother, Mrs;: *S. Stacey a'W'Wtei?-’
Archie Sparks, of Detroit,
over the week-end with his
Flossie Foss, of Toronto, is
with ‘a large attendance. The presi
dent Was in the chair. The address
of the afternoon was delivered by
Mrs. Kelly,* of Londpn. During the
meeting Miss’’ McGregor was called
to the front and was presented .with
a life membership by the ladies of
the society.- ’Miss McGregor, , in- a
neht reply,, expressed her apprecia
tion. »
The Herisall fire department un-
der"CIiief Bates did splendid work
at the fire of Dr. Moir’s barn Sat
urday evening. There plenty of
water as a .creek runs near-by and
the men put up a heroic fight in
saving some of the nearby buildings which ■‘dill er wise would have been
destroyed. They worked all day
Sunday and succeeded in saving con
siderable of the grain. This was
tlib first regl- test the .engine has .had
'and“it did Splendid- .work throwing
The W. M. S. held a very inter
esting meeting, at 'the -home of Mrs.
John Hodgson on Thursday after
noon, October 13th. The younger
members contributed largely to the
program with, .. the president very
ably taking charge, ; tli'e . meeting
opened by all present'stahding and
repeating ,tlxe -watchword^ Several
members -led in1 prayer. ■ The scrip
ture lessen, Luke.'’15; chap. 1-10
verses was read responsively with
Miss Edna Sq,uire. * The .devotional
leaflet was read by Mrs. Geo. Arksey
There were 24 members answered
the roll call. The finance commit
tee are requested to take charge of
the thankoffering meeting which is
to be held next month at the home
of Mrs. John Hazelwood. Some vsry
interesting leaflets were then read:
“They Give a Thank-offering” by
Miss Florence - Pullen; “Without
Spot,” by Miss Elva Morley; “A
daughter of Tyre,”, by Miss Bessie
Morley. , A vocal,duet, “Since Jesus
Has Taken my Load,” "by Misses
Violet Elliott and Miss,Verna' I-Iazel-
Wood with Mrs. Brooks 'accompanist
was very much enjoyed. Thdre. were
several *~
Morley closed the meeting
.Which tea was served and all
ed.the usual social hour.
responses to
Benediction by Mrs.
the Watch-
, Will.
- after
and Mrs. Oscar Reid spentMr.
Sunday with the former’s parents
in Fullarton.—Mr. and Mrs. G. G.
Wilson and Norma spent the week
end in Parkhill.—Mr. and Mrs. H.
Leslie and family and Mr. and Mrs.
F. A. Hambly spent' Sunday in Galt.
—A number of the young people of
the United church attended the
vention in Monkton .on Monday.
Mrs. Clayton Hannah, of London,
visited with friends * here the past
week.—Mrs. (Dr.)‘ Ferguson, of To
ronto, . is renewing acquaintances
here.—Quite a number from here at
tended the anniversary services at
Woodham on Sunday'.—Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Paul, of London, England,
spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Humphry.—Mr. j; Shute whoes barn
was burned recently has decided to
build again this fall. ' Mr. Clark, of
St. Marys, is supplying the new
structure.—Mr, and Mr& Geo. Vick
ers, of Chesley," spent-.t^e week-end
with Mr., and Mrs. Silas. Shier.—At
the auction sale on Saturday of the
Hotel Property ,>Dr-..:>Jd3e-,i(5was the
highest bidder at
So Very Muc
for the Money
THE way this New Chrysler “62” .
has captured popular preference is
.nothing short of phenomenal—and the
only possible explanation is its obvious
superiority in all the things that count
in a truly modem six of moderate price. ,
Beauty—of the distinguished order that
Chrysler originated for the industry
to emulate.
Performance^CZ and more exceptional
miles an hour, with all that such ability •
means—performance so brilliant and
keen you recognize it at once as belong
ing only to Chrysler.
Ultra-lMiodern Features—7-bearing
crankshaft, invar-strut pistons, oil filter,
air cleaner, thermostatic heat control, __„__ _________ „___ _________ ____
4-wheel hydraulic brakes, etc., etc.,—, quality so unique in this field as to
a combination of quality features pre-
viously found only in the famous Chry->
sler “72” and other finest sixes.
See it. Drive it. You’ll find that Chry
sler* in the New “62,” has reached new
heights of value - giving, resulting in
be amazing.
. ■■■... ........... '' .......... ==P^
• f-
. • -v - -
AKE your attic into extra
‘’•i sleeping quarters or a chil
dren’s play-room.
Gyproc will give you bright,
comfortable extra rooms at small
cost. <
Right over damaged walls
and torn, faded wallpaper apply
Gyproc Fireproof Wallboard. Gyproc Walls and ceilings will make every
room bright and fresh. Takes any decoration. Fireproof, cold proof
and heat proof. The strongest and lightest insulating wallboard known.
Write for free booklet—“My Hiliftie.” It will tell ydtt 116W Gyproc, Roeboard
Gypsum Insulating Sheathing and Insulex Will reduct your fuel bill from
20 to 40 per Cent.
Fireproof Wallboard
For Salo By
° The Ross-Taylor Co.,*Ltd* - Exeter, Ont* u
W* E* Pfaff - - ** «• » » Hensall, Ont*
Mr, and Mrs. Pollen with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Passmore visited Mrs. E.
Pollen on Sunday in Victoria Hos
pital, London. Mrs. Pollen is re
covering nicely from an operation.
Two license plates numbering
130-593 Ont., 1927 were picked tip
on the Thames Rd. and left at the
store during the week.
• ‘The W.M.S. of Thames Road Unit
ed church held their regular month
ly meeting at the home of Helen
Montheith on Thursday, October 13,
with the president, Mrs. Robt. Kydd
.in the chair. After • opening the
"meeting by song and prayex* the foil
call was given:and was answered- by
“God’s Clairiis?'’ The minutes, of
the 'last meeting Were read • and ad
opted. After-the discussion of busi
ness concei'hing the1'Thankoffering,
MrS. Whitlock read art ,inspii;ing
poem and the topic oix Trinidad was
ably ttiken by Mrs. Stanley Coward.
Mrs. Robt. Monteith led in prayer
and the meeting-,was closed by sing
ing a hymn and repeating the Lord’s
prayer in unison. A dtiinty lunch
was provided by. the hostess and
committee in charge. Tlxe Noveni-
bei’ meeting is at .the home of Mrs.
.Stanley Coward.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Westcott and
family of Usborne Tp. spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Ratz.
Miss Vera Mawhinney attended
the teachers
last week,
Miss Erna Neeb, of Usborne spent
Sunday at here home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Heywood, of
Exeter, spent "Sunday" at the home
of Mr. Wm. Witzel.
Inspector Tom, of Goderich, vis
ited the" school here on Tuesday.
Mr. Wnt. ; Witzel was in London
last Wednesday to visit his daughter
Mrs. Henry Ffaff, Who is ill in Vic
toria Hospital.
convention in Exeter
Undoubtedly personal liberty is a
good thing, but we don’t like to ride
witli a drlvdr Who is full of it-
Fine weather, a -splemlid crowd,
an appetizing dinner and an enter
taining program made such an ideal
combination that everyone reports a
good time at the United church
Harvest Home on Friday evening.
The •-spacious ’ new shed, provided
such ample acconiodat'i'6nb'that every
cert —, --------- ...— — ----
had been promised for them and
were generous with their numbers.
A few words from Rev. D. W. Wil
liam's, of _Mt. BrydgeS,
services and the dinner
$388.00.—Mr. and Mrs.
Brophey are moving this
their home west of here
purchased from Mrs. R, R. Wilson.
—Schools were closed last Thurs
day and Friday and the teachers at
tended' their respective- association
gatherings.—Rev. R. F. Irwin, of
Centralia occupied the pulpit in the
United church on Sunday afternoon
in the absence of the pastor, Rev.
J. M. Colling who was preaching
anniversary services in Centralia.—
Miss Lillian Hayter, of Detroit, is
spending a few weeks at home.—A
large number of former residents of
the community returned for the an
niversary at the two churches here.
was happy. The ' Kenny Con-
Co., of London were all that
were also
Proceeds from the Sunday
week to
Netf-s was.Received here on Sun
day of the death at St. Joseph Hos
pital, ’ London, of George
O’Leary, of Parkhill, sister Of Mrs;*
M. O’Brien of this place.—Miss 'B.
O’Donnell, of Forest was: the guest,
Of Miss Kate'Carey on Sunday.-—A
number from this neighborhood at
tended the dance at West McGilliv
ray on Friday evening.—Mrs.. Mary
Cassidy, of Detroit, is a visitor at
>the home of her brother Geo. Mor
rissey.—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ziler
and daughters Misses Antionette and
Loretta spent Sunday with KPr. and*
Mrs. Joseph Mahoney.—Mrs. Nelson
Shehk called on lief sister-in-laW,
Mrs. Heury Pfaff, who is • seriously
ill at Victoria* Hospital, London, on
Sunday.—Mrs. Wm. Rowland, of
Centralia, spent Sunday with her
sister, Mrs. Thomas Rowland.-—Mr.
J. Campbell, of Detroit, called on
friends .Jjiere on Sunday.—We are
pleased to state Mr. Thomas Row
land is improving after his recent
The C. W. L. will hold A Social in
the hall here on Friday evening.
The Mission Circle oft this church
are preparing for a Bazaar to be
lield before Xmas.—Mr. F. Wright
lias had his store and gas pumps
lit up by hydro for a week past and
is certainly a great improvement to
the ‘corner.—Mr. and Mrs. Will.
Rae and Mrs. Helen Wenzel, of
Stratford Were week-end visitors in
this neighborhood.
-unit run.r ratagwroit. N *g >
adian” Slogan
jm nt’s fyWr
I', j Noury ‘
“TT’S; Better because It’s
Canadian” ♦ . .a year ago
General Motors of Canada
gave first utterance to this ’
“It’s Better because It’s Cana-,
dian” . . . newspapers and maga
zines all over Canada took up the
theme, impressing on Canadian
citizens the pride they should
justly feel in the products of
their country.
“It’s Better because It’s Cana
dian” . . . the phrase has struck
home, has become a challenge to
the Canadian manufacturer and
to the Canadian buyer.
■fill ■
“It’s Better because It’s Cana?
{dian” . . * it is a fact. And be
cause it is a fact . . . because
General Motors was inspired to
pit it into words . . . because
Canadian editors added to ifs
impetus .. because Canadians
accepted if . and because tlfB
standard of Canadian quality,
proved it true. . . .
s * * all Canada haS“ enjoyed a
greater measure of prosperity;
and General Motors of Canada,
with many other Canadian manu
facturing organizations, has just"
completed the most successful
year in its history.
X Limited