HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-10-20, Page 4a'liiuKnav, oct-obeb aoth. 102-THE EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE WEST HURON TEACHERS’ I'ONVENTION The fiftieth annuql convention West Huron teachers was held £he Town Hall, Exeter, on Thurs­ day, October 13 th. The president, jMjss M. A. Ellis, of Hensail, presid­ ed. One hundred and thirty teach­ ers registered, The jMorning; Session Devotional exercises were taken Jby inspector Tom. The minutes o£ J926 sessions and of the executive meeting held recently, were read und adopted on motion of Messrs. IdacKay and Stonehouse. The reporVfof the delegates to the .Ontario Educational Association was given. Mr. P. B. Moffat stressed In particular the superannuation re­ solutions and the president, Mr. Car­ michael’s address on “Idealism of the Teacher.” The superannuation fund is so accumulating that soon more liberal conditions may be made jto the teachers. Two other addres­ ses given at the 0. E. A. were also mentioned, one by Dr. J. Dearness, jon teaching children to read in eight ■weeks and the other by Mr. W. T. Moore on Schools. Miss M. an abstract of the doings of other Sessions of the O. E. A. Both dele­ gates gave splendid reports and were commended for the same by the c.on- yention. Arrangements were made for the proposed visit to London schools on Friday. At the request of the city inspectors the teachers were formed 4nto groups in order to divide among the nine schools listed yisit. Inspector Tom discussed with jteacliers reports and circulars. of in the other by Mr. W. T. cadet work in public Ellis followed and gave tinned after their death to their sur­ viving dependants in life. 2. That th© West Huron Teachers thank the Hqn, Minister pf Educa­ tion Lfqr th© special grant on. salaries. ■' s'. That the course in History for the Third Class be restricted to the French period in Canadian History and to the in British 4. That Arithmetic mented by a series of practical exer­ cises suitable for all grades. 5. That the maps in the Public School Geography are not satisfac­ tory as they are very indistinct. 6. That two-thirds of the Litera­ ture selections for Entrance he from twenty selected lessons from the Fourth Reader and that they be not too difficult. The ’‘Question Drawer” was then taken up by Mr. Tom who helped the inquirers over some lyu'd places. The thanks of the association for the use of the hall; to the retiring officers for their services during the year; to the citizens of town who opened their homes to the visiting teachers; to those who motored the teachers to London and to all who contributed items on the program for the day sessions and’fpr the evening entertainment. 'jubilee Banquet being the fiftieth Anniver- the Association and Confed- year it was thought fitting k k * > * ► I * I I up for the He Jal4 stress on Entrances Examination work and impressed upon tb«. teach­ ers tQ be more particular .ip their preparation of the pupils up. to examination and ifo insi^4m neat work, especially -in Arithmetic, ’his­ tory and geography. AH seliopr re­ ports should be sent to the lpspeetor promptly and carefully filled in. Further discussion on-Entrance Ex­ amination work wag . led by the ex­ aminers, Messrs. Tdbf, Howrd, Stonehouse aud. Miss A. Gaiger. Mr. J. Elliott, formerly of West Huron, now* of London? was present and spoke to the teachers about the early days he spent iQ we inspector­ ate. Many pleasant memories Mere recalled and the names Of -Wobdrs mentioned who were then, ih ibp, pro­ fession. ■ - Afternoon Session After the reading o£„,tJip minutes, the report of the Auditors .wap. re­ ceived showing a gootP halauce-. The election of officers-rasplted as fol­ lows:—Miss Isabel /Sliarinan, B. A., of Goderich, Presidents Vice-Presi­ dent, Mr. Duncan M$Rae;' qf Luck­ now; Secretary-Treasurer, Mr. G. S. Howard, Exeter; Executive Commit­ tee; Miss Lueila Cowan, Miss Edna Campbell and Mr. Alvin Byintnell; Auditors, Messrs. G.,f<I^wsqn an,d*F. Ross; Resolution Coriimitteqj Hlesgrs. W. McKay, P. Moffat, ’TL Sto’hehouse Misses I’d. Bailie, R. Graham, E. Reid; Delegates to O. E. A. in 19 28, Mr. G. S. Howard, Mips Lottie Ro­ binson. * ‘ 'i, The Resolution Committee pre­ sented its report as follows: 1. That the West Huron Teachers view with approval the suggestion, of the Teachers and Inspectors Su­ perannuation Commission that there is a strong probability that the ‘Su-- perannuation allowance paid to su­ perannuated teachers may be?--con-?Ateacheryofc S, S, No. 5, Usborne ably end of the Norman period History, our present text book in and Grammar be supple- This ■sary of eration to observe the occasion by holding a Jubilee banquet and to invite to it all ex-teachers residing in the In­ spectorate. The banquet was held ,in Main street Church basement and was .a great success. The local School and .Hpme\ Club had charge of the catering hidd certainly made a splen­ did jobr‘’bf it. Mr. G. Mawson, acted as toast master, Toasts .wore proposed, to “Thp King”; ■ "ftur Country”; “West Huron Teachers”; and “The School and Home Club”. Other items on the program were vpcal and instrumental music and ■ Community singing, On Friday the teachers motored to London where they inspected the Public Schools in session, Adam Beck .Collegiate-; The Technical School and the University. Every teacher is loud in his praise of the hospitality shown by the London Teachers, Inspectors and School Board, West Huron Teachers in company with West Middlesex teachers were entertained to lunch­ eon (a real banquet) in Empress Ave. school. A number of short ad­ dresses were given, The teachers/ of West Huron will not soon forget this their first Visit to outside schools. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors claims Goetz, wood, day of ed to proven fore the seventh day of November, 1927. ANO NOTICE IS FURTHER Giv­ en that after the said date the Ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the estate having'regard only to the claims of which tliey then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter this 17 th day of October, 1927. GLADMAN & STANBURY Executor’s solicitors and others having against the estate, of John K. late of the Village of Dash- who died on the twentieth September, 1927, are requir- forward their claims duly to the undersigned on or be- Summer is here. The autumn hats pe bn display now. .............................. - -.- -I I —-I~MMMWHMMWMMMMMMMMKMWMWMIWmMMMMMMMMMMMM S>5,000°° A FORTUNE AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE DR. HARRY J* BROWNING Toronto; L.R.C.P. & 8->> & S. Glasgow over Browning’s Drug Starts Phones 26W Residence 26J EXETER, ONT. M.D.C.M., Edinburgh; L.F.P, Office ■’ ---- Ot — •. FARM STQQK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on the farm of R, T. Luker & Son, on LOT 9, CQN. 1, USBORNE .,15 miles South of. Exeter, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25tli, 1927 at 1 o’clock the following: HORSES-—Roan mare, 6 yrs. 1700 lbs.; roam horse, 5 yrs, 1700 lbs.; matched team; blue horse, 4 years old, 1600 lbs, above houses will stand inspection for market. 1 standard bred mare, Sure Fast, born 1916, registered, by Tramp Fast, 2.12%; 1 standard •filly, 1 year old, by the great Widore dam, Sure Fast; 1 standard folly, 3 year-old Flossie Todd, by Jim Todd, 2.08% has been miles in 2.17%, eights in 16 seconds, raced at Pres­ ton July 2nd, sound and the best of manners, a real pacer; sorrel pony, 14 hands high, and lady can drive. A good driver. 1 sorrel horse, 6- years-old, big driver. CATTLE AND PIGS—1 7-yPar-old cow, fresh; 1 8-year-old cow, fresh; 1 8-year-old Holstein, duo March 3rd; 1 7-year-old cqw due May 9th; 1 6-year-old cow due May 24th; 1 cow 7-year-old, dry; 3 1-year-old. heifers; 1 1-year-old steer, 4 spring calves; 1 sow, 6 shoats, REGISTERED SHORTHORN BULL —Red Ryan, 166915, born June 7, 1923, sire Cloverdale Chief. A sure stock bull. IMPLEMENTS, HAY AND OATS —7-foot M.-H. binder, M.-H. side rake, M.-H. bean puller, Deering mower, M.-H. hay loader, M.-H. 13- disc drill, Cockshutt riding plow, set 4-section iron harrows, set 3-section iron harrows, disc, Clinton fanning mill”, M.-H. cultivator, wheelbarrow, 3-section steel roller, 3 set team harness, set double driving harness, potato biller, set steel trucks, root pulper, cutting box, manure spread­ er, light wagon, set bobsleighs, grav­ el bpx, flat rack, 2 ladders, mangel seeder, lawn movPer, oats, hay and 45 acres of- corn. FURNITURE—Green parlor suite good as new; dark walnut glass cup­ board, parlor rug 10x12, «kitchen range, bedstead, cupboard, child,’s bed .and other articles too numerous to mention. Positively no reserve as the pro­ prietors have sold, their farm and are moving to the West. TERMS—AU sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months’ credit will be given on fur­ nishing approved joint notes; or a discount of 5 per. cent off for'cash on, .credit amounts. Hay, oats and corn, cash. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer FRANK COATES, Clerk R. T. LUKER & SON, Proprietors old, old,, roan The FAHM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS LThe uRtlersignpd Jias received in- striictiong ,tfo sell fry public auction, pa LOT 23, CON, 8, USBORNE TP, — on — FRIDAY’, OCTOBER 21st, 1927 at one o’clock sharp the following: HORSES-r-Show team of grey Percherons in foal, gone! horse 7 years-old. > CATTLE—Cow due February 1st, thoroughbred Holstein Jieifer dp.e January 1st, black heifer due Janu­ ary 7tli, 2 fresh' cows, 12 year-old heifers, 12 year-old steers, 2 spring eulves* PIGS—Sow With litter of 8, IMPLEMENTS—M.-H. binder, 6 ft. cut; new; M.-H. mower, S ft., new; riding plow, Farmers’ Friend; walking plow, scuffler, gas engine and saw, set of diamond harrows. 400 cash; bushels of mixed grain for 200 bushels of oats. ' TERMS sums of $10.00 and under, over that amount 12 months’ will be given on furnishing All cash; credit _ approved joint notes, or a discount of 5 per cent, off for cash. THOMAS HUNKIN, Proprietor FRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer At your PERSONAL Service K. Office DR. W, E. WEEKES PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Late Chief Interne Vancouver General.. Hospital CORONER FOR HURON COUNTY Office removed to the former Ford Garage Building, corner of Main and Ahn $ts. Office hours 2 to 9 and 7 to 8 p.m Fhonp: Office 67W, Residence Q7J EXETER, ONT. DR. M. C. G. FLETCHER PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Faculty of Medicine,. University of Western Ontario, Mem­ ber of the College of Physicians Surgeons of Ontario; Member of the British Medical Council. ' Phone* 6—(The office, of the late Dr. H. K. Hyndman) Dr. A. R. Kinsman, L.L.D.,D.DdSu- DENTIST .Honor Graduate of Toronto University Office over . Gladman & Stanbury’*' Office, Main Street EXETER, ONT. Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,DJXS, DENTAL SURGEON Late District Dental Officer of Military District Number One, London, Ont. Telephones *'■ Office 34W Residence 80 Office closed every Wednesday until December, 1927 , MAIN ST., EXETER, ONT. & » $2,500.00 $5,000.00$215.00TOTAL • In the event of a tie for any prize offered the full amount of each prize will he .paid to each tied participant. $2,000 $1,000 their 4 ■ $50.00 25.00 15.00 - 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 , 5.00 USBORNE . & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, President, Vice-President, ADDRESS »*.**»*■»♦*<*,*■ »*•*«■*,,, * » * THE ONLY TIME-TESTED BATTERYLJLSS RALJI^,1' The Famous $1,000.00 500.00 . 350.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 and lior rosscssione 12 Months <5 Months ....... 1 Month .............. Saturday Edition, if bo 50 GRAND PRIZES subscriptions are sent - Frlro if TWO Prize if ONE I subscriptions ‘ new. or renewal are sent, one subscription of which, must is sent I bo a new subscriber « ADDRESS t* FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex FARM, SALES A SPECIALTY Prices ‘ Reasonable and Satisfaction- Guaranteed . EXETER P. O. or RING 138 CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETCb LOANS, INVESTMENTS, IN­ SURANCE Office: Carling Block, Main Street^ EXETER, ONT. . E' S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate' of the Ontario VetcriiHury . . College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED T© Office in old Ford Garage Building - Corner of Main and Ann Streets * EXETER, ONT. ROGERSCameo'(Console) A FIVE-TUBE, two-dial, precision-made, battery­ less radio, wjth built-in J uni or Symphony Speaker, uses Hydro cur­ rent DIRECT into the Rogers. A/C^Tubes. No Batteries, no chargersf no chemicals, no attach­ ments or ^units” or“elec- trifiers”, but a REAL BATTERYLESS RADIO—Complete in one cabinet. Here is the radio for.which you’ve waited. .. . . Exquisitely de­ signed, finished in solid walnut. Tone volume and quality to please the most exacting.. Drop-desk arm rest makes tuning convenient and comfortable. And best of all, no batteries, attachments, or extras. You just “Plug In—theii Tune In?’ Today, tomorrow . and for years to come, you will always have uniform, everlasting ■power. Only the Rogers can give you this, Let Us Demonstrate In Your Home You be the judge of the new 'Camdo’g.performahce. Price, $325 complete, Other models, $215 tc$420.00 6 to 12 months to pay. W. J* BEER, Exeter, Ont $2,000-00 FOR YOU ! THE MAIL AND EMPIRE Offers this tremendous Fortune to any Man, Woman or Child Find the Words Hidden in the Letters of the Word ___ There is nothing hard to do. And there is Two Thousand Dollars win. jyijjou need is paper and pencil. It is easy to understand and play this game.r Just sit down and see how many words you can make from the letters in the word Constantinople. You will find all sorts of words that can be made out of these letters.; For example, cat is one, pie is one/pant-is anOther, and ant, etc, etc. It is as easy as that. It is a game for. the whole family. No expert knowledge is needed. All you have to do to win a fortune is to play the according to the rules announced to-day. IT COSTS NOTHING TO TRY. J7 I J7 TP "V Prizes will be given for^ihe 50 best lists of words. submitted. The answer having the. 1 * largest and nearest correct liSt^of words made out of the letters in the word Constantinople will be awarded first prize; second best, second prize, etc. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,DJXSu DENTIST Office over Carling & Morley • • , ■ Law Office Extractions Under Oxygen Gau EXETER, ONT. IT’S EASY Observe These Easy Rules. (1) Any man, woman or child who lives in Canada and *“ i» not a resident of the City of Toronto and who is not In the employ of The Mail and Empire may submit an answer. (2) Make as many words as possible from the letters In •' the word Constantinople. You may use the letters over'^T and over again in different words, but each word must//. not contain a letter more times than it appears in ths;'^-. word Constantinople. For example, you may use the "^ letter "a” Just once in each word, the letter "e” Just once’ In each word and the letter “t" twice in each word. Vt* (3) Write your words plainly on one side of the papeis' • and in alphabetical order, numbering them 1, 2, 3, etc,. • Write your full name and address on each page in •the/ upper right-hand corner. If you desire to Write anything else use a separate sheet. (4) Do not use proper nouns, proper adjectives, prefixes, ". suffixes, abbreviations, contractions, foreign words, obsolete words, combined forms, Scot or dialectic words.’.®^ Words spelled alike but with different meanings will be->'. counted as one word. Words spelled differently but wltltj;’/" the same meaning will be counted as separate words, Both the singular and the plural may be used, and both will be counted, provided both forms are listed in the dictionary , >';i • (5) The Judges will use Webster's New International’ Dictionary, the latest edition, as authority, and the largest j. “ correct list of words made from the letters in Constantf-’’ nople will be awarded first prize. (6) One correct word will be deducted for each mis/ I spelled or incorrect word. £ ’ ! (7) In the event of a tie for any prize offered, the full amount of such prize will be awarded to each tied participant. > (8) Only one prize will be awarded to any one household or group of persons. Every list must represent your 6wn » effor.t, and must be prepared by the person submitting it. Lists submitted which cause the Judges to believe that they have been compiled by one and the same person will bo rejected. (9) The largest correct list of words prepared according to these rules will win first prize. The next largest, correct list Will win second prize, and so on until 50 prizes.,.' have been awarded (subject to rule 6). (10) A cash prize of $50.00 will be awarded the first prfz4< winner If no subscription.; to The Mail and Empire ar.e- sent in. However, the first prize Wirtner -Will receive- $1,000.00 Instead pf $50.00, provided one new or renewal^, yearly subscription to’The Mail and Enipire’ Is sent In. i Better still, if TWO subscriptions to The Mail and Empire (either one new and one renewal, or both new, at $5.00 z per year by mail, or $6.00 per year delivered by carrier in Hamilton or London) are sent in by the first prize winner he or she will be awarded $2,000.00 instead of $50.00. (11) Renewal subscriptions Will not be accepted that extend any subscription beyond January 1st, 1931. (12) All answers will receive the same consideration, regardless of whether or not a subscription to The Mail and Empire is sent In. (13) Three prominent Toronto citizens, having no con­ nection with The Mail and Empire, will be selected to act,as Judges to decide the winners; and participants, by sending In their answers, agree to accept the decision of the Judges as final and conclusive. (14) Prizo winners In former contests conducted by The Mall and Empire Who have won $200.00 or more are not eligible to participate in this contest.*.^ (15) Lists of words must be mailed and postmarked on or before midnight of Saturday, December 3rd, 1927. SUBSCRIPTION RATES for Canada, Groat Britain $5.00 2.7r, J50 ~ lC'Monifw".'." ." .... 2.00 In T.ondon or IlhihiltOJi, for UnKpd States and Possessions; 12 Mont 11.4 , 6 Months ...n 1 MonthSaturday Edition, 12 Months ......... $<1.00 per yetlf by 3.00 carrier Interesting, . Educational, and • , Mighty Profitable, Too I .... ...... 1 » 15,000*<>0 in Cash Prizes L. it________ ______________:-------------------t. -----------------—-----------------------—.--------- - Here you are folks -tbe;\ big cash ya wards! Jffanniiig Answers 'iiiill receive ca»h : prises- according to the ‘table‘here. ^Remember-- fully" qualified ^answer wins the ■larger amounts. ■Airnfor the Big First Prize ... »; Second Prize Third Prize ...... Fourth Prize .... Fifth Prize .... Sixth Prize . ... • Seventh Prize • • •: Eighth Prize Ninth Prize ... i . Tenth Prize .... . Eleventh Prize to 50th Prize, in­ clusive ........ The greatest opportunity of your life is what.The Mail and Empire la offering you In thia word game, to “play and learn" While earning a big cash prize. You cannot he p but enjoy the hunt for words in this game. All you need is an observing eye. Let's all Join In and have a Jolly good time. Put all the family in this game. Give Mary a peneff, and Bobby a pencil. Both parents take a pencil, and any other members of the family. Make It a game. See who can find the, most words, from the. letters In the word,^on-^ stantihople in half an hour. Yo.u'Jtfind- it,fuii,. Jt is easy to do. Its educational, ana it may be Worth TWO THOUSAND" DOU’LARS. 50 CASH PRIZES to Be Given Away This game is a campaign to incr^gse the popularity of TH® WAIL AND EMPIRE. It costs nothing to take part, and you Ho not have to send In a subscription to win a prize, If your list of words Is awarded first prize by the Judges, you will Jwin $50.00.J However, r wo .are making the following special offers, whereby you can win greater cash prizes by . sending in one or two yearly subscriptions. Here’s How the Big Cash Prizes Will Be Awarded instead of $50.00 will be awarded to the answer winning first prize, provided two yearly subscriptions, to The Mail and Empire have been sent in, one subscription of which must be new. Second prize, $1,000.00; third prize, $700.00. (Seo third column figures in prize list.) instead of $50.00 will be awarded to the answer winning first prize, provided orie yearly subscription has ,l)een sent in. Second prize, $500.00; third, $350.00, and Kindly Send The Mali and Empire to NAME .* ADDRESS Eig Cash Prize Qualifying Blank I^slic E. Mootc, Puzzle Manager, Room 207, Mall and Empire, Toronto, Canada. Enclosed find $-----< tor which *klndty send The Mall and Empire to the following persons, which will qualify me for the Big Cash Awards in $5,000.00 Constantinople word game. kindly send Tho Mall and Empire to NAME is this subscription new or renewal?, | , • Wi-tU 9 '• * ik• it« >¥ ; TO qualify for highest award this J subscription must be flew. 4 &£Y jbtAMn' 13, a i ’<«!*** i ’t ***••♦•♦*♦» i •'» i'»■ Remit by Money Order, Postal Note or Cheque. »o not send cash unregistered* [I NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all, -creditors and others having claims against the estate of Thomas F; Turpbull,,. late...d??Kthe Village .of Grand Bend, who " dried, on the nine­ teenth day .pf Augus|,"1927, are re­quired ^o,'forward Jtheir'Claims duly proven to the undersigned on or-be­ fore the seventit "day of November A.D. 1927, .’ . ' ’ AND NOTICE IS FURTHER Giv­ en that, after the said date the Ex- exutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. >Dated at Exeter this 17th day of October, 1927. GLADMAN & STANBURY Executor’s solicitors The men and women of this com- ; pany are trying to turn out some­ thing more than just a good gen­ eral telephone sei-vice. No two users have .exactly the. .same needs. When you.ask us to' . ' install on; move ,a,'?telepK6ne..y want to handle your, order in such .. <a way that your persorihPreiiuire- " ments-are exactly met, ’ . When you ask for information'' about a contract, or a bill, or. re- . port trouble with your instru­ ment, or make even thpf most casual telephone call, we want to give each -matter the sort, of at­ tention that spells personal. ser­ vice, not just average service, This is not easy. But it’s .what . we are aiming at—a personaLger- vice. GLADMAN & STANBURY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, «e. Money to Loan, Investments Mad# Insurance Safe-deposit Vault for use of our Clients without charge EXETER LONDON HENSAMi Autos won’t make people forget the art of running as long as straw hats are worn on windy days. * * * * * * * * ♦ What we can’t understand is how girls learn to smoke without that awful ordeal behind the barn.. in Canada - DR. A. B. GIBSON VETERINARY SURGEON Office and.jresidence, Main St. Soutlt Second house from end of pave­ ment, East side of the road. . All calls promptly attended to Accommodation for treatment of , ’ animals PHONE 99 — EXETER, ©NX. ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER * For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY 8 Years Experience, Prices Reason­ able, Satisfaction Guaranteed or no Charge Phone 57-13 Dashwood . R. R., 1, DASHWOOD, ONT.•‘hi :-«rf.i 1 kin t-n-v ■ ; Farquhar, Ont^ JAMES McKENZIH’ SIMON DOVT DIRECTORS frank McConnell, wm. brock ROBT. NORRIS JOHN ALLISON * AGENTS JOHN ESSERS, Centralia, Agent for • Usborne and Biddulph OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fullarton and I-ogan W. A. TURNBULL , Secretary-Treasurer Box 99, Exeter, Ontario. r"‘ GLADMAN & STANBURY ! Solicitors, Exeter BartuWire 7 8 8 7 9 v „m xxxxx BEST MADE ......,.,..,...$3.60 per spooHi "wire Frost Fence ...... 45c, pew r<U wire Frost Fence Close Stay S3c. ** wire Ring Lock ...................45C. *r wire Rink Lock .......■Wire Efog Fence ..... ....di&P. ** U Bar Steel Post ,.,»..45e. each A. J. CLAT WORTHY^ Phone 12 GRANTON